The truth behind the UK's housing crisis | Kwajo Tweneboa interview

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • In recent years, Kwajo Tweneboa has been at the forefront of highlighting the poor state of Social Housing in the United Kingdom.
    He has uncovered homes filled with raw sewage, infestations and black mould.
    His work has helf rogue landlords to account, and saved countless families from suffering.
    Subscribe to our new podcast now, or you're a silly goose:

Комментарии • 150

  • @mazybee9149
    @mazybee9149 2 месяца назад +8

    His the most loveliest and genuine nice man. So pleased to see his journey ❤

  • @bobbiecapewell5333
    @bobbiecapewell5333 2 месяца назад +50

    I'm a private renter, but I remember my estate agent telling me "you have damp and mould because you're breathing too much"
    I said "well I can stop breathing but you might not get the rent after that" 😂 it's ridiculous

    • @tomfinney3416
      @tomfinney3416 2 месяца назад +2

      half a sentence and they damned themself to ridicule by you and rightly so
      yes breath causes condensation , and that causes damp, and can lead to mould , but not if windows are open

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@tomfinney3416 but can you have the windows open when it's 0° outside. Actually even with the windows open the damp didn't get any better. It's even more humid outside in the winter.

    • @bobbiecapewell5333
      @bobbiecapewell5333 2 месяца назад +2

      @@chrishart8548 exactly! It's not going to help the humidity inside when it's lashing down with rain for weeks on end

    • @bobbiecapewell5333
      @bobbiecapewell5333 2 месяца назад +3

      @@tomfinney3416 so what's your suggestion? Do I breath less? Or does the landlord install ventilation? Because I had someone evaluate the property myself and I was informed that the ventilation doesn't work. It's my human right to breath, thanks

    • @ashleysesay8148
      @ashleysesay8148 2 месяца назад +2

      take this to the press

  • @vinyl_Fan
    @vinyl_Fan 2 месяца назад +16

    This is one of the best interviews you have done on this podcast and should be shown everywhere. Kwajo Tweneboa is the type of young person who is needed in the house of lords as an independent to tackle such issues.

    • @rb4peace
      @rb4peace 2 месяца назад +1

      Or in Parliament! Wld make a fantastic MP

  • @baldobaz1
    @baldobaz1 2 месяца назад +54

    If a landlord isnt willing to invest in their properties then They shouldn’t be allowed to be a landlord. Too many buy properties and refuse to fix or repair things, if they dont have the collateral to do these things then why are they allowed to buy property.

    • @icilmaa
      @icilmaa 2 месяца назад +14

      Councils and HAs are also guilty of not maintaining their properties. They too should be held accountable.

    • @baldobaz1
      @baldobaz1 2 месяца назад

      @@icilmaa absolutely.

    • @macsmiffy2197
      @macsmiffy2197 2 месяца назад

      I’m not a tenant, but my property is attached to such a landlord and every year I pay for the gutters to be cleared because we share a down pipe and it’s on my property. My neighbour the other side of the property is always having the water authority out to sort out sewage blockages. The fence (landlord boundary) has been falling down for years, panel by panel. Not all tenants are good at maintaining gardens. The house doesn’t come with tools or lawnmower and why should the tenant buy them? Most tenants have been great, but the last lot were a nightmare and left the house and garden trashed. I considered that karma!

    • @PowderMilk69
      @PowderMilk69 2 месяца назад

      I dont understand why people rent bad properties, why do you accept the property in the first place? Youre also to blame for this.

    • @Cenitopius
      @Cenitopius 2 месяца назад

      @@macsmiffy2197 As a tenant, if I live in a nice neighbourhood where people are taking care of their gardens etc. I'll absolutely pay for someone to do the gardens up when they get sketchy (I'm disabled so I struggle to do it myself) - but in the neighbourhood I'm in now, it's the back garden and it's fenced in, and while people can see it from their windows it's in a run-down neighbourhood with concrete everywhere and no-one takes care of their homes around here. I'm sure you'd agree, but in those cases I'm just not really interested in keeping the garden nicely since it doesn't really change anything.

  • @SaffineTheGreen
    @SaffineTheGreen 2 месяца назад +13

    Thank you for having Kwajo on.
    Rental housing is awful currently.

  • @OLDBChannel
    @OLDBChannel 2 месяца назад +13

    I want to highlight this so badly, my Mother died of hypothermia in her home because her landlords maliciously decided to cut her fuel off. I sued them successfully but the issue raised here is bigger than the one incident.

    • @PowderMilk69
      @PowderMilk69 2 месяца назад

      How can the landlord cunt the gas or electricity? Wasnt your mother paying the gas or electricity? How was he able to cut her heating off?

