Religion of peace yet they stabbed him in the eye and almost killed him...but....The Christian man showed his faith and kept going....satan loses again
Bruh you know religion cannot be judged based on the actions of a few. The christians themselves have done atrocious acts throughout history, perhaps more than even muslims. And I don't side with either religion, I'm agnostic but your take is faulty.
Both GoD and Satan try to win man,like Trump and Biden just want to win election, not for human , but for them,interest, it happen right@ the front of your eye. , there not more then the illusion, of power game! to be "King to ruling the world!.final are for power, sex, money,profit, they try o blinding you in millions of years so far!
@@Jevin_Patel Brother now pray whole heartedly for The truth which still away from you. Jesus Christ exists but he is not God. You are repeating same mistake. Earlier you worship idols and multiple God and now worshiping a human. Jesus is just a messanger. And yes he was given many magical powers by God, he is considered very great but he is not God
I am a former deist Catholic Turk who had faith in Jesus Christ totally by His grace in 2013. Compared to the past, a considerable number of people in Turkey today become Christians by going to Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant churches. But unfortunately, we still live under the darkness of Islam in our daily lives. Please pray for this land to return to its essence, to the God it belongs to, my dear sisters and brothers. May the Lord protect and bless you✝️
Just so you know Protestants aren't really Christians. The heretics and apostates and try to change the word of God to suit their narrative and worldly ideals
@@jonathanmoore5619 It means to change the course of your heart/will/mind from your current path/idea/desire but instead to stop rebelling/being lost/being foolish and to return to the will of God. Acknowledge your transgression/offense to God and humble yourself before God and seek to try to do his will in earnest. Consider when you have been offended in the past. If the person keeps offending and says you are the problem is it easy to forgive them? If instead the person cares enough for you to have regret, to feel sorry, and to change the behavior to the good how much easier is it for you to forgive and to mend the relationship.
@@jonathanmoore5619 Also consider that pride is a barrier to God. Pride also being a barrier to learning. If a person already thinks they know better or that they are more important it is hard for them to learn from another if not impossible. Pride locks us into a course; humility allows us ability to change course.
@@mrtravelhub4313 You are right. It is Meniere's disease. It comes from ear infection. Vitamins D and B complex plus Betaserc works best. I am now fine but it will come again for sure. I am suffering for 30 yrs but I've learnt to live with it. You can control it using medication but by prayers u can get rid of this menace.
@@fatimaeva6625 Some people derive power from God. They can work wonders. There is no God. There is only Jesus Christ and no one else. Thanks for ur great idea.🤣
Follow Jesus, He is the way the truth and the Life. Christ Jesus took mine and your sin to the cross. Jesus said; It is finished. Salvation can only be found through the precious blood of Christ Jesus ❤️🙏🏻
If you have money take some holidays to meditate... ask for the truth You also can go to Medjugorge, be there on 25 th of any month, try to be present where and when everybody will be. See what happens...
Share these with your family and friends --- if you dare . . . *Rig Veda 10.23.4* "With this rain, Indra throws drops on his yellow beard" *Rig Veda 10.96.8* "At the swift draught, the Iron One with his yellow beard and yellow hair" *Rig Veda 1.100.18* “Indra attacked the Dasyus, won the land, sunlight, and water with his white-skinned friends” *Rig Veda 1.103.3* “With His thunderbolt, He destroyed Dasyus cities, and strengthened the Ārya tribe.” *Rig Veda 1.130.8* “Indra defends his Ārya worshipers, consumes the malignant, tore off the b_______ skin; and him who delights in cruelty.” *Rig Veda. 2.20.6* "Indra, slayer of Vritra, scattered the Dasyus sprang from a b______ womb." *Rig Veda 2.20.7* “Indra, slayer of Vṛitra, destroyer of cities, scattered the b______-sprung servile.” *Rig Veda 3.34.9* "Indra owns the Sun, Horses, Cow. He struck the Dasyus, and protected the Ārya tribe." *Rig Veda. 8.87.6* "Indra destroyer of cities, slayer of the Dasyus, the prosperer of man, Lord of the sky." *Rig Veda 9.41.1* "Active and bright they have come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls, driving the b______ skin far away." *Rig Veda 9.73.5* “They roared, burned riteless men, blowing away the b______ skinned which Indra hates.”
@skittelzsukk Orthodox don't worship saints and Holy Mary. But we can pray for help from those holy people. Milions of miracles happened in orthodoxy. You are just protestant
I left ISLAM when I started to listen to the ONE and only..the best in the world. NEVILLE GODDARD when he said to us to do the LADDER EXERCISE and when he told the BAREBADOS STORY
@ServantofAllah-df3dm Surah 6: 125 - _So whoever Allah wants to guide - He expands his breast to [contain] Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide - He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky. Thus does Allah place defilement upon those who do not believe._ Surah 28:56 - _You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided._ NOTE to MUSLIMS --> you could be Allah's next apostate!! Compare Islam with what the true God of the Bible says: John 10:28 - _"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."_ - Jesus Romans 8:1 - _There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus._ Romans 8:38-39 - _For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor power,s nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord._
Remember, there’s only one God, whoever claimed to be a living God, and that is the father of Jesus. Jesus fullfilled prophecy. He is the way and truth and life.
