This Is The Most Obvious Bible Contradiction??

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Taking a closer look at proverbs 26:4 and why it is NOT a contradiction
    #bible #god #jesus #masculinity #proverbs #wisdom #manhood

Комментарии • 189

  • @DaDitka
    @DaDitka Месяц назад +6

    Verse 4 means- Never accept the premise of your opponent's argument. If you do, then you will be just like him- a fo ol.
    Verse 5 means- Use your opponent's argument against him and make him live and abide by his standards.
    For example- If a person tells you that it is wrong to judge others, respond in this way-
    "I reject your premise about judging. There are times to call out evil and wickedness" (this is verse 4).
    "But let's say that your statement is true. Why then are YOU judging me for judging others? Why are YOU violating your own statement and your own standards? And how can you say, for example, that the Nut-zees were wrong to do what they did to the 'undesirabes,' since saying they were wrong is judging, which is thevery thing you say is wrong to do?" (This is verse 5)

  • @Arcticmaster1190
    @Arcticmaster1190 Месяц назад +4

    The irony of the wisdom of those two verses is that in a weird sense, reading the two verses together and those who read it together and believe the verses are stupid, they have already convinced themselves to be wise in their own eyes. If one tries to correct them, they will bring you down with them.
    These proverbs are also riddles in themselves, to be self reflective and, as you say, applicable in different situations. Hence why the two verses are separate. Reading the verses straight, some seem like they clash often with each other, until one realizes that these verses can also be taken on an individual case. Chapters 1-9 is a descriptive tale of wisdom, 10-29 are what most expect from a book called “Proverbs”; and the last two chapters are stories wrapping up the book.

  • @laszayar
    @laszayar Месяц назад +17

    There are NO contradictions in the bible. 2000+ years of theology would be washed down the drain by some redditor on r/atheism. Most of the times these contradictions either come from
    a) not reading in context
    b) omitting a parable or a story
    c) saying that different historical accounts are contradictions (like the death of Judas who may as well have fallen to the ground and spilled his guts AFTER hanging himself)

    • @TheRedeemedPill
      @TheRedeemedPill  Месяц назад +2


    • @im_abdurakhmanovjohn
      @im_abdurakhmanovjohn Месяц назад

      1)How did Judas die?
      2)2 Samuel 6:23 "Michal the daughter of Saul had no children”,
      2 Samuel 21:8 "So the king took Armoni and Mephibosheth, the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bore to Saul, and the FIVE SONS OF MICHAL THE DAUGHTER OF SAUL".
      So did Michal the daughter of Saul have any children or no children?
      3)Hebrews 9:22
      “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission”
      Psalm 40:6
      “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; my ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require”
      So is shedding of blood REQUIRED or NOT REQUIRED for God to forgive?

    • @sonofglory7029
      @sonofglory7029 Месяц назад

      2 ) the name Michal is a mistake in kjv in other verse it's Merab . As for 3 God use the law to teach bout christ but he doesn't really desire Sacrifice but the heart.

    • @rtosviewer7915
      @rtosviewer7915 Месяц назад +3

      1) He died hanging himself and later exploded from falling because of accumulated gas after death. Its not rare.
      2)Specific translation error
      3)Oh sorry i mistook when reading both verses Ignore this (edit)

    • @im_abdurakhmanovjohn
      @im_abdurakhmanovjohn Месяц назад

      @@rtosviewer7915in Psalms (Old Testament) blood sacrifice is NOT required, but in Hebrews (New Testament) blood sacrifice IS required. How?
      Was the prophecy of Joseph fulfilled? Genesis 37:9: Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”

  • @booster-b3568
    @booster-b3568 Месяц назад +3

    It always brightens my day when people, after thousands of generations have looked at the bible, they are the ones now finding ‘’contradictions’’.

    • @booster-b3568
      @booster-b3568 Месяц назад

      @CellularEarthReality-kw7pq okay? Who said this and what was contradicted?

    • @booster-b3568
      @booster-b3568 Месяц назад

      @CellularEarthReality-kw7pq that doesn’t sound contradictory to me. How is that a contradiction?

    • @booster-b3568
      @booster-b3568 Месяц назад

      @CellularEarthReality-kw7pq Then how can good exist if we don’t have an idea of evil? God gave us free will, that includes the ability to make good or bad choices. Im thankful to god we can appreciate the beauty in life, because we also know what evil and destruction looks like.

  • @antoinettebranellec5374
    @antoinettebranellec5374 Месяц назад +3

    May Almighty God continue to Bless you and your precious family and ministry in Christ Jesus' name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen

  • @borrowedtruths6955
    @borrowedtruths6955 Месяц назад

    There are no contradictions in the Word of God, there are those who are not spiritually discerning in some of its truths, and parts that are not to be understood until revealed by the Almighty.

