  • Опубликовано: 22 июн 2021
  • Barefooted, raggedly dressed, unkempt youth with glue-stained teeth! You see them everywhere in Nairobi. They flit through the traffic or drag themselves through the crowded streets, ignored or chased away when they solicit help from passers-by.
    They shelter in the street corners and sleep under the bridges, on the pavements, in ramshackle and derelict buildings, or in run-down parks. They suffer from malnutrition, are sleep-deprived, and are exposed to the vagaries of nature - the scorching sun, the freezing cold, and the drenching rain. Malnourished, ignored, and feared … they are maltreated and abused even by their peers.
    One of the more outstanding achievements of Salesians of DON BOSCO, Nairobi has been that of shaping the moral compass of these children who with time, becoming agents of change in the ghettos.
    #donbosco #nairobi #kenya

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