Yeah who dishes these awards out? They must be every bit as stupid as the clowns that received them. I’ve lost all confidence in all the systems and I don’t think I’ll live long enough to get it back. Remember Ardern wanted NZ to be a Republic within her lifetime and then accepted an honour from the crown…the hypocrisy and vanity is unbelievable.
We can host our own awards banquets each year for those who have worked to expose the evil corrupt Govt. Sean will get the Wally trophy unless he stops calling people antivax nutters!
Fantastic, thank you Sean. Only correction, the media didn’t ignore the protest, they branded the protest as feral. The media, through their coverage contributed to significant division in families and in New Zealand.
@@gregsmith2164 Hi Greg, I worked in that media for fifteen years. On the third morning of the protest, I could see that the media (that I used to love and be proud of) was reporting quite a different story than the reports I was getting from people actually there. We travelled 9 hours, so I could see with my own eyes, as I knew, after two years of watching credible international studies get buried or butchered as they made their way down the wire to NZ outlets, this was one time in my life I needed to just see it for myself. And not walk past and watch, but go in and talk to people, which I did. And I’m glad I did. Were you there too? If not, this documentary is as near to a Birds Eye view. I hope you see it rather than dismiss it. Along with the dawn raids, there will be a significant acknowledgement of wrongdoing in the future for this protest…. But my biggest sadness was how many friends I had in Wellington who watched from their comfy couch and parroted damning judgments they heard on the news, rather than remembering how to talk to each other to find understanding. A human lesson they could have shown our politicians.
Luxon was not inactive, he was actively supporting Trevor Mallard's actions. I think I remember that Mallard said it was Luxon's idea to turn on the sprinklers and he (Luxon) thought the very load music and EMF weapons were great ideas. Of course they all want to act as if it never happened. The Greens have always made a huge fuss about GM food but they had no objection to GM technology being mandated and injected to the population. How anyone can vote for any of the current politicians this election, is beyond me. Not one of them spoke against the tyranny. None of them stand for the principles I thought that Western civilization was founded on.
It wasn't just hippy types Shaun. I was there, clean cut, never smoked weed, no tattoos. Young family. Clinical scientist. I found a new respect for the hippy types after this experience. Opened my eyes somewhat. Everyone who rallied are hero's and actually stood in defence of our freedoms
@@overover..Vaccines are the single worst medical intervention in human history. They are responsible for practically unlimited human suffering, all cloaked in a carefully scripted and Big Pharma funded fantasy of promoting health. They have nothing to do with health whatsoever.
@@overover..whats your definition of vaccine? The pre covid definition or the one they changed it to so that it included things not defined as vaccines before?
7:23 I came across many such people on my travels. I stopped at a motel for a two night stay and found I was the only genuine customer. Everyone else at this rather large complex was living out of this hostelry care of the government. The more I spoke to them, I learnt they were all victims of lockdowns. They were cooks, waitresses, bar staff and so on. They'd all been employed but had lost their jobs due to lockdowns. Even though things were slowly returning to normal, they'd not got their jobs back. They had many children, and I wondered what their futures would now be like? Even during wars we have never suffered such an atrocious abuse of our human rights. It was tyranny, evil on full display by the government. I read somewhere that the average Kiwi family has about $500 on call, that's it, that's their padding. If they work, they can pay rent and buy food, and send their kids to school. What we experienced was undeclared war on the working class, and committed by a Labour government no less. The Labour party should be banned.
Maybe you would be better off going over to Ukraine then. If war is more preferable than acting as a citizen and helping others who are more vulnerable than you. I do not agree that such pressure should have been placed on people to get vaccinated. But this was the first time the world had tried to stop a pandemic we were bound to make mistakes. All this hyperbole does not help your argument.
#@crcooke111 If you had taken the time to venture down one of the so called “Rabbit holes “ you might have discovered some true science! Other than the “Pulpit of Truth “ as declared by our esteemed and now Honoured Socialist Prime Minister of the time . The truth about the so called Pandemic was out there if had taken the time and effort to look for it .
It astounds me the media often refer to the freedom movement as fringe , lefties , I managed to work right through Covid and remained unvaxed and gave my employees the option of yes or no , I consider myself as middle NZ, I pay taxes , I run a Buisness , I went to Wellington, I supported the convoy , the freedom movement has a wide range of people from right across the NZ population, its a wonderful movement , my only frustration is the splintered political scene we have ended up with, maybe one day we can all unite Uber one umbrella ?!!
Yes, we're the furtherest thing you can get from being hippy! Catholics, large family, professionals, morally conservative, law abiding (except for the occasional lemon from over the fence), generally compliant and trusting. Pleased to say I visited every day but two days of the protest at Parliament. Baked in the morning, visited in the afternoon. This was a hill worth dying on.
Oh they did much worse than that. They referenced 'white supremacists, Maori separatists, anti-vaxers, Trump supporters, 5G conspiracy theorists and even a reference to a certain warped political movement in a certain country during WW2; and a plethora of other 'slurs' used to described those at the protest. A disgrace. As you suggest, those at the protest were actually from a broad spectrum of people from all over NZ as opposed to fringe radical fruit cakes the media all too often suggested they were. Yes, there was 'hate' projected on those who merely wished to express a different view or take a different path.
What people also fail to realise is that the parliamentary protest was a partial representation of thousands of NZers around NZ that disagreed with the NZ C19 Health Response. It was a nasty and disgraceful time in NZ's history perpetuated by the politicians, medical hierarchy, and main-stream media. They should be ashamed.
hmm.. not so sure the website it quotes is worth repeating actually having looked into that. It's basically Real Raw News, but stated under it's other name. e @russellturner1909 Millions were brainwashed with the media's repetitive pushing of fear. How do you brainwash someone? You put them into a state of fear (which they did) then repeat the info every few mins for a period of 4-6 weeks. Once that's done (which they did) then even if you show the evidence against what they have been programmed with, they can not make any sense of it (according to an ex KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov (look him up), who was part of the testing for how to brainwash people).
@@russellturner1909pity the evidence supports the protesters, the only people who agreed with the c19 response were the people who allowed themselves to be scared witless by the government and the media. Anyone who agrees with businesses being shut down and the mandates is an absolute fool with zero critical thinking skills.
Well done Sean. And I don't often say that. As a retired senior military officer I am proud to be able to tell my grandchildren I was there for a fortnight. It was the most uplifting, positive experience I have had in many decades. The breadth of NZ society that were represented there is never covered by the MSM. Diverse sections of society brought together by a common cause. And ALL our so called political representatives fell well short of displaying logical, empathetic respect for their fellow Kiwis. It was a truly disgusting show of arrogance on their part. Their shame will live on in our history books for subsequent generations to review and ponder...just what went wrong with our Parliament during those turbid two years.
Well said. And thank you for your attendance at the protest on behalf of a massive number of people from all walks of life. People who would otherwise not be heard from given the main stream media's unilateralism in NZ.
The problem with the Welly protests is that it was full of different ideologies protesting for and against different things. I saw a lot of people who were just anti New Zealand, they wanted decolonisation and all that dribble.
As someone who marched in protest week after week, I thank you Sean from the bottom of my heart. It really means something for our movement, and what we achieved, to get some recognition and some understanding. I still can't believe it all really happened, or that our country sunk to such depths of tyranny over a virus. Never thought I'd take part in active protest, but there comes a time when one does what one must especially with our children's futures at stake. Again; thankyou and bless you!
Sean is just following the trend like he always does for rating to grow his channel nothing more nothing less hes about as fake as you can get. Sorry just the facts he can see the writing on the wall and he wants to stay on the popular side notice he didnt dare piss off the police lol they are the one really running thing political parties come and go police are always the same.
In Picton it was a moving moment when the convoy arrived 100s waving , All standing for what's right , All new the evil being perpetrated on the people & still the same 'TRAITORS" in Government > Traitors are a citizen working for a foreign identity to harm there country = WEF/WHO/Gates/Soros/Rothschilds Gangster Bankers cartel .
@@annekevandenberg1635 in SPs book I'm a "nutter" and proud of it. Im not sure about his original usage but in more recent times I take as said with a bit of rye humour - but I am a nutter :)
At the very least, every MP in that wasps nest should be stripped of their positions and pensions and never be allowed to run for parliament ever again!!
Yes a very moving review of River of Freedom Sean it was very humbling to see the protesters gathered at the base of the Beehive searching for something from the gvt called empathy something we were promised by JA in her speech when she took up office. Time to pay the piper this election Labour, We don't ever want a repeat of this kind of arrogance from our governing body.
