House of Mouse really does deserve a LOT more popularity than it always got. It is a crossover of highly capable cartoon characters. What's not to love?! Not only was House of Mouse a promising series, the execution of it was also too hard to get enough of!!! *Half-thousandth commenter*
Well that explains why it's a piece of tsk that doesn't do what I want it to do when I'm FIGHTING THAT GODDAMNED TRAIN! I'd say it blows, but that would be a lie.
DeadwingDork man, I love your channel so much, it’s good to see we have the same taste in content. I agree, I remember watching the early Spore reveals back in 2007. Will Wright seemed genuinely excited, it really was the game he’d always wanted to build. You could see why he’d originally called it SimEverything. EA just didn’t want to give him the money that vision would require, people would buy it regardless. I also think they dumbed it down for the casual market too, so Sims players might have jumped ship.
@@percher4824 its been decent since the NEXT update, and theyve been steadily updating and fixxing the game since launch essentially. Unlike some companies they put their heads down and work to fix their mistakes ^^
I don't think that really is "too ambitious". I see too ambitious as games trying interesting things and failing vs NMS just lacking most of what they promised. It's why it's a decent game now, it could always have what was expected it just wasn't there until now. Something like Spore or Daiketana, which had the features they promised but just didn't land well
My name literally has nothing to do with my opinion. Like, ew pixeation likes persona, name checks out, what a fucking weeb. That argument is pointless in the first place, and even more pointless when my name has nothing to do with the topic, and IS A JOKE. You think I chose the name Truest Chad because of my opinions on Persona? Because if so, then learn people to stop being such a jerkish asshat
Ambitions: Sometimes you take up great heights to achieve your goals; Sometimes it's a thing that you bite more than what you could chew, hence cancellations. 5: Y'know, sometimes you drag things too long just to get to the point... Like your writing structure. 4: Resident Evil Giraffe Sex 3: Oh yes, the game featuring my favourite poster... In all the wrong ways. 2: "PLAYSTATION" 1: An example of being ill-prepared & climbing on gaming's Mt. Everest while naked.
I'm surprised Fable wasn't in this list. Also, with how big the modding and homebrew scenes are now I would LOVE to see some enthusiastic geek get it into their head to go through and fix all the games in Action 52 to see what it would have been like if they were, you know, actually any good. It's certainly a homebrew cart I'd buy.
Personally I find it annoying and distracting from the video. I subscribed because I liked his content and found him entertaining, and way before he started telling people to do so.
I really want you to revisit Top Ten Worst Games of All Time, but I want you to make it more... personal. Can't wait for you to put Konami's 2018 Cash Cow at number one.
So basically, you want him to take that outstanding monologue from the end of "Worst Games of 2018"... and... Copy/Paste it. ... Because that can't be topped. What else is there after "It doesn't matter what they do; they can't take away those memories I've made over the years" that adds any sort of epilogue? He could make it a personal list, but it won't be your list; expect the unexpected from it.
@@smartboy201 Fair enough, but there isn't a lot of other games that I can think of that he, personally, hates. Games like Skyward Sword, for all it's faults, isn't a game that I think he'd put on the list. While game like Ride to Hell: Retribution is more a case study than a personal hatred.
There was a project to remake every single game in action 52 back in 2010 called "action 52 owns". The team got up to 23 out of 52 and a lot of the remakes are actually really good sadly it was never finished
Y'all remember Fable 3? With the all-star voice cast including Sir Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg and John Cleese? I wonder what Lionhead Studios are doing nowadays...
While I have never exactly enjoyed "calls to action" in videos, I recognize that RUclips monetization is a minefield and I at least get a laugh out of the creative ways you implement them.
Top 5 games who's innovations were overshadowed. Megaman Legends having 3d lock on before Ocarina of Time, Samurai Showdown 2 with the first parry, etc
On a similar note, Doom 3 *almost* had a Gravity Gun before Half-Life 2. It was always in the game from the beginning, but it was used as a developer tool to place objects like debris on the floor. It was later added in as a weapon the player could use in an expansion pack that was released *after* Half-Life 2. It was so close... Not sure if this might count all that much, but there have even been stealth games *before* Metal Gear. The first two Wolfenstein games, Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (yes, there were a couple Wolfenstein games before Wolfenstein 3D) were top-down stealth games that effectively played like an even more archaic Metal Gear. Then there's Boxing for the Atari 2600, which was apparently the first videogame to feature a black character. He was even playable, too. Granted, *"""""character"""""* goes in huge quotes, as you pretty much play as nameless, faceless pixelated stick figures in that game.
