Can One be 'Spiritual But Not Religious'? - Dr. Shabir Ally

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 79

  • @mannyindaclub
    @mannyindaclub 11 лет назад +24

    My thoughts exactly. People see religion as a package of traditions and beliefs, some of which is in conflict with modern way of thinking; and see spiritualism as a customized religion at a personal level where an individual can pick and choose what they feel acceptable. If people see religion in such negative way, they are not seeing its true colors, but rather the colors tainted by the negativity of the followers. Spiritualism in a religion is fundamental, and then comes the practices.

    • @deadofwintr
      @deadofwintr 2 года назад +1

      this is very well said

  • @craycray507
    @craycray507 Год назад +3

    i believe in 1 God strictly and do believe in the 5 pillars. I wasn’t raised in a strictly orthodox way but the 5 pillars were always practised in my family. Hijab was never enforced and 5 prayers were always encouraged. However, i refuse to walk on eggshells and think every little thing is “haraam”. Like nail polish, not having a beard , eye brow pulcking, wearing perfume, listening to music etc

    • @bearwithnawreenpriya8508
      @bearwithnawreenpriya8508 Год назад

      plucking eyebrows is haram cause its harmful to ur body and brain.. I try to find every ans behind this and it helps me to go close to Islam.Allah gave all reasons of everything..

  • @joannemercader813
    @joannemercader813 8 лет назад +9

    Dr. Shabir Ally thank you for being willing to speak about current issues.

  • @lqjr22
    @lqjr22 8 лет назад +15

    MashAllah! Thank you for such an amazing video, explanation and discussion. I love your guy's work.

  • @kitkat4980
    @kitkat4980 4 года назад +7

    God Doesn’t communicates through books, he communicates through within us. Books helps us maintaining the discipline to pursue a Spiritual life. Religions that we have created are to maintain this discipline. Just Like different news sources presents the same content in their own interpretations. Religion teaches us or informs us of that information to teach us the discipline to pursue a Spiritual life in their individual ways. I like the video. Good interpretation among various.

    • @nurlhaqchaniago6143
      @nurlhaqchaniago6143 3 года назад +2

      God communicates His revelation which are written and compiled as books. ‘Iqra’ = read!’
      ‘Read in the name of God who created you from a blood clot. ..Who taught you how to use a pen/ pencil/ writing object..’

    • @craycray507
      @craycray507 Год назад

      @kitkat4980 well said my friend

  • @waynejohnson1786
    @waynejohnson1786 8 лет назад +8

    I think most people that identify as "spiritual but not religious" are just disillusioned with religion, mainly people that grew up in Western countries and when they think of "religion" they automatically think of evangelical Christians that believe the earth is 6,000 years old, completely reject modern science and just assume most religions are like that. Not saying everyone who identifies as "spiritual" would research religion and come to the conclusion they're actually religious but I'm sure a lot would.

    • @helsharidy123
      @helsharidy123 5 лет назад

      I don't understand why Shabir didn't just say this lol.

  • @zatoichiable
    @zatoichiable 11 лет назад +4

    If religion is external or form of worship then any Men can perform the salat prayer even he is not a muslim because it is only external action. Prayer can never be perform by external or physical action. IT can only be perform by the heart and that is spiritual.

  • @janburn007
    @janburn007 Год назад +1

    I think people who claim to be spiritual but not religious, for the most part, do not want to follow any particular religion & its teachings - so they more or less become their own "gods" & determine their own beliefs as they go along. For example, in theory, people could claim to be Christian, yet never go to church. But the Bible actually says that Christians should meet together regularly for fellowship & support in their beliefs. So if a Christian is not obeying that Biblical teaching by going to church regularly - then they are not really much of a Christian at all - & are just making up their own rules/beliefs as they go along, by supposedly claiming "you don't have to go to church to be a Christian". If any person claims to be "spiritual but not religious" I think it really casts serious doubts over just what kinds of beliefs they actually hold - because each of them is determining their own set of beliefs - & each one is different.