Read Isaiah 41 The Futility of Idols. Here, the Lord speaks to Isaiah to warn his People of the false gods and idols they will encounter while they are exiled in Babylon. This chapter is so relevant today and should help bring your view of a supreme being towards the one true God in Lord Jesus Christ. This verse helped give me the courage I needed to walk away from anything in my life that took me away from our Lord and Saviour. I pray for you and hope you too can share a similar journey 🙏✝️
I'm not fascinated about Islam and Shariah. I'm christian believer living in lutheran Finland 🇫🇮. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior to me. 10 Commandments and Sermon on the Mount are my guidelines and, of course, the Bible is holy book to me as christian believer.
But be aware . . . *Matthew 24:11* False prophets will appear and deceive many people." *2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_ *1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_ *Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
المسيح هو كلمه الله القاها الي مريم وروح منه اي هو الله الظاهر في صوره عيسي وانت تؤمن ان جبريل كان ياتي للرسول في صوره دحيه الكلبي فكيف لا تؤمن ان الله قادر ان ياتي في صوره المسيح؟
When first embraced Christianity, I selfishly did it so I could date my crush, then I fell back into my old ways, now I am doing it for God, because I am a lot wiser than before, I will leave my problems to God because he can sort it out better than I ever could.
Are you sure you read the Bible completely? He had said his disciples to send his messages to the other nations before he was crucified. Please be informed about something before you speak. You dishonored yourself.
5 месяцев назад
@@mahatipoglu u mean PAUL said, afrer death of jesus, and we all know Paul never saw jesus in his life
It started when an angel of light appeared to Moham and gave him a new message and a new religion. 2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
But how does the Quran command you not to follow the steps of Satan? There is a supplication to protect yourself from Satan more than the Bible and how can the Quran be preserved as it was revealed not like the Bible which is more flawed and wrong and clear before you say something about it get to know it first and you will know the truth as Christ himself said John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
@robitff3391 1. There's no Koran preservation. It's a myth. There are over 25 different versions of Koran today in spite of 1924 attempt to consolidate all previous version into one in Egypt. Lots of research and work done on it so it's not hard to find. 2. Angel of Light is a cunning creature that was very close to God but then it fell. It can manipulate people to think they follow God but they bow down to it being in darkness. What breaks the bond with darkness is baptism and thar only comes through Christ, God fully revealed. To be in God's fold one has to accept God as revealed to humanity. When God is not accepted as such due to pride, etc evil moves in
You totally correct sir. We must continue to wait for the fulfillment of the will of God in our life because if we go in for Hagar, it will bring great burden upon one. May the Lord help us to continue to wait on Him at all times in Jesus name.
Amen. Thank you, Bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel, for sharing this insightful revelation and bringing this info to light so the world knows of the origin of Islam. May our Lord, God, Jesus Christ, bless you always! And may God have Mercy on us and bless us all...😑🙏✝
Man is speaking the truth in every single way.Whoever likes the truth fine,and those who don’t want the truth at a certain point will have to confess that Jesus Christ is the messiah.
@@EdwinEEdekiwhat does the Bible point about it ? The angel in Christianity doesnt give any word to follow or a tablet.. only says that Mary will bear Jesus , the Son of God. And he was the best example for humanity. Jesus has done only good.
Confess that you are a sinner, thank Jesus for forgiving your sin, Ask Jesus to come into your life, rejoice..join a Bible believing church. For fellowship .. he is now your personal shepherd.spend time every day in Gods Word..start with Psalm 23 . Blessings.
Being practical on this and my very limited study of Islam, but weren't the words of The Prophet Muhammed, originally just spoken words before they were recorded long after his death? Umm... has anyone ever played a game of telephone? Where you line up 10 people and you whisper to one and the whisper is past down the line and you see how different it changes? This is how I don't trust Islam.
The words of the Prophet Muhammad written later are his hadiths. Hadith means word in Arabic. As for the Quran, yes, the Quran was compiled into a book after the death of Prophet Muhammad, but many verses of the Quran were written while the Prophet was alive. The entire Quran was memorized by the hafiz. When the Prophet died, these hafiz gathered together and compiled the Quran into a book.
@@ArasofRiviaMuhammad never met Jesus though. I trust Jesus as my lord n savior who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead not some random guy who made up a book, with all due respect my brother.
@@Lukas-rw7ok Yes, you can believe whatever you want. I am not a Muslim right now, I am trying to interpret impartially. But Muslims say that the bibles were collected randomly after the death of Jesus and that Paul's teachings contradict the teachings of Jesus. Because everyone is busy thinking that the religion of the geography they were born in is correct.
Gn from Jamaica Mr mar mari Emanuel I'm Jerome Andrea casselk and I've gotta say ty for helping me out in ways kinda unspeakable and may god bless u endlessly amen
Very true. When you know him you know him. How can anyone deny after knowing him. You will start loving him. When you love him, how can you simply love without serving him. When you know him, love him and serve him, you live in him and he lives in you. That's what heaven is!