More in line with your suggestion, there's also another game with numerous titles; Catacomb 3D, Catacomb 3-D: A New Dimension, Catacomb 3-D: The Descent, and Catacombs 3, that would very likely go down as the first-ever FPS... I think. It pre-dates Wolfenstein 3D by a year or so.
I could've sworn Jurassic Park: Trespasser would be here. For those not in the know, it was a physics-based adventure game where you try to escape that island of dinosaurs, that touted an immersive experience with no HUD and advanced enemy AI... In 1997. On the PS1. I think you can see the issues. I'm not entirely positive it's failure is why we don't have a current gen, open world Jurassic Park game.
Lol rabbidluigi gets me every time with the"hit the subscribe button and enable notifications" I know it's coming up in there somewhere but it still gets me every time
Lol, I used to play Hey You Pikachu for hours. It's difficult to get Pikachu to do what you want, but it's also strangely relaxing to just watch him do his own thing. It has a special place in my heart, anyway.
man everyone was dumb for being optimistic about no man sky. From the earlist trailers it looked like a nothing game with absolutely no depth with an aesthetic i can only describe as bright neon puke. And that's what i told everyone. No one believed me. I got to tell many "i told you so," and isnt that what being human is all about, being jerky about being right. Its a damn great feeling! Probably helps that i understand what it means when a game is procedurally generated and what to expect out of it.
Would never have found you without Projared ! Love your channel so much so know naughty business in your spare time, he's messed up big time and it's sad but that's how life goes, keep up the good work always look forward to your work and helped me through a lot :)
in case anyone noticed, or cares, the music that plays during the intro and each count is a very nice metal(rock? I'm not big on music, sorry) cover of "life will change" from persona 5. Interesting note, and I wonder if it's deliberate, the part that plays during each number (if it was the original) would have most of the first line of lyrics; "I'm not a robot, and I'm challenging you." Very appropriate. If deliberate, well done! If not, that's an incredibly neat coincidence.
(Sees #1) Welp, good thing I'm brainstorming a visual novel as a first game. Then again, what I have in mind may turn it into another candidate for this list. Also, Pikachu's reaction to you telling him to subscribe to your channel; I think he's wary of your criticism.
Nailed it with RE6 man, there was a lot to like but sadly the execution was more botched than Sonic Boom... and we must not let Boulder Puncher die, ever. also, Top 5 mini-games better than the actual game.
I bet a lone dev with a lot of great ideas could make a 52-in-one game that was worth a damn. One week per game, don’t make them too ambitious, then boom, one year worth of small weekly games.
After I got the SNES Classic, I was very excited to give Star Fox 2 a try. After playing it, I thought it had a lot of great ideas, but it was just too much for the Super Nintendo. There's tons of lag, the D-pad isn't good enough to effectively navigate full 3D areas, and it just generally feels like it could've been something incredible, if it was on better hardware. Definitely a game I think was too ambitious, and I can see why it wasn't released officially back in the day. I'd love to see a game that uses Star Fox 2's ideas with modern tech.
You came to America and didn't visit me? Of course you didn't. That would be crazy, and of course impossible. Feel better homie. Keep making great videos. Thanks.
For turtles, there's definitely gotta be something from the Sonic games. Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic '06 all had a thing for giant turtles that no one talks about.
So... Hey you Pikachu is a guilty pleasure of mine and I have spent far more time on that game that is socially acceptable!! Actually every once in a long while I will boot that game up again to play it.
Surprised Destiny wasn’t on the list. Great video! Here’s a few suggestions: Top 5 Best Sequels (Borderlands 2 and Bayonetta 3) Top 5 Sequels That fixed nothing (Epic Mickey 2) Top 5 Saddest video game moments (Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 both had really sad endings, but also MGS4: ”This is good...isn’t it?”) Just some suggestions
I was going to tell you to blame The Pokemon Company on Hey You Pikachu, but it wouldn't become what it is today until late 2000; so, it is correct to blame Hey You Pikachu on Nintendo.
Omikron is another one that I can think of. Not only was it wayyy too ambitious, but it was also David Cage, so you know it was never gonna live up to its potential
Granted, it appears the N64 mic was calibrated with younger kids' voices in mind, but I don't know how well it even recognized what little kids were saying.
I always get excited when I see the botw heart container pillow. I'm like, "Grab it! Grab it! Get another heart!"... I don't know where a human body would fit another heart, or if it would do any good, but come on! It's right there!
