" . . . Its appearance would have lost it capacity to veil its reality." It's a wonderful way to describe seeing through the illusion of reality. To it rings: true, clear and even poetic.
Feel like sharing my own experience. After having been fully convinced that there is no separation,because the illusion of this world is as it is,i find my self thinking and some times even talking as if separation was true,but now the fact is that i am AWARE that i am thinking and talking as if. The big difference is the presence of awareness.i am aware of the vantage point from which i am thinking ,behaving,talking.
Yep I get that too. Like being outside of a puppet at times. Sometimes I could even be involved in a quite heated disagreement, although it’s not feeling like it’s really myself. There’s a feeling of surprise that it’s happening, as if watching someone else doing it. Does that sound familiar Kelly?
Yeah! _"The belief may have come to an end, but the feeling remains. The recognition of our true self is not enough in almost all cases to put an end to that feeling of separation. What to do? Keep going back to that recognition."_ So crazy how Mr. Rupert has hit upon such a clear and contemporary way of talking about the human experience of reality. It's really like he brings up-to-date what all the saints and messengers and mystics and monks and so on have tried to talk about and point towards. So great how he really highlights it all blends together.... the screen and the images on it, the actor and the King Lear character, as he uses for metaphors, or something. It is just so... _validating._ He's so phenomenological! Plus... one of those cool fans! Nice! lol! Questioner really asked great ones!
Don't leave out some good parts like.... "I don't completely understand the question", leaving wiggle room to mold the answer to a palatable taste. ...or the notion of feeling (sense perceiving), being something we practice. I'm 'pro - these teachings', but somethings don't really pan out nor make complete sense. (same as my writing) 😮😊
@@wattaura7621 Thanks for your help. I went to graduate school and studied things like phenomenological-existentialism, which included reading the "mystics" and "The Varieties of Religious Experience" and so on. Rupert Spira makes perfect sense.
@@wattaura7621 In Rupert's stuff "feelings" are just other objects of awareness... part of what constructs then that sense of a "false" separate egoic self... made up of "thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions" as he says. I think this phrasing of it is fantastic and right on. So yeah... feelings are "autonomous" as they just happen into your awareness. The problem is identifying self with them.
@@nsbd90nowSo, the guy's question was in how to solidify the big I. The response in a nut-shell, was to remind oneself that it's one big illusion. I still remain ignorant, because in all my interactions I'm only reminded of separation. I guess it's also a good thing the illusion keeps telling me to retreat to silence. (or shut up)😊
One of my favorite emotional responses to anything is the "AH HA!" moment. Thank you, Rupert for being the source of this response in me. This makes perfect sense and expresses so much of what I was unable to express. One afternoon while I was driving down the streets in my neighborhood, I saw a large Dalmatian dog leaning against a chain link fence in the yard of a house several houses ahead of me. I was amazed! I'd never seen such a large dog! And he seemed motionless against this fence. I thought, "He looks so relaxed and at home there." As I got closer, this large dog morphed into a large carpet draped over the fence instead. It's always a strange feeling for me when I experience this ... a kind of movie animated tech thing ... almost in slow motion since I was driving. But it made me question this: "Which version of what I saw was the 'real' version?" I realized then that BOTH were real. Both version were real to me in the moment I experienced them. It's just that one version is the "officially accepted" version. The carpet version wasn't "more real" than the dog version. It's just that the majority ... the collective ... have agreed upon this one version that I slipped into. If I had driven around the block and gone through the same path, I'm sure I could have seen this carpet as a dog again. But doing so would have, at that point, just been entertaining. 😊
Well, if you didn’t go closer to see what it was really, you would thought that you saw a dog without ever realising it wasn’t really a dog. But when you could see clearly, you saw the fact and the false perception dropped instantly.
My point is this: if I had never gotten closer to see the rug there, then, to me, it would have been a big dog. I would have accepted this as my reality in that experience. This doesn't mean that the big dog isn't "really" there since to me it was. Both versions of this are real. One version is "officially accepted" (meaning that we collectively, in agreement within Consciousness agree that the actual version is the most logical one). Both versions are real within perception ... both are "actualized" within experience. And in this case, it's about my experience. To say that one version "isn't real" and the other is, is to presume that there is only one version of reality. And this is not the case. One is not "false" and the other "true." Both are true depending on my perception and perspective at the time. @@Alex722
@@lifecloud2 It would literally mean that the big dog wasn’t there. For you mistakenly would be there, but not in reality…Yes you would have accepted what you falsely perceived, but that doesn’t make it a fact. There is personal truth and objective truth. I mean if you didn’t know the truth (there was never a dog there), yes you could swear to someone that a big dog is there, and you wouldn’t lie, but your statement would be false without you being aware of it.
