Oh, by far! "The Apple" and "Who Mourns for Adonais?" are the only two times in all of Star Trek in which the Starship Enterprise (or any Starfleet starship) sustained a phaser attack for more than a few seconds.
He gets stuck in the chest and survives- red shirt security dies, he gets struck by lightning and suffers second degree burns, red shirt gets vaporized.
@@philoshaughnessy906 Or more accurately, Vaal is Baal... the object of satanists worship! And those who created the corona virus, as well as the nefarious "antidote".... that is who they have worshipped for countless generations..... Amazing how many accurate foreshadowings ST put forth all those years ago!
@@PFCtjwetzel I guess I was having a blonde moment...lol Did You know, City on the Edge of Forever and another episode was filmed on the set of Andy Griffith?
Edited out original line by Spock about no energy being generated, after which he says Val Is Dead. He didn't just pop up the bit about val being dead in the series, he - get this - actually checked first.
Kirk stated it's an arrested culture, only purpose is to keep this machine fueled and it had to maintain a sustainable group to service it. Thats why so many denied rights to the very small population by this machine or I.A. That is probably the message of the episode of the growing technology outlook for us here. And it's happening. We all are more dependant and a bit enslaved by computers.
So that is the future of earth’s inhabitants? For the Great Computer to be the all powerful lord making sure only those needed for it to be maintained live, making sure they are dumbed down so they can’t revolt. Looks like a world Bill Gates would be responsible for. I guess Bill Gates will have his mind downloaded into the master computer so all will be done right.
0:290:30 when I was a Little Kid I seen the ship shake differently like my head pretend it vibrates and I heard a song I heard on this 0:390:40 when the crew falls I saw it shake a little 0:41 when Kirk was Looking at the sky he said “Scotty” I saw the sky was normal with blue sky, clouds and sun 0:430:44 and now I saw the blue electric cracking so I made that sound
The prime directive wasn't absolute. The federation was allowed to intervene in a planet's culture if they thought it was not a healthy growing culture or to protect it from interference from the Klingons or Romulans, but, ironically, human history is a history of violence and I believe that that violence is what has permitted our species to evolve technologically to a more peaceful and prosperous condition. It was the second world war that accelerated technology and the development of nuclear weapons that made wars between super powers obsolete that led to the comparatively peaceful late twentieth century. How would an alien species asses the prospects of our culture and civilization depending upon what time and what place they visited the earth? It's almost like our species has to fight it out to find the answer. In other words, we have to learn things the hard way.
The Prime Directive was never about non intervention, but rather not intervening on the benefit of the Federation (that they profit from it) in a civilization or intervening in such a way that it would make a civilization dependent on the Federation, making it a vassal state of the Federation. (sort of how the Soviet Union turned communist countries in Eastern Europe and elsewhere into satellite states, they might have had "self rule" but Moscow made the final decisions).
@@tylers2059 and one of Soul's " brothers" from Here Come the Brides, Robert Brown, also appeared on Star Trek. And of course there's Mark Lenard, who played their nemesis, Aaron Stemple, on Brides along with playing Spock's father and a Romulan
Attacks God/computer thing with phaser fire from orbit to drain its power reserves - check. God/computer thing revs up a lightning storm in response. God/computer thing's lightning targeting accuracy has been established earlier in the episode by targeting and hitting humanoids on two separate occasions. Moves ten feet away as a safe distance from the phaser barrage. Watches lightning display while hugging a tree. 🤨 --- Jim, where did you rank in your Academy graduating class?
It wasn't about the fire scene, but about the natives learning from books and a computer, transforming their lives beyond star trek while still having all the freedom of primitive sensibilities
Yes, there is. It's called "Dismissal from service" or on the administrative side of things, a General under Honorable Conditions or Other-Than-Honorable discharge. Only things officers can't be is given a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge. All the administrative discharges are open as is being Dismissed, having the same effect as a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge and the federal felony conviction with it.
Where's Hutch? This is the episode where Shatner and Nimoy got TINNITUS for life cause some idiot set off a charge right next to them. Today that would mean a 100 million dollar lawsuit.
