When Pokemon Go first came out I would drive slowly around neighborhoods after work. (I got off at midnight), stopping often. I got pulled over by a police officer who asked what I was doing because it looked like I was scoping out houses. I told the cop I was stopping to catch Pokemon because doing it while moving was dangerous. He pulls out his phone and asks me to add him, reminds me to turn on my headlights and lets me go.
I only know this story third hand, but its still worth being told. So this guy, a trauma surgeon, is in a loooong shift at his hospital already, when a norther emergency surgery comes in. Its a bloody mess, but they get the patient stabelized, fixed the issue. The surgeon leaves the OR as soon as possible after everything that he himself has to do is done. He just tosses his scrubs and gown and gets in his car. He missed, that he has gotten blood on his face and some on the sleeves and front of his shirt (must have soaked throug gown and scrubs). In his tired state he just changed, washed and disinfected his hands and didnt bother with looking in the mirror. On his drive home he gets pulled over for speeding. He obviously wanted to get home quickly after his horribly long shift. So when police look into the car they see this guy with his face and shirt speckled with blood, grumpy attitude and likely some serious dark rings under his eyes. At first they are concerned and ask him about his wellbeeing and they ask about the blood. His answer: "Dont worry, thats not my blood" Yup... They did worry. Not for him but for whoever else lost that blood and they get him out of the car guns drawn. It takes a lot of back and forth and confirming calls to the hospital to finnally convince them of the innocent nature of his bloody appearance. In the end I guess they brought him home as they deemed him to tired to drive, if I remember correctly. But yea... "Its not my blood", is clearly the wrong way to start such an explaination...
Family lore: my cousins were nuts and my uncle was a lawyer. One time cousins ran their jeep off the road so it landed in a tree. Dad lawyer argued in court that since the jeep was airborne, the local PD had no jurisdiction, it was the jurisdiction of the FAA. The judge laughed and let them go telling them to stay out of trouble.
😂😂😂 saul Goodman shit Though, I would argue back that the tree is an extension of the ground, therefore part of the ground, so it technically is in their jurisdiction.
The uninvited cleaner was really good, only problem is its hard to trust someone, but could could have genuinely started cleaning homes with good pay, if he actually "cleaned" properly and just cleaned for the sake of saying
The biggest most incredible pass I’ve ever been given thus far in my life. Driving to work, a cop car slowed down to let me merge and I waved to him in thanks, but not long after he turned his lights on and we pulled over. The usual question: “do you know why I pulled you over?” My mind blanked on me and I couldn’t think of what I did wrong and I almost said: I didn’t have both hands on the steering wheel? But instead it said: no. And he explained my registration(?) was expired. He asked for my license and insurance and what not. I went to grab my bad which had my wallet and everything in it, only to see I forgot to bring it. I was beside myself as I explained that to the cop, with a hand over my face as so many emotions went through me. Cop: “wow, this is just not your day huh?” He then asked where I was going, and I told him “work”. He asked me all sorts of questions: where is work? What do you do? And such. Then he essentially says: “well, I can see that you’re not up to anything and you’re not going too far, so I’ll let you go with a warning.” I was absolutely overcome with dumbfounded gratitude. He could issued me at least two tickets and fines, and on top of that I’d have to pay for towing and quite likely the fee of getting my car out of impound. I will never forget his kindness.
Parking meter Robin Hood should be made into a movie. I hope he gets out of whatever rut he's in though, he could definitely start a locksmith business.
3:08 I had a friend who stayed at my apartment (legally) who cleaned, cooked, etc. for "rent." I was devastated when she got her own place. We are still friends btw.
@@samuelblack731450 is much more used as a limit in km. so i am pretty sure its km/h plus almost all of the world uses metric. only a few countries still use imperial so statistics are against mph :D (plus since english is the lingua franca of the world most english users on the internet use metric
12:19 I have heard from the good cops that there job is first to educate, then to penalize. Using this story as a reference, let the driver know of how much trouble he could be in and gave them time to rectify the situation, then penalize if it is not done.
While I do agree, good intuition for when to apply that is important as well. There's a cop out there that gave a teen warning for speeding, he was out with his girlfriend for their first date, prom, something of the like. Unfortunately shortly later that night he got a call to crash scene, it was the very same couple he had run in to earlier. They were no longer with us.
@@WarneD1 Yea, sometimes no good deed really does go unpunished. From what I understand it's been pretty rough on him, and depending on how the teens acted it'd definitely be hard to tell if they took him seriously or not. I just can't imagine living with something like, even knowing it wasn't my fault; that's gotta be absolute torture. May have to look him up and see how he's been doing, been a while since I came across that news. Hope it's for the better.
My favorite story is still one from 2007. It's late night/early morning and a drunk man in Madison Wisconsin was at a convenience store eating giant red hot pickled sausages without paying for them and stuffing others down his pants. The clerk calls the police. The guy runs out of the store and hops in an unattended, still running Krispy Kreme truck that had stopped at the store to drop off a delivery. The guy is being chased by several cop cars while donuts are flying out the back of the truck at the cops. Pure poetry. What could make this even better? The guy's name was Warren Whitelightning and there is video footage.
Awesome stories! Kinda jealous since mine is kinda lame. My dad almost got arrested because some people behind them thought he was attacking my older siblings (they were at a stoplight when this happened). What he was really doing was tickling them, but the police didn’t know until one officer asked my older siblings. The cool part is that the one officer knew my parents and was the only person smart enough to ask the kids and not just the adult.
Late 80's, I got pulled over in Nisqually headed from Olympia to Tacoma, for a friends going away party (Navy). I was doing about 80 in a 55. Cop asked me why I was speeding. I asked him if he wanted the truth or a good lie. He said the truth, this should be interesting. So I told him I was late to the party. His eyes bugged out, his jaw dropped and he froze for a second before shaking his head, giving a chuckle, and telling me to slow down. He also told me I was either the most honest driver he'd pulled over for a long while or the stupidest, he couldnt decide. No ticket and let me go! 12/10 would do again!
I mean, if the homeless dude needed a place to stay and cleaned that much, I’d give him my guest room. After the nasty divorce my ex wife left quite a hole in my life. She left my apartment trashed and I practically live at work. So I don’t quite have the time to even take care of myself. The only reason I’m sane is because of a 24/7 gym right next to work.
My mother had very serious alcohol issues and sometimes had medicinal drugs (for her mental health issues) in the mix. Worst thing she would often drive in a dazed/drunk state. Not cool. She had several car accidents where she ridiculously luckyly never was seriously harmed. Also thanks heaven never caused severe damage to anybody else. All of our family was happy when she crashed her last car and could not afford a new one any more. But I'm digressing. She once more had an accident where she landed her car nose down in a ditch border to a country road. In absolutely crazy coincidence, one of my uncles used the nearby road to drive back home when he recognized an all too familiar car in that dirch. He found her pretty unharmed but completely drunk. He called on my sister and me while we waited for the cops and an ambulance to arrive. (Uncle had her sit in the car for her own safety after he almost bumped into her while trying to manoevering her car out. She had hobbled behind the car to look. And kept falling.) When the police finally arrived, they asekd how she had ended up in her dire situation, and if she had droven the car drunk. The empty bottles all lying in the car. She obviously had droven that car drunk. As she tended to. BUt as drunk as she was, she was completely off this world, she still could state that she had had the accident and only then had gotten drunk while sitting in the car with the motor off. As nobody could actually prove the obvious lie, the police officers had their hands tied. They could do nothing to report her or remove her driving license. So she had no legal consequences at all. And the officers would have loved to have her accountable, as would have my uncle, sister and rest of the family really. (Side note, sis and me will never forget the look the younger cop had on his face when he assumed we would drive after the ambulance as soon as possible and we looked at each other with questioning looks. And I even understand, must seem harsh to question that, but little did he know that we had sh*t like that going on with her for years. She was not badly injured, in candyland anyway, and would just release herself again as soon as she could. Like all the many other times. We did drive after the ambulance after all, only to all but attack my sister for signing the note that she had to stay against her will. Lasting for only 24 hours. The nurses fully understood us. At some point, regardless of the love you still feel for your family and all the patience you have been having, you are just tired of it. It becomes too normal to be worried sick every time especially if there are no serious injuries). Sorry for the long story
I had a cop sneak me out the back of a drug raid. He said this is your one time. I didnt do the drugs i was a middle man. Later i became his babysitter. I told him he can test my hair my blood my urine. He did and i was clean so he knew i worked at my moms daycare cause we talked as he drove me home that night. When i ran into him again we had lunch cause it was his lunchtime and he said he needed a babysitter. I told him i no longer hang with those types and he can test me but i would gladly be the babysitter. Years later when he divorced his wife he told me she had been secretly recording me. Not cause of the kid but because she thought we were doing it 😂 all she found was me and a little girl and me cleaning the house when she was napping. 😂😅 i was 13 when he got me out of there. He was respected so it was easy. I was 19 when i became the babysitter and I had Perky double Ds. His wife was a total karen to. I was in a restaurant where i could see them but they didnt see me and omg the poor server
Ok. Not the cop, but one of the crowd that were let go. This happened about 15 years ago, in a small town in southern Germany. We were attending the 18th birthday party of my best pal's girlfriend (who was also good friends with my then-girlfriend). At some time at about 1am we decided that we wanted to do something else. We grabbed some folding tables and benches (the ones you probably know from videos about the Oktoberfest, their called "Beer bench"), some cases of beer and a battery powered cd player and set off to a roundabout some 1. kilometers away, at the entrance to the next town over. It was a simple roundabout, a little, grass covered hill, and we settled in the middle of it. ABout half an hour later, a police car came by, literally drove around us about 5 or 6 times, then stopped with the lights on. The driver was a female rookie, a "Wachtmeister", just out of the academy (which is a 2.5 year training here) - one green (old uniforms, new would be blue) star on the shoulder pads. The passenger was an old, overweight and just cliché Barvarian dude, with 4(!) _silver_ stars, a "Polizeihauptkommissar" (the ranks in German police can not be easily translated to the US, but you can imagine some sort of Sergeant). The young cop was visibly eager to throw the book at us, but the old dude said, calmly and in deep dialect (which I can't really replicate - imagine the difference to "textbook" high German being somewhat similar of very intense Scottish to Standard English): "What on earth do you young lads think you're doing here?" - *"Roundabout-Party!"* - "Ah, I see..." - [interrupting him] "Do you want to join for a pint?" - "Well... Shift's about over, colleague's driving tonight... Sure." [sits down, and we hand him a beer. Meanwhile, there was literal _smoke_ emerging from the rookie's ears. About 5-10 minutes later, he dinished his beer] "Alright, thanks. As you might know, _this_ [making a gesture to our setup] isn't really legal. I tell you what: When I come back here on my way back to the station in about half an hour, you've packed up. FInish your drinks in peace, just turn down the music a bit, then gather your stuff. Deal?" Needless to say, we had a deal. And really, he _did_ come around on his way back as we were plodding back to the party location with our stuff - and he really stopped to thank us and wish us a good night. Cool old rural cop (there's no such a thing like _elected law enforcement_ here. Also, all police is, well, police - there are a few different agencies, but they differ in jurisdiction, not in education - in this case, it was simply the Bavarian Police - police work is every state's responsibility, unless it affects the federation, so ther _is_ a Federal Police, also, but in everyday life you will basically only meet them at large train stations and airports, as well as occasionally at borders).