As a orthodox christian ☦️ convert from islam with My family and many family friends. All Muslims will see the truth like we did. Bless you ☦️☝️ Have a great day.
@skittelzsukk Yes, Orthodox Christians (both Eastern & Oriental Churches, alike)pray to & venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the Catholics do. Orthodox christian is the true Christian ☦️
I pray for my husband to leave Islam and except Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He's more devoted to his father than our Heavenly Father. He would be so much more peaceful within himself if he came to Christ. Please pray for and with me friends 💓💓💓
@@hoopoe3093 John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. Genesis 19:24 Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens.
@sagemoon8458 Father I pray in the name of Jesus, please break the illusion of the devil allah. Please show her husband that you are the true God. Make him commit shirk and leave his false religion once and for all and believe that you Lord Jesus are the one true God. Amen.
@@hoopoe3093 I went to Islam for years and never felt so segregated in a place of worship. I went back to Jesus where all is right again! I pray for you to leave the deceiver you call God. It says it in your own book. Allah is the deceiver of all deceivers. Someday you'll wake up just like my husband.
Matthew 7:22-23 22: On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23: And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
*Matthew 24:11* And false prophets will appear and deceive many people." *2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_ *1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_ *Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
*Galatians* 3:13 : Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” *quran* 3:45 : Allah gives you the glad tidings of a command from Him: his name shall be Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary. He shall be highly honoured in this world and in the Next, and shall be one of those near stationed to Allah.
Well said my brother! I pray for those 1.4 billion lost souls that they find our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The world would be a much more peaceful place without islame! 😇
Hey, watch out, buddy . . . *Qur'an 8:12* "I shall cast t____r into the hearts of disbelievers, so strike their necks" *Qur'an 9:111* “Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and k__ or be k____.” *Qur'an 9:29* "Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day." *Qur'an 2:216* "Fighting is obligatory for you ˹believers˺. Allah knows and you do not." *Qur'an 3:151* “We will cast t_____r into the hearts of those who deny the Truth" *Qur'an 9:123* “Believers! Fight against the disbelievers who are near to you; and let them find harshness in you. Know that Allah is with the God-fearing. O ye who believe!” *Qur'an 47:4* “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slau _______ upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens. That is the command. And those who are k______ in the cause of Allah . . . never will He waste their deeds.”
I think this man is amazing, you are witnessing, a man blessed by the holy spirit! He has so much passion, love, intellect and conviction it's remarkable! This man should be pope, GOD'S true representative. Thank you so much for all you do, I love all of your content, and even if I don't manage to meet Jesus myself ,it gives me great pleasure in knowing , that i'm witnessing a man that will.
As a firm and proud Christian…I highly recommend EVERYONE to read The Truth About Muhammad by Robert B. Spencer and The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast by Joel Richardson
Lucky for you that known Jesus Christ through your family (legacy religion) and keep your faith till now. And for all my friends, brothers and sisters out there that haven’t know Jesus Christ, I pray for you, may you find Him personally ❤
“Beware of those who appear innocent or trustworthy, but who may actually have harmful intentions. As Jesus said, ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.’” This phrasing captures the essence of being cautious about those who might disguise their true intentions.
Here's a follow up: *Matthew 24:11* False prophets will appear and deceive many people." *2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_ *1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_ *Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
My husband father was Islamic, his mother Christian. God Bless the heart of those Muslims, when my Christian family abandoned me. However, it is incomplete, the Spirit of Christ is not there.
What he says is true about Ishmael but why did he stop? If you read the rest of the story then indeed ISHMAEL was the first born and was ready for sacrafice by abraham. and not ISSAC. ishmael translated means "God hears"
Thank u God 💯 🙏 pls forgive my sins and shortcomings like u did to Abraham. A Nigeria 🇳🇬 Christian ✝️ but i love and respect all religions 💯. Let's live and love one another ❤️ 🙏 🙏 pls
Well done.That should be the way people live together in harmony. Is it written in the Quran to kill Jews and infidels? If its written in the Guran that it is the cause of all the killings and wars in the Middle East.
@@ritajiwanmall2707I live in America! Everyone has the right to practice religion any religion. It’s my right to be a Muslim, just like you have the right to be Christian. Can we please just all get along. I have many friends who are non Muslim who love me. I love them. That is how it should be. You can say what you want to say.
I too have chosen and made up mind long ago in our Lord Jesus Christ. I was offered our times by some influential Muslim people to embrace Islam and receive big wealth but I flatly refused. I bluntly told them all 'My God is bigger than your god' ! They kept quiet.
Religion of peace yet they stabbed him in the eye and almost killed him...but....The Christian man showed his faith and kept going....satan loses again
One person named Abdul stabs him and y’all blame the whole religion…without Islam ..Christianity is irrelevant
Bruh you know religion cannot be judged based on the actions of a few. The christians themselves have done atrocious acts throughout history, perhaps more than even muslims. And I don't side with either religion, I'm agnostic but your take is faulty.
