The Fallout Dust Lore Series - Episode 7: The Tribes of the Divide

  • Опубликовано: 6 апр 2023
  • The Fallout Dust Lore Series is a standalone series dedicated to covering the story of the Fallout: New Vegas mod DUST Survival Simulator as well as a tribute series hoping to pay homage to ShoddyCast's original Storyteller Lore Series.
    This project is entirely a fan-made creation and is not associated with Shoddycast or any of the original creators of their lore series. You can find the series that inspired this one here:
    ShoddyCast's channel: / @shoddycast
    Narrator/Writer/Editor - Scott Thomas
    Co-Editor/Boyfriend - Gabe Isaacs
    Script Editors - Henry Galley, Charlie Porritt, & Gabe Isaacs
    Motion Graphics - Nick Heilman
    Special Thanks to ShoddyCast

Комментарии • 72

  • @brothers_of_nod
    @brothers_of_nod Год назад +308

    Thinking on it, in this way, The Divide became the nation that Ulysses hoped for, something better than the bear and the bull, something that was a beacon in the hellscape.

    • @tony_dogs
      @tony_dogs Год назад +39

      And just like Ulysses preached, all it took was one person to come by and disrupt their entire society, change their history forever.

    • @Rine910
      @Rine910 Год назад

      ​@@tony_dogs mf when a single person destroy an entire society.

  • @buttpiratesbuttpirate5913
    @buttpiratesbuttpirate5913 Год назад +126

    Deathclaws: "man these tunnlers suck."
    Marked Men: "I know. We could help each other out. You promise to just not eat our asses when we're asleep at night?"
    Deathclaws: "acceptable parameters presented."

  • @tzimiscelord8483
    @tzimiscelord8483 Год назад +93

    *Loads rusted service rifle*
    "Survivalists reporting for duty."

  • @Duwangman
    @Duwangman Год назад +101

    Hell, I knew the divide marked men made out just well enough to even drive the tunnelers away from the divide all together. But I wasn't expecting them to be forming a proto-city of sorts, that's pretty impressive.
    Now to see the absolute shitfest that Zion will be in the next episode, we're in for a ride.

    • @colddaze6680
      @colddaze6680 Год назад +7

      I get the overall lore from Dust in the verse of Dust is canon now. But it honestly breaks my heart that Zion too is now is a polluted diseased hellscape. Not only the divide ( even though they found peace , and sanctuary, and have progressed to their 5 tribes society) .Mojave is a chaos filled hellscape free for all. Ok fine ,again the lore of Dust explains why, its the main game and challenge, I get it, all good. But Zion aswell.. its just a little too much dark post apocalyptic dystopia for the verse, game of Fallout I think?. I love and appreciate the struggle, mettle testing of hardcore mode in N.V. After 4-5th playthrough, always went hardcore mode. It was realistic and more satisfying when you overcame the odds. As I'd appreciate it in Dust just the same, when I finally get to play it. Though seriously, I think , if the player is lucky enough to brave it through the mass of unforgiving enemies and dust storms in the Mojave. They should be rewarded with a little respite ,a piece of paradise that was Zion. Not just for an even in game kind of balance. But for sake of nostalgia, and all was not lost in that verse. Just one section that has survived the spore disease. One perfect oasis hidden high above ,that could only be gotten to by a determined rock - mountain climber. God damn. I loved F.N.V , I literally loved Zion and it breaks my heart. Dust looks cool and well made mod. But just give me back that little piece of oasis in Zion. Let me see the clear sunset again. High above all the hellish miasma below. Balance, the true reward for your survival, the glimmer of hope that you can physically see again, you know what I mean?.
      I hope the modders one day see fit to implement my idea. Give Zion back a little piece of oasis. Let the player have an optional quest to clear out the filthy spore carrier plague. Let Zion eventually recover. Some how. At least make a new mod, where there is a sanctuary high above, where it has survived somehow. On the highest mountain plateaus, of the highest mountain. A sanctuary cave still inhabited by some healthy Dead Horses and Sorrows. Just waiting for the opportunity to rebuild again, once the rest of Zion is healed. White Bird, would be perfect leader to of survived and brought them to the cave high above. He could of seen it coming and fled to safety with those that believed in him yeah? Just a thought. Hopefully someway somehow in a new mod, an original piece of Zion is preserved. It just only seems fair.