La única duda en 40 años que sigo teniendo de la serie es la siguiente... ¿Cual era el nombre del piloto que está del lado izquierdo? El de la playera identica del capitán. ¿:(?
Bill Blackburn as Lt Hadley, he also played the Gorn in the episode " The Arena" he was in the white rabbit costume on the episode " Shore Leave" He was a stand in for Deforest Kelly and was William Thesis's assistant as a costume designer.
Why is whiny McCoy always arguing with Spock on the Bridge, or beaming down to planets with Kirk and Spock instead of in sick bay treating some of his 430 crew members?
The thing was that the planet that Vaal was living on was not like other planets since Gamma Trianguli 6 was stated in Cannon lore to be Artificial in nature just like Vaal itself that powered it hence why it constantly ate to sustain power.
In this case, a type of mineral on this planet, which if mishandled, can explode. A rock made of this mineral killed one of their security team earlier in the episode.
@@whiteknightcat well since the planet that Vaal was living on was clearly artificial in Nature what the Vaalians would do is feed Vaal would artificial minerals and artificial stuff that the planet itself provides
It's a captains call to determine if the directive applies. These people weren't developing naturally of their own initiative but enslaved to the will of an advanced machine. When anything "advanced" is controlling...and in this case stunting...the natural development of a species a Starfleet captain can step in.
@@tfewald01 It's the Prime Directive...except when it's not. This hypocrisy in all of the various Star Trek franchises has always bugged me. If you're going to put an ironclad overriding rule out there for the audience, you can't freakin' arbitrarily pick and choose if it applies. It's just stupid.
@@whiteknightcat Second degree burns, not severe, but I bet they smart. Doctor, you have a talent for unsurpassed understament. McCoy's report about Spock's burns after getting hit by a lighting bolt.
The Doomsday machine had a passive defense of a neutronium hull so it would not require any energy to resist sustained phaser attacks even from two starships. The story line of having the crippled starship explode when it was consumed is still the valid plot line not sustained fire. However, the neutronium hull would've been massive as a mere teaspoon of neutronium would have the mass of Mt. Everest so changing directions would've cost the Doomsday machine enormous amounts of energy. The strategy of baiting the Doomsday machine to change directions in pursuit of alternate starships should've been more effective than shown on the show.
Each episode was 60 minutes including commercial interruptions. Technically anything can be solved within the time frame of one episode. Starts to take the enjoyment away when you realize that every episode is going to end on a positive note. There's no surprise, it's a guarantee.
There is so many mistakes in ST. I was just watching this and Spock (of all people) says while standing on an alien world, "the power source is deep in the earth"
Kirk needs to go back in time and have the Enterprise fire down on the Kaaba in Mecca. I don't think Allah would able to put up as dramatic a fight as Vaul.
This is a scream! I had forgotten just how campily fake Star Trek really was. And I was a kid during the original series and it was much more impressive back then :) For a final touch, Kirk's "Let those people go!" at the very end could not have been unintentional coming, as it was, during M.L. King's height.
Wow, Kirk detains the Vaalians on their own planet, inhibits their freedom of worship, and destroys an ancient alien monument/lifeform (without having tried diplomacy or negotiation). That's problematic!
Actually, it's just prime directive. Temporal prime directive would apply to them going into the past and making sure they didn't interfere with history
@@geoffwilliams4478 : You got that right. I forgot - confession - I love temporal PD than PD only...who wouldnt? yeah it's unethical by starfleet regulations...but whadda heck...fans just love them.
THIS- IS -WRONG and racist. I fully agree with Spock in this EP. No one has the right to forced a kind of lifestyle on any group of people. They can tell people if they think their way of life is better ofcourse, but not forcing them out of that process. Such antion would not be different much that those of the whiteman colonist who enslave and "conquered" any "inferior races" everwhere because they think "whitemen" ways of thing is more advance, and should be enforced on other races/culture"
"Our Religion needs our money! Please! They are hungry! They love us so much if we don't give them what they want they will get angry at us and we will be tortured forever after we die!"
The old deep phaser sounds were cooler than the crackly sounds in the show's today.
Oh, by far!
"The Apple" and "Who Mourns for Adonais?" are the only two times in all of Star Trek in which the Starship Enterprise (or any Starfleet starship) sustained a phaser attack for more than a few seconds.
