It can totally work you just gotta always stay on the same page. Definitely not as fulfilling as sex with a significant other, but more fulfilling than no sex at all.
Yuki James I don't think friends with benefits are meant to be a long run type of deal technically. I mean in most cases somebodys gonna find a boyfriend/girlfriend eventually, or like you said maybe catch more feelings, and the benifits have to stop. But even if the benefits stop for 6 months or 3 years or even forever the two individuals can still be great friends! Doesn't have to ruin the relationship they already had together. So in that perspective it totally works in my eyes :)
Oh! I have been at that part! We were fwb (without the benefits tho...more like cuddling,kissing,meetingup) for 7 years and since it just happened by accident, I usually collected all my stress inside me. I vented confessed my interest (which set in one month ago) to him and told him about my jealousy two weeks ago and obviously we haven't had contact since then. He told me he wasnt seeing anyone else and I know some would see it as a compliment. But he told me the girls he liked are unreachable to him. I got fruriated since I felt I was just a small bandaid until he found better. I wanted to either end it there, work it out or stay just friends. He hasnt replied since a week and I am losing my patience so the first choice it is. We were really good friends tho. Since 2nd grade.
Nope. I value my friendships cause true friends are VERY hard to come by. I would never EVER risk making it awkward with a good friend just for sex. I'm not that desperate.
"Should be respected" who said you weren't respecting them or their friendship? You guys make it seem like they're treating the other person like some kind of random prostitute they pick up off the street, that's not how it works.
Yes, for me it did. Ended up together after a year too. But, I can see how it may be awkward, or strange. It's a friend, someone you trust, sleep with, but you don't love them, like you would a girlfriend/boyfriend. Or, one may have feelings, but the other doesn't.
We were only with each other, not multiple people. Neither of us are the type to sleep around. It won't work for everyone, it can be a really dangerous game, that can cause people to end up hating each other. But, if you take a chance, you need to be aware of that. It can also work out. You never know.
Friends with benefits can work as far as both parties involved are honest and straight forward about what they want. You state the rules of engagement at the beginning, midway and at the end there's no problem!
Gumdrop92 same. I've been fwb with him for two years. I like him as a person, he's down to earth but I have zero emotions for him. I catch him staring at me sometimes but whatever he feels is his business. I don't want a relationship I like the times we share and that's IT! I do get a lil bit jealous when girls call him but I rarely do now I really just don't care.
The first guy's comparison is *absolutely priceless and DEAD ON ACCURATE*. Anyone who really thinks it works out, I feel sorry for you. This is not about morality, rather about practicality. If you are going to "be with" a woman who is your friend.. *be with them*. Relationship is what I mean, because if they are good enough to sleep with, they are good enough to date/be exclusive/be married to. I will say this.. the fact that the guys talked more about the sane aspects that the females says a lot.
Friends with benefits doesn't work lets be honest, because if you're having ex with someone you're attracted to them, and if you're friends with them then you like them so friends with benefits is basically a relationship without the commitment and one of you is going to end up liking the other at some point, it's just a disaster waiting to happen! People mistake friends with benefits for casual sex though, you can totally have casual sex and it work out- just not with a FRIEND
Ashleigh Mote The only problem is relationships arent that simple, if it were that simple then we wouldnt have this huge divorce rate. Relationships are far more complicated than a friend you find attractive and the feeling is mutual. This idea of a relationship is a pretty immature one. Youre forgetting about life and how you need the same or similar goals and you need to be on nearly the exact same wavelength but for a friend you dont need to be.
As long as you don't develop romantic attractions easily and set ground rules I see no problem. Sure it won't last like an actual relationship would, but that isn't what you're looking for in this scenario.
It's working pretty well for me. I think the trick is to do it with a friend you're not super close with. You know, that friend you don't talk to a lot in your friends group? That's the one.
friends with benefits are great at the beginning but there's a downside to every thing, kissing a friend is curiosity but having sex with a friend is complete lust. Straight up it can make or break people, I understand people get lonely and want to share affection of another and more but it is short lived. Honestly you get tired of the sex games, you start to feel empty and develop feelings for your lover, it sucks that they only see you as a sugar fix or a pick me up. you jus can't separate emotions from sex at all, if you can make it work "write a book about it", if not learn from you're experiences. It's not a relationship nor a friendship, it's a downward spiral fall that will have you hit rock bottom, you'll see how far you fell into love and how harder it will be to climb out of it
Are all you guys talking about this update on ios? Because my thumbnails have been big for a while and I'm not sure if I got the update before or after people
Nope, someone always ends up catching feelings. Sharing that level of intimacy often, and over an extended period of time with someone you are close enough to consider a friend will turn an already close relationship closer.
