Literally the only person to defeat Caesar in a major battle, and a SINGLE victory away from ending his entire career, and even then Caesar narrowly managed to keep the whole thing together at the last moment, yet to this day he is more remembered for that famous (stupid) painting of surrendering to him rather than his military/political brilliance and hit & run tactics or the fact he could bring down an entire HORDE of highly organized and fully armed men upon you out of nowhere in a moments notice. Say what you will, but I will say it. Today's "history" is Roman biased to the extreme.
@@alexandermertz1508 @leo99991 You guys should look up The "Journees romaines de Nimes" spectacle of 2023 and 2024 respectively, they've made an impressive event celebrating the Gallic wars and the events of the battle of Teutoburg forest!
Vercingétorix was one of the greatest men in the History of the European people. All Gallic people should be proud, as should all people descended from the Celtic Tribes throughout the European continent. Hail Vercingétorix.
The celts are gone culturally but they live on inside our veins. We need to keep their history alive for our future generations. I love to dress up like a celt and go wild camping in the woods and read mythology and cook venison on cast iron. Nothing better.
We can always resurrect that culture, adapted somewhat for modern times...starting in small pockets around the world. Teach our young and someday it will be more widespread. Rome can suck it.
@@giqwaju3691 that would be awesome but we would be called backeards or white supremacist for embracing our roots by the global media. Screw it though im all for it.
Pheonix Down I hear you. Mainstream always pointing the finger in contrived directions whenever a big movement takes place. In my case, I decided to instill the old values in my kids. I am Native on my maternal side by way of Canada and Basque-Breton through my father's ancestry. My mind and culture heavily lean towards my mother's side but over the last 10 years or so, I started to really study all I could about the old Gaulish ways, including the living culture of modern descendant peoples. I felt like I had to complete things because I wanted my kids to know both sides of their family and honor their ancestors. When doing my son's 7th year hunter initiation, instead of just doing my Native thing, I combined many Celtic "old ways" elements in as well. It felt good to do so and I felt that the ancestors were pleased. The old hunting/huntsman initiation process is something that can be quietly brought back with no issues. A good book to learn more about that process is "From Boys to Men of Heart" by Randall Eaton. (Owl Link Media) A friend of mine gifted me a copy years ago and I must have lent it out to 20 or more people so far. What really caught me by surprise is how similar the core cultures can be, when you omit the technology (metal working, etc.) part of it. Living with the land in a respectful way, honoring fauna and flora, warrior culture with a foundation of honor in serving the tribe before oneself...really cool. When one goes back far enough, everyone's ancestors at some point saw the natural world through indigenous eyes. Vercingetorix is at the tip top of my heroes list up there with His Crazy Horse III (Crazy Horse), Sitting Bull, Metacomet (King Phillip), Geronimo, Tecumseh and so on. I have to admit, most of my life, I felt shy about my Euro ancestry because it made me a "mixed blood". I don't feel that way now. I am just as proud of my Celtic roots as I am my Native ones and I am instilling that pride and any bit of authentic "old ways" culture that I can.
One might surmise, yet, I am a contemporary Celt, my culture lives on, and my tongue is honeyed with the sweet strains of the tongue of the sons of our Mil, the Old Northern dialect of Gaelige. I am a free person, better than my ancestors, and I hope everybody is! Sin e mo sceal seo.
i know am a gaul by paternal side , by history and and genetic a celtic gaul , even am in Algeria and far from my ancestors land , we keep the identity generation by generation , we are celtic gauls , so yes agree to keep the root alive in us and our kids and next generations .
@@IndianTigress98 That’s what I’m saying lol. The French have more in common with the Irish, Scots, welsh, Cornish, Manx and Bretons then some would think
The memory of the ancient heroes of the Celtic tribes inspires us survivors today to do our best and to gratefully celebrate the gift of life to the fullest, and we remember this life is but a veil upon the next! Go raibh mile maith agatsa Keith!
The complete History of our people may not have been written down in ink for all generations to marvel at. Instead it is written in our genetic code, the blood of our Ancestors is our own. That is why, we Celts, must never forget who we are, where we came from. We are here today solely because of the sacrifices our Ancestors made. Have a great New Year John, and thanks again. Keith :)
Go rabh mile maith is thank you very much roughly, right? What does the "agatsa" mean? Me and a few mates are learning Irish right now and from what I can remember agat is roughly "at you". Is it something like You have my thanks? Just trying to wrap my head around the language and I'd love to know how that part of the saying works. GRMA!
With a name of Jordan Keith Williams, you probably do. The Celts were throughout Europe, not just France and Great Britain. Get your dna analysed and see.
Very beautiful music. Every bit as good as the old music of my Irish and Scottish and French ancestors. Say what you will about ancient Celtic peoples, but they made magnificent music. Great video. Albain go bragh! Erin go bragh! 🏴🇮🇪🇫🇷
Just discovered your work. Great music. Really inspirational. Celtic pride is well alive thanks to people like you mate!! Keep up the good work! Greetings from Brittany
Gaul will never die ! What had France become during History ? And what had Italy become during History ? The result is clear, Celtic blood triumphed, with the oldest nation of the world !Long live Celtic blood and long live France !
Yours is a proud Culture, History. Vercingétorix and the story of the Gauls has always inspired me, they fought for their Culture against an Empire famous for it's destruction of other peoples Culture, Religion. Long Live France, and Long Live The Celtic people of Europe, we are still here, and we have not forgotten who we are.
Lol. It became the beacon of art and culture for the centuries to come. Half paintings in french museums are italian. I guess Fieramosca beat your asses so hard in Puglia you forgot about who's your cultural daddy. You also had to destroy the monument when you invaded Italy 'cause it reminded you of the humiliation.
Christian Cristof 7 years for this empire and allies to invade gaulics TRIBES ! Shut the fuck up Do you know Napoleon ? Charlemagne? Godefroy de bouillon ? Jeanne d'arc ? Charles martel ? Open a history book
Diz Diz Diz Diz Napoleon : Italian. Charlemagne : German Charles Martel : German. I mean, out of those five historical figures, only 2 were actual French, and even then Godefroy is literally know by no one. So yeah, only one globally renowned actually French person comes out of that list. Yikes.