  • @Celadonfae
    @Celadonfae 2 месяца назад +43

    I once got told that mushrooms growing out of my walls was because I was breathing too much.

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 2 месяца назад +3

      Fishtank, ketle, breathing. Got a de humidifier in the end. It was getting filled up 3 times a day. The humidity was 99%

    • @benjones3466
      @benjones3466 2 месяца назад +3

      @@chrishart8548 That's a lot of breathing you're doing...

    • @anna297282
      @anna297282 2 месяца назад

      Ok 👍 but personal responsibility I put up with evil lodgers to save up for double glazing and I spend £5000 on painting job! I would much rather have gone on holiday with my partner but I chose to do the right thing! Disabled people genuine victims need government sure everyone else personal responsibility
      2 day a week job in co op pays £750 a month 😂

    • @PowderMilk69
      @PowderMilk69 2 месяца назад

      I dont understand why people rent bad properties, why do you accept the property in the first place? You`re also to blame for this. And if you live there for years and mushrooms are growing in your house, well maybe you should buy some cleaning products and clean.
      Its not the landlord responsability to come flush your toilet or clean your shower. Dont be a dirty pillock.

    • @Cenitopius
      @Cenitopius 2 месяца назад

      @@anna297282 sure, so assuming that your tenants don't need to eat, drink, have power, repair any furniture that breaks and have no other on-going big expenses, £750 might be a price that's possible to pay on those hours; and of course, if they work more than that, they'll earn more than that -- but that doesn't mean that you *should* charge that much just because you *can* (i.e. you may not be providing much of a service, depending on the quality of the home and how well you actually manage it - most landlords do a very poor job). Those are just the weaker arguments though.
      The stronger argument, in my opinion, is that while you're complaining about tenants supposedly being nightmares, it's worth noting that 750 is cheap for rent in a lot of the UK and most landlords are buying up housing and using the rent to pay the mortgage, effectively using their pre-existing wealth or credit to make it harder for other people to get on the property ladder - all while not providing a decent service as a landlord at all. Most renters I've spoken to have stories about landlords *putting their physical health at risk* by failing to do proper maintenance and checks on the houses they lease - and I actually know very few who have ever had landlords that actually do what they're meant to.
      Preventing mould and mushrooms growing up the walls, painting the place well enough that it can be lived in comfortably and double glazing the effing windows isn't even the bare minimum that you should be doing as a landlord - and if you're about to complain that doing everything you should be doing makes it hard to make a profit, *realise that you're not owed a profit for making it harder for other people to get homes*. You're not providing a service that people would need if landlords didn't exist anyway, and even if you were, if you can't make it a viable business without overcharging, you shouldn't be landlording. If you're a buy-to-rent-er like most landlords are, you're getting a house out of it at the end of the day anyway.
      Landlording is a usually done as a side-hustle to get money you don't have to work every day for, while your tenants are working every day to pay it for you and not even getting the home at the end of it like they would be if they were buying the house, so if you want an extra £750 a month, why don't you spend another 2 days of your week working at the local co-op, eh?

  • @daftjunk2008
    @daftjunk2008 2 месяца назад +30

    By saying Labour policy is inadequate because expectations dropped under Tories lets Labour off the hook
    Labour are in charge now. They need to legislate proper housing change. NO excuses

  • @emmas9928
    @emmas9928 2 месяца назад +3

    Kwajo is EXACTLY the kind of passionate, articulate and empathetic young person who should be in politics. Not for Labour 🤮 or the CONservatives but 🤮 🤮 🤮 but as an Independent who can speak to the housing crisis with courage, confidence and integrity, as well as something which MOST UK MPs lack, *direct lived experience.*

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +25

    In a rich country nobody should be living in Sub-standard housing or being homeless

    • @hmu05366
      @hmu05366 2 месяца назад +1

      That’s not how society works.

    • @rolinti9146
      @rolinti9146 2 месяца назад +6

      @hmu05366 that's how society could work if we actually legislated policy to control the housing market

  • @EamonCoyle
    @EamonCoyle 2 месяца назад +7

    Kwajo is exactly the kind of person who needs to be standing and being elected as an MP in the way the independent Gaza candidates were. Forget the two party system, the party system in general has become corrupted and there is a need now more than ever for independent and knowledgeable individuals like Kwajo to force the direction of government policies ahead of lobbyists and private companies !!