It can work, I had the same friend with benefits for a combined total time of 2.5 years. Neither of us felt awkward about it and made the other uncomfortable. At one point I thought maybe we should be dating, but that was more of a social ideology over my own, I only considered it because society made me feel like we should have been. We no longer have sexual relations as I moved away, but our friendship still endures and we still spend time together when we can. Friends with benefits can work as long as you don't pressure your own self into thinking you should be in a relationship with them.
So I have had a couple of friends-with-benefits agreements over the years and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But I would say, out of the times when it didn't work, most of them weren't because of one part developing feelings for the other. In fact, that actually only happened to me once, and though it was uncomfortable for a while, I'm still friends with that person. You just need to be mature and upfront about what you want and what you feel, and *never* freak out if the other person wants something else or changes their mind later on. That happens and it's nobody's fault. If you're mature and respectful, chances are you'll be able to make it work without risking the friendship. If you aren't, you probably shouldn't even bother.
Put it this way: It will eventually stop working. You're not gonna have a casual relationship with someone for the rest of your life. It will end. But that doesn't mean it hasn't worked. By that logic, an ordinary relationship "hasn't worked" when you eventually break up. You can't go into something with the predisposed idea that it wouldn't be worth it if it doesn't last like 20 years.
I am involved in 3 different "friends with benefits" relationships and it works! It works because we set down the rules up front. It also works because we tell each other everything about our other sex partners so that no one really gets jealous. It is healthy and free and enjoyable. I am not pretending it is for everybody. You must feel detached from love in order to pursue this......but if you are able to do it, then it really rocks!
Friends with benefits can work with a very close friend. There is awkwardness but the two of you have a base connection. If both parties are on the same page about it. It's going to get weird one way or another. If both people talk about it all the time, work through feelings and find both don't work as a relationship but that friendship and physical attraction is still there, there's no reason the friendship or benefit should stop. Communication is the key thing and actual affection is key to maintain a friend with benefit relationship.
Guys, DON'T DO IT! A girl never gets into a FWB situation without trying to turn it into a serious relationship, which is NOT what you want otherwise you wouldn't start with FWB in the first place.
what I think a lot of these friends with benefits things exclude is the fact that there are aromantic people who don't experience those feelings after sex and may very well be fine in that type of relationship
I'm a girl (16) From the UK and I have had a best guy friend (same age) and we have been besties for the past 6 years. And he's asked me that if we are both 18 and signal then can we be best friends with benefits, no strings attached sorta thing. I was like hell yes we can. lol besties for life
I have a friend with benefits and it works so well because he's a really cool guy and I'm totally comfortable around him and everything and the sex is really good, even though he's super nice and easy to get along with he's not the sort of guy I could develop feelings for because for some reason I just don't connect with him that way!✌🏻️😄
It works for me cause me and the girl set rules and know we are both just physically attracted to each other but if that where to change we would need to stop or talk about it
Most definitely yes it can work but both sides have to put in the work and be very open with one another. My best friend and I are still best friends now (10years later) both in our own relationships with our own families and yes we are still best friends 💜💜but No we are no longer friends with benefits. I’d go in to detail but doubt anyone will even read this in the first place lol 😂 Anyways have a great ☝️
I think it works just fine if it's short term and infrequent, and everyone involved is very open and honest about what they want and expect out of it as well as very secure and confident about themselves. Long term, you should probably just start dating in an open relationship because that's basically what you're already doing anyway.
I actually have had two successful fwbs. We started off as fwbs and then he got into a relationship and were still good friends to this day. Another fwb I had, we were friends, then fwbs now were friends again and we are great friends as well. Although I think one fwb I have is falling for me. And then I have another fwb who if it ends up in a relationship, I'm not complaining honestly, I think were both starting to fall for each other.