Personally, I enjoyed _Sonic Forces._ Was it the greatest game ever made? Of course not, but it's a fun little adventure with some fun mechanics. Sonic Mania was better, though.
@@Lugbzurg That's a good way of putting it. Sonic Forces had some good concepts, but didn't execute many of those concepts well. Sonic Mania had a lot of great concepts and executed a lot more of those concepts right. Still wish there was a Sky Sanctuary level in Mania though.
“Games That Were Too Ambitious”? Honestly apart from Hey You Pikachu! (thank you thumbnail!) I really can’t think of any other good examples 😅😅😅 well *maybe* that one terrible Catwoman game on the PS2 but I actually liked that game even though I couldn’t play for crap haha! Can’t wait to see who’s being named and shamed this time! Thanks for another great list RabidLuigi 💙=^_^=💙
I wonder if Sonic 06 will be on here? That’s a very ambitious game that was rushed to the point things IN THE LITERAL MANUAL aren’t in it. Edit: I legit enjoy Spore but it’s... kinda empty. I just like the character creator tbh.
UFO 50 seems to be making an actual attempt at what Action 52 tried to do. And it looks good. Here's hoping it's as good as it looks when it actually launches.
Did you know "Hey You Pikachu!" actually has a sorta-sequel in the form of "Pokemon Channel?" You watch TV with Pikachu, like you've always wanted. And because it's not reliant on voice controls, Pokemon Channel is a lot less annoying.
That Projared's really a weird feeling knowing I'm directly responsible for giving money to a pedophile. Gave me similar vertigo when I, being a fan of his work, found out the same thing about Kevin Spacey. I've had some very introspective years.
One of the benefits of nihilism, my acquaintance. "Oh, they were a pedophile and I gave them money? Okay. I guess I'll stop giving them money then." Life can be a lot easier when you literally _refuse_ to care about anything.
Let's throw this into the ring and ask for: Top 5 Weirdest Video Game Ports I know that we have things like "Can it run Doom" but I think it would be interesting to talk about games that were purposefully made to be optimized to work with some devices: Like for example, COD Games on the DS, or more recently, Cuphead on Tesla Cars.
Frankly most DS games where console exclusives that just happen to share a name with a multiplaform game due to how different the DS was from other systems same thing for the most handhelds until the switch due to it hybrid nature
Judging from the music, I'm guessing Persona 5 is an honorable mention, which I guess makes sense. I love the game, but it definitely shows signs that it tried to bite off more than it could chew. Hopefully P5: Royal will help fix that.
Not really. I mean the only real problems I had with Persona 5 was how long it took before you could fully explore the first dungeon, the handholdy nature of the early game tutorials, the way information is regurgitated back to you repeatedly, and the terrible localization. None of which are signs of over ambition.
The game's story gets a little clumsy in it's later stages, like they tried to fit too much of it into a small time frame. Not to mention how the party's last character, Haru, gets completely screwed in terms of screen time. And I really hate seeing this narrative that the "localization was bad". It was perfectly fine.
i loved/hated Hey You Pikachu as a kid. Pikachu's AI was always super frustrating, and I was always yelling at the rat. But for whatever reason, I kept renting it almost every week from Blockbuster. Then again, I've determined in recent years I am masochistic and a gluten for suffering from frustration. So...that explains a lot.
How about "Top 5 Video Game Characters that can't appear in Games due to Legal Reasons". Examples: Geno in Mario games Juju the Sniper in Skullgirls Any non-MCU Marvel character in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
We've been missing Geno and the rest of the SMRPG cast of characters like f'in crazy!!! And... it's great that we can get a fresh new remake of an already great RPG!
Wow, I haven't thought about Hey You Pikachu in years! It was a pretty decent game considering the fact that voice recognition software was absolute shit at the time.
When you see Hyper Bit Hero as the Resident Evil 6 co-op player and immediately know it must be footage from Charlie Cade aka The Gaming Brit's review.
What's truly amazing is that the programmers of Action 52 were able to shit out that dumpster fire in only *three months.* Never mind the fact that NES ASM can get convoluted at the best of times, it gets worse when you're not allowed to debug at all. It still has nothing on the "𝙴𝙽𝙶𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙻𝙴𝚈 𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚁" password on Metroid, even though the Game Pak ends up smelling like burning plastic after only an hour of play.
Xenogears for the PS1 fits the bill. A 60h epic rpg that was halfway completed after 2 years of production. The whole of the second half is simply narrated because there was no time left to finish it. Still an ass kicking game though.