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +39

    Tenants are blamed and undermined for terrible conditions in homes . This is a disgrace

    • @alanc457
      @alanc457 2 месяца назад +3

      Some tenants are really horrible people too. Especially those who do not pay agreed rent and go out of their way to damage the properties they occupy. Appealing to their sense of decency is a dead end as many just don’t care

    • @PowderMilk69
      @PowderMilk69 2 месяца назад

      I keep saying this, if the property is so bad why do you move in? If you are given the keys to a nice property and mushrooms are growing on your walls or whateber. Maybe you should also clean and maintain the property. The landlord aint gonna come in and clean your shower or flush your toilet. Its also your responsability to maintain the standards.
      If you dont like it, leave and the next person should not accept the rent in a shit hole, if you do, then youre also to blame.

    • @Cenitopius
      @Cenitopius 2 месяца назад

      @@alanc457 same can be said for landlords to be honest - lots of them refuse to let tenants do basic things like hang stuff on walls even if they agree to patch the holes or have the cost of doing so taken from their deposit; lots of landlords leave tenants in mould-covered homes and refuse to fix or delay fixing unnecessarily, and lots of them are buy-to-rent landlords who eat up the housing market and make it more difficult for first-time buyers to get on the ladder. I've met one or two people who trashed the homes they're renting and were totally unfair to their landlords, and I'd almost feel sorry for the landlord in those circumstances - but buy-to-rent landlords are all profiting off of forcing others back into poverty, and to be honest I don't care if they have to spend some of the money they're getting more or less for free to patch and clean stuff up since at the end of it they get a basically free house anyway.

  • @foehammer5047
    @foehammer5047 2 месяца назад +14

    I'm glad the conversation shifted to "we need more people from the same class as me" rather than "we need more people who look like me", which I took as meaning racial diversity.
    The nice thing about the last 14 years of Tory rule is it's been very equalising in terms or racial perception. Kwasig Kwarteng, Rishi Sunak, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Liz Truss, Theresa May - it's been a pretty diverse bunch over the last 14 years, but they were all a shower of c***s. What is the one thing that did unify them? Class. More people who look like you won't sort the issue, all that'll happen is you'll watch someone who looks like you do evil. You have more in common with a working class white person than a rich black person, and thinking more racial diversity in parliament (or any structure of power) will solve the issue is narrow minded. We need more people who share our values; people with moral character. And struggle breeds character.

    • @Zen-rd9np
      @Zen-rd9np 2 месяца назад +2

      *Struggle CAN build character…. Or it can totally destroy a persons ability to be a functioning member of society. Bit of a hit and miss really.

    • @TheLampini
      @TheLampini 2 месяца назад

      What makes me laugh are the race obsessed gammons who think they've got more in common with the likes of Reece-Mogg than they have with the Patels down the corner shop 😂. Until these fools wake up there's no hope..

  • @williamcooke2836
    @williamcooke2836 2 месяца назад +6

    Incredible interview. Thanks so much for helping put this important issue in the spotlight!

  • @EnemyOfEldar
    @EnemyOfEldar 2 месяца назад +3

    This is honestly the thing that nakes me most mad about this country and thr greatest source of the injustice we see all around us. Thank you for doing you are doing.

  • @harmoneyreilly4225
    @harmoneyreilly4225 2 месяца назад +7

    And homeless accommodation is so miserable too with no end in site i have started taking a council to court over it as am fed up you are doing amazing work keep up the fight we are all with you.

    • @nyeshabless7907
      @nyeshabless7907 2 месяца назад

      I am also going through this process, so please if there’s anything that you can share, in regards to the process etc, it would be greatly appreciate.

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +16

    Poor living circumstances really affect people's lives

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 2 месяца назад

      Our mould in a rented house was so bad our son had to live with grandparents to get better as his health was really suffering because of the mould.

    • @PowderMilk69
      @PowderMilk69 2 месяца назад

      @@chrishart8548 why dont you move out, find somewhere else to rent, better conditions. If people stop renting shit properties, then landlords would have to improve their houses.

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +12

    I believe there should be a housing regulator that should over see housing conditions and check in with the tenants

  • @WinstonMelbourne-vt2vt
    @WinstonMelbourne-vt2vt 2 месяца назад +6

    this is the 21st century UK how we have gone backward shame on us

  • @GalacticRadioNoise
    @GalacticRadioNoise 2 месяца назад +1

    This interview is brilliant, my heart goes out to anyone who doesn’t have some where to call home 💔

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +9

    There is children with special educational needs in poor temporary accommodation this is unacceptable

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +17

    There is to much poor quality of housing

  • @TheLampini
    @TheLampini 2 месяца назад +1

    Have been a Kwajo fan for years - thanks Joe!