back in the day had a friend who had a hot rod nova with a racing engine and transmission. The incident that fits the theme was he was driving down the freeway at 85-90 and looks in the rearview to see a CHP right on his tail...figured his goose was cooked, so pulled out of his way...the cop pulled up next to him and through his loud speaker said "slow down or I'll throw you in jail and drove off. Other non-theme incident was when he racing a guy down a main drag in town and they pass a sheriff going the opposite way. They see the sheriff flip on his lights and turn around so friend floored it and drove into a tract of homes...he sees a garage door open so he pulled into the garage and closed the door. He was more afraid the homeowner would come out than the cop finding him but he never got caught by either. wonder what ever happened to that guy...
last one reminded me of that story about a girl who was working for a condom factory. "gonna have fun, huh?" "oh, no, you misunderstood me, i heading for work.."
My dad used to test run motorcycles for a buddy of his that sold them. He got this one crotch rocket that went so fast he started lifting from the seat. It scared him so bad he slowed down and pulled over somewhere. A minute later a cop comes up with lights going, cuts them off as he gets near him and asks if he's ok. My dad just nods and gasps a yes. The cop shakes his head and said, "don't ever let me catch you going that fast again!" My dad just nods his head again and slowly turns the bike back to his friend's dealership. I'm not sure how fast he was going, but it was enough to lift him so, pretty damn fast on a crotch rocket.
3:00 DUDE ILL PAY YOU TO CLEAN MY HOUSE. I have autism and severe depression and its hard to clean sometimes. I wouldnt want you to do this all the time, just like 2 to 3 times a month XD
@joonasnaski9513 Holy shit, you can't just say "durrr my autism" as an excuse. I have it myself. I've been through college, learned how to interact the hard way. You can improve. Depression is a side-effect of purposelessness. Dedicate yourself to something, it will help.
@@wesleytheanonymous3751 Our experiences may differ. Social anxiety is common with autists. I am glad you have managed to live like you want. I also have achieved things that I wanted to achieve, but it wasn't easy. So I can definetly say that social interactions aren't easy and thus arranging things can be very difficult. You misunderstood my comment. I didn't say arranging things is impossible. I said it is not easy.
i used to (and still do) have a habit of making fake stories that sound true one of them is that my dad is apart of the police force and he was told about a case where someone was skateboarding and skated over a very VERY old landmine and it blew up but he had some weird protective layer on the bottom that blew off the wheels but shielding him and making him look sick by being launched into the air
Bicycle speeds can get intense. No clue how fast I was going as a kid but one time I started at the highest point of the road after getting the bike tuned and greased. It was a mountain bike and I just kept going up gears as I went downhill. The last down slop had me so fast everything was vibrating and the wind tore tears from my eyes. Thankfully it was one long straight road and I had plenty of time to slow down naturally.
Not a crime and not a cop, but I went to Disney Springs with a 1960s video camera. You know, (actually you probably don’t know) those ones that you need to wind a key on the side for the motor to work. I brought it and as I entered a security guard called out to me. He was kinda just whispering so I couldn’t hear him so I went over with my mom. “What is that?” “It’s a 1960s movie camera” “Oh like those 8mm ones!” “Yeah, I’m really into that stuff” “Oh my god I haven’t seen those in decades! Do you have film in it?” “Yep” “Nice. Alright have fun and I hope you get good footage with it” A bunch of other people also pointed it out on the trip. These people were both confused and amazed at the same time 😂
A friend of my family dropped by our house and for some reason we drunk some whiskey together. He then wanted to drive home and we just couldn't stop him from doing so. But when he just got in his car and was about to drive a cop showed up and stopped him. We saw that from the window and freaked out, so we called his wife to tell her, he would be in trouble. 20 minutes later she called us back telling us the cops just brought him home like they would bring a teenager back home who had misbehaved. As she already knew what was going on she was waiting at the doorstep like a mother and when the cops told her to take care of her husband she just told them she would like a mother would do if the cops brought her bratty teen back home. The cops laughed at the scene of our frineds wife dragging him into the house like a mom would do with a kid and told her they wouldn't write him up for drunk driving as they stopped him before he was starting the car and because this is a much more efficient punishment in terms of preventing him to do so again. They were right - after that never even drank alcohol unless he knew somebody else was driving.
One day i was pulled over for speeding, the cop came to my window already worked up for some reason, i was going 45 in a 35 but I don’t think I did anything for him to have immediate attitude. Anyway, he asked why i was speeding and i told him I’m trying to find the hospital (i was working outside my normal city) because i got hurt at work and proceeded to slowly raise my left hand into his view and he jumped back with a gasp and said “follow me, i’ll get you there”. I slipped on a ladder rung and was wearing my wedding band, it degloved my finger.
I once was on a train without a ticket. I was a student and in a hurry. I just told myself we’ll see what happens. I walked over to the silence coupe. And when they came to check our tickets I nicely smiled while they walked all the way up to me. When asking for my ticket. I put my index finger on my mouth, sssssht and pointed at the sign that said it was a silent coupe. All playful and clear I was asking for a pass. He laughed and left.
I once went 45 on a bike before. That was the time when I was going down one of the steepest hills in an area known as Hill Country and I found out mid-hill that my brakes didn't work.
It's totally weird in my mind. So in the USA children are helt criminaly responsible for using a recreational drug , that they are deemed to be not old enough to be responsible for. The double standards...
Long time ago I was driving on a short stretch of highway in my small hometown where there's never any cops. I was 18 years old and I decided to see if I could push 140 in my car. A cop was there that fateful day and matched my speed. He came to my window and I'm freaking out. He said excitedly "Whoa I've never seen anyone drive that fast!" and broke out laughing. He just told me to slow it down so I could get there in one piece.
12:01 Well, my dad and his friend cycled from Germany to France long before I existed and they were of course packed full of stuff for the journey. He told me a few years ago all about that journey and sais that he went over 70km/h down a long hill in France towards Paris. And at the bottom of the long downhill was a bumpy road that he had to brake hard for.
last year,, going up hy 80 to Truckee to go fly fishing.. i was going a ' wee' bit to fast when chp pulled me over,, and me being irish... and stupid... as he walked over to my passenger window,, i told him this before he could say anything..i said this...'. i got here as fast as i could, i knew you were waiting for me.'.. yes i am a idiot... he just stood there for a second or two,, then started laughing... me with stupid grin on my face.. after he stopped laughing he asked me were i was going..i told him.. fly fishing on the little Truckee river....he told me have a great time fishing.. and said, could you slow down a little.. and let me go.. as i drove away.. i can see that he was having a laugh still, and one more thing crossed my little mind...he could have shot me!!