I think it could potentially work. I personally wouldn't do it as I'm not comfortable with it. It's probably rare for a FWB relationship to work out completely, but I don't think it's impossible.
All the videos I have seen so far never address the fact that friends with benefits is way more common with gay men and it does work a lot of the time. It may be because men release less oxytocin when they have sex therefore lessening the chances of them becoming attached to each other beyond the boundaries of friendship.
I have two friends with benefits they don't know about each other and as long as its just "friends with benefits" and not going to become a relationship. I'm happy.
Friends with benefits totally works as long as you lay down the ground rules in the beginning. I've had many casual sexual encounters over the years and there have been a handful of women who developed feelings but a majority have accepted the situation that we placed ourselves in...
In my experience it has never worked for me. It all depends on the type of personality you and the other person have. I always fall for my sexual partners
I agree with the guy that said thta your mind gets in the way of your body, one of the two will probably develop feelings , so it does not work out in most cases why ruin a friendship..?
Sure but after a while it gets complicated when there are feelings involved. Like that ones who agree said, you have to set ground rules and once things got weird, just bail out.
Being an Aussie myself, and hearing aussies on youtube.. we sound so weird. Im so used to hearing the american accent on tv and it sounds normal. does that make sense?
I don't think it would work, me and guy were "friends with benefits" for a few months, we just hung like friends and were cool with each other and then we started developing on and off feelings for each other, and at the end we just figured out maybe wouldn't work as a couple. There was always a talk about he wanted to date or I would go back and forth, but in the end we felt feelings just as friends and to me sex is a factor, and if we are just friends it cant be a factor. I think we kept going back and forth, he wasn't really talking to any other girl and I wasn't talking to another guy. So it was easy to fall for each other, it was more of a lust, but no chemistry as a romantically or it just didnt click as we wanted to
***** I didnt think of that I guess i meant like european or other common accents because due to movies and tv i think most people know what many african accents sound like but I feel that there arent many black europeans in mainstream media
Zurca how have you never heard of a black man with a british accent there are so many in movies like Idris Elba (they just make him speak with an American acccent) and btw what you said wasnt racist. If you go to England you will see it is very diverse there. There are a lot of blacks there. But this guy is Australian and ive never heard a black person with an Australian accent. Still cool though:)
I used to think it could work but now I a recanting those thoughts. Like one of the bruvs said "This, your brain, gets in the way of your body". I always sought out persons of some degree of value in my life and to use and mutually be used just interferes with my innate morals. Additionally, there is almost always feelings involved that simply complicates things and makes the communication aspect tedious. Overall, I am pleased for the moment but have regrets for later.
"Sex is supposed to be something more special." Why do you tell people how they should feel about it and what they should do? Sex sometimes can be special when you do it with someone you love, but it can also me just a great fun and you shouldnt tell others which way should be more desirable. Personally I value both of them the same and I think we should all relax because it is a natural biological thing and treating it like a sacrum thing would just make it more taboo. For me 'friends with benefits' worked really well, because both me and my friend don't connect sex with love.
Mateusz Kruk I think that the fact that you and you're friend don't connect sex with love is a problem. It sounds like sex to you is nothing more than sexual gratification. It's not about love or commitment, which is probably why the hook up culture is damaging to so many people.
If you have to stop things when it gets weird, I think that means it didn't work. If it worked, it wouldn't get weird in the first place and both parties would be happy with the arrangement. The fact of the matter is that one side will inevitably develop feelings for the other, which will either result in hurt feelings, or the agreement being terminated. Either way, it didn't work.
Rarely have I seen it work. You probably shouldn't hook up too often. When sex is legit on call whenever you feel it, stuff starts to build up and someone catches feelings. Hooking up should be a bit more spread out.
I was "Friends with Benefits" with my best friend for a few weeks. We didn't even have sex before we decided to officially date. We just kinda used that title as a step between platonic friendship and dating.
Of course it works. If you fall in love too quickly or tend to like people too easily, don't ever be friends with benefits with someone because you'll mess it up.
Don't work and works at a worse efficiency the older you get. I should re-specify. Can work when younger, works less well as you age, until you get to a point you have to decide if you're in a relationship. Sex plus time equals relationship regardless of where the participants come from. That's only if it worked well. Most people tap out way before then and accept their lot in life.
i am someone whose brain always gets in the way but I've had moments when it was all the way around. And i was the one not feeling But I've never had fwb i am talking about relationships.