  • @caoimhedonnelly6833
    @caoimhedonnelly6833 2 месяца назад +3

    big up kwajo, this is an immense undertaking and even with the absolitelg disgraceful state of the housing crisis it heartens me to know that there are people who give a shit about making things better for people❤✊️

  • @beverleybailey9311
    @beverleybailey9311 2 месяца назад +3

    The problem is that few people care about the less the Labour MP whose son owns their own home plus another 40 social houses can this happen in a transparent system!!!😮😮

  • @LimeyRedneck
    @LimeyRedneck 2 месяца назад +1

    Twenebo is so right and appreciate them taking a holistic view, with including the state of the NHS and housing/ lack of it!! 🔥🔥

  • @PetaloudesTouYialou
    @PetaloudesTouYialou 2 месяца назад +3

    His concluding point, that social housing needs to be part of the social safety net, as point of morality and ethics, is key. Yes, suspend RTB/RTA, but also, we need local authorities ultimately responsible for conditions, be they in social housing or private. Currently they're toothless and people are left in unsafe conditions.

  • @SuperMarion61
    @SuperMarion61 2 месяца назад +1

    I had the “it’s your fault because you’re drying your clothes inside” from surveyors in 2 flats within the 12 years, one was an ex council place, charging at least £200 more a month than the one across the landing. The second flat I was in from 2016 until 2023 had previous issues with damp & more, the tenant had complained to the council Landlord in Norfolk. They had done certain things, in a slapdash way, didn’t resolve it. I ended up buying a £100 dehumidifier, I struggled to use because of my disability😢
    I find it ironic that the Government finally got involved in recent times, instructing council Landlords to meet certain standards & involved the tenants more (it was appalling the attitude of most staff). I then went on what’s known as, “TIP”(Tenants Improvement Panel) & it’s an eye opener. Things still aren’t great, higher up staff don’t stay, I wonder why??😢

  • @nether2227
    @nether2227 2 месяца назад +3

    In year 9 I had been in detention almost once a week if not multiple times a week every single week of the previous years. Me, my mum and my uncle still lived in my grandparents house till i was about 6/7. And in my school people would have knives in their bags, we made scissors, compases, snap bands were removed of the rubber and just left the metal, and they were weapons. My friend got stabbed in the leg during art by some kid with an art blade.
    So many of the people i knew lived in such grimey houses and poor quality.
    I left school during covid and voted in the first general election, but I see bearly anybody that sounds like me in there. I dont feel like any of them went through this stuff.
    Im still told to this day to open windows, spend less time in doors and all sorts that say that the mold in my bedroom and home are my fault too. My windows especially just becomes competley black and damp, my walls and even bed have ended up with this horrible gray powdery mold on it.
    But government loves to earn money letting all these private companies own all the biusnesses.

    • @hmu05366
      @hmu05366 2 месяца назад

      Government loves to earn money letting people own private businesses? What’s that got to do with the remainder of your long bible comment ?

    • @tomfinney3416
      @tomfinney3416 2 месяца назад

      f to faults , yes to fixes ,
      ventilation yes , keeps damp and mould down ,if however it occurs , bleach hot water usually gets rid
      you are however at a hazardous point , the levelis very high in your home and sounds very unsafe
      this may need folk trained in tackling this mould issue , and it is your landlord or council who must help
      do what you can but they must help too ,
      one final point , do not sleep in that bedroom if you can use a room less hazardous

  • @benjones3466
    @benjones3466 2 месяца назад +2

    Strongly agree with politics being taught at a younger age. It's not as if kids aren't being influenced as it is anyway, but that's mostly through things they might hear on the tv or social media or simply their parents and none of those things are reliable educators for people who have little reference point to analyse what they're hearing. A grounding in some education around politics, I think, should be a mandatory part of education.

  • @Kitofthearts
    @Kitofthearts 2 месяца назад

    This situation with the hotel staff knocking on my door, happened to me, in Hackney, before Xmas time. I am 40 years old, previously 'lived' in London, chose to move out of local social housing, because of shame & prejudice. Now, I live in the 'state of crisis' continually & was granted the privilege, to move back with my parents. I support this man & believe in his character & understanding. Islington Council are supposed to be helping me get into social housing. The isolation is what kills people.

  • @reecephillips2003
    @reecephillips2003 2 месяца назад +2

    "You're breathing too much" what a beautiful fucking country! 🙄

  • @emmajk7433
    @emmajk7433 2 месяца назад

    Very grateful to you both!!!