Both GoD and Satan try to win man,like Trump and Biden just want to win election, not for human , but for them,interest, it happen right@ the front of your eye. , there not more then the illusion, of power game! to be "King to ruling the world!.final are for power, sex, money,profit, they try o blinding you in millions of years so far!
You don’t judge Christianity on the action of one individual so...
"They" stabbed him? Who is "they? The action of one doesn't represent all. Stop embarrassing yourself and try to not be ignorant
Much love from Kenya, JESUS CHRIST is the Lord
Love from America my Kenyan brother
Greetings from USA God bless you and your family
No goodie not real and how is Jesus god read Matthew 4:10
Once a devotee of krishna and 330 million god,
Now Jesus is my everything ✝️
Jesus = Hail Zeus
Zeus = Lord Indra the King of the Gods
Yeshua = Son of Krishna
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords
@@sharonrodriguez9592 Hail Zeus
@@XBlackTemplarX Jesus = son of Jehovah
Jehovah ≠ KRISHNA
@@Jevin_Patel Brother now pray whole heartedly for The truth which still away from you. Jesus Christ exists but he is not God. You are repeating same mistake. Earlier you worship idols and multiple God and now worshiping a human. Jesus is just a messanger. And yes he was given many magical powers by God, he is considered very great but he is not God
i am locked in. Glory be to Jesus Christ, Hallelujah
I am a former deist Catholic Turk who had faith in Jesus Christ totally by His grace in 2013. Compared to the past, a considerable number of people in Turkey today become Christians by going to Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant churches. But unfortunately, we still live under the darkness of Islam in our daily lives. Please pray for this land to return to its essence, to the God it belongs to, my dear sisters and brothers. May the Lord protect and bless you✝️
Congratulations for your new religion.
But what do you worship?
The son or spirit or father.?
Since you are Sherlock Holmes, you should investigate further what the Holy Trinity is 🙂
Islamin “karanligi” nerede ben goremiyorum, gayet sarhos ve ciplak geziyorsunuz kimse bisiy demiyor.
@mxvua 🙏❤️
Just so you know Protestants aren't really Christians. The heretics and apostates and try to change the word of God to suit their narrative and worldly ideals
I left Islam for Christ! Jesus is lord after all! Hallelujah
human worshipper🎉🎉
God bless you ❤ when out times is up on this Earth, you will meet Jesus because he is the Truth no one else. ✝️☦️
@@ice_JL nope, Jesus is divine, he is God who became flesh.
Even in Quran it states about his divinity. Jesus is the Word of God.
@@Adam20672 where does it say it? You have verse?, proof?
@@ice_JL surah an nisa.... Jesus is the word of alah..
Jesus is the Truth . We must repent our sins
Define the correct translation and definition of repent, as it is written? What does it mean?
@@jonathanmoore5619 It means to change the course of your heart/will/mind from your current path/idea/desire but instead to stop rebelling/being lost/being foolish and to return to the will of God. Acknowledge your transgression/offense to God and humble yourself before God and seek to try to do his will in earnest. Consider when you have been offended in the past. If the person keeps offending and says you are the problem is it easy to forgive them? If instead the person cares enough for you to have regret, to feel sorry, and to change the behavior to the good how much easier is it for you to forgive and to mend the relationship.
@@jonathanmoore5619 Also consider that pride is a barrier to God. Pride also being a barrier to learning. If a person already thinks they know better or that they are more important it is hard for them to learn from another if not impossible. Pride locks us into a course; humility allows us ability to change course.
Yeshua was Jewish not Christian
Pastor Mar.Mari Emmanuel I am suffering from vertigo for a long time. I am badly in need of prayers. Please remember me in your prayers. Thanks.❤🙏🙏🙏❤
He is not pastor he is preist.
@@mrtravelhub4313 You are right. It is Meniere's disease. It comes from ear infection. Vitamins D and B complex plus Betaserc works best. I am now fine but it will come again for sure. I am suffering for 30 yrs but I've learnt to live with it. You can control it using medication but by prayers u can get rid of this menace.
Pastor Robert, please pray for me like I pray for 5. I can't no more from long-Covid and diabetes that makes me week an sad. Amen
Just ask help from GOD yourself . Why a human?
@@fatimaeva6625 Some people derive power from God. They can work wonders. There is no God. There is only Jesus Christ and no one else. Thanks for ur great idea.🤣
I'm thinking of leaving islam and I don't know what to do now after I leave islam.
Read the bible
Find a Christian community around you, there might even be some ex Muslim communities that could help you out
Follow Jesus, He is the way the truth and the Life.
Christ Jesus took mine and your sin to the cross.
Jesus said; It is finished.
Salvation can only be found through the precious blood of Christ Jesus ❤️🙏🏻
Just take care yourself and take the agnostic path.
If you have money take some holidays to meditate... ask for the truth
You also can go to Medjugorge, be there on 25 th of any month, try to be present where and when everybody will be.
See what happens...
Being a exmuslim i will think about
i locked in my decision comparing who was better role model and who was more concerned about Kingdoms of earth and kingdom of heaven.
