This is the BEST Airsoft Face Protection!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @mysteryboxes
    @mysteryboxes  День назад

    What ‘face pro’ do you use?

  • @Recon_Morty
    @Recon_Morty 3 часа назад

    Wow I just bought this last night and this video shows up on my feed

  • @TheGun311
    @TheGun311 5 часов назад

    The head band is a game changer thanks for the tips, i was actually look for one that DYE does but double if not triple the price for their "patented" design with the little sweat channel plastic seem lol . saved me a few pounds mate nice one brilliant watch

  • @astroeclipse5392
    @astroeclipse5392 Час назад

    I use the NB tactical as well, its the best imo. I use the "FORTIS LP" with the "Balaclava V3" I can't imagine using any other.

  • @epikphail9898
    @epikphail9898 14 часов назад

    I have the low profile one, and yes, it's the absolute best Facepro if you pair them with the Trittech Air Raiders. In my opinion, it's the best pairing in Airsoft

  • @tannerg4511
    @tannerg4511 6 часов назад

    I wear M frames as well. Check out the vmax insert for the m frames. They make them full seal, and have a port on each side where you can plug the hose into and feed air into the glasses.
    Currently I run a snood but I've been thinking about trying out NB to cover my nose. I also run the Halo v. You and I have a very similar setup lol

  • @nickevans506
    @nickevans506 12 часов назад

    I use the NB tactical without the nose protection but find it falls down with my snoods and I also use the delta mike but find sometimes it’s hard to breathe cos of the fabric around the mesh

  • @Terminatorbart
    @Terminatorbart 16 часов назад

    I use a gaiter & silicone insert!

  • @nickevans506
    @nickevans506 12 часов назад

    Found your channel the other day and I watched some of your new ones where you talk at your desk and it’s good info keep it up!
    Btw what do you do for a living to be able to afford all of this ? 😂

  • @timstv_
    @timstv_ 32 минуты назад

    Is there a link for the V3 and the other part?

  • @florihae
    @florihae 2 часа назад

    I can not wear and Balaclava Style Face protector. I have a propper thick ginger Beard and it is so extremely uncomfortable.
    My solution is, not wearing any 😅

  • @westernshinobiblades3930
    @westernshinobiblades3930 4 часа назад

    Fabric is too delicate, it rips on ears and mouth very easy. you can feel hits through that mesh at 1.5 jules on short distances. and the worst thing(same with every stretchy balaclava), it realises plastic fibres in your lungs which body can't expel and can quickly lead to cancer.
    other than that, best face protection combo.
    I recommend 100% cotton shemag for face protection, or standard mesh half face mask. or mouth guard for braver players.