Hope I'm not out of line here, I've been subbed for years, but I'm wondering if you considered a bit of a format change. It seems like the Top Number lists are a bit dated in gaming content these days. Would love to see you do more in depth commentary on a specific game or a group of games (eg a series, genre, etc) or a specific topic instead of a countdown with short tidbits; I always dug your writing style. Just a suggestion
The comment about YT being a minefield made me laugh considering what you said at Momocon.
Fan: “What is the future of YT?”
Rabbid: “Twitch.”
I'd advise not to make fun of youtube on a youtube video if that's what you did. They find out and F you over. If you didn't I am sorry.
So much for that. Twitch has no future now, so it can't be the future of YT.
"I just went to America and I picked up a cold."
You had to go to all the way to America for that? Don't they have those in Britain too?
The terrible healthcare crippled his immune system
@@Frisbie147 well now he is back to good British healthcare he will be fine :)
As an American We apologize for the crap healthcare, blame our president
Top Five Unintentionally Overpowered Things in Video Games
Top five intentionally overpowered things in video games
Top five overpowered things in general
The magnum from halo CE lmao
The taser from Syphon Filter
Galeforce in FE Awakening
Oh my god, that House of Mouse reference was fantastic. That show was so much fun!
House of Mouse really does deserve a LOT more popularity than it always got. It is a crossover of highly capable cartoon characters. What's not to love?! Not only was House of Mouse a promising series, the execution of it was also too hard to get enough of!!!
*Half-thousandth commenter*
The ironic part of Hey You, Pikachu! is that the microphone technology for the game is what influenced the microphone for the Nintendo DS lineup.
Well that explains why it's a piece of tsk that doesn't do what I want it to do when I'm FIGHTING THAT GODDAMNED TRAIN!
I'd say it blows, but that would be a lie.
That "Life will Change" Remix in the background... I want it.
I don't think I heard any words that were being said when that was playing
Btw its the middle music link in the description
I need p5r
I knew I heard persona music
It wasn't so much that Spore was over-ambitious, I think it was more that Will Wright was horribly stifled and screwed-over by EA.
DeadwingDork man, I love your channel so much, it’s good to see we have the same taste in content.
I agree, I remember watching the early Spore reveals back in 2007. Will Wright seemed genuinely excited, it really was the game he’d always wanted to build. You could see why he’d originally called it SimEverything.
EA just didn’t want to give him the money that vision would require, people would buy it regardless. I also think they dumbed it down for the casual market too, so Sims players might have jumped ship.
Top 5 promising franchises that only went downhill.
As a side note, love the FamilyJules thrown in there.
Not watched yet, but betting No Man’s Sky no.1
Edit: ah, I went too obvious
From what I've heard, it's a decent game these days. I might actually pick it up some time out of curiosity.
@@percher4824 its been decent since the NEXT update, and theyve been steadily updating and fixxing the game since launch essentially. Unlike some companies they put their heads down and work to fix their mistakes ^^
I don't think that really is "too ambitious". I see too ambitious as games trying interesting things and failing vs NMS just lacking most of what they promised.
It's why it's a decent game now, it could always have what was expected it just wasn't there until now. Something like Spore or Daiketana, which had the features they promised but just didn't land well
Sorry I'd love to listen to what you're saying but that Persona remix is too distractingly good
Same issue
Ew Persona
Truest Chad, name checks out
My name literally has nothing to do with my opinion. Like, ew pixeation likes persona, name checks out, what a fucking weeb. That argument is pointless in the first place, and even more pointless when my name has nothing to do with the topic, and IS A JOKE. You think I chose the name Truest Chad because of my opinions on Persona? Because if so, then learn people to stop being such a jerkish asshat
@@wienerschnitzel1739 wow you take internet comments WAAAYYYY too seriously bud 🤣
At this point I respect the consistency of how you manage to fit the like subscribe quote you use into every video and still manage to make it funny.
Top 5 E3 Press Conferences (in terms of Announcements, Hype & Reactions)
1. Konami E3 2010
How about Top 5 E3 Press Conference Disasters? That'd be a much more entertaining list.
@@Canadamus_Prime xbox 2013
Top Five Games That Hold Your Hand Too Much
Skyward Sword would definitely be on that list
Pokémon Sun and Moon, because why make the first island an overstretched tutorial?
Skyward Sword's definitely on there.
Detective Pikachu (the game), having a mystery game hold your hand defeats the point.
Ambitions: Sometimes you take up great heights to achieve your goals; Sometimes it's a thing that you bite more than what you could chew, hence cancellations.
