Why Some Christians Keep the Sabbath - 119 Ministries

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 615

  • @jimmytphillips8828
    @jimmytphillips8828 3 года назад +45

    I Love Yeshua/ Jesus, so I follow God's Sabbath, Commandments and Feast Days!!! It's a Beautiful Life to lead..... God's Blessings and Shalom Y'all 🙏🙏🙏

    • @vstipe
      @vstipe 3 года назад +8

      Shabbat Shalom

    • @jimmytphillips8828
      @jimmytphillips8828 3 года назад +7

      @@vstipe Shabbat Shalom Sister 🙏🙏🙏

    • @tylerporter2171
      @tylerporter2171 3 года назад +7

      🙏🏻Shabbat shalom 🙏🏻

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад +4

      All I can say is Exodus 16:29 Commandment #24 of 613 commandments. 29 "See, for that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day". I'll leave this verse right here. Have a happy day everyday.

    • @jimmytphillips8828
      @jimmytphillips8828 3 года назад +3

      @@terrygreenman1540 Shabbat Shalom Terry!!! You and your Family have a Blessed Day 🙏🙏🙏

  • @AlmondHouseFellowship
    @AlmondHouseFellowship 3 года назад +9

    Brilliant. The Sabbath is a joy, not a burden.

  • @erncrediblestories6259
    @erncrediblestories6259 5 месяцев назад +6

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, I am a Sabbath keeper as the Lord commands us to do😇🙏.

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 3 месяца назад

      erncrediblestories6259 I see! You are going kill people in USA worship on Sunday! Is this true!

  • @La_muneca500
    @La_muneca500 Год назад +3

    the sabbath is a blessing for sure!

  • @NobleStranger69
    @NobleStranger69 3 года назад +22

    I agree because it's the WAY.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Noble Viking, Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @NobleStranger69
      @NobleStranger69 2 года назад +5

      @@93556108 that's kind of a loaded question, the Sabbath is apart of creation itself, just as the sun, the moon, the stars, the Motions set in place for the seasons it all is from the beginning. This we see through moses to remember, thru messiah to importance of the created life purpose even for sabbath.
      The religious will always challenge the lawfulness of it... What to do or not to do on the sabbath.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@NobleStranger69 Sabbath is first mentioned in the Genesis creation narrative, where the seventh day is set aside as a day of rest (in Hebrew, shabbat) and made holy by God (Genesis 2:2-3). But there is no evidence of anyone keeping the Sabbath until Moses. Certainly God didn’t declared the rest to be universal, timeless and eternal. Even Jesus said His Father now works 24/7 non-stop so He to follow His Father s’ works. (John5:17). The Sabbath practices was given by God to the nation of Israel in the Mosaic/Old covenant and it is not binding to Christians in the New Covenant as our spiritual rest is in a person of Christ and thus not commanded to keep the Sabbath, a ceremonial law fulfilled by Christ. Thank you.

    • @NobleStranger69
      @NobleStranger69 2 года назад +1

      @@93556108 lol...ok carry on.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@NobleStranger69 ok carry on ......what is your message? are you a sabbath-keeper? is it obligatory for christians?

  • @ritamccammon8818
    @ritamccammon8818 3 года назад +19

    A wonderful simple teaching! Thank you!

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Rita McCammon, Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад +1

      ​@@93556108 The Ten Commandment Laws were written in the Ten Commandment Law! The Sabbath is the fourth Commandment and was first written and spoken by GOD!
      The Ten Commandments were personally spoken by God, and written by the finger of God (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy 4:12-13) and stored on the inside of the Ark of the Covenant. This is the moral law of God and it is not difficult to see just how important this law is. The purpose of this law written in stone is to point out sin. (Romans 7:7)

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 I have quoted Lev23:2,3 that stated the weekly Sabbath God called as His feasts thus a feast cannot be a moral law but a ceremonial law. Can you disprove it biblically?
      The ten commandments with its Sabbath law is a part of the old covenant or Mosaic covenant which God gave to the children of Israel. Christians are not under the old or Mosaic covenant which has now become obsolete (Hebrews8:13).
      I asked you again, if the Sabbath is a moral law as you claimed, why it is omitted from the NT. Please answer me and don't try to dodge my question. .

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 may I ask whether you've studied hermeneutic before because you're making the same mistakes all the time in your biblical interpretation and application as you don't even recognized the audience relevance at all.
      Quote "Exo 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.
      (Deu 5:1) And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.
      (Deu 5:2) The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
      To WHOM was God addressing in the above verses. Obviously God is not talking to you as you're not the children Of Israel. The LORD made a covenant with "US", the Jews and NOT the gentiles. So what you've commented doesn't apply to you. This is just the basic principle of bible interpretation and shockingly you're not even aware of it.
      If you don't want to learn, please don't waste my time as you don't even appreciates it but passing stupid statement.

  • @RichardSorel-r1c
    @RichardSorel-r1c 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for taking the time in sharing this video.

    @HOGH-HOP 2 месяца назад +2

    I was looking for a clear teaching on why we should keep the Sabbath and found this one. It's one of the clearest teaching on why Gentile Christians should think about keeping the Sabbath. I love the fact that it's less than 10 minutes long! In our ministry we're just beginning to learn how to Shabbat and I plan to show this video to them tonight before we light the candles. Thank you for a clear simple teaching of Shabbat.

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 18 дней назад

      I've studied this subject a TON. Even gave lessons on it and recently a sermon. Check out my Sabbath play-list

  • @wilhelminajames8750
    @wilhelminajames8750 3 года назад +12

    God told us too

  • @sean_fisher
    @sean_fisher 3 года назад +9

    Jesus Christ is Lord even of the Sabbath. Great video.

  • @TurboTerritory4-0
    @TurboTerritory4-0 3 года назад +26

    Amen 🙏 the sabbath is a true blessing, an appointment to meet with the LORD on His Holy day 😁❤️

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Viny Vongphakdy, it is your erroneous comment as it couldn't be supported by scripture. Gentiles were never commanded to keep the sabbath but only the children of Israel.

    • @TurboTerritory4-0
      @TurboTerritory4-0 2 года назад +1

      @@93556108 The LORD says to his people, Do what is just and right, for soon I will save you. I will bless those who always observe the Sabbath and do not misuse it. I will bless those who do nothing evil.”
      A foreigner who has joined the LORD’S people should not say, “The LORD will not let me worship with his people.”
      A man who has been castrated should never think that because he cannot have children, he can never be part of God’s people. The LORD says to such a man, “If(IF) you honour(HONOUR) me by on observing the Sabbath(SABBATH) and IF you do what pleases me and faithfully keep my covenant, THEN your name be remembered in my Temple and among my people longer than if you had sons and daughters. You will never be forgotten.”
      And the LORD says to those foreigners who become part of his people, who love him and serve him, who observe the SABBATH and faithfully keep his covenant: “I will bring you to Zion, my sacred hill, give you joy in my house of prayer, and accept the sacrifices you offer on my alter. My Temple will be called a house of prayer the people of ALL NATIONS.”
      The Sovereign LORD, who has brought his people Israel home from exile, has promised that he will bring still other people to join them. ISAIAH 56:1-8
      By the seventh day God finished what he had been doing and stopped working. He blessed the seventh day and set it apart(Holy) as a special(sacred) day, because by that day he had completed his creation and stopped working. GENESIS 2:2-3

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@TurboTerritory4-0 certainly, I agree to the validity of your quoted verses but the problem lies in its applicability.
      I hope you're aware, the old covenant or the Mosaic covenant which God made ONLY with the children of Israel in Deu5 and Exo20. BUT Christians are living under the new covenant and it has its own 800 hundred over commandments. Therefore, the old covenant of the nation of Israel is NOT applicable to new covenant believers for obvious reasons.
      In Gen2:1-3 God finished His creation and He rested on the seventh day, set it aside and blessed it. BUT God didn't make any commandment that mankind universally must observed His rest day. Further there is no biblical evidence that anyone have kept the Sabbath from Genesis to Exodus 16 where ONLY the children of Israel, NOT the children of the Japanese or the Chinese, were to keep the Sabbath.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@TurboTerritory4-0 may I ask you, are Christians living under the old covenant?

    • @TurboTerritory4-0
      @TurboTerritory4-0 2 года назад

      @@93556108 the old covenant??

  • @jacquelinecaballero757
    @jacquelinecaballero757 3 года назад +23

    I rest Sabbath, because I love Elohim, I obeyed him.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Flaca My there is no command for Christians under the new covenant to keep the Sabbath and please quote to me the verse if you disagree. Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @jacquelinecaballero757
      @jacquelinecaballero757 2 года назад +1

      @@93556108 Matthew: the Roman changed the #4 commandment
      17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law, until all has been fulfilled. (A) 19 So anyone who breaks one of these very little commandments , and thus teach men, very little will be called in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that if your righteousness is not greater than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
      John 5: 46-47
      46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe me, because he wrote about me. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?
      Don’t forget that the Pop will mandate Sunday rest, the antichrist rest day.
      17 No penséis que he venido para abrogar la ley o los profetas; no he venido para abrogar, sino para cumplir. 18 Porque de cierto os digo que hasta que pasen el cielo y la tierra, ni una jota ni una tilde pasará de la ley, hasta que todo se haya cumplido.(A) 19 De manera que cualquiera que quebrante uno de estos mandamientos muy pequeños, y así enseñe a los hombres, muy pequeño será llamado en el reino de los cielos; mas cualquiera que los haga y los enseñe, este será llamado grande en el reino de los cielos. 20 Porque os digo que si vuestra justicia no fuere mayor que la de los escribas y fariseos, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos.
      Juan 5:46-47
      46 Porque si creyeseis a Moisés, me creeríais a mí, porque de mí escribió él. 47 Pero si no creéis a sus escritos, ¿cómo creeréis a mis palabras?

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@jacquelinecaballero757 you claimed the Roman changed the 4th commandment which is a false notion. Please furnish some biblical evidences to support this claim of yours.
      Mat5:17 certainly Jesus fulfilled, not destroy or to abolish it. Jesus fulfilled all the Law of Moses inclusive of the Sabbath perfectly plus also what the Prophesied about his first coming. Thus Christians are under the Law of Christ and not under the Law of Moses.
      You quote John5:46-47 remember Jesus was born during the law of Moses was still operating (Gal4:4) thus when Jesus was talking to the Jews certainly he referred to the law of Moses. This was before the cross but in the NT unbelievers must believe in Christ finished work on the cross.
      Christians are not commanded to keep the Sabbath or the law of Moses (Acts15). Quote to me that verse if you disagree. Thank you.

    • @jacquelinecaballero757
      @jacquelinecaballero757 2 года назад +1

      @@93556108 I obey Yahweh, I will for ever, He is my Salvation, my love for him, it’s more important, again I obeyed him,

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@jacquelinecaballero757 Agreed we Christians must love and obey God but we must not obey Him blindly. But God also has given believers His Holy Spirit to guide us to all truth. Further God has revealed to Christians that we are under the new covenant instituted by the blood of His Son, Jesus and we must adhere to the Law of Christ with his new commandments and we are dead to the law.
      Therefore, if we go back to the law of the old covenant we are showing no respect to Christ implying ultimately his cross is insufficient. Christians in the new covenant are under the Law of Christ and not under the Law of Moses with its sabbath law. Thank you and God bless.