  • @thedemonfoxy2364
    @thedemonfoxy2364 Месяц назад

    Proverbs 26:4
    4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
    In other words....
    Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon.
    no matter how right you are, the pigeon is gonna shit on the board and
    strut around like it won anyway.

  • @JesusLied_ReadTheBible
    @JesusLied_ReadTheBible Месяц назад

    It’s not the contradictions that are as troubling the failed promises and prophecies Jesus gave about the coming of the son of man (Matthew chapter 10, 16, and 24 to start). Deuteronomy 18:20-22 warn us against people like Jesus.

  • @BGDSP1121
    @BGDSP1121 Месяц назад +1

    Nice! Good to see more like you.

  • @YIO777
    @YIO777 Месяц назад +1

    Have you considered that it means something else? If you answer a fool according to his folly, as in using his same illogical way of thinking or based on his assumptions, then you may be trapped. But, if you answer him according to, as in answering him in the way his folly deserves, then he won't be wise in his own eyes. It's good to look at the logic of someone's arguments, claims, etc., take a step back or take a moment and assess the fallacy and show them somehow either through questions or statements, using discernment and experience, that their way of thinking is foolish.

  • @donaldoutterson3071
    @donaldoutterson3071 19 дней назад

    Can you reconcile the holy trinity with John 3:16 "one way"? I'm going with the holy trinity on this one.

  • @raysofsun8625
    @raysofsun8625 Месяц назад

    If it has contradiction, say this: "No contradiction" then work from there!

  • @jacobtack2258
    @jacobtack2258 Месяц назад

    That verse is the least of your problems. Here is a ultimate problem for the christian. A matter of not being saved:
    Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah:
    1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,
    Our Messiah says we will be known by our fruits:
    Mat 7:20 “So then, by their fruits you shall know them -
    Jesus is not the name of the Hebrew Messiah of the Bible!
    Let’s see what are the fruits of the followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah:
    Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods).
    None of the above found in the Bible.
    The Hebrew Messiah of the Bible did none of these above church traditions.
    Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah:
    Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits. (all found in the Scripture)
    In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name:
    Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.
    But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands:
    Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
    You are the servant of the one you obey:
    Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
    So you as a christian serve Ba'al and Zeus!

  • @kellystone7501
    @kellystone7501 Месяц назад

    Did you know: its actually the total opposite of what you're thinking?

  • @MessianicJewJitsu
    @MessianicJewJitsu Месяц назад

    Everything I say is a lie, except that, and that, and that.
    These are often written like rap lyrics with larger imagery

  • @FaustoChavez-gi8lx
    @FaustoChavez-gi8lx Месяц назад

    May god bless this man

  • @thevulture5750
    @thevulture5750 Месяц назад

    1 Corinthians 3:19
    19For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

  • @elijahsmessage3096
    @elijahsmessage3096 Месяц назад

    I was reading the Bible when you posted this video and read very similar verses.
    I was confused of how the Bible said two different things about answering a fool or a person who argues.
    One verse said don’t have anything to do with them, the other said to try to reason with a confused man and help him. and another verse said to teach people who are ignorant and try to tell the gospel to even those who do not listen.
    Then another verse said don’t give judgement on those who don’t listen.
    But like you said, these things are very situational and depend on what kind of situation you are dealing with.

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 Месяц назад

      Is this a contradiction I found in the bible, god knew you before you were in your mothers womb, and had a perfect plan for you, but this god allowed satin to give
      some children "BONE CANCER" then die soon after, one would not call that
      a good plan surely??

    • @TheRedeemedPill
      @TheRedeemedPill  Месяц назад

      Can I ask if you’re asking this question because you genuinely want a good answer or if you’re just trying to prove a point

    • @elijahsmessage3096
      @elijahsmessage3096 Месяц назад

      @@TheRedeemedPill no, I was agreeing with your explanation, great video 👍

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 Месяц назад

      @@TheRedeemedPill It appears my post was taken down, could it be put back please.

  • @brotheradamfromups
    @brotheradamfromups Месяц назад

    Consider the scenario: Dude is trying to slander Guy. Dude is a fool. Guy has not cheated on his wife.
    Dude: "When did you stop cheating on your wife?"
    Guy: "Never" (This is the "answer not a fool according to his folly" part. It makes guy look bad. Guy has never stopped because he never started. But it makes him look like he is still cheating to the outside observer).
    Scenario 2:
    Dude: "When did you stop cheating on your wife?"
    Guy: "That's a loaded question that assumes I have cheated on my wife with no proof." (This is the "answer a fool according to his folly" part. It reveals the foolishness of the fool without making you look like one)

    • @TheRedeemedPill
      @TheRedeemedPill  Месяц назад

      That’s a really good illustration. Thanks for sharing!

