9:30 According to Kovacevic himself, Petrosyan's wife apporached to him (as he was under great tension and couldn't sit in the chair but was walking all over the room) and tried to tell him a few words, but he couldn't understand her at all. Not only beacause he doesn't speak Russian, but also because he was completely focused on what to do next. So, Kovacevic actually brought all the game on his shoulders by himself, learning only from mistakes made by previous player who tried to play French defense against Fischer two days earlier.
@gJb 1 yeah you sound like you are using your head right? So tell me if the russians were so good (they could tell moves to some croatian player to beat fischer) why did they lose every single game to fischer in that tournament. Kovacevic obviously knew that opening just a bit better then fischer. Use your head. Idiot
@gJb 1 You should see how Kovacevic described that game in his own words. Even after so many years, his voice trembles when describing his feelings and what he went through while playing against Fischer. It's was a rollercoaster of emotions for him. What is highly more probable is soviet propaganda tried to "steal" his victory and portray it as their own. On the top of what was already said up there: no russian player could beat Fischer during that tournament. And last but not least: why Fischer didn't react if there was something weird going on? Fischer did two things that goes in favor of Kovacevic's story: first, after Kovacevic attacked Fischer for the first time, Fischer was thinking about his next move for more than half an hour. Kovacevic said he felt how Fischer was off the track and wasn't sure what to do next. And second, when the game was over, Fischer shaked hands with Kovacevic and said "Very good!" to him. There was no ANY sign of his doubt or suspicion. So, when you put all that into equation, it's easy to conclude Kovacevic beat him fair and straight.
I just watched Kovačević comment this game for Croatian tv couple years ago.It is amazing how excited he still is talking about this game after all those years.He explains that the Winaver variation 3...Bb4 was not his main opening choice at that time but rather 3...Nf6 but he decided to play it because of the game Fischer-Ullmann which was played 3 rounds earlier in the same tournament and Fischer won that game pretty easily.He said he had a feeling black can play much better in the opening so he went for the move 3...Bb4 just because he knows Fischer didnt like playing 4.e5 and entering those kind of blocading positions in French and that he will play 4.a3 and sac the e4 pawn just like he did against Ullmann.He also talks about that cold war conspiracy theory that the Russians were telling him the moves and he explains how that theory came about.Kovačević explains he was so excited to play Bobby and he was consantly walking around the hall for that reason.At the moment Fischer played his move pawn to f3 he says to himself : " Is Fischer really such a big Patzer to allow me Nh4?Wait a minute,Bobby is not Patzer at all!Let me see what is he up to.And than i realized he wants to sac a queen for a rook and a minor pice and to open up the f-file and have a real good compesation."He says Rona Petrosian did say something in Russian to him passing by in the tournament hall but he didnt know russian and he didnt understand what did she say to him.He also said after he played his last move Rook to f2 Fischer resined,stood up and said: "Really good" and he left the hall.He also says that he bearly have time to sign the score sheet because Tigran Petrosian tried to take his score sheet away saying:" For Moscow ! This must be sent to Moscow right away so russian chess fans could see Fischer can be beaten!" Here is the link ruclips.net/video/HyExPILebTw/видео.html
Hello. Im a long time sub over at MatoJelic. Just discovered your channel. I dig your style. Short, concise, informative, and entertaining analysis. Great job. Subbed.
Im 22 i just started playing. Watch these videos every night and it has really trained my mind to operate differently when playing and its been winning me a lot of low level games lately, thanks
Well, finally a game where Booby Fisher loses and that too in French defense? O_o That was a bit of shock to be honest. As always, excellent commentary.
This goddamn french-defence, indeed - often you get the feeling with white, you get into such strangleholds even with the best play possible (without intending to compare myself with Fischer, but if it happens to him, there might be some truth in this impression)!
4:11 -- This is where Bobby's slips off the rails. He had just played Ne2 last turn, presumably with Ng3 in mind -- and that is his best move now. Ng3, Bb7, Be2, and suddenly it is Black who is feeling cramped, as while White is ready to castle, the Black queen would have to go to e7 to get out of the way, and it she does, then a4 followed by Ba3 are coming post-castle.
@ 10:59 why didn't the bishop move to *d2* - very poor move to protect the bishop with the King, giving up the pawn to the rook :( sorry Fischer, something fishy :)
Hey Agadmator! I hope I'm early enough for you to read this: I love your commentary! I think you and Suren and Mato make the top 3 :) please never stop!