  • @tylerporter2171
    @tylerporter2171 3 года назад +10

    🙏🏻Shabbat shalom y’all 🙏🏻

  • @annedavid9267
    @annedavid9267 3 года назад +5

    Thank you. Been keeping the Sabbath holy for a few years now. This brings clarity on how to answer some Christians who point fingers. Shalom.

  • @nathannewell5512
    @nathannewell5512 3 года назад +11

    Well taught, for those who haven't been blessed with the truth of the Sabbath yet, this, Lord willing help them to understand. Todah rabah for your ministry.

  • @waterisgold
    @waterisgold 3 года назад +8

    I'm a new subscriber to this Channel and I just want to say that I really appreciate it thank you

  • @georgebalderrama32
    @georgebalderrama32 3 года назад +14

    Good teaching ❤. will show this to my kids so they can get more understanding

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      George Balderrama,this good teaching as you claimed but it cannot be supported by the bible. Please quote for me a verse in the NT that commanded Christians to keep the Sabbath. Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @tedmccull1
      @tedmccull1 2 года назад +2

      @@93556108 watch the video again and look up the scriptures that he references regarding what Jesus said about it, what Jesus did about it and then all the scriptures he listed in Acts and other books specifically about Paul and others observing and participating in observing the Sabbath. We don't have to ask "what would Jesus do?" because we know what Jesus did.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@tedmccull1 These are my comments after listening to the video you recommended. He started of saying the Sabbath rest is from Friday evening to Saturday evening and involve not working.
      He then quoted gen2 v2-3 God rested after his creation work but there is no record of God giving any command to mankind to bless and kept it set apart. Further there is no record of Sabbath keeping until exo20:8, 11 where God made a covenant with ONLY the nation of Israel to set them apart for his blessings if they obey and cursing for disobedient. Even Jesus said His Father now working 247 that is non-stop and Jesus did likewise (john 5:17).
      Christians commemorate and honor Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday and worship on the Lord’s day and they don’t observe the Sabbath day of the old covenant as they are now in the new and not the old covenant. They follow the Law of Christ and its new commandments and not the Law of Moses with its 10 commandments together with its Sabbath law.
      Sabbath is a sign and not a reality thus it is pointing to Christ, the Substance, the Lord of the Sabbath had come. So the Sabbath, merely a sign, a shadow have lost it total religious significance and was being declared obsolete (Colossians 2:16, 17).
      The Sabbath commandment was specifically designated by God only to the nation of Israel and never applicable to the Gentile nations.(Ephesians 2:11, 12).
      This video presenter quoted Due5:15 this verse obviously was addressing the Israelites as a remembrance of their slavery in Egypt. Undeniably Christians in the NT were not slaves in Egypt thus this verse was apparently NOT addressed to Christians so it is un-applicable to them.
      He further claimed Jesus and his apostles kept the Sabbath. Read Gal4:4 Jesus was born under the law and when He started His ministry there is no surprise He observed the Law and if not He will be a law breaker. There are many evidences in the bible the Apostles and believers met for worship on the first day of the week.
      No Christians got rid or changed the day of the Sabbath of the old covenant as in the new covenant the keeping of the Sabbath is non-obligatory for Christians.
      He quoted Mat5:17-20 Christ came to fulfilled, not abolished, the Law of Moses with its Sabbath law encompassed in the 10 commandments perfectly thus Christians are not under the Law of Moses (Acts15)
      He further claimed the Apostle Paul after the resurrection still kept the Sabbath every week? Let the bible prove it as I quote: (1Co 9:20) And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; (1Co 9:21) To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.”
      in verse 20 Paul always went to the synagogue first to preach to the Jews who kept their Sabbath. In verse 21 Paul affirmed he was under the Law of Christ thus he must not be under the Law of Moses. Thus to suggest that Paul observed the Sabbath is absurd and ludicrous.
      He said there is no evidence that the Sabbath has changed. Is that true? Obviously not. In Acts15 there were Christian Judaizers who came to Paul and claimed Christians must still observed the law of Moses and its circumcision. After much debate between Paul and the Church council in Jerusalem, this was the verdict on whether the Gentiles converts have to be circumcised and kept the law of Moses? (Act 15:19) Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: (Act 15:20) But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. Act 15:24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: “
      NOTE in verse 19,20 not to burden the Gentiles further, they were told ONLY to abstain from idols, from fornication, from things strangled and from blood. The keeping of the Sabbath command was not there though Sabbath keeping is a great importance to the Jews. Further in verse 24 the Jerusalem church council they haven’t given out any such order that the Gentiles needed to circumcise and to keep the law which includes the Sabbath law.
      Thus NT church doesn’t have to keep the Sabbath law anymore (Gal3:24). Further he quoted Colossians 2: 16, 18 but purposely left out verse 17 and he claimed the Sabbath was not abolished. Let us read the texts to ascertain the truth; (Col 2:16) Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:(Col 2:17) Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
      NOTE in these verses if you read it in its context it was referring to Christians Paul warned them not to let the Christians Judaizers forcing them to keep the Jewish feats like the mat or food, or in drink, or the weekly Sabbath in verse 16. But in verse 17 it stated the weekly Sabbath is a shadow. What is the symbol of a shadow biblically meant? Obviously the shadow, the Sabbath was pointing to Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath. Since Christ had come the Sabbath, the shadow has lost its total religious significance thus become obsolete.
      So these verses have proven this video presenter is biased in his opinion as his ministry supports the keeping of the Sabbath and thus an unreliable teacher.
      Again he quoted this verse and you see how he twisted the meaning of this verse; (1Co 11:1) Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” He falsely claimed that Paul affirmed that he followed Christ in keeping the Sabbath. Is that what this verse meant? I told you earlier that he is biased and promoting his ministry teachings on keeping the Sabbath and undeniably this verse doesn’t mention of Christ keeping the Sabbath and Paul followed His example which is a false interpretation of 1Cor11:1 in order to fit into his own doctrine of Sabbath keeping.
      He stressed it is a blessing for Christians to keep the Sabbath as it gives joy. Is that true? Surely false notion as in the new covenant nowhere in the Bible Christians are commanded to keep the Sabbath and it is just a promotion of his ministry false objectives.
      Finally, his teachings is focused on his ministry's doctrines and not biblically focused. Please quote to me a verse in the NT that Christians are commanded to keep the Sabbath. Thank you. .

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@tedmccull1 Any comments for my last message?
      Please read what Apostle Paul had to say about “written and engraven in stones” without doubt the 10 commandments with its Sabbath law in 2 Corinthians 3:3-11;
      I’m unsure how anyone could read today’s text and have any desire whatsoever to place himself under the Decalogue, for Paul identifies it as “the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones” (v 7). While the Decalogue was glorious, Paul says the “ministry of the Spirit,” (which is written, “not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart” v 3), will be “more glorious” (v 8). In verse 9, Paul identifies the Decalogue as “the ministry of condemnation.” Contrasting it with “the ministry of righteousness” (i.e., the gospel), Paul says though the former may be glorious, the latter “exceeds much more in glory.” Furthermore, Paul says that the glory of the latter so far exceeds the former so as to cause the former to have no glory at all by comparison.
      Finally, Paul describes the Decalogue as “passing away,” contrasting it with what remains, he says the latter is “much more glorious (v 11, cf Heb 8:7-13).
      Now, why would anyone today pledge any form of allegiance to a law that God Himself described as “the ministry of death,” “the ministry of condemnation,” and “that which is passing away?”
      Colossians 2:16, 17 describe the weekly Sabbath as a shadow pointing to Christ , the Substance, the Lord of the Sabbath had come thus the Sabbath which is only a shadow has lost its total religious significance thus has become obsolete. That is why Christians are not commanded to keep the Sabbath Thank you.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад +1

      @@93556108 Please quote me a verse where any Covenant was made with "Christians".
      Also, the Sabbath is a COMMANDMENT. Please quote me a verse that states "Snowflake Christians" are not required to abide by YeHoVaH's laws He said were FOREVER for His people.
      Thank you...

  • @richardmason7840
    @richardmason7840 3 года назад +11

    Shalom David, thanks for a Good News message.
    Be Blessed
    Enjoy Elohim !

  • @getx1265
    @getx1265 3 года назад +9

    Very clear and easy to understand teaching. Thank you.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      GE TX Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @getx1265
      @getx1265 2 года назад

      @@93556108 Good question. I'd just like to do whatever it is that I believe pleases God most. I'm learning.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@93556108 What ceremony are you performing while you rest?

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад +1

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 what ceremony are you referring to? wedding ceremony, burial ceremony, temple ceremony etc. is it physical or spiritual rest?

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@93556108 The preposterous notion that you are performing a ceremony (thus being part of a "ceremonial law") while observing the Sabbath. I am asking you what ceremony are you performing while you rest physically and spiritually? The Sabbath is not a "ceremony" it is a Commandment. The 4th one to be more precise and one of the 10 that were "written in stone". You are going around telling people one of the Commandments has been removed and thus can be broken.
      Read and understand what is stated in Matthew 5:19 - So then, whoever breaks one of the least of THESE COMMANDMENTS and TEACHES OTHERS TO DO LIKEWISE will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
      Continue at your own peril...

  • @GabrielLukeCraig
    @GabrielLukeCraig 3 года назад +12

    I love the our God and his son our savior! I also love the sabbath because it makes things much more personal in my opinion and my experience! It's helped increase my faith, hope, love and knowledge/understanding of our messiah, the Messiah Jesus Christ / Yashua Hamashiach 💖✝️ Shabbat Shalom

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Luke, Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @GabrielLukeCraig
      @GabrielLukeCraig 2 года назад

      @@93556108 Well to keep the sabbath is to remember and love God and his creation and love for us. To love the Lord with all your heart mind and strength is the most important law and that is moral and ceremonial just like taking communion.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@GabrielLukeCraig reply the question is, does the bible command Christians that they must keep the Sabbath? Certainly you can observe the Sabbath freely but it is not obligatory.
      Some are teaching that you MUST keep the Sabbath and I think it is not biblical. The Sabbath law can’t be both moral and ceremonial together as God has made them different. There is a vast difference between the moral and ceremonial thus they can’t be the same. Is the Sabbath a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@93556108 Does the Bible Command "Christians" not to keep the Sabbath? NO, it does not. HOWEVER, Constantine and his merry band of pagan dagon hat wearing false prophets do. So do you follow men or follow GOD? Peter can give you the answer if you are unsure...

  • @zuleighasteglich
    @zuleighasteglich 3 года назад +5

    Shabbat shalom! Thank You Lord for the Sabbath.🙏🏽
    Shalom and blessings from Suriname, South America 🇸🇷

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +2

      GOD zegen Suriname!🙏 én bovenal Zijn volk🕎

    • @zuleighasteglich
      @zuleighasteglich 3 года назад +2

      @@amsterdamG2G Dankjewel. Ook God's zegen. 🙏🏽🕎

    • @cata258
      @cata258 2 года назад +2

      Feliz Sábado parce

  • @harantish
    @harantish 3 года назад +5

    Fresh change in the presentation. Very much appreciated. Thank you.

  • @jameshenry1285
    @jameshenry1285 3 года назад +5

    We delight in your Shabbat!