  • @hyper_fn_al1459
    @hyper_fn_al1459 2 месяца назад +4

    3:27 there's not enough, certainly not a proportionate amount of MPs (especially since many of them are landlords, and many have never experienced not having basic shelter in a safe, insulated, temperature regulated home)

    • @tomfinney3416
      @tomfinney3416 2 месяца назад +1

      approx 20% of mps are private landlords ,a cross party thing ,(this from last govt ,118 tory mps private landlords ,id guess less now , this cross party group work together to push for legislation favouring private landlords , for obvious reasons
      it can be a powerful political lobby group , it should be curtailed ,
      i would recommend any govt minister involved in housing must not be a private landlord
      edit , ,, i mentioned 118 tory mps , the number has changed here is the number of mps who are landlords in the present hoc
      115 of which 90 are tory

  • @bernieburrows3731
    @bernieburrows3731 2 месяца назад +3

    What an inspirational young guy

  • @njr1222
    @njr1222 2 месяца назад

    Even if you do get on the housing ladder, more often than not, you're held captive for many years by the mortgage provider. Let's not forget that not everyone even ends up paying off their mortgage. To rent or to own. ultimately we are still held captive by the financial class.
    Great interview.

  • @AdamBowley-yb3kd
    @AdamBowley-yb3kd 2 месяца назад +1

    He is right about right to buy schemes, talk to those lawyers that deal with them.. legally a nightmare too

  • @Serpsss
    @Serpsss 2 месяца назад +2

    Clarion is utter scum. I've rented 2 properties under them & I can't even list all the issue but damp/mold & rodent infestation were an issue in both.
    A few of the other issues were years (4+) without any central heating, kitchen sink left unusable for 5 months as the piping collapsed, broken guttering, rising damp, roaches, tree growing across roof damaging it, blown windows, badly wired electrics.
    The more I think the more, still, unresolved issues there are because, as mentioned, they try to blame you.
    Clarion also do no maintenance whatsoever apart from gas safety checks.
    I do just fix what I can nowadays but there's plenty that's beyond me or too risky.
    The ombudsman is just as dodgy & tries to ignore cases; especially as Clarion just ignores all your correspondence after a while.
    When I tried to get help from the mp they had a go at me for criticising the "hard working" employees of Clarion during COVID.
    The whole system is just ridiculously corrupt.

  • @mihaelafilipescu5818
    @mihaelafilipescu5818 2 месяца назад +7

    How on earth people voting out of touch people to representing them in the Parliament?
    Even the local councillors are not living in social housing or bad private homes

    • @cjace77
      @cjace77 2 месяца назад +3

      I can think of a few reasons, some outlined in this video:
      - Frequently, the only viable options are "out of touch" people. Campaigning to be elected as an MP is not a paying job, but it does take time and money. Those who campaign to be elected therefore must have the disposable income to not need to work (Or work as much), which doesn't exactly lend itself to ordinary, working class people who need to do a 8-6 job.
      - Based on the point I made above, you end up with people who are either, wealthy, old/retired or already in politics.
      - Politics is a career in and of itself. There are no farmers, electricians, plumbers, engineers, programmers etc working in Parliament. Because those people already have careers, and don't usually feel the need to switch.

    • @Jeff-q4u
      @Jeff-q4u 2 месяца назад

      Media entities such as the BBC should have a mandate to "expose" people who don't have actual contact with working class people, or low income families etc to show the reality of how ALL people have to live.
      The level of exposure of low income families is very carefully managed, and it shouldn't be.

    • @Kitofthearts
      @Kitofthearts 2 месяца назад +1

      @@cjace77 Well then surely the problem, is that people who work in those practical jobs, should be financially supported or incentivised, to be allowed to stand up in Parliament?

  • @chrisclee6693
    @chrisclee6693 2 месяца назад +1

    Private Landlordism is a scourge on modern society.

  • @industrialmonk
    @industrialmonk 2 месяца назад +1

    The mayor of greater Manchester is aparty to & complicit with criminal landlords. He has stated that he will crack down on bad landlords then given landlords a permanent holiday from the law & has illegally given personal information about a complaint against the police to a criminal landlord.

  • @SassyTheSasquatch96
    @SassyTheSasquatch96 2 месяца назад

    Currently have a issue with the ombudsman to get the local council to do something, multiple complaints was gaslit, and told its all my fault, i had a leaking roof for years, they have only recently fixed that issue, The property also has zero ventilation, there is no natural air cycling in the property along with a molding Lino flooring, their solution is to re-seal the molded floor rather than remove it and treat the flooring then re lay fresh Lino

  • @spencerrule3837
    @spencerrule3837 2 месяца назад +1

    Love this really do for the love of god can we recognise the contempt the upper classes have for the poor - indifference is one thing, they are disgusted by the poor they have cheered all of this on

  • @northleedspoppa
    @northleedspoppa 2 месяца назад

    The sneering 'do you feel she represents you ' from upper middle class millionaire ava was particularly grim