I understand what you're saying here, Alex. This implies that you have this idea of Truth ... of one invisible, God created platform to which all things either cooperate with or don't. This is dualistic way of seeing reality and there's nothing wrong with this ... as long as you're not driving yourself crazy looking for some mysterious "truth" to reality that isn't there. I took a Religion class once at the Jesuit University I attended. One of the questions on my final exam was "what is Truth." HAHA! (I love this story.) I answered that the only "Truth" in this world is vibration ... a certain quality of light we see as color but is in all experience. My professor marked this wrong. HAHA!! I still laugh about this. This indicates that she knows what Truth is ... and this is her version, not mine. Still, I knew what she was looking for ... some answer that included the idea that God is Truth. But after YEARS of searching for this, I concluded that Truth as most people expect to find it is about constants ... about something fixed in the Universe that we poor souls here on Earth can't see or know. This isn't the case. As long as our expectations about what Truth is are fixed and unyielding, we won't be able to see the "forest for the trees," sts. If you think about it ... looking for Truth and discarding what you believe isn't Truth, implies that you already know what Truth is. Otherwise you wouldn't know what it isn't. But taking this endless searching away from anyone to replace it with what we're actually doing here, is pretty upsetting to those who search. @@Alex722
Once you see a mirage for what it is, it no longer causes confusion or suffering...it does not mean the mirage disappears. There is no need to try to beat the mirage out of existence.
Well, perceived existence lol. Would be like having a lucid dream and going nah, don't like this one, lets change the channel, what else is on? And changing the entire dream to something else and expecting that you'd still be lucid in that one.
This is great. I like to do it this way. I turn within to my God Self. When I experience the feeling of separation again, I immediately return to my God Self, the truth of me. The more I do this the more I believe that the God Self is who I am. I know this of course but to experience it, to feel it, is the key. Eventually the ego 'I' is the one, that feels odd and it becomes easier to stay in wholeness. Another way I do it is, if someone seemingly 'outside of me' attacks me or attacks my family etc, I see that as self attack projected. I see that as a call for love. I immediately try to answer that call for love by seeing that person as a part of me who feels lost, alone and unloved, believing it is separated from it's source. I then try to to turn my mind within to the God Self, surrendering their call for love (for us both) to the One who can remind us, both, we are loved. If done correctly, my feeling the return to my Presence within of the God Self should shift the 'other' to love also. And why? Because there is only One. (Bear in mind, my forgiveness, which is what answering a call for love is, isn't dependent on them getting it. My job is to do the work and allow the God Self to populate the space, that's all).
By feeding on to old pattern of mind Ignorance will be more stronger and stronger and might cause "Dark night of soul" as Rupert suggested we need to do more practice or self enquiry. In some cases it might take years or decade be careful and follow practice even more. Namaste :)
"True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body’s eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. And thus what is the same is seen as one, while what is not the same remains unnoticed, for it is not there." ¹ -- Lesson 108, A Course in Miracles
@@robertm.-certifieddaytrade4939 No. There is no "human" consciousness. That insinuates there is a self that is a human, and other consciousnesses lol.
Well said. what appears to be a universal unfolding,of which humans are part,seems to unfold according a pattern,evolution is part of it.Even if everything is a dream of Consciousness this dream unfolds in its own way. Humans perceive it as evolution and maturation,dissapearance of ignorance, is part of evolution.
I am pleased to see that you really know yourself. And by knowing yourself now you understand the nature of human beings . And if you read this comment you will understand that my English grammar is not so good and also you would understand why my mind wrote this to you 😂😂
I def had spontaneous glimpses which were actually frightening the first time and was maybe 10 seconds, the second was hours, but it did dissipate completely really, this was some tears back, it was why I investigated non duality not the other way around, I went looking for answers, it didn’t happen because I had been watching non dual videos, I knew nothing of non duality before it happened. Yet it did completely disappear, now I know it’s true and intellectually I understand it having watches so many teachers, but the pull of personal life is too strong
The existence/life is one and flowing by itself. Within the flow there is an amazing phenomenon which is the illusion of separation and controlling. What is Actually happening that this marvellous flow has an invisible floating energy (thoughts) which pops up to steer the forms of energy (body). So what ever the separate-self thinks is doing, Actually the flow is doing/flowing. Anyway, You are the flow, you have always been that, but the illusion was veiling such beautiful truth. The truth/flow unveils itself by itself. Reading this is a sign of unveiling. Eventually, When the flow is being aware of itself. You (true-Self) can miraculously manoeuvre the flow (yourSelf) by manipulating the energy, via being. Be, and it is. The funny thing is even that is the flow’s doing/plan. Note: The sense of the separate-self and free will ,, will still be there, but after the previous Realisation, the true freedom & happiness will merge with it.