  • @ann-o-lene
    @ann-o-lene 3 года назад +6

    Oh how I enjoy my Sabbath rest! Your teachings are part and parcel of how I spend it.🤗

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Ann-OLene, Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @ann-o-lene
      @ann-o-lene 2 года назад

      @@93556108 Our Father, who created us, knows that our human bodies needs rest. He wants the best for us, because He is a Good, Good Father. The commandments from our Father, are so that we can lead a good, healthy life....all of them.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@ann-o-lene in the old covenant or mosaic covenant their Sabbath rest is more to a physical rest but in the new covenant Christians are invited by Jesus to have a rest for our soul which is a spiritual rest. Read this verse; (Mat 11:28) Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(Mat 11:29) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
      Note Jesus didn’t say physical rest for your body as in the old covenant but Christ invited us for the rest of our soul in the new covenant. Please read Hebrews 4 that explained clearly Christians enter that rest when they believed in Christ. God bless.

    • @ann-o-lene
      @ann-o-lene 2 года назад

      @@93556108 The rest that Yeshua speaks of, is the fact that He is the complete sin offering, we do not have to work for our salvation. He fulfilled the temple rituals for sin offering. I just get that our Father's commandments is for our best interest and that Yeshua made it easy for us to be able to come before the Father, washed as white as snow. I will honor all of our Father's commandments, as His words stands for eternity.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@ann-o-lene In the OT God, the Father gave his Mosaic or old covenant at Mt Sinai specifically for the nation of Israel with all the 613 commandments of which the 10 commandments plus the Sabbath law. In Jer31:31-34 now He made a new covenant with Christians as Christ, His Son instituted it with his blood. We are now in the new covenant so the mosaic/old covenant is not applicable to us as it is obsolete. So we as Christians observed the Law of Christ with its new commandments focused on love. Therefore, we don't go back to the old covenant and follow the 10 commandments with its sabbath law as it would to dishonoring Christ. We now must honor our Lord Jesus' commandments as the Father now speak to us by his Son. Read these verses: (Heb 1:1) God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
      (Heb 1:2) Hath in these last days(now) spoken unto us(Christians) by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
      NOTE in verse 1 before God spoke to us through His Prophets but in verse 2 God now spoke to us by or through His Son, Jesus and God appointed Christ to take over the reign. Thus God certainly commanded us to listen to His Son from now on as all commandments will come from Christ and not the Father, in the sense. as Jesus and the Father are One. .

  • @rolandgerard6064
    @rolandgerard6064 3 года назад +6

    Amen. great video format by the way.

  • @liorajimenez3085
    @liorajimenez3085 3 года назад +4

    Well done and well said! It's the greatest gift after my Salvation. I would not give up Shabbat and the Feasts for ANYthing.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Liora Jimenez, Is sabbath law a moral or ceremonial law? Thank you.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@93556108 It's a COMMANDMENT... Not an ask-men, Not an option-ment, Not a request-ment...

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@93556108 What "Ceremony" are you performing/conducting when you rest? What Scripture tells you that the Sabbath is a ceremony? What Scripture tells you what is a moral law or ceremonial law, or is this a man made doctrine and construct? Thank you...

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 I have quoted to you Lev23:2,3 God called the weekly Sabbath as his feast. A feast involves worshipping thus it cannot be a moral law but a ceremonial law done away by Christ thus now become obsolete .
      Why are you keeping quiet now as I have given you more than 5 scriptures that Gentiles were included in the covenant of God? . Please disprove it with Scripture if you disagree.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 I suggest you read your bible properly if you’re a devout Sabbath-keeping as your theology seems terribly lacking and it is not man-made doctrine as you claimed.
      What were those Jews in Paul’s day doing in the synagogue on every sabbath, when you claimed they must rest; read this verse what they did every sabbath; Act 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day. Are they not doing “sacred assembly” as in Lev23:2? I thought you stated they must have their rest completely?
      FYI according to the Mosaic covenant the national corporate worship had to occur in the place that God designated as a central worship site. Originally, this was at the Tabernacle, and after Solomon’s time, at the Temple in Jerusalem. We can see an explicit instruction about the place to worship in Deuteronomy: “You are to seek the place the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go…” (12:4). See also verses 11, 14, 17-18, and 26. This command to worship only at a designated location is also seen in Deuteronomy 16, which lists the annual festivals. See verses 5, 7, 11, and 16, among others……..
      Though they refer to Jerusalem, do not mention anything about failure to attend worship services or “sacred assemblies,” (Lev23:2) BUT ONLY WORK ON THE SABBATH AS A DESCRATION OF THIS DAY (Lev23:3). Even the Priests were allowed to attend to their sacred assemblies and prescribed services DAILY in the temple and Jesus stated; (Mat 12:5) Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? See Jesus called the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath and yet He stated they were blameless…..
      In Lev23:2 the phrase “day of sacred assembly” can be understood as a “sacred day of celebration” or a “sacred occasion,” as well as a “sacred assembly” or holy convocation. The weekly Sabbath, as well as the annual festivals, were occasions to worship and praise God for the abundance of his physical blessings and for saving Israel from bondage in Egypt. But this worship and praise could be given to God in the Israelites’ participation in rest itself (thus experiencing the blessings of Yahweh through rest), as well as in contemplation and conversation at home.
      In conclusion you are ignorant of scripture for the obvious reason by stating “What “Ceremony” are you performing /conducting when you rest”? rather than blaming on yourselves and improve but you blamed it is a man-made doctrine.
      Why the sabbath was omitted from the NT if you claimed it is a moral law which supposed to be timeless, eternal and universal in nature? Don't try to dodge my question repetitively.

  • @cindyreinhart9552
    @cindyreinhart9552 3 года назад +7

    It is the only commandment that says remember.

    • @jondahl3173
      @jondahl3173 2 года назад

      True, but Malachi 4:4 also tells us to" remember the Law of Moses, even the statutes and ordinances" in a last day pre second coming of Yeshua context. There's more to unpack out of Malachi, but it is a good little start.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Месяц назад

      @@jondahl3173 Original Word
      Transliterated Word
      Phonetic Spelling
      Meaning: a keeping sabbath
      In context of Hebrews 4:4 KJVS
      For he spake in a certain place of the SEVENTH DAY on this wise, And God did rest the SEVENTH DAY from all his works."
      Context is key in understanding Bible interpretation..... It's refering to the weekly seventh day Sabbath...

  • @chrisashford1571
    @chrisashford1571 3 года назад +4

    Such a great teaching.

  • @2aA2aA2a
    @2aA2aA2a 3 года назад +4

    Great teaching David

  • @linak7155
    @linak7155 3 года назад +16

    I approve of this message!!🌻But then again it is YeHoVaH who approves because He made the Sabbath for men, all men! 🌇 🌅

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      Not true. for men, all men..that is to a people and that ended at the Cross when Jesus (who is God)...said IT IS FINISHED!

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +8

      @@terrygreenman1540 WARNING!!!!👇
      Anyone who runs ahead without remaining in the teaching of Christ does not have God. Whoever remains in His teaching has both the Father and the Son.
      ( 2 John 1:9)
      The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. ( Isiah 40:8)
      Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. ( psalms 119:142)
      Here is a call for the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. ( revelation 14:12)

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      @@amsterdamG2G And none of the verses you quote, you have no idea what they say... I argue that Seventh-day Adventism has placed Sabbath observance at it's soterioligical center, rather than redemption through the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary's cross.
      Because of this misplaced emphasis, Seventh-day Adventism (as a religious and theological system) has created an enormous paradigm shift away from the gospel of Jesus and New Testament Christianity, into their own novel and unique belief system, which can not be considered truly Christian. It traces its ethos back to Ellen G. White and not biblical Christianity. I cast pearls before swine ...

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      @@amsterdamG2G Adventist will tell you or me that the word Law here means the Ten commandments. However they change the meaning of the word to fit there beliefs as you go through the Bible, For instance Rom 10:4.
      Rom. 10: 4 For Christ is the end of the LAW for righteousness to everyone who believes.
      Here they say it means the ceremonial LAW.
      Well what does the word LAW mean. In the
      Septuagint (Which is the oldest Greek version of the old Testament) the word LAW or Greek word Nomos is used for the Hebrew word Torah which is also translated into English as Law. So the
      Greek word law (Nomos) is the same as the Hebrew word Law (Torah). The Torah is the first five books of the bible and
      it includes 613 Commandments, these are referred
      to as the Book of the Law.
      1. Genesis has 3 commandments.
      2. Exodus has 111 commandments.
      3. Leviticus has 247 commandments.
      4. Numbers has 52 commandments.
      5. Deuteronomy has 200 Commandments.
      This is a total of 613 commandments. The Torah
      also includes the Ten Commandments or Decalogue (Example A) which is a subset of the Book of the law (Whole Law). You miss the Point. Christ died and so did this law/legal system. All 613 of them. The commandments of Revelation 14:12 are not these commandments of God. But the Commandments of God Jesus given on the Mount of Blessing. I made an epiphanic discovery, brought on by contemplating two scriptures in the light of Jesus hanging on the cross:
      FIRST TEXT: Ephesians 2:14-16 NIV:
      For he himself is our peace, who has made the two [uncircumcised=Gentiles and circumcision=Jews] one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by ABOLISHING IN HIS FLESH THE LAW WITH ITS COMMANDMENTS AND REGULATIONS. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
      SECOND TEXT: 2 Colossians 2:13-15 NIV:
      When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. HE forgave us all our sins, having CANCELED THE WRITTEN CODE, WITH ITS REGULATIONS, THAT WAS AGAINST US AND THAT STOOD OPPOSED TO US; HE TOOK IT AWAY, NAILING IT TO THE CROSS. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
      Lets not content ourselves only with an effective DEFENSE against the SDA attacks. These attacks are motivated by self-appointed ěpowers and authorities who entice gullible Christians to follow asceticism -- such as:
      * Vegetarianism or at least kosher-ism (no clam chowder).
      * Dress codes (no slacks on women in church).
      * Jewelry-and-makeup regulations (no wedding rings).
      * Sabbath-day restrictions (no swimming before sundown).
      * Other abstinent measures (no praising God by dancing [Psalm 150:4] in church!).
      These are false teachings about Christ! Why permit them the power of attack and accusation? Why not attack THEIR false doctrines and accuse THEM of trying to dethrone Jesus Christ of his Godhood (I AM = YAWEH)?
      I'm serious.
      The key to this dispute is the nature of the eternal law of God. There are two sides:
      SDAs, who say Jesus Christ came to show people how to keep the Law of Moses better.
      TRUE CHRISTIANS, who say Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law of Moses and then to REPLACE it with Himself (words and deeds).
      I say that the two texts quoted above prove that Jesus Christ ABOLISHED and CANCELED the Law of Moses and NAILED it to the cross! And he REPLACED it with himself!
      What do YOU say?
      Soliciting your convictions,

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      @@amsterdamG2G i Timothy 6:3 a harsh warning "If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching", NIV or as some like "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godlines"s; KJV

  • @txjellybean3772
    @txjellybean3772 3 года назад +5

    WOW! So wonderful! On Shabbat I watch Beth Yashua from Macon Georgia with Rabbi Greg! Going on 2yrs now! We call it "Cyber Synagogue" 😆

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 3 года назад +1

      I watch Jacob's Tent with Bill Cloud! 👍

  • @kalabalakrishnan1484
    @kalabalakrishnan1484 3 года назад +2

    Shabat shalom brothers n sisters of 119 ministries

  • @TheHebrew
    @TheHebrew 3 года назад +1

    Another home run. Great teaching.