Think about JESUS be HIS disciple. Not any religion. GOD hates religion for it leads the people astray.
be an atheist first let the true lord show the way. You cannot choose you are choosen
@@KritipongChaiyapuakwe are all called upon by the lord but you either reject it or accept it
Consider Zoroastrianism: Good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Best simple creed for a practical, spiritual life.
Left Hinduism..Now a proud christ believer
May Jesus Christ bless you & your family abundantly…!
You left your ancestry Dharma which is over 30,000 years old and became an Arab cult follower? lol, whatever, what a weak minded person.
Share these with your family and friends --- if you dare . . .
*Rig Veda 10.23.4* "With this rain, Indra throws drops on his yellow beard"
*Rig Veda 10.96.8* "At the swift draught, the Iron One with his yellow beard and yellow hair"
*Rig Veda 1.100.18* “Indra attacked the Dasyus, won the land, sunlight, and water with his white-skinned friends”
*Rig Veda 1.103.3* “With His thunderbolt, He destroyed Dasyus cities, and strengthened the Ārya tribe.”
*Rig Veda 1.130.8* “Indra defends his Ārya worshipers, consumes the malignant, tore off the b_______ skin; and him who delights in cruelty.”
*Rig Veda. 2.20.6* "Indra, slayer of Vritra, scattered the Dasyus sprang from a b______ womb."
*Rig Veda 2.20.7* “Indra, slayer of Vṛitra, destroyer of cities, scattered the b______-sprung servile.”
*Rig Veda 3.34.9* "Indra owns the Sun, Horses, Cow. He struck the Dasyus, and protected the Ārya tribe."
*Rig Veda. 8.87.6* "Indra destroyer of cities, slayer of the Dasyus, the prosperer of man, Lord of the sky."
*Rig Veda 9.41.1* "Active and bright they have come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls, driving the b______ skin far away."
*Rig Veda 9.73.5* “They roared, burned riteless men, blowing away the b______ skinned which Indra hates.”
@@barbaraleliva7923 same here
@@barbaraleliva7923 Thank you✨
Bishop Mar Mari knows what he speaks on. Amen. 🙏
@skittelzsukk Orthodox don't worship saints and Holy Mary. But we can pray for help from those holy people. Milions of miracles happened in orthodoxy. You are just protestant
applause 👏👏👏 Mari Emmanuel's comments for being fantastic point and true. Praise Jesus living God for saving our lives 🙏🙏🙏
If you want to worship God the best religion is Christianity ❤
The best is faith ...religion is man made ...there is a difference between faith and religion
Faith is based on a religion. You cannot have faith without a religion.
Right, atheists?
@@Africa-d8w Faith is not based on religion..religion is man made
@@mortgagefinancing5558 ..then what is your faith?
Iam a catholic from uganda -i real enjoy watching mari teachings
Watching from Nigeria. I enjoy everything. Bishop Mario is broken for God's kingdom.
Indeed it is a reality
From Spain and catholic too: great bishop and preacher, indeed.
He is a false teacher
God bless you for telling truth, for which is Christ ❤
Glory be to Jesus Christ, Hallelujah 🙏🕊️❤️
I left ISLAM when I started to listen to the ONE and only..the best in the world. NEVILLE GODDARD when he said to us to do the LADDER EXERCISE and when he told the BAREBADOS STORY
Brother,do you mind to tell what is the LADDER EXERCISE? I m just curious...but if you're not OK with then nevermind 😉
@@kimuranaito1493 search.. Neville Goddard LADDER EXERCISE
Following Jesus Christ he is the way
@ServantofAllah-df3dm Surah 6: 125 - _So whoever Allah wants to guide - He expands his breast to [contain] Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide - He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky. Thus does Allah place defilement upon those who do not believe._
Surah 28:56 - _You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided._
NOTE to MUSLIMS --> you could be Allah's next apostate!!
Compare Islam with what the true God of the Bible says:
John 10:28 - _"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."_ - Jesus
Romans 8:1 - _There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus._
Romans 8:38-39 - _For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor power,s nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord._
@ServantofAllah-df3dm you knoow you can still delete your message brother
Being an Agnostic (belief in a supreme being, but uncertain who's story is correct), Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel actually reaches me.
Come to Jesus soon
The Holy Spirit is calling you. Keep listening. Open your mind and heart.
Remember, there’s only one God, whoever claimed to be a living God, and that is the father of Jesus. Jesus fullfilled prophecy. He is the way and truth and life.
Read Isaiah 41 The Futility of Idols. Here, the Lord speaks to Isaiah to warn his People of the false gods and idols they will encounter while they are exiled in Babylon. This chapter is so relevant today and should help bring your view of a supreme being towards the one true God in Lord Jesus Christ. This verse helped give me the courage I needed to walk away from anything in my life that took me away from our Lord and Saviour. I pray for you and hope you too can share a similar journey 🙏✝️
@@anonymousposter3570 do you have preminition?
I'm not fascinated about Islam and Shariah. I'm christian believer living in lutheran Finland 🇫🇮. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior to me. 10 Commandments and Sermon on the Mount are my guidelines and, of course, the Bible is holy book to me as christian believer.
But be aware . . . *Matthew 24:11* False prophets will appear and deceive many people."