5: Y'know, sometimes you drag things too long just to get to the point... Like your writing structure.
4: Resident Evil Giraffe Sex
3: Oh yes, the game featuring my favourite poster... In all the wrong ways.
1: An example of being ill-prepared & climbing on gaming's Mt. Everest while naked.
When your inspiration to make a game comes from a bootleg multicart, that's a bad sign.
To be honest, finding out exactly when and how you ask us to like and subscribe is kind of a highlight for your videos for me
I'm surprised Fable wasn't in this list.
Also, with how big the modding and homebrew scenes are now I would LOVE to see some enthusiastic geek get it into their head to go through and fix all the games in Action 52 to see what it would have been like if they were, you know, actually any good. It's certainly a homebrew cart I'd buy.
There's actually more than one project doing exactly that. Dunno how they're going, but they definitely exist.
honestly i like how you ask you viewers to subscribe
it's always creative and funny
Agreed :p
Personally I find it annoying and distracting from the video. I subscribed because I liked his content and found him entertaining, and way before he started telling people to do so.
@@jedimasterpickle3 fair, i too subscribed long before he did this, but you're allowed to have your own opinion about it
Top 5 clones that are better than the original game.
Jake Whitwell oh god I wanna see that so much!
Examples of this being?
@@averagebritishguy7082 Swordigo being better than Zelda 2.
I would say no mans sky bc its improving, but Starbound’s most recent update beat nms.
The Joy of Creation
I really want you to revisit Top Ten Worst Games of All Time, but I want you to make it more... personal.
Can't wait for you to put Konami's 2018 Cash Cow at number one.
So basically, you want him to take that outstanding monologue from the end of "Worst Games of 2018"... and... Copy/Paste it.
... Because that can't be topped. What else is there after "It doesn't matter what they do; they can't take away those memories I've made over the years" that adds any sort of epilogue? He could make it a personal list, but it won't be your list; expect the unexpected from it.
@@smartboy201 Fair enough, but there isn't a lot of other games that I can think of that he, personally, hates.
Games like Skyward Sword, for all it's faults, isn't a game that I think he'd put on the list. While game like Ride to Hell: Retribution is more a case study than a personal hatred.
That projard joke killed me. great job
There was a project to remake every single game in action 52 back in 2010 called "action 52 owns". The team got up to 23 out of 52 and a lot of the remakes are actually really good sadly it was never finished
Y'all remember Fable 3? With the all-star voice cast including Sir Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg and John Cleese? I wonder what Lionhead Studios are doing nowadays...
While I have never exactly enjoyed "calls to action" in videos, I recognize that RUclips monetization is a minefield and I at least get a laugh out of the creative ways you implement them.
Top 5 games who's innovations were overshadowed. Megaman Legends having 3d lock on before Ocarina of Time, Samurai Showdown 2 with the first parry, etc
On a similar note, Doom 3 *almost* had a Gravity Gun before Half-Life 2. It was always in the game from the beginning, but it was used as a developer tool to place objects like debris on the floor. It was later added in as a weapon the player could use in an expansion pack that was released *after* Half-Life 2. It was so close...
Not sure if this might count all that much, but there have even been stealth games *before* Metal Gear. The first two Wolfenstein games, Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (yes, there were a couple Wolfenstein games before Wolfenstein 3D) were top-down stealth games that effectively played like an even more archaic Metal Gear.
Then there's Boxing for the Atari 2600, which was apparently the first videogame to feature a black character. He was even playable, too. Granted, *"""""character"""""* goes in huge quotes, as you pretty much play as nameless, faceless pixelated stick figures in that game.
More in line with your suggestion, there's also another game with numerous titles; Catacomb 3D, Catacomb 3-D: A New Dimension, Catacomb 3-D: The Descent, and Catacombs 3, that would very likely go down as the first-ever FPS... I think. It pre-dates Wolfenstein 3D by a year or so.
7:40 i think I'm going to get that dating SIM just to see how well prepared has aged in that game
It honestly is a fun dating sim, just now one route has an uncomfortable air to it.
@@shawnheatherly Also, he's apparently always a really screentime-heavy character in-game no matter what route you take.
Top ten photo modes
Top ten modern 3D platformers
Top ten more great games that no one bought
I could've sworn Jurassic Park: Trespasser would be here. For those not in the know, it was a physics-based adventure game where you try to escape that island of dinosaurs, that touted an immersive experience with no HUD and advanced enemy AI... In 1997. On the PS1. I think you can see the issues.
I'm not entirely positive it's failure is why we don't have a current gen, open world Jurassic Park game.