  • @tarachatterton7261
    @tarachatterton7261 3 года назад +5

    This is a really good video

  • @2aA2aA2a
    @2aA2aA2a 3 года назад +2

    Very good teaching David

    • @2aA2aA2a
      @2aA2aA2a 3 года назад

      I watch it again

  • @Jewgirl2911
    @Jewgirl2911 3 года назад +15

    The 4th commandment is to keep the sabbath.

    • @dds577
      @dds577 Год назад

      You got it.
      If the Sons of ʾIsrāʾīl guarded the fourth statement, they would not serve other powers.

  • @AlphaProto
    @AlphaProto 3 года назад +5

    I wish this video would have told why Christians meet on Sunday. It would have been a good supplement to this message.

    • @iloveyeshuamessiahforever2934
      @iloveyeshuamessiahforever2934 3 года назад +2

      It’s very easy to google and find what men and religious system did. A lot don’t want to know maybe?💕

    • @athanatos9648
      @athanatos9648 3 года назад +1

      Just check out their documentary The Sabbath

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 3 года назад +5

      I really like this approach! Instead of reviling on what isn't the focus should be what it is.
      What we ought to be doing. It is very positive and to the point. ❤️.

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад

      Whether Christians meet on Sunday or the Hebrew roots movement meets on Saturday, what difference does it make? Both are not worshipping on the days ordained by the Father. It is Sacred Calendar based on the Sun and the Moon and the new moons and the sabbaths that is to be observed. Why don't you seek out the truth. Once again, if you already tried to and were misguided?

  • @willscholten1737
    @willscholten1737 3 года назад +10

    Great teaching David!!
    Remember the Sabbath is a sign/mark , also;
    12 Then the LORD said to Moses, 13 “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you holy.
    The New International Version. (2011). (Ex 31:12-13). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад

      Sir, unless you come out of deception and keep the true Sabbath, you are not observing any Sabbath yet in the Scriptural way. Is it on Saturday really? On the same solar calendar that keeps Christmas and Easter?

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      How could the Sabbath be a sign between God and Israel, if all (Gentiles un-Jewish peoples) nations were expected to keep it? Ex 31:17

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад +2

      @@terrygreenman1540 Those who keep it, become Israel. They are Israel. Those who don't are not. The one who keeps it, is the Jew. Well if they didn't know that until then, they know themselves then that they are the children of the light, who are called out.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      @@sid9535 Nonsense. Pure utter nonsense. Jesus Abolished Israel's Old Covenant law with Ten Commandments and regulations.
      Eph 2:15 (NIV) ...by abolishing in His flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.
      Did Paul the Apostle lie in Ephesians 2:15?

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 3 года назад +4

      Yes, sr. what you speak is pure nonsense!
      The seventh day is the *ONLY DAY* that is sanctified by God in the Scriptures. It is the only day referred to as HIS day (Exodus 20:10). It is the day that is the SIGN between Him and His people
      Exodus 31:17
      "It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six day God made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
      For any mention of the 'children of Israel' to the uninformed, means the Jews and not the Body at large So we simply, theologically, and conveniently remove ourselves from the text. This is why it is sometimes difficult to reason on subjects in which we have to go back to the alphabet in order to teach what the Bible says and not what religious organizations teach. As we read God's words we must all choose whether the will and desires of our Creator pertain to us or not. Whatever is chosen, we must live with and ultimately face Him in the end, for we will all give an account in the day of judgment for every word that proceeds out of our mouths (Mat 12:36-37
      It is true that the overwhelmingly dominant gentile church had indeed hallowed Sunday as the 'Christian' sabbath by the 4th century A.D. Paul foretold of this event in the book of Acts. It is also interesting that the same people who condemn the seventh day as irrelevant because, after all, Paul taught that all days are the same now, are the same people who have HALLOWED Sunday as the new Christian Sabbath. Religious people who claim that 'Jesus' freed them from the Sabbath, have really only substituted God's command for their own laws.

  • @brianfixitguy2494
    @brianfixitguy2494 3 года назад +6


  • @biarkuaya8183
    @biarkuaya8183 2 года назад

    Amen. may God promote and deliver us from our sins so that we be following His foot- steps

  • @SKingJoy
    @SKingJoy 15 дней назад

    I enjoy a country drive on the Sabbath or a long walk in prayer. I had felt in my heart the Sabbath is important, but church culture made me think Sabbath can be any day. Thank you for this video. It has reminded me that Sabbath is a commandment from God and breaking it is a sin.
    I will ask the Lord to help me rest on the Sabbath and to truly learn how to delight in the Lord and rest in his creation. I as Jesus to teach me how. I don't want to become like the pharisees with a bunch of rules. I need Jesus to teach me how to rest without burdening.

  • @jfdc8402
    @jfdc8402 2 года назад


  • @mikethornburg3272
    @mikethornburg3272 3 года назад +1

    Amen brother. Wish others could understand.

  • @jamesmunn8144
    @jamesmunn8144 3 года назад +2

    Shabbat Shalom from Tokyo.

  • @mitzvah7061
    @mitzvah7061 3 года назад +1

    Amen! bery nice Teaching

  • @lawrybaird
    @lawrybaird 3 года назад +2

    I love the way 119 ministries explain the Sabbath. The SDA religion have a meeting on Sabbath with a preaching not a teaching and really get to gather for money more the one form of collection . I love the way 119 teach not in fancy venues. SDA beliefs based on dollars.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

      Lawry, I'm sorry you have had a bad experience with the SDA Church. SDAs are Laodicea, the last of the 7 churches of God. However, SDAs are not Babylon.

  • @albanyreadshalleluyahscrip9946
    @albanyreadshalleluyahscrip9946 2 года назад

    Well said Praise Abba YHWH Elohim 🙌🙏🏕️🙏🙌

  • @YTABIN78
    @YTABIN78 3 года назад +2


  • @katielee4892
    @katielee4892 3 года назад +3

    30 years ago, my Country had the whole weekend off to enjoy both the Sabbath and the Lord's day.
    The little g government stopped that and now they're telling us we can't work unless we defile our temple.
    God commanded we work 6 days and we rest 1 day so they have no right.

  • @wendygilhula2144
    @wendygilhula2144 2 года назад +1


  • @jogmas12
    @jogmas12 3 года назад

    Amen and amen

  • @louisboshoff9701
    @louisboshoff9701 2 месяца назад

    Bybel beveel almal wat in die Vader glo(Gelowiges), om die Sabbat te hou. In die 10 gebooie

  • @tomference4618
    @tomference4618 3 года назад

    ..a good message,..very truthful save the part that the sabbath should be kept from the 6th day's sunset to the sabbath sunset.
    This is contrary to many scriptures, but continues to be funneled into minds seeking truth.

    • @Twowheel-Rider
      @Twowheel-Rider 3 года назад +1

      Yes, I agree. Sabbath would be daybreak morning on the 7th day (Saturday) ending daybreak morning on the 1st day (Sunday). 👍

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

      The 7th day Sabbath is the same every week since Creation week.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@Twowheel-Rider That's not how Genesis started the day. The Day starts in darkness. Just like people who come to belief in Yeshua and YeHoVaH. Until you have that belief, you are in darkness.

    • @Twowheel-Rider
      @Twowheel-Rider 2 года назад +1

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 No, going from darkness to light creates a morning, not an evening. So you have a morning in Genesis when Yah creates light. Then Yah does His works on that day (separating light from darkness). After doing that there is an evening followed by another morning (day one).

  • @sophieinspires
    @sophieinspires 2 года назад +1

    i love to know that some people still obey God law, God bless you !

  • @aimeeH1979
    @aimeeH1979 2 года назад

    The closed caption is very messed up

  • @fivebooks8498
    @fivebooks8498 3 года назад +1

    I have found that the Sabbath is the hardest commandment for me to keep. My kids can't play any sports because most and sometimes all the games are Fri night and sat. I feel bad for them. Also I manage a restaurant. The busiest days are Friday night and all day Sat so I am required to work. It's much easier to take a day off early in the week. Taking off work on the Sabbath creates a ton of added stress and problems for me. I dont really enjoy resting anyways unless I'm tired and that's only for short times. I like getting things done. Resting on the Sabbath is OK at 1st but it's extremely boring for most of the time. I've been trying to keep the sabbath for about 12 years now and it hasn't been enjoyable like you describe in this video. I do it the best I can because I see the commandment in the Bible and I want to do my best to keep all the commandments I am able. But its the one commandment that has been hard to do and not enjoyable at all so far.
    Edit: God bless all you people who are retired or work 9-5 jobs Mon-Fri and have nothing but free time in between.

    • @danielorourke2677
      @danielorourke2677 3 года назад +1

      Thanks for being honest. I feel the same way about the Sabbath. I want to keep it but I also feel simply bored or restless most of the time as I am also someone who likes to get things done and keep busy. I also know that it does remind me not to make work or 'keeping busy' an idol in itself. Please pray for me to enjoy the Sabbath and I'll pray you do too 😉 God bless

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад

      What if this thought you had was inspired by the Ruach HaQodesh working in you, leading you to keep Yahuah's true calendar taking into account lunations? Because the Saturday is again a deception based on the solar calendar of Pope Gregory. Did the Father create this calendar or was this a man made calendar? Are you happy keeping Israel's Sabbath on Saturday or the Yasharel (the righteous one of El) calendar, the Sacred Calendar given by Enoch based on the Sun and the Moon. If you want change and blessing, observe the new moons and Sabbaths accordingly, your kids can play sports and Yahuah will be pleased with you.

    • @fivebooks8498
      @fivebooks8498 3 года назад

      So, based on this Enoch calendar, what day do you observe the Sabbath?

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад

      @@fivebooks8498 I take the 7th day from the new moon every 7 days, every month. It falls then on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th day. The new moon being the day after the conjunction (0-2%) and it can be obtained from a reliable technological source. They blew the trumpet on the new moons and sabbaths. I observe the new moons as well. You know the Psalm. In this manner, it is indeed hard to "buy or sell" (trade or work) except for those who have agreed to be on the Gregorian calendar observing a very convenient Saturday where they can still rest and not have to worry about trade. I would say a very neat trick by Satan and his cabal, Constantine and Hillel. Well those who have the mark of the beast ARE able to buy and sell (trade and work) on all days except Saturday which is by default a non working day on this Gregorian calendar. No sweat. I am NOT able to buy or sell on the days of rest exactly as the Scripture says because of the mark on me, because of my decision to obey the commandment. There is a verse in Enoch that states we are to use the Sun and the Moon together to calculate the seasons perfectly corroborating the Psalm. Jubilees further states people WILL err and get all the days and seasons wrong because of their incorrect assumptions. Given that you are following the Zionists who are in error themselves in the Land keeping Saturday, it further makes sense, to be set apart, you really have to seek further away from just a Judaic misconception and keep the Commandments of the Torah about the new moons and sabbaths.

    • @malachi2916
      @malachi2916 3 года назад

      You can’t serve two masters!

  • @AidenRKrone
    @AidenRKrone 7 месяцев назад

    What am I supposed to do if my employer won't let me change my work shift to accommodate my Torah-observant faith? I work Saturdays and there's no way the facility manager would let me swap Saturdays for a different day (especially because he's a nominal Catholic who doesn't understand Torah-observance).