*2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_
*1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_
*Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
قُلۡ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ
ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ
لَمۡ يَلِدۡ وَلَمۡ يُولَ
لَمۡ يَلِدۡ وَلَمۡ يُو وَلَمۡ يَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا
المسيح هو كلمه الله القاها الي مريم وروح منه اي هو الله الظاهر في صوره عيسي وانت تؤمن ان جبريل كان ياتي للرسول في صوره دحيه الكلبي فكيف لا تؤمن ان الله قادر ان ياتي في صوره المسيح؟
Hallelujah, praise the lord ..
Mar mari bishop requesting prayer for financial support 🙏..
Warmth greetings regard from country Bhutan 🇧🇹 ..
pretty good racket
This man is a true Shepherd. Im Lutheran but have so much respect for Orthodoxy.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life
I'm Eastern Orthodox, we love Mari but he's not Orthodox, he's Nestorian. We are all Christians that resist the death cult of Islam
@@PierreJJ. Oh thanks for the clarification
Luther caused an e vil division between Christians. That was on purpose. People should do their research.
Praise the lord my God Jesus
Jesus Christ is Lord 🙏
Keep preaching bishop 💪
Amen 🙏♥✝
When first embraced Christianity, I selfishly did it so I could date my crush, then I fell back into my old ways, now I am doing it for God, because I am a lot wiser than before, I will leave my problems to God because he can sort it out better than I ever could.
Easy: Go to confession
He's 100% right. Jesus is the only way.
yea, just explain us HOW, if jesus in bible says I AM SENT ONLY TO LOST SHEEPS HOUSE OF ISRAEL (means he was sent ONLY TO JEWS!)😂
Not sure where your confusion is coming from friend. The love of Jesus extends to every human being on earth.
@@scalawag6878 my confusion comes from YOUR BIBLE which you obviesly never read🤔
Are you sure you read the Bible completely? He had said his disciples to send his messages to the other nations before he was crucified. Please be informed about something before you speak. You dishonored yourself.
@@mahatipoglu u mean PAUL said, afrer death of jesus, and we all know Paul never saw jesus in his life
God bless Christian, God bless you Pastor🙏
It started when an angel of light appeared to Moham and gave him a new message and a new religion.
2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
But how does the Quran command you not to follow the steps of Satan? There is a supplication to protect yourself from Satan more than the Bible and how can the Quran be preserved as it was revealed not like the Bible which is more flawed and wrong and clear before you say something about it get to know it first and you will know the truth as Christ himself said John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
@robitff3391 1. There's no Koran preservation. It's a myth. There are over 25 different versions of Koran today in spite of 1924 attempt to consolidate all previous version into one in Egypt. Lots of research and work done on it so it's not hard to find.
2. Angel of Light is a cunning creature that was very close to God but then it fell. It can manipulate people to think they follow God but they bow down to it being in darkness. What breaks the bond with darkness is baptism and thar only comes through Christ, God fully revealed. To be in God's fold one has to accept God as revealed to humanity. When God is not accepted as such due to pride, etc evil moves in
You totally correct sir. We must continue to wait for the fulfillment of the will of God in our life because if we go in for Hagar, it will bring great burden upon one. May the Lord help us to continue to wait on Him at all times in Jesus name.
Whenever God delivers the truth, Satan brings a counterfeit.
Amen. Thank you, Bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel, for sharing this insightful revelation and bringing this info to light so the world knows of the origin of Islam.
May our Lord, God, Jesus Christ, bless you always!
And may God have Mercy on us and bless us all...😑🙏✝
Man is speaking the truth in every single way.Whoever likes the truth fine,and those who don’t want the truth at a certain point will have to confess that Jesus Christ is the messiah.
What Mar Mari Emmanuel is saying the truth only believe in JESUS and have complete trust in HIM there will be PEACE all over the world.
Notice how many false religions always involve an angel. A fallen angel. Appearing and giving out a golden tablet of their own laws?
The bible points that out also. Let that Angel be cursed.
@@EdwinEEdekiwhat does the Bible point about it ? The angel in Christianity doesnt give any word to follow or a tablet.. only says that Mary will bear Jesus , the Son of God. And he was the best example for humanity. Jesus has done only good.
Like the Angel Gabriel strangling Mr. Caveman Pedo-Prophet, commanding him to READ!
Confess that you are a sinner, thank Jesus for forgiving your sin, Ask Jesus to come into your life, rejoice..join a Bible believing church. For fellowship .. he is now your personal shepherd.spend time every day in Gods Word..start with Psalm 23 . Blessings.
I believe in Jesus, King of kings, lord of lords
Bishop Mar Mari May God bless.❤❤❤ty
❤Amen Jesus is true living God there is no God than Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen❤
Praise be to our Lord Hallelujah in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen Amen ❤❤❤.
Being practical on this and my very limited study of Islam, but weren't the words of The Prophet Muhammed, originally just spoken words before they were recorded long after his death? Umm... has anyone ever played a game of telephone? Where you line up 10 people and you whisper to one and the whisper is past down the line and you see how different it changes? This is how I don't trust Islam.