1. always talk about wanting to have sex with and developing feelings for other people, and how you specifically have more feelings towards that person you're talking about (maybe an ex) than you do about your friend with benefits. 2. never do romantic things with the friend with benefits; don't hold hands or buy big gifts, etc.
This has to depend on the relationship you have. If you were friends first, and then you start sleeping with each other, this is probably not going to work. If they are the only person you sleep with that you have a real relationship with, then it is not going to work. If it is both these things, then you are already going out, you just have not admitted it yet. If on the other hand, you have a lot of friends that have been incestuously dipping in and out of quasi relationships, it can probably work, but don't expect an invite to their wedding, because their partner is not going to let that fly.
I've tried friends with benefits before and it did end well. Someone ends up wanting more while the other one wants to keep things simply. Overall it becomes VERY complicated
Alyssa Patton Yep. You hang out with this person all the time, have sex with them but you're not supposed to owe them any loyalty. Then someone tries to start a romantic relationship with a new person and they don't want you hanging out AT ALL. Now you either break off your "friendship", lie about the nature of your "friendship" or try and explain that "hey we're just fuckbuddies, I don't REALLY love them". It may work for some people but it's also the perfect way to spread jealousy and destroy your relationships.
Why are they asking people who has never had a passive relationships before? it's like asking a person who's never had a burrito in their life whether they like it or not.. It's just like any other relationship you keep, it takes a lot of trust and mutual respect. Not everyone in this day and age can see themselves in that type of relationship because monogamy is slaped to our faces in an early age. just tell your perspective partner that you care for her and you don't want to be in an all-inclusive relationship. Honesty and comunication gose a long way.
Honestly, isn't this just the gateway to polyamorous relationships? I feel that would work out better because friends with benefits tend to almost always end up developping feelings for each other.
Communism analogy= on point
Well that was great
IsabelleAnne33 Not really.
On point indeed
IsabelleAnne33 It should be not right now it don't work, but later it might.
i feel like it only stops working when someone stops benefiting.
Mr Not That Famous gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay
Bevin St. Pierre :D
Bevin St. Pierre im sorry im insecure about my self
It can totally work you just gotta always stay on the same page. Definitely not as fulfilling as sex with a significant other, but more fulfilling than no sex at all.
Yuki James I don't think friends with benefits are meant to be a long run type of deal technically. I mean in most cases somebodys gonna find a boyfriend/girlfriend eventually, or like you said maybe catch more feelings, and the benifits have to stop. But even if the benefits stop for 6 months or 3 years or even forever the two individuals can still be great friends! Doesn't have to ruin the relationship they already had together. So in that perspective it totally works in my eyes :)
maybe long run, maybe not, only time can tell that one
I wish I had a friend to friend with benefit with
ghoulchan00 same. the only relationship i ever want is a friends with benefits relationship
Well damn
ghoulchan00 You do. Your father. HAHAHAHAHAA
Nope. It does not work. You will end up catching feelings or getting jealous when they're with other people.
Oh! I have been at that part!
We were fwb (without the benefits tho...more like cuddling,kissing,meetingup) for 7 years and since it just happened by accident, I usually collected all my stress inside me. I vented confessed my interest (which set in one month ago) to him and told him about my jealousy two weeks ago and obviously we haven't had contact since then.
He told me he wasnt seeing anyone else and I know some would see it as a compliment. But he told me the girls he liked are unreachable to him. I got fruriated since I felt I was just a small bandaid until he found better. I wanted to either end it there, work it out or stay just friends. He hasnt replied since a week and I am losing my patience so the first choice it is. We were really good friends tho. Since 2nd grade.
@@kathy-leew3989 that sucks! Do you have an update?
Nope. I value my friendships cause true friends are VERY hard to come by. I would never EVER risk making it awkward with a good friend just for sex. I'm not that desperate.