    • @sourmilkministries9445
      @sourmilkministries9445 2 месяца назад

      The Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday, and ends at sunset on Saturday. So, are you at least keeping all the time that you're not at work set-apart (holy)? If not, start there. And, in addition to that, pray for the Lord to either change your bosses attitude, or maybe help you to find a new job. I know that's easier said than done, but just remember that the Lord knows that too, so try not to beat yourself up about it. Just do the best you can and ask Him to help you out of your situation.

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 18 дней назад

      Who's more powerful in both testing you and in supporting you?
      If you truly want to honor Him... ask for that deliverance and then stand back and watch.

  • @kennyinliverpool
    @kennyinliverpool 2 года назад

    This is very well made.
    I'm not sure this really engages with why Christians keep the Resurrection as their key day

  • @albertomartinez714
    @albertomartinez714 2 года назад

    I am a Christian and keep the Sabbath. I also am a homosexual.

  • @princesslillifee7622
    @princesslillifee7622 Месяц назад

    Colossians 2
    16¶Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    17Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    • @sourmilkministries9445
      @sourmilkministries9445 14 дней назад

      The part you're missing in Colossians 2 is that the "judgement" in question is for CELEBRATING - literally eating and drinking - while taking part in the Sabbath and Holy days, and not judgement for not keeping them.

  • @chiobhon
    @chiobhon 2 года назад

    As great as this teaching is the comment section is an absolute train wreck. I feel so sorry for people that are actually confused and truly seeking knowledge regarding Shabbat.

  • @freeafricanchannel
    @freeafricanchannel 3 года назад

    Please can you help me understand what Paul meant in Galatians 3

  • @rickyhyles8346
    @rickyhyles8346 3 года назад


  • @88kosteczka88
    @88kosteczka88 2 года назад

    Are you Seven days Adventist?

  • @haydenriley2332
    @haydenriley2332 2 года назад


    • @LeadBariBass
      @LeadBariBass 2 года назад

      Some of us know exactly what day, month, and year it is on both the Gregorian and God's calendars.

  • @kimberlysteph3877
    @kimberlysteph3877 2 года назад +1

    Yes, but torah law says if they want to keep Sabbath they must convert. Learn the law and customs as to not defile the Sabbath, defiling the Sabbath is punishable by death

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад +1

      Yes, but what is the relationship between GOD and Gentiles?
      They are accepted as being grafted in to Israel, correct?
      Is there any other mentioned in the Scripture?
      Is there any Covenant made with Gentiles other than through Israel?
      Aren't even the Gentiles judged by the Torah?
      Yeshua (Jesus) did not come to abolish the law (Matthew 5:17) and He obeyed it
      perfectly. He wants Gentiles and well as Jews to keep His commandments, to walk as He
      walked (1 John 2:3-6). It is not possible for Gentiles to walk as He walked if they do not
      strive to keep His commandments. Gentiles, who believe they were not given the law,
      open your bibles! The commandments, all of them, were given to the Gentiles along with
      the gospel message.
      Mainstream Judaism has accepted the Torah (law), but has rejected Yeshua (Jesus).
      Mainstream Christianity has accepted Yeshua (Jesus), but has rejected the Torah (law).
      The mainstream Messianic faith has rightly accepted Yeshua (Jesus) and has accepted the
      Torah (law).

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 18 дней назад

      " torah law says if they want to keep Sabbath they must convert" That is not true at all.
      If you think so please show the verses.

  • @traebojorquez2885
    @traebojorquez2885 2 года назад +1

    I’m studying the Gregorian Calendar (current) & God/YaHuWaH’s, Jewish Calendar. A Catholic Priest (Named Gregorio/Gregory) changed the calendar to Gregorian. The true Sabbath is the 7th day after a New Moon and YaHuWaH’s Calendar only has 29 & 30 days (& adds a month after so many years to account for lunisolar timing instead of leap days). If he said to always honor the Sabbath, wouldn’t it be on HIS calendar, not Gregorian which is Saturday? True sabbath is different every month. This is confusing 🤷🏼‍♀️ WLC Calendar App shows the correct days with both calendars…

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  2 года назад

      You may be interested in watching our teaching "The Lunar Sabbath Uncovered". We think it will help to clarify this subject. You can find it here: www.119ministries.com/teachings/video-teachings/detail/time-the-lunar-sabbath-uncovered/
      Blessings and Shalom

    • @EvilFleesBeforeMe
      @EvilFleesBeforeMe 2 года назад

      @@119Ministries I am writing to you so Jesus Christ can bless you with the Truth and the Truth shall set you free!
      God Almighty made a testament/will in the OT with us that we should inherit His kingdom. So for this testament/will to be activated the testator has to die. Hebrews 9.16.
      That is why God Almighty had to die on the cross (He didnt cease to exist just like we do not cease to exist when we die) but He died in the flesh so that He could spill HIS holy blood Acts 20.28 so that whoever believes in this gift of LOVE (self sacrifice John 15.13) should receive His Holy Spirit and be sealed for the kingdom (receive the inheritance)
      You must believe in the LOVE (self sacrifice/death) of God in the flesh because it was the love of God that fulfilled the law (Romans 13)
      So if you believe in the love (self sacrifice/death) of God in the flesh, the death of the testator, you will be born again and receive His Holy Spirit and will be no longer under the law.
      Trinity and unitarianism will lead you to hell because both doctrines demand a faith, in which a separate father sends his separate son to the cross. Whoever believes in this, whoever puts their faith in this sacrifice of an other, does not believe in the selfless self sacrifice of God who came as a servant, and will therefore not receive the Spirit of God but the spirit of the selfish (satanic) anti (in stead of) Christ.
      God is SPIRIT and when He came to earth, He was still in heaven at the same time John 3.13, That is how He Himself was able to go to the cross and spill His holy bloody and therefore activate the testament/will.
      This is the gospel of peace which is based on the love of God. All I have told you is biblical.

    • @LeadBariBass
      @LeadBariBass 2 года назад

      @@EvilFleesBeforeMe YES! God is ONE. I'm trying to test whether or not I need to keep Friday sundown to Saturday sundown as the sabbath or not. I'm not sure keeping a Jewish Sabbath would affect my relationship with Jesus.

    • @eitan367
      @eitan367 2 года назад

      Why is it confusing. It's so simple to understand that even a child could understand it. Every calendar has to have a beginning. Man made his calendar upon the elements that God made, only he did it in his own way. When you take all the relevant Scriptures into study, apply it, you will see that the luni solar one is what God is referring to, having established the Sun, moon and stars to tell time. This is the returning or coming back to the Father in repentance after having been in exile for disobeying His Sabbath and commandments which is the crux, the meat of what is echoed througout the Scriptures.

    • @EvilFleesBeforeMe
      @EvilFleesBeforeMe 2 года назад

      ​@@LeadBariBass dear friend, the true Christians keep the sabbath holy every day not just on a Saturday.
      The sabbath of the OT was a foreshadow of the true ETERNAL sabbath/rest that the children of God can enter (Jesus Christ)
      In Christ we rest from our wicked works every day. Holy every day.
      We are only able to keep the sabbath holy every day when we BELIEVE in the love of God (gospel) which has fulfilled the law Romans 13 and are born again. We become a new creature, one with God able to be holy every day
      I teach about this on my channel and have made a short video about it.

  • @mohlolojamesmqadi5969
    @mohlolojamesmqadi5969 3 года назад

    Is it possible to keep the Sabbath in Babylon while being ruled by Nebuchadnezzar?

    • @ammm6854
      @ammm6854 3 года назад +2

      Daniel did

  • @majesticokapi4375
    @majesticokapi4375 3 года назад

    Liked this...just unclear why "nothing is wrong with going to church on Sunday." Isn't that mixing beliefs?

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 3 года назад +2

      I think what was implied is that although we can worship on any day, the seventh day is THE Day YeHoVaH set apart for special use and as a reminder of His creation. 🌹

    • @paris4g336
      @paris4g336 2 года назад

      Yeah but people keep saying Seventh day, Sunday is the 7th day of our week so maybe that's the confusion aswell

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@linak7155 Yes, we can worship every day, but...
      The things I have found when attending a "SUNday worship church" is:
      You are looked down upon for obeying YeHoVaH's FOREVER laws and telling others they have not been "done away with" by "Jesus or Paul".
      You are ostracized because you observe the FOREVER Sabbath and just as confounding, frowned upon for working on "the Lord's day".
      You are REALLY shunned because you don't keep all of the pagan syncretized so called "holidays" like Easter, Christmas and Trunk or Treat. About as worse is when Helloween is rebadged and "churched-up" as "fall festival" on the same day.
      You beg people to come out of Babylon and they look at you as if you're speaking Hebrew to them...

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 can't argue with that! That's why I would not attend a Sunday church...

  • @paris4g336
    @paris4g336 2 года назад

    So what's wrong with Sunday sabbath as it is our 7th day in US?

    • @jondahl3173
      @jondahl3173 2 года назад

      For one thing, turning "sun-day" into the 7th day of the week is a very modern attempt to confuse the issue. 2nd, the 7th day Sabbath has been preserved from creation, kept by all the patriarchs (see Gen. 26:5) kept by the early apostolic church (see any good history book) until Rome/Alexandria had their way, kept by some of the Waldenses I France and Italy, kept by the Bosnian church at times, 7th Day Baptists etc. to name a few. Sun-Day worship is dated back to the original tower of Babel, conceived in rebellion, not blessed by God. I think one could make the case for it being passed down from Cain, brought through the flood by Naama, the sister of Tubal-Cain but I digress.

    • @paris4g336
      @paris4g336 2 года назад

      @@jondahl3173 gotcha thanks

  • @Twowheel-Rider
    @Twowheel-Rider 3 года назад

    Can you show me in the Bible where it says the 7th day Sabbath is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown?

    • @sid9535
      @sid9535 3 года назад


    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

      Lev 23:32 It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath.
      That is for the Day of Atonement sabbath.
      It is obvious that it applies to all the sabbaths, including the 7th day sabbath.

    • @Twowheel-Rider
      @Twowheel-Rider 3 года назад

      That is the exception for a festival Sabbath, not the 7th day Sabbath.
      Let me ask you a question. What constitutes an evening?

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад +1

      @@Twowheel-Rider Onewheel, In the Day of Atonement command, God clearly defines when He wants His special day to be held. He made it clear in the very first chapter of the Bible when a day starts and ends. Saying the command for the time of day to keep His Day of Atonement does not apply to the Sabbath is very strange.

    • @Twowheel-Rider
      @Twowheel-Rider 3 года назад

      @@statutesofthelord No, it's strange that you are applying a verse to the 7th day Sabbath when it doesn't even mention the 7th day Sabbath.
      My question still remains. What constitutes an evening?

  • @kelleymeyers8387
    @kelleymeyers8387 2 года назад

    Question...why don't we follow all the laws like facial hair law for example. I already know about the sacrificial laws but the others....scripture says circumcision or non circumcision its not important....please help me understand 🙏 thank you

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Yes, why don't we?
      The Circumcision issue has been solved by the Circumcision of the heart.
      Believers in Yeshua should have a circumcised heart.

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 18 дней назад

      Even though I don't understand the facial hair thing... when I started keeping Torah I started keeping facial hair. ZitZits, dietary laws, Shabbat, ect...

  • @93556108
    @93556108 2 года назад

    If the Sabbath is so important as you claimed, then tell me why it was omitted from the NT whereas the 9 commandments from the Decalogue were repeated. Thank you.