The old beam phasers were immensely practical and versatile. A far cry from the cheesy "pew" "pew" phasers of the JJ era.
Spocks real to real recorder
Yes but not energy efficient and had a tendency to jam and be inaccurate, like the sten gun.
"Scotty, you're re-hired" As if he was ever fired
Kirk did fire him 5 minutes before.
Jhhnnnnnnnnhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Bbbhhnyn!! Nnnn! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Nbnbnnnnhnnnn! Nnnnnnnnnnnnn! Nnnnnnhubnnn! Nnn! bnn!!!!!!!!!!! yn! Nyyynynyyynnyyyn6yynynyyyynyny! Jynyyyyyyyyyb6ynyyhjhjhjhjhj-jyjhhjhjhj
Poor old Spock kept on getting walloped in this one, Bless him.
He gets stuck in the chest and survives- red shirt security dies, he gets struck by lightning and suffers second degree burns, red shirt gets vaporized.
@@bloomer1966 Yeah thank God Spock didn't ware a red shirt!
I always thought wearing a blue shirt and not a red shirt would prevent me from losing my lunch money.
I wonder if this was all some sort of older political message?
AKUTA: Ah, yes. The holding, the touching. Vaal has forbidden this.
MCCOY: Well, there goes paradise.
Vaal is just another name for Corona virus.
@@philoshaughnessy906 Or more accurately, Vaal is Baal... the object of satanists worship! And those who created the corona virus, as well as the nefarious "antidote".... that is who they have worshipped for countless generations..... Amazing how many accurate foreshadowings ST put forth all those years ago!
Kirk was the epitome of "cool"
Kirk is a dick head
My ring tone is the original phaser sound.
It’s always fascinate me about this episode where the phasers can’t penetrate the force field around Vaal but smoke can escape from it
Let’s shield ourselves with these thin trees from the phasers
Phasers and photon torpedoes would have ended this story line earlier.
The blond guy from Starsky and Hutch was one of the aliens, an early role for him.
You mean David Soul.
@@lazyhazeldaisy9596 Yes sir, thank you
don't give up on us baby, we're still worth one more try.
Honestly I thought I was the only one that knew that and you spelled it wrong you forgot the e
@@PFCtjwetzel I guess I was having a blonde moment...lol Did You know, City on the Edge of Forever and another episode was filmed on the set of Andy Griffith?
lol there's an entire race of aliens who look like Beavis from "Beavis and Butthead."
RIP Baal.😢
So Kirk's mojo is apparently enough to shield them from lightning strikes while they're standing under a tree. Who'da thunk? 😂
Clearly, standing next to this tree and behind this fern will shield Kirk and Spock from the power of Baul. Because handwave.
Actually, it's Vaal.
I would have done the same thing.
Kirk was the Chuck Norris of his day!
Its Va'al
Fire all phasers and we’ll stand behind this really skinny tree! 🙄🤣😘🚀
Edited out original line by Spock about no energy being generated, after which he says Val Is Dead. He didn't just pop up the bit about val being dead in the series, he - get this - actually checked first.
Engine guy switches
“Scotty - status report”
“Why should I talk to you, bitch? You just fired me.”
My thoughts EXACTLY!
Kirk stated it's an arrested culture, only purpose is to keep this machine fueled and it had to maintain a sustainable group to service it. Thats why so many denied rights to the very small population by this machine or I.A. That is probably the message of the episode of the growing technology outlook for us here. And it's happening. We all are more dependant and a bit enslaved by computers.
In my opinion it’s part of a criticism to religion
Begin firing on Twitter servers, photon torpedoes on facebook servers !
So that is the future of earth’s inhabitants? For the Great Computer to be the all powerful lord making sure only those needed for it to be maintained live, making sure they are dumbed down so they can’t revolt. Looks like a world Bill Gates would be responsible for. I guess Bill Gates will have his mind downloaded into the master computer so all will be done right.
And you posted this on...... A VOL COMPUTER!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!
I'm not enslaved by computers! I'm the one who has to turn mine on or off!😀🔧
So much for the Prime Directive.