  • @MadeleineKuhl
    @MadeleineKuhl Месяц назад

    I find it more trustworthy if it’s not lawyer made perfect like coercion haha.
    I’m a emotional person so I seem to only understand that description.

  • @yourneighbour3309
    @yourneighbour3309 Месяц назад

    Eastern Orthodoxy Is The One True Holy Apostolic Catholic Church☦️💙📿

  • @user-vz8ym5st3p
    @user-vz8ym5st3p Месяц назад

    It's a bible contradiction, but not a Scripture contradiction.
    The English bibles are interpretations, not exact translations.
    As such, the interpreter you choose to follow is claiming to be an expert on Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to the extent that everything he has done is perfect and complete.
    If you never study the original language - Hebrew - then you will never have even the slightest clue about truth.

    • @rubba6818
      @rubba6818 Месяц назад +2

      The whole religion is all interpretations. That is why there are 40.000 variants of christianity, heh! It is all arbitrary stuff.

    • @user-vz8ym5st3p
      @user-vz8ym5st3p Месяц назад

      @@rubba6818 I agree. Religion is the tool of the beast. Most christians have no clue what the Hebrew actually says, preferring the interpretations of men they cannot vet to just doing a little studying on their own. It is a very lazy religion of the dumb masses.

  • @richardburton-777
    @richardburton-777 Месяц назад

    To treat a fool with INDIFFERENCE, allows you to hold the higher ground of keeping ignorant, prideful people in there place.
    Leaving them Isolated, alone in their own stupidity, keeping yourself uninvolved in their foolishness.
    To adress a fools folly is to CORRECT their ignorance, pride, & wrong thinking (A mental slap, to capture, stop their idiocy). A quick witted person NEVER answers a fools direct question, rather they pose a proper question, that the ignorant, prideful, fool then must grapple with & ANSWER themselves, before going on.
    Jesus often used this response when questioned by prideful, wicked religious idiot's.
    Avoidance of such peeople & questions is Best & it is the first in line in scriptural order of Proverbs 26.
    To take the time to stop, look at a fool on the eye & give a CORRECTION is NOT for the novice, & this takes WISDOM, Knowledge, Experience, Understanding & great Godly Patience. Thus it is second in scriptural order of Proverbs 26.

  • @chadkndr
    @chadkndr Месяц назад

    Instead of replying to other comments claiming there are no contradictions, I'll just make my own and let others respond. Gospels only, I'll try to avoid the common ones like the visit to the tomb, or Judas' death, etc.
    After his resurrection, did Jesus appear to his disciples in Galilee(Mark 16:7, Matthew 28:7-10/16-17), or Jerusalem(Luke 24:36, John 20:19)?
    (If Galilee, why did Jesus tell them not to depart from Jerusalem until they had received the Spirit? Acts 1:4)
    Did Jesus ascend on the day of his resurrection(Luke 24:51), or 40 days after(Acts 1:3/9)?
    Did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit on the day of the resurrection(John 20:22), or the day of Pentecost(Acts 1:5 Jesus tells them they will receive it "not many days from now." Acts 2:4 they receive it)?

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      Jesus made numerous appearances after His Resurrection. A quick survey of these appearances will show why these accounts are not contradictory but are actually complementary.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      Jesus then made two appearances to the disciples gathered as a group behind closed doors in Jerusalem. The first of these appearances occurred on the evening of Resurrection Sunday and is mentioned by Luke and John. John reveals that Thomas missed out on the first appearance. Jesus returned eight days later to all eleven as recorded in the rest of John 20. Mark 16:14 records this later meeting with the eleven. Jesus repeatedly upbraided His followers for not accepting the word of eyewitness accounts of His appearances. After all, He had already told them on several occasions that He would rise from the dead.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      When the angels in the empty tomb and Jesus Himself gave the women messages for His followers, they included a promise that He would see them in Galilee at the place He had appointed. He had prophesied of His coming death and Resurrection, and He had even told His followers where in Galilee they would see Him again. In Matthew 28, both the angels and Jesus gave the women this message to deliver. Then, after a few verses describing how the Jewish leaders tried to cover up the resurrection, Matthew 28:16 states that the eleven went to Galilee.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      Scripture records two post-Resurrection appearances in Galilee. One is the meeting with seven disciples on the shores of the Sea of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). The other is the appearance recorded in Matthew 28:16-17. There is no indication of how much time had elapsed between the initial appearances in the Jerusalem area, but at a minimum, there had to have been eight days plus travel time. If the meeting on the lakeshore had also occurred before the appearance on the mountain, then even more time would have passed. The Galilean appearance is logically placed as it follows the two promises about the event mentioned both by angels and the Lord.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      Who was present at this meeting on the mountain in Galilee? The eleven were certainly there, but nothing in these verses suggests that they were the only ones. This appearance was very likely the event recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:6 when Christ appeared to more than five hundred brethren at once. Given that a significant amount of time had passed since the Resurrection, hundreds of followers could have received word of the promised appearance and arrived at the pre-arranged place on a mountain there in Galilee.