Friend was painting graffiti on a wall in a kindergarten, he got caught in the act and the cop let him go on condition he finished the piece. It was a grey dull cement enclosure. He was caught painting Elsa and Olaf from Frozen.
I got pulled over for speeding back in 2013, and the conversation went kind of like this: Cop: "Do you know how fast you were going?" Me: "Yes sir." Cop: "....OK, and how fast was that?" Me: "If you don't know how fast I was going, why did you pull me over?" Cop: "I know how fast you were going, do YOU know how fast you were going?" Me: "Yes, I do. So does my dashcam." Cop: *now realizing this whole thing has been recorded* "OK, thank you, have nice day."
I've skimmed through all the comments . Just feel I need to say that ; the guy picking the locks in story 6 sounds SO WAAY COOL that there should be a movie made about him ( IF there isn't one already ) . Shame about him going back onto the drugs 💔 . Hollywood ending would be he gets allowed to rig a "skill tester " machine that's full of toys so that every kid that plays with it gets one toy every time & he gets to do that for a living for children's hospitals . ♑✍️🇳🇴🇦🇺
I used to braid hair at people's houses. One night I went to a friend's ex's house to braid a few heads in a row for him and his friends. They had asked me what I liked to drink and brought it back when they did a beer run. At the time I was test driving a Mustang and hadn't quite gotten the pressure of the gas right. I still have no idea if in the fun atmosphere I had taken one drink too many (which I can't see, it was my usual drink and I only drink until I get giddy, then I stop) or if they had laced me (possible, they were college football players). On the drive home I saw so many lines in the street I closed one eye to try to focus. I was LITERALLY around the corner from my house when I got pulled over by a male and female officer for swerving. I remember them asking me if I had been drinking to which I replied, 'Nope.' They flashed the flashlight and what was left of the whole bottle of Parot Bay had rolled from under the seat and was sitting right on the passenger side floorboard. ALL I REMEMBER AFTER THAT is waking up on my couch the next morning, looking outside and the NEW MUSTANG I WAS TEST DRIVING was GONE. I sat there trying to piece what had happened together and how I had gotten there and then noticed my house keys with the car key still attached on the living room table beside me. On a whim I got the key fob and went walking back around the corner where I got pulled over pushing the button praying I would hear the horn and then I did. These SWEET, SWEET, KIND ANGELS had taken me home, put me on the couch ,parked my car where I could find it and locked up behind them. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT 🤣to this day, my city has the best police officers I HAVE EVER SEEN , judging by what I see from around the world. 🧡💛💖 Also, it might have saved my life, as I realized even though I lived in a small town it didn't mean I wasn't putting my life and safety in danger by doing hair in people's houses. I started only doing people I knew VERY well in my own home and never dealt with the dude or his friends again.
My cousin has a story where he got pulled over on either christmas or thanksgiving for speeding and when the officer asked him why he was speeding he said that he was late and he had the ham. The officer said "Not the ham!" and let him go if I remember right.
"He never took anything except food" Okay. And for someone on a tight budget, that's not a good thing. Also by breaking into peoples houses he was stealing their peace of mind. Sure he cleaned it, but at the expense of making someone feel unsafe in their own home.
I've done 50mph(10 over the limit on that bit of road) on a bicycle before and it wasn't a road bike like you see in Le Tour de France either, it was an old, clunky mountain bike fitted with 2.3 inch wide, puncture proof tyres.
Back in the 90s I was at a house party and I had a quarter pound of weed on me. The neighbors called the cops because we were being loud and obviously drinking under aged. When the cops arrived I ran out the door. They chased me around the house twice and then I ran into the woods (forest preserve) behind the house. They must have been so impressed by how fast I was that they didn't arrest me. They even offered to go get some dogs for me. Never did get those dogs 🤔
Funnily I got stopped some years back when I was in highschool for a very similar bike thing. Oretty steep hill in my small town and at the bottom is a 4 way street, so I just kinda blew thrkuth it. Cop lit me up and knew it was me, asked if I knew how fast I was going down the hill and I had no idea. 39mph, somehow, some way. Let me off with a warning and told me to stop next time, because the shrubs make it hard to see incoming traffic and didnt want to be a responding officer to me being hit... Everyone in the town knows him, and he goes by the nickname Papa. Amazing officer.
I’ve got gotten away with so many good ones…so I was in my truck,, like 2AM doing probably 60 in a 45, light in front of me turns yellow, mash it to the floor…so I’m in the middle of this intersection doing probably 75, big plume of diesel smoke behind me…and I catch a glint out of the corner of my eye ‘*city* police department’…he immediately pulls out behind me and gets right up my ass, doesn’t kick the lights on though…obviously I needed to stop doing 75 but also didn’t want to brake check him…so I punched the downshift and deafened him instead…well, he continued to be up my ass for about a mile until he finally kicked the lights on, and I pulled over (in a lawyers office parking lot funnily enough) rolled the window down, hands out the window, officer walks up…’how are you doing this evening?’ ‘Uhh, pretty good officer, but I should tell you, I’m a licensed concealed carry holder and there’s a firearm in the vehicle.’ ‘Alright, can you step out and hang out at the rear of the vehicle?’ ‘Yes sir.’ *officer spends 15 minutes checking my permit and firearm, in the meantime forgetting why he pulled me over* everything checks out, he walks up to me ‘Alright. You’re all good to go. *pauses for a couple seconds, remembers why he pulled me over* And slow the fuck down!’ Another time I was visiting a friend a couple states away, we where out driving (actually roll racing down the highway). We finish our roll racing, and we’re heading back to his place (I don’t really know the area…and there’s literally a streak of red running down the side of my white truck from the farm diesel I had filled up with earlier at my friends place) and a light turns yellow, we both mash it, (I would’ve stopped but I didn’t know where I was going) He made it, I definitely didn’t, and in the middle of the intersection, again, glint out of the corner of my eye ‘*city* police department’…didn’t even bother continuing driving, pulled over in a gas station parking lot, window down, hands out, cop pulls up behind me, same thing, ‘concealed carry holder, firearms in the vehicle’ ‘Alright, where’s the gun.’ ‘Well officer, there’s kind of more than 1.’(redneck friend, we where shooting a lot) *piques his intrest* ‘oh?’ ‘Well, there’s a pistol on my ankle, a pistol in the center console, a shotgun behind the seat, and 2 AR pistols in the passenger seat.’ ‘That’s fucking awesome can I see?!?’ Another time, I’d gone to a redneck friends house for his birthday, I’d bought every gun I owned, and I was headed home for the night (not a far drive, like 1/4 mile over country roads, but I was definitely drunk.). Cop pulled out behind me, flashers came on literally as I was pulling in my driveway…’officer, firearms in the vehicle.’ ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Uhh…Here. *points to house*’ ‘where is the firearm’ ‘well there’s kind of more than 1.’ ‘Ok, where are they?’ ‘Uhh…everywhere. There’s guns on the dashboard, there’s guns in the center console, there’s guns in the passenger seat, there’s guns on ther floor. They’re everywhere.’ ‘Alright. You’ve got a taillight out. Have a nice night.’ Guy did not want to deal with it 😂😂😂 Clearly that’s the secret. Have so many guns in the car that anywhere you put your hands other than out the window would appear that you’re reaching for a gun (understandably, cops don’t like it when you look like you’re reaching for a gun…so if you just fill your car with guns they’ll just say ‘whatever have a nice night.’)
12:10 I ate Sh*t going about 35 on a mountain bike down a mountain bike trail. I got lucky and hit a bush. I was wearing a helmet, of course. Banged up my elbow.
The parking meter locksmith is a bit sus. You don't just "Find" lockpicks and you can't just buy key blanks from a locksmith without questions being asked. Other things that make this suspicious is that parking meters use locks with restricted keyways so the key blanks are really restricted like Mul-t-lock or Medeco. Manufacturers are very protective over their key blanks so a hobo getting hold of these blanks sets off my BS alarm. Parking meters also have a counter on them. Any money going missing would be quickly noticed during an audit so you couldn't do it for months on end without alarm bells ringing in the company. It's a nice little feel good story but it's just fantasy.
Two paddy-wagon cops let me & my bestie go, we were out skateboarding at 2am, at age 13-14, somebody has called for the noise we were making (on a ramp). I had just seconds ago ditched my cigarette, so no evidence there, but we were definitely in trouble. They asked what we were doing and did our folks know we were out. I had sudden burst of evil confidence, told this sob story how boys didnt let us measly girls use the ramp in the daytime, so we figured we’d do it later, after they were gone home. And yes, of course our folks knew where we were (no, they def didnt, we snuck out), we are 16 and its all cool beans, the coolest. I even gave them a false address, my former childhood home nearby. Cops just told us to go home for the night and left. We left the ramp and went to more secluded pool to have some more fun, laughing hysterically all the way there. We wouldve been in real trouble, if the cops asked for IDs, searched us or decided to take us home. To this day I have no idea how I did this, from what universe I divined all this extra confidence and how I remembered our old address, we moved away when I was 7.