+Coryo61827 chapeau for you my friend
Coryo61827 thats why we dont sleep best friends, just the regulars ; P but it can get complicated when besties and regulars are in the same circle
Juan Duque best or regular , a friendship's a friendship and it has boundaries that should be respected
"Should be respected" who said you weren't respecting them or their friendship? You guys make it seem like they're treating the other person like some kind of random prostitute they pick up off the street, that's not how it works.
can you please explain to me from your point of view how exactly does it work
Yes, for me it did. Ended up together after a year too. But, I can see how it may be awkward, or strange. It's a friend, someone you trust, sleep with, but you don't love them, like you would a girlfriend/boyfriend. Or, one may have feelings, but the other doesn't.
MsAquamonkey Worked for me too... lasted nearly two years and ended rather friendly.
We know it won't last forever, but, we are friends, always have been, so even after we split, we'll remain friends.
We were only with each other, not multiple people. Neither of us are the type to sleep around. It won't work for everyone, it can be a really dangerous game, that can cause people to end up hating each other. But, if you take a chance, you need to be aware of that. It can also work out. You never know.
I'm a hard core fwb advocate because we're all adults that have needs and that shouldn't be limited to being in a relationship!
Totally agree with everything said with the answer: no it does not work!
Friends with benefits can work as far as both parties involved are honest and straight forward about what they want. You state the rules of engagement at the beginning, midway and at the end there's no problem!
It works...I may get jealous once every blue moon but I don't become emotionally invested in temporary things.
Gumdrop92 same. I've been fwb with him for two years. I like him as a person, he's down to earth but I have zero emotions for him. I catch him staring at me sometimes but whatever he feels is his business. I don't want a relationship I like the times we share and that's IT! I do get a lil bit jealous when girls call him but I rarely do now I really just don't care.
The first guy's comparison is *absolutely priceless and DEAD ON ACCURATE*. Anyone who really thinks it works out, I feel sorry for you. This is not about morality, rather about practicality. If you are going to "be with" a woman who is your friend.. *be with them*. Relationship is what I mean, because if they are good enough to sleep with, they are good enough to date/be exclusive/be married to.
I will say this.. the fact that the guys talked more about the sane aspects that the females says a lot.
Friends with benefits doesn't work lets be honest, because if you're having ex with someone you're attracted to them, and if you're friends with them then you like them so friends with benefits is basically a relationship without the commitment and one of you is going to end up liking the other at some point, it's just a disaster waiting to happen! People mistake friends with benefits for casual sex though, you can totally have casual sex and it work out- just not with a FRIEND
Ashleigh Mote The only problem is relationships arent that simple, if it were that simple then we wouldnt have this huge divorce rate. Relationships are far more complicated than a friend you find attractive and the feeling is mutual. This idea of a relationship is a pretty immature one. Youre forgetting about life and how you need the same or similar goals and you need to be on nearly the exact same wavelength but for a friend you dont need to be.
She is a friend what are u talking about
As long as you don't develop romantic attractions easily and set ground rules I see no problem. Sure it won't last like an actual relationship would, but that isn't what you're looking for in this scenario.
It's working pretty well for me. I think the trick is to do it with a friend you're not super close with. You know, that friend you don't talk to a lot in your friends group? That's the one.
friends with benefits are great at the beginning but there's a downside to every thing, kissing a friend is curiosity but having sex with a friend is complete lust. Straight up it can make or break people, I understand people get lonely and want to share affection of another and more but it is short lived. Honestly you get tired of the sex games, you start to feel empty and develop feelings for your lover, it sucks that they only see you as a sugar fix or a pick me up. you jus can't separate emotions from sex at all, if you can make it work "write a book about it", if not learn from you're experiences. It's not a relationship nor a friendship, it's a downward spiral fall that will have you hit rock bottom, you'll see how far you fell into love and how harder it will be to climb out of it
That new subscriptions big ole thumbnail for youtube dang its annoyoing....!!!
i thought i was the only one.
I got annoyed after seeing the new update.
This is why I never updated anything
How is it annoying
Are all you guys talking about this update on ios? Because my thumbnails have been big for a while and I'm not sure if I got the update before or after people
Nope, someone always ends up catching feelings. Sharing that level of intimacy often, and over an extended period of time with someone you are close enough to consider a friend will turn an already close relationship closer.
That analogy was honestly the best analogy I've ever heard.