For me also Sean, this was the one topic on which I was disappointed by your apparent position. I’m not now nor ever have been anti vax, but I’m strongly against what happened in NZ and around the world during the covid pandemic and so proud of the people who protested, I wish I could have travelled home to NZ to join them.
Just watched the movie. And wow, those 3 Maori elders at the end were tremendous! Huge respect to all who made the effort and took the time to stand up for all New Zealanders.
I have Maori friends who were given 500$ for the Jab , Shes now had a stroke & wonders why her elders at the site were so pushy to get all the young ones jabbed ?? Something doesn't smell right here .
So happy to see your review Sean. Been many times at the protest, the most beautiful experience ever I had in these 25 years living in NZ. And yes, the movie is and will continue to be an important documentary of what truly happened ...
Very well said Sean. As you say, 'Fire and fury' was 'propaganda'. There was no balance in that what so ever. The NZ main stream media has been instrumental in fueling much of the division in NZ regarding the 'mandates', which, as you point out, were anti-thesis to basic human rights, and which were based upon narratives which had no relationship with science in terms of various risk profiles for different groups of people regarding the 'thing'. Often times, we cannot even speak using common language lest we find our very thoughts expressed thus, memory holed if they include certain words, phrases or points of view which may be contrary to the party line so to speak. Not just in NZ, but here too. NZ could not even legalize cannabis(except for an elitist Oligarchy of medical cannabis companies) due to the same lack of leadership, ie Cindy would not indicate that she was voting 'yes' in the referendum. She is now writing a book on leadership. She has a full tank of gas now that she's been given a cushy position while the NZ Labor party suffers since she abandoned ship when it was taking on water. A leader? Really? That's just part of 'it' however, since the NZ main stream media put forth misinformation and disinformation regarding the alleged 'debate' which similarly helped sink that ship. I was on the fence for a long time regarding getting the 'thing'. But one day there was a 'program' on 20/20 in NZ about how QR codes etc were so very necessary etc. This totally one sided piece of propaganda which had no opposition and no balance what so ever, made my mind up - I would not get the 'thing', and I never once 'checked in'. So for that, I am thankful, but that does in no way take away from the shameful nature of that 'program' and a great many others.
Fire and fury...Dramatic title, then a big lefty yawn-fest. They must have had a few spare awards lying around gathering dust on the 'Keep the Regime Happy shelf'.
So very few posts make several points and I manage to agree with them all. These things were just common sense and you have managed to put them into words so well.
Hi Sean, Have not seen the movie, but thank you for you comments seem to be balanced, I am Volunteer with FENZ and ST Johns for years (11+/5+). I supported and voted for Labour in the beginning, it seemed balanced and precautionary in the beginning. When mandates/second lock downs/local area closures came in and I saw the effects on the rural communities, the divisions in families and the other impacts on the health service from the governments response. I wrote to Labour and said I will never vote for Labour and now the Greens ever again they mislead the public from a scientific point of view. They made me and the community pick sides and made me chose between working in the community or not doing what I love as a volunteer. I took the vax due to the mandate and only that, when there was no need for me to have it and it did not impact me performing the my duties. We lost many members in the volunteer community being tossed a side which FENZ and St John are still paying for in numbers. I have no time for people not following the science and the science was and now is very clear for the healthy parts of the population were not at risk or the risk could be migrated. Labour also totally destroyed a large portion of peoples faith of NZ heath care system, which was over run with fear not the virus. The real story I believe is between the 2 extremes. but with more and more research coming about the response NZ took has cost us all financial, mentally and medically a lot that the current and next generations will be paying for a long long time. I have listened to you comments about the vax and/or the virus and you have not based it on anything I have experienced, seen and read working in the real world that I am aware of. Cheers you are doing a great job Sean.
Good to hear from a real world perspective. The risks could and should have been mitigated but govt kept doing things the lazy way. Throwing away money. Quarantine lottery. Outright mandates and lockdowns...hoping it would all just go away.
Good stuff Sean for calling it how you saw it, with no fear or favour. I watched the preview (as a small contributor), and it was SO emotional I can't go the see it at the theatre ~I'd simply unman myself and blub my way through the entire movie. It is simply a kiwi classic of what we once stood for and the NZ I once recognised and was proud of.
We all thought we’d bawl - on many levels no one I was with wanted to go for that reason. You don’t cry - you might well-up, but all you really feel is bloody proud to be a kiwi. Go - you deserve to feel proud of yourself and it will give you hope. And go with a group so you can yell at the politicians together- it’s cathartic. We must support these guys, because we need our story to go international so other countries record their history too. The movie is that good.
Thank you Sean, not one sitting MP came out they all turned their backs as we were brutalized by NZ Police, SAS forces, NZ Military behind the scenes. The Protesters were absolutely fearless fantastic Kiwis from every corner, of the land, every skin tone, every background ❤
Well said Shean, I was both at the Civic theatre , and in Wellington when it happened . That was a total contempt for democracy , and even for the traditional maori values , if anyone is fond of them , especially looking at the last people leaving the grounds -maori kamatua , they were almost kicked out by a pack of riot policemen from their own ancestral grounds , and Trevor Mallard making jokes of them . good details of the face of the policeman with a rubber projectile gun looking for his next targets . I hope he is ashamed of himself, when our children will be watching the video in their schools .
I'd like to see the timeline history/map of the land the Beehive is on. Did the Crown purchase it? Was it gifted? Was it occupied by maori in 1840 if so what happened in the records if anyone has info?
Get ready as there is a lot worse on the way if the Government does Not reject the W H O World Health treaty / Pandemic Preparedness treaty , activation of this Treaty will happen on the 27/05/2024 .
Every great journey starts with a single step Mr. Plunket. Now try answering why we were not allowed to have Ivermectin. Research that one for yourself, by yourself, using every atom of investigative journalism you have within you. Then, tell me how diesel melts steel - try it for yourself make a movie on it and let us all know exactly how you got on - love to see it. Walk on Mr. Plunket, walk on.
Even if he researches it he will turn a blind eye as he is pro poison vaccines which were warned about by many famous doctors, the rant on about using a horse vaccine which is obviously made for horses and not humans, now CDC is back tracking and lost in court against doctors who prescribe human doses , has a tract record better than omxycillin.
If Ardern had the sense to completely hose down HePuaPua and not imposed the mandates, her govt would be sailing on to a comfortable third term. But the failure on both points exposed the fat streak of authoritarianism rife in the modern left. And afterwards I suspect Ardern realised these mistakes - but too late. Great review Sean, and your honesty to admit openly that you too were captured by the media is appreciated - perhaps more than you realise.
@@michellenz5529 Yes - the "isolation of the elites" is a very common thread throughout history. And it's playing out right here in NZ for sure. For a long time we sort of got away with it because we were so small a country - but this seems to have changed this last decade.
i think your assessment is likely regards Ardern realizing these 'mistakes', and no doubt most of them were due to poor advice that she was provided. On that basis, I can at least cut her some slack. It was an exceptionally testing and unprecedented time. She found herself in a very difficult situation. That she wish's for a normal life away from all the back draft, is normal.
I can't help think of the people in Lahina, Maui, who "followed orders" and sat in their cars...they did not question the authorities who literally trapped them, and they waited in their cars...following others, following orders. The saddest reality that people have forgotten to look after themselves and think critically. They COMPLIED. They were COMPLIANT. They died.
Yes the Lahina situation has many elements of another great crime, which is ongoing as we speak. The Hawaiian nationalists would not sell their land to the rich developers who wanted to "maximize its value". I have been surprised that there has not been more outcry in NZ given Maori Legend and History. There are many unidentified bodies which are yet to be added to the death toll. I think the corruption in the USA is far worse, and more deadly, than in NZ, so far.
@@NA-sj9jythats not true because its not the definition of indigenous. Everyone is indigenous TO A PLACE. For the word indigenous to have any meaning it needs qualifying information, a place. Everyone is indigenous to where they were born. But the UN is pushing a definition that is a label of purity and goodness because they want to supposedly speak for the groups they create. To them indigenous means any handy brown person. The first Maori in NZ were not indigenous to NZ but any subsequent children born here were. Just like all non Maori born here are indigenous to here as well. The irony is its "cultural appropriation" and misuse of the language of the people the UN seem to hate the most.
@bennichols1113 What you have pointed out is thought-provoking, and it is important to question and delve a little deeper, especially since there is so much propaganda and "noise" around race, etc. I am also suspicious of the UN. I can't help but feel the "divide and conquer" methodology has ramped up?
Terrific appraisal. Damn, I didn't know the Press Gallery had had their accreditation threatened-outrageous. Mallard is a common thug. It's not that "they" didn't listen or display a "lack of leadership" rather that they could not possibly admit that there was an argument because something extremely dark happened in the purchasing and mandating of dangerous pharmaceuticals: fascism. Also: to hell with Franks.