@@nikopawlowic6557 MOHAMMED was an illeterate guy.
The words of the Prophet Muhammad written later are his hadiths. Hadith means word in Arabic. As for the Quran, yes, the Quran was compiled into a book after the death of Prophet Muhammad, but many verses of the Quran were written while the Prophet was alive. The entire Quran was memorized by the hafiz. When the Prophet died, these hafiz gathered together and compiled the Quran into a book.
@@ArasofRiviaI sure you are a liar Muhammed not a prophet who had a notorious criminal Muhammed made by Allah a fake god😂😂😂
@@ArasofRiviaMuhammad never met Jesus though. I trust Jesus as my lord n savior who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead not some random guy who made up a book, with all due respect my brother.
@@Lukas-rw7ok Yes, you can believe whatever you want. I am not a Muslim right now, I am trying to interpret impartially. But Muslims say that the bibles were collected randomly after the death of Jesus and that Paul's teachings contradict the teachings of Jesus. Because everyone is busy thinking that the religion of the geography they were born in is correct.
Gn from Jamaica Mr mar mari Emanuel I'm Jerome Andrea casselk and I've gotta say ty for helping me out in ways kinda unspeakable and may god bless u endlessly amen
Very true. When you know him you know him. How can anyone deny after knowing him. You will start loving him. When you love him, how can you simply love without serving him. When you know him, love him and serve him, you live in him and he lives in you. That's what heaven is!
As a orthodox christian ☦️ convert from islam with My family and many family friends.
All Muslims will see the truth like we did.
Bless you ☦️☝️
Have a great day.
Glad to read it, study islam eschatology and christianity eschatology also. it's pretty interesing.. May YHWH bless you.
I hope to see you in heaven! Jesus loves you
Hallelujah… glory for the Lord 👏🙏
@skittelzsukk Yes, Orthodox Christians (both Eastern & Oriental Churches, alike)pray to & venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the Catholics do.
Orthodox christian is the true Christian ☦️
@skittelzsukk people are moving away from west christian church and going to east orthodox christian ☦️
Bless you hope you find the way also .
Amen 🙏 hallelujah this is preaching without fear or favor.
Glory Glory to lord Jesus Christ
Praise The Lord ✝️ GOD Bless You Sir❤
Amen!! Thank you Jesus Christ for everything
Sir i like your teachings. Please pray for me And my family 🙏
Love you lord above ❤❤❤
I’m locked in too! Thank you Jesus!
amen for this TRUTH
No God No peace Know God Know peace
I pray for my husband to leave Islam and except Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He's more devoted to his father than our Heavenly Father. He would be so much more peaceful within himself if he came to Christ. Please pray for and with me friends 💓💓💓
I pray the opposite will happen. You will leave Christianity & join your husband's faith. Jesus was NEVER God & he never claimed divinity. 😊
@@hoopoe3093 John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
Genesis 19:24 Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens.
@sagemoon8458 Father I pray in the name of Jesus, please break the illusion of the devil allah. Please show her husband that you are the true God. Make him commit shirk and leave his false religion once and for all and believe that you Lord Jesus are the one true God. Amen.
@@hoopoe3093 I went to Islam for years and never felt so segregated in a place of worship. I went back to Jesus where all is right again! I pray for you to leave the deceiver you call God. It says it in your own book. Allah is the deceiver of all deceivers. Someday you'll wake up just like my husband.
@@Jesuslordoflords-y4m Thank you
Amen 🙏🏻 every word is a wisdom ✝️
What ever I will not denied Jesus thought I have to give my life I'm ready glory to God Amen
Matthew 7:22-23
22: On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
23: And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
*Matthew 24:11* And false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
*2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_
*1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_
*Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
*Galatians* 3:13 : Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
*quran* 3:45 : Allah gives you the glad tidings of a command from Him: his name shall be Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary. He shall be highly honoured in this world and in the Next, and shall be one of those near stationed to Allah.
Praise the Lord Amen🙏
Amen . 🙏 Yes . Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is today, yesterday and forever true God . God Bless bishop for telling the truth ❤
Jesus Christ is king 👑👑the prince of peace 🕊️✌️
God bless this incredible man
Please spare a prayer for me Pastor Mar Mari Emmanuel I'm a sinner 😢.
Thank you Mar Mari this is reality , God bless the Spirit in you
Well said my brother! I pray for those 1.4 billion lost souls that they find our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The world would be a much more peaceful place without islame! 😇
Hey, watch out, buddy . . . *Qur'an 8:12* "I shall cast t____r into the hearts of disbelievers, so strike their necks"
*Qur'an 9:111* “Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and k__ or be k____.”
*Qur'an 9:29* "Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day."
*Qur'an 2:216* "Fighting is obligatory for you ˹believers˺. Allah knows and you do not."
*Qur'an 3:151* “We will cast t_____r into the hearts of those who deny the Truth"
*Qur'an 9:123* “Believers! Fight against the disbelievers who are near to you; and let them find harshness in you. Know that Allah is with the God-fearing. O ye who believe!”
