Star Trek Discovery Season 5 Episode 5 Review (Holes in Space)

  • Опубликовано: 24 апр 2024
  • I really don't know what to say with this one..... Its another episode of Discovery. here are my thoughts and I just cant contain my laughter in this one.
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Комментарии • 79

  • @claytonrumley
    @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад +12

    Great review! This episode had holes in it big enough to drive the ISS Enterprise through!
    Here were my thoughts while watching:
    - Why didn't Moll & L'ak use their multiple warp signature trick to mislead Discovery?
    - Why are they doing a briefing on the bridge? Why not the senior officers in a conference or meeting room?
    - Do warp trails exist if a ship isn't at warp? The didn't warm into the wormhole.
    - "I believe in you. You have your orders" Sounds so passive aggressive.
    - Love how the wormhole interior is just bright white light. Are they visiting the prophets or something? Seems low-budget.
    - Yellow alert? How have they not been at red alert the whole time during this red directive mission?
    - Book knows about the mirror universe?
    - Why is crossing between universes impossible for centuries? Smiley O'Brien had a device that altered transporter beams on DS9.
    - The ISS Enterprise still has power after 900 years?
    - How come Moll & L'ak's holotech works?
    - ISS Enterprise's Sickbay has a holoemitter?
    - So nobody has seen a Breen body ever in the 800 years since TNG-era trek? I find that hard to believe.
    - AND...nobody's seen a Breen but Burnham knows the word in their language and what it means?
    - At least the upgraded Breen helmets are pretty cool.
    - Did Booker ever say his name to Moll & L'ak?
    - Why do they need to breathe while on the Enterprise? Don't they have their magic spacesuits?
    - How come we can see the wormhole from exterior shots? The only reason they saw it on Discovery was after they adjusted their viewscreen.
    - Nobody on Discovery is asking them any questions about the Enterprise over coms?
    - If the refugees took all the escape pods and shuttles, why would leave behind a warp-capable medical escape vehicle? And didn't Burnham & Book detect it?
    - Paul hates the unknown? The inventor of the spore drive?
    - So Mirror Universe refugees ended up in Federation Space? Was this before Kirk's crossing?
    - Wait...the mirror universe Enterprise was 80+ years before the hiding of the clues. A Terran Dr. survived that long to hide the clue?
    - This is such shallow writing. I have no reason to care about those Terran refugees or that they found freedom. Maybe if there had been a recording from Dr. Cho to give us a bit of a tangible connection to them I'd feel differently.
    - When Burnham watches the Enterprise departing that would have been a good time for her to wax nostalgic...imagine seeing the closest thing to a piece of home after being away for so long. But she says nothing.
    - Given that these artifacts are so important and part of a red directive, you'd think that they just wouldn't leave it laying out on a table in a room. No level 4 containment field or anything like that?

  • @FabiusPolis
    @FabiusPolis 2 месяца назад +5

    They did, they really did it. There was a reason why in DS9 to never show the Breen without a helmet, to keep it as a mystery and that gave them its own fascination. Discovery never miss an opportunity to destroy something, so now the mystery is gone and the Breen are Shreks in space. At least something is special about them with there half fluid appearance. But it seems they don't need their suits at all, they have no problem to breath and live in the normal atmospheres. Also humans can simply breath and walk inside Breen ships. At least the visuals on the Breen ship were good. The episode was very painfull to watch, everybody is driven by emotions and its all about a sad backstory of every single character. Has Lwaxana Troi affected the whole universe to become emotionally unstable like the whining Kelpian who caused the burn?

  • @TheRocco96
    @TheRocco96 2 месяца назад +10

    They're searching for very valuable items, and one of them was hidden in this very dangerous, unstable place that becomes inaccessible when the sphinxter stops pulsating? How could the ISS Enterprise still be there with all the debris floating around? Blondie and D'al's ship was quickly destroyed, beats me how the Enterprise managed to be there for centuries. And why did it have to be the Enterprise from the mirror universe, that had zero impact on the plot.

    • @conradhauser17
      @conradhauser17 2 месяца назад

      Because shitty writing rules?!?