As a visual aid: Imagine a swimming pool of flowing moving water (consciousness). The consciousness in the pool forms headsets to view itself through. When consciousness views itself through a headset, it views itself as the world. That is the illusion.
What he says here or any where is absolute TRUTH,as explained in Vedas, puranas, bhagwat Geeta by Sri Krishna,he always provides INTELLECTUAL UNDERSRANDING.WHATS THE USE.??....nobody in the AUDIENCE has the courage and guts to ask Him HOW TO REACH THE FINAL STATE ??? How to experience the illusion AS ILLUSION??what is the use of sitting and wasting your time just to have intellectual knowledge of the Truth which you can have from so many books available and also from youtube. Sharad cs India.
In my investigation, it seems like the illusion disappears only for a limited number of people. For most people, ignorance disappears in the sense that a new conditioning is programmed. More theoretically speaking, identity remains as long as the body is alive. What disappears is the doership.
That’s the difference between self realization and liberation. With self realization the illusion doesn’t disappear with liberation it does. Self realization is not complete enlightenment
@@wattaura7621 what does limitless have to do with the fact that the everything will disappear...-as ramana maharshi said if the world is seen the Self isnt realized and the Self isn't realized if the world is seen..he meant the illusion, or the dream or the imagination or the superimpostion or the reflection, whatever you want to call it ..will vanish..and you will realize yourself as just energy...in the beyond..
@@chitraisenlightened ...as in I Am infinite unbounded awareness limitless. Is that what Rupert is implying? Seems he's always said matter and consciousness are 1.
It could be more about the acknowledgment of no separation and that there is a deeper reality beyond any sense perception. To simply be as Awareness is the unveiling perpective. That being said, here lies the "you are not the body" debate.
Is ego the illusion and the mind believes the illusion thus time and space appears real, however if we had just been born then that present time would not be real but what we preserve to be real, which is living in the moment thus reality as we see it.
Enlightened is not body then who sees illusion? You said ignorance removed and illusion remains. My question is to whom illusion seen? To person or to awareness? If to person but person not remains. If to awareness but awareness doesn't know anything other than itself.
👁️so How Does That Example Relate to an Apperence of the a n o m a l y of the Body or the some outer visible deformaty of the Visible f o r m , so that The Unconditioned Spiritual REALITY of The PERFECTION lS Evidenced tangibly? In The Scripture ls Refered as :" Be ye Therefore PERFECT Even As Your Father Whom lS in Heaven lS PERFECT"💟Thank You🙏
It took me over half a lifetime to finally find this information....I wish it was taught to all ages
" . . . Its appearance would have lost it capacity to veil its reality." It's a wonderful way to describe seeing through the illusion of reality. To it rings: true, clear and even poetic.
Feel like sharing my own experience. After having been fully convinced that there is no separation,because the illusion of this world is as it is,i find my self thinking and some times even talking as if separation was true,but now the fact is that i am AWARE that i am thinking and talking as if.
The big difference is the presence of awareness.i am aware of the vantage point from which i am thinking ,behaving,talking.
Yep I get that too. Like being outside of a puppet at times. Sometimes I could even be involved in a quite heated disagreement, although it’s not feeling like it’s really myself. There’s a feeling of surprise that it’s happening, as if watching someone else doing it. Does that sound familiar Kelly?
@@Always-There Ah yes it sounds absolutely familiar !!😊
Rupert, you have summarized all the ancient teachings in a simple easy to understand concept. Many thanks 🙏
After enlightenment there is still chopping wood and carrying water
I love that saying 👍
@@robertknisel533 after enlightenment there is a person responding to my comment saying really
Love it. That's the fun of the game. Thank you
But doing it with a 😊
The utter brilliance of Rupert finds the crack in me and brings truth right on home. 🙏🙏🙏
Yeah! _"The belief may have come to an end, but the feeling remains. The recognition of our true self is not enough in almost all cases to put an end to that feeling of separation. What to do? Keep going back to that recognition."_ So crazy how Mr. Rupert has hit upon such a clear and contemporary way of talking about the human experience of reality. It's really like he brings up-to-date what all the saints and messengers and mystics and monks and so on have tried to talk about and point towards. So great how he really highlights it all blends together.... the screen and the images on it, the actor and the King Lear character, as he uses for metaphors, or something. It is just so... _validating._ He's so phenomenological! Plus... one of those cool fans! Nice! lol! Questioner really asked great ones!