That last one sounds like a joke someone pulled on the police. Fill a suitcase with embarrassing items, saran wrap it shut so it looks suspicious, and then leave it in your car. Then laugh hysterically if you ever get pulled over and the police decide to search the suitcase. From a more criminal perspective it also sounds like a great distraction for a drug smuggler. After the police open up the obvious suitcase that is filled with embarrassing items how hard do you think they are going to keep on searching the car? Likely they will be too busy laughing and just let the smuggler go.
first kid should be let go regardless well in usa atleast, the kid was stopping a violent assault of his mother and also depending on the age the kid is a minor if anything the dad would catch child endangerment, domestic violence etc and a good judge would throw the book at em
I'd like to think that "the reptile guy" had to do drug deals because he wanted only the best for his reptile friends, and all those reptile paradise things cost a fortune.
My story: I was about 9 and my dad was taking me to school. He was running fairly behind and as such was speeding. He got pulled over. The cop came out to the car and recognized me. Apparently, he was the father of a friend of mine from Pre-K. He let my dad off with a warning.
I have a cool story like this, but not from the police side of it... Years ago, my brother and his friends (all about 16 and 17 at the time) found out that this guy that had been hanging out at a mutual friends house was a Chomo. They threatened him that if he ever showed up at that mutual friends house again they would beat him within an inch of his life (the mutual friend had young children at the time). Well, the guy didn't listen and showed up one day starting trouble, and my brother and his friends rushed over there and right as they got there the guy took off in his truck. They chased him all over town at high speeds, and the chomo guy was crashing into all kinds of stuff, and they eventually cornered him in a casino parking lot and riped him out of his truck and laid a monstrous beat down on the guy. During all this chasing and eventually cornering in a parking lot, bystanders had been calling the police and they showed up at the casino parking lot while my brother and his friends were beating the crap out of this guy, and when police came up my brother yelled out that this guy was a chomo and told them his name, and the police knew who he was due to previous run ins. The police didn't do anything to my brother and his friends, and later that night the police came by the house to get an official statement about what happened, and they were cool as hell about them beating the crap out of that guy and the ensuing high speed civilian chase around town. One cool part of all this, not only did the police show up during the beat down, but the TV show Cops was actually riding along with those particular offices at the time so from the moment the police arrived during the beating it was filmed! This was in the pacific northwest here in the US.
oh yeah, i hit 55 on my road bike before. was doing the levi's gran fondo in...2016? 2017? the bohemian highway leading out of occidental is a real roller coaster. hardly pedaled at all for nearly 6 miles. enough runup and a good tailwind, you can absolutely hit highway speeds on a bike.
There's a hill on a road not far from my house that is almost directly lead into from my own street (also downhill), so whenever I *did* ignore the stop sign there, I could easily hit the 55 speed limit and have people driving looking at me like I'm out of my mind as they slowly pass me on the way down. I have a 30ish year old mountain bike I've taken care of, but the tire noise still freaks me out when I get going that fast. Eventually I stopped doing it, when I had someone fly past I couldn't hear coming for the road noise from my tires and there's no speed adjustment steering on a bike. Didn't fall or anything, but should have.
11:00 I mean I’ve hit like 80 on skis I guess but still over 60 on a bike? My record is probably barely over 40 on a skateboard cause I found this big ass hill that probably wasn’t even legal with how steep it was. Also got to watch my friend face plant on it. Luckily at the top of the hill where he wasn’t going very fast. Did this shit while high as fuck at 2 am when I was 14. Probably got carried away with my story but if you don’t like it that’s to damn bad.
12:00 Down a steep hill with strong wind on his back, barely plausible. But a terrible idea. 64MPH is around 100km/h. If he hit anything, he'd take massive damage. Even if it was just a thin branch or a beetle.
wait, what was that?? when that man beat a woman after story 8 you said you cant get behind that in ANY circumstance, but you where cheering it when it was the other way around in story 13?????
Where I live there is a fair that's on every year for about 3 weeks, featuring different singers or comedians 1 each night as main attraction. The concerts end around 12:30am and the fair closing at 1:00am. I drove to pick up my GF at that time and 2 of her cousins to take them to the fair. The trip itself is over an hour. So going back at night was about 1:30 to 2:00 hours being careful. Left all girls on their houses and then it's back to my house but I live like 10min from the fair place. So I'm about midway the road and did not make a Stop and get stopped by a cop. So past 3am, some guy in a car that's not his (my dads name on documents), with an address in license totally off where i was stopped and drowsy. I tell the cop I took GF to fair and where she lives (as in the zone of the city, not actual address) and I'm ready to have my license taken with a fee but the cop just tells me to keep going with care
I had a confrontation at a gas station over an air hose. I needed to use it to get to work. Guy wouldn’t give it up and was waiting for his wife with an air pressure checker. Harsh words were said. He tried walking through me several times. I finally got the hose after her got his tire done, all the while there was harsh words. When I bent down to fill my tire he backed out then changed his tires to pinch me between his car and mine. I jumped back and then pummeled his car to the tune of several thousand dollars in a few strikes. Cops came and told me I would be getting charges (I looked like the punk kid and he was “the adult”) I immediately retorted that I would accept the charges but would be charging him with attempted vehicular murder. And told the cops to check the security footage inside. 5 minutes later they apologized and let me go. Never had to pay for the damage. Never went to that gas station again.
This one time I was on my way to work. Got pulled over by a cop. He gave me a ticket for 15 over, and asked me how fast I was going. I answered 55 without lying, because he didn’t say when. When he pulled me over I had slowed down to 55. I went to the court date and asked for the full explanation of the charges. Never got them, and when I went back I got the ticket dismissed.
When Pokemon Go first came out I would drive slowly around neighborhoods after work. (I got off at midnight), stopping often. I got pulled over by a police officer who asked what I was doing because it looked like I was scoping out houses. I told the cop I was stopping to catch Pokemon because doing it while moving was dangerous. He pulls out his phone and asks me to add him, reminds me to turn on my headlights and lets me go.
Wait, so you played together?
thats awesome xD
Bonding over Pokemon Go is the best
The closest humanity ever came to utopia
I've never had cops try to add me but they did understand that I was playing a phone game and not doing crimes.
I only know this story third hand, but its still worth being told.
So this guy, a trauma surgeon, is in a loooong shift at his hospital already, when a norther emergency surgery comes in. Its a bloody mess, but they get the patient stabelized, fixed the issue. The surgeon leaves the OR as soon as possible after everything that he himself has to do is done. He just tosses his scrubs and gown and gets in his car. He missed, that he has gotten blood on his face and some on the sleeves and front of his shirt (must have soaked throug gown and scrubs). In his tired state he just changed, washed and disinfected his hands and didnt bother with looking in the mirror.
On his drive home he gets pulled over for speeding. He obviously wanted to get home quickly after his horribly long shift. So when police look into the car they see this guy with his face and shirt speckled with blood, grumpy attitude and likely some serious dark rings under his eyes. At first they are concerned and ask him about his wellbeeing and they ask about the blood. His answer: "Dont worry, thats not my blood"
Yup... They did worry. Not for him but for whoever else lost that blood and they get him out of the car guns drawn. It takes a lot of back and forth and confirming calls to the hospital to finnally convince them of the innocent nature of his bloody appearance. In the end I guess they brought him home as they deemed him to tired to drive, if I remember correctly.
But yea... "Its not my blood", is clearly the wrong way to start such an explaination...
an unfortunate choice of words indeed lol
tbf he was tired af
Family lore: my cousins were nuts and my uncle was a lawyer. One time cousins ran their jeep off the road so it landed in a tree. Dad lawyer argued in court that since the jeep was airborne, the local PD had no jurisdiction, it was the jurisdiction of the FAA. The judge laughed and let them go telling them to stay out of trouble.
😂😂😂 saul Goodman shit
Though, I would argue back that the tree is an extension of the ground, therefore part of the ground, so it technically is in their jurisdiction.
There was probably a payment behind this ridiculous but interesting argument. Ya have to put on a show to deflect the cash flow 😂
Dad really pulled the "not your jurisdiction" card
Someone should call the FAA!