Kovacevic played it for the first time in his life then. You have a video where he talks about it on balkan language but he says that he never played it before. Video is called " Iz ličnog ugla - Kako sam pobedio Fišera".
It was the first time in his life that he played Winaver variation of French defense, not the French defense. He was lifetime practitioner of French, but before the game against the Fisher, according to him, he had almost exclusively responded by 3...Nf6 to 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 (the so called Classical variation of French)
Hey Agadmator, I just got home from work here in the USA and in my mailbox was the book you suggested I buy , The life and games of Mikhail Tal .Can't wait to start reading , thx and keep up the great work with your channel !
hey man.. Houston ,TX, USA here.. I'm drunk for unknown/undisclosed reasons.. but..,, your game analysis is the best there is.. keep up the good work agadmator. hope to meet u one day in person.. good luck.. god bless..
2:57 -- It's debatable exactly when Fischer starting losing this game, but I'd say it was all the way back here, where a3 is a much weaker play than Bd3, which was needed to inhibit black's imminent Pxe4 after BxN, PxN. Castling to the side of the board where exactly all of Kovačević's pieces would soon be predictably present certainly didn't help matters either; Fischer's king was a lot better protected underneath his pair of bishops than anywhere else, and this particular turn (the one in which he castled) is the last in which Fischer would enjoy any sort of tempo. Instead of castling, the time was right for Bxh3, as black can no longer follow with Rg4 (bottling up the white queen) since the white bishop is now covering g4. If, following Bxh3, then Rh8 (seemingly pinning the bishop), then Bxf8 -- gobbling the knight the black just moved there while threatening his queen. The queen cannot take the bishop (because then the other knight is seized by white's queen), and so probably eRxB, followed by white's queen escaping to the black diagonal formerly occupied by his bishop.
Hey Agadmater, I just got home from work here in the USA and in my mailbox was ...The life and games of Mikhail Tal ...which you suggested when I asked you which book of Tals I should read .So, thanks for the suggestion .I cant wait to start reading !
@Antonio, The Best defense against the French was played by Fischer himself twice. The legendary game against Myagmarsuren where he dismantles the French with King's Indian Attack (KIA) and again he demonstrates the same against Oscar Panno. I have used it many times now and it holds up amazing well against the French, getting black into a lot of trouble. If you so desire, it would be nice to show the Fischer Myagmarsuren game in your channel so that many people will benefit immensely. Thanks
Ah, I see..The one against Panno is also an amazing game! Also check this KIA out against Sicilian French of Irina Krush... www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1802491 Black was busted before a blunder by white.. Maybe this can be shown on your channel.. The main thing is very few people play KIA, maybe a word around will help!
Fabulous Kovacevic. Fischer was like a boxer in the corner, getting punched and badly protecting himself... thanks for showing this. We have our own Romanian, Mr. Florin Gheorghiu who has an equal score after four matches with Bobby. In the first meeting, Gheorghiu won: it was the Olympiad in 1966. Maybe a #suggestion?
I really like it whenever you say a good piece at good position a "monster". I'm just saying what I like you're great! That French defense was amazing! Will you show that immortal game as well?
@ 6:08, why doesn't white capture knight with Bishop Bxf6 and then either trade Queens or escape with his own depending on Black's response?? (The bishop can't be lost if it's traded off..)
In Classical formats, i find people can take their time to refute much of it, but in blitz and bullet, you can often leave poisoned pieces which allow you great counterplay. You can also just defend without the need for a fianchetto allowing your bishop to stay in center and attack opponents king. I love the french and if you like London, the french and slavs give you much more defensive resources with the ability to counter-attack than the traditional e5.
Ho sgamato. One #suggestion after watching lots of your video. What about adding a speedy version of just the game. I usually find myself watching the game but spending other ten minutes is too much for me. Maybe adding some slowmo when important moves are shown... Anyway nice videos!
So Yugoslavia was a Mordor for Fischer, first Skoplje than Rovinj. Were there any more games he lost in Yugoslavia, or by Yugoslavian chess player? Greetings from Sarajevo to amazing RUclips channel!