Thanks Dervhengrym, I came across your great channel a couple of years ago, when your track Úlfhéðnar was going viral, man I love that track. As I said to you at the time, you totally nailed the Nordic Vibe, the vocals are great, they give it a real gritty feel. Have a great week, wishing you well with your channel. Best wishes from Ireland !
That's awesome, indeed, I just scrolled down and found your comment! :D two years already, time really flies haha... I've been listening to your Celtic playlist while gardening. Brilliant work... Delightful combination of instruments, vocals, ambiences and melodies. I absolutely LOVE the Uilleann Pipes (my favourite instrument, I believe). This type of music speaks to me deeply... It's an honour, Keith. Hopefully talk to you soon. Best wishes :)
The Uilleann Pipes call out to the Celtic Soul (Auvergne). I absolutely love the sound, I like Bag Pipes, but feel that with the Uilleann Pipes it can be played in a more expressive way. Not too dissimilar to understanding a Flute. The instruments that I play are Flutes, Native American, Aztec, Maya, clay flutes, whistles, and Irish Whistles, Tagelharpa , and a few others. I also use Virtual Instruments, Cubase Pro, etc.. My music is a mix of both. I like History, Culture, Folklore, Myth, imagining the music of the past. Have a great weekend, talk to you later.
I am French and Dutch. Gallia (France) was home to the Gauls. They were the hardest tribe the Romans got face to face with. The Gauls could even be blamed for starting the Roman Empire for they attacked Rome in the first place. Vercingetorix was said to be as smart as Julius Caesar. Vive la France!
Keith Osullivan ,Keith your music for this piece of film is evocative of our forefathers,you certainly captured the imagery,its a lovely piece of composition and haunts the imagination,I shall certainly be looking out for your work,I hope you get the recognition you deserve,
Thank you Brian, I really do appreciate your kind words, it means a lot to me for you to say that. Nice talking to you again, I hope that you are having a great weekend, and that you are keeping well my friend. best wishes to you. Keith :)
Innanzitutto grazie davvero sia per questa stupenda musica che per il bellissimo video. Concordo sulla immortalità del sangue celtico, che oltrepassa i secoli. Non dimentichiamo mai che l'attuale Gran Bretagna non fai completamente conquistata dai romani, al pari di vaste aree della attuale Francia e Germania. Purtroppo la Storia la scrive chi vince o meglio i presunti vincitori. Io sono italiano: anche in Italia abbiamo avuti esempi immortali di popoli e genti che hanno strenuamente combattuto i romani. Lunga vita al popolo sannita! SAFINEIS!!!!!!
@@KeithOSullivanmusic Grazie ancora a te. Una terra, della gente, che non ha memoria di ciò che è passato sui suoi fiumi, sulla propria terra, sotto i propri cieli non può avere nessun futuro. A proposito dei Romani: la gente dovrebbe leggere di più le immortali parole di Calgaco. Ciao. Saluti dal Sannio.
@Pino Pietropaolo. Coloro che riscrivono la storia sono quelli che cercano di rubare il futuro. Noi europei non possiamo mai dimenticare da dove veniamo, tutti noi siamo i discendenti di un popolo che ha combattuto per il nostro futuro, la nostra terra. Ci viene detto che non abbiamo Cultura, quando è chiaro a coloro che hanno gli occhi di vedere che le culture collettive europee non hanno rivali. Ogni angolo del continente ha dato origine a una cultura unica. Ho sempre amato l'Italia, una cultura ricca, una storia orgogliosa, un popolo onorevole. Le mie scuse per il mio italiano sto usando il traduttore di google. Saluto dall'Irlanda.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic il tuo italiano rasenta la perfezione. Salutami quella meravigliosa terra e quella meravigliosa gente che è TUTTA l'Irlanda; purtroppo non ho mai avuto il piacere e l'onore di visitarla ma è nel mio cuore e nei miei sogni
What a gem of a composer Keith is. So glad I stumbled on your music. So many artists try to achieve that gritty historical feel and just fall flat. You beautifully capture that feel though. Bravo!
« La Gaule unie Formant une seule nation Animée d'un même esprit, Peut défier l'Univers. » - Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, Inscription under the seven-meter-tall Vercingétorix Statue erected by Aimé Millet on where the Siege of Alesia occurred, 1866. Still rings true today.
Respect from the Celtic Pagans of Eire. Teach your Children of the old ways and paths. We are Mother Natures Seeds, they tried to bury our Culture, but grow back Stronger. Saoirse
I belive that many including boudica used this on the battle field not for music but to communicate for miles. Word takes time to reach thousands but a specific sound travels well. at the speed of sound much quicker A kind of phone if you will. Possible why the instrument is so tall. to be seen and heard. But also used in peace as communication between villages. Would be intresting to see how it sounds over maybe a sports event crowd and if you can comunicate clearly over the sound of battle and if so how far before you need another horn.
Keith O' Sullivan Composer hey Ireland Is a beautiful and great country, I has heard that people from Ireland is very kind. I hope to visit your country, greetings from México
Caesar's legionaries fighting against Vercingetorix were actually mainly other Celts: newly romanized Celts from Cisalpine Gaul (nowadays' Northern Italy). In fact, he governed over the province of Cisalpine Gaul (and the one of Transalpine Gaul, being nowadays' coastal Southern France), and recruited legionaries from these provinces.
Northern Italians, especially in Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, have Celtic ancestry, too. Our name was "Gallia Cisalpina" (Gaul on this side of the Alps, seen from Rome), then also "Gallia Togata" because we were the first romanized Celts (the ones who first adopted Roman culture and clothing). BUT we were also the ones who longer fought, for CENTURIES, against Rome, and put Rome's very existence in danger. Cisalpine Gauls begun fighting against Rome and sacked it around 400 BC and surrendered to the Roman Republic only around 200 BC, after having sided with Hannibal against it. At Caesar's times, legionaries from Cisalpine Gaul (which was annexed to Italy only later, by Emperor Augustus) were the bulk of Caesar's legions fighting against Vercingetorix. So, sorry France! I sympathize with the Gauls, but at the end we Cisalpine Gauls, together with Caesar, helped bringing you cities, aqueducts, roads, the Latin language etc. and making you part of the Romanic world. Nevertheless, I still side with Asterix. :)
It's not a pride that we were used against each other, assuming your claim has truth in it. Gauls were used as mercenaries by many kings, their (our) individual fighting skills and spirits seems to be much better than our ability to fight as a united nation/race. Let's change this! Not by causing or fighting wars, but by better ways to us and rest of humanity
The Celts already had a Great Civilisation, from Gallia to Hibernia, and we didn't want your filthy cities and Latin language. We already had roads and agriculture. We had a clanic way of life, close to Nature, not imperialistic power-hungry tyrants like the Romans. We were the Kings of Ironwork from whom the world (Rome included) borrowed many technologies and knowledge. They also borrowed from the Druids who were great mathematicians, astronomers and medicine-men/women.