The uninvited cleaner was really good, only problem is its hard to trust someone, but could could have genuinely started cleaning homes with good pay, if he actually "cleaned" properly and just cleaned for the sake of saying
The biggest most incredible pass I’ve ever been given thus far in my life. Driving to work, a cop car slowed down to let me merge and I waved to him in thanks, but not long after he turned his lights on and we pulled over. The usual question: “do you know why I pulled you over?” My mind blanked on me and I couldn’t think of what I did wrong and I almost said: I didn’t have both hands on the steering wheel? But instead it said: no. And he explained my registration(?) was expired. He asked for my license and insurance and what not. I went to grab my bad which had my wallet and everything in it, only to see I forgot to bring it. I was beside myself as I explained that to the cop, with a hand over my face as so many emotions went through me. Cop: “wow, this is just not your day huh?” He then asked where I was going, and I told him “work”. He asked me all sorts of questions: where is work? What do you do? And such. Then he essentially says: “well, I can see that you’re not up to anything and you’re not going too far, so I’ll let you go with a warning.” I was absolutely overcome with dumbfounded gratitude. He could issued me at least two tickets and fines, and on top of that I’d have to pay for towing and quite likely the fee of getting my car out of impound. I will never forget his kindness.
You can tell a lot about a person's character when they're in a position of power over others.
Crazy that we live in a world where a cop being a rational human being is an amazing story.
Parking meter Robin Hood should be made into a movie. I hope he gets out of whatever rut he's in though, he could definitely start a locksmith business.
At least a short movie!
hehe, "rut"...
Last I heard, he studied law and has a youtube channel
@@harishk5007 😲 do you know what his channel is?
@@devotchkac8365 imagine it's lock picking lawyer or mcnally official 💀
3:08 I had a friend who stayed at my apartment (legally) who cleaned, cooked, etc. for "rent." I was devastated when she got her own place.
We are still friends btw.
This is very common in south america. Especially coming from countryside places "renting" in the capital.
The only speeding ticket I ever got was for doing 82 in a 50. On my racing bicycle.
The cop didn't know whether to yell at me or express admiration.
pizz his pants...
miles or kilometers?
I'm guessing this means "miles per hour."
No it's either km or he's lying
@@samuelblack731450 is much more used as a limit in km. so i am pretty sure its km/h plus almost all of the world uses metric. only a few countries still use imperial so statistics are against mph :D (plus since english is the lingua franca of the world most english users on the internet use metric
12:19 I have heard from the good cops that there job is first to educate, then to penalize.
Using this story as a reference, let the driver know of how much trouble he could be in and gave them time to rectify the situation, then penalize if it is not done.
While I do agree, good intuition for when to apply that is important as well.
There's a cop out there that gave a teen warning for speeding, he was out with his girlfriend for their first date, prom, something of the like. Unfortunately shortly later that night he got a call to crash scene, it was the very same couple he had run in to earlier.
They were no longer with us.
@@K-Anator This is a sad story, but no one could have foreseen the tragedy that was about to unfold.
@@WarneD1 Yea, sometimes no good deed really does go unpunished.
From what I understand it's been pretty rough on him, and depending on how the teens acted it'd definitely be hard to tell if they took him seriously or not.
I just can't imagine living with something like, even knowing it wasn't my fault; that's gotta be absolute torture.
May have to look him up and see how he's been doing, been a while since I came across that news. Hope it's for the better.
Since when do they educate
@@K-AnatorI remember that. I saw the bodycam footage, it's horrifying to see him break down.
My favorite story is still one from 2007. It's late night/early morning and a drunk man in Madison Wisconsin was at a convenience store eating giant red hot pickled sausages without paying for them and stuffing others down his pants. The clerk calls the police. The guy runs out of the store and hops in an unattended, still running Krispy Kreme truck that had stopped at the store to drop off a delivery. The guy is being chased by several cop cars while donuts are flying out the back of the truck at the cops. Pure poetry. What could make this even better? The guy's name was Warren Whitelightning and there is video footage.
please tell me its on youtube
@@CaptainGrogg6109 Yes it is. Just search warren whitelightning or cops chase donut truck in madison wisconsin. It's magnificent.
Awesome stories! Kinda jealous since mine is kinda lame.
My dad almost got arrested because some people behind them thought he was attacking my older siblings (they were at a stoplight when this happened). What he was really doing was tickling them, but the police didn’t know until one officer asked my older siblings. The cool part is that the one officer knew my parents and was the only person smart enough to ask the kids and not just the adult.
Adults think children are stupid, that's honestly why.
Late 80's, I got pulled over in Nisqually headed from Olympia to Tacoma, for a friends going away party (Navy). I was doing about 80 in a 55. Cop asked me why I was speeding. I asked him if he wanted the truth or a good lie. He said the truth, this should be interesting. So I told him I was late to the party. His eyes bugged out, his jaw dropped and he froze for a second before shaking his head, giving a chuckle, and telling me to slow down. He also told me I was either the most honest driver he'd pulled over for a long while or the stupidest, he couldnt decide. No ticket and let me go!
12/10 would do again!
Story 5: ( 2:06 ) Crap. I've got a spare bedroom in my house. If he wants to do my housework, he's welcome.
Right?! I thought the same thing! 😂 I’d probably think one of my kids ate all the food. I would think it’s sus that my house was clean though. 😂
I mean, if the homeless dude needed a place to stay and cleaned that much, I’d give him my guest room. After the nasty divorce my ex wife left quite a hole in my life. She left my apartment trashed and I practically live at work. So I don’t quite have the time to even take care of myself. The only reason I’m sane is because of a 24/7 gym right next to work.
If that dude cleaned my home, I’d definitely just let him stick around.
Lockpicking dude is like evil lockpickinglawyer
Chaotic Good lockpickinglawyer
@@frostbyte2899 chaotic neutral lockpickinglawyer
imagine being so cool that you're above the law
You're only above the law if the police are sinking........ Hope nothing continues this message.....😅😅😅😅😅
i love the videos about the kids/karens who imagined that. not many of them are able to pull it out, tho..
10:29 "I saw her with three other guys man, what would you do?" Leave.
My mother had very serious alcohol issues and sometimes had medicinal drugs (for her mental health issues) in the mix. Worst thing she would often drive in a dazed/drunk state. Not cool. She had several car accidents where she ridiculously luckyly never was seriously harmed. Also thanks heaven never caused severe damage to anybody else. All of our family was happy when she crashed her last car and could not afford a new one any more.
But I'm digressing. She once more had an accident where she landed her car nose down in a ditch border to a country road. In absolutely crazy coincidence, one of my uncles used the nearby road to drive back home when he recognized an all too familiar car in that dirch. He found her pretty unharmed but completely drunk. He called on my sister and me while we waited for the cops and an ambulance to arrive. (Uncle had her sit in the car for her own safety after he almost bumped into her while trying to manoevering her car out. She had hobbled behind the car to look. And kept falling.)
When the police finally arrived, they asekd how she had ended up in her dire situation, and if she had droven the car drunk. The empty bottles all lying in the car. She obviously had droven that car drunk. As she tended to. BUt as drunk as she was, she was completely off this world, she still could state that she had had the accident and only then had gotten drunk while sitting in the car with the motor off. As nobody could actually prove the obvious lie, the police officers had their hands tied. They could do nothing to report her or remove her driving license.
So she had no legal consequences at all. And the officers would have loved to have her accountable, as would have my uncle, sister and rest of the family really.
(Side note, sis and me will never forget the look the younger cop had on his face when he assumed we would drive after the ambulance as soon as possible and we looked at each other with questioning looks. And I even understand, must seem harsh to question that, but little did he know that we had sh*t like that going on with her for years. She was not badly injured, in candyland anyway, and would just release herself again as soon as she could. Like all the many other times. We did drive after the ambulance after all, only to all but attack my sister for signing the note that she had to stay against her will. Lasting for only 24 hours. The nurses fully understood us. At some point, regardless of the love you still feel for your family and all the patience you have been having, you are just tired of it. It becomes too normal to be worried sick every time especially if there are no serious injuries).
Sorry for the long story
14:56 "AN SALTO GETTING BEAT UP" That's some polished AI shit.
I had a cop sneak me out the back of a drug raid. He said this is your one time. I didnt do the drugs i was a middle man. Later i became his babysitter. I told him he can test my hair my blood my urine. He did and i was clean so he knew i worked at my moms daycare cause we talked as he drove me home that night. When i ran into him again we had lunch cause it was his lunchtime and he said he needed a babysitter. I told him i no longer hang with those types and he can test me but i would gladly be the babysitter. Years later when he divorced his wife he told me she had been secretly recording me. Not cause of the kid but because she thought we were doing it 😂 all she found was me and a little girl and me cleaning the house when she was napping. 😂😅 i was 13 when he got me out of there. He was respected so it was easy. I was 19 when i became the babysitter and I had Perky double Ds. His wife was a total karen to. I was in a restaurant where i could see them but they didnt see me and omg the poor server
I had a seizure trying to read this all
that last part about the size... damn...
Time wait for no perkiness forever... tho enjoy while it last...
You should write a romance novel because this is hella fictional
Haha wild 😂💪🏾💪🏾
I stopped believing after the first couple of sentences, then the completely not needed flex about breast size just hammered in the nail.