  • @im_abdurakhmanovjohn
    @im_abdurakhmanovjohn Месяц назад +1

    if I provide a failed prophecy from one of your prophets, will you be willing to leave Christianity?
    In Genesis 37:9: Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
    Prophet Joseph received a prophecy, and that prophecy is that Joseph will rule his father (sun), mother (moon), and his brothers (11 stars). So is this prophecy fulfilled?
    In Genesis 42:6 Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.
    In this case you might think, he fulfilled his prophecy, right? Wrong. Notice they did not mention the mother. You might say “well, later on she came and bowed down”, but this is impossible. Because in Genesis 35:16-19 it is told that Rachel who is a mother of Joseph supposedly died during childbirth. It was impossible for her mother to bow down to him.
    So if the prophecy of Joseph is not fulfilled, how can he be considered a prophet? Bible says Joseph is a prophet, but he has a failed prophecy, how can you make sense of that?
    Is God wrong for showing Joseph a moon in his dream?
    more on this:видео.html

    • @GodIsGood-Fr
      @GodIsGood-Fr Месяц назад


    • @im_abdurakhmanovjohn
      @im_abdurakhmanovjohn Месяц назад

      @@GodIsGood-FrBible calls Joseph a prophet, and one day God gives Joseph a sign or prophecy. But this prophecy is wrong!!! So then this puts Joseph’s prophethood under the question mark, right?

    • @snj4614
      @snj4614 Месяц назад

      I did some light research so I apologize if this doesn't have much meat to it in this comment but an explanation I've seen for this has been that Bilhah, Rachel's handmaiden was the surrogate mother to Joseph after Rachel's death. So when Joseph is eluding that his mother would bow down before him it is reasonable to believe that Bilhah would be able to fulfill that role. It is always interesting to see new perspectives on verses though so I appreciate you commenting this.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      No I wouldn’t say so. But let’s look at the scripture:
      Genesis 37:9
      ”And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”
      The sun and moon are interpreted to represent his father and mother, and the 11 stars his brother. This prophecy is fulfilled in a number of ways.
      1 when Joseph saved everyone from the famine and his brothers bowed to him.
      2 when he received the coat of many colors. In ancient times making special clothing was very costly. So receiving the coat was an important event symbolizing that Joseph (the second youngest) would receive father Jacob’s birthright blessing. Meaning he would lead their family after his father died and receive the greater part of his inheritance. This was odd because according to tradition it should have been Reuben-the eldest who received this honor.
      The fact that his birth mother was deceased by the time doesn’t really matter as it was symbolic, not literal.

    • @BassemBoumaraf
      @BassemBoumaraf Месяц назад

      Hats off to you, you are trying so hard to debunk the bible but in vain, keep coming with ur false contradictions from islam websites so i can debunk more of them, coming from an ex muslim ✝️🇩🇿

  • @shinobimcbuilds7337
    @shinobimcbuilds7337 Месяц назад +1

    Thank God For Islam☝️

    • @Arcticmaster1190
      @Arcticmaster1190 Месяц назад +1

      That’s not something to be thankful for- a book that claims to have no contradictions and yet has contradictions.

    • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
      @JohnDoe-wt9ek Месяц назад +1

      A god that must abrogate his own words is either an inconsistent god, or a god that has no control over anything and must change to circumstance rather than change the circumstances themselves.

    • @WarriorofChrist612
      @WarriorofChrist612 Месяц назад

      ⁠@@JohnDoe-wt9ekHe doesn’t though. You just don’t understand the context as you haven’t actually read the bible.

    • @qzvl
      @qzvl Месяц назад

      Islam says Mary is apart of the trinity yet no heretic group at the time or up to this point believed this. The Quran/hadiths also says the Jews “worshipped” Ezra and that’s why they will be denied eternal life. No… Ezra was a prophet. It seems like the inventor of Islam Muhammad didn’t know much about the other abrahamic religions.

    • @WarriorofChrist612
      @WarriorofChrist612 Месяц назад

      @@qzvl Yes because islam is based off of christianity. Essential a false version of christianity. They even claim that christianity is the corrupted version of islam and that islam is the “uncorrupted” version to solidify their legitimacy. Islam is false.