*Qur'an 47:4* “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slau _______ upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens. That is the command. And those who are k______ in the cause of Allah . . . never will He waste their deeds.”
God bless Mar Mari Bishop. I really like his sermon.
I think this man is amazing, you are witnessing, a man blessed by the holy spirit! He has so much passion, love, intellect and conviction it's remarkable! This man should be pope, GOD'S true representative. Thank you so much for all you do, I love all of your content, and even if I don't manage to meet Jesus myself ,it gives me great pleasure in knowing , that i'm witnessing a man that will.
Al-Kaffirun 109:6
“Me to my religion, you to yours.” ☪️
That’s how God would want ..??? A God if no reason.?? When all he did was always reason..???
You worship the devil
@@DelwinChowhandied on a cross is also not a god ......
He is done, Mari Mari goodbye.
Yes, God incarnate.
Do Not forget that the same one who died, Rose from the Death.
Jesus is the way,truth,and life
Jesus Christ even the name sounds powerful 🔥 on its own
Lots of lots respect to father Mar Mari. Your truth can fight all evil alone and send back in their hell hole 🕳️
3:12 "trust me bro" - vibe
he definately read quran, right? he wouldnt pretend, right? right!
Amen 🙏
As a firm and proud Christian…I highly recommend EVERYONE to read The Truth About Muhammad by Robert B. Spencer and The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast by Joel Richardson
Lucky for you that known Jesus Christ through your family (legacy religion) and keep your faith till now. And for all my friends, brothers and sisters out there that haven’t know Jesus Christ, I pray for you, may you find Him personally ❤
“Beware of those who appear innocent or trustworthy, but who may actually have harmful intentions. As Jesus said, ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.’”
This phrasing captures the essence of being cautious about those who might disguise their true intentions.
Here's a follow up: *Matthew 24:11* False prophets will appear and deceive many people."
*2-John 1:7* "Deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh is the _Antichrist."_
*1-John 2:22* “Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, such a person is the _Antichrist"_
*Revelation: **20:11* "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
@@rivertonhigh-v4t That is why Muhammed is in hell right now
what a teaching🙌🙌🔥.
I'm Rwandan from France and my wife is ethnic Somali, we married and have 2 kids. all Christian Orthodox.
Be well
Hallelujah and Amen!!!! 🙌🏻✝️
Share Share and Share as mush as you can. Because world needs it.
Pure truth
Islam didn't deny jesus, it denied his godhood and the fact that he was the son of god.
The heresy of the Ishmaelites - St. John of Damascus [749 AD]
So basically Islam denies Him ;)
and that's where the problem lies. How can a man create miracles? Jesus creates miracles because he is the son of God.
@@TheLordIsMyShepherd-1No we accept him has a prophet
@PilotMan.04 He is the son of God. Not a prophet.
Jesus my Lord and Saviour IS the Way the Truth and the Life.God bless you Bishop Mari
It’s 1.9 billion Bishop, and it’s thanks to God who blessed the marriage and Blessed Abraham with a son. ❤❤
Islam and Christianity are not compatible. Jesus of Nazareth Bless and Protect Your Church ✝️
My husband father was Islamic, his mother Christian. God Bless the heart of those Muslims, when my Christian family abandoned me. However, it is incomplete, the Spirit of Christ is not there.
❤️❤️❤️🙏✝️❤️❤️❤️امین یا رب
ربك يخرى متلك يا صليبي ؟
What he says is true about Ishmael but why did he stop? If you read the rest of the story then indeed ISHMAEL was the first born and was ready for sacrafice by abraham. and not ISSAC. ishmael translated means "God hears"
Yes, Born according to flesh, Not according to the Promise.
Esau was also First Born but God Chose Isaac.
Thank u God 💯 🙏 pls forgive my sins and shortcomings like u did to Abraham. A Nigeria 🇳🇬 Christian ✝️ but i love and respect all religions 💯. Let's live and love one another ❤️ 🙏 🙏 pls
The deeper im listening to every saying of this old man, the deeper im loving Jesus,, ❤❤❤❤
People can make choices but God is all knowing and let it happen
I am a Muslim! Over 2 million Muslims live in America! How can Muslims hate Christians. I have many Christian friends who I love dearly.
Well done.That should be the way people live together in harmony.
Is it written in the Quran to kill Jews and infidels?
If its written in the Guran that it is the cause of all the killings and wars in the Middle East.
abdool do not be delusional
Come to Christ. Jesus is the way the truth and the light.
You are not a muslim !!! Thank GOD FOR THAT 😅 CLEARLY YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE Koran expects if you as a muslim 😢😢😢 LOVE YOUR HEART THO ❤❤❤❤
@@ritajiwanmall2707I live in America! Everyone has the right to practice religion any religion. It’s my right to be a Muslim, just like you have the right to be Christian. Can we please just all get along. I have many friends who are non Muslim who love me. I love them. That is how it should be. You can say what you want to say.
I too have chosen and made up mind long ago in our Lord Jesus Christ. I was offered our times by some influential Muslim people to embrace Islam and receive big wealth but I flatly refused. I bluntly told them all 'My God is bigger than your god' ! They kept quiet.