Another attribute of post frame is that typically the trusses, sometimes bar joist type steel trusses, connect/sit directly on the posts and there sometimes is no beam at all. This is common with barn construction and the girts and purlins are what tie the walls and roof together. Nice video.
The best wood is (1) ship mast yellow locust wood which can last like a rock, the next one is (2) cypress cedar wood, the next one is (3) chestnut wood, the next one is (4) heart redwood when you use only the most reddish deep red and dark red inner core of the redwood tree. All are in America. The next is (5) Ipe wood which has a fire rating equal to steel and is as hard and tough as concrete and the next is (6) Azobe wood which can even withstand marine wood borers.
I enjoy ur videos thank you for doing them. We are building a post frame home but having trouble finding a contemporary house plan we like. Anyone have any advice we're to find better options?
The other wood I forgot to mention is your native osage orange wood. Osage orange must come in handy in terms of rot-resistance and pest-resistance. Rot Resistance: Osage Orange is extremely durable and is considered to be one of the most decay resistant woods in North America. Workability: Working this Osage Orange can be difficult due to its hardness and density, though it is reported to have little dulling effect on cutting edges. ts wood is extremely durable, dense and naturally rot-resistant. The Osage Indians used its wood for bows, tool handles and war clubs. European settlers used the wood for axe handles, wheel hubs, railroad ties, furniture, decks and fence posts.Oct 10, 2021 Osage orange is exceptionally hard and strong. The bending strength (MOR) is over 20,000 psi (50 percent more than red oak). Hardness is around 2000 pounds (100 percent more than red oak).Apr 19, 2016. After the widespread adoption of barbed wire, Osage orange continued to have a use in fencing. The hard wood is resistant to termites and decay, making it ideal for fence post material. Old hedges that have grown into trees can sup- ply up to 4,000 posts per mile. . OSAGE ORANGE Ever since primitive man decided that it was easier to raise his own meat than to go out and hunt wild game, there have been herdsmen and farmers who have had to build fences. Fence building and fence repairing, whether they be stone walls, living thorn hedges, rail fences, barbed wire or electric fences, are never-ending jobs for farmers. About the time young Abraham Lincoln was splitting oak and walnut logs into rails for "worm" fences, middle western farmers began to hear of a small thorny tree, native to the Arkansas River region, which could be grown in dense hedges to enclose horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Because the Osage (Wazhazhe or "war people") Indians inhabited that region, it was called the Osage Orange. It is a medium-sized tree occasionally reaching 50 feet in height and two feet in diameter, with glossy simple leaves about twice as long as broad. The twigs are orange-brown in color and armed with many straight stout sharp thorns about three-quarters of an inch long. The large wrinkled orange-like green fruit, four or five inches in diameter, as well as the leaves and twigs, contain a milky juice which is quite bitter. These fruits, heavy and hard, are commonly known as "hedge apples" and used by boys as missiles for mimic warfare and other purposes. They are not edible. It is the only tree of its kind in the world, although related distantly to the mulberries and figs. Silk worms feed on its leaves as readily as on those of the mulberry. Some of these trees have yellowish male flowers bearing pollen which is carried by bees to other trees with greenish female flower-heads that produce the " oranges" . Osage orange grows well on many kinds of soil throughout most of the United States. Sprouts from roots, or shoots grown from seed or cuttings in nurseries, are planted in one or two rows several inches apart where a hedge fence is wanted. These are trimmed once or twice a year to form a dense hedge about 4 feet high and 2 feet wide. Sometimes the "whips" or sprouts are planted on an angle to create an inter-woven lattice-like living fence. If farmers neglect the trimming, the hedges grow rapidly to become havens for birds and other wildlife. However, the trees so produced are valuable as posts for wire fences because osage orange is more durable in the soil than any other wood and many such fences have lasted more than 50 years without a single rotten post. Since they occupy and shade too much valuable cropland, most such overgrown hedges have been removed in recent years. The wood, exceedingly heavy, hard and strong, shrinks but little as it dries and was formerly used to make the felloes and hubs of wagon wheels. A yellow dye can be extracted from the bright orange wood and roots for tanning and coloring leather. The Osage Indians used the wood to make war clubs and bows, and the tree was called bois d'arc (wood of the bow) by the early French explorers. Without doubt, it is the finest wood for bows in all the world. Archery fans scour the country for osage orange trees large enough and straight enough for bows. Perhaps one in a hundred, or a thousand, is suitable. It is carefully sawed into staves which are varnished and seasoned for several years before the wood is ready to be fashioned into a bow. In 1800 or thereabouts, historians mention that the Osage Indians valued such a bow equal to a horse and a blanket. Today, 150 years later, it is worth the same.
great info on these methods. I'm surprised there are not more comments. it would be great to see a comparison on post frame vs stick frame too. thanks.
Anyone know any good resources on learning more about post and beam? Looking for house plans but everything I see is timber framing and I’m not interested in that kind of joinery.
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Thanks for watching
how to draw diagram for permit? u know any easy software i can use to draw diagram?
Another attribute of post frame is that typically the trusses, sometimes bar joist type steel trusses, connect/sit directly on the posts and there sometimes is no beam at all. This is common with barn construction and the girts and purlins are what tie the walls and roof together. Nice video.