@evansdrad The celtic nationalist forget rome still i won't forget what they did to my ancestors the gauls I'm so glad that Hannibal was able to sack rome and Alaric and his visigoths whoop rome ass and sack rome. Remeber all the great warriors that fought against rome for freedom. Spartacus Hannibal fitigern Alaric boudica Attila and more.
how irritating that everybody has long, lank, and even unkempt hair when all historical evidence shows that they paid assiduous attention to personal grooming
Je suis GAULLOIS. I'm born in France La Rochelle and sad what has happened to our country because of political forgetfulness by macron who has turned his back on Gaul . Vive LA FRANCE France
It is a 2001 film titled '' Druids '', I have also seen it titled as '' Vercingétorix ''. I came across it on RUclips, I am sure if you type Vercingétorix Film you'll find it.
French may be Greek, Italians, Germans, Dutch and Celtic descendants, but Gauls are the icon of France... It's a shame that France is now a shadow of its former glory
The real shame is the ancient Celts were amazing personal warriors often hired by peoples like the Greeks as mercenaries but they're preferred method of 1v1 honor bound personal combat wasn't effective against testudo formations of men throwing Pilum, impaling their shields turning them ineffective, they were duelists and often would send just one man their champion ahead of the army to meet the enemy's champion and duel to decide the fate of the entire battle.
Same here we sucferd so much from the romans but in thw end we fought and fought never gave up thank the Gallic tribes and the gauls for fighting for our future and people and thank king Clovis who led a rebellion against rome and what is now modern day France.
No, sorry about that Ravenna I don't. I keep meaning to start a channel on another platform, where would you recommend ? I gave up uploading to RUclips almost nine months ago, it's worse than Facebook at this stage. All the main platforms are now conformist garbage.
thierry thierry gaulois ! Tu es gaulois mon ami ! Ne jamais oublier que des grands hommes gaulois ( pas seulement Vercingétorix ) nos ancêtres ont sacrifier leur vie , les dieux et déesse les ont accueillis avec un grand festin !
@@crixios5308 les francs était certe une minorité mais ils étaient nombreux quand même quand ils sont migré , pour ce qui est des romains oui les élites mais le peuple gaulois a était romanisé
@@gurnish9741 le peuple Gaulois n’a pas été romanisé. Ils ont été mis en esclavage sur leurs propres terres par ces barbares romains . Les historiens n’ont de cesse depuis des décennies de cracher sur mes ancêtres Gaulois , forge toi tes propres idées .
I'm currently working for a mod for a video game. Would you consider composing some scores for it? Loved this music. It's set in the Dark Ages, so not dissimilar to this.
Hello Keith! I was looking for some info on your music and licences. I wanted to use it some of my videos, but not without your permission or licence. I sometimes buy music from independent composers and use it, but I do not want to pay some kind of service created by big company. I make metal detecting videos, where I document my archaeological prospections for local museums and archaeological institutions. I find a lot of celtic and germanic artefacts, but recently I ran out of good music to use. I profit from my videos (not much, but I get occasional donations) so, if you'll have your music available for purchase and use in videos, I would be glad to support you. I mostly buy music from composers on Bandcamp. But I am not sure how benefitial is this platform. I just know a lot of independent composers and bands use it.
Hi Carpathian. Feel free to use my music on your channel, without a fee or a license. Your channel looks cool, I often thought about buying a metal detector myself. I love the History of the European people, and am very interested in Historical artifacts, they tell a story that needs to be told. I own all of the music on my channel, I am not affiliated with a record label. So, you should not have a problem on RUclips using my music, and if you do get in touch with me, or point them to this comment where I grant you the permission to use it. Best wishes to you, happy hunting. Greetings to you from Ireland. :)
@@KeithOSullivanmusic Thank you so much. I hope you'll release more stuff in the future. I listen to your music a lot at work. It will be a pleasure to have it as soundtrack when I tell a story of an artefact!
@@CarpathianCZ I gave up on RUclips ten months ago, and am not sure that I will be uploading again here. I will start a channel on another platform soon, as I am working on new music currently. When I do, I will upload at least one video on RUclips, and include a link where I can be found. My advice to you would be to download any of my music that you like, as I feel that they could delete my channel any day they choose to. We live in a different World now than the one we were born into, and it is only getting crazier, the rules change every day, and it is all too obvious on this platform. I hope you uncover something really great. :)
Vercingetorige è un esempio fulgido fine un eroe, un capo che si sacrifica per evitare sofferenze ancora più gravi e più grandi al proprio popolo. La sua vita è stata di momenti di gloria e dolorosissime sconfitte. Il suo premio? Come per Boudicca o William Wallace o Caio Ponzio Telesino: un nome che travalica il tempo, sono ricordati con rispetto, vengono loro riconosciuti onore eterno: il loro nome è sussurrato nel tempo.....
Ciao Keith. Purtroppo la storia la scrivono spesso i vincitori e non vengono menzionate le sofferenze e gli episodi di eroismo e valore degli sconfitti. Ma noi oggi, con le moderne tecnologie, abbiamo il dovere di far conoscere " la vera storia" e rendere omaggio a chi strenuamente ha difeso la propria gente, la propria terra, il proprio sangue, il proprio popolo.
Pino molto vero. Qualunque differenza esistesse tra i popoli europei nel corso della storia, deve essere messa da parte. Per il futuro porterà certamente la più grande minaccia alla sopravvivenza dei nativi europei. Buona conversazione con te Pino.