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад

      They had the set from SNW and that equals savings?
      Other low budget stuff: the path through the wormholes was just bright white light and as UKDM mentioned every scene in the flashbacks was filmed in the exact same spot.

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +4

    Love your Book impression almost as much as old man Picard! 😅

  • @vanzahn
    @vanzahn 2 месяца назад +3

    I'm just glad that this is the final season of Burnham's bawlers and the good ship mushroom. Absolute cack.

  • @mikekes3943
    @mikekes3943 2 месяца назад +2

    „I‘m not here to judge you if you‘re going to stretch this space shincter - whatever floats your boat/ship, man.“

  • @mikekes3943
    @mikekes3943 2 месяца назад +6

    You made it. It‘s called „Bergfest“ in German- you‘ve completed the ascend to the top of the mountain. Half of the way / season is done. However, it‘s a bad metaphor as watching Discovery is like traversing a downward spiral. Five more of these amateurish script fragments to go. You‘re a fearless observer of unspeakable horror.

  • @sirequinox4874
    @sirequinox4874 2 месяца назад +2

    Those pictures of Burnham you have selected are hilarious.

  • @wotaj
    @wotaj 2 месяца назад +1

    Voids in the void.

  • @whos-the-stiff
    @whos-the-stiff 2 месяца назад +9

    So the Breen are green ? Well that was something to be seen !

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад +2

      Star Trek by Dr. Seuss, author of the famous "We bring on a Klingon with two bells to ring on".

  • @jonchowe
    @jonchowe 2 месяца назад +1

    Mirror universe... Is Lorca coming back?

  • @girthbloodstool339
    @girthbloodstool339 Месяц назад

    I fast-forward through all conversations between characters, and just watch the action. Makes it much more tolerable - like 25 minutes shorter tolerable!

  • @iromek
    @iromek 2 месяца назад

    With over 20min left, I decided it would be more fun to watch your reaction video instead of finishing the episode. OMG this episode is a train wreak, this season is a train wreak, this entire series is a train wreak. I really believe the only reason I'm watching this show anymore is for your reaction reviews. God, the last 5 episodes are going to feel like 50... my face hurts from doing so many facepalms...

  • @AnnoyingCritic-is7rp
    @AnnoyingCritic-is7rp 2 месяца назад

    'I'm already angry"

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад

    At least they didn't send an orthoscopic probe into it. Give them credit. 😂. And now Mikey D has something else in common with Spock they both entered space sphincters.

  • @valueofnothing2487
    @valueofnothing2487 2 месяца назад +2

    Glad Burnham had to spell it out for us, because this episode was utter drek:
    Burnham: They had hope. And they found freedom. Despite impossible odds. Maybe that's why Dr. Cho went back and left the clue on that ship. Maybe that's our lesson here. That like them... maybe we can shape our own futures, too.
    Burnham: What I said earlier, about how we used to be happy...
    Book: Oh, no, no, no, it's fine.
    Burnham: We were, weren't we?
    Please stop.

    • @stopgeorge
      @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +1

      That dialog was some of the worst I think I've ever heard outside of a Trump rally.

  • @tsag9311
    @tsag9311 2 месяца назад +2

    STD is so bad!!! I wouldn't be surprised if there's a STD spinoff called Star Trek: Burnham.

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +2

    Is it a coincidence that Spock essentially did the same thing in TMP? I swear this is like a bad AI generated episode.

  • @comentedonakeyboard
    @comentedonakeyboard 2 месяца назад

    halfway through

  • @jezhy
    @jezhy 2 месяца назад +1

    I think that there is an iluminati secret in Burnham surname. Which means Burn Them. 😂
    P.S. Really hope this is how series ends 😂

  • @zaxeq
    @zaxeq 2 месяца назад

    here we go!!!!

    • @zaxeq
      @zaxeq 2 месяца назад

      Another great stream!!! ⚡⚡⚡

  • @inkermoy
    @inkermoy 2 месяца назад +2

    I thought the Breen came from a really cold planet and they can't survive in normal temps?
    Aw well, new canon!