Ok. Not the cop, but one of the crowd that were let go. This happened about 15 years ago, in a small town in southern Germany. We were attending the 18th birthday party of my best pal's girlfriend (who was also good friends with my then-girlfriend). At some time at about 1am we decided that we wanted to do something else. We grabbed some folding tables and benches (the ones you probably know from videos about the Oktoberfest, their called "Beer bench"), some cases of beer and a battery powered cd player and set off to a roundabout some 1. kilometers away, at the entrance to the next town over. It was a simple roundabout, a little, grass covered hill, and we settled in the middle of it. ABout half an hour later, a police car came by, literally drove around us about 5 or 6 times, then stopped with the lights on.
The driver was a female rookie, a "Wachtmeister", just out of the academy (which is a 2.5 year training here) - one green (old uniforms, new would be blue) star on the shoulder pads. The passenger was an old, overweight and just cliché Barvarian dude, with 4(!) _silver_ stars, a "Polizeihauptkommissar" (the ranks in German police can not be easily translated to the US, but you can imagine some sort of Sergeant). The young cop was visibly eager to throw the book at us, but the old dude said, calmly and in deep dialect (which I can't really replicate - imagine the difference to "textbook" high German being somewhat similar of very intense Scottish to Standard English): "What on earth do you young lads think you're doing here?" - *"Roundabout-Party!"* - "Ah, I see..." - [interrupting him] "Do you want to join for a pint?" - "Well... Shift's about over, colleague's driving tonight... Sure." [sits down, and we hand him a beer. Meanwhile, there was literal _smoke_ emerging from the rookie's ears. About 5-10 minutes later, he dinished his beer] "Alright, thanks. As you might know, _this_ [making a gesture to our setup] isn't really legal. I tell you what: When I come back here on my way back to the station in about half an hour, you've packed up. FInish your drinks in peace, just turn down the music a bit, then gather your stuff. Deal?"
Needless to say, we had a deal. And really, he _did_ come around on his way back as we were plodding back to the party location with our stuff - and he really stopped to thank us and wish us a good night.
Cool old rural cop (there's no such a thing like _elected law enforcement_ here. Also, all police is, well, police - there are a few different agencies, but they differ in jurisdiction, not in education - in this case, it was simply the Bavarian Police - police work is every state's responsibility, unless it affects the federation, so ther _is_ a Federal Police, also, but in everyday life you will basically only meet them at large train stations and airports, as well as occasionally at borders).
The rookie is considered a feminist in America... hot headed, full of condemnation, and an undeserved sense of respect.
Finally fresh stories! Thanks dude, I was getting tired of only being shown several years old reddit videos
9:00 that was an entire novel, dang
"Please tell the court why were you selling Marijuanna?"
"To fund a Reptile Paradise your honor"
back in the day had a friend who had a hot rod nova with a racing engine and transmission. The incident that fits the theme was he was driving down the freeway at 85-90 and looks in the rearview to see a CHP right on his tail...figured his goose was cooked, so pulled out of his way...the cop pulled up next to him and through his loud speaker said "slow down or I'll throw you in jail and drove off. Other non-theme incident was when he racing a guy down a main drag in town and they pass a sheriff going the opposite way. They see the sheriff flip on his lights and turn around so friend floored it and drove into a tract of homes...he sees a garage door open so he pulled into the garage and closed the door. He was more afraid the homeowner would come out than the cop finding him but he never got caught by either. wonder what ever happened to that guy...
last one reminded me of that story about a girl who was working for a condom factory.
"gonna have fun, huh?"
"oh, no, you misunderstood me, i heading for work.."
Shame about the lockpicker. If he cleaned up maybe he could have set up his own business with it or something.
The first one I thought the kid was gonna say "I didn't want to hit him in the face because people still need to recognize him for trial"
My dad used to test run motorcycles for a buddy of his that sold them. He got this one crotch rocket that went so fast he started lifting from the seat. It scared him so bad he slowed down and pulled over somewhere. A minute later a cop comes up with lights going, cuts them off as he gets near him and asks if he's ok. My dad just nods and gasps a yes. The cop shakes his head and said, "don't ever let me catch you going that fast again!" My dad just nods his head again and slowly turns the bike back to his friend's dealership.
I'm not sure how fast he was going, but it was enough to lift him so, pretty damn fast on a crotch rocket.
Wow! These were pretty cool. I think your channel is underrated, and i love how you dont use a text to speech voice!
Reddit channels like this are a goldmine because the text to speech voices are incredibly annoying
8:53 it kinda sounds like what would happen if robin hood was caught, everyone just respects his skill so much.
3:00 DUDE ILL PAY YOU TO CLEAN MY HOUSE. I have autism and severe depression and its hard to clean sometimes. I wouldnt want you to do this all the time, just like 2 to 3 times a month XD
There are literally services you can hire for that.
@@renakunisaki Not easy to arrange that with autism. I have both autism and depression so I think I can tell.
@joonasnaski9513 Holy shit, you can't just say "durrr my autism" as an excuse. I have it myself. I've been through college, learned how to interact the hard way.
You can improve. Depression is a side-effect of purposelessness. Dedicate yourself to something, it will help.
@@wesleytheanonymous3751 Our experiences may differ. Social anxiety is common with autists. I am glad you have managed to live like you want. I also have achieved things that I wanted to achieve, but it wasn't easy. So I can definetly say that social interactions aren't easy and thus arranging things can be very difficult.
You misunderstood my comment. I didn't say arranging things is impossible. I said it is not easy.
i used to (and still do) have a habit of making fake stories that sound true one of them is that my dad is apart of the police force and he was told about a case where someone was skateboarding and skated over a very VERY old landmine and it blew up but he had some weird protective layer on the bottom that blew off the wheels but shielding him and making him look sick by being launched into the air
Bicycle speeds can get intense. No clue how fast I was going as a kid but one time I started at the highest point of the road after getting the bike tuned and greased. It was a mountain bike and I just kept going up gears as I went downhill. The last down slop had me so fast everything was vibrating and the wind tore tears from my eyes. Thankfully it was one long straight road and I had plenty of time to slow down naturally.
Not a crime and not a cop, but I went to Disney Springs with a 1960s video camera. You know, (actually you probably don’t know) those ones that you need to wind a key on the side for the motor to work. I brought it and as I entered a security guard called out to me. He was kinda just whispering so I couldn’t hear him so I went over with my mom.
“What is that?”
“It’s a 1960s movie camera”
“Oh like those 8mm ones!”
“Yeah, I’m really into that stuff”
“Oh my god I haven’t seen those in decades! Do you have film in it?”
“Nice. Alright have fun and I hope you get good footage with it”
A bunch of other people also pointed it out on the trip. These people were both confused and amazed at the same time 😂
A friend of my family dropped by our house and for some reason we drunk some whiskey together. He then wanted to drive home and we just couldn't stop him from doing so. But when he just got in his car and was about to drive a cop showed up and stopped him. We saw that from the window and freaked out, so we called his wife to tell her, he would be in trouble. 20 minutes later she called us back telling us the cops just brought him home like they would bring a teenager back home who had misbehaved. As she already knew what was going on she was waiting at the doorstep like a mother and when the cops told her to take care of her husband she just told them she would like a mother would do if the cops brought her bratty teen back home. The cops laughed at the scene of our frineds wife dragging him into the house like a mom would do with a kid and told her they wouldn't write him up for drunk driving as they stopped him before he was starting the car and because this is a much more efficient punishment in terms of preventing him to do so again. They were right - after that never even drank alcohol unless he knew somebody else was driving.
Story 5: Can someone give that dude my address? Wouldn't mind if I come home and don't have to clean the kitchen mess :D
Story 10 is a good example of "The Police is your friend".
Lock pick guy COULD just become a locksmith...
One day i was pulled over for speeding, the cop came to my window already worked up for some reason, i was going 45 in a 35 but I don’t think I did anything for him to have immediate attitude. Anyway, he asked why i was speeding and i told him I’m trying to find the hospital (i was working outside my normal city) because i got hurt at work and proceeded to slowly raise my left hand into his view and he jumped back with a gasp and said “follow me, i’ll get you there”. I slipped on a ladder rung and was wearing my wedding band, it degloved my finger.
That parking meter story was the best
I once was on a train without a ticket. I was a student and in a hurry. I just told myself we’ll see what happens. I walked over to the silence coupe. And when they came to check our tickets I nicely smiled while they walked all the way up to me. When asking for my ticket. I put my index finger on my mouth, sssssht and pointed at the sign that said it was a silent coupe. All playful and clear I was asking for a pass. He laughed and left.
I once went 45 on a bike before. That was the time when I was going down one of the steepest hills in an area known as Hill Country and I found out mid-hill that my brakes didn't work.
As someone who used to ride up a mountain to work and back, this would still be TERRIFYING HOW ARE YOU ALIVE????????????
Luckily, the end of the hill was the beginning of another hill.
@@zigzag321go and thank goodness for that! definitely an incentive to always check your brakes ^^;
@@DezAmmySel yep.
Some of these sound like “everyone stood up and clapped”
It's totally weird in my mind. So in the USA children are helt criminaly responsible for using a recreational drug , that they are deemed to be not old enough to be responsible for. The double standards...