Weird to have an episode where kirk wasnt on the bridge for any part of the episode.
0:29 0:30 when I was a Little Kid I seen the ship shake differently like my head pretend it vibrates and I heard a song I heard on this 0:39 0:40 when the crew falls I saw it shake a little 0:41 when Kirk was Looking at the sky he said “Scotty” I saw the sky was normal with blue sky, clouds and sun 0:43 0:44 and now I saw the blue electric cracking so I made that sound
Are they on the Gilligan's Island set?
No, Star Trek was filmed at Paramount Studios, Stage 5. The Brady Bunch filmed there afterwards, though. Gilligan's Island filmed at CBS Studios.
The prime directive wasn't absolute. The federation was allowed to intervene in a planet's culture if they thought it was not a healthy growing culture or to protect it from interference from the Klingons or Romulans, but, ironically, human history is a history of violence and I believe that that violence is what has permitted our species to evolve technologically to a more peaceful and prosperous condition. It was the second world war that accelerated technology and the development of nuclear weapons that made wars between super powers obsolete that led to the comparatively peaceful late twentieth century. How would an alien species asses the prospects of our culture and civilization depending upon what time and what place they visited the earth? It's almost like our species has to fight it out to find the answer. In other words, we have to learn things the hard way.
The Prime Directive was never about non intervention, but rather not intervening on the benefit of the Federation (that they profit from it) in a civilization or intervening in such a way that it would make a civilization dependent on the Federation, making it a vassal state of the Federation. (sort of how the Soviet Union turned communist countries in Eastern Europe and elsewhere into satellite states, they might have had "self rule" but Moscow made the final decisions).
"Chekov, Bones. Let those people go. We have successfully destroyed their automated planet-stabilization system."
Weird how it decides to waste power on thunderstorms. lol
Vaal is frightening. Is there another terminal point to Vaal? Ie. Does the cave lead out somewhere? It might lead to another dimension.
Val is dead but still had power for his forcefield? 🤪
David Soul (Hutch) played Makora in "The Apple," whereras Michael Witney portrayed Kirk's old friend Tyree in "Private Little War."
@@tylers2059 and one of Soul's " brothers" from Here Come the Brides, Robert Brown, also appeared on Star Trek. And of course there's Mark Lenard, who played their nemesis, Aaron Stemple, on Brides along with playing Spock's father and a Romulan
The captain's chair moved when scotty fell into it crappy design ship
For crying out loud, we should be able to rent these or purchase them for $1.99 by now.
Gee why can't Hollywood create something as entertaining today?
Attacks God/computer thing with phaser fire from orbit to drain its power reserves - check.
God/computer thing revs up a lightning storm in response.
God/computer thing's lightning targeting accuracy has been established earlier in the episode by targeting and hitting humanoids on two separate occasions.
Moves ten feet away as a safe distance from the phaser barrage.
Watches lightning display while hugging a tree. 🤨
Jim, where did you rank in your Academy graduating class?
So vool is a machine that runs on fruit and vegetables ?.
I just remembered I dreamt about this episode some years ago. Or was it deja vu. Both actually.
the 2 dont overlap. it was a precognition...and you remembered it. your comment arrived about 10 minutes ago....
It wasn't about the fire scene, but about the natives learning from books and a computer, transforming their lives beyond star trek while still having all the freedom of primitive sensibilities
i would still congratulate you on crossing the eithers...@@Rene-uz3eb
Vaal was only hungry and they killed him. The monsters!
See what happens when you refuse to pay the bill.
Thats what happens when allowing a mahchine like Vaal to become the core of a planet it makes the planet itself become artificial.
You'd feel a lot worse if they destroyed the Edo God.
I have been a Trekkie since Ep1 sea1 according to my father, I had a commission. in the military, there is no "Your fired."
They were making a joke.
Yes, there is. It's called "Dismissal from service" or on the administrative side of things, a General under Honorable Conditions or Other-Than-Honorable discharge. Only things officers can't be is given a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge. All the administrative discharges are open as is being Dismissed, having the same effect as a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge and the federal felony conviction with it.
I think we have finally found it, the one episode of Star Trek that has never appeared on any "Top Ten Episodes of Star Trek" lists.
