Watching replay. I just want to say how happy I am that Arthur Choi got Howard’s gift which was a ticket to the gathering. I was at the gathering and was lucky enough to have sat next to Arthur. I was on my own and felt a bit lost, I also have Parkinson’s so need a walking stick to assist me. Arthur started talking to me and he was very kind. He looked after me the whole night! He was my photographer the whole night. If it wasn’t for him I may not have photos with Vinci his husband and all the lovely boys. He also helped me with getting food from the buffet table. I’m lucky to have met Arthur and the ticket couldn’t have gone to a better person . His kindness is outstanding!
好中意 howard 長髮look, 非常有遐想。好正❤
Ah Bu is so real. Ho cute. Everyone here seems nice. I enjoyed this ep ☺️
Thanks for support
I love both boyscation and pink ML . They are very different, but both cheer me up when I’m down . I always watch playback when I’m down.
Thanks for support! ❤❤
這期阿BU真的好正 kkkk 蝦滑今天格外的沉穩 HOHO好靚仔啊 今天短片中的展覽的時間是到4月10日 仔仔們講的好好 有機會真的很想去看 !倒計時🥰這周就要見面會了啦 激動~
Thank you for support!
Watching replay. I just want to say how happy I am that Arthur Choi got Howard’s gift which was a ticket to the gathering. I was at the gathering and was lucky enough to have sat next to Arthur. I was on my own and felt a bit lost, I also have Parkinson’s so need a walking stick to assist me. Arthur started talking to me and he was very kind. He looked after me the whole night! He was my photographer the whole night. If it wasn’t for him I may not have photos with Vinci his husband and all the lovely boys. He also helped me with getting food from the buffet table. I’m lucky to have met Arthur and the ticket couldn’t have gone to a better person . His kindness is outstanding!
This is really very beautiful, we all get connected because of the show and now it’s even more meaningful!
Yeah Boo Boo is here too!
我覺得專業嘅演員係會盡量投入角色,演好角色。欣賞Hoho 話自己想做好扮直嘅角色👍🏼👍🏼
姨姨超級鍾意Bu Bu轉行拍綜藝節目
❤❤ 57:21
全晚目光系Hoho既度, 有些性感。。。嘻嘻
點解等極都等唔到Andrew’s 出現。究竟 A. 匿埋喺邊個角落頭。
@@wongvincivinci Meaning only 中港台澳泰 people 可以。如歐美、美加區域地帶就是「一項不可能完成的任務」啦!
Vinci definitely suits you better than Wilson!
Huh? Howcome?
@@wongvincivinci 五官耳仔好似年輕時嘅羅文
😂 2023年仲有人以講唔講粗口嚟評論人,粗鄙唔係粗皮啊,差質素😂咩中文嚟,你嘅中文水平真係差質素啦。