    • @LeadBariBass
      @LeadBariBass 2 года назад

      Do you need to have how a car works explained to you every time someone tells you they are taking a road trip?

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@LeadBariBass Frankly, I don't know how a car works even though someone will explained it to me in detail.
      Please use bible verses for your rebuttal and not to resort to human philosophy as God have given you the Holy Spirit, if you're a Christian.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      Todd Wollin, why the silence? Can't come up with any verse, perhaps. Lol...

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Maybe because you're looking at the "Roman Catholic Church's" version of the Ten Commandments?
      In Colossians 2:16 Paul told new believers in Yeshua "Let no man judge you in keeping the Sabbath"
      He was talking to new believers in Yeshua encouraging them not to allow the pagan and heathen hoards they came from to judge them in keeping the Sabbath.
      Pagans and heathens don't have Sabbaths, so this was specifically for the believers in Yeshua.
      If this verse as so many falsely claim is "proof" that Paul told the new believers NOT to observe the Sabbath, it would have been written as follows: "Let no man judge you in the fact you are NOT keeping the Sabbath". A simple knowledge of how the sentence syntax of the English language works solves this problem.
      Mark 2:27 - Then Jesus declared, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
      Many people wrongly state that the Sabbath is not in the New Covenant. This is Incorrect. The diligent truth seeker will note that scripture actually proves it has to be in the New Covenant. Exodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:11-18 and Hebrews 12:24 reveal that the Old and New Covenants were sealed with blood.
      Hebrews 9:15-17 says that a Covenant requires the death of the testator and has no power while the testator lives. And Galatians 3:15 says a Covenant cannot be changed after the death of the testator. So the New Covenant was sealed by the blood of Jesus that afternoon when He died and it cannot be changed afterwards by anyone.
      When Luke was referring to the woman preparing spices and ointments for the body of Christ, He said, “…they rested the Sabbath day according to the Commandment.” Luke 23:55-56. This was after the New Covenant was sealed by the blood of Christ and they were still keeping the Sabbath according to how the Commandment instructs.
      Luke wrote this half a lifetime after the cross and there was no way he would not have known if it was changed. Some also say it was changed to Sunday in honor of the resurrection but it is impossible for Sunday to belong to the New Covenant for the same reason being that it cannot be changed after it was sealed by the death of Christ.
      Any first year law student will tell you that a "testament" can't be changed after death. And Yeshua said NOTHING about changing or abolishing ANY of His Father's Laws BEFORE the cross...
      And you'd think that if He had changed ANY of His Father's Laws , He would have stated it in Big, Bold Red Letters. But what He did state about His Father's Laws can be found in Matthew 5:17 through 19...

    • @93556108
      @93556108 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 Quote "Maybe because ou're looking at the "Roman Catholic Church's" version of the Ten Commandments?" I don't believe in Catholicism and thus I can't be adhering to their doctrine as well.
      I agree to your rendering of Col2:16 and that it is talking about believers.
      I Quote "Many people wrongly state that the Sabbath is not in the New Covenant. This is Incorrect. " I respectfully disagree with this notion of yours. In Jer31:31, 32 God said His new covenant "IS NOT LIKE" the old or Mosaic covenant which He made with their fathers when they were taken out from Egypt. So for you to suggest the Sabbath from the old or Mosaic covenant is included in the new covenant apparently contradicted Jer31 prophecy.
      I quote "Exodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:11-18 and Hebrews 12:24 reveal that the Old and New Covenants were sealed with blood." God's covenants are sealed by the blood but the new and the old covenant, they're mutually exclusive thus they cannot be the same.
      I quote "Hebrews 9:15-17 says that a Covenant requires the death of the testator and has no power while the testator lives." It's meaning is the effectiveness of the new covenant can only enforced upon the death of Christ on the cross. So now the new covenant have superseded the old covenant. For you to suggest the Sabbath of the old covenant appeared in the new covenant is both ridiculous and absurd.
      Quote "” Luke 23:55-56. This was after the New Covenant was sealed by the blood of Christ and they were still keeping the Sabbath according to how the Commandments instructs". Remember in the first century there is a transition from the end of the Jewish age to the beginning of the new age of the new covenant. The Temple was still standing and the political Government of that day was made up of the irreligious Pharisees who were still enforcing the Jewish laws stringently. So all its citizens are bound up with the law, so likewise believers in Jesus were forced to observe the sabbath to avoid being stoned if they broke the Sabbath.
      I quote " Some also say it was changed to Sunday in honor of the resurrection but it is impossible for Sunday to belong to the New Covenant for the same reason being that it cannot be changed after it was sealed by the death of Christ." Nobody changed the Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week as it was observed by the Apostles and early church as evidenced in acts2:46, 47; acts20:7; 1Cor16:1, 2, Rev1:10. and they were living under the new covenant. Further the foundations of our faith is built upon the Apostles and the Prophets and Jesus being the chief cornerstone. So they worshipped on the first day of the week thus it is logical biblically we are to follow them as well.
      Quote "Any first year law student will tell you that a "testament" can't be changed after death. And Yeshua said NOTHING about changing or abolishing ANY of His Father's Laws BEFORE the cross..." You claimed a testament cannot be changed after death then how come God changed his old covenant or testament into a new testament? Hebrews8:13 itself debunked your affirmation.
      Quote "And you'd think that if He had changed ANY of His Father's Laws , He would have stated it in Big, Bold Red Letters. But what He did state about His Father's Laws can be found in Matthew 5:17 through 19...
      " God send His own Son to fulfilled NOT changed or destroyed or abolished, all his law and the prophets and Jesus himself institutes His new covenant with his blood. And it was stated in Big, Bold Read Letters and the problem is you don't know how to interpret scripture properly.
      In conclusion, tell me why the Sabbath law was omitted from the NT?

  • @BonnieBlue2A
    @BonnieBlue2A 3 года назад +1

    Sunday worship is tied to Sun Worship. So, no, that Pagan practice is not something those who have faith in YHVH/Yashua Messiah should be doing. We are not to do as the gentiles (non-believers) do.

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +1

      Saturday also is tied to Saturn worship.
      All days and months on the Roman calender are tied to some pagan idol.
      But i do understand your point.👍

  • @aliasreco
    @aliasreco 2 месяца назад

    Or you keep the Sabbat because you think that will give you eternal life. Or you keep it out of love and praise to Jesus.
    No other option possible ...

  • @amandacarona7674
    @amandacarona7674 3 года назад


  • @lancemedlin5958
    @lancemedlin5958 2 года назад

    One thing that must be addressed is that Monday is the first day of work in the western world (America). This makes Sunday the 7th day. Furthermore, the "weekend" consists of Friday evening until Sunday evening by all standards today.
    To continue driving a wedge between Saturday observing and Sunday observing Sabbath keepers is in fact making a man made tradition more valued than the "heart" of the Sabbath. Which is of oneness and rest within all believers and our LORD.
    Why then are we still arguing traditions instead of practicing unity and brotherly love?

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Go buy a Calendar at WalMart and tell me what the Last day of the week is and what the first day of the week is.
      You are basing your assertion on the traditions of men and not the Bible. Who does Peter tell you we should obey? Moreso, who does Yeshua tell us we should obey?
      After you confirm with your WalMart Calendar that SUNday is the first day of the week, then you can look up "wedge creators" Marcion and Constantine. The men who played the largest part in creating the illegitimate Sabbath of SUNday. This is your "man made tradition, not the ONLY Sanctified Sabbath of the 7th day GOD ordained.
      You don't have to kill a man to get him to believe the truth, but you do have to kill a man to get him to accept and believe a lie. Catholics and Muslims... Diet Catholics and Closet Pagans...

    • @lancemedlin5958
      @lancemedlin5958 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 if you are Truly keeping with the Biblical keeping of days and months, then you must count the new moon and 7 days is a Sabbath even if it's a Wednesday. And the Moon starts each new month. This is why Paul told us not to be ashamed of keeping of new moons and festivals.
      Genesis writes the Sun, Moon, and stars were created for the telling of days and weeks and months and years.
      The use of a Walmart calendar just proves you are claiming God while using a man-made calendar. A Roman pagan one at that. After all each week day you are using is for a day giving for a specific man-made god such as Saturday is for the god Saturn, Monday is for the goddess of the Moon.
      Just be assured in your own mind that you are honoring the Lord to your BEST ability and understanding of His Spirit.

  • @mmbpar
    @mmbpar 2 года назад

    Where do the apostels teach the sabbath? Rev. 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    • @mmbpar
      @mmbpar 2 года назад

      The only text where Paul speaks about the matter is in Romans: Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

    • @mmbpar
      @mmbpar 2 года назад

      Acts 15:19-21 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:
      But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
      For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
      As you see, nothing of the sabbath. Now I agree that God has given the day of rest, for all as a priviledge to enjoy. But the sabbath as a commandment was , just like the rest of the law, fullfilled in Crist. Heb 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. We entered our rest, the seventh day, forever. To us everyday is Sabbath, for we rest of our own works. Look good in Genesis. the seventh day is the only one where it does not say: And the evening and the morning were the seventh day, because to God that day never passed. He is in His rest to this day.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@mmbpar If you read the entirety of Paul's LETTER you will find he was speaking of esteeming a day of fasting above another.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      @@mmbpar As you see, a half-hearted and out of context quote can create some dangerous and false assumptions. You failed to include:
      21For Moses has been proclaimed in every city from ancient times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”
      The new believers will learn Moses in the Synagogues(On Sabbath).
      Also, YeHoVaH only sanctified ONE day and that's the 7th. Every day is not the Sabbath. What Scripture states this?
      The reference for Acts 15:20 wasn't just made up on the fly, it was referenced by:
      Exodus 34:15 - Do not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you, and you will eat their sacrifices.
      Leviticus 7:26 - You must not eat the blood of any bird or animal in any of your dwellings.
      Leviticus 17:10 - If anyone from the house of Israel or a foreigner living among them eats any blood, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from among his people.
      Leviticus 17:14 - For the life of all flesh is its blood. Therefore I have told the Israelites, 'You must not eat the blood of any living thing, because the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it must be cut off.'
      Leviticus 18:6 - None of you are to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD.
      These were requirements so the gentiles believers in Yeshua could have fellowship with the Jewish believers in Yeshua.
      Also, The Sabbath rest is the 4th COMMANDMENT. Look at what Matthew 5:17 through 19 states about Yeshua's relationship with the Commandments...

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Colossians 2:16 - Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. Paul was teaching the New Believers in Yeshua not to the let the pagans and heathens they left behind judge them in keeping the Sabbath...
      And since were on the topic of revelation. What does Revelation 14:12 say? 12Here is a call for the perseverance of the saints who keep the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and the faith of Jesus. The 4th COMMANDMENT is remember the Sabbath and keep it holy... Don't add to or take away. lest the plagues will be added to you and your name will be taken from the book of life...

