I see there’s a plug in for NINA to calculate filter offsets after averaging for the number of runs you want. I haven’t tried it yet but for sure it would be nice to lose less time refocusing for each filter especially the narrowband ones.
Same here, already know that plugin exists but never try it 😅 Another tip: if you use the SmartExposure instruction, you can avoid the switch filter, some of loops and the dithering instructions. Functionality is the same but the sequence is simpler.
I wonder why on the Smart Exposure they didn’t include the option to include % of region of interest like on subframe exposure? I often use subframe exposure to reduce the image file sizes. With my asi2600mm pro each frame (if full size) is 50mb, which adds up quickly.
@@marksastrojourney Humm... interesting. Never use the ROI option, I suppose I don't care (yet) by file size with my ASI183MM. I suppose you need to keep using the 'subframe exposure' option :(
I see there’s a plug in for NINA to calculate filter offsets after averaging for the number of runs you want. I haven’t tried it yet but for sure it would be nice to lose less time refocusing for each filter especially the narrowband ones.
Thanks for adding another valuable piece of information!
Same here, already know that plugin exists but never try it 😅
Another tip: if you use the SmartExposure instruction, you can avoid the switch filter, some of loops and the dithering instructions. Functionality is the same but the sequence is simpler.
Thanks for sharing your tips!
I wonder why on the Smart Exposure they didn’t include the option to include % of region of interest like on subframe exposure? I often use subframe exposure to reduce the image file sizes. With my asi2600mm pro each frame (if full size) is 50mb, which adds up quickly.
@@marksastrojourney Humm... interesting. Never use the ROI option, I suppose I don't care (yet) by file size with my ASI183MM. I suppose you need to keep using the 'subframe exposure' option :(