  • @sekoukimathi6809
    @sekoukimathi6809 7 месяцев назад

    Religion is the discipline of spirituality.
    "Spiritual but not religious" speaks to the individualism/ consumerism and secularism of the time.
    And a certain ambivalence towards committing oneself to any defined belief system. So in some ways "spiritual but not religious" is a form of agnosticism. Which is a weak position, some might say cowardly.. as big momma would say either you believe or don't believe

  • @ShadowMoses900
    @ShadowMoses900 4 года назад +6

    The statement means having an intimate, personal, and natural connection with the Divine/Allah/God/Gnosis without the Dogma or the corruptions of organized religion.
    It is similar to Sufism.

    • @nurlhaqchaniago6143
      @nurlhaqchaniago6143 3 года назад +1

      What do you mean by similar to Sufism? Do you mean Sufis don’t pray? Do not emphasize belief in Allah and His Oneness? On the prophethood of Muhammad? On Muhammad as the blessings of all worlds? On the Message of the Quran? On the rememberance of God and His Names/ Zikrullah ? On prayer/ Salat? On fasting/ sawm? Sufis do all that. And emphasize that. In practice.

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      If religions are dogmatic and corrupt; they are not 'organized'! 😳

  • @yusufal-muqtadir2494
    @yusufal-muqtadir2494 4 года назад +8

    Religious minded people do what they are told no matter what is right. Spiritual people do what is right no matter what they are told.
    The God allah is in us. Serch for him seek to be a beacon of peace

    • @rijahaseeb582
      @rijahaseeb582 4 года назад

      Beautifull ❤

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      @@rijahaseeb582 "Religious minded people do what they are told no matter what is right. Spiritual people do what is right no matter what they are told." NO. Religious people don't do what they are told no matter what is right! Not if they're using their brain! And you cannot say that NO religious person uses his or her brain and doesn't know the difference between right and wrong! That would be seriously pushint it! 😳

    • @aindana.official
      @aindana.official Год назад

      @@filsdejeannoir1776 and spiritualist-minded people use their consciousness as guidance, understanding the truth beyond man’s brain which mostly leads to egoism. We believe God is inside of us, we are aligned to our true self (our soul not our brain/personality, ego, body, job, etc) that’s where the consciousness is, that’s where we connected to God

  • @princeprabhumayavan
    @princeprabhumayavan Год назад

    I'm spiritual but not religious, as came from Hindu background yes they give the freedom but as a human I already freedom within me. Coz I'm made of star particle so I don't want to bind in a religion.

  • @samidelhi6150
    @samidelhi6150 4 года назад +3

    Spiritualism to some extent kind of managed to get away from answering the two most rational questions that we have all exposed to in school since early age i.e. questions of existence and uniqueness

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      Can you give us some examples?

    • @ricodsanchez6792
      @ricodsanchez6792 2 года назад +1

      no brother spiritism answers both those questions beautifully. reply if u would lik to know.

    • @CrypticT17
      @CrypticT17 6 месяцев назад


  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад +1

    all within the heavens praise God and on earth it is just that we humanbeings do not understand how . The universe itself for example an atom works because of laws not because it has a right . We say Allah is the Lawgiver . We human being on the other hand make choices not programmed by our atoms . Charity is not because of genetics . Life is wonderfull Aditiya pandey and I hope people will find their true purpose of life.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    As for the universe . Yes it is indeed mindboggling . From islamic perspective as I said before the creation of the heavens is a much greater creation then mankind but most do not understand . Also that wasnt there was a period of time we were not worthy of mentioning (76-01) . But still like all creation also the heavens are limitted . It is the will of Allah that we a later creation are given the right to choose to believe or not .

  • @abt1580
    @abt1580 4 года назад +2

    religious practices are an extension of ones spiritual intentions and devotions. you can be spiritual and not religious but you wont be as spiritual as one whos spirituality extends to character devotion and hence Islamic devotion.

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      Nice comment! But Islamic devotion for Muslims, Christian devotion for Christians, and so on and so forth.

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад

    IN our traditions and cultures..
    we could even reject the command of father and accept the mother instructions.
    Mother is consider to be first teacher. I am not saying people only loves their mother, but majority of people loves there mother.