Yes it's shocking. And Trevor, like Cindy, got a nice posting over sea's. That he put the sprinklers on at the protest, and played a Barry Manilow song on repeat was a technique which would typically be used during war . It was a form of torture.
@@magingi It was straight out abuse. Mallard knew what he was doing. I mean, 'Babyshark'? That's just Cold. He knew that track had previously forced parents all over New Zealand into premature psychosis.
I was there last night, Mandates were the universal issue but vaccine safety and efficacy were major concerns of the majority of people protesting at Parliament. It was well-known and admitted before the protest that the mRNA vaccines had only a 3-6%, temporary mitigation of transmission, there was never a rational, scientific medical justification for vaccinating the majority of the population it was 'fear-based' gaslighting, This has left many vaccinated people with damage, injury and weakened immune response, natural immunity from contracting CV19 has proven far more effective. On the 8th of August 2023, the FDA approved Ivermectin as a treatment for CV19, The Irony is that this could not be acknowledged or permitted while the temporary use authority for these experimental mRNA (vaccines) was in place during their roll-out because it would have invalidated the temporary use authority, so Ivermectin was smeared ( Horse de-wormer) and removed from sale and distribution or perscription. Also Sean it is now widely acknowledged that 9/11 was a conspiracy orchestrated by Saudi and Israeli regimes with full compliance of the US security state FBI/CIA. The documented evidence is overwhelming if you only would bother to do some research.
@@greencloud2225 So maybe I have looked into 9/11 more than you have? I actually by coincidence watched the live feed, It was so obviously orchestrated, I won't bore you with all the details. 9/11 grew out of the 'project for a new American century' Ironically it is the same powerful neo-con clique that has orchestrated events in Ukraine.
@@greencloud2225 It was an inside job, Look at the insurance policies, look at how the buildings fell into their own footprint, the hallmark of a controlled demolition, Look at building 7, never hit by a plane, but" pulled" later that day, again with all the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. There is so much more, but I won't go on.
Basically...People don't like being used as guinea pigs and having their lives being used as gambling chips in a roll of a vaccine dice that was quickly thrown on the table.
I still have footage from the protest. I remember when it started at the top of NZ, cape reinga, then when the government turned the motorway cameras off and I was messaging people we were protesting.
Jacinda got a Dame and damn, where is she?? Bloomfield got a sir!! Mallard never explained the water springler!! So, Who dishes out all these titles whilst we taxpayers keep paying?? Can we recall the " saline solution story, that was never explained. Who was it planned for.
I went to see the movie premiere in Auckland, what a great night and what a great movie. Definitely suggest as many NZers go along to see it as possible regardless of what you've believe about the protest, you may just be surprised and have your mind changed
Yes he did back track, and as a commenter below said, 'it' was 'almost' an 'apology'. It was close enough for me since we were all subjected to a deluge of propaganda from the NZ main stream media. One can be forgiven for being induced into obliviousness. The hatred which existed on 'social' media....was so much worse.
We don't need to forget BUT we must forgive as we all fall short of the uninformed truth 😢 For some it takes a while to find that truth. Thank you Shaun for your courage to right a wrong
yes our government acted illegally. How were those illegal actions punished? you will have to ask Dame Jacinda (the anti royalist) and Sir Ashley (who has a cushy professorship). They are not being scrutinized let alone held accountable for their actions!
But not very politically savvy Hipkins will be held accountable. Ardern played him for a fool and skipped away laughing after she had tossed him a hospital pass. No wonder fewer and fewer want him as PM. He’s clearly not smart.
I lost 200k worth of work in the first lockdown. Iv had heart surgery but couldn’t get an exemption. My cussin needs a heart transplant 17 or he won’t live to 18 . I will never trust the Govt again. I’ll start from the top . I had a business in Central Otago and I lost 200k worth of contracts during the first lockdown once the tourism stopped business panicked and pulled all there contracts. I had to let my staff go and wound up in debt. No help from IRD or the Government. Then the Govt bought in the mandates and I lost more work again as I wouldn’t take the jab as I have had heart surgery (catheter, ablation) because of myocarditis which is the known side affect of the jab. Despite this I was denied an exemption. I’m glad I didn’t take it as one my cussin took it and had a reaction now he needs a heart transplant or he will not make it to 18 . He’s not going to live long enough to get his drivers licenses. Till the day I die I will never forgive or forget what the GOVT has done
@@philipkennett3181 Oh my mistake I just assumed you're a man not some kind of worm or dog. A man doesn't tolerate his kin being killed. He doesn't tolerate tyrants crushing his business and trying to kill him. Any man in this situation would strike back at those who sought his and his families death and demise.
@@charleswalker2484 yeah but other then protest what can I do sue them ? You need money for that and I’m not back on my feet enough to be able to do that
The movie was shown in Auckland on the same day that chippy said..... vaccinations were a choice. That statement of his is compelling in its evilness and arrogance.
Best review of anything ever Sean Plunkett!! I've only seen maybe 30mins of this film. This is what makes me proud to be a New Zealander ✨. People from a walks of life standing together for the Right ✅ to choose, and standing up for our Freedoms. And personally makes me remember how I was treated for not complying. Made an example of, and humiliated at my place of work. Being removed from site, and no one would even come near me, like I had leprosy or worse. I remained calm in the moment, but I'll never forget how I felt that day, driving home 🏡 I won't forget 😔. Power to those who protested, and stood up!!
And ACC cover for all the vaccine injured. Their suffering continues, many are permanently disabled. A great crime has been committed against them and it seems no one cares.
Shaun, Paul from Blenheim here. Nice to hear a different perspective from you. Hopefully the door to your soul has been prised open and that your stance on the mRNa shots loosen. Keep seeking the truth Shaun. Cheers Paul
The door to Sean's soul prized open with the crowbar of wisdom, insight and truth. Is it just me, or is everyone having a religious experience in this comments section?
At the start of this covid business i knew that i would become a small government conservative and this has happened. GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Ardern et al proved this conclusively
Thank you Sean, this honesty is appreciated. Yes many on the fringe, however nearly all I met in Wellington, where financially independent. Would love to see the figures of Wellington businesses, especially accommodation. .
fringe - i don't think so - most were professionals forced out of their job by ILLEGAL breach of their rights -next step class action agains all employers ? especially govt run ones and of course the murderous health board - jobs should be lost by those who made those choices to fear people and scare them into compliance or loose their living - but you missed the fact that so many were injured by this jab and were denied exemptions there were a big part of that protest and lets for a moment change the name of protestors to voters .... govt abused their power and acted illegally and there needs to be accountability for that as trust has been broken - and thats by all 120 of them from all parties all of them acted together against all of us - river of freedom will stand as an example of how govts abuse their power over people and it should be in all schools - and sitting politicians need to be voted out
Watching this film brought it all back - I think all of us mandated have a form of PTSD. Lots of tears were shed but I have immense gratitude for all who went to parliament for me and for everyone in NZ. The police were disgusting. Shame on them all and all those in the Beehive. All politicians should be locked in a theatre and forced to watch this film.
I am old enough to remember the Springbok tour protests. I knew in the end the police would act the same way this time. Many people have never recovered from the treatment they were dealt by the police back then, and it will probably be the same this time. Both these situations were caused by Government actions.
@@margaretobrien4851 I agree. I was at high school during the tour and didn’t really understand what was going on, not being a rugby supporter at all. I hardly watched TV even back then but was horrified at the brutality of the police that I did see. I stopped watching. I did the typical young person thing of if you don’t see, you don’t know and therefore it’s not my problem. I avoided the unpleasantness, which is exactly what my young adult and teenaged children have done. They don’t want to know. On one level I understand but it saddens me that it’s caused such a disconnect and division.
I like what you do Sean... But seriously, you are an intelligent guy. What the hell do you mean "my opinion was coloured by the reporting on the protests regarding anti vax vs anti mandate..." - If anyone in this country was in a position to know what was going on - it should have been you. Because the sheer arrogance and hubris of all the Party's in parliament saying that they were simply not going to even talk to the protesters, and to treat them as "deplorable" means that none of them have any right or moral authority to being in any position of power. And Any media companies and journalists that toed that party line should also be fired. It was complete contempt for the very Sole and Principles of our society.
I hope people have will remember on voting day that Winston was the only politician that went and spoke with the crowd,while the whole lot of the rest of them,who will be begging for your vote soon,all treated the common kiwi folk like scum.dont forget that Kiwi's
Finally you get it, it shouldn’t have taken a movie for you as a member of the press to open your eye or at least be highly suspicious of the narrative coming out of all of the main parties and the MSM but at least you’re there eventually as there are many in this country with their eyes and ears fully closed willingly and will never understand the conclusion you’ve made. And this phenomenon is not just present in New Zealand, it permeates right through western societies…. So if we can lets cast our minds back to what 45 said and how he characterised MSM early on in his political career and see how true the famous statement actually is.