It can work, I had the same friend with benefits for a combined total time of 2.5 years. Neither of us felt awkward about it and made the other uncomfortable. At one point I thought maybe we should be dating, but that was more of a social ideology over my own, I only considered it because society made me feel like we should have been. We no longer have sexual relations as I moved away, but our friendship still endures and we still spend time together when we can. Friends with benefits can work as long as you don't pressure your own self into thinking you should be in a relationship with them.
I love that man with the glasses so much. Why must I live in a hick town in the U.S.??
I think I would like to hear first person accounts of people in those relationships. Rather than speculation.
it works great as long as everyone is on same page and honest
So I have had a couple of friends-with-benefits agreements over the years and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But I would say, out of the times when it didn't work, most of them weren't because of one part developing feelings for the other. In fact, that actually only happened to me once, and though it was uncomfortable for a while, I'm still friends with that person.
You just need to be mature and upfront about what you want and what you feel, and *never* freak out if the other person wants something else or changes their mind later on. That happens and it's nobody's fault. If you're mature and respectful, chances are you'll be able to make it work without risking the friendship.
If you aren't, you probably shouldn't even bother.
Ive had a friend with benefits for 3 years and its totally awesome ;)
Put it this way: It will eventually stop working. You're not gonna have a casual relationship with someone for the rest of your life. It will end.
But that doesn't mean it hasn't worked.
By that logic, an ordinary relationship "hasn't worked" when you eventually break up.
You can't go into something with the predisposed idea that it wouldn't be worth it if it doesn't last like 20 years.
I am involved in 3 different "friends with benefits" relationships and it works! It works because we set down the rules up front. It also works because we tell each other everything about our other sex partners so that no one really gets jealous. It is healthy and free and enjoyable. I am not pretending it is for everybody. You must feel detached from love in order to pursue this......but if you are able to do it, then it really rocks!
I think it can work if u have seriously good Friends so it doesn't get too weird but put down boundaries and be on the same page. But it is risky
I have friends with benefits and I can honestly say it totally works.
Friends with benefits can work with a very close friend. There is awkwardness but the two of you have a base connection. If both parties are on the same page about it. It's going to get weird one way or another. If both people talk about it all the time, work through feelings and find both don't work as a relationship but that friendship and physical attraction is still there, there's no reason the friendship or benefit should stop. Communication is the key thing and actual affection is key to maintain a friend with benefit relationship.
Guys, DON'T DO IT! A girl never gets into a FWB situation without trying to turn it into a serious relationship, which is NOT what you want otherwise you wouldn't start with FWB in the first place.
I feel like Buzzfeed should make a Buzzfeed Australia channel.
I have fallen in love with Mr. glasses.
what I think a lot of these friends with benefits things exclude is the fact that there are aromantic people who don't experience those feelings after sex and may very well be fine in that type of relationship
I'm a girl (16) From the UK and I have had a best guy friend (same age) and we have been besties for the past 6 years. And he's asked me that if we are both 18 and signal then can we be best friends with benefits, no strings attached sorta thing. I was like hell yes we can. lol besties for life
I have a friend with benefits and it works so well because he's a really cool guy and I'm totally comfortable around him and everything and the sex is really good, even though he's super nice and easy to get along with he's not the sort of guy I could develop feelings for because for some reason I just don't connect with him that way!✌🏻️😄
It works for me cause me and the girl set rules and know we are both just physically attracted to each other but if that where to change we would need to stop or talk about it
the reference to communism is dead on accurate
i think it can work just depends on your mentality... like you dont get easily attached then sure go ahead
Most definitely yes it can work but both sides have to put in the work and be very open with one another. My best friend and I are still best friends now (10years later) both in our own relationships with our own families and yes we are still best friends 💜💜but No we are no longer friends with benefits. I’d go in to detail but doubt anyone will even read this in the first place lol 😂
Anyways have a great ☝️
Girl: "let's just be friends"
Boy: "is that it?"
Girl: "WITH BENEFIcial aspects of being good friends"
I'd like those videos to be longer with more people and more thought out answers.
Oh that's a friend with benefits. I thought it was a friend who got money from the council.
I think it works just fine if it's short term and infrequent, and everyone involved is very open and honest about what they want and expect out of it as well as very secure and confident about themselves. Long term, you should probably just start dating in an open relationship because that's basically what you're already doing anyway.