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад +2

      Actually, Weyoun talked about it with Damar in DS9...that the Breen wear environment cold suits but Dominion long-range scans indicate that their homeworld is everything about them was a mystery.
      The poor writing here did nothing to clear that up...why they are translucent when cold and then solidify...and the deeper cultural meaning of it all.

    • @garyobrian3597
      @garyobrian3597 2 месяца назад +2

      This is why I always say mystery's should remain mystery's that's what made the breen cool now new trek has given us the not so good pay of

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад

    I am reminded of the novel found in TNG's "The Royale" with these writers. The novel that made the Captain lose his will to live -- not the episode. Just sayin'.

  • @DinnerBells
    @DinnerBells 2 месяца назад

    “I’ll go. They need you here on the ship.”
    Yknow who a ship needs onboard the most?? The bloody captain, goddamit!! Sure it’s typical in Trek for the captain to unnecessarily be on away missions but in disco’s case it’s just ridiculous.

  • @conradhauser17
    @conradhauser17 2 месяца назад

    Hopefully the actress playing BurnHAM saved her $$$$

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад

    There was yet another piece of dialog in this episode that the Progenitors "CREATED" them. They DID NOT. They "SEEDED" life. This is what Disco does. It rewrites canon and they think that if they repeat the conflict in canon enough times, it will become canon and everyone will forget about the Star Trek lore that allowed them to make money based purely on the name of this this once successful franchise. Kurtzman is such a parasite!

  • @WilyStankCoyote
    @WilyStankCoyote 2 месяца назад

    They couldn't have chosen worse names for these villans. Honestly, I can't tell you which one is which.

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +2

    Did anyone understand what Dr. Culbert was talking about at the end? What is his problem? Why is he worried about Stametz fearing the unknown? Why are they getting all philosophical about the meaning of life? Why is spirituality being brought up by Tilly? This dialog is all so unearned, shallow and meaningless. Yeah -- I get it -- they are turning the Progenitors into a God like race (which they weren't). But the theming of this show is so horribly contrived. It's like it's being written by an early version of AI.

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад

      Yeah it was a very strange exchange. Culbert has been talking about spirituality several times this season (he keeps mentioning his abuela and her beliefs), but I feel like dialogue was cut or something that would have provided better context.

  • @resnatachyon
    @resnatachyon 2 месяца назад

    Honestly.. expected more space Jesus, at least there consistent at disappointing. Almost forgot Spoke was the one started the reforms that led to the fall the Terran Empire, Saru could have been apart of the Rebellion. Not the worst looking Breen, but what's the point, chilled the Breen are Jello!?

  • @sandyzalecki1145
    @sandyzalecki1145 2 месяца назад

    I'm totally bored with this year of Discovery. It will all be over soon.Great review.

  • @JadeRabbit-je4gd
    @JadeRabbit-je4gd 2 месяца назад +1

    They... They gave the Breen an actual appearance? But why? Why would they do that? The mystery surrounding what they actually look like underneath the suits was partially what made them so cool. What the actual fuck? That just feels so... disrespectful in a weird way. Like if I wanted any show to eventually reveal what the Breen look like it sure as hell wouldn't be STD. I had to pause the video because I was so taken aback by this. Wtf...

  • @mbrando4403
    @mbrando4403 2 месяца назад

    Mole and Locke remind me of Romulan incest twins from Picard season 1 on the Borg cube.

  • @coolhand889
    @coolhand889 2 месяца назад +1

    a wormhole that interdimenial and temporal because it exist centuries before the burn but came into existence after the burn as the ISS Enterprise is form the 23rd century is the part i dont get.

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад +1

      It existed before the burn, but the burn caused it to be doing its opening & closing sphincter act.

    • @stopgeorge
      @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +1

      @@claytonrumley I hate it when my sphincter goes through the burn!

  • @Andromeda4482
    @Andromeda4482 2 месяца назад

    I have no writing or directing experience but am convinced I could write, direct and cast a better set of characters and show. In fact, this level of unfound confidence, is owed in its entirety to how bad this show is.

  • @destinycaptain247
    @destinycaptain247 2 месяца назад

    Rather was pretty great in Memento…. Oh well.
    “Who the Eff is Dod”?