Perhaps an apology to Liz Gunn is due? While it's nice that Sean has Road to Tarsus moment but he doesn't run the country. NZ will respond to leadership that acknowledges it was wrong and is 100% honest with the people. NZ would turn on a dime if we had one decent leader like that because we are a nation that can repair itself.
I knew there was a good reason to remain one of yr subscribers. Enormous respect to you for admitting a change of opinion about us, the ones who stood up spoke out ... on behalf of you ALL only to be treated like pariahs for speaking the TRUTH
Sad chapter in NZ for sure, that a great deal of people will not have a clue about or simply don't want to "go there." They will buried it. Run, escape, watch Barbie...
What disgusts me further is how these criminals are prioritising immigrant housing, whilst kiwis such as yourself are forgotten about. No, you're not forgotten about - those of us with true kindness and empathy are thinking of people like you every day ❤
Well Sean I’m very pleased with the resultant change of heart/attitude you now seem to be showing towards those of us that saw clearly what was and still is going on within our country . Democracy has died both here and around the world .I hope now that you have had a glimpse of understanding feed to you thru seeing this incredible doco that more realisations 😂and a continued acceptance that not all is as it may appear and that you too will be able to know we aren’t nutters merely average Kiwi wanting our country back from the globalists !!!!
The fact that no sitting MPs went down to talk to those people that they were ignored and abused in the one place they should have been welcomed and listened to is an appalling indictment on our democracy.
Sean, thank you for your balanced response. On the COVID topic the last few years we haven't always seen eye to eye. But you have my respect as a journalist, which is pretty bloody rare. Keep up the good work.
Ardern and govt were following the criteria and reterict of the one's that they serve ...and its not the people ...Ms Ardern of the red door possibly had a conflict of interest with her friend Mr Gates whom as we all know pushed and funded the vaccines also possibly had financial intetests in the biolab in china then made smarming videos almost laughing at the upcoming spread harm and supposed deaths to come .. All in parliament answer to the heirachy of the order not the people ..sadly whomever is the leading party will do the will of the Order ...
Thank you. Having no reliable ms media broke my heart as this catastrophe happened, there were so many NZers who had been rejected from society, family and friend circles, and then to be described as filth ... I believe you are correct when you say, t will be viewed as a historic documentary. But your voice, I had stepped away from it when RCR started up ... I'm ready to start listening again. Thank you for this balanced review ... actually, thank you for having the courage to go with an open mind.
It is amazing how the can tell the whole population of NZ to take an experimental vaccines - MRNA without any prove of safety and effectiveness through trials of humans and animal testing.
Great review of a movie I really want to see. Glad it stayed pretty objective overall...that was my fear itd be overly emotive. The real story is emotional enough to send a powerful message about state authoritarianism and what can happen when the state turns on a section of its people.
Hello we are in uk,we have seen the film here it’s a great eye opening film,it’s called sound of freedom here & the states,love to everyone ❤️ 🏴🇬🇧🏴🏴
And those people were given knighthoods, damehoods, for their utter contempt for the people. Absolutely appalling.
Yeah who dishes these awards out? They must be every bit as stupid as the clowns that received them.
I’ve lost all confidence in all the systems and I don’t think I’ll live long enough to get it back.
Remember Ardern wanted NZ to be a Republic within her lifetime and then accepted an honour from the crown…the hypocrisy and vanity is unbelievable.
And the King thought it the right thing to do!
For much of our woes we can Blame the Dame!
No big deal there. They give those titles out to sex offenders as well. Those titles are lipstick for pigs.
We can host our own awards banquets each year for those who have worked to expose the evil corrupt Govt. Sean will get the Wally trophy unless he stops calling people antivax nutters!
Fantastic, thank you Sean. Only correction, the media didn’t ignore the protest, they branded the protest as feral. The media, through their coverage contributed to significant division in families and in New Zealand.
“River of filth” it was called
Tbh e great unwashed 😒
hit the nail on the head
nz didn't need the media to see what was happening, thats just another excuse for the stupidity the protest displayed
@@gregsmith2164 Hi Greg, I worked in that media for fifteen years. On the third morning of the protest, I could see that the media (that I used to love and be proud of) was reporting quite a different story than the reports I was getting from people actually there. We travelled 9 hours, so I could see with my own eyes, as I knew, after two years of watching credible international studies get buried or butchered as they made their way down the wire to NZ outlets, this was one time in my life I needed to just see it for myself. And not walk past and watch, but go in and talk to people, which I did. And I’m glad I did. Were you there too? If not, this documentary is as near to a Birds Eye view. I hope you see it rather than dismiss it. Along with the dawn raids, there will be a significant acknowledgement of wrongdoing in the future for this protest…. But my biggest sadness was how many friends I had in Wellington who watched from their comfy couch and parroted damning judgments they heard on the news, rather than remembering how to talk to each other to find understanding. A human lesson they could have shown our politicians.
Let's not forget we were betrayed by Luxon and Seymour too. Their inaction was apalling. One cannot vote for them with clear conscience.
@@NA-sj9jy All parties curremtly in parliament
Oh but vote they will.
The purpose of the Opposition is to oppose. They failed.
@@rosamundperry and all parties who weren't in parliament
Luxon was not inactive, he was actively supporting Trevor Mallard's actions. I think I remember that Mallard said it was Luxon's idea to turn on the sprinklers and he (Luxon) thought the very load music and EMF weapons were great ideas. Of course they all want to act as if it never happened. The Greens have always made a huge fuss about GM food but they had no objection to GM technology being mandated and injected to the population. How anyone can vote for any of the current politicians this election, is beyond me. Not one of them spoke against the tyranny. None of them stand for the principles I thought that Western civilization was founded on.
It wasn't just hippy types Shaun. I was there, clean cut, never smoked weed, no tattoos. Young family. Clinical scientist. I found a new respect for the hippy types after this experience. Opened my eyes somewhat. Everyone who rallied are hero's and actually stood in defence of our freedoms
Just interested, as a scientist, with a background in critical thinking and the scientific method, what are your thoughts on vaccines?
Same, I'm a geek, I was there
@@overover..Vaccines are the single worst medical intervention in human history. They are responsible for practically unlimited human suffering, all cloaked in a carefully scripted and Big Pharma funded fantasy of promoting health. They have nothing to do with health whatsoever.
@@overover..whats your definition of vaccine? The pre covid definition or the one they changed it to so that it included things not defined as vaccines before?
@@bennichols1113 I guessed anything designed to cause a suitable immune response in the body that will be triggered on contact with the actual disease
7:23 I came across many such people on my travels. I stopped at a motel for a two night stay and found I was the only genuine customer. Everyone else at this rather large complex was living out of this hostelry care of the government. The more I spoke to them, I learnt they were all victims of lockdowns. They were cooks, waitresses, bar staff and so on. They'd all been employed but had lost their jobs due to lockdowns. Even though things were slowly returning to normal, they'd not got their jobs back. They had many children, and I wondered what their futures would now be like? Even during wars we have never suffered such an atrocious abuse of our human rights. It was tyranny, evil on full display by the government. I read somewhere that the average Kiwi family has about $500 on call, that's it, that's their padding. If they work, they can pay rent and buy food, and send their kids to school. What we experienced was undeclared war on the working class, and committed by a Labour government no less. The Labour party should be banned.
Yes indeed
Maybe you would be better off going over to Ukraine then. If war is more preferable than acting as a citizen and helping others who are more vulnerable than you. I do not agree that such pressure should have been placed on people to get vaccinated. But this was the first time the world had tried to stop a pandemic we were bound to make mistakes. All this hyperbole does not help your argument.
#@crcooke111 If you had taken the time to venture down one of the so called “Rabbit holes “ you might have discovered some true science! Other than the “Pulpit of Truth “ as declared by our esteemed and now Honoured Socialist Prime Minister of the time .
The truth about the so called Pandemic was out there if had taken the time and effort to look for it .
@@crcooke111I strongly suggest you re-read the statement.
@@kesfitzgerald1084 hear hear
It astounds me the media often refer to the freedom movement as fringe , lefties , I managed to work right through Covid and remained unvaxed and gave my employees the option of yes or no , I consider myself as middle NZ, I pay taxes , I run a Buisness , I went to Wellington, I supported the convoy , the freedom movement has a wide range of people from right across the NZ population, its a wonderful movement , my only frustration is the splintered political scene we have ended up with, maybe one day we can all unite Uber one umbrella ?!!