@@MagnoliaMagnifico la maggior parte dei nord Italiani sono di origine germanica e italica (lo si capisce dalla tassonomia), tuttavia il fenotipo celtico nordico (keltic nordid) è quello più comune tra le popolazioni celtiche (anche antiche) se ti può interessare la tua somiglianza con la sottospecie opó
such a great story from a great man, btw, a man who sacrifice for his people`s live why called terrorist, weird!!! reminds me of asterix, obelix, and panoramix anyway :)
Romans: the curse of the ancient times... I sometimes wonder what our world would be like if Hannibal, Vercingetorix or someone else would have been victorious against Rome. A world without Christianity and Islam it would be... seems that mankind always finds a reason to make war.
Vercingetorix deserves much more credit and attention celts all over the world should celebrate his legacy
I agree 100%. Hail Vercingétorix.
Arminius and Widukind are the same heroes for us in Saxony, Germany (the real one, today lower saxony, al others are not saxony)
Je suis d accord avec toi c est pour moi le 1er héros français
Literally the only person to defeat Caesar in a major battle, and a SINGLE victory away from ending his entire career, and even then Caesar narrowly managed to keep the whole thing together at the last moment, yet to this day he is more remembered for that famous (stupid) painting of surrendering to him rather than his military/political brilliance and hit & run tactics or the fact he could bring down an entire HORDE of highly organized and fully armed men upon you out of nowhere in a moments notice.
Say what you will, but I will say it. Today's "history" is Roman biased to the extreme.
You guys should look up The "Journees romaines de Nimes" spectacle of 2023 and 2024 respectively, they've made an impressive event celebrating the Gallic wars and the events of the battle of Teutoburg forest!
Vercingetorix is a true hero, he unified many untold tribes for this fight against Caesar
Vercingétorix was one of the greatest men in the History of the European people. All Gallic people should be proud, as should all people descended from the Celtic Tribes throughout the European continent. Hail Vercingétorix.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic salt alert
@@KeithOSullivanmusic his death and the few reunited the more. I agree with you. A true hero
Couldn’t beat Rome 🤷♂️
@@KeithOSullivanmusic daa#? #######$#$$#
The celts are gone culturally but they live on inside our veins. We need to keep their history alive for our future generations. I love to dress up like a celt and go wild camping in the woods and read mythology and cook venison on cast iron. Nothing better.
We can always resurrect that culture, adapted somewhat for modern times...starting in small pockets around the world. Teach our young and someday it will be more widespread.
Rome can suck it.
@@giqwaju3691 that would be awesome but we would be called backeards or white supremacist for embracing our roots by the global media. Screw it though im all for it.
Pheonix Down I hear you. Mainstream always pointing the finger in contrived directions whenever a big movement takes place.
In my case, I decided to instill the old values in my kids. I am Native on my maternal side by way of Canada and Basque-Breton through my father's ancestry. My mind and culture heavily lean towards my mother's side but over the last 10 years or so, I started to really study all I could about the old Gaulish ways, including the living culture of modern descendant peoples. I felt like I had to complete things because I wanted my kids to know both sides of their family and honor their ancestors.
When doing my son's 7th year hunter initiation, instead of just doing my Native thing, I combined many Celtic "old ways" elements in as well. It felt good to do so and I felt that the ancestors were pleased. The old hunting/huntsman initiation process is something that can be quietly brought back with no issues. A good book to learn more about that process is "From Boys to Men of Heart" by Randall Eaton. (Owl Link Media) A friend of mine gifted me a copy years ago and I must have lent it out to 20 or more people so far.
What really caught me by surprise is how similar the core cultures can be, when you omit the technology (metal working, etc.) part of it. Living with the land in a respectful way, honoring fauna and flora, warrior culture with a foundation of honor in serving the tribe before oneself...really cool. When one goes back far enough, everyone's ancestors at some point saw the natural world through indigenous eyes.
Vercingetorix is at the tip top of my heroes list up there with His Crazy Horse III (Crazy Horse), Sitting Bull, Metacomet (King Phillip), Geronimo, Tecumseh and so on.
I have to admit, most of my life, I felt shy about my Euro ancestry because it made me a "mixed blood". I don't feel that way now. I am just as proud of my Celtic roots as I am my Native ones and I am instilling that pride and any bit of authentic "old ways" culture that I can.
One might surmise, yet, I am a contemporary Celt, my culture lives on, and my tongue is honeyed with the sweet strains of the tongue of the sons of our Mil, the Old Northern dialect of Gaelige. I am a free person, better than my ancestors, and I hope everybody is! Sin e mo sceal seo.
i know am a gaul by paternal side , by history and and genetic a celtic gaul , even am in Algeria and far from my ancestors land , we keep the identity generation by generation , we are celtic gauls , so yes agree to keep the root alive in us and our kids and next generations .
France urgently needs a Vercingetorix..!!!!
France and the rest of the World is in dire need of a leader of the quality of the Great Vercingetorix.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic That's right Keith! greetings, nice day!
@@arminius9ad Always great to hear from you my friend.
Or perhaps a Charles martel
Charles the Hammer! According to my mother and grandfather we are descendants of him.
Proud to have Scottish heritage! Love to all my Celtic brothers and sisters. 🏴 🏴 🇮🇪 🇮🇲 🇯🇪
Vercingetorix was Gallic (The ancestors of modern day French people)
@@IndianTigress98 Yes, however the Gauls are Celtic and shared common ancestry and relatively similar language with the the Celts of the isles.
@@IndianTigress98 That’s what I’m saying lol. The French have more in common with the Irish, Scots, welsh, Cornish, Manx and Bretons then some would think
Hail Vercingétorix ! 😚
Los Celtas demostraron ser un pueblo indómito y libre, que lucho por la Libertad de su gente, antes que vivir como esclavos...
Imagine Asterix and Obelix running towards some romans while listening to this. Majestic, isn't it?
Drinking the magic potion while whacking Romans
@@thomasb8658 lol
lol and Cacofonix turns his name into Eufonix or Armonix! ☺😆
Hail vercingetorix hail ambiorix !
@@audreydempsey247 T.A.L.32
I'm proud of my people and lineage.