  • @phillipjclay5817
    @phillipjclay5817 2 месяца назад

    I was in social housing from being homeless to now being lucky to have bought my home and I would never have been able to do this without right to buy. It still makes me angry that the money from this didn't go straight back into building more council homes. I look after vulnerable adults and my salary has stagnated at 24k for the last 2 decades before people start thinking I'm rich. And the estate I live on is pretty rough too but it's mine

    • @SuperMarion61
      @SuperMarion61 2 месяца назад

      The emphasis should not be on ownership & value of that property. I visited & stayed with people in various places in Europe, in the 1990’s, they lived in rented accommodation that was good quality. It was thought of as normal, one couple with good, professional jobs were very happy & no stigma to renting.😮

    • @phillipjclay5817
      @phillipjclay5817 2 месяца назад

      @@SuperMarion61 yes I have heard that about the rest of Europe. In the UK people need a sense of ownership. On the council estate I live on the owner owned houses are nice and tidy. The local authority owned with tenants are usually a bit run down and scruffy. I actually think it may be a UK problem but the standard and cost of housing in the UK is also very high. And we have too many greedy private landlords and not regulations on standards of properties

  • @philipdurling1964
    @philipdurling1964 2 месяца назад +2

    Does that include local council officers as well? Private L/Lords, on the whole, comply with current legislation. Often it is council accommodation that falls below standards.

    • @SuperMarion61
      @SuperMarion61 2 месяца назад

      On finally moving into a sheltered housing scheme & getting a lovely bungalow, the extractor fan in the kitchen only worked sporadically & now stopped working. The useless warden said she tells tenants (minimum age 60) to keep their back door open while cooking!!😢

  • @BsktImp
    @BsktImp 2 месяца назад +3

    Whas hasn't been mentioned is things will only get woese due to the growing dominance of corporate and private equity backed private rental buy-ups and build to rents, the likes of Lloyds, L&G, John Lewis. And the partnership between BlackRock and Outpost Management will total up to £1 billion in investment. Do you honestly think these vultures will have the best interests of working class people at heart?

  • @LeornianCyng
    @LeornianCyng 2 месяца назад +1

    Absolutely correct

  • @evemhughes
    @evemhughes 2 месяца назад

    I have worked in social housing for more than 15 years. I have always believed that the right to buy (rtb) was the biggest mostake of our age.
    Ive seen people buy under the rtb and within 10 years be living in a property left in disrepair. Homeownership is a con. People forget that they will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep. Some repairs dont come cheap.
    I also shudder to think how many dont have safe gas or wiring in their homes and wont know until it is too late.

    • @lukebowler7946
      @lukebowler7946 2 месяца назад

      Im sorry but the fact some home owners dont maintain their properties doesnt mean rtb is wrong...
      I dont want to spend my life paying some dodgy landlord, if im spending my entire life working my a** off to pay rent/mortgage each month.... forever, then i damn well expect to own that home by the end of it, only someone whos never had to work hard or a landlord would say the nonsense you just said

    • @evemhughes
      @evemhughes 2 месяца назад

      @lukebowler7946 or someone who has substantial experience in the sector. Who also has worked hard their entire adult life and owns his home.
      The ever decreasing lack of social housing is absurd. If you have any experience dealing with homelessness or inept and dangerous private landlords you would have a greater appreciation for local authority owned accommodation.
      As described in this video, many of the properties purchased under rtb ended up as private sector rented accommodation, with a poorly regulated market place where people are regularly exploited. It has amounted to a transfer of wealth from the state to private ownership.

  • @stoney202
    @stoney202 2 месяца назад +1

    haven't watched it all yet, but the bigger problem I see is why does being a Landlord or investing in property this way seem to carry almost no risk? If I invest in stocks or bonds I'm not guaranteed a good return, but with being a landlord the risk is almost (and in some cases is) 0.
    As a landlord I can leverage to purchase the property, pass on those payments along with most maintenance payments (utilities and council tax etc) to the renter. The renter literally pays of the loan I took out on the property and at the same time, the housing (as an asset) can outperform the stock market when it comes to a return (average 4-6% increase in house prices year on year.).
    This would be ok if the asset wasn't where someone needed to actually live.

    • @John-ou4rm
      @John-ou4rm 2 месяца назад

      There's plenty of risk v return. Landlords have tenants that don't pay.

    • @paulhayes7972
      @paulhayes7972 2 месяца назад

      Yeah and house prices can go down between buying and selling. Personally I feel investing in stocks is less risky

    • @BumbleyBoo
      @BumbleyBoo 2 месяца назад

      There's this idea that the mortgage on the property gets paid off. That's really rare. Currently you're more likely to just have an interest only mortgage as a LL. Like a 5% mortgage on 150k is still £7.5k in just interest, that's not even including repayment. So the rent has to be at least £625 a month on a £200k home just to cover the interest (which is generally below uk average house price). Then you need to add on the other costs. I used to believe it was easy money, and 10 years prior, I'd agree with you, but it's not currently. Which is shown in the increasing number of Landlords getting out of property.