Good for you
If anyone believes msm their view is not worth listerning to..
Yes, we're the furtherest thing you can get from being hippy! Catholics, large family, professionals, morally conservative, law abiding (except for the occasional lemon from over the fence), generally compliant and trusting. Pleased to say I visited every day but two days of the protest at Parliament. Baked in the morning, visited in the afternoon. This was a hill worth dying on.
it is the splintered political scene that created the freedom movement . united we win , divided we lose
Oh they did much worse than that. They referenced 'white supremacists, Maori separatists, anti-vaxers, Trump supporters, 5G conspiracy theorists and even a reference to a certain warped political movement in a certain country during WW2; and a plethora of other 'slurs' used to described those at the protest.
A disgrace. As you suggest, those at the protest were actually from a broad spectrum of people from all over NZ as opposed to fringe radical fruit cakes the media all too often suggested they were.
Yes, there was 'hate' projected on those who merely wished to express a different view or take a different path.
What people also fail to realise is that the parliamentary protest was a partial representation of thousands of NZers around NZ that disagreed with the NZ C19 Health Response. It was a nasty and disgraceful time in NZ's history perpetuated by the politicians, medical hierarchy, and main-stream media. They should be ashamed.
They should be in jail.
And millions agreed with it so zip it
hmm.. not so sure the website it quotes is worth repeating actually having looked into that. It's basically Real Raw News, but stated under it's other name. e @russellturner1909 Millions were brainwashed with the media's repetitive pushing of fear. How do you brainwash someone? You put them into a state of fear (which they did) then repeat the info every few mins for a period of 4-6 weeks. Once that's done (which they did) then even if you show the evidence against what they have been programmed with, they can not make any sense of it (according to an ex KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov (look him up), who was part of the testing for how to brainwash people).
@@russellturner1909pity the evidence supports the protesters, the only people who agreed with the c19 response were the people who allowed themselves to be scared witless by the government and the media. Anyone who agrees with businesses being shut down and the mandates is an absolute fool with zero critical thinking skills.
@@russellturner1909 zip what?
Well done Sean. And I don't often say that.
As a retired senior military officer I am proud to be able to tell my grandchildren I was there for a fortnight. It was the most uplifting, positive experience I have had in many decades. The breadth of NZ society that were represented there is never covered by the MSM. Diverse sections of society brought together by a common cause. And ALL our so called political representatives fell well short of displaying logical, empathetic respect for their fellow Kiwis. It was a truly disgusting show of arrogance on their part. Their shame will live on in our history books for subsequent generations to review and ponder...just what went wrong with our Parliament during those turbid two years.
Marxism, profits,
Most of us were ex Labour/greens supporters. The politicians listened to their own bullshit.
World Economic Forum !!
Well said. And thank you for your attendance at the protest on behalf of a massive number of people from all walks of life. People who would otherwise not be heard from given the main stream media's unilateralism in NZ.
Great review, Sean! My view; Courageous NZers risked their lives at Parliament grounds for our country to expose tyranny.
They had guts, stood their ground and made history.
They looked like a bunch of feral rats
@@paulparker8298 Yeah....Just can't believe, how just ...a blue uniform, a visor and a baton....can make them look like that !
@@paulparker8298What movie were you watching?
@@JG-us9lu I think the movie was called ! They looked like a bunch of feral rats 🐀 !! It was on Netflix 🤷♂️
The ppl at parliament were a tiny fraction representing millions of us who couldnt be there to stand and command the wasps out of the Beehive.
The problem with the Welly protests is that it was full of different ideologies protesting for and against different things. I saw a lot of people who were just anti New Zealand, they wanted decolonisation and all that dribble.
As someone who marched in protest week after week, I thank you Sean from the bottom of my heart. It really means something for our movement, and what we achieved, to get some recognition and some understanding. I still can't believe it all really happened, or that our country sunk to such depths of tyranny over a virus.
Never thought I'd take part in active protest, but there comes a time when one does what one must especially with our children's futures at stake.
Again; thankyou and bless you!
Sean is just following the trend like he always does for rating to grow his channel nothing more nothing less hes about as fake as you can get. Sorry just the facts he can see the writing on the wall and he wants to stay on the popular side notice he didnt dare piss off the police lol they are the one really running thing political parties come and go police are always the same.
In Picton it was a moving moment when the convoy arrived 100s waving , All standing for what's right , All new the evil being perpetrated on the people & still the same 'TRAITORS" in Government > Traitors are a citizen working for a foreign identity to harm there country = WEF/WHO/Gates/Soros/Rothschilds Gangster Bankers cartel .
An unexpectedly good analysis of what actually happened Sean - pleased to see you are finally getting it!!!
Now Sean is able to articulate his views on the matter without resorting to the N-word.
@@annekevandenberg1635 in SPs book I'm a "nutter" and proud of it. Im not sure about his original usage but in more recent times I take as said with a bit of rye humour - but I am a nutter :)
Exactly, this is why the labour members should face judges for their conduct. And have prison time with a criminal record.
Absolutely!! Prosecute them. They lied and knew they were lying. Malfeasance, if ever there was.
There is the final judgement!!
The Vax scam has crumbled worldwide = Nuremburg 2 IS Coming .
At the very least, every MP in that wasps nest should be stripped of their positions and pensions and never be allowed to run for parliament ever again!!
Yes a very moving review of River of Freedom Sean it was very humbling to see the protesters gathered at the base of the Beehive searching for something from the gvt called empathy something we were promised by JA in her speech when she took up office. Time to pay the piper this election Labour, We don't ever want a repeat of this kind of arrogance from our governing body.
We are to be controlled by World HealthcOrganisation the govt won't have to ....welcome to One World Order
Small taste of dictatorial regime will linger long and bitter.
well do not vote for a major party then . vote the wef liz gunn , or tamike police state , we are stuffed
I have bagged you for your accusations on these mandates and I take my hat off to you for having the courage to say you were wrong,well done.
Sean, you've just fixed the #1 issue with your show - the disdain for anti-mandaters. Well done.
The #2 issue is the way Sean stretches and fiddles with his face.
Yeah anti madate sure, but I think he is still on the money bagging those with a conspiratorial bent on vaccines...
@@annekevandenberg1635 lol. tis a radio show tho :)
And interrupting guests, he needs to let them speak and shut the fuk up for 5mins!
We will not forget
We will not forgive
We will never surrender!
So the separation continues? War is built on separation.
Freedom is non negotiable
Appreciate you keeping your mind open on this Sean. You certainly gained some respect back IMO. ⚘️ From a concerned grandmother. 👏
For me also Sean, this was the one topic on which I was disappointed by your apparent position. I’m not now nor ever have been anti vax, but I’m strongly against what happened in NZ and around the world during the covid pandemic and so proud of the people who protested, I wish I could have travelled home to NZ to join them.
This movie needs to be shown to the Harvard University students she is lecturing.
Yes very good point
I reckon it should be shown on TV 1 in the last week prior to the election!! ( what do you think the chances of that are??)
Does this mean the whole "anti-vax nutters" insult is over? Maybe there's an interview with Liz Gunn in the works?
I thought I noticed Sean's tone changing. I think he's having an awakening
He hates her.
Liz won't front Sean after his treatment of Brenton his interview. 🤷♂️
Old habits die hard.
Old dogs do old tricks.
Liz Gunn knows this all to well.
@@Anonymouse405 Strangely, she isn't 'fronting' anyone..
I feel Sean should be commended for his part in helping the project come about. Absolutely beautiful piece of movie making.
Sean...I think nutter has become the new N-word.
Just watched the movie. And wow, those 3 Maori elders at the end were tremendous!
Huge respect to all who made the effort and took the time to stand up for all New Zealanders.
I have Maori friends who were given 500$ for the Jab , Shes now had a stroke & wonders why her elders at the site were so pushy to get all the young ones jabbed ?? Something doesn't smell right here .
So happy to see your review Sean. Been many times at the protest, the most beautiful experience ever I had in these 25 years living in NZ. And yes, the movie is and will continue to be an important documentary of what truly happened ...
Very well said Sean. As you say, 'Fire and fury' was 'propaganda'. There was no balance in that what so ever. The NZ main stream media has been instrumental in fueling much of the division in NZ regarding the 'mandates', which, as you point out, were anti-thesis to basic human rights, and which were based upon narratives which had no relationship with science in terms of various risk profiles for different groups of people regarding the 'thing'.
Often times, we cannot even speak using common language lest we find our very thoughts expressed thus, memory holed if they include certain words, phrases or points of view which may be contrary to the party line so to speak. Not just in NZ, but here too.
