The older the vehicle, the less you want your tank to go to empty. When gas prices are going up, you want to fillmkr add to your tank more often rather than wait until the gas price has gone up. When gas prices are going down we wait a little longer to fill up. For ourselves, we prefer to have enough gas in the tank that we can make an unplanned trip and also planned trips in the tank.
The older the vehicle, the less you want your tank to go to empty. When gas prices are going up, you want to fillmkr add to your tank more often rather than wait until the gas price has gone up. When gas prices are going down we wait a little longer to fill up. For ourselves, we prefer to have enough gas in the tank that we can make an unplanned trip and also planned trips in the tank.
I usually fill up when the car price is low - usually Sunday night. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Closing out my week 3 budget
Hi Margo love listening in while washing dishes ❤❤❤.. wih gas I try to fill up at half tank I don't like it to go lower than that
Tara I don’t like to go less than 1/4 tank because I take the highways a lot