    • @stoney202
      @stoney202 2 месяца назад

      @@John-ou4rm True, you can insure against it, but you then still have an asset that appreciates in value.

    • @stoney202
      @stoney202 2 месяца назад

      @@paulhayes7972 Typically (in the last 40 years) if house prices are going down, the markets are also going down

  • @beverleybailey9311
    @beverleybailey9311 2 месяца назад

    Private owners and governments and councils work hand in hand. All that have being said in this interview is happening mice, mould, cockroaches.
    There is one incidence of a young 21 year old and her 9 months baby being placed a cockroach invested emergency temporary housing..

  • @Miks2092
    @Miks2092 2 месяца назад

    Saddens me how corrupted and rigged the system is. So many still saying free market good, socialism bad. Or private sector efficient public sector inefficient. When private landlords are essentially feeding off the taxpayer to the tune of tens of billions every year. We built so much council housing in the interwar and post WW2 years. We as a nation should not have this bill of billions every year, with councils literally being bankrupted from paying private sector for temp accommodation. Whilst we also spend like 30-40 billion a year paying housing benefit to mostly private landlords who now own the houses councils once owned.

  • @KishenPatel25
    @KishenPatel25 2 месяца назад

    The drying clothes indoors point, the landlord can afford to buy and run a tumble dryer on your dime

  • @johnheapy6692
    @johnheapy6692 2 месяца назад +1

    you should come see my flat i was told i had to take flat or go back my old flat on the 3 floor because i ask to move because i fell down to floor stairs because i black out at the time because i have a hart condison i have defiburlor in an i have scan at home my flat as mould they just com and put white paint on the walls

  • @gdrdm
    @gdrdm 2 месяца назад

    35:45 In a sane society you should be able to choose whether you want to rent or buy a house based on your how you want to plan your life. Buying a house shouldn't be seen as an obstacle nor a way out of extortionate rents. If you're someone who has always known where you want to have a family and grow old, you can plan to buy, perhaps save some money in the long run. If you're someone who wants to lead a more itinerate life, you should be able to to rent without it sacrificing that freedom, even if you spend more in the long run on housing vs. having bought a house. And I say this as someone who believes the ultimate goal is to decommodify housing -- until society resolves the bicephalous nature of a home being at once an financial asset and a fundamental right we will not have solved housing. This is why, I believe, the conversation should start before economics (in the more popular sense) -- with history, philosophy, ethics and morals.
    Geetings from Lisbon!

  • @chrishardy3473
    @chrishardy3473 2 месяца назад +2

    what happened to Ollie??

  • @joycecowan5702
    @joycecowan5702 2 месяца назад +1


  • @roseyvision
    @roseyvision Месяц назад

    At the end of day, if you are paying for or renting a service, you should receive a certain standard and maintanence. This is just common sense, regardless of what political side you are on and many people are paying huge rents today. They more than deserve the care, yet are not even getting their basic needs met.

  • @MP24685
    @MP24685 2 месяца назад

    I'm sorry, If you have a council house, a cheaper rent Vs Private you should pay for things like Mice Removal yourself. I understand why a private renter would not want to put in money for a place that they might not be forever personally. Social housing Tennant's have contracts for life so things that you can take charge of, you should. Put in the work and the money in yourself, the council can float you for every single little thing. Things like Mould if it's a reoccurring problem should be looked into by the council but knocking on the doors of the council for something like a faulty door knob is absolutely ludicrous
    I get that there a horrible Landlords out there who are deep diving into the pockets of the government and they should absolutely have limits out on what they can and cannot do, including charge as well. Landlords should take social housing Tennant's absolutely.

  • @benjones8396
    @benjones8396 2 месяца назад

    It’s AIR B and B!!!! Nobody is up in arms about it ffs

  • @Zen-rd9np
    @Zen-rd9np 2 месяца назад

    Tiny technical point: slight misspelling in the description.

  • @RattyNembhardGaGaStreetRebel
    @RattyNembhardGaGaStreetRebel 2 месяца назад

    I asked the #revrosehudsonwilkin to #mediate on my behalf because I meet her at the #landlord AGM. She refused. She's the first #black #female #Bishop of the Church of England. I am #gag so can't name the Landlord

  • @avancalledrupert5130
    @avancalledrupert5130 2 месяца назад

    Its easy solved. 1 make self build impossible to block. A 2 story owner occupied house more than 2 meters from a boundary should be planning except. Give building plots for free or cheap purchase with Internet free loans .
    2 build council houses . But build then in suburbs and countryside not shit hole dead cities nobody wants to live in.
    3 reduce red tape for private developers but increase minimum builds standards. Self build should have no standards at all. The standards should only apply if its for sale.
    Incentives for tradesmen like myself to take on apprenticeships we need more tradesmen to build it all.
    None of this will ever happen 😂 best to just emigrate Britain is finished.