Long time ago I was driving on a short stretch of highway in my small hometown where there's never any cops. I was 18 years old and I decided to see if I could push 140 in my car. A cop was there that fateful day and matched my speed. He came to my window and I'm freaking out. He said excitedly "Whoa I've never seen anyone drive that fast!" and broke out laughing. He just told me to slow it down so I could get there in one piece.
12:01 Well, my dad and his friend cycled from Germany to France long before I existed and they were of course packed full of stuff for the journey. He told me a few years ago all about that journey and sais that he went over 70km/h down a long hill in France towards Paris. And at the bottom of the long downhill was a bumpy road that he had to brake hard for.
last year,, going up hy 80 to Truckee to go fly fishing.. i was going a ' wee' bit to fast when chp pulled me over,, and me being irish... and stupid... as he walked over to my passenger window,, i told him this before he could say anything..i said this...'. i got here as fast as i could, i knew you were waiting for me.'.. yes i am a idiot... he just stood there for a second or two,, then started laughing... me with stupid grin on my face.. after he stopped laughing he asked me were i was going..i told him.. fly fishing on the little Truckee river....he told me have a great time fishing.. and said, could you slow down a little.. and let me go.. as i drove away.. i can see that he was having a laugh still, and one more thing crossed my little mind...he could have shot me!!
Friend was painting graffiti on a wall in a kindergarten, he got caught in the act and the cop let him go on condition he finished the piece. It was a grey dull cement enclosure. He was caught painting Elsa and Olaf from Frozen.
Story 5 : it is disgusting.... where ..... does he live near me ?
I got pulled over for speeding back in 2013, and the conversation went kind of like this:
Cop: "Do you know how fast you were going?"
Me: "Yes sir."
Cop: "....OK, and how fast was that?"
Me: "If you don't know how fast I was going, why did you pull me over?"
Cop: "I know how fast you were going, do YOU know how fast you were going?"
Me: "Yes, I do. So does my dashcam."
Cop: *now realizing this whole thing has been recorded* "OK, thank you, have nice day."
Clever, you didn't admit to anything.
I've skimmed through all the comments . Just feel I need to say that ; the guy picking the locks in story 6 sounds SO WAAY COOL that there should be a movie made about him ( IF there isn't one already ) . Shame about him going back onto the drugs 💔 . Hollywood ending would be he gets allowed to rig a "skill tester " machine that's full of toys so that every kid that plays with it gets one toy every time & he gets to do that for a living for children's hospitals .
I used to braid hair at people's houses. One night I went to a friend's ex's house to braid a few heads in a row for him and his friends. They had asked me what I liked to drink and brought it back when they did a beer run. At the time I was test driving a Mustang and hadn't quite gotten the pressure of the gas right. I still have no idea if in the fun atmosphere I had taken one drink too many (which I can't see, it was my usual drink and I only drink until I get giddy, then I stop) or if they had laced me (possible, they were college football players). On the drive home I saw so many lines in the street I closed one eye to try to focus. I was LITERALLY around the corner from my house when I got pulled over by a male and female officer for swerving. I remember them asking me if I had been drinking to which I replied, 'Nope.' They flashed the flashlight and what was left of the whole bottle of Parot Bay had rolled from under the seat and was sitting right on the passenger side floorboard. ALL I REMEMBER AFTER THAT is waking up on my couch the next morning, looking outside and the NEW MUSTANG I WAS TEST DRIVING was GONE. I sat there trying to piece what had happened together and how I had gotten there and then noticed my house keys with the car key still attached on the living room table beside me. On a whim I got the key fob and went walking back around the corner where I got pulled over pushing the button praying I would hear the horn and then I did. These SWEET, SWEET, KIND ANGELS had taken me home, put me on the couch ,parked my car where I could find it and locked up behind them. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT 🤣to this day, my city has the best police officers I HAVE EVER SEEN , judging by what I see from around the world. 🧡💛💖 Also, it might have saved my life, as I realized even though I lived in a small town it didn't mean I wasn't putting my life and safety in danger by doing hair in people's houses. I started only doing people I knew VERY well in my own home and never dealt with the dude or his friends again.
My cousin has a story where he got pulled over on either christmas or thanksgiving for speeding and when the officer asked him why he was speeding he said that he was late and he had the ham. The officer said "Not the ham!" and let him go if I remember right.
“Unrequested live in maid” 😂😂😂😂 Honestly if I had that happen I wouldn’t even be mad.
"He never took anything except food"
Okay. And for someone on a tight budget, that's not a good thing. Also by breaking into peoples houses he was stealing their peace of mind.
Sure he cleaned it, but at the expense of making someone feel unsafe in their own home.
I've done 50mph(10 over the limit on that bit of road) on a bicycle before and it wasn't a road bike like you see in Le Tour de France either, it was an old, clunky mountain bike fitted with 2.3 inch wide, puncture proof tyres.
Back in the 90s I was at a house party and I had a quarter pound of weed on me. The neighbors called the cops because we were being loud and obviously drinking under aged. When the cops arrived I ran out the door. They chased me around the house twice and then I ran into the woods (forest preserve) behind the house.
They must have been so impressed by how fast I was that they didn't arrest me. They even offered to go get some dogs for me. Never did get those dogs 🤔
The baconators. LOL Am I the only one who’s never heard this?
But what if the drugs were IN the DONGS!!!
A good point, that's probably exactly what it was
Funnily I got stopped some years back when I was in highschool for a very similar bike thing. Oretty steep hill in my small town and at the bottom is a 4 way street, so I just kinda blew thrkuth it. Cop lit me up and knew it was me, asked if I knew how fast I was going down the hill and I had no idea. 39mph, somehow, some way. Let me off with a warning and told me to stop next time, because the shrubs make it hard to see incoming traffic and didnt want to be a responding officer to me being hit... Everyone in the town knows him, and he goes by the nickname Papa. Amazing officer.
Best son award goes to the first story.
I’ve got gotten away with so many good ones…so I was in my truck,, like 2AM doing probably 60 in a 45, light in front of me turns yellow, mash it to the floor…so I’m in the middle of this intersection doing probably 75, big plume of diesel smoke behind me…and I catch a glint out of the corner of my eye ‘*city* police department’…he immediately pulls out behind me and gets right up my ass, doesn’t kick the lights on though…obviously I needed to stop doing 75 but also didn’t want to brake check him…so I punched the downshift and deafened him instead…well, he continued to be up my ass for about a mile until he finally kicked the lights on, and I pulled over (in a lawyers office parking lot funnily enough) rolled the window down, hands out the window, officer walks up…’how are you doing this evening?’ ‘Uhh, pretty good officer, but I should tell you, I’m a licensed concealed carry holder and there’s a firearm in the vehicle.’ ‘Alright, can you step out and hang out at the rear of the vehicle?’ ‘Yes sir.’ *officer spends 15 minutes checking my permit and firearm, in the meantime forgetting why he pulled me over* everything checks out, he walks up to me ‘Alright. You’re all good to go. *pauses for a couple seconds, remembers why he pulled me over* And slow the fuck down!’
Another time I was visiting a friend a couple states away, we where out driving (actually roll racing down the highway). We finish our roll racing, and we’re heading back to his place (I don’t really know the area…and there’s literally a streak of red running down the side of my white truck from the farm diesel I had filled up with earlier at my friends place) and a light turns yellow, we both mash it, (I would’ve stopped but I didn’t know where I was going) He made it, I definitely didn’t, and in the middle of the intersection, again, glint out of the corner of my eye ‘*city* police department’…didn’t even bother continuing driving, pulled over in a gas station parking lot, window down, hands out, cop pulls up behind me, same thing, ‘concealed carry holder, firearms in the vehicle’ ‘Alright, where’s the gun.’ ‘Well officer, there’s kind of more than 1.’(redneck friend, we where shooting a lot) *piques his intrest* ‘oh?’ ‘Well, there’s a pistol on my ankle, a pistol in the center console, a shotgun behind the seat, and 2 AR pistols in the passenger seat.’ ‘That’s fucking awesome can I see?!?’
Another time, I’d gone to a redneck friends house for his birthday, I’d bought every gun I owned, and I was headed home for the night (not a far drive, like 1/4 mile over country roads, but I was definitely drunk.). Cop pulled out behind me, flashers came on literally as I was pulling in my driveway…’officer, firearms in the vehicle.’ ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Uhh…Here. *points to house*’ ‘where is the firearm’ ‘well there’s kind of more than 1.’ ‘Ok, where are they?’ ‘Uhh…everywhere. There’s guns on the dashboard, there’s guns in the center console, there’s guns in the passenger seat, there’s guns on ther floor. They’re everywhere.’ ‘Alright. You’ve got a taillight out. Have a nice night.’ Guy did not want to deal with it 😂😂😂
Clearly that’s the secret. Have so many guns in the car that anywhere you put your hands other than out the window would appear that you’re reaching for a gun (understandably, cops don’t like it when you look like you’re reaching for a gun…so if you just fill your car with guns they’ll just say ‘whatever have a nice night.’)