NZ could not even legalize cannabis(except for an elitist Oligarchy of medical cannabis companies) due to the same lack of leadership, ie Cindy would not indicate that she was voting 'yes' in the referendum. She is now writing a book on leadership. She has a full tank of gas now that she's been given a cushy position while the NZ Labor party suffers since she abandoned ship when it was taking on water. A leader? Really? That's just part of 'it' however, since the NZ main stream media put forth misinformation and disinformation regarding the alleged 'debate' which similarly helped sink that ship.
I was on the fence for a long time regarding getting the 'thing'. But one day there was a 'program' on 20/20 in NZ about how QR codes etc were so very necessary etc. This totally one sided piece of propaganda which had no opposition and no balance what so ever, made my mind up - I would not get the 'thing', and I never once 'checked in'. So for that, I am thankful, but that does in no way take away from the shameful nature of that 'program' and a great many others.
Fire and fury...Dramatic title, then a big lefty yawn-fest. They must have had a few spare awards lying around gathering dust on the 'Keep the Regime Happy shelf'.
So very few posts make several points and I manage to agree with them all. These things were just common sense and you have managed to put them into words so well.
Hi Sean, Have not seen the movie, but thank you for you comments seem to be balanced, I am Volunteer with FENZ and ST Johns for years (11+/5+). I supported and voted for Labour in the beginning, it seemed balanced and precautionary in the beginning. When mandates/second lock downs/local area closures came in and I saw the effects on the rural communities, the divisions in families and the other impacts on the health service from the governments response. I wrote to Labour and said I will never vote for Labour and now the Greens ever again they mislead the public from a scientific point of view. They made me and the community pick sides and made me chose between working in the community or not doing what I love as a volunteer. I took the vax due to the mandate and only that, when there was no need for me to have it and it did not impact me performing the my duties. We lost many members in the volunteer community being tossed a side which FENZ and St John are still paying for in numbers. I have no time for people not following the science and the science was and now is very clear for the healthy parts of the population were not at risk or the risk could be migrated. Labour also totally destroyed a large portion of peoples faith of NZ heath care system, which was over run with fear not the virus. The real story I believe is between the 2 extremes. but with more and more research coming about the response NZ took has cost us all financial, mentally and medically a lot that the current and next generations will be paying for a long long time. I have listened to you comments about the vax and/or the virus and you have not based it on anything I have experienced, seen and read working in the real world that I am aware of. Cheers you are doing a great job Sean.
Good to hear from a real world perspective.
The risks could and should have been mitigated but govt kept doing things the lazy way. Throwing away money. Quarantine lottery. Outright mandates and lockdowns...hoping it would all just go away.
Good stuff Sean for calling it how you saw it, with no fear or favour. I watched the preview (as a small contributor), and it was SO emotional I can't go the see it at the theatre ~I'd simply unman myself and blub my way through the entire movie. It is simply a kiwi classic of what we once stood for and the NZ I once recognised and was proud of.
Yeah I don't think I can see it either. Too painful/frustrating.
@@davidblake8612harden uP!
@@Anonymouse405 Whatever.
And the NZ we are going to bloody well get back when Labour is swept away by a river of freedom!
We all thought we’d bawl - on many levels no one I was with wanted to go for that reason. You don’t cry - you might well-up, but all you really feel is bloody proud to be a kiwi. Go - you deserve to feel proud of yourself and it will give you hope. And go with a group so you can yell at the politicians together- it’s cathartic. We must support these guys, because we need our story to go international so other countries record their history too. The movie is that good.
Thank you Sean, not one sitting MP came out they all turned their backs as we were brutalized by NZ Police, SAS forces, NZ Military behind the scenes. The Protesters were absolutely fearless fantastic Kiwis from every corner, of the land, every skin tone, every background ❤
Quote "our government acted illegally" end quote. So when do the court cases start?
WOW. Finally you understand it was about the MANDATES
Well said Shean, I was both at the Civic theatre , and in Wellington when it happened . That was a total contempt for democracy , and even for the traditional maori values , if anyone is fond of them , especially looking at the last people leaving the grounds -maori kamatua , they were almost kicked out by a pack of riot policemen from their own ancestral grounds , and Trevor Mallard making jokes of them . good details of the face of the policeman with a rubber projectile gun looking for his next targets . I hope he is ashamed of himself, when our children will be watching the video in their schools .
I'd like to see the timeline history/map of the land the Beehive is on. Did the Crown purchase it? Was it gifted? Was it occupied by maori in 1840 if so what happened in the records if anyone has info?
The largest group where middle aged women, 30% maori and look at how the police and government treated them
My young family was a part of the harrowing despair the jabs inflicted on us. We shall never forget. The inhumane treatment 😢
It was a Human Rights violation.
@@musicians_with_gunts It was 'abuse'.
Get ready as there is a lot worse on the way if the Government does Not reject the W H O World Health treaty / Pandemic Preparedness treaty , activation of this Treaty will happen on the 27/05/2024 .
I'm not just going to forgive and forget. Heads should roll!
@@Anonymouse405 Anon got it from the Jews.
Let it go...just let it go.
@annekevandenberg1635 some things are unforgettable and unforgivable!!
@@annekevandenberg1635 Mandates are coming back by December.
Holding grudges isn't healthy. It doesn't mean heads shouldn't roll, but lets unite with all who are willing. Be the change we want to see. ❤
Every great journey starts with a single step Mr. Plunket. Now try answering why we were not allowed to have Ivermectin. Research that one for yourself, by yourself, using every atom of investigative journalism you have within you.
Then, tell me how diesel melts steel - try it for yourself make a movie on it and let us all know exactly how you got on - love to see it.
Walk on Mr. Plunket, walk on.
Even if he researches it he will turn a blind eye as he is pro poison vaccines which were warned about by many famous doctors, the rant on about using a horse vaccine which is obviously made for horses and not humans, now CDC is back tracking and lost in court against doctors who prescribe human doses , has a tract record better than omxycillin.
Just google it Sean...Should be no need for the N-word. (Nutter)
Yes, although not sure where the diesel came from.
@@kiwicam6419 Jet fuel and diesel are virtually the same only diesel has a tiny bit more calorific value IIRC.
Actually its kerosene not diesel. I think an even lower combustion temperature. I know what you are taking about and I totally agree, Its all linked.
If Ardern had the sense to completely hose down HePuaPua and not imposed the mandates, her govt would be sailing on to a comfortable third term. But the failure on both points exposed the fat streak of authoritarianism rife in the modern left. And afterwards I suspect Ardern realised these mistakes - but too late. Great review Sean, and your honesty to admit openly that you too were captured by the media is appreciated - perhaps more than you realise.
@@michellenz5529 Yes - the "isolation of the elites" is a very common thread throughout history. And it's playing out right here in NZ for sure. For a long time we sort of got away with it because we were so small a country - but this seems to have changed this last decade.
Well said
The Total War...continues ✋️💛
He Puapua = Segregation.
i think your assessment is likely regards Ardern realizing these 'mistakes', and no doubt most of them were due to poor advice that she was provided. On that basis, I can at least cut her some slack. It was an exceptionally testing and unprecedented time. She found herself in a very difficult situation. That she wish's for a normal life away from all the back draft, is normal.
I can't help think of the people in Lahina, Maui, who "followed orders" and sat in their cars...they did not question the authorities who literally trapped them, and they waited in their cars...following others, following orders. The saddest reality that people have forgotten to look after themselves and think critically.
They were COMPLIANT. They died.
Yes the Lahina situation has many elements of another great crime, which is ongoing as we speak. The Hawaiian nationalists would not sell their land to the rich developers who wanted to "maximize its value". I have been surprised that there has not been more outcry in NZ given Maori Legend and History. There are many unidentified bodies which are yet to be added to the death toll. I think the corruption in the USA is far worse, and more deadly, than in NZ, so far.
It's called the survival instinct.
Yes, that's what I thought.
@@NA-sj9jythats not true because its not the definition of indigenous. Everyone is indigenous TO A PLACE. For the word indigenous to have any meaning it needs qualifying information, a place. Everyone is indigenous to where they were born. But the UN is pushing a definition that is a label of purity and goodness because they want to supposedly speak for the groups they create. To them indigenous means any handy brown person. The first Maori in NZ were not indigenous to NZ but any subsequent children born here were. Just like all non Maori born here are indigenous to here as well. The irony is its "cultural appropriation" and misuse of the language of the people the UN seem to hate the most.
@bennichols1113 What you have pointed out is thought-provoking, and it is important to question and delve a little deeper, especially since there is so much propaganda and "noise" around race, etc. I am also suspicious of the UN. I can't help but feel the "divide and conquer" methodology has ramped up?