    • @Duwangman
      @Duwangman Год назад +3

      @@colddaze6680 I get ya, it's a little too much sometimes. And I don't remember what happens to White Bird but you also find in his cave the single most powerful weapon in Dust, the automatic anti msterial rifle and incendiary rounds. An NCR scientist stationed there could have started thinking of a cure and such. But at the same type these mods seek to make an apocalypse within the post apocalypse. But there is one single spot that is safe in the game, filled with people willing to thrive and survive, the last safe place, which is located behind black mountain to the east, past Vault 11, it's a settlement in which you can trade with survivors and chill as long as your character is sane

    • @colddaze6680
      @colddaze6680 Год назад +1

      ​​@@Duwangman Oh cool, didn't know, and tbh hadn't seen that mentioned in any of the Dust lore vids either. Yeah one spot to relax , rest and re supply is a must have. And there would have to be other strong survivors from Dust that would band together to make a safe space somewhere in the vicinity. It just stands to reason.
      All the same, I would like to believe White Bird has the sight as good if not better than mama Murphy. And has even more secret awesome powers we have not been shown yet. His sight and power was pretty awesome in the Honest Hearts dlc as it is. He would be as powerful as he is wise and compassionate. And led some Sorrows followers to safety with himself. Who plan to see Zion clean and rejuvenated again. After thats happened, get White Bird to maybe mercy kill Joshua Graham, finally free his tortured soul from the monstrosity he's become. Send his soul back to the plane of his ancestors passed , like a true shaman. I'm sure if Joshua was still lucid, he would want White Bird to do that for him ( Edit * Joshua already died, so the soul already left the body. Its just a very powerful body reanimated by the spores now. White Bird should still be the one to kill it. If anyone would know how to properly destroy a wendigo, it would be him. Definitely more than just the spores that make the Zion wendigo a powerful entity I'd say. Spore carriers are easy enough to kill 1 v 1). Honestly I think you the player , and White Bird could , should be the saviour of Zion in Dust. Would add something special and extra to the game yeah?
      I could even write the story/lore easy enough. Written fan fic that has been appreciated before anyway. But would not have the first clue how to create a mod, so I'd leave that to the experts.

    • @firedeath1154
      @firedeath1154 Год назад +1

      @@Duwangman Only if you downloaded that additional mod for Dust though, base Dust doesnt even have THAT. its just complete hellscape, everywhere.

  • @otterino1419
    @otterino1419 Год назад +30

    Given the nature of the divide and the kind of weaponry they would have access to, I have to wonder why especially after the 2nd attack that the dust walkers wouldn't just collapse the tunnel with C4 it seems like it would've been the best solution.

    • @Lexo374
      @Lexo374 Год назад +8

      They at least blocked the hopeville silo. But yeah, they should have blocked the tunnel of the Long Dark, forcing you to at least use an explosive to clear it.

  • @zekromfan1
    @zekromfan1 Год назад +82

    I've really been looking forward to this episode, almost as much as I have for the fate of Joshua Graham and the Tribes of Honest Hearts, and that one cheeky Fo3 bit that was thrown in there.
    It’s honestly a shame that the Divide was as underutilized as it was, and how much love and attention was packed into something completely optional, out of the way, easy to miss, and without much reward to gain from going through it. The story is nice, but once you’ve gone through it once, there really isn’t much incentive to go through it on repeat playthroughs. The loot is useful, but if you’re there, you’ve most likely arrived when you’re at the end of your playthrough, making it relatively redundant. And should you book it straight to the Divide, it’s going to be insanely difficult, further deterring you from even attempting it. If I was the only way into Zion, or lead to another ending, or even if the key you needed was located at the end of the Divide, it would have made it more important, and gave you more reason to even go through it.
    As it stands the Divide is mostly pointless from a purely gameplay and incentive perspective. If there was another update that fixed many of the bugs present in Dust, and resolved this issue, I’m sure it would have made the Divide much more worthwhile. It just sucks that all this love and attention, mostly goes to waste since hardly anyone goes to the Divide due to the difficulty and the lack of any real rewards that could even be considered valuable enough to take on the massive risk, time and resource investment going through it takes. That’s if you even figure out how to get to it to begin with, most people simply walk right past it, or don’t even know that it exists to begin with.
    Love the video and series by the way, I’m really looking forward to the Zion episode, and the Brotherhood of Steel episode. Those two are going to be really interesting, and the way you present them is just as much of a draw as the subject itself. Keep up the great work! And thanks for the video, I’m just really glad Dust is getting some well deserved love, it may be fairly old, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less amazing and have as much love put into it as the base game itself.

    • @ghostplays2766
      @ghostplays2766 Год назад +4

      Well the Divide contains one of the best armor sets in the game, the Elite Riot Gear.

    • @lb5818
      @lb5818 Год назад +5

      @@ghostplays2766 dust also has it at camp golf, the courier wears a set too

    • @juliocesarmonterocruz2089
      @juliocesarmonterocruz2089 Год назад

      I think that's precisely the point. There is no reason beyond Lore to go into the divide. The true sign of moral apathy and lack of ethics is going there. You have to actively avoid your chance for escape, only to bring death and destruction to the last bastion of sanity in the entire east. You truly become worse than whatever else may exist or existed in the mojave, as at least Royst thought he was doing things for a good reason. You are bringing death and destruction purely for the sake of it. You immediately give the dustmen justification for whatever they do to you, and the worse part is, since you are in the divide, you don't care.