Hi Antonio, You can find a nice Kovacevics pic from that period in Viktor Moskalenkos book The Wonderful Winawer. The game against Fischer is the very first game in the book. Kovacevic still had almost all of his hair and some cool sideburns ha ha. Oh yes, and his tie on that pic was as ugly as hell. Pozdrav!
By Kovačević's words, the moment of enlightenment for him in this game came before he played 10...Qe7. 365chess database contains only 10 games that started with 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. a3 Bxc3 5. bxc3 dxe4 6. Qg4 Nf6 7. Qxg7 Rg8 8. Qh6 Nbd7 9. Ne2 b6 10. Bg5 Qe7. So, it's not impossible that 10...Qe7 was theoretical novelty at the time. Fisher responded with 11. Qh4, which indeed is strongest response (if you ask Stockfish 10). But (according to Kovačević) Fisher spent 35 minutes before he played 11. Qh4 because he realized that 10...Qe7 sets some sort of trap. If he had played something "normal" like 11. Nf4, then Kovačević would have played 11...Ng4 and Fisher's queen would have been attacked and his dark-squared bishop would have been attacked twice (by queen and the rook). Then 12. Bxe7 Nxh6 and dark-squared bishop is trapped: if 13. Bb4, then 13...a5: if 13. Bh4, then 13...Rg4
Love your vids enough to download chess with friends again after a year of not playing. First game corrupted. Can yall recommend an app. Also I like to try the French defense for some reason
Any chance you could find a couple of games where obscure openings are played like the clemenz opening 1.h3 or the Andersson opening 1.a3? Just to see the game played in a different way. Brilliant show, love it.
#suggestion Garry Kasparov vs Viswanathan Anand 1991 Reggio Emilia tournament This game also features the French Defense, and black won that game. Please do this game as well.
According to Victor Korchnoi's book "Chess is my life" page 71, Fischer set up a trap for Kovacevic in this game, Tigran Petrosian, Tigran's wife and Victor Korchnoi was watching the game and Korchnoi loudly said "How interesting" after realizing Fischer's trap. He explained that if Kovacevic trap Fischer's queen he may lose. Petrosian's wife said she will inform Kovacevic. When Fischer was thinking for his move, she went to Kovacevic and englightened him.
that is what his fan base said because they didn't want to be emberassing fisher losing against unknown player not even IM at the time.He played amazingly and he saw the trap after f3.Do you think Fisher would allow someone to whisper something on his opponent even in a middle of a trap? He didn't want even cameras to record in the room because "the noise" was distracting him.
@agadmator Kovacevic never played French defense in his life before this game, those are his own words, where he talked about this game on Croatian national television.
You misunderstood what he was saying in that video. He was talking about how Fisher defeated German GM Wolfgang Ulhmann in a miniature played few days before at the very same Tournament of peace. The thing is that Uhlmann in that game after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 played 3...Bb4, which is the so-called Winawer variation of French defense. That is what Kovačević never played played before in his life. Kovačević also said that up until that game with Fisher he almost exclusively played 3...Nf6 aftee 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3.
#suggestion Agadmatoronio, can you give your official opinion on this game? Rumours say that Soviets were on Kovacevic's side and Petrosian's wife told him mighty move (take into account that many words in Russian are pretty similar to Balkan languages and Vladimir could easily understand what she did say to him, especially when it is about just letters and numbers - which are indeed combinations foe moves). So it does not mean it is nonsense 100%. Although Kovacevic demanded it in Balkan Chess's video where he explained the whole game, which is already mentioned above as "Kako sam pobijedio Fišera" (eng. How I defeated Fisher"), many people were talking that Kovacevic actually did not demand it after the match and was even confirmed once that Rona told him the move). Taking into account Soviets - USA tensions even in Chess world in that time, rumours could be true. In other words, many people who were alive in the time of match, think that Vladimir is a liar! Edit: "e3" is pronounnced the same in Russian and Croatian. So Vladimir is obviously lying that he even could not understand what Rona told him.
IMSolutions During 70’s Croatia was Socialist Republic of Croatia and in federation with 5 other SRs it formed SFRJ (Socialist Federation Republic of Yugoslavia). SR Croatia had its own parlament at the time. So, it is correct to say he was Croatian GM,... as well as Yugoslav.
@@GoranRadic If so, than how many were true Russians from USSR, incredible how you Croats love to brag about stupid things. If someone was born in SFRY, in Croatia Republic, doesnt make him a Croat, and at that time people were not that much crazy about nationalism.