Where's Hutch? This is the episode where Shatner and Nimoy got TINNITUS for life cause some idiot set off a charge right next to them. Today that would mean a 100 million dollar lawsuit.
I think you’re thinking of Arena, the episode where they met the Gorn.
La única duda en 40 años que sigo teniendo de la serie es la siguiente... ¿Cual era el nombre del piloto que está del lado izquierdo? El de la playera identica del capitán. ¿:(?
Bill Blackburn as Lt Hadley, he also played the Gorn in the episode " The Arena" he was in the white rabbit costume on the episode " Shore Leave" He was a stand in for Deforest Kelly and was William Thesis's assistant as a costume designer.
Why is whiny McCoy always arguing with Spock on the Bridge, or beaming down to planets with Kirk and Spock instead of in sick bay treating some of his 430 crew members?
The Enterprise is OP. Imagine what it would do in our time during conflicts on Earth.
Remember peaceful missions.To boldly go where no man has gone before!!
@@louiscsanko9322 "Oh, we come in peace. Shoot to kill! Shoot to kill!"
Force us to wear masks.
@@tylers2059 It’s been a LONG time since I saw a reference to that! 😀
@@czeslawpi Me too. It's from the tune Star Trekkin' from the 1970's I believe.
That's a awful skinny tree to be hiding behind
3:03 - Enterprise-D could've done the same thing to the Edo God in the episode "Justice" in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
R u know instead of d
@ I’m an I.
Same ending they used for "Who Mourns for Adonais?"
Should have used phasers in every episode
He gets struck by lightning.
why did val need to eat if it was a machine?
The thing was that the planet that Vaal was living on was not like other planets since Gamma Trianguli 6 was stated in Cannon lore to be Artificial in nature just like Vaal itself that powered it hence why it constantly ate to sustain power.
What was the guy's name next to Mr Kyle?
Watch out for those exploding rocks
What do you feed a machine
In this case, a type of mineral on this planet, which if mishandled, can explode. A rock made of this mineral killed one of their security team earlier in the episode.
5 hour energy drinks?
Energy, just like we feed ours.
@@whiteknightcat well since the planet that Vaal was living on was clearly artificial in Nature what the Vaalians would do is feed Vaal would artificial minerals and artificial stuff that the planet itself provides
I was thinking they hiked down their loincloths and took a dump in it. Organic matter power!
So much for the "Non Interference" directive.
It's a captains call to determine if the directive applies. These people weren't developing naturally of their own initiative but enslaved to the will of an advanced machine. When anything "advanced" is controlling...and in this case stunting...the natural development of a species a Starfleet captain can step in.
I guess the survival of the crew trumps the Prime Directive.
@@tfewald01 It's the Prime Directive...except when it's not. This hypocrisy in all of the various Star Trek franchises has always bugged me. If you're going to put an ironclad overriding rule out there for the audience, you can't freakin' arbitrarily pick and choose if it applies. It's just stupid.
But how else is Captain Sexypants supposed to answer an alien female's question "What is this 'love' you speak of?"
Prime directive ? What prime directive ?
Vaul or Baul gets to eat phasor for din din!
Prime directive hasn't been released yet...
Why did whoever it was redo the show by making it shorter it would have been better with everything in it❤
Still use push buttons scotty
Bones acting all unemotional
The short would've been more enjoyable had you allowed it to continue for another few seconds and we could see the Klingon get his right to the gut!!
What is the black stuff on spocks back?
he was hit by lightning
Scorch marks from an earlier lightning strike targeting him.
@@whiteknightcat Second degree burns, not severe, but I bet they smart. Doctor, you have a talent for unsurpassed understament. McCoy's report about Spock's burns after getting hit by a lighting bolt.
That is exactly the kind of phase or fire they should have used on the doomsday machine
Mary Jane Smith they tried, it didn’t work.
The Doomsday machine had a passive defense of a neutronium hull so it would not require any energy to resist sustained phaser attacks even from two starships. The story line of having the crippled starship explode when it was consumed is still the valid plot line not sustained fire.