  • @cheese_walker
    @cheese_walker Год назад +39

    I only just downloaded dust a few days ago so this is awesome as I can watch these to figure out the background of the game when playing it :DDD

    • @rasiah2415
      @rasiah2415 Год назад +3

      My condolence and my wishes for your good luck

  • @genderconfusedwolffromshre8914
    @genderconfusedwolffromshre8914 Год назад +67

    Wow their fate is quite wholesome If we look at where they began and how the rest of the wasteland ended up.

    • @DefinitelyNotATrolldier
      @DefinitelyNotATrolldier Год назад +2

      Yeah... about that..

    • @bobskywalker2707
      @bobskywalker2707 Год назад

      @@DefinitelyNotATrolldier you don't HAVE to kill them. Theres a pretty decent chance you don't even enter the Divide in this mod.

    • @DefinitelyNotATrolldier
      @DefinitelyNotATrolldier Год назад

      @@bobskywalker2707 Still, They endured an attack from Zion's Tribes twice, and all the shot stuff that happened to Them.

  • @igorfontaine6669
    @igorfontaine6669 Год назад +26

    I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks since the Courier video. Here's another to a great episode

  • @Satellaview1889
    @Satellaview1889 Год назад +9

    I really want a mod that makes it possible to enter the Divide some way other than the tunnel. Even if it is a challenge that makes you move heaven and earth to do so, I want to get into the Divide and see what rebuilt in the rubble of the Couriers’ road.

    • @therealmanguyman
      @therealmanguyman 3 месяца назад

      Might be a thing in Dust expansion pack.

  • @TheCrypto34
    @TheCrypto34 Год назад +22

    You do such a good job at blending both your own style and paying homage to the Storyteller series. I love it.

  • @xpointkiller
    @xpointkiller Год назад +6

    11:00 I wonder what that fitting piece of backround music is ,its sounds great.
    I love this series,I bet it shall boom soon.

  • @agentcoxack7368
    @agentcoxack7368 Год назад +12

    Aren’t the Marked Men supposed to be like, almost entirely mindless? Operating only on anger for the Divide itself, yet reverent in protecting it? Seems weird to have them as some suddenly amazing tribe because one of them said so.
    I know it’s all weird, cause it’s a mod, but this one thing is weirder to me.

    • @davidclingerman7668
      @davidclingerman7668 Год назад +8

      Yeah it doesn't make any sense at all. Neither does them planning to raid the Mojave because as far as I understand about their lore. The only thing actually keeping them alive as well at this point is the sheer amount of radiation that exists in the divide and it's storms

    • @0verWay
      @0verWay Год назад

      Yeah even for mod standards, this really really stretches out any sort of logic and breaks canon. Marked Men are basically just more "civilized" feral ghouls. They can't reorganize to build new societies, morals, tribes or even operate complex technologies. The only reason they still remember how to use weapons is because that's their instict and automatic, motoric response.

    • @oldworldblues4953
      @oldworldblues4953 Месяц назад

      ​@@davidclingerman7668 they can talk, I've heard them talk in game the few rare times

  • @rekreator12e71
    @rekreator12e71 Год назад +11

    You should make a special episode where Ron Perlman is the voice, and make it look like the ending slides of FNV

  • @colddaze6680
    @colddaze6680 Год назад +7

    Is it just me or does Juneid wear the robe of a BoS scribe? , if he's a Brotherhood deserter from the now more aggressive and ruthless BoS Mojave chapter. Would make sense why he's a pacifist, and all about society building and protection of the tribes in the Divide at least.

  • @Emily-vd1tm
    @Emily-vd1tm Год назад +7

    This series is just absolutely magnificent. Props to you and your team!

  • @notok6130
    @notok6130 Год назад +7

    This very well done awesome job

  • @surepeacoolerbside
    @surepeacoolerbside Год назад +6

    Been loving this series so far! So exited for the next part

  • @allforego
    @allforego Год назад +2

    Another great episode, I always look forward to these after a long week. Keep it up! Can't wait for the next one!

  • @tariqgold8968
    @tariqgold8968 Год назад +1

    Took a week holiday and just came back today. Great timing, for me anyway haha. Amazing content as always, you guys are fantastic.

  • @AlChestBreachFan7
    @AlChestBreachFan7 Год назад +1

    Fantastic work.