    • @followerislam
      @followerislam 4 года назад +2

      Same is in Islam mothers are three times superior than fathers in terms of serving them and obeying them even fathers must be served but mothers have given a higher priority
      #Salam (Peace)

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    That is indeed also a thing repeated in message of the quran . the question then is how come people start shaping idols in the first place if there is some mentioning of the unborn God. The same thing in christianity jesus(puh) was a strict monotheist still people interpet some words of paul and use terms as three persons in one. If you think about it everyone is a believer (inclduing atheists) it is up to us as individuals to search for the truth if one has the intention to do so.

  • @filsdejeannoir1776
    @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

    Safiyyah is so beautiful! Is she Dr. Ally's daughter? GoogleTube hasn't posted my comments on this video. I don't know why.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    It is interesting to read how that tradition thinks because I do not know much about hinduism . To us muslims nothing is comparable in creation with Allah . So mankind can not describe Allah as male or female or Allah being inside creation . (universe and an other creation)

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад +1

    you can find all and every ideas of God in Hinduism.
    we have monotheism,monism,pantheism and Hellenism. Hinduism even transcendent the God.
    How god be god and why Not you?
    how can you believe onebeing exited from eternity?
    we are not different then God. our soul and god.s spirit is identical and same. our final goal is to break the cycle of rebirths and merge with divine being. through knowledge,righteous living and meditation. Worshiping god is like giving him human attributes. which demands.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    and some people love their father more then they do love their mother . Some people killed their own mother as well . peace be with you/salam aleikom

  • @stanleybradley9105
    @stanleybradley9105 11 месяцев назад

    Spirituality is a nice way of saying I believe in Allah(swt)/GOD,but I'm not going to obey HIM...

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    As for our realtionship to Allah and other creation , from islamic perspective the universe including earth came into existence by the will of Allah (come together both of you(heavens -earth) willingly or unwillingly . The same with us placing us as vicegerents , eventho Allah says creation of the heavens is much greater creation but most do not understand . There is no individualism in the heavens . We are given the right to choose. Peace be with you.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    Ok clear thank you. To islam which is an universal way of life it is indeed distinction between creation and the one/unique creator. Wherever we turn there is the 'face 'of Allah but He is not inside creation. Our ressurection is described as when dead land comes back to life . Universe will be recreated as He began it described in quran .

  • @JaefarSABNW
    @JaefarSABNW 7 лет назад

    It does imply either indifference or being psychopathic.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    ok . Clear . I guess the thing that we disagree on is perhaps God although it is said by a muslim if he is correct that there is a scripture in hinduism were it is written that of God you do not make pratima or something (no image of god , no picture etc) Is this right ? As for islam well if culture does not contradict teachings of islam then it is permitted if it does then islam is filter of tradition or culture .

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад

    In sakta tradition of India. eternal supreme,unborn,all knowing and one only God is female.
    everybody loves Mother more then their father.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    Many people hold on to the universe as god . Today we know it is limitted . People believed in the past that the sun was eternal . People today know it is limitted . The universe , does not matter how great it is still is limitted it has a beginning and dependent on rules . It will collapse as well . Many people believe that the universe came into being well like magic from nothing no intention will . We as living things and animals are lucky that it came out like this . A belief .

  • @robertcummins7739
    @robertcummins7739 2 года назад

    I do not think their is anything wrong with Religions only to those who for some reason only see the Devil in it.

    • @aistebarsketyte
      @aistebarsketyte 2 года назад +1

      When people blame devil, they run from responsibility of their actions. They fear that all their reality is their doing. It is very hard to admit the guilt and afterwards the guilt that follows

  • @ninjaman2254
    @ninjaman2254 6 лет назад +3

    Sikhism is growing really fast 🙏

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад

    How can you make a pictures/idols of formless being? we consider universe it self is the greatest idol of God. Hindus makes idol of the lessor gods, as the form of focus and object. you cant worship the supreme reality, you can just meditate on this being.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    Quran 36.81] Is He not, Who created the heavens and the Earth, capable of creating others like them? universe or many no problem . They all have one thing in common they are all limitted Even the question does Allah exist is not relevant because Allah never came into existence as for human beings and the heavens they did came into existence. the question is was it intented or was is a result of magic .