@@FreemanNS It was not bragging. I lived in SFRY and know well how it worked. People were free to express their nationality regardless of the federation. Even in USSR people were both Soviets and Russians or Ukrainians or any other nation, at the same time. A good analogy would be the today's EU. Shall we stop calling people Spanish or Irish and start calling them exclusively Euans?
3:43 Ah, the good old days of Шахматный бюллетень. Anyone remember that coming from Russia in the mail . . . and the paper it was printed on (?) Sigh . . .
9:30 According to Kovacevic himself, Petrosyan's wife apporached to him (as he was under great tension and couldn't sit in the chair but was walking all over the room) and tried to tell him a few words, but he couldn't understand her at all. Not only beacause he doesn't speak Russian, but also because he was completely focused on what to do next. So, Kovacevic actually brought all the game on his shoulders by himself, learning only from mistakes made by previous player who tried to play French defense against Fischer two days earlier.
@gJb 1 yeah you sound like you are using your head right? So tell me if the russians were so good (they could tell moves to some croatian player to beat fischer) why did they lose every single game to fischer in that tournament. Kovacevic obviously knew that opening just a bit better then fischer. Use your head. Idiot
The player Kovačević watched against Fischer and remebered all his mistakes in the French was legendary Wolfgang Ullman.
@gJb 1 You should see how Kovacevic described that game in his own words. Even after so many years, his voice trembles when describing his feelings and what he went through while playing against Fischer. It's was a rollercoaster of emotions for him. What is highly more probable is soviet propaganda tried to "steal" his victory and portray it as their own. On the top of what was already said up there: no russian player could beat Fischer during that tournament. And last but not least: why Fischer didn't react if there was something weird going on? Fischer did two things that goes in favor of Kovacevic's story: first, after Kovacevic attacked Fischer for the first time, Fischer was thinking about his next move for more than half an hour. Kovacevic said he felt how Fischer was off the track and wasn't sure what to do next. And second, when the game was over, Fischer shaked hands with Kovacevic and said "Very good!" to him. There was no ANY sign of his doubt or suspicion. So, when you put all that into equation, it's easy to conclude Kovacevic beat him fair and straight.
@@rafaelkovac4211 Thx man, I wasn't sure who he was, thanks for the update!
Ah, finally... Some toxic idiots in an agadmator video's comment section
You know it's gonna be an exceptional game when a loosing player is Fischer playing whites.
Fischer was young
@@babykevinxoxo he was young but also undefeated for 3 years at the time
@@babykevinxoxo This was 1970. Fischer was in his prime.
Yeah he was young for his whole life
Loosing is not a word.
I just watched Kovačević comment this game for Croatian tv couple years ago.It is amazing how excited he still is talking about this game after all those years.He explains that the Winaver variation 3...Bb4 was not his main opening choice at that time but rather 3...Nf6 but he decided to play it because of the game Fischer-Ullmann which was played 3 rounds earlier in the same tournament and Fischer won that game pretty easily.He said he had a feeling black can play much better in the opening so he went for the move 3...Bb4 just because he knows Fischer didnt like playing 4.e5 and entering those kind of blocading positions in French and that he will play 4.a3 and sac the e4 pawn just like he did against Ullmann.He also talks about that cold war conspiracy theory that the Russians were telling him the moves and he explains how that theory came about.Kovačević explains he was so excited to play Bobby and he was consantly walking around the hall for that reason.At the moment Fischer played his move pawn to f3 he says to himself : " Is Fischer really such a big Patzer to allow me Nh4?Wait a minute,Bobby is not Patzer at all!Let me see what is he up to.And than i realized he wants to sac a queen for a rook and a minor pice and to open up the f-file and have a real good compesation."He says Rona Petrosian did say something in Russian to him passing by in the tournament hall but he didnt know russian and he didnt understand what did she say to him.He also said after he played his last move Rook to f2 Fischer resined,stood up and said: "Really good" and he left the hall.He also says that he bearly have time to sign the score sheet because Tigran Petrosian tried to take his score sheet away saying:" For Moscow ! This must be sent to Moscow right away so russian chess fans could see Fischer can be beaten!"
Here is the link ruclips.net/video/HyExPILebTw/видео.html
Soviets are so immatured 😂 at that time. All soviets were simply crushed to tiny pieces by Fischer and Petrosian also.
