I just found out that that you can listen to all BBC channels, 62 in total, on the PC in Foobar2000 outside of the UK at 96 kbit/s. Jesus. If everyone connected, their Akamai server would probably melt. Shoutcast was simpler, but maybe harder to scale to more clients because you can't distribute the load over multiple sv as easily. There is about 42 seconds delay on the 96k HLS, and 15 seconds delay on the 24k shoutcast, and 2 seconds delay on satellite. It still plays the pips with the massive delay.
i have a roberts wm201 internet radio. i cannot get it to connect to the wifi...any tips on how to resolve?
I just found out that that you can listen to all BBC channels, 62 in total, on the PC in Foobar2000 outside of the UK at 96 kbit/s. Jesus. If everyone connected, their Akamai server would probably melt. Shoutcast was simpler, but maybe harder to scale to more clients because you can't distribute the load over multiple sv as easily. There is about 42 seconds delay on the 96k HLS, and 15 seconds delay on the 24k shoutcast, and 2 seconds delay on satellite. It still plays the pips with the massive delay.
Can we update the software to receive BBC radio 4? Thank you
Is there a way to do updates at home from your PC? To non internet radios.