And the HP bar was A BOOB TATTOO
i own hey you, pikachu, and i'll have you know it's even worse and it's glorious
That's a really cool metal cover of life will change
Are we the only one's that noticed?
@Forgotten Arctic see above
@Forgotten Arctic a song from the game persona 5
Lol rabbidluigi gets me every time with the"hit the subscribe button and enable notifications" I know it's coming up in there somewhere but it still gets me every time
Hey! Your "interrupt the video for the subscribe call" actually works this week! Thanks Rabid.
Lol, I used to play Hey You Pikachu for hours. It's difficult to get Pikachu to do what you want, but it's also strangely relaxing to just watch him do his own thing. It has a special place in my heart, anyway.
man everyone was dumb for being optimistic about no man sky. From the earlist trailers it looked like a nothing game with absolutely no depth with an aesthetic i can only describe as bright neon puke. And that's what i told everyone. No one believed me. I got to tell many "i told you so," and isnt that what being human is all about, being jerky about being right. Its a damn great feeling! Probably helps that i understand what it means when a game is procedurally generated and what to expect out of it.
Too ambitious... but no mention of Peter Molyneux.
Starting to think Guru Larry may have a monopoly on him.
Would never have found you without Projared ! Love your channel so much so know naughty business in your spare time, he's messed up big time and it's sad but that's how life goes, keep up the good work always look forward to your work and helped me through a lot :)
Top 5 games that were hated but now are loved
Pokémon Black and White I feel would qualify
You just made a Pika-Promise... You better keep it or else you are as good as toast.
in case anyone noticed, or cares, the music that plays during the intro and each count is a very nice metal(rock? I'm not big on music, sorry) cover of "life will change" from persona 5. Interesting note, and I wonder if it's deliberate, the part that plays during each number (if it was the original) would have most of the first line of lyrics; "I'm not a robot, and I'm challenging you." Very appropriate. If deliberate, well done! If not, that's an incredibly neat coincidence.
I am suprised that star citizen or any Peter molyneux game did not show up. The master of overambitioun and broken promisses.
There's a disturbing lack of Peter Molyneux on this list
*Guru Larry senses danger and starts running to your location*
(Insert Guru Larry reference)
(Sees #1)
Welp, good thing I'm brainstorming a visual novel as a first game. Then again, what I have in mind may turn it into another candidate for this list.
Also, Pikachu's reaction to you telling him to subscribe to your channel; I think he's wary of your criticism.
Dude this channel is seriously awesome. Im so glad matpat did the shoutout
Top Five Games That Played It Safe (For The Better).
Ah, I knew I recognized Jules's sound. Good choice!
Is that the Life Will Change remix?
@@julesthief Yep!
@@kieranm1042 Who exactly is the Jules? I would like to listen to the remix?
@@julesthief FamilyJules on YT!
@@kieranm1042 Thanks!
Nailed it with RE6 man, there was a lot to like but sadly the execution was more botched than Sonic Boom... and we must not let Boulder Puncher die, ever.
also, Top 5 mini-games better than the actual game.
@Ryan Fanstone can you even read dude.... and understand context? clearly not...
That intro music was straight fire. 🔥
Hey you, Detective Pikachu.
Where he goes to court, and get to play the judge. Using voice controls.
Hey You! Pikachu, was such an awesome game, and they really should make another one
Nice video, I knew 2018 was the year of the crossovers. Wish we had more House of Mouse
Boy, that ProJared joke didn't age well.
I bet a lone dev with a lot of great ideas could make a 52-in-one game that was worth a damn. One week per game, don’t make them too ambitious, then boom, one year worth of small weekly games.
The whole "Hey You Pikachu" segment made me crack in laughter.
"Go left, you *bleep* ing yellow prick!" I can't deal with that, it's so funny. X"D
After I got the SNES Classic, I was very excited to give Star Fox 2 a try. After playing it, I thought it had a lot of great ideas, but it was just too much for the Super Nintendo. There's tons of lag, the D-pad isn't good enough to effectively navigate full 3D areas, and it just generally feels like it could've been something incredible, if it was on better hardware. Definitely a game I think was too ambitious, and I can see why it wasn't released officially back in the day. I'd love to see a game that uses Star Fox 2's ideas with modern tech.
I still managed to find it fun.
...I have a hard time anything you could say on PewDiePie's videos could be any more controversial than some of the stuff he's said in his lol.
Lesson to John Romero. If you're going to fall of your pedestal, don't leave your katana lying at the bottom.
