Why are you using the hit and defense elixir instead of stone blood flask on this fight? I am thing to optimize my approach because my healers are having trouble with the sheer volume of damage I am taking when taking the 2 non shadow bosses. So a better question is are you suing the elixirs for the hit or defense primarily?
hi nice down GG.
Can you tell please at 02:00 wich Aura or addon show that text with the target of the empowered flame (tilah in this case)
Hey thanks. That's DBM
Why are you using the hit and defense elixir instead of stone blood flask on this fight? I am thing to optimize my approach because my healers are having trouble with the sheer volume of damage I am taking when taking the 2 non shadow bosses. So a better question is are you suing the elixirs for the hit or defense primarily?
It's the armor elixir but it's just higher total value if you want the hit. If you're going for purely survival, you should use Stoneblood
Nice ! So you choose a DK to do the work of a demonist ? That realy worth it ? GG btw
Thanks! Yah DK seems to be great for Keleseth in my experience