You're racist
Brandon and you are an idiot. We are proud celtics
@@michaelepprecht4699 You hate black people. Irish are incredibly racist.
I never said im irish
Im helvetic
@@michaelepprecht4699 you're still racist. You hate black and brown bodies of colour.
The memory of the ancient heroes of the Celtic tribes inspires us survivors today to do our best and to gratefully celebrate the gift of life to the fullest, and we remember this life is but a veil upon the next! Go raibh mile maith agatsa Keith!
The complete History of our people may not have been written down in ink for all generations to marvel at. Instead it is written in our genetic code, the blood of our Ancestors is our own. That is why, we Celts, must never forget who we are, where we came from. We are here today solely because of the sacrifices our Ancestors made. Have a great New Year John, and thanks again. Keith :)
And in our oral history, the seanachais are a treasure!
That's the truth John.
Go rabh mile maith is thank you very much roughly, right? What does the "agatsa" mean? Me and a few mates are learning Irish right now and from what I can remember agat is roughly "at you". Is it something like You have my thanks?
Just trying to wrap my head around the language and I'd love to know how that part of the saying works. GRMA!
@@KeithOSullivanmusic and why we are aiding the world in survivng the tyrant Trumpkin MacReckon!
Fière de mes ancêtres, j'espère pouvoir un jour leur prouver
Vercingetorix the most brave heroic son of mother Gaul . Such heroes will not come until Joan of arc!
Very well said. :)
Ceiltich gu bràth! Cùmaidh sinn ar dualchas agus cànanan beò gu bràth! Feumaidh sinn sin a dhèanamh!
Even though i dont have any Celtic heritage. I just feel nostalgic and patriotic for some reason. Just love this song! So amazing!
Nostalgic patriotism is peak Celtic energy
With a name of Jordan Keith Williams, you probably do. The Celts were throughout Europe, not just France and Great Britain. Get your dna analysed and see.
Because most of them were true men and warriors
The Celts were brave and fierce warriors who gave the Roman Legions hell and many a fight worthy. Proud of my Celtic ancestry I am!! 💪
As a proud Scottish Welsh, this beautiful war song, summoning of freedom, is dedicated to you, our hero, Vircingetorix.
Hail Vercingetorix.
What's the difference between the gauls celtic and the critics in Scotland and Welsh are they cousins?
@@monsteramer2950 basically, or like the cousins you have that are actually your parents friends children
Magnifique merci .
Merci, meilleurs voeux d'Irlande. :)
Very beautiful music. Every bit as good as the old music of my Irish and Scottish and French ancestors. Say what you will about ancient Celtic peoples, but they made magnificent music. Great video. Albain go bragh! Erin go bragh!
Many thanks!
They surely do!!!
I have Celtic blood flows in me and I honored worship the old Celtic gods and the Norse too
The Norse germanics raided invaded your land, and they enslaved many gaels.
what a great man fought the tyrent and had no fear ! , quel homme magnifuque combattu le tyran et n'a pas eu peur !
Just discovered your work. Great music. Really inspirational. Celtic pride is well alive thanks to people like you mate!! Keep up the good work! Greetings from Brittany
Thank you so much, your words truly mean a lot to me. Have a great weekend Killme, best wishes to you from Ireland. :)
Gaul will never die ! What had France become during History ? And what had Italy become during History ? The result is clear, Celtic blood triumphed, with the oldest nation of the world !Long live Celtic blood and long live France !
Yours is a proud Culture, History. Vercingétorix and the story of the Gauls has always inspired me, they fought for their Culture against an Empire famous for it's destruction of other peoples Culture, Religion. Long Live France, and Long Live The Celtic people of Europe, we are still here, and we have not forgotten who we are.
Lol. It became the beacon of art and culture for the centuries to come. Half paintings in french museums are italian. I guess Fieramosca beat your asses so hard in Puglia you forgot about who's your cultural daddy. You also had to destroy the monument when you invaded Italy 'cause it reminded you of the humiliation.
Christian Cristof 7 years for this empire and allies to invade gaulics TRIBES !
Shut the fuck up
Do you know Napoleon ? Charlemagne? Godefroy de bouillon ? Jeanne d'arc ? Charles martel ?
Open a history book
Personne French are a mix between Italic and Germanic people lmao
Diz Diz Diz Diz Napoleon : Italian.
Charlemagne : German
Charles Martel : German.
I mean, out of those five historical figures, only 2 were actual French, and even then Godefroy is literally know by no one. So yeah, only one globally renowned actually French person comes out of that list. Yikes.
Amazing music! I really liked it ❤
Thank you very much Ercan.
Defeat over young Vercingetreix was a descisve time in European history, no dought about it. Beautiful musice. 'Lest we Forget'
Powerful and inspiring music & video! I can't believe it took me that long to find your channel. A glorious tribute as well.. Greetings from Auvergne!
Thanks Dervhengrym, I came across your great channel a couple of years ago, when your track Úlfhéðnar was going viral, man I love that track. As I said to you at the time, you totally nailed the Nordic Vibe, the vocals are great, they give it a real gritty feel. Have a great week, wishing you well with your channel. Best wishes from Ireland !
That's awesome, indeed, I just scrolled down and found your comment! :D two years already, time really flies haha... I've been listening to your Celtic playlist while gardening. Brilliant work... Delightful combination of instruments, vocals, ambiences and melodies. I absolutely LOVE the Uilleann Pipes (my favourite instrument, I believe). This type of music speaks to me deeply...
It's an honour, Keith. Hopefully talk to you soon. Best wishes :)
The Uilleann Pipes call out to the Celtic Soul (Auvergne). I absolutely love the sound, I like Bag Pipes, but feel that with the Uilleann Pipes it can be played in a more expressive way. Not too dissimilar to understanding a Flute. The instruments that I play are Flutes, Native American, Aztec, Maya, clay flutes, whistles, and Irish Whistles, Tagelharpa , and a few others. I also use Virtual Instruments, Cubase Pro, etc.. My music is a mix of both. I like History, Culture, Folklore, Myth, imagining the music of the past. Have a great weekend, talk to you later.
I am French and Dutch. Gallia (France) was home to the Gauls. They were the hardest tribe the Romans got face to face with. The Gauls could even be blamed for starting the Roman Empire for they attacked Rome in the first place. Vercingetorix was said to be as smart as Julius Caesar. Vive la France!