I love how all the best moves are pawn moves...
That's why I never find them.
Cuz there's nothing to play but the pawn
I am 15 and I just began to play chess a week ago. Thanks for the video! It motivates me :)
+Edward Karim Glad to hear it :)
Let me challenge u i am also fifteen
Edward Karim 😂😂😂😂
Edward Karim you will hate it
Edward Karim that's the same age I learned it. I'm 17 now
Hello. Im a long time sub over at MatoJelic. Just discovered your channel. I dig your style. Short, concise, informative, and entertaining analysis. Great job. Subbed.
Thanks :)
Im 22 i just started playing. Watch these videos every night and it has really trained my mind to operate differently when playing and its been winning me a lot of low level games lately, thanks
Hello Antonio..you have no idea how much i look forward to your videos everyday! Please keep up the good work for years to come....!
Agadmator I love u and Mikhail tal for the beautiful times you giving to me in my mind. So keep those Mikhail Tal matches coming!
*How to troll Agadmator*
Play the French defense against him.
E6 was played, and it was in this position that Agadmator resigned.
Well, finally a game where Booby Fisher loses and that too in French defense? O_o
That was a bit of shock to be honest. As always, excellent commentary.
He was known for underperforming against the French defense.
This goddamn french-defence, indeed - often you get the feeling with white, you get into such strangleholds even with the best play possible (without intending to compare myself with Fischer, but if it happens to him, there might be some truth in this impression)!
4:11 -- This is where Bobby's slips off the rails. He had just played Ne2 last turn, presumably with Ng3 in mind -- and that is his best move now. Ng3, Bb7, Be2, and suddenly it is Black who is feeling cramped, as while White is ready to castle, the Black queen would have to go to e7 to get out of the way, and it she does, then a4 followed by Ba3 are coming post-castle.
Please post the other game from Kovačević #suggestion
+MrSupernova111 Yes, yes. I will :)
@ 10:59 why didn't the bishop move to *d2* - very poor move to protect the bishop with the King, giving up the pawn to the rook :( sorry Fischer, something fishy :)
Here it is: ruclips.net/video/AJ1K-g8prXc/видео.html
Hey Agadmator! I hope I'm early enough for you to read this: I love your commentary! I think you and Suren and Mato make the top 3 :) please never stop!
+Oscar O. Thanks Oscar. I'll do my best :)
Oscar O. I fuckin' hate Suren, not sure how you can put him up there with those 2.
No love for Danny King?
"before this he hadn't lost a game in 3 years" ...wow
Kovacevic played it for the first time in his life then. You have a video where he talks about it on balkan language but he says that he never played it before. Video is called "
Iz ličnog ugla - Kako sam pobedio Fišera".
It was the first time in his life that he played Winaver variation of French defense, not the French defense. He was lifetime practitioner of French, but before the game against the Fisher, according to him, he had almost exclusively responded by 3...Nf6 to 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 (the so called Classical variation of French)
Amazing game and also amazing how well everything is explained on this great channel!
This is why I always play French against agadmator. Even today I did it. :)
+Goran Radic I will secretly master it and destroy everyone :D
(french is all about women .. everybody knows it)
can you find a queen jumping to g4 in another opening
this is french cancan..
@@agadmator 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hey Agadmator, I just got home from work here in the USA and in my mailbox was the book you suggested I buy , The life and games of Mikhail Tal .Can't wait to start reading , thx and keep up the great work with your channel !
lots of fun watching your videos !!! been watching at least one every day, very nice and entertaining. keep up the good work :)
In your analyze , at 6:34 , after rook to h8 , white can play bishop takes knight on f8 ...
4:05 "LIKE DIS" - Agadmator
Sometimes, I really love it when very strong players lose badly especially here. I totally respect all types of brilliance.
hey man.. Houston ,TX, USA here.. I'm drunk for unknown/undisclosed reasons.. but..,, your game analysis is the best there is.. keep up the good work agadmator. hope to meet u one day in person.. good luck.. god bless..
Hey Agad. Thanks man. Thanks to you i can finally understand whats going on
I would love to see Kovačević's immortal game
Use the hashtag. Look on the bottom of the video.