Don't leave out some good parts like.... "I don't completely understand the question", leaving wiggle room to mold the answer to a palatable taste.
...or the notion of feeling (sense perceiving), being something we practice.
I'm 'pro - these teachings', but somethings don't really pan out nor make complete sense. (same as my writing) 😮😊
@@wattaura7621 Thanks for your help. I went to graduate school and studied things like phenomenological-existentialism, which included reading the "mystics" and "The Varieties of Religious Experience" and so on. Rupert Spira makes perfect sense.
@@nsbd90now Cool, so I've come to a good comment because I Am the 1 that needs help. How is it I can practice 'feeling', Isn't it autonomous?
@@wattaura7621 In Rupert's stuff "feelings" are just other objects of awareness... part of what constructs then that sense of a "false" separate egoic self... made up of "thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions" as he says. I think this phrasing of it is fantastic and right on. So yeah... feelings are "autonomous" as they just happen into your awareness. The problem is identifying self with them.
@@nsbd90nowSo, the guy's question was in how to solidify the big I. The response in a nut-shell, was to remind oneself that it's one big illusion. I still remain ignorant, because in all my interactions I'm only reminded of separation. I guess it's also a good thing the illusion keeps telling me to retreat to silence. (or shut up)😊
One of my favorite emotional responses to anything is the "AH HA!" moment. Thank you, Rupert for being the source of this response in me. This makes perfect sense and expresses so much of what I was unable to express.
One afternoon while I was driving down the streets in my neighborhood, I saw a large Dalmatian dog leaning against a chain link fence in the yard of a house several houses ahead of me. I was amazed! I'd never seen such a large dog! And he seemed motionless against this fence. I thought, "He looks so relaxed and at home there."
As I got closer, this large dog morphed into a large carpet draped over the fence instead. It's always a strange feeling for me when I experience this ... a kind of movie animated tech thing ... almost in slow motion since I was driving. But it made me question this: "Which version of what I saw was the 'real' version?" I realized then that BOTH were real. Both version were real to me in the moment I experienced them. It's just that one version is the "officially accepted" version. The carpet version wasn't "more real" than the dog version. It's just that the majority ... the collective ... have agreed upon this one version that I slipped into. If I had driven around the block and gone through the same path, I'm sure I could have seen this carpet as a dog again. But doing so would have, at that point, just been entertaining. 😊
Well, if you didn’t go closer to see what it was really, you would thought that you saw a dog without ever realising it wasn’t really a dog.
But when you could see clearly, you saw the fact and the false perception dropped instantly.
My point is this: if I had never gotten closer to see the rug there, then, to me, it would have been a big dog. I would have accepted this as my reality in that experience. This doesn't mean that the big dog isn't "really" there since to me it was. Both versions of this are real. One version is "officially accepted" (meaning that we collectively, in agreement within Consciousness agree that the actual version is the most logical one). Both versions are real within perception ... both are "actualized" within experience. And in this case, it's about my experience.
To say that one version "isn't real" and the other is, is to presume that there is only one version of reality. And this is not the case. One is not "false" and the other "true." Both are true depending on my perception and perspective at the time. @@Alex722
@@lifecloud2 It would literally mean that the big dog wasn’t there. For you mistakenly would be there, but not in reality…Yes you would have accepted what you falsely perceived, but that doesn’t make it a fact.
There is personal truth and objective truth.
I mean if you didn’t know the truth (there was never a dog there), yes you could swear to someone that a big dog is there, and you wouldn’t lie, but your statement would be false without you being aware of it.
I understand what you're saying here, Alex. This implies that you have this idea of Truth ... of one invisible, God created platform to which all things either cooperate with or don't. This is dualistic way of seeing reality and there's nothing wrong with this ... as long as you're not driving yourself crazy looking for some mysterious "truth" to reality that isn't there.