  • @jamilatanbinselamathardajo2626
    @jamilatanbinselamathardajo2626 3 года назад

    Crimed were committed by Muslim religious leaders too... especially in religious Islamic schools ....

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад +2

    i am not talking about one universe.
    billion and billions of universe cannot even consist God. there is presence of god in everything you see.

    • @maryka1234
      @maryka1234 2 года назад

      What does that mean exactly to you ? Do you see a rock and see God ? If so I cannot relate, but I know he created everything including the rock but that doesn’t make him be a rock

  • @hanadgeedow509
    @hanadgeedow509 5 лет назад

    Why call your father a brother?

  • @namratanayyar
    @namratanayyar 3 года назад +3

    All wrong from the first word..!

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      What do you mean? Because she states: "You're watching 'let the Quran speak'"? And she is speaking? Is that what you mean?

    • @namratanayyar
      @namratanayyar 3 года назад

      @@filsdejeannoir1776 Hey. Thank you for asking. It made me actually see the video again as I had seen this long time ago. No, I did not mean she started speaking so it was wrong. In fact, today when I watched the video again, I realized that this discussion is making sense. My apologies for confusing you.

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      @@namratanayyar Yes. It's a very interesting discussion. 🙏💜

    • @fuzailkhan2063
      @fuzailkhan2063 2 года назад

      Didi ache se dekh liye na? This is common among young hindus nowadays after entry of sadhguru and beerbiceps and some influencers

    • @namratanayyar
      @namratanayyar 2 года назад

      @@fuzailkhan2063 Han dekha. The right lens needs to be there.

  • @shamsurimahmud9
    @shamsurimahmud9 4 года назад +1

    Spiritual.... Hurmm, don't forget demons are spirits too...

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад +1

      This is referring to 'spirituality' not to 'spirits'.

  • @yaohushuayaohu4843
    @yaohushuayaohu4843 4 года назад +1

    !&m #Leo D&v!nc!
    !&m King YAHSHU& HaMashiach
    the real Creator, by the teaching service of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit) and in the original Name of the true Messiah - YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY....

    • @filsdejeannoir1776
      @filsdejeannoir1776 3 года назад

      That's wonderful. So what's your opinion on the topic?

  • @kumar94ful
    @kumar94ful 11 лет назад +1

    I have done some research on Islam. i know it is strictly monotheistic and keeps Almighty God as personal being and apart from the creation. AS myself being the Non sectarian Hindu, i don't believe in personal God. God as ultimate reality and presence everywhere including in universe. All creation is manifestation of that supreme Brahman. we also don't believe in eternal hell or heaven. our ultimate goal is the break the cycle of rebirth and reincarnations and attain liberation.

  • @krishnaramdial3587
    @krishnaramdial3587 3 года назад

    One can be spiritual just abandon religion that uses god as a tool especially Islam and Christianity.

  • @lordronn472
    @lordronn472 2 года назад

    I believe you can absolutely believe in God(higher power) but don’t follow any organized religion

    • @maryka1234
      @maryka1234 2 года назад +1

      But it wouldn’t be the same , especially in the eye of God , I think that’s what he is trying to explain

    • @lordronn472
      @lordronn472 2 года назад

      @@maryka1234 hmm I don’t know of it would!

    • @sen8596
      @sen8596 Год назад


  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 лет назад

    This is from your perspective I see OK. Well in islam we say there is no god ................. except Allah . How Allah looks? That is not described Who HE is He does by describing Himself as the Absolute /Eternal and that nothing is comparable unto Him .No one can lead someone to islam except Allah , only by His will . People themselve take false gods and day of judgement (long period not 24 day) the false gods will be with the followers and make their limitations clear .

    • @kyonas6047
      @kyonas6047 4 года назад

      The proplem is That if we were god (soul only) that means the only god you can't imagine is your deep self is the place you look from if there is any god will be that