12:10 I ate Sh*t going about 35 on a mountain bike down a mountain bike trail. I got lucky and hit a bush. I was wearing a helmet, of course. Banged up my elbow.
The parking meter locksmith is a bit sus. You don't just "Find" lockpicks and you can't just buy key blanks from a locksmith without questions being asked. Other things that make this suspicious is that parking meters use locks with restricted keyways so the key blanks are really restricted like Mul-t-lock or Medeco. Manufacturers are very protective over their key blanks so a hobo getting hold of these blanks sets off my BS alarm. Parking meters also have a counter on them. Any money going missing would be quickly noticed during an audit so you couldn't do it for months on end without alarm bells ringing in the company.
It's a nice little feel good story but it's just fantasy.
Yes, 64 on a bike is absolutely possible. I did 70 on a longboard hauling ass down a steep hill. It would be much easier on a bike.
Two paddy-wagon cops let me & my bestie go, we were out skateboarding at 2am, at age 13-14, somebody has called for the noise we were making (on a ramp). I had just seconds ago ditched my cigarette, so no evidence there, but we were definitely in trouble. They asked what we were doing and did our folks know we were out. I had sudden burst of evil confidence, told this sob story how boys didnt let us measly girls use the ramp in the daytime, so we figured we’d do it later, after they were gone home. And yes, of course our folks knew where we were (no, they def didnt, we snuck out), we are 16 and its all cool beans, the coolest. I even gave them a false address, my former childhood home nearby. Cops just told us to go home for the night and left. We left the ramp and went to more secluded pool to have some more fun, laughing hysterically all the way there. We wouldve been in real trouble, if the cops asked for IDs, searched us or decided to take us home. To this day I have no idea how I did this, from what universe I divined all this extra confidence and how I remembered our old address, we moved away when I was 7.
17:38 ok this is a good strategy to speed (only on a highway with low traffic to be safe ) and not get a speeding ticket
That last one sounds like a joke someone pulled on the police. Fill a suitcase with embarrassing items, saran wrap it shut so it looks suspicious, and then leave it in your car. Then laugh hysterically if you ever get pulled over and the police decide to search the suitcase.
From a more criminal perspective it also sounds like a great distraction for a drug smuggler. After the police open up the obvious suitcase that is filled with embarrassing items how hard do you think they are going to keep on searching the car? Likely they will be too busy laughing and just let the smuggler go.
64mph is just over 100kph.
Holy crap biker dude.
first kid should be let go regardless well in usa atleast, the kid was stopping a violent assault of his mother and also depending on the age the kid is a minor if anything the dad would catch child endangerment, domestic violence etc and a good judge would throw the book at em
I'd like to think that "the reptile guy" had to do drug deals because he wanted only the best for his reptile friends, and all those reptile paradise things cost a fortune.
6:22 it's "balaclava" not "ballet clava", this is a name of city in Ukraine where it was invented
driving while tired is proven to be worse than drinking i thing you should warn against that as well
My brother got clocked at 65 down a hill on a bmx. But got a ticket
My story: I was about 9 and my dad was taking me to school. He was running fairly behind and as such was speeding. He got pulled over. The cop came out to the car and recognized me. Apparently, he was the father of a friend of mine from Pre-K. He let my dad off with a warning.
So if I killed somebody and then did a really cool backflip, I wouldn’t get arrested?
*starts taking notes
64 on a bike?? that part knocked me tf out bro 💀💀💀
I have a cool story like this, but not from the police side of it...
Years ago, my brother and his friends (all about 16 and 17 at the time) found out that this guy that had been hanging out at a mutual friends house was a Chomo. They threatened him that if he ever showed up at that mutual friends house again they would beat him within an inch of his life (the mutual friend had young children at the time). Well, the guy didn't listen and showed up one day starting trouble, and my brother and his friends rushed over there and right as they got there the guy took off in his truck. They chased him all over town at high speeds, and the chomo guy was crashing into all kinds of stuff, and they eventually cornered him in a casino parking lot and riped him out of his truck and laid a monstrous beat down on the guy. During all this chasing and eventually cornering in a parking lot, bystanders had been calling the police and they showed up at the casino parking lot while my brother and his friends were beating the crap out of this guy, and when police came up my brother yelled out that this guy was a chomo and told them his name, and the police knew who he was due to previous run ins. The police didn't do anything to my brother and his friends, and later that night the police came by the house to get an official statement about what happened, and they were cool as hell about them beating the crap out of that guy and the ensuing high speed civilian chase around town. One cool part of all this, not only did the police show up during the beat down, but the TV show Cops was actually riding along with those particular offices at the time so from the moment the police arrived during the beating it was filmed! This was in the pacific northwest here in the US.
that parking meter guy story was wild. honestly had me dying of laughter the whole way through.
oh yeah, i hit 55 on my road bike before. was doing the levi's gran fondo in...2016? 2017? the bohemian highway leading out of occidental is a real roller coaster. hardly pedaled at all for nearly 6 miles. enough runup and a good tailwind, you can absolutely hit highway speeds on a bike.
ive gotten up to 43 on a bicycle and that scary
When I was 16, I got pulled over in California for riding a bike at 67 in 40. Since I didn't have license, they just gave me a warning.
There's a hill on a road not far from my house that is almost directly lead into from my own street (also downhill), so whenever I *did* ignore the stop sign there, I could easily hit the 55 speed limit and have people driving looking at me like I'm out of my mind as they slowly pass me on the way down. I have a 30ish year old mountain bike I've taken care of, but the tire noise still freaks me out when I get going that fast. Eventually I stopped doing it, when I had someone fly past I couldn't hear coming for the road noise from my tires and there's no speed adjustment steering on a bike. Didn't fall or anything, but should have.
Imagine seeing a bike going so fast that you think it's a car
I mean I’ve hit like 80 on skis I guess but still over 60 on a bike? My record is probably barely over 40 on a skateboard cause I found this big ass hill that probably wasn’t even legal with how steep it was. Also got to watch my friend face plant on it. Luckily at the top of the hill where he wasn’t going very fast. Did this shit while high as fuck at 2 am when I was 14. Probably got carried away with my story but if you don’t like it that’s to damn bad.
12:00 Down a steep hill with strong wind on his back, barely plausible. But a terrible idea.
64MPH is around 100km/h. If he hit anything, he'd take massive damage. Even if it was just a thin branch or a beetle.
wait, what was that?? when that man beat a woman after story 8 you said you cant get behind that in ANY circumstance, but you where cheering it when it was the other way around in story 13?????
Domestic violance is cool when against men apparently
LMAO! The lockpicking kid is a fucking legend!
half the stories in this video have “everyone clapped” energy
2nd dude just completely ignored the point of the question ☠️
Where I live there is a fair that's on every year for about 3 weeks, featuring different singers or comedians 1 each night as main attraction. The concerts end around 12:30am and the fair closing at 1:00am.
I drove to pick up my GF at that time and 2 of her cousins to take them to the fair. The trip itself is over an hour. So going back at night was about 1:30 to 2:00 hours being careful.
Left all girls on their houses and then it's back to my house but I live like 10min from the fair place.
So I'm about midway the road and did not make a Stop and get stopped by a cop.
So past 3am, some guy in a car that's not his (my dads name on documents), with an address in license totally off where i was stopped and drowsy.
I tell the cop I took GF to fair and where she lives (as in the zone of the city, not actual address) and I'm ready to have my license taken with a fee but the cop just tells me to keep going with care
I had a confrontation at a gas station over an air hose. I needed to use it to get to work. Guy wouldn’t give it up and was waiting for his wife with an air pressure checker. Harsh words were said. He tried walking through me several times.
I finally got the hose after her got his tire done, all the while there was harsh words.
When I bent down to fill my tire he backed out then changed his tires to pinch me between his car and mine. I jumped back and then pummeled his car to the tune of several thousand dollars in a few strikes.
Cops came and told me I would be getting charges (I looked like the punk kid and he was “the adult”) I immediately retorted that I would accept the charges but would be charging him with attempted vehicular murder. And told the cops to check the security footage inside. 5 minutes later they apologized and let me go. Never had to pay for the damage. Never went to that gas station again.
This one time I was on my way to work. Got pulled over by a cop. He gave me a ticket for 15 over, and asked me how fast I was going. I answered 55 without lying, because he didn’t say when. When he pulled me over I had slowed down to 55. I went to the court date and asked for the full explanation of the charges. Never got them, and when I went back I got the ticket dismissed.
I managed to do 74 on a bike/pedestrian walkway which is quite steep and long. Fastest i have ever driven my bike for sure.
Holy crap! The tow truck story was amazing
The drug dealer who was just doing it to fund his reptile habitat is wild
If I had someone clean my house, eat, sleep, then leave I'd be gettin an extra bed set up for them