Vive la France!
the Judeans killed more Romans than the Gauls
Really? Well, just because they killed more Romans doesn't mean they were more powerful than the Gauls.
@@Geckoman-eb9hg oh for sure...The Gauls later took over Europe
Greetings from Noricum
Glorious video !
Thanks man. Have a great weekend.
Very great video :-)
Greetings from Sweden
+BirkaViking. Thank you very much. You might like my video '' Norse Gods '' that I uploaded a few weeks back. Best wishes from Ireland.
Keith Osullivan ,Keith your music for this piece of film is evocative of our forefathers,you certainly captured the imagery,its a lovely piece of composition and haunts the imagination,I shall certainly be looking out for your work,I hope you get the recognition you deserve,
Thank you Brian, I really do appreciate your kind words, it means a lot to me for you to say that. Nice talking to you again, I hope that you are having a great weekend, and that you are keeping well my friend. best wishes to you. Keith :)
Innanzitutto grazie davvero sia per questa stupenda musica che per il bellissimo video. Concordo sulla immortalità del sangue celtico, che oltrepassa i secoli. Non dimentichiamo mai che l'attuale Gran Bretagna non fai completamente conquistata dai romani, al pari di vaste aree della attuale Francia e Germania. Purtroppo la Storia la scrive chi vince o meglio i presunti vincitori. Io sono italiano: anche in Italia abbiamo avuti esempi immortali di popoli e genti che hanno strenuamente combattuto i romani. Lunga vita al popolo sannita! SAFINEIS!!!!!!
Grazie Pino. Sono totalmente d'accordo. Buona settimana. Saluti dall'Irlanda. :
@@KeithOSullivanmusic Grazie ancora a te. Una terra, della gente, che non ha memoria di ciò che è passato sui suoi fiumi, sulla propria terra, sotto i propri cieli non può avere nessun futuro. A proposito dei Romani: la gente dovrebbe leggere di più le immortali parole di Calgaco. Ciao. Saluti dal Sannio.
@Pino Pietropaolo. Coloro che riscrivono la storia sono quelli che cercano di rubare il futuro. Noi europei non possiamo mai dimenticare da dove veniamo, tutti noi siamo i discendenti di un popolo che ha combattuto per il nostro futuro, la nostra terra. Ci viene detto che non abbiamo Cultura, quando è chiaro a coloro che hanno gli occhi di vedere che le culture collettive europee non hanno rivali. Ogni angolo del continente ha dato origine a una cultura unica. Ho sempre amato l'Italia, una cultura ricca, una storia orgogliosa, un popolo onorevole.
Le mie scuse per il mio italiano sto usando il traduttore di google. Saluto dall'Irlanda.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic il tuo italiano rasenta la perfezione. Salutami quella meravigliosa terra e quella meravigliosa gente che è TUTTA l'Irlanda; purtroppo non ho mai avuto il piacere e l'onore di visitarla ma è nel mio cuore e nei miei sogni
@Pino. Grazie amico mio. Viva l'Italia, viva l'Irlanda, viva l'Europa e tutta la sua gente.
Embora não tenha ganho as guerras galicas
Vercingetorix foi o único a unir todas as tribos gaulesas
Grande vercingetorix
What a gem of a composer Keith is. So glad I stumbled on your music. So many artists try to achieve that gritty historical feel and just fall flat. You beautifully capture that feel though. Bravo!
I really do appreciate your kind words, thank you Joseph.
Toujours magique !!!
This video is beautiful
Love Celtic culture
Thank you very much. Have a great weekend. :)
« La Gaule unie
Formant une seule nation
Animée d'un même esprit,
Peut défier l'Univers. »
- Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, Inscription under the seven-meter-tall Vercingétorix Statue erected by Aimé Millet on where the Siege of Alesia occurred, 1866.
Still rings true today.
Hail Vercingétorix and the Gallic Tribes who fought for their Freedom !
wonderful music and sound as always epic:)
Thanks Gio. Sorry for the late reply, I took a few days away from the internet.
I hope that you are keeping well my friend.
Good job on the upload lad, from Ireland 🇨🇮
Respect from the Celtic Pagans of Eire. Teach your Children of the old ways and paths. We are Mother Natures Seeds, they tried to bury our Culture, but grow back Stronger. Saoirse
That is truh word
I belive that many including boudica used this on the battle field not for music but to communicate for miles. Word takes time to reach thousands but a specific sound travels well. at the speed of sound much quicker A kind of phone if you will. Possible why the instrument is so tall. to be seen and heard. But also used in peace as communication between villages. Would be intresting to see how it sounds over maybe a sports event crowd and if you can comunicate clearly over the sound of battle and if so how far before you need another horn.
I would love to have a carnyx.
Vercingetorix Will Be Surely The Name Of One Of My Children
Keith this is an amazing video, beautiful music and a great movie really hope you get recognition you deserve and keep it up
Thank you Gab777, I really appreciate your kind comment. Have a great week. Best wishes to you from Ireland. :)
Keith O' Sullivan Composer hey Ireland Is a beautiful and great country, I has heard that people from Ireland is very kind. I hope to visit your country, greetings from México
Caesar's legionaries fighting against Vercingetorix were actually mainly other Celts: newly romanized Celts from Cisalpine Gaul (nowadays' Northern Italy). In fact, he governed over the province of Cisalpine Gaul (and the one of Transalpine Gaul, being nowadays' coastal Southern France), and recruited legionaries from these provinces.
Hail Celtic ✊
Northern Italians, especially in Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, have Celtic ancestry, too. Our name was "Gallia Cisalpina" (Gaul on this side of the Alps, seen from Rome), then also "Gallia Togata" because we were the first romanized Celts (the ones who first adopted Roman culture and clothing). BUT we were also the ones who longer fought, for CENTURIES, against Rome, and put Rome's very existence in danger. Cisalpine Gauls begun fighting against Rome and sacked it around 400 BC and surrendered to the Roman Republic only around 200 BC, after having sided with Hannibal against it. At Caesar's times, legionaries from Cisalpine Gaul (which was annexed to Italy only later, by Emperor Augustus) were the bulk of Caesar's legions fighting against Vercingetorix. So, sorry France! I sympathize with the Gauls, but at the end we Cisalpine Gauls, together with Caesar, helped bringing you cities, aqueducts, roads, the Latin language etc. and making you part of the Romanic world. Nevertheless, I still side with Asterix. :)
It's not a pride that we were used against each other, assuming your claim has truth in it.