I actually have had two successful fwbs. We started off as fwbs and then he got into a relationship and were still good friends to this day. Another fwb I had, we were friends, then fwbs now were friends again and we are great friends as well. Although I think one fwb I have is falling for me. And then I have another fwb who if it ends up in a relationship, I'm not complaining honestly, I think were both starting to fall for each other.
I've had frenemy with benefits, friends are too risky.
I think it could potentially work. I personally wouldn't do it as I'm not comfortable with it. It's probably rare for a FWB relationship to work out completely, but I don't think it's impossible.
I want a friend with benefits
I think it can work did it once never regretted it
This is off topic but, I love that guys pug shirt
Friends with benefits works depending on the person, but one someone in that relationship gets feelings it's over
The first guy said it all. I stan
All the videos I have seen so far never address the fact that friends with benefits is way more common with gay men and it does work a lot of the time. It may be because men release less oxytocin when they have sex therefore lessening the chances of them becoming attached to each other beyond the boundaries of friendship.
That was a great analogy
It works if u guys agree that its just for fun and to be honest with one another
Guy with the glasses reminds me of Dan Croll
I have two friends with benefits they don't know about each other and as long as its just "friends with benefits" and not going to become a relationship. I'm happy.
I definitely think it COULD work but for me personally it hasn't worked because the couple of times I did try it, the guy caught feelings...
Friends with benefits totally works as long as you lay down the ground rules in the beginning. I've had many casual sexual encounters over the years and there have been a handful of women who developed feelings but a majority have accepted the situation that we placed ourselves in...
I knew this would be good when I heard the first sentence.
In my experience it has never worked for me. It all depends on the type of personality you and the other person have. I always fall for my sexual partners
I agree with the guy that said thta your mind gets in the way of your body, one of the two will probably develop feelings , so it does not work out in most cases why ruin a friendship..?
Have some of these guys not seen the movie. If it can't work with Mila and Justin what hope do we commoners have?
Sure but after a while it gets complicated when there are feelings involved. Like that ones who agree said, you have to set ground rules and once things got weird, just bail out.
Being an Aussie myself, and hearing aussies on youtube.. we sound so weird. Im so used to hearing the american accent on tv and it sounds normal. does that make sense?
I don't think it would work, me and guy were "friends with benefits" for a few months, we just hung like friends and were cool with each other and then we started developing on and off feelings for each other, and at the end we just figured out maybe wouldn't work as a couple. There was always a talk about he wanted to date or I would go back and forth, but in the end we felt feelings just as friends and to me sex is a factor, and if we are just friends it cant be a factor. I think we kept going back and forth, he wasn't really talking to any other girl and I wasn't talking to another guy. So it was easy to fall for each other, it was more of a lust, but no chemistry as a romantically or it just didnt click as we wanted to
I'm not trying to be racist but I've literally never heard a black with a British accent before and this made me happy.
Emiley Grace I knew that idk why i said British I just meant an accent that is not native to America
+Zurca what about a black person from Nigeria, or Zimbabwe, never heard that?
***** I didnt think of that I guess i meant like european or other common accents because due to movies and tv i think most people know what many african accents sound like but I feel that there arent many black europeans in mainstream media
Zurca how have you never heard of a black man with a british accent there are so many in movies like Idris Elba (they just make him speak with an American acccent) and btw what you said wasnt racist. If you go to England you will see it is very diverse there. There are a lot of blacks there. But this guy is Australian and ive never heard a black person with an Australian accent. Still cool though:)
I used to think it could work but now I a recanting those thoughts. Like one of the bruvs said "This, your brain, gets in the way of your body". I always sought out persons of some degree of value in my life and to use and mutually be used just interferes with my innate morals. Additionally, there is almost always feelings involved that simply complicates things and makes the communication aspect tedious.
Overall, I am pleased for the moment but have regrets for later.
Pause at 0:39 😁
it can work out for some people as long as your just in it for the sex, if anything else then it get awkward
it depends on how good or weak the stroke game is. if it is on point then yeah if not then.....
coming early sucks no good comments
"Sex is supposed to be something more special."
