solar panels shouldn't take damage from storms - basically they need batteries to work at night is the downside the wind generator take damage to offset it being always on and gain bonus power during storms you can also just turn them off and they stop taking damage
can you put solar panels in a green house so they dont take damage or do they even take damage ?
solar panels shouldn't take damage from storms - basically they need batteries to work at night is the downside the wind generator take damage to offset it being always on and gain bonus power during storms you can also just turn them off and they stop taking damage
The Rust game has this. So happy Icarus implemented it too!
yeah they had to overhaul the entire power system and they did the water system same time much much nicer design now
I dont see the battery items in my tech tree under the power cable, what am i doing wrong?
hmmm check to make sure your games up to date then go to tier 4 then it should just be there next to the cable if its not I'd report it to the game
mine dont seem to charge
there is a bug litterly from last friday and will be patched this week stopping power charge might even be hot patched