Gauls were used as mercenaries by many kings, their (our) individual fighting skills and spirits seems to be much better than our ability to fight as a united nation/race.
Let's change this! Not by causing or fighting wars, but by better ways to us and rest of humanity
The Celts already had a Great Civilisation, from Gallia to Hibernia, and we didn't want your filthy cities and Latin language. We already had roads and agriculture. We had a clanic way of life, close to Nature, not imperialistic power-hungry tyrants like the Romans. We were the Kings of Ironwork from whom the world (Rome included) borrowed many technologies and knowledge. They also borrowed from the Druids who were great mathematicians, astronomers and medicine-men/women.
@@eloisehelewidis4678 What are you going on about?
Your das a goth
These romans are crazy!
Long live the Mighty Roman Empire. May it return and once again create peace and stability. Long live the Pax Romana
Remember Teutoburg Forest.
@@adalmarbavarianasatru5133 what about Germanicvs?
I love my homeland ;)
Gloriosa Europa
My people 😍 Long live France 💙🤍❤️⚜️🔥
Vercingetorix is my hero forever
@@michaelepprecht4699 of course we are brothers and sisters, all european people are ❤️
@@AGirlWithoutAName hey thank you
Vercingetorige ≠ France
@evansdrad The celtic nationalist forget rome still i won't forget what they did to my ancestors the gauls I'm so glad that Hannibal was able to sack rome and Alaric and his visigoths whoop rome ass and sack rome. Remeber all the great warriors that fought against rome for freedom. Spartacus Hannibal fitigern Alaric boudica Attila and more.
Yeah sure. Whatever you say bruh
@@alaricthefearless1994 I don't know if you studied to be that dumb or you were just born that way
@@alaricthefearless1994 lol. hannibal never sacked rome.
Very nice
Thank you very much Jiminy Cricket. :)
Big Respect from Turkey. My ancestors lived in the Alps and after that in Kingdom of Scordisci. I am Gaul too :)
Respect, and best wishes to you from Ireland.
Tu ressemble à un européen
@@louise6306 Because I am European😄 I was born in Turkey.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic Thank you Celtic Brother🤗
Hail Celtic
Near to my ❤
Happy to be an celtic helvetic
how irritating that everybody has long, lank, and even unkempt hair when all historical evidence shows that they paid assiduous attention to personal grooming
uh k
What can I say, the directors chose to depict them with long hair to contrast them to short haired Romans.
@@mrgiraffelover7388 To portray them as savages, just as the Romans wanted us to believe.
They had well groomed long hair,just like Norse and Slavic people.Ceasar just used Roman propoganda by telling that he carries the civilization
Yeah the gauls were civilized more than German and Britons they had cities , chain mail Armour and excellent cavalry
Fière de mon sang, fière de mon peuple, enfin…., que devient-il ?
Je suis GAULLOIS. I'm born in France La Rochelle and sad what has happened to our country because of political forgetfulness by macron who has turned his back on Gaul . Vive LA FRANCE France
Vive la France. Notre plus vieux % de sang .
Faded but still alive
Is this a movie?
Can someone please tell me !
It is a 2001 film titled '' Druids '', I have also seen it titled as '' Vercingétorix ''. I came across it on RUclips, I am sure if you type Vercingétorix Film you'll find it.
@@KeithOSullivanmusic you are amazing !! Thank you
And I also want to thank you for this video you made , i like to listen to it when I train for Highland Games!
@@garrettmantooth6832 Thank you, and good luck to you in the next highland games.
Wake the fuck up France! France Wake up! France Wake up! France Wake up!
French may be Greek, Italians, Germans, Dutch and Celtic descendants, but Gauls are the icon of France...
It's a shame that France is now a shadow of its former glory
Yes, Vercingétorix is for France his "father" the first unificator of France, like Decebalus for Romania for exemple.
@@pusillirex One Day we will reborn
The real shame is the ancient Celts were amazing personal warriors often hired by peoples like the Greeks as mercenaries but they're preferred method of 1v1 honor bound personal combat wasn't effective against testudo formations of men throwing Pilum, impaling their shields turning them ineffective, they were duelists and often would send just one man their champion ahead of the army to meet the enemy's champion and duel to decide the fate of the entire battle.
Parallels with Crazy Horse, Cochise, and Sitting Bull.
Que dieu bénisse la Gaule et les gaulois 🇫🇷✝️
Im also proud of my gaul blood
Same here we sucferd so much from the romans but in thw end we fought and fought never gave up thank the Gallic tribes and the gauls for fighting for our future and people and thank king Clovis who led a rebellion against rome and what is now modern day France.
There can be only one...
Le héro de la Gaule et de l'Auvergne
Greetings from Segovesus descendants from Boihemum...
Greetings from Eire.
I can see how this could be played mournfully after a battle
L Arverne de Gergovie vous salut
I am a full celtic scot with scottish royal blood and you have my word I Seumas Seóras Brus I shall unite the celts again
22k views and no dislike, wow!
My desire to go raid my local pizzeria has now intestified
Only 19 romans disliked this video, respect
What film or documentary is this from?
It's from a 2001 film called Druids, also called Vercingétorix. If you type it in here on RUclips you'll probably find it free to watch.
this video proud be iberian celt
Thank you. Best wishes to you from Ireland.
Rome must have been pretty epic to take on mustaches of this caliber
Do you have any where i can listen to or download your music besides RUclips
No, sorry about that Ravenna I don't. I keep meaning to start a channel on another platform, where would you recommend ? I gave up uploading to RUclips almost nine months ago, it's worse than Facebook at this stage. All the main platforms are now conformist garbage.
SoundCloud or pandora would be a good start to get your music spread farther afield so to speak
@@ravennatrotter3174 Thank you for the tip, I'll check them out. Have a great week Ravenna. :)
thierry thierry gaulois ! Tu es gaulois mon ami ! Ne jamais oublier que des grands hommes gaulois ( pas seulement Vercingétorix ) nos ancêtres ont sacrifier leur vie , les dieux et déesse les ont accueillis avec un grand festin !