Why do you tell people how they should feel about it and what they should do? Sex sometimes can be special when you do it with someone you love, but it can also me just a great fun and you shouldnt tell others which way should be more desirable. Personally I value both of them the same and I think we should all relax because it is a natural biological thing and treating it like a sacrum thing would just make it more taboo. For me 'friends with benefits' worked really well, because both me and my friend don't connect sex with love.
Mateusz Kruk I think that the fact that you and you're friend don't connect sex with love is a problem. It sounds like sex to you is nothing more than sexual gratification. It's not about love or commitment, which is probably why the hook up culture is damaging to so many people.
It can work !
that last guy knows whats up
I always thought friends with benefits were friends on welfare
If you have to stop things when it gets weird, I think that means it didn't work. If it worked, it wouldn't get weird in the first place and both parties would be happy with the arrangement. The fact of the matter is that one side will inevitably develop feelings for the other, which will either result in hurt feelings, or the agreement being terminated. Either way, it didn't work.
It can work, works for me
It can work..but only when you have t knowledge that the other person is for real en the same page (being friends for real helps)
Why do people always reply to their own comments?
I don't know
A list
wow, so original.
shut up, you're not better either.
CaptainObvious0000 LOL
A list to add on to what theyve already said
It works....I've had plenty
Rarely have I seen it work. You probably shouldn't hook up too often. When sex is legit on call whenever you feel it, stuff starts to build up and someone catches feelings. Hooking up should be a bit more spread out.
I was "Friends with Benefits" with my best friend for a few weeks. We didn't even have sex before we decided to officially date. We just kinda used that title as a step between platonic friendship and dating.
it can work if you dont see that friend all the time
Of course it works. If you fall in love too quickly or tend to like people too easily, don't ever be friends with benefits with someone because you'll mess it up.
I loved de guy with the blue shirt
I have a friend with benefits
Don't work and works at a worse efficiency the older you get. I should re-specify. Can work when younger, works less well as you age, until you get to a point you have to decide if you're in a relationship. Sex plus time equals relationship regardless of where the participants come from. That's only if it worked well. Most people tap out way before then and accept their lot in life.
0:30 basically
Stop after the 3rd. Find a new one. Repeat. It works.
i am someone whose brain always gets in the way but I've had moments when it was all the way around. And i was the one not feeling
But I've never had fwb i am talking about relationships.
1. always talk about wanting to have sex with and developing feelings for other people, and how you specifically have more feelings towards that person you're talking about (maybe an ex) than you do about your friend with benefits.
2. never do romantic things with the friend with benefits; don't hold hands or buy big gifts, etc.
This has to depend on the relationship you have. If you were friends first, and then you start sleeping with each other, this is probably not going to work. If they are the only person you sleep with that you have a real relationship with, then it is not going to work. If it is both these things, then you are already going out, you just have not admitted it yet.
If on the other hand, you have a lot of friends that have been incestuously dipping in and out of quasi relationships, it can probably work, but don't expect an invite to their wedding, because their partner is not going to let that fly.
Nice video as always :3
I've tried friends with benefits before and it did end well. Someone ends up wanting more while the other one wants to keep things simply. Overall it becomes VERY complicated
Alyssa Patton Yep. You hang out with this person all the time, have sex with them but you're not supposed to owe them any loyalty. Then someone tries to start a romantic relationship with a new person and they don't want you hanging out AT ALL. Now you either break off your "friendship", lie about the nature of your "friendship" or try and explain that "hey we're just fuckbuddies, I don't REALLY love them". It may work for some people but it's also the perfect way to spread jealousy and destroy your relationships.
"sex is supposed to be something that is a little more special" maybe for you
Why are they asking people who has never had a passive relationships before? it's like asking a person who's never had a burrito in their life whether they like it or not..
It's just like any other relationship you keep, it takes a lot of trust and mutual respect. Not everyone in this day and age can see themselves in that type of relationship because monogamy is slaped to our faces in an early age. just tell your perspective partner that you care for her and you don't want to be in an all-inclusive relationship. Honesty and comunication gose a long way.
The guy with the blue button up gives me hope for this bloody planet, finally someone speaks the truth, especially coming from a male... Just saying
Honestly, isn't this just the gateway to polyamorous relationships? I feel that would work out better because friends with benefits tend to almost always end up developping feelings for each other.