2:57 -- It's debatable exactly when Fischer starting losing this game, but I'd say it was all the way back here, where a3 is a much weaker play than Bd3, which was needed to inhibit black's imminent Pxe4 after BxN, PxN. Castling to the side of the board where exactly all of Kovačević's pieces would soon be predictably present certainly didn't help matters either; Fischer's king was a lot better protected underneath his pair of bishops than anywhere else, and this particular turn (the one in which he castled) is the last in which Fischer would enjoy any sort of tempo. Instead of castling, the time was right for Bxh3, as black can no longer follow with Rg4 (bottling up the white queen) since the white bishop is now covering g4.
If, following Bxh3, then Rh8 (seemingly pinning the bishop), then Bxf8 -- gobbling the knight the black just moved there while threatening his queen. The queen cannot take the bishop (because then the other knight is seized by white's queen), and so probably eRxB, followed by white's queen escaping to the black diagonal formerly occupied by his bishop.
who came here after watching pragga and topalov 's game?
"The last game Fischer lost before this one was to Effin Geller!"
I was just thinking when you will upload :D
Same here
Vassily Ivanchuk - Viktor Moskalenko, 1988.
Pozdrav :D
Can you show some Svetozar Gligoric games ?
thank you very much for this game. keep up the great work..
He mentioned this game so many times I just had to check this out in 2023.. lol
It's incredible!
I can't get over how many SUBS you have.
show the immortal game of kovacoboy
When you are suggesting a game use #suggestion hashtag to make it more readable.
Sarothis, Yes. Would love to see it.
Wow great game
Hey Agadmater, I just got home from work here in the USA and in my mailbox was ...The life and games of Mikhail Tal ...which you suggested when I asked you which book of Tals I should read .So, thanks for the suggestion .I cant wait to start reading !
@Antonio, The Best defense against the French was played by Fischer himself twice. The legendary game against Myagmarsuren where he dismantles the French with King's Indian Attack (KIA) and again he demonstrates the same against Oscar Panno. I have used it many times now and it holds up amazing well against the French, getting black into a lot of trouble. If you so desire, it would be nice to show the Fischer Myagmarsuren game in your channel so that many people will benefit immensely.
+kingmakerbull I did the first game already
Ah, I see..The one against Panno is also an amazing game! Also check this KIA out against Sicilian French of Irina Krush... www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1802491 Black was busted before a blunder by white.. Maybe this can be shown on your channel.. The main thing is very few people play KIA, maybe a word around will help!
He always know so much about the back stories to the games
Agadmator YOU LEGEND
You rock. Good job buddy.
But in 12:07, if white make a waiting move, for example a pawn, how the black continues with the atack?
Fabulous Kovacevic. Fischer was like a boxer in the corner, getting punched and badly protecting himself... thanks for showing this. We have our own Romanian, Mr. Florin Gheorghiu who has an equal score after four matches with Bobby. In the first meeting, Gheorghiu won: it was the Olympiad in 1966. Maybe a #suggestion?
what would have happened if Fischer had played bishop captures knight at 4:35?
hey agadmator i hope you make a tournanment again i want to play against you i have just begun playing chess and i really enjoy it cheers!
I really like it whenever you say a good piece at good position a "monster". I'm just saying what I like you're great! That French defense was amazing! Will you show that immortal game as well?
@ 6:08, why doesn't white capture knight with Bishop Bxf6 and then either trade Queens or escape with his own depending on Black's response?? (The bishop can't be lost if it's traded off..)
I can't watch chess games on other RUclips channels anymore. Your's is my favorite.
Yes, please show the Kovačević immortal. :)
excellent analysis, thx ..
Please make more videos about the french defense... thank you
first off thank you for another amazing video and yes please #Kovačević
use the proper hashtag. See the bottom of the video
#LetsMakeChessASubjectInSchools :D
at my school in the USA, we made chess theory an official subject, and elective! i was in the very first one years ago and it was awesome.
It is a school subject in Armenia now
@Areg N: Oh that sounds pretty cool. Is it because of Levon Aronian?
Not only him but also Tigran Petrosian who popularized chess in Armenia so his impact is unforgetable here.
In Classical formats, i find people can take their time to refute much of it, but in blitz and bullet, you can often leave poisoned pieces which allow you great counterplay. You can also just defend without the need for a fianchetto allowing your bishop to stay in center and attack opponents king. I love the french and if you like London, the french and slavs give you much more defensive resources with the ability to counter-attack than the traditional e5.
