How to think multi-dimensionally to create originality | Shoji Kawamori 河森正治 | TEDxKeioHighSchool

  • Опубликовано: 7 ноя 2024
  • What is the secret to creating originality? In his talk, Mr. Kawamori will explain how to think multi-dimensionally to bring about creative transformation including the behind-the-scenes story of the birth of his anime work, the Macross series.
    オリジナリティーを生み出す秘訣とは? 創造的変容をもたらす多次元的発想法について、自身のアニメ作品、マクロスシリーズの誕生秘話などを交えてお話します。
    Under the title of “Vision Creator,” Kawamori acts as a creator of original works, an animation director, a scriptwriter, a mecha designer and many other roles. Being one of the original creators of the animated TV hit Macross-which became part of a series known as Robotech outside Japan, he played a major part in developing one of the important factors that popularized the Japanese anime phenomenon worldwide. He was also one of the designers of the Diaclone line of toys, which later became known as the Transformers, including now ubiquitous “Optimus Prime.” His designs can be found in a wide range of media, from animation, and video games to live-action movies and commercial products.
    企画、原作、アニメーション監督、脚本、メカデザイン等を手がけるビジョンクリエーター。TVアニメーション『マクロス』シリーズの原作者の一人。『超時空要塞マクロス』では、世界初の完全変形するメカ、“バルキリー”をデザイン。23歳にして劇場作品『超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか』で監督に抜擢。最新作は、『マクロスΔ(デルタ)』(2016)(原作、総監督)。
    SONYロボットペット『AIBO (アイボ) (ERS-220) 』、『サンダーバードS号』等のメカデザインも手掛け、近年では、多次元プロジェクトと称したアクターと声優の芝居を融合させた舞台やプレイステーションVR用デモ映像の演出等も行う。
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Комментарии • 18