I took a Religion class once at the Jesuit University I attended. One of the questions on my final exam was "what is Truth." HAHA! (I love this story.) I answered that the only "Truth" in this world is vibration ... a certain quality of light we see as color but is in all experience. My professor marked this wrong. HAHA!! I still laugh about this. This indicates that she knows what Truth is ... and this is her version, not mine. Still, I knew what she was looking for ... some answer that included the idea that God is Truth. But after YEARS of searching for this, I concluded that Truth as most people expect to find it is about constants ... about something fixed in the Universe that we poor souls here on Earth can't see or know. This isn't the case. As long as our expectations about what Truth is are fixed and unyielding, we won't be able to see the "forest for the trees," sts.
If you think about it ... looking for Truth and discarding what you believe isn't Truth, implies that you already know what Truth is. Otherwise you wouldn't know what it isn't. But taking this endless searching away from anyone to replace it with what we're actually doing here, is pretty upsetting to those who search. @@Alex722
Once you see a mirage for what it is, it no longer causes confusion or suffering...it does not mean the mirage disappears.
There is no need to try to beat the mirage out of existence.
Well, perceived existence lol. Would be like having a lucid dream and going nah, don't like this one, lets change the channel, what else is on? And changing the entire dream to something else and expecting that you'd still be lucid in that one.
Very useful. Perseverance! Thank you.💗🙏
amazing explanation from the I to the I
Thanks to everyone
Indeed such a great simple yet profound speech
Beautiful explained Rupert! Thanks for sharing!
This is great. I like to do it this way. I turn within to my God Self. When I experience the feeling of separation again, I immediately return to my God Self, the truth of me. The more I do this the more I believe that the God Self is who I am. I know this of course but to experience it, to feel it, is the key. Eventually the ego 'I' is the one, that feels odd and it becomes easier to stay in wholeness. Another way I do it is, if someone seemingly 'outside of me' attacks me or attacks my family etc, I see that as self attack projected. I see that as a call for love. I immediately try to answer that call for love by seeing that person as a part of me who feels lost, alone and unloved, believing it is separated from it's source. I then try to to turn my mind within to the God Self, surrendering their call for love (for us both) to the One who can remind us, both, we are loved. If done correctly, my feeling the return to my Presence within of the God Self should shift the 'other' to love also. And why? Because there is only One. (Bear in mind, my forgiveness, which is what answering a call for love is, isn't dependent on them getting it. My job is to do the work and allow the God Self to populate the space, that's all).
The dedicated practice of a Course student.🙏🏻
Thank you so much Rupert🙏🏻, you are my one and only master who clears all my doubts that are very deep
you are the master of the masters . ❤️
By feeding on to old pattern of mind Ignorance will be more stronger and stronger and might cause "Dark night of soul" as Rupert suggested we need to do more practice or self enquiry. In some cases it might take years or decade be careful and follow practice even more. Namaste :)
This is one of Rupert’s MASTERPIECE videos!!!
“Light doesn’t replace the darkness, it just shines brighter”...A Course in Miracles
There is no light, and no darkness.
There is in human consciousness, as it stands TODAY!
"True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body’s eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. And thus what is the same is seen as one, while what is not the same remains unnoticed, for it is not there." ¹ -- Lesson 108, A Course in Miracles
@@robertm.-certifieddaytrade4939 No. There is no "human" consciousness. That insinuates there is a self that is a human, and other consciousnesses lol.
I Am in the comments 🎉
"The illusion doesn't disappear; ignorance disappears".
This is the clearest I've ever heard it stated. So very helpful.
Let there be love
Genial!!! Muchísimas gracias!!!💛🙏🤗
This session is dope. Thank you
Yes!❤ Thanks a lot!
I needed to hear that. Thank you
Very nice 🎉🎉🎉
Looks very warm there.
Well said.
what appears to be a universal unfolding,of which humans are part,seems to unfold according a pattern,evolution is part of it.Even if everything is a dream of Consciousness this dream unfolds in its own way. Humans perceive it as evolution and maturation,dissapearance of ignorance, is part of evolution.
I am pleased to see that you really know yourself. And by knowing yourself now you understand the nature of human beings . And if you read this comment you will understand that my English grammar is not so good and also you would understand why my mind wrote this to you 😂😂
I def had spontaneous glimpses which were actually frightening the first time and was maybe 10 seconds, the second was hours, but it did dissipate completely really, this was some tears back, it was why I investigated non duality not the other way around, I went looking for answers, it didn’t happen because I had been watching non dual videos, I knew nothing of non duality before it happened. Yet it did completely disappear, now I know it’s true and intellectually I understand it having watches so many teachers, but the pull of personal life is too strong
The existence/life is one and flowing by itself.