You came to America and didn't visit me? Of course you didn't. That would be crazy, and of course impossible. Feel better homie. Keep making great videos. Thanks.
I thought that Watch Dogs would be in this list. Oh well, guess we'll see it in a Top 5 Games That Didn't Respect Their Promises.
That was a graphical downgrade. Not ambitious in its concepts.
Top 5 video game turtles
Top 5 horse armor
Top 5 Rabbidluigi top 5 lists
For turtles, there's definitely gotta be something from the Sonic games. Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic '06 all had a thing for giant turtles that no one talks about.
It's obvious he wants to talk about persona 5 what who said I was singing to life will change
So... Hey you Pikachu is a guilty pleasure of mine and I have spent far more time on that game that is socially acceptable!! Actually every once in a long while I will boot that game up again to play it.
Love your videos and your soothing British voice 😊.
Surprised Destiny wasn’t on the list. Great video! Here’s a few suggestions:
Top 5 Best Sequels (Borderlands 2 and Bayonetta 3)
Top 5 Sequels That fixed nothing (Epic Mickey 2)
Top 5 Saddest video game moments (Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 both had really sad endings, but also MGS4: ”This is good...isn’t it?”)
Just some suggestions
1:38 perennial
That's a plant that lives multiple years. Did you mean proverbial, or even colloquial?
I was going to tell you to blame The Pokemon Company on Hey You Pikachu, but it wouldn't become what it is today until late 2000; so, it is correct to blame Hey You Pikachu on Nintendo.
The funny part about Daikatana is, its best iteration is a not-at-all ambitious 2D adventure game on the Game Boy Color.
Omikron is another one that I can think of. Not only was it wayyy too ambitious, but it was also David Cage, so you know it was never gonna live up to its potential
Granted, it appears the N64 mic was calibrated with younger kids' voices in mind, but I don't know how well it even recognized what little kids were saying.
I always get excited when I see the botw heart container pillow. I'm like, "Grab it! Grab it! Get another heart!"... I don't know where a human body would fit another heart, or if it would do any good, but come on! It's right there!
You know what? I would hazard a decent bet that they do have Pikachu condoms.
Personally, I enjoyed _Sonic Forces._ Was it the greatest game ever made? Of course not, but it's a fun little adventure with some fun mechanics.
Sonic Mania was better, though.
Sonic Forces more closely resembles what I want to see from Sonic, but Sonic Mania was the better game in general.
@@Lugbzurg That's a good way of putting it.
Sonic Forces had some good concepts, but didn't execute many of those concepts well. Sonic Mania had a lot of great concepts and executed a lot more of those concepts right.
Still wish there was a Sky Sanctuary level in Mania though.
“Games That Were Too Ambitious”? Honestly apart from Hey You Pikachu! (thank you thumbnail!) I really can’t think of any other good examples 😅😅😅 well *maybe* that one terrible Catwoman game on the PS2 but I actually liked that game even though I couldn’t play for crap haha!
Can’t wait to see who’s being named and shamed this time!
Thanks for another great list RabidLuigi 💙=^_^=💙
I wonder if Sonic 06 will be on here? That’s a very ambitious game that was rushed to the point things IN THE LITERAL MANUAL aren’t in it.
Edit: I legit enjoy Spore but it’s... kinda empty. I just like the character creator tbh.
Jamie Does Stuff The Manuel having stuff that aren't in the full game is a very common thing that happens.
Jamie Does Stuff I liked making dick monsters
UFO 50 seems to be making an actual attempt at what Action 52 tried to do. And it looks good. Here's hoping it's as good as it looks when it actually launches.
Ohhhh... now I understand why this was in the recommended list while I was watching treesicle’s projared videos
Top 5 games that accidentally play as a different genres
Did you know "Hey You Pikachu!" actually has a sorta-sequel in the form of "Pokemon Channel?" You watch TV with Pikachu, like you've always wanted. And because it's not reliant on voice controls, Pokemon Channel is a lot less annoying.
That Projared's really a weird feeling knowing I'm directly responsible for giving money to a pedophile. Gave me similar vertigo when I, being a fan of his work, found out the same thing about Kevin Spacey. I've had some very introspective years.
One of the benefits of nihilism, my acquaintance. "Oh, they were a pedophile and I gave them money? Okay. I guess I'll stop giving them money then." Life can be a lot easier when you literally _refuse_ to care about anything.
Apathy is death. The better idea is to just realize while he did good work. As a person...they are.....shitty.