  • @roseyvision
    @roseyvision Месяц назад

    What a great young man. So much ignorance in the comments.

  • @diabl2master
    @diabl2master Месяц назад

    6:57 Prophetic...

  • @Paul-Revere54
    @Paul-Revere54 2 месяца назад

    Omg is that David underhill? The guy that won the MacArthur genius grant last year? Aww wait nah, it’s Tom cruise

  • @AbigailBrown-wk7xl
    @AbigailBrown-wk7xl 2 месяца назад +3

    Sir Keir starmer please listen to Kwajo

  • @mrslave41
    @mrslave41 2 месяца назад

    0:45 socialism: a way to put random people in prison. 😂😂😂😂

  • @chrishart8548
    @chrishart8548 2 месяца назад +1

    Isnt sleeping rough against the law anyway ?

  • @superspecky4eyes
    @superspecky4eyes 2 месяца назад +2

    Damp and mould can often be caused by residents as well.

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 2 месяца назад

      How ?

    • @superspecky4eyes
      @superspecky4eyes 2 месяца назад +1

      @@chrishart8548 Not venting moisture out of the property properly.

  • @ionwerks
    @ionwerks 2 месяца назад

    Homeowners understand that human breath carries moisture and that if the house isn't aired it will accumulate on cold surfaces (causing mildew). Windows allow them to air the property at a time of their choosing, and stay warm and dry at other times. It's a simple measure.

  • @johnheapy6692
    @johnheapy6692 2 месяца назад

    o i am in thurrock essex

  • @ordinarybread
    @ordinarybread 2 месяца назад

    The issue of you not watching PMQ's as a kid is more on your parents or care giver for not introducing you to politics. It's not for everyone and I think schools need to inform young people about how government works tbh. That would help a lot get more people interested... but politics is not interesting, mostly, to the average person it's incredibly dry. Forcing DEI into politics will not help, you don't want diversity hires you want people who actually WANT to do the job, help and work in their post. It doesn't matter what they look like as long as they are capable as mps.

  • @RattyNembhardGaGaStreetRebel
    @RattyNembhardGaGaStreetRebel 2 месяца назад

    Can I get an #appointment for an #interview PLEASE 🙏

  • @tomfinney3416
    @tomfinney3416 2 месяца назад +1

    kwajo i am unaware of your age but id guess mid 20s , if im close , (ps i do not need to know your age that is your info not mine )
    if im close in guess then id ask have you ever heard of Mhairi Black , granted she isnt male is white but listen to her words , i bet your minds are similar

  • @Osman-mj5rf
    @Osman-mj5rf 2 месяца назад

    All i hear is chat, from us and the political folk the mass can change it take leaf out of French. Uk all chat no action.

  • @arcelinasantos6520
    @arcelinasantos6520 2 месяца назад

    How about the disgusting entitled peice of shit tenants who feel entitled to stay forever without paying, and trashing your house. Laws need to be fair for everyone.

  • @Diffli
    @Diffli 2 месяца назад +2

    What an absolute nugget this guy is. Living in someone else's house isn't a human right.

    • @daftjunk2008
      @daftjunk2008 2 месяца назад +5

      And you don’t have a human right to common land, and definitely not to charge others to spend time in it

    • @BumbleyBoo
      @BumbleyBoo 2 месяца назад +2

      @@daftjunk2008 It's not common land if someone owns it.

    • @Diffli
      @Diffli 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@daftjunk2008obviously not human right but I have the legal right. The owners also have the choice to choose who to rent to, this guy in the vid wouldn't get a callback 100%. Like a moaning child who wants sweets and stropping when he gets told no (but can't).

    • @rolinti9146
      @rolinti9146 2 месяца назад +1

      yeah but the right to housing is a human right set out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which the UK is signed up to meaning they need to do something to house people

    • @BumbleyBoo
      @BumbleyBoo 2 месяца назад

      @@rolinti9146 The Right to Housing, that you're quoting doesn't mean you have a right to someone else's property. Its closer to tenant rights, such as privacy, security of tenure, jobs/facilities being close, prejudice.

  • @AdamBowley-yb3kd
    @AdamBowley-yb3kd 2 месяца назад +1

    Erm this guy needs to do more research