However, the neutronium hull would've been massive as a mere teaspoon of neutronium would have the mass of Mt. Everest so changing directions would've cost the Doomsday machine enormous amounts of energy. The strategy of baiting the Doomsday machine to change directions in pursuit of alternate starships should've been more effective than shown on the show.
Love ,Kirk but sometimes he could get it wrong so badly,destruction of paradise to save your own skin is never a good look 🤣
Paradise is hardly paradise if growth is denied.
"Let those people go."
Always in a pickle.
Where Willy Wonka got the Oompa-Loompas
They were in better shape.willy wonka gave them all Diabetes!!!
The moral of the story- any Star Trek episode can be resolved in 5 minutes or less.
Each episode was 60 minutes including commercial interruptions. Technically anything can be solved within the time frame of one episode. Starts to take the enjoyment away when you realize that every episode is going to end on a positive note. There's no surprise, it's a guarantee.
this series had the MOST GORGEOUS WOMEN of 'any' TV show in history! (how many do you think Shatner banged???)
There is so many mistakes in ST. I was just watching this and Spock (of all people) says while standing on an alien world, "the power source is deep in the earth"
Look up definition of “earth”
A high school student knows that to get to a higher orbit you increase speed not go "full reverse."
That is only correct, if you are not pulled towards the planet by a tractor beam, something, that is not teached in school as of today.
@@Braste84 Yes, you are right. You want to pull in the direction opposite to the tractor beam.
You need to think in the terms of entertainment, fantasy not reality, science fiction not science fact, and tractor beams 😊
Kirk needs to go back in time and have the Enterprise fire down on the Kaaba in Mecca. I don't think Allah would able to put up as dramatic a fight as Vaul.
An allusion to the Biblical Ba'al?
Baal = Vaal, let my people go..biblical terminology
Vaal wasnt intimidating at all.
I've seen far scarier women on a night out in glasgow.
This is a scream! I had forgotten just how campily fake Star Trek really was. And I was a kid during the original series and it was much more impressive back then :) For a final touch, Kirk's "Let those people go!" at the very end could not have been unintentional coming, as it was, during M.L. King's height.
Huh? What did MLK have to do with "let those people go"? "Let my people go" were Moses' words.
so much for the prime directive
Wow, Kirk detains the Vaalians on their own planet, inhibits their freedom of worship, and destroys an ancient alien monument/lifeform (without having tried diplomacy or negotiation). That's problematic!
Fuck the prime directive!
Shit now they can fuck and fuck and....
That was a stupid computer interfering with the natural evolution of those ppl. No civilisation here, only slavery.
Vaal = Baal.
I beg to differ....What the hell is wrong with you guys? You're ignoring the temporal prime directive? Meddling into other people's culture?
Actually, it's just prime directive. Temporal prime directive would apply to them going into the past and making sure they didn't interfere with history
@@geoffwilliams4478 : You got that right. I forgot - confession - I love temporal PD than PD only...who wouldnt? yeah it's unethical by starfleet regulations...but whadda heck...fans just love them.
What Temporal Prime directive, there's no time travel involved in this episode ! That temporal cold war was lame from the beginning !
I hate Vaal
and racist. I fully agree with Spock in this EP.
No one has the right to forced a kind of lifestyle on any group of people. They can tell people if they think their way of life is better ofcourse, but not forcing them out of that process. Such antion would not be different much that those of the whiteman colonist who enslave and "conquered" any "inferior races" everwhere because they think "whitemen" ways of thing is more advance, and should be enforced on other races/culture"
I don't think Kirk would've actually taken action against Vall if it wasn't going to destroy the Enterprise
@TheVoiceOfTruth Another SS fanboy.
@TheVoiceOfTruth Either you are a troll or a white supremacist and I sincerely hope the former but I wouldn't be surprised if you were the latter.
Probably a sjw
"Our Religion needs our money! Please! They are hungry! They love us so much if we don't give them what they want they will get angry at us and we will be tortured forever after we die!"
Horrible episode.
Planet tRump
Seek help with your TDS.
Star Trek sure used the bible for a lot of its story lines... probably wouldn’t be allowed anymore in modern US under basement Joe...
I hate this episode for so many reasons.
It's the silver wigs and the Trump-colored tans, isn't it?
All Bill Clinton’s sons here 😂😂😂