Terrific appraisal. Damn, I didn't know the Press Gallery had had their accreditation threatened-outrageous. Mallard is a common thug.
It's not that "they" didn't listen or display a "lack of leadership" rather that they could not possibly admit that there was an argument because something extremely dark happened in the purchasing and mandating of dangerous pharmaceuticals: fascism.
Also: to hell with Franks.
Yes it's shocking. And Trevor, like Cindy, got a nice posting over sea's. That he put the sprinklers on at the protest, and played a Barry Manilow song on repeat was a technique which would typically be used during war . It was a form of torture.
Some Manilow songs are a bit wet.
@@magingi It was straight out abuse.
Mallard knew what he was doing. I mean, 'Babyshark'? That's just Cold. He knew that track had previously forced parents all over New Zealand into premature psychosis.
Well spoken Sean, Thank-you.
I was there last night, Mandates were the universal issue but vaccine safety and efficacy were major concerns of the majority of people protesting at Parliament. It was well-known and admitted before the protest that the mRNA vaccines had only a 3-6%, temporary mitigation of transmission, there was never a rational, scientific medical justification for vaccinating the majority of the population it was 'fear-based' gaslighting, This has left many vaccinated people with damage, injury and weakened immune response, natural immunity from contracting CV19 has proven far more effective. On the 8th of August 2023, the FDA approved Ivermectin as a treatment for CV19, The Irony is that this could not be acknowledged or permitted while the temporary use authority for these experimental mRNA (vaccines) was in place during their roll-out because it would have invalidated the temporary use authority, so Ivermectin was smeared ( Horse de-wormer) and removed from sale and distribution or perscription. Also Sean it is now widely acknowledged that 9/11 was a conspiracy orchestrated by Saudi and Israeli regimes with full compliance of the US security state FBI/CIA. The documented evidence is overwhelming if you only would bother to do some research.
Good wouldn't listen to us who refused.
You were doing alright until you got to 911!
@@greencloud2225 So maybe I have looked into 9/11 more than you have? I actually by coincidence watched the live feed, It was so obviously orchestrated, I won't bore you with all the details. 9/11 grew out of the 'project for a new American century' Ironically it is the same powerful neo-con clique that has orchestrated events in Ukraine.
@@greencloud2225 It was an inside job, Look at the insurance policies, look at how the buildings fell into their own footprint, the hallmark of a controlled demolition, Look at building 7, never hit by a plane, but" pulled" later that day, again with all the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. There is so much more, but I won't go on.
Basically...People don't like being used as guinea pigs and having their lives being used as gambling chips in a roll of a vaccine dice that was quickly thrown on the table.
I still have footage from the protest. I remember when it started at the top of NZ, cape reinga, then when the government turned the motorway cameras off and I was messaging people we were protesting.
Jacinda got a Dame and damn, where is she?? Bloomfield got a sir!! Mallard never explained the water springler!! So, Who dishes out all these titles whilst we taxpayers keep paying?? Can we recall the " saline solution story, that was never explained. Who was it planned for.
10k excess death mortality 22 and 23 according to Guy Hatchard - retired scientist 12% increase in NZ What caused it?.. we all know!
Wow that’s quite an admission from you Sean 👏👏👏
We live in hope 🙌
Sean. Now you have my respect.
I went to see the movie premiere in Auckland, what a great night and what a great movie. Definitely suggest as many NZers go along to see it as possible regardless of what you've believe about the protest, you may just be surprised and have your mind changed
That's why it's called The River of Freedom.
Good job Sean acknowledging you changed your view that’s why we listen to you
almost an apology
Yes it's inneresting watching and 'listening' to Sean and Michael (trust the science laws)...connecting the dots...🤔💛
Nope he's continued the anti vax nutters narrative longer than almost everyone f**k him
Are they finally getting there? I stopped listening a couple of years ago. Hope they're waking up@@Anonymouse405
Yes he did back track, and as a commenter below said, 'it' was 'almost' an 'apology'. It was close enough for me since we were all subjected to a deluge of propaganda from the NZ main stream media. One can be forgiven for being induced into obliviousness. The hatred which existed on 'social' media....was so much worse.
Maybe better late than never aye Sean. Maybe you shouldn't have been so brutal to people who were on to this well before you.
Some of us don't forget.
And the truth shall set Sean free!
We don't need to forget BUT we must forgive as we all fall short of the uninformed truth 😢 For some it takes a while to find that truth. Thank you Shaun for your courage to right a wrong
yes our government acted illegally. How were those illegal actions punished? you will have to ask Dame Jacinda (the anti royalist) and Sir Ashley (who has a cushy professorship).
They are not being scrutinized let alone held accountable for their actions!
But not very politically savvy Hipkins will be held accountable. Ardern played him for a fool and skipped away laughing after she had tossed him a hospital pass. No wonder fewer and fewer want him as PM. He’s clearly not smart.
Blame the Dame!
They will be held accountable. Nazis were tried into their nineties. This pack of human rights abusers will not avoid justice. No one will forget!
I lost 200k worth of work in the first lockdown. Iv had heart surgery but couldn’t get an exemption. My cussin needs a heart transplant 17 or he won’t live to 18 . I will never trust the Govt again. I’ll start from the top . I had a business in Central Otago and I lost 200k worth of contracts during the first lockdown once the tourism stopped business panicked and pulled all there contracts. I had to let my staff go and wound up in debt. No help from IRD or the Government. Then the Govt bought in the mandates
and I lost more work again as I wouldn’t take the jab as I have had heart surgery (catheter, ablation) because of myocarditis which is the known side affect of the jab. Despite this I was denied an exemption. I’m glad I didn’t take it as one my cussin took it and had a reaction now he needs a heart transplant or he will not make it to 18 . He’s not going to live long enough to get his drivers licenses. Till the day I die I will never forgive or forget what the GOVT has done
So sorry to hear this man.
You're never alone.
But are you actually going to do anything about it?
@@charleswalker2484 what can I do about it . I didn’t the jab IRD don’t care 🤷♂️
@@philipkennett3181 Oh my mistake I just assumed you're a man not some kind of worm or dog.
A man doesn't tolerate his kin being killed. He doesn't tolerate tyrants crushing his business and trying to kill him.
Any man in this situation would strike back at those who sought his and his families death and demise.
@@charleswalker2484 yeah but other then protest what can I do sue them ? You need money for that and I’m not back on my feet enough to be able to do that
The movie was shown in Auckland on the same day that chippy said..... vaccinations were a choice.
That statement of his is compelling in its evilness and arrogance.
Best review of anything ever Sean Plunkett!!
I've only seen maybe 30mins of this film. This is what makes me proud to be a New Zealander ✨.
People from a walks of life standing together for the Right ✅ to choose, and standing up for our Freedoms. And personally makes me remember how I was treated for not complying. Made an example of, and humiliated at my place of work. Being removed from site, and no one would even come near me, like I had leprosy or worse. I remained calm in the moment, but I'll never forget how I felt that day, driving home 🏡 I won't forget 😔. Power to those who protested, and stood up!!
Compensation for all affected by the mandates, a public apology bybthe government of the time and prison sentences for jacinda, bloomfield & co.
And ACC cover for all the vaccine injured. Their suffering continues, many are permanently disabled. A great crime has been committed against them and it seems no one cares.
Thank you Sean
Well said mate
And thank you to the creators of the film.
This moment in time was one of the hardest of my life.
They're not all Hari Krishna munchers, because friends of mine were there, and they are definitely not 'fringe' people
Great review, thanks Sean! I was there, looked out for you but didn't see you.
Good to see you being more open minded about this whole thing Sean. Nice one.
It must be Friday.
Seriously though, Sean gives credit where credit is due.
I haven't seen the movie but I was their. Glad to hear you're finally recognising the true version of events
The NEWS MEDIA showed be Ashamed 🤥
Shaun, Paul from Blenheim here. Nice to hear a different perspective from you.
Hopefully the door to your soul has been prised open and that your stance on the mRNa shots loosen.
Keep seeking the truth Shaun.
Cheers Paul
The door to Sean's soul prized open with the crowbar of wisdom, insight and truth. Is it just me, or is everyone having a religious experience in this comments section?
At the start of this covid business i knew that i would become a small government conservative
and this has happened.
Ardern et al proved this conclusively
That's nice.
Thank you Sean, this honesty is appreciated. Yes many on the fringe, however nearly all I met in Wellington, where financially independent. Would love to see the figures of Wellington businesses, especially accommodation. .