@@crixios5308 nos ancêtres sont gaulois , franc , gallo-romains en faite , on a eu beaucoup des romains en France
@@gurnish9741 Les Romains et les francs n’ont jamais installé leur peuples en Gaule mais seulement les élites .
@@crixios5308 les francs était certe une minorité mais ils étaient nombreux quand même quand ils sont migré , pour ce qui est des romains oui les élites mais le peuple gaulois a était romanisé
@@gurnish9741 le peuple Gaulois n’a pas été romanisé. Ils ont été mis en esclavage sur leurs propres terres par ces barbares romains . Les historiens n’ont de cesse depuis des décennies de cracher sur mes ancêtres Gaulois , forge toi tes propres idées .
the gods are starting to make a come back step aside Odin coz Cernunnos is a coming
Beautiful music! What is this movie?
Thank you. It's a 2001 film called Druids, directed by Jacques Dorfmann. You can view it for free on RUclips, a few people have it uploaded.
I'm currently working for a mod for a video game. Would you consider composing some scores for it? Loved this music. It's set in the Dark Ages, so not dissimilar to this.
Sounds interesting. Open for discussion. Thanks for listening.
Just what I've been thinking about for years is it for console?
No, only PC.
Minute Science damn
Is it a mod for mount and blade?
Hello Keith! I was looking for some info on your music and licences. I wanted to use it some of my videos, but not without your permission or licence. I sometimes buy music from independent composers and use it, but I do not want to pay some kind of service created by big company. I make metal detecting videos, where I document my archaeological prospections for local museums and archaeological institutions. I find a lot of celtic and germanic artefacts, but recently I ran out of good music to use. I profit from my videos (not much, but I get occasional donations) so, if you'll have your music available for purchase and use in videos, I would be glad to support you. I mostly buy music from composers on Bandcamp. But I am not sure how benefitial is this platform. I just know a lot of independent composers and bands use it.
Hi Carpathian. Feel free to use my music on your channel, without a fee or a license. Your channel looks cool, I often thought about buying a metal detector myself. I love the History of the European people, and am very interested in Historical artifacts, they tell a story that needs to be told. I own all of the music on my channel, I am not affiliated with a record label. So, you should not have a problem on RUclips using my music, and if you do get in touch with me, or point them to this comment where I grant you the permission to use it. Best wishes to you, happy hunting. Greetings to you from Ireland. :)
@@KeithOSullivanmusic Thank you so much. I hope you'll release more stuff in the future. I listen to your music a lot at work. It will be a pleasure to have it as soundtrack when I tell a story of an artefact!
@@CarpathianCZ I gave up on RUclips ten months ago, and am not sure that I will be uploading again here. I will start a channel on another platform soon, as I am working on new music currently. When I do, I will upload at least one video on RUclips, and include a link where I can be found. My advice to you would be to download any of my music that you like, as I feel that they could delete my channel any day they choose to. We live in a different World now than the one we were born into, and it is only getting crazier, the rules change every day, and it is all too obvious on this platform. I hope you uncover something really great. :)
Vercingetorige è un esempio fulgido fine un eroe, un capo che si sacrifica per evitare sofferenze ancora più gravi e più grandi al proprio popolo. La sua vita è stata di momenti di gloria e dolorosissime sconfitte. Il suo premio? Come per Boudicca o William Wallace o Caio Ponzio Telesino: un nome che travalica il tempo, sono ricordati con rispetto, vengono loro riconosciuti onore eterno: il loro nome è sussurrato nel tempo.....
Ben detto Pino...
Ciao Keith. Purtroppo la storia la scrivono spesso i vincitori e non vengono menzionate le sofferenze e gli episodi di eroismo e valore degli sconfitti. Ma noi oggi, con le moderne tecnologie, abbiamo il dovere di far conoscere " la vera storia" e rendere omaggio a chi strenuamente ha difeso la propria gente, la propria terra, il proprio sangue, il proprio popolo.
Pino molto vero. Qualunque differenza esistesse tra i popoli europei nel corso della storia, deve essere messa da parte. Per il futuro porterà certamente la più grande minaccia alla sopravvivenza dei nativi europei. Buona conversazione con te Pino.
@@MagnoliaMagnifico la maggior parte dei nord Italiani sono di origine germanica e italica (lo si capisce dalla tassonomia), tuttavia il fenotipo celtico nordico (keltic nordid) è quello più comune tra le popolazioni celtiche (anche antiche) se ti può interessare la tua somiglianza con la sottospecie opó
@@MagnoliaMagnificoQuesto è razzismo, "orde islamiche e nere": parli di unione contro fratricidi e simili, ma ti contraddici.
proud to be helvetic
Imagine is Roman never fully conquered Gaul.
Oh boy would love to a modern Kingdom of Gaul.
Follow the Gilets Jaunes for more updates about that Mon ami
All hail Boudicca!!⚔⚔
Hail Boudicca !!!
I'm guessing video the music is playing over is a film. what film if so? also amazing composition sir
Thanks Daniel, much appreciated. It's a 2001 Film called Druids, if you do a search you'll find it on RUclips.
Keith O' Sullivan Composer I did a search, just typed in films about vercingetorix, and it popped up. but thanks anyway
Sindo bwa Magon!!!
Where is that first scene from?
A Film called Druids, I'll post the link where you can watch it here on RUclips.видео.html&ab_channel=Skallabjorn
what movie?
It's called Druids, you can watch free on RUclips at the link below.видео.html
such a great story from a great man, btw, a man who sacrifice for his people`s live why called terrorist, weird!!! reminds me of asterix, obelix, and panoramix anyway :)
Из какого это фильма?
no identity to the souvenir please
What movie is this ???
Romans: the curse of the ancient times... I sometimes wonder what our world would be like if Hannibal, Vercingetorix or someone else would have been victorious against Rome. A world without Christianity and Islam it would be... seems that mankind always finds a reason to make war.
Ruana Vailos Roman did not force Christianity on anyone. If the Celts hadn't eventually embraced it, it would not had grown in Europe.