Within the flow there is an amazing phenomenon which is the illusion of separation and controlling.
What is Actually happening that this marvellous flow has an invisible floating energy (thoughts) which pops up to steer the forms of energy (body).
So what ever the separate-self thinks is doing,
Actually the flow is doing/flowing.
Anyway, You are the flow, you have always been that, but the illusion was veiling such beautiful truth.
The truth/flow unveils itself by itself.
Reading this is a sign of unveiling.
Eventually, When the flow is being aware of itself.
You (true-Self) can miraculously manoeuvre the flow (yourSelf) by manipulating the energy, via being.
Be, and it is.
The funny thing is even that is the flow’s doing/plan.
Note: The sense of the separate-self and free will ,, will still be there, but after the previous Realisation, the true freedom & happiness will merge with it.
As a visual aid: Imagine a swimming pool of flowing moving water (consciousness). The consciousness in the pool forms headsets to view itself through. When consciousness views itself through a headset, it views itself as the world. That is the illusion.
What he says here or any where is absolute TRUTH,as explained in Vedas, puranas, bhagwat Geeta by Sri Krishna,he always provides INTELLECTUAL UNDERSRANDING.WHATS THE USE.??....nobody in the AUDIENCE has the courage and guts to ask Him HOW TO REACH THE FINAL STATE ??? How to experience the illusion AS ILLUSION??what is the use of sitting and wasting your time just to have intellectual knowledge of the Truth which you can have from so many books available and also from youtube.
Sharad cs
Gotta love how Rupert is barefoot tho
In my investigation, it seems like the illusion disappears only for a limited number of people. For most people, ignorance disappears in the sense that a new conditioning is programmed. More theoretically speaking, identity remains as long as the body is alive. What disappears is the doership.
when you get liberated the illusion will dissappear..
Important to note, it's said , "the ignorance". The illusion remains from a new (exciting I will add ) perspective. 🎉
That’s the difference between self realization and liberation. With self realization the illusion doesn’t disappear with liberation it does. Self realization is not complete enlightenment
@@chitraisenlightened Yes , limitless. 🎉🎉
@@wattaura7621 what does limitless have to do with the fact that the everything will disappear...-as ramana maharshi said if the world is seen the Self isnt realized and the Self isn't realized if the world is seen..he meant the illusion, or the dream or the imagination or the superimpostion or the reflection, whatever you want to call it ..will vanish..and you will realize yourself as just energy...in the beyond..
@@chitraisenlightened ...as in I Am infinite unbounded awareness limitless.
Is that what Rupert is implying? Seems he's always said matter and consciousness are 1.
Wat is the special effort needed?
Is there a reality beyond senses ? How is it possible to have a Concept of reality without any recognition ,without perceptions by our sense organs ?
It could be more about the acknowledgment of no separation and that there is a deeper reality beyond any sense perception. To simply be as Awareness is the unveiling perpective. That being said, here lies the "you are not the body" debate.
Absolutely. A blind person cannot see, though that doesn't mean the ocean doesn't exist.
We most certainly have real consequences for this existence We will move from temporary at eternity from what God sees us do down here
The real question is why are we even here...What's the point.....
No point
Is ego the illusion and the mind believes the illusion thus time and space appears real, however if we had just been born then that present time would not be real but what we preserve to be real, which is living in the moment thus reality as we see it.
this sounds a lot like effort in a decided direction from a known center...
Sounds like a donut.
@@OhHapppyDaay Exactly!
Enlightened is not body then who sees illusion? You said ignorance removed and illusion remains. My question is to whom illusion seen? To person or to awareness? If to person but person not remains. If to awareness but awareness doesn't know anything other than itself.
That's an excellent question!
Illusion is appearance of a real thing and ignorance is dependency towards objects 😊😊that are not you
My goodness but there seems to be a lot of "teachers" here. Do you agree with them Rupert or do you read these conversations. 😂😂❤❤
👁️so How Does That Example Relate to an Apperence of the a n o m a l y of the Body or the some outer visible deformaty of the Visible f o r m , so that The Unconditioned Spiritual REALITY of The PERFECTION lS Evidenced tangibly? In The Scripture ls Refered as :" Be ye Therefore PERFECT Even As Your Father Whom lS in Heaven lS PERFECT"💟Thank You🙏
Sea through the I is a brainwash. 💙
I Know 'nothing'. 🎉
...yes, let it go. 😂
is doctor spira shoeless here 😅
The shoes are an illusion too.