French is my favourite opening , Emanuel Berg and Rubelovsky are great French player also simon William has many model games
0:49 a fly passes in front of Antonio...probably just wanting to expand his vast knowledge of chess.
that h6 move is nowadays pretty common in this variation but in these times it was unknown and if kovacevic found it over the board well then congrats
Wow. I instantly pushed for the pawn myself.
At 10:18 cant you play the Queen to F2?
Wow, what a sweet game. I would like to see more from Vladimir
Please show more French Defense games .. those which are instructional. Thank you.
Ho sgamato. One #suggestion after watching lots of your video. What about adding a speedy version of just the game. I usually find myself watching the game but spending other ten minutes is too much for me. Maybe adding some slowmo when important moves are shown... Anyway nice videos!
First of all I opened the video to see you speaking the name on the tittle hahahahah
+vinicius richter How was it? :D
I think i can still feel the rage that Bobby felt after loosing this match half a century later lol
How do you know what Fischer was feeling ?
So Yugoslavia was a Mordor for Fischer, first Skoplje than Rovinj. Were there any more games he lost in Yugoslavia, or by Yugoslavian chess player? Greetings from Sarajevo to amazing RUclips channel!
11:18 why didnt black take Q+N g3 ???
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Bruce Lee
PESEK! Srce malo!
Was utterly bored and left the couch at 3:47.
Hi Antonio,
You can find a nice Kovacevics pic from that period in Viktor Moskalenkos book The Wonderful Winawer. The game against Fischer is the very first game in the book.
Kovacevic still had almost all of his hair and some cool sideburns ha ha. Oh yes, and his tie on that pic was as ugly as hell.
By Kovačević's words, the moment of enlightenment for him in this game came before he played 10...Qe7. 365chess database contains only 10 games that started with 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. a3 Bxc3 5. bxc3 dxe4 6. Qg4 Nf6 7. Qxg7 Rg8 8. Qh6 Nbd7 9. Ne2 b6 10. Bg5 Qe7. So, it's not impossible that 10...Qe7 was theoretical novelty at the time. Fisher responded with 11. Qh4, which indeed is strongest response (if you ask Stockfish 10). But (according to Kovačević) Fisher spent 35 minutes before he played 11. Qh4 because he realized that 10...Qe7 sets some sort of trap. If he had played something "normal" like 11. Nf4, then Kovačević would have played 11...Ng4 and Fisher's queen would have been attacked and his dark-squared bishop would have been attacked twice (by queen and the rook). Then 12. Bxe7 Nxh6 and dark-squared bishop is trapped: if 13. Bb4, then 13...a5: if 13. Bh4, then 13...Rg4
I see your wonderful little dog is not having a fit today ! He or she is really cute !
Amazing game, thank you.
Love your vids enough to download chess with friends again after a year of not playing. First game corrupted. Can yall recommend an app. Also I like to try the French defense for some reason
4:49 queen can also go g5
Any chance you could find a couple of games where obscure openings are played like the clemenz opening 1.h3 or the Andersson opening 1.a3? Just to see the game played in a different way. Brilliant show, love it.
Garry Kasparov vs Viswanathan Anand
1991 Reggio Emilia tournament
This game also features the French Defense, and black won that game. Please do this game as well.
According to Victor Korchnoi's book "Chess is my life" page 71, Fischer set up a trap for Kovacevic in this game, Tigran Petrosian, Tigran's wife and Victor Korchnoi was watching the game and Korchnoi loudly said "How interesting" after realizing Fischer's trap. He explained that if Kovacevic trap Fischer's queen he may lose. Petrosian's wife said she will inform Kovacevic. When Fischer was thinking for his move, she went to Kovacevic and englightened him.
that is what his fan base said because they didn't want to be emberassing fisher losing against unknown player not even IM at the time.He played amazingly and he saw the trap after f3.Do you think Fisher would allow someone to whisper something on his opponent even in a middle of a trap? He didn't want even cameras to record in the room because "the noise" was distracting him.
Kovacevic is not speaking same language as wife.
at 11:16 Qxg3 check ! ?
5:47 isn't there Bb4???
@agadmator Kovacevic never played French defense in his life before this game, those are his own words, where he talked about this game on Croatian national television.