@@MxPokirby sounds like a fucking miserable way to live
Donate to charity. Cancel it out
hey you pikachu could totally be a turned into a modern phone app with better voice recognition.
I'd buy a Hey You, Pikachu! mobile game.
Let's throw this into the ring and ask for: Top 5 Weirdest Video Game Ports
I know that we have things like "Can it run Doom" but I think it would be interesting to talk about games that were purposefully made to be optimized to work with some devices: Like for example, COD Games on the DS, or more recently, Cuphead on Tesla Cars.
Frankly most DS games where console exclusives that just happen to share a name with a multiplaform game due to how different the DS was from other systems same thing for the most handhelds until the switch due to it hybrid nature
Judging from the music, I'm guessing Persona 5 is an honorable mention, which I guess makes sense.
I love the game, but it definitely shows signs that it tried to bite off more than it could chew. Hopefully P5: Royal will help fix that.
Not really. I mean the only real problems I had with Persona 5 was how long it took before you could fully explore the first dungeon, the handholdy nature of the early game tutorials, the way information is regurgitated back to you repeatedly, and the terrible localization. None of which are signs of over ambition.
The game's story gets a little clumsy in it's later stages, like they tried to fit too much of it into a small time frame. Not to mention how the party's last character, Haru, gets completely screwed in terms of screen time.
And I really hate seeing this narrative that the "localization was bad". It was perfectly fine.
i loved/hated Hey You Pikachu as a kid. Pikachu's AI was always super frustrating, and I was always yelling at the rat. But for whatever reason, I kept renting it almost every week from Blockbuster. Then again, I've determined in recent years I am masochistic and a gluten for suffering from frustration. So...that explains a lot.
Top 5 Moments in Games where your choices don't matter
Ethan Helms Choosing between Amy and Elise in Sonic ‘06
I predict:
Any Peter Molynuex game.
No mans sky
Might No. 9
Fallout 76
Pokemon go
Edit!: Dang! Not even one of them was right!
How about "Top 5 Video Game Characters that can't appear in Games due to Legal Reasons". Examples:
Geno in Mario games
Juju the Sniper in Skullgirls
Any non-MCU Marvel character in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
We've been missing Geno and the rest of the SMRPG cast of characters like f'in crazy!!!
And... it's great that we can get a fresh new remake of an already great RPG!
@@kieranstark7213I'm here from the future and it's looking brighter than ever!
Wow, I haven't thought about Hey You Pikachu in years! It was a pretty decent game considering the fact that voice recognition software was absolute shit at the time.
I for one love the pop-up like and subscribe jokes in these videos, it wouldn't be the same without them
Enjoying your videos man
Wai-wai-wait a sec. Did he say "Pikachu FLAVORED condoms"???
Thats MINIMUM 2 levels of dark cut right there 😂😜👍
When you see Hyper Bit Hero as the Resident Evil 6 co-op player and immediately know it must be footage from Charlie Cade aka The Gaming Brit's review.
6:17 "Farrantula" Is that Andy Farrant from OutsideXbox? Did you get the footage from them or were you actually playing alongside them?
What's truly amazing is that the programmers of Action 52 were able to shit out that dumpster fire in only *three months.* Never mind the fact that NES ASM can get convoluted at the best of times, it gets worse when you're not allowed to debug at all. It still has nothing on the "𝙴𝙽𝙶𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙻𝙴𝚈 𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚁" password on Metroid, even though the Game Pak ends up smelling like burning plastic after only an hour of play.
Also only two games can't be run at all, which turns to only one when it's run on an emulator.
Saw you at CNN food court at momocon. Recognized you too late but glad you had fun!
House of Mouse was great. Loved that show as a kid.
Xenogears for the PS1 fits the bill.
A 60h epic rpg that was halfway completed after 2 years of production. The whole of the second half is simply narrated because there was no time left to finish it.
Still an ass kicking game though.
Top five Video Game characters that clearly smoke crack (number one is Crash Bandicoot)
Top 200 funi drug game CHARACTER!! ! (18+ TOO FUNNY FOR MINERS)
Expected Star Citizen on here but then I remembered this is about games that had come out.
Hope I'm not out of line here, I've been subbed for years, but I'm wondering if you considered a bit of a format change. It seems like the Top Number lists are a bit dated in gaming content these days.
Would love to see you do more in depth commentary on a specific game or a group of games (eg a series, genre, etc) or a specific topic instead of a countdown with short tidbits; I always dug your writing style. Just a suggestion
Top "something" plot holes
Every time you take a crack at sonic one my blood vessels pop.