  • @christoffelster6303
    @christoffelster6303 2 месяца назад +2

    The writing is so dumb. Stamits seeing the ship first emerge immediately recognized no only as the enterprise but the iss version.

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад

      And nobody else mentioned it again. Raynor wasn't all "Captain! What's the story with this ship you're on? Where's your shuttle? Etc."

  • @trueLuminus
    @trueLuminus 2 месяца назад +3

    Yet another dumb episode with girl bossisms. That whole scene of the blond chick manhandling the Breen, who Worf himself couldn't even physically harm, was pure idiocy. As she was holding a Breen in a headlock all I could think was how impossible this was because of how skinny her arms are. Also, the Breen live on a cold planet, so they literally can't be gelatinous. They have no blood or other liquid circulatory system as described on DS9. Conclusion, the writers didn't do their homework. They said, "Ooh, Breen. Let's use them so we can be the first to unmask them." Also, if L'ak can walk around without a refrigeration suit, why wear one at all? Why do ANY of them wear those suits? This i s a random sci-fi show, not Star Trek.

  • @stopgeorge
    @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад

    Is it just me or is this the only show that I need to turn on the subtitles because 1) I can't hear what they are saying and 2) When I do hear it, it makes absolutely no effing sense.

    • @claytonrumley
      @claytonrumley 2 месяца назад +1

      If you're looking for sense the subtitles won't help.

  • @hughguilderson
    @hughguilderson 2 месяца назад

    It very much irks me when Discovery cherry picks the best parts of previous Trek, then creates poor canon. Such is the case with the Breen. First they refer to the Breen Imperium when it's the Breen Confederacy. Also, the Breen may have above average strength as evidenced by a Breen takes Worf's best shot and barely flinches in DS9 episode 7x18. So Burnham kicking the crap out of L'ak is kind of silly. Having them speak English totally demystified them as did having them taking their helmets off. Just awful all the way around. Lastly, why did they introduce Breen royalty? They should have just made the uncle a Thot (Admiral) so they didn't have to invent even more useless canon. It's like the writers are too lazy to do any research on the material they're ripping off.

  • @eliezerrodriguez5863
    @eliezerrodriguez5863 2 месяца назад +4

    Im sorry you have to watch this bs!!

  • @davidlandrum
    @davidlandrum 2 месяца назад +1

    Nu Trek is not Star Trek. These actors should be embarrassed.

  • @calamitysi
    @calamitysi 2 месяца назад

    Oh my gooosh...what a cheap copout way of just reusing the SNW Enterprise sets....urgh...

  • @Greg_M1
    @Greg_M1 2 месяца назад

    How horrible was THAT episode. Ugh. Woof! Sappy. Sappy. Sappy. I so wanted to quit watching, but hung in.

  • @jackochainsaw
    @jackochainsaw 2 месяца назад

    Sounds like another shit installment of the Michael Burnham show featuring Star Trek. When will this end? Ah yes, the end of the season, hurrah!

  • @positronichypersonic4928
    @positronichypersonic4928 2 месяца назад

    So this show has always been crap, but its half way decent this season. You’re being a bit too hard on it, here. I didn’t care about the two thief characters either until this episode. I thought what they did with them in this episode gave them some depth, and gave me a reason to care about them, made them three-dimensional. You’re right that it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that the first officer is where he is but…it’s where he is, and I think what they’ve been doing with that character given where they’ve put him has been really good. Some of the best stuff the show has ever done, which I understand isn’t saying a lot but I’m enjoying it. Anyway, its been better this season. Try to lighten up.

    • @valueofnothing2487
      @valueofnothing2487 2 месяца назад +2

      But why do an episode about these two strangers? And why have strangers just tell them their backstory trauma? And of course they fall in love because. And nothing is shown it's all told to us.
      And then you're showing them stealing this thing I guess and having a battle? And how does that resolve anything or mean anything or depend on any important science fiction allegory?
      What is the point of the whole story of them?
      And Burnham concludes by saying It's all about freedom?
      This episode doesn't make any sense. The romance comes out of CW. It is full of cringe dialogue like Moll saying "Moll,: "There's a colony in the gamma quadrant a place where I could just wake up everyday and just be".
      I noticed she doesn't end her sentence you just says "just be", in between swearing like she just steps off the bus today.
      I think I forgot to take my meds today...