You misunderstood what he was saying in that video. He was talking about how Fisher defeated German GM Wolfgang Ulhmann in a miniature played few days before at the very same Tournament of peace. The thing is that Uhlmann in that game after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 played 3...Bb4, which is the so-called Winawer variation of French defense. That is what Kovačević never played played before in his life. Kovačević also said that up until that game with Fisher he almost exclusively played 3...Nf6 aftee 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3.
I love the French Defense. No. 1 pick against 1.e4 :)
sometimes ppl try to avoid my Scandinavian by pushing 2. e4 and I simply feed them the French. They are surprised and I am happy. :)
#suggestion Why don't you show that Bernstein - Capablanca game from 1914 where Capa won with a wonderful queen sacrifice? Love your work btw!
Master piece
Bobby taking the H pawn was the nail in the coffin
After white f3, what di you think about playing knight d5? Seems good too and was my guess for the great move for black
#suggestion Agadmatoronio, can you give your official opinion on this game? Rumours say that Soviets were on Kovacevic's side and Petrosian's wife told him mighty move (take into account that many words in Russian are pretty similar to Balkan languages and Vladimir could easily understand what she did say to him, especially when it is about just letters and numbers - which are indeed combinations foe moves). So it does not mean it is nonsense 100%. Although Kovacevic demanded it in Balkan Chess's video where he explained the whole game, which is already mentioned above as "Kako sam pobijedio Fišera" (eng. How I defeated Fisher"), many people were talking that Kovacevic actually did not demand it after the match and was even confirmed once that Rona told him the move). Taking into account Soviets - USA tensions even in Chess world in that time, rumours could be true. In other words, many people who were alive in the time of match, think that Vladimir is a liar!
Edit: "e3" is pronounnced the same in Russian and Croatian. So Vladimir is obviously lying that he even could not understand what Rona told him.
Kovacevic played first time French defence against Fischer.
Post a video of the game he's considering three years after this game. please Agadmator!!
During 70's Croatia was Yugoslavia... So he was actually Yugoslav grandmaster
IMSolutions During 70’s Croatia was Socialist Republic of Croatia and in federation with 5 other SRs it formed SFRJ (Socialist Federation Republic of Yugoslavia). SR Croatia had its own parlament at the time. So, it is correct to say he was Croatian GM,... as well as Yugoslav.
Now it makes sense. I was wondering why he played in what seemed like two countries for junior titles.
@@GoranRadic If so, than how many were true Russians from USSR, incredible how you Croats love to brag about stupid things. If someone was born in SFRY, in Croatia Republic, doesnt make him a Croat, and at that time people were not that much crazy about nationalism.
@@FreemanNS It was not bragging. I lived in SFRY and know well how it worked. People were free to express their nationality regardless of the federation. Even in USSR people were both Soviets and Russians or Ukrainians or any other nation, at the same time. A good analogy would be the today's EU. Shall we stop calling people Spanish or Irish and start calling them exclusively Euans?
Makes the pawns, Nasty nasty
Hey agadmator!! I have one suggestion ..why don't you give us puzzles everyday..n next day its answer and other puzzle...what u say??
+Ashish Tiwari I'm preparing to create my own puzzles so you'll get some soon :D
agadmator's Chess Channel ohhk..see we both think in a same direction ..give a high 5✋
+Ashish Tiwari It is given :D
That's not a bad idea. Maybe a daily puzzle with tactic description a difficulty rating.
1970 Rovinj/Zagreb tournament :
Robert James Fischer 13/17 (+10 -1 =6)
Vlastimil Hort 11/17 (+5 -0 =12)
Svetozar Gligoric 11/17 (+6 -1 =10)
Vasily Smyslov 11/17 (+6 -1 =10)
Viktor Korchnoi 11/17 (+7 -2 =8)
Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian 10.5/17 (+5 -1 =11)
Fischer - Kovacevic :
Thank you
#suggestion can you plz show gary kasparov vs deep blue game. i would love to see you analyze it.
Some say Fischer had difficulties vs french defense. Likewise vs Gm Mednis..
Can you post some Vasilly Evanchuk?! #suggestion
3:43 Ah, the good old days of Шахматный бюллетень. Anyone remember that coming from Russia in the mail . . . and the paper it was printed on (?) Sigh . . .
yes I do remember that magazine!
And in this position agadmator resigned the game