  • @kaishiden4586
    @kaishiden4586 2 года назад

    1. YHWH sanctified blessed rested & made the 7th day holy
    2. it points to the CREATOR & CREATION
    3. Daniel 7:25 he will think to change times & laws
    4. it is 1000 year millennial rest
    5. isaiah 66:23- from one new moon to another one sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me
    6. 7th day sabbath is made for man
    7. Yeshua kept the 7th day sabbath
    8. Yeshua rested according to the commandment luke 23:56
    9. It is my HOLY day
    10. Paul kept the 7th day sabbath
    11. it is the SEAL of YHWH - exodus 11 for in six days the LORD made heaven & earth - a seal contains NAME: LORD TITLE: CREATOR & TERRITORY: HEAVEN & EARTH -

  • @2000dns
    @2000dns 3 года назад

    So then is it necessary to keep the Sabbath including all the Old Testament Law?
    You covered in this video why some Christians keep the Sabbath... so can a Christian chose to obey or not to obey the Old Testament Law?
    Is it indifferent to the question of one's eternal salvation?

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +1

      Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked.
      ( 1 John 2:6)
      I dont believe we have a choice but indeed some ( including myself) do choose to disobey ( sometimes) and its a shame that we do so

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 3 года назад +1

      Do you not commit adultery? Do you not have sexual relations with the same gender? Do you give to the poor? Do you not kidnap people and sell them? You're pretty much keeping a lot of the "old testament" laws.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

      Daniel, we will keep the commandments if we love Jesus.

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 3 года назад +1

      @@sillydaisy11017 to add to that, God makes it clear that the new covenant is not for the Gentiles, but for Israel and Judah. That part they always leave out.

    • @jondahl3173
      @jondahl3173 2 года назад +2

      "He is a Jew who is one inwardly" Apostle Paul. Also reference Malachi 4:4 "Remember the Law of Moses, with the statutes and judgements..." Verse 1 gives this a last day context, our day, so the ultimate choice is, Who is your God? Whom will you obey? " You are slaves to whom you obey..." One choice for righteousness, one choice for eternal destruction.

  • @pissanukatika3720
    @pissanukatika3720 3 года назад +3

    This Sabbath law is for the people of God,commanded by God.We could use it like the Jewish people on Saturday not Sunday like Zoroastrainism that Christian imitated.

  • @b-747fe4
    @b-747fe4 Год назад +1

    Nothing wrong with Sunday worship ?...........really.......History reveals that it was decades after the death of the apostles that a politico-religious system repudiated the Sabbath of Scripture and substituted the observance of the first day of the week. The following quotations, all from Roman Catholic sources, freely acknowledge that there is no Biblical authority for the observance of Sunday, that it was the Roman Church that changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week.

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 18 дней назад

      I love 119 Min. and even Mr Wilbner But on that point he simply missed the 5th part of the BASIC LAW of Yahweh.
      Exodus 20:9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work

  • @BoyBautista53
    @BoyBautista53 16 дней назад

    Keeping more Sabbath Day than Jesus Christ is actually an idolatry.

  • @michellefinklestein3219
    @michellefinklestein3219 3 месяца назад

    Joshua's death abolished the old law

    • @sourmilkministries9445
      @sourmilkministries9445 2 месяца назад

      Yet, you're still keeping 90% of it! So, it sure sounds like you need to find a better argument to me! Moreover, Yeshua told us out of His own mouth that He didn't come to abolish the Law, which is the very thing that you're saying He did. Now, mind you, I'm not trying to be snarky, just pointing out some of the problems with your contention. Shalom.

    • @michellefinklestein3219
      @michellefinklestein3219 2 месяца назад

      @@sourmilkministries9445 Yashua abolished the old law and became the new law which he said plainly it encompassed all that was practiced before his birth and ended with the love he had for us by dying.for us." love " took the place of the old law. I don't understand how you think you know me and what I practice, even putting a percentage on it. You were right about what Yashua said, but didn't follow through. No amount of banter back and forth will change the truth. I don't like it when verse is taken out of context to suit an individual ideology.

    • @sourmilkministries9445
      @sourmilkministries9445 2 месяца назад

      @@michellefinklestein3219 _"Joshua's death abolished the old law"_
      I took that to mean that you were supposing that the Seventh Day Sabbath was abolished, because it was part of the "old law". Was I wrong about that? Are you actually a Sabbath keeper? And, oh, it would be much more accurate to say that Yeshua abolished the "Old Covenant", and not the "old law"; as those are two very different things. Shalom.

    • @michellefinklestein3219
      @michellefinklestein3219 2 месяца назад

      @@sourmilkministries9445 God's people were under the law as a precursor to Yeshua coming. Anyone that can read the Bible knows that. When Yeshua died on the cross the old law was no more. He ushered in the new. His death and the significance of the love he had for his father and mankind showed" all " that the love of another would cover all needed. Yeshua preached it, his disciples preached it. It included keeping the Sabbath. That my friend was a part of the law.

    • @sourmilkministries9445
      @sourmilkministries9445 2 месяца назад

      @@michellefinklestein3219 I'm confused. Are you saying that the Messiah and His disciples preached the keeping of the Sabbath? Or, are you saying that they preached "love", which eliminated the need to keep the Sabbath? I think that you're saying the latter. If so, there are a host of problems with your contention. Problems, mind you, that cannot stand-up to scrutiny - assuming that you would be willing to subject yourself to any?
      1 Thessalonians 5:21 GNB Put all things to the test: keep what is good

  • @thegreatdeception2563
    @thegreatdeception2563 9 месяцев назад

    You realize the Gregorian callender did not exist.

  • @markdlt2989
    @markdlt2989 2 года назад

    "His first century name being Yahshua?" Our Messiah has many names or one name? When scripture says "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” The scripture means many names translated and transliterated because man says ok to do? My name is Mark, yes in many countries that could translate into the equivalent. But when I go to Mexico I don't answer to Marcos bc Marco's IS NOT my name. When I went to Korea they wrote it as 마크 and said their equivalent pronunciation, but its NOT the same. I simply introduced myself as Mark and Koreans would try and say it. How neat and cool is that? Just like my friends who have names in their ethnicity and language. How dare I cheapen it.
    You guys understand this yet cheapen Yahshua's (I'm not talking spelling in it in a language bc we have it in the Hebrew) name simply to capitulate. I've seen your series on the name and scripturally you can't make it fit, but you try. Jesus in the English is no where near Yahshua in pronunciation from Hebrew. Yahshua isn't how we spell His name but we say it as close to יהושע as we can yes? I don't correct believers in the name (you guys I'm rebuking in Love). I simply say his name in hope's people ask why I say it like that. And they do ask. If we know the truth why not simply speak it?

  • @terrygreenman1540
    @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад +1

    Because someone out of ignorance told them to and they follow blindly. They make Saturday or the "Sabbath" God...but in reality ...God-Jesus is the Sabbath...and He gives the believer in God..rest. Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says: “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +1

      If His yoke is easy and His burden light, why do you have such a problem with it?
      For this is the love of God, that we should keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. ( 1 John 5:3)

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад

      @@amsterdamG2G I agree with 1 John 5:3 but I do not agree with your misguided understanding of this verse.

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 2 года назад +1

      Except nowhere in scripture does it say that. You're making Matt. 11:28-30 say what you want it to say.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 2 года назад

      @@wesleyogilvie8105 It says what it says. You can't make this up. Its up to you to believe it or not.

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 2 года назад +1

      @@terrygreenman1540 I believe it. But I question whether you believe it or think it is bulls**t. Lol

  • @danielorourke2677
    @danielorourke2677 3 года назад

    Noticed you used a ball shaped earth to represent the world in which we live. It's a bit like the truth of the Sabbath actually.. some have received the biblical truth about the flat earth with a firmament over our heads, and it is a great blessing 😊

  • @sunnyjohnson992
    @sunnyjohnson992 2 года назад +1

    Romans 10:4: “For Christ is THE END OF THE LAW, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.” The Bible says the Mosaic Law was “a shadow of the things to come. (Colossians 2:17) From God’s standpoint the Law given to Israel, including the requirement to observe a weekly Sabbath day, came to AN END AT JESUS’ DEATH!
    So, the commands regarding the weekly Sabbath weren’t included among the ones that Christians were required to obey. (Romans 14:5)

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  2 года назад

      Shalom Sunny,
      Thank you for reaching out.
      For what it's worth, we have a teaching on Romans 10:4. If you are interested in checking it out, you can find it here: www.119ministries.com/teachings/video-teachings/detail/romans-10/
      Blessings to you and yours.

  • @billyrayhopkinsjr5413
    @billyrayhopkinsjr5413 Год назад

    and his name is not jesus YAHUSUHA

  • @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251
    @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 3 года назад

    So if you are elevating the deliverance from Egypt to deliverance from sin or the spiritual fulfillment of physical slavery WHY are you yoking that to keeping a physical day to commemorate if messiah our eternal rest gives that spiritual deliverance?

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Because the 7th Day Sabbath is a GOD ordained day of PHYSICAL Rest, FOREVER .
      I believe it to be a delight to rest while neighbors are working with their lawnmowers and leaf blowers.
      Also a "Yoke" is a guiding tool... Yeshua's yoke is light. And His burden's are not heavy.

    • @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251
      @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 A study concerning the Hebrew word "olam" appears desperately needed on your part...

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      ​@@thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 Right after you do a study on the word “sabbatismos”...
      While you're at it, look up the word "forever" because that's how long the Laws of GOD, including the Sabbath will last...

    • @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251
      @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 Been there done that...

  • @statutesofthelord
    @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

    Seventh-day Adventists have been preaching the 7th day Sabbath for over 170 years now. The Mark of the Beast will be about whether one keeps God's Sabbath, or man's day of rest, AFTER governments make laws to keep Sunday holy.

    • @LeadBariBass
      @LeadBariBass 2 года назад

      HUH? The mark of the beast has nothing to do with Sabbath keeping. There will be a literal mark on the forehead or hand. I am part of Christ's bride, I won't be here to tell you 'I told you so'. Sorry.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 2 года назад

      @@LeadBariBass Todd, please believe the truth as it is in Jesus.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      Will it be "the mark of the beast"? I believe it has a great deal to do with it, otherwise the Satanic RCC would not have changed it to SUNday. But, I'm still wondering how SUNday worship could be used as a the MOB you will need to buy or sell. This would be quite hard to connect, especially in a secular world that has very little of its population who even believe in YeHoVaH (GOD).

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 2 года назад

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 Bawb, when the fireball judgments from God start falling, and millions are dying, and Satan and his angels are loosed and pretend to be from heaven, and they tell the world that all these calamities will cease if the world goes back to keeping Sunday, Liberal and Conservative alike will be happy to go along with their devilish schemes.

  • @93556108
    @93556108 Год назад

    Sabbath keeping is permitted but not required for Christians.

    • @Enochparkcpa
      @Enochparkcpa 4 месяца назад

      Brother, read Revelation. Worshiping God is not something to be taken lightly. From the very beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation, proper worship as instructed by God is a serious matter. In the past, God consumed Aaron's two sons for their insincere hearts. Consider Cain and Abel, or the Israelites worshiping other gods. All of God's laws are still valid, contrary to what is taught in popular Sunday churches. If the old laws were not required, would it be acceptable to kill, covet, steal, and lie, and still expect to be saved? We should not compromise our beliefs just because it is convenient or because it makes us feel better to ignore His laws.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 4 месяца назад

      @@Enochparkcpa are Christians living under the old covenant or the Mosaic covenant with its commandments? Please answer me before I give you my comments, Thank you.

