holy shit, you are right. The design looks awfully similar to GB. at the time, these were the only 4r protection I could find. I thought it's just a Chinese brand on eBay.
@moto13n as a taiwanese working in the motorcycle industrial. I’m going to tell you that is from China and just the plastic doesn’t have any protection just like the fake GB racing and put another sticker Than become another brand , so that’s why I’m using English at here because most people cannot recognize the fake one or original Great product. And as a dealer of GB racing and RG Racing I’m gonna tell you that I have an order another ZX4 in Tw but seems some Chinese fake part has start selling a lot on web, which needs to be careful. Because we are working in the industrial so it’s easy to recognize. Lots of things are fake , but it has changed logo. So it’s really easy to confused to normal people.
@@ayuhb8785 sorry I alway use original of torque wrench , so you dont have to tell me i need to learn , beside my ex work is in aviation , there is no one care of how fast to use the wrench
水箱護網 引擎護蓋 防倒球滑塊
雖然很久了, 像我在麻州, 摩托車停在家的停車位, 直接被幹走, 13N有沒有什麼防盜設備可以推薦嗎? gps tracker或是怎麼保護自己的車?
之前租公寓就是超大鎖鍊扣住柱子再加上 alarm disc lock。 以前我車子裡會藏舊手機track,後來就放AirTag。
請問13N會不會拍一條片 集中講新手DIY 或是自己保養機車 比較常用到既工具?
我記得是 44ft-lb 看手冊確認
@moto13n 萬分感謝回覆,下個月也即將入手
this cover seems Made in china? copy of GB racing?
holy shit, you are right. The design looks awfully similar to GB. at the time, these were the only 4r protection I could find. I thought it's just a Chinese brand on eBay.
@moto13n as a taiwanese working in the motorcycle industrial. I’m going to tell you that is from China and just the plastic doesn’t have any protection just like the fake GB racing and put another sticker
Than become another brand , so that’s why I’m using English at here because most people cannot recognize the fake one or original Great product. And as a dealer of GB racing and RG Racing I’m gonna tell you that I have an order another ZX4 in Tw but seems some Chinese fake part has start selling a lot on web, which needs to be careful. Because we are working in the industrial so it’s easy to recognize. Lots of things are fake , but it has changed logo. So it’s really easy to confused to normal people.
@@alanleealmracing6268 GBRacing 的仿品真的在蝦皮上超多
Turns out some are sold with fake gb racing sticker too. These probably won’t last like you said.
@@moto13n 而且安全性也高很多
你最好學一下扭力扳手要怎麼用的....這麼粗魯的去用扭力根本不是準 特別是5:39 看了直搖頭
Its okey for that , just make sure , not his way is wrong, you dont have to be so strict
緩慢出力 到了跳脫的瞬間收力。還有那種上大扭力用頓的出力,標准的會買不會用
@@ayuhb8785 sorry I alway use original of torque wrench , so you dont have to tell me i need to learn , beside my ex work is in aviation , there is no one care of how fast to use the wrench
@@alanleealmracing6268電子和機械用法都一樣,都是要緩慢出力到達指定扭力 電子式更容易看出要怎麼正確出力