Hello from Townsville. Our Corps only has a small band and no songsters. So on Monday I always listen to Perth Fortress to get my fill of the Army worship I grew up with. Love the worship and message. Always a blessing to be part of your service. We also finished our TSV morning meeting with Storm the Forts of Darkness. Unfortunately no band for us on this one, but the timbrells played for the chorus.
Che Dio vi benedica grandemente tutti ora e in eterno gloria eterna a Dio Padre gloria eterna a Gesù Cristo gloria eterna allo Spirito Santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia
Hello from Townsville. Our Corps only has a small band and no songsters. So on Monday I always listen to Perth Fortress to get my fill of the Army worship I grew up with. Love the worship and message. Always a blessing to be part of your service.
We also finished our TSV morning meeting with Storm the Forts of Darkness. Unfortunately no band for us on this one, but the timbrells played for the chorus.
Che Dio vi benedica grandemente tutti ora e in eterno gloria eterna a Dio Padre gloria eterna a Gesù Cristo gloria eterna allo Spirito Santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia