Racing for Recovery - 2024 Trailer

  • Опубликовано: 12 май 2024
  • 00:00
    We have a saying here that you know you quote got it when you die of natural causes. That's when we'll put a sticker on your box that says yeah he's cured.
    We offer a way out spiritually, emotionally to get people where they deserve to be. You know at the height of my addiction you know it was a quarter ounce of cocaine over a weekend,
    Two -fifths of whiskey a day. I got arrested for my third drunk driving charge and I stopped never touched it again, never went to detox. I've got 106 Ironman's since 1999.
    I would never tell him that that's too much or you're done doing them. He is an example of grit and drive to show people it's okay to be vulnerable, it's okay to say that you're broken,
    It's okay to ask for help. help. You smoked crack with your dad when you were 12. Yes. And he made me smoke one cigarette after another and inhale until I puked.
    Smoked ever since. The people that are here, they don't understand the impact that they have on me from a motivational standpoint. Your mom is proud of you.
    She's looking down on you. Everybody asks themselves while they're training for one of these is why the heck am I doing this? And for me, it's just pushing myself beyond what I ever thought I'd be able to do.
    I believe that people that are battling addiction are doing so to cope with some form of trauma. And mine was losing my mom at an early age. She didn't have an accident.
    She chose to kill herself. I'm really trying to embrace it. the potential I have to do good with it. I was running this again out of my closet, built my credit up, lost it,
    Filed for bankruptcy, started over again, all of it to keep racing for recovery going. We own this thing. We own it. Sit, can you sit for me? She's a bougie pig.
    He needs a big place, so I bought him that. Todd Crandall. Todd Crandall. Todd Crandall, who completed his 19 -year -old Ironman triathlon. - Everything that I've done seems to rattle cages.
    Who I meet, what I do. I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm trying to show what can be done. - Racing was the first rehab that I walked into wanting to get help.
    Going on three years of having my kids. - There were plenty of times. during training that I did want to give up. This is an addiction. This is what healthy living looks like.
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