Sean is always honest and gets the truth from people.
fringe - i don't think so - most were professionals forced out of their job by ILLEGAL breach of their rights -next step class action agains all employers ? especially govt run ones and of course the murderous health board - jobs should be lost by those who made those choices to fear people and scare them into compliance or loose their living - but you missed the fact that so many were injured by this jab and were denied exemptions there were a big part of that protest and lets for a moment change the name of protestors to voters ....
govt abused their power and acted illegally and there needs to be accountability for that as trust has been broken - and thats by all 120 of them from all parties all of them acted together against all of us - river of freedom will stand as an example of how govts abuse their power over people and it should be in all schools - and sitting politicians need to be voted out
Thanks for your honesty and unbiased review Sean ... we are indebted 🙏
Saint Sean?
Finally Sean you are see that the people that protested are not anti vacs and just normal concerned Kiwis
Watching this film brought it all back - I think all of us mandated have a form of PTSD. Lots of tears were shed but I have immense gratitude for all who went to parliament for me and for everyone in NZ.
The police were disgusting. Shame on them all and all those in the Beehive. All politicians should be locked in a theatre and forced to watch this film.
I am old enough to remember the Springbok tour protests. I knew in the end the police would act the same way this time. Many people have never recovered from the treatment they were dealt by the police back then, and it will probably be the same this time. Both these situations were caused by Government actions.
@@margaretobrien4851 I agree. I was at high school during the tour and didn’t really understand what was going on, not being a rugby supporter at all. I hardly watched TV even back then but was horrified at the brutality of the police that I did see. I stopped watching. I did the typical young person thing of if you don’t see, you don’t know and therefore it’s not my problem. I avoided the unpleasantness, which is exactly what my young adult and teenaged children have done. They don’t want to know. On one level I understand but it saddens me that it’s caused such a disconnect and division.
All politicians should be locked up. Useless pack of bastards.
I like what you do Sean...
But seriously, you are an intelligent guy.
What the hell do you mean "my opinion was coloured by the reporting on the protests regarding anti vax vs anti mandate..." - If anyone in this country was in a position to know what was going on - it should have been you.
Because the sheer arrogance and hubris of all the Party's in parliament saying that they were simply not going to even talk to the protesters, and to treat them as "deplorable" means that none of them have any right or moral authority to being in any position of power.
And Any media companies and journalists that toed that party line should also be fired.
It was complete contempt for the very Sole and Principles of our society.
Well said. Terrible time for journalism in this country, with virtually no exceptions. Really sad
Yes, well said
@@JH-kd6hs If that is his Mia-Culpa, it is pretty inadequate.
I hope people have will remember on voting day that Winston was the only politician that went and spoke with the crowd,while the whole lot of the rest of them,who will be begging for your vote soon,all treated the common kiwi folk like scum.dont forget that Kiwi's
Sean apparently doesn't get his information from the 'internet'. Only nut-job researchers get their info from there. Guess he had little choice😏
Finally you get it, it shouldn’t have taken a movie for you as a member of the press to open your eye or at least be highly suspicious of the narrative coming out of all of the main parties and the MSM but at least you’re there eventually as there are many in this country with their eyes and ears fully closed willingly and will never understand the conclusion you’ve made.
And this phenomenon is not just present in New Zealand, it permeates right through western societies…. So if we can lets cast our minds back to what 45 said and how he characterised MSM early on in his political career and see how true the famous statement actually is.
Perhaps an apology to Liz Gunn is due? While it's nice that Sean has Road to Tarsus moment but he doesn't run the country. NZ will respond to leadership that acknowledges it was wrong and is 100% honest with the people. NZ would turn on a dime if we had one decent leader like that because we are a nation that can repair itself.
I bet he'll whisper the word sorry and then say...BUT!
Finally he gets it.
Sean has a heart...It's right next to the pace maker.
I knew there was a good reason to remain one of yr subscribers. Enormous respect to you for admitting a change of opinion about us, the ones who stood up spoke out ... on behalf of you ALL only to be treated like pariahs for speaking the TRUTH
There's a lot of man-love in these comments.
River of freedom got a standing ovation in Dunedin. Real goosebumpmaterial
Thank you Sean.....Thank You...
Sad chapter in NZ for sure, that a great deal of people will not have a clue about or simply don't want to "go there." They will buried it. Run, escape, watch Barbie...
Watch Barbie? My God! Is it that bad? Oh the humanity!
You gave me hope tonight Sean. Thank you. I haven't seen it yet as I thought I would not be able to take anymore ... but I will.
no jab, no job, no home, homeless.......still homeless today, thanks nz gov!.
60th coming up soon, lets see if i make that.
I feel for you, there needs to be accountability
What disgusts me further is how these criminals are prioritising immigrant housing, whilst kiwis such as yourself are forgotten about. No, you're not forgotten about - those of us with true kindness and empathy are thinking of people like you every day ❤
It is not a political movie.
It is a human rights movie.
You've finally learnt Sean. Hooray!
Go on...Give him a hug!
Well Sean I’m very pleased with the resultant change of heart/attitude you now seem to be showing towards those of us that saw clearly what was and still is going on within our country
. Democracy has died both here and around the world .I hope now that you have had a glimpse of understanding feed to you thru seeing this incredible doco that more realisations 😂and a continued acceptance that not all is as it may appear and that you too will be able to know we aren’t nutters merely average Kiwi wanting our country back from the globalists !!!!
I believe our democracy can be revived and restored because we are Kiwis damn it!
The fact that no sitting MPs went down to talk to those people that they were ignored and abused in the one place they should have been welcomed and listened to is an appalling indictment on our democracy.
Sean, thank you for your balanced response. On the COVID topic the last few years we haven't always seen eye to eye. But you have my respect as a journalist, which is pretty bloody rare. Keep up the good work.
I think he has finally started to take the blinkers off and see this evil for what it is
@secondchance6603 yes I fear you are probably right, he runs with the fox and hunts with the hounds as most of them do. Go RCR
Sean's light has finally come on.
I knew he had it in him❤
Somebody could actually be home.
Hes woken up
You betrayed us because you weren’t willing to listen to us because it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Traitors!
Have you had your blood pressure checked lately?
Time for a drastic NZ loyal
I ditched the Platform for the last six months but glad to support him again. Well done Shaun 👏
Ardern and govt were following the criteria and reterict of the one's that they serve ...and its not the people ...Ms Ardern of the red door possibly had a conflict of interest with her friend Mr Gates whom as we all know pushed and funded the vaccines also possibly had financial intetests in the biolab in china then made smarming videos almost laughing at the upcoming spread harm and supposed deaths to come ..
All in parliament answer to the heirachy of the order not the people ..sadly whomever is the leading party will do the will of the Order ...
Thank you. Having no reliable ms media broke my heart as this catastrophe happened, there were so many NZers who had been rejected from society, family and friend circles, and then to be described as filth ... I believe you are correct when you say, t will be viewed as a historic documentary. But your voice, I had stepped away from it when RCR started up ... I'm ready to start listening again. Thank you for this balanced review ... actually, thank you for having the courage to go with an open mind.
Amazing: wasn't expecting this. An Oliver Anthony moment.
Another good movie is “The sound of freedom“
That was a very good movie
Next step Sean is...🎶 'The Sound of Freedom'
What are going to do about Jacinda...yeah, that might work!
@@annekevandenberg1635 WHO!
I don't hate many people, but I absolutely hate the labour govt for what they did to me through mandates
It is amazing how the can tell the whole population of NZ to take an experimental vaccines - MRNA without any prove of safety and effectiveness through trials of humans and animal testing.
Yes, and theyve all dropped dead. There had been plenty of testing of Mrna vaccines prio to covid.@@keithbright5156
Sean I have watched with scepticism your videos but I am seeing a change that is awesome to see …..a voice for all
Great review of a movie I really want to see. Glad it stayed pretty objective overall...that was my fear itd be overly emotive. The real story is emotional enough to send a powerful message about state authoritarianism and what can happen when the state turns on a section of its people.
Like the war on landlords too...Renters were the real victims!
Thank you Sean ❤ love your open approach to this.
HOLY SHITE - Sean is seeing the light at last.... its the bloody mandates mate !
Steady on! There'll be a halo over his head next!
He could be a special kind of idiot but all my conspiracy theories came true. Science does not lie. And the people of NZ were sold a lemon.
Hello we are in uk,we have seen the film here it’s a great eye opening film,it’s called sound of freedom here & the states,love to everyone ❤️ 🏴🇬🇧🏴🏴
Good on you Sean. I'll check it out.
Thank you 💕😘💕
Thank you Sean for admitting your change of heart!
Thank you Sean! Might go and see it tonight.
This is not only good reporting, it is also a good review☺
Well said 100% mybe the tipping point for NZ!
Good on you Sean, at least the truth coming out.