  • @billyrayhopkinsjr5413
    @billyrayhopkinsjr5413 Год назад

    according to the bible the creators calendar ,The Sabbath is not on saturday as well or the 7th day

  • @miltonb8130
    @miltonb8130 3 года назад

    Keeping Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening is another tradition of the Jews that helps make Sabbath a burden. God gives us very simple instructions in the Bible. The only Sabbath that is to be kept evening to evening is the day of atonement. This verse, among many, also tells us that evening is not the beginning of the day. It says the evening is in that day. The evening of the ninth day belongs to the ninth day.
    Leviticus 23:32
    [32]It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath.
    Here, if night was the beginning of the day, it seems it would be listed first.
    Genesis 1:5
    [5]And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    Also, it says the evening and the morning WERE the first day, not IS the first day. God did his work six DAYS not six NIGHTS and the evening and the morning were then and still are today the conclusion of each day. Again, God worked in the day and the evening and the morning were the closing of each day. Even on Passover, God commanded that no one leave their dwelling til morning, Exodus 12:22, which is when the feast of Unleavened bread begins, the morning after Passover, when a new day breaks. Once we see morning day break, we know for sure the previous day has ended.
    After reading this verse,
    Psalms 113:3
    [3]From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
    ask yourself, does the Bible really say to begin all holy days in the darkness of night? There is no scripture in the Bible that teaches Sabbath is from evening to evening other than for the day of atonement and in that is God's consideration for our well being. He knows how weak the flesh is. Before the technology existed to allow man to work at any hour of the day, men did their work during the daylight hours. So when a man ended his work that day, at sunset begins his affliction for atonement. It ends the following sunset, which gives us time to replenish our bodies and prepare to return to work the next day. As fasting makes the flesh weak, doing so from morning to morning would render us inefficient and unable to work as usual. God has thought of everything! He told us six times in Genesis that the evening and the morning ended the day. All through the Bible he tells us the morning starts a new day. If all sabbaths were to begin at sunset, then where's the scripture to back it up? God specified one sabbath to begin at sunset, the day of atonement. Why specify one if they are all the same?

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      This falsehood has gained such strength that multitudes of Christians refer to it as the “Jewish Sabbath.” But nowhere do we find such an expression in the Bible. It is called “the Sabbath of the Lord,” (Exodus 20:10) but never “the Sabbath of the Jews.” New Testament translations often made reference to things which were peculiarly Jewish.
      Some include: the “nation of the Jews,” “the people of the Jews,” “the land of the Jews,” and the “synagogue of the Jews.” Acts 10:22, 12:11, 10:39 and 14:1. But please take note that neither Luke nor any of the other books ever referred to the “Sabbath of the Jews” or the “Jewish Sabbath” and we do find that he mentioned the Sabbath repeatedly.
      Christ unmistakably taught that “the Sabbath was made for man.” Mark 2:27. It does not say the Sabbath was made for Jews. Some say since it was made for man we can choose not to keep it. The fact is that all the Commandments were made for man. So does this mean we can choose to ignore all of them? Of course not! Man was made on the sixth day and the only reason that we have a seventh day is because God added it for a Sabbath rest for man. It was made for man at creation so what has changed? Nothing! The Pharisees thought the Sabbath was made just for them so Jesus was correcting them and said the Sabbath was made to be a blessing for ALL man and not a day of legalistic rules that they had turned it into. Picking corn on the Sabbath for a meal was a necessity and not unlawful.
      The fact is that Adam was the only man in existence at the time God made the Sabbath. There were no Jews in the world for at least 2,000 years after creation. It could never have been made for them. Jesus used the term “man” in the generic sense, referring to mankind. The same word is used in connection with the institution of marriage which was also introduced at creation. Woman was made for man just as the Sabbath was made for man. Certainly no one believes that marriage was made only for the Jews. The fact is that two beautiful, original institutions were set up by God Himself before sin ever came into the world; marriage and the Sabbath. Both were made for man, both received the special blessing of the Creator and both continue to be just as holy now as when they were sanctified in the Garden of Eden. Note that the “children of Israel” God was angry with for not keeping the Sabbath in Exodus 16:25-30 were not Jews either. They were Abraham’s seed just as we are. Galatians 3:29, “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” We are in fact spiritual Jews! See also Romans 2:28-29.
      Jesus was the One who made the Sabbath in the first week of time. There was a reason for His claim to be Lord of the Sabbath day (Mark 2:28). If He is the Lord of the Sabbath day, then the Sabbath must be the Lord’s Day. John had a vision on “the Lord’s day,” according to Revelation 1:10. That day had to be the Sabbath. It is the only day so designated and claimed by God in the Bible. In writing the Ten Commandments, God called it “the Sabbath of the Lord.” Exodus 20:10. Adam and Eve were not Jewish. “God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.” Genesis 2:3. Sanctified means “to be set apart for holy use.” This was pre-sin and the only ones in Eden to “Sanctify” the Sabbath were Adam and Eve. The other Nine are not “Just for the Jews.” Does idolatry, murder, stealing and adultery apply only to Jews? The Sabbath is also for the “stranger” who are Gentiles. Exodus 20:10. In “the new earth ... from one Sabbath to another, shall ALL FLESH come to worship before me, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 66:22-23. Grace saved Gentiles kept the Sabbath. “The Gentiles besought that these words be preached to them the next Sabbath ... Paul and Barnabas ... persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.” Acts 13:42-43. Luke was a Gentile who kept the Sabbath. Luke was the only Gentile writer in the New Testament. He travelled with Paul and wrote, “On the Sabbath we went out of the city by a river side.” Acts 16:13. It was the Creation Sabbath. Both Luke and Paul knew it. See also who changed the Sabbath to Sunday or is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday for further proof that it predates Judaism.
      This argument has also led many to believe the Sabbath existed only for a limited period of time following creation. But is this a fact? Actually, the Sabbath could never be just a type or shadow of anything, for the simple reason that it was made before sin entered the human family. Certain shadows and typical observances (ordinances) were instituted as a result of sin and pointed forward to the deliverance from sin. Such were the sacrifices employed to symbolize the death of Jesus, the Lamb of God. There would have been no animal sacrifices had there been no sin. These offerings were abolished when Christ died on the cross, because the types had met their fulfilment (Matthew 27:51). But no shadow existed before sin entered this world; therefore, the Sabbath could not be included in the ceremonial law of types and shadows.

  • @malachi2916
    @malachi2916 3 года назад

    ​Genesis 1: 5 And God called the light Day [and there was evening] and the darkness he called Night [and there was morning], one day.
    The day start at sunrise!

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад

      Your private interpretation is false, Hillel.

    • @malachi2916
      @malachi2916 3 года назад

      @@statutesofthelord what came first night or day?

    • @Twowheel-Rider
      @Twowheel-Rider 3 года назад

      @@malachi2916 You are absolutely 💯 correct. It begins daybreak to daybreak.

    • @malachi2916
      @malachi2916 3 года назад +1

      @@Twowheel-Rider amén and amén.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord 3 года назад +1

      @@malachi2916 Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
      Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
      Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
      You show in a differne thread that you don't believe Paul was inspired. Peter has something to say to you:
      2Peter 3:16 As also in all his (Paul's) epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

  • @jimsuson2190
    @jimsuson2190 3 года назад

    I would suggest that you do a real study on the name Jesus Christ do a study on both words and then look and see if the name Jesus Christ is the same God remember Jesus Christ is for Sunday worshippers Jesus Christ observe Easter Jesus Christ celebrates December 25th is his birthday with all the rest of the sun gods I think if you did an intense study you would probably quit using that name

  • @tribulationsafe9419
    @tribulationsafe9419 3 года назад +1

    the sabbath is appointed by the moon!

  • @sid9535
    @sid9535 3 года назад

    Saturday also is not the 7th day Sabbath. Deceived from Sunday to Saturday on the same calendar that Constantine made based on the Sun and which Hillel used to interpret every Feast Day (albeit not correctly every year) except the proper 7th Day Sabbath which he ignored altogether. But you say wait, in the beginning, God created the week and named it Sunday to Saturday! Fantastic! Yeah we got it. WRONG. The Father made the moon for no purpose. Did Yahuah make the moon just for show? Maybe it shouldn't be there then, it's of no value. Can the new moon be so hard to locate for us, isn't technology so far advanced that we cannot tell when is the new moon after the conjunction? But you people deny the truth in Enoch. Will you deny one of the two witnesses who saw the face of Our Heavenly Father? Because he said, USE the sun AND the moon to calculate the times and seasons or you will go wrong.

    • @LeadBariBass
      @LeadBariBass 2 года назад

      So you believe the book of Enoch is inspired? If it was, are you certain you have seen an actual copy, and not one made centuries after he penned it?

    • @eitan367
      @eitan367 2 года назад

      @@LeadBariBass Yes I believe so. If I need to see things before believing, I would still be satisfying my belly and not my heart as someone said. This is where the Holy Spirit should intervene and convince you about these things. You may say there is the other side of the coin. Never mind.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 года назад

      ​@@LeadBariBass It was removed from most versions of the King James Bible and yet some versions still have it. At one time, there was also an edict that publishers would be fined if they removed it. Men removed it. They had no right to...

  • @terrygreenman1540
    @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад +1

    Those who teach the Sabbath don't keep it. There was more to keeping the Sabbath than just resting! Numbers 28:9-10 Exodus 20:10 Exodus 31:15, 35:2-3

    • @amsterdamG2G
      @amsterdamG2G 3 года назад +3

      Please don't be like the Pharisees and accuse the brethren, but....
      Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth.
      (2 Timothy 2:15)

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад +1

      @@amsterdamG2G I'm more like Paul...it will make you SAD U See.. I bet your an authentic Judaizer.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 3 года назад +2

      @@amsterdamG2G Are you one of those who says "The laws that were nailed to the cross were not the Ten Commandments, but the laws of ordinances"
      Not quite! Not quite. The word "ordnance" means "law," and so your rendering would mean "laws of laws," which is a tautology and therefore meaningless. And in fact it's not what the text says.
      It says, "the written code, with its regulations," meaning a code or "bundle" of laws. The term 'written code' was "a business term, meaning a certificate of indebtedness in the debtor's handwriting. Paul uses it as a designation for the Mosaic law, with all its regulations, under which everyone is a debtor to God." NIV text note for Col. 2:14.
      The whole enchilada! Including "thou shalt not murder," "thou shalt not commit adultery," and "remember to keep the Sabbath day holy." The whole nine yards!
      And not just the Ten Commandments either, but all the little picky rules, such as "no pork" and "don't cut the hair at the sides of your head" and "don't wear flax mixed with wool clothing." Everything.
      And not only that, but the Bible doesn't -- and the Jews didn't and still don't today -- distinguish between "ceremonial laws of types & shadows" and the moral law! There is absolutely zero scriptural support for any such dichotomy! Will I notice that you won't volunteer any, and if you can find some I'd love to see it brought here into this Discussion.

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 2 года назад +1

      @@terrygreenman1540 it's you're, not your.

    • @wesleyogilvie8105
      @wesleyogilvie8105 2 года назад +1

      On Numbers 28, I brought a lamb to Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, and I asked a rabbi where the Temple was to offer the lamb, and he told me it was destroyed 2,000 years ago. After he told me that, I asked him where I could find a Levitical Priest to bring the offering on my behalf (as mandated in scripture), he told me that there are no such priests around today. Puzzled and somewhat dismayed, I asked if I could just sacrifice it myself, and he warned me that doing that would get me in big trouble with God.