The best wood is (1) ship mast yellow locust wood which can last like a rock, the next one is (2) cypress cedar wood, the next one is (3) chestnut wood, the next one is (4) heart redwood when you use only the most reddish deep red and dark red inner core of the redwood tree. All are in America. The next is (5) Ipe wood which has a fire rating equal to steel and is as hard and tough as concrete and the next is (6) Azobe wood which can even withstand marine wood borers.
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With modern connectors you can get the Post-Frame look in a Post-and-Beam construction.
Thanks for the info
I enjoy ur videos thank you for doing them. We are building a post frame home but having trouble finding a contemporary house plan we like. Anyone have any advice we're to find better options?видео.html
How bout this!
The other wood I forgot to mention is your native osage orange wood. Osage orange must come in handy in terms of rot-resistance and pest-resistance. Rot Resistance: Osage Orange is extremely durable and is considered to be one of the most decay resistant woods in North America. Workability: Working this Osage Orange can be difficult due to its hardness and density, though it is reported to have little dulling effect on cutting edges. ts wood is extremely durable, dense and naturally rot-resistant. The Osage Indians used its wood for bows, tool handles and war clubs. European settlers used the wood for axe handles, wheel hubs, railroad ties, furniture, decks and fence posts.Oct 10, 2021 Osage orange is exceptionally hard and strong. The bending strength (MOR) is over 20,000 psi (50 percent more than red oak). Hardness is around 2000 pounds (100 percent more than red oak).Apr 19, 2016. After the widespread adoption of barbed wire, Osage orange continued to have a use in fencing. The hard wood is resistant to termites and decay, making it ideal for fence post material. Old hedges that have grown into trees can sup- ply up to 4,000 posts per mile. .
Ever since primitive man decided that it was easier to raise his own
meat than to go out and hunt wild game, there have been herdsmen
and farmers who have had to build fences. Fence building and fence
repairing, whether they be stone walls, living thorn hedges, rail fences,
barbed wire or electric fences, are never-ending jobs for farmers.
About the time young Abraham Lincoln was splitting oak and walnut
logs into rails for "worm" fences, middle western farmers began to
hear of a small thorny tree, native to the Arkansas River region, which
could be grown in dense hedges to enclose horses, cattle, sheep and
hogs. Because the Osage (Wazhazhe or "war people") Indians
inhabited that region, it was called the Osage Orange.
It is a medium-sized tree occasionally reaching 50 feet in height and
two feet in diameter, with glossy simple leaves about twice as long as
broad. The twigs are orange-brown in color and armed with many
straight stout sharp thorns about three-quarters of an inch long. The
large wrinkled orange-like green fruit, four or five inches in diameter,
as well as the leaves and twigs, contain a milky juice which is quite
bitter. These fruits, heavy and hard, are commonly known as "hedge
apples" and used by boys as missiles for mimic warfare and other
purposes. They are not edible. It is the only tree of its kind in the
world, although related distantly to the mulberries and figs. Silk
worms feed on its leaves as readily as on those of the mulberry. Some
of these trees have yellowish male flowers bearing pollen which is
carried by bees to other trees with greenish female flower-heads that
produce the " oranges" .
Osage orange grows well on many kinds of soil throughout most of the
United States. Sprouts from roots, or shoots grown from seed or
cuttings in nurseries, are planted in one or two rows several inches
apart where a hedge fence is wanted. These are trimmed once or twice
a year to form a dense hedge about 4 feet high and 2 feet wide.
Sometimes the "whips" or sprouts are planted on an angle to create an
inter-woven lattice-like living fence.
If farmers neglect the trimming, the hedges grow rapidly to become
havens for birds and other wildlife. However, the trees so produced are
valuable as posts for wire fences because osage orange is more durable
in the soil than any other wood and many such fences have lasted
more than 50 years without a single rotten post. Since they occupy and
shade too much valuable cropland, most such overgrown hedges have
been removed in recent years.
The wood, exceedingly heavy, hard and strong, shrinks but little as it
dries and was formerly used to make the felloes and hubs of wagon
wheels. A yellow dye can be extracted from the bright orange wood
and roots for tanning and coloring leather. The Osage Indians used the
wood to make war clubs and bows, and the tree was called bois d'arc
(wood of the bow) by the early French explorers. Without doubt, it is
the finest wood for bows in all the world. Archery fans scour the
country for osage orange trees large enough and straight enough for
bows. Perhaps one in a hundred, or a thousand, is suitable. It is
carefully sawed into staves which are varnished and seasoned for
several years before the wood is ready to be fashioned into a bow. In
1800 or thereabouts, historians mention that the Osage Indians valued
such a bow equal to a horse and a blanket.
Today, 150 years later, it is worth the same.
great info on these methods. I'm surprised there are not more comments. it would be great to see a comparison on post frame vs stick frame too. thanks.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will do some research
Anyone know any good resources on learning more about post and beam? Looking for house plans but everything I see is timber framing and I’m not interested in that kind of joinery.
Look for kit mfgs
Thanks for the info Paul!
I want a post and beam