    • @willriker943
      @willriker943 2 месяца назад +4

      Keep ripping Discovery apart it's not Star Trek anyway 👎👎

    • @positronichypersonic4928
      @positronichypersonic4928 2 месяца назад

      @@valueofnothing2487 because Star Trek is about the human condition. Their story speaks to that. It totally was and is, their story, sci fi allegory, depicting down trodden, beaten down people finding hope in the form of a connection with another person, a partner in the pursuit of a better life in a sci fi setting. Its about how there’s a healthy way and an unhealthy way to pursue happiness. That’s why. It absolutely was shown. In the flashbacks. Duh.
      This episode made alot of sense. Not everything did, but lots did. Often nothing at all does on Disco.. I’m aware. But it did this week. Credit where its due.
      That was the end of the sentence. Where she could just be, as in just exist, just live as herself with no cloud over her head.
      I’ve never liked this show. But when its half way decent, I can say so. This week, it was.

    • @stopgeorge
      @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад +2

      @@positronichypersonic4928 They're fugitives. We get it. Their back-story drawn out over one episode is not interesting in any way in describing "the human condition". I don't care about these characters. At no point in the season so far do they show us their struggle to make us care about them. In fact, in the previous episode, we find out that they are really very sadistic as they get all kissy kissy after murdering a guy in a gruesome death. I'm also reminded of the callousness of their killing of fake Data. They are irredeemable as characters that I want to care about. Star Trek is not about glorifying or being sympathetic to sadism. Then we have Book being all concerned and wanting to change her ways so that she's a better person. FFS! This makes Book look like a complete idiot. They also arbitrarily choose the way to neutralize their enemies. With the discovery crew, they shoot glue bubbles. Why? This is nihlist Trek. Nothing matters. Chain of command doesn't matter. Canon from previous episodes doesn't matter. Mutiny doesn't matter. And, as this case proves, morals are twisted so that anything goes and then forgotten about. It's superficial storytelling where events are contrived and scenes are constructed for the pure goal of titillation. This is storytelling for the Tik Tok generation. Each episode is another swipe. For me, every episode is another... wipe.

    • @positronichypersonic4928
      @positronichypersonic4928 2 месяца назад

      @@stopgeorge their story absolutely depicts the human condition. I’m sorry you’re too thick to see it.
      Moll is a grown up abandoned child of a deceased single mother making her way in life in a treacherous lonely job. Lak is the lonely disgraced descendant of a powerful regime struggling in a loathsome position. They found eachother and made a connection. People experience similar things in real life.
      And this is exactly what they JUST showed us. Its a depiction of an aspect of the human condition, 100%. Would it have been better if they showed us sooner? Yes. Did I care about these characters up to that point? No. Is that bad? Yes. But in this episode, they finally did it so again credit where credit is due.
      Now have they done some questionable shit? Yes. They’ve killed people. But guess what? In real life, people come back from that. They pay their debt, and they redeem themselves. And it’s depicted in fictional media all of the time. With great success. Maybe you’ve heard once or twice of the time it was done with a character called Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader?
      Also, you’re supposed to get that the guy they killed last week was a scumbag who had ruthlessly killed other people, which is supposed to sort of make it OK or at least morally ambiguous. They did a crappy job of getting that across, but they did try.
      When they killed fake Data, it was in the middle of a situation where it was a kill or be killed after he tried to screw them. Did you miss that?
      Also, if I’m not mistaken, many, many times, Star Trek has had morally ambiguous or evil characters be redeemed in no small part due to the efforts of one of the heroes, trying to reach them and being successful at it.
      So I’m sorry but you’re just flat out wrong.

  • @mattrossesq
    @mattrossesq 2 месяца назад +4

    Your look sez it all! It's so painful to watch this show. Clunky, filler is being polite. It's garbage.

    • @stopgeorge
      @stopgeorge 2 месяца назад

      At least garbage doesn't make me fall asleep. It's worse than garbage.

  • @izzafizza339
    @izzafizza339 2 месяца назад +1

    Most boring Episode of this season