  • @---ij5cn
    @---ij5cn Год назад +3

    Fantastic as always Scott, i'll remember popcorn next time :)

  • @Daniel-dw3pi
    @Daniel-dw3pi Год назад +1

    Great job with this series, Scott! I played Dust mod two years ago and was kinda sad that there wasn't as big of a community around this mod, but lately, I've seen an uptick of ppl paying attention to it! The images and storytelling are 10/10!!!

  • @kenrudd6362
    @kenrudd6362 Год назад +1

    bloody fine work

  • @julianjaimes197
    @julianjaimes197 Год назад

    I always look forward to these dust lore vids. Also kind of excited about that dust expansion mod, the trailer looked pretty noice

  • @bigbrother6505
    @bigbrother6505 Год назад +1

    Looking forward to watching this for a while now

  • @TheValkyre0
    @TheValkyre0 Год назад +7

    This series is inanely well done, like a true successor to the ShoddyCast Storyteller. While I'm adoring the Dust content and I'm hoping it lasts awhile. I wonder if you have any plans for afterward? Is there another mod series you adored? Quest Mod Location Lore videos? Maybe pick up where ShoddyCast left off?
    Just curious. Suppose it doesn't matter in the end, if your projects keep this level of polish and care then Ill support anything.

  • @Creazaw
    @Creazaw Год назад +11

    I’ve been lookin for a while, but can anyone tell me where Scott got the mug he has in the start of “Fallout Dust is a Masterpiece” video. It seems like a good mug that would fit my need for a good mug.

    • @SpacemanScott
      @SpacemanScott  Год назад +1

      Heres the Etsy page for it

  • @atlasprime6193
    @atlasprime6193 29 дней назад

    Interesting how the action of the Courier that resulted in the destruction of the Divide gave birth to a great society akin to paradise.
    Meanwhile, the action of the Courier that sought to liberate New Vegas and let the people decide their own fate resulted in the death of the Mojave.
    It’s seems the karma system has a sick twist in the Dust.

  • @ShadowMaster1171
    @ShadowMaster1171 Год назад

    I recently found your channel and I love these shoddycast like videos(I mean that in the highest compliment and I apologize if I offend). Always enjoyed the story bits of that mod but since it's very difficult I could only get bits and pieces. Can't wait for the next video!

  • @sergegachibassov9647
    @sergegachibassov9647 Год назад +1

    Noice, love this. I always busy with surviving when playing dust, not lore) quite nice to know about all of this!

  • @kahjur823
    @kahjur823 Год назад +1

    another episode of dust is a great day

  • @dylgotbyl
    @dylgotbyl Год назад

    Playing LR for the first time tonight, perfect timing !

  • @onecertainesquire486
    @onecertainesquire486 Год назад +1

    I'm looking forward to the Zion Canyon episode now!

  • @destructorgamingchannel8209
    @destructorgamingchannel8209 Год назад +1

    the next episode is looking promising

  • @walterwhite8477
    @walterwhite8477 Год назад

    Loving the series and what a surprise to hear State of Decay OST

  • @llamatorocco
    @llamatorocco Год назад

    I really like the series, it just doesn't have that same feel as the initial dust video. I watched that video every day for a week, because it was such a heartfelt experience.

  • @penzorphallos3199
    @penzorphallos3199 Год назад

    Makes thematic sense to link the divide with repcon

  • @Gameboypxht
    @Gameboypxht Год назад +3

    Dis some gud shi

  • @EnderLord184
    @EnderLord184 Год назад

    Fantastic video as always. On an unrelated note, what's the ending music? I can't find it anywhere.

  • @hissingcattop
    @hissingcattop Год назад +1

    what is the intro song?

  • @spaceacepl4636
    @spaceacepl4636 Год назад

    what's the music that plays in the intro?

  • @jtheconqueror121
    @jtheconqueror121 10 месяцев назад +2

    Not to be rude, but doesn’t this fly in the face of everything the game tells us about the Marked Men? They’re basically feral ghouls kept alive by radiation and there’s no evidence that Ulysses preached anything to them or that they’re even capable of thorough communication. I know it’s a mod but still, just felt kinda ridiculous though I did like the concept a bit.

    • @therealmanguyman
      @therealmanguyman 3 месяца назад +1

      Yes, but the game literally tells you that after clearing out the place Ulysses resided in, they stop attacking you either out of fear, or respect.

    • @oldworldblues4953
      @oldworldblues4953 Месяц назад

      ​@@therealmanguymanand feral ghouls would attack regardless

  • @ssjjjp90
    @ssjjjp90 Год назад +2

    Would u ever consider doing a similar lore series for fallout 4 Frost?

  • @thesmilyguyguy9799
    @thesmilyguyguy9799 10 месяцев назад

    = -D

  • @blacksuite1
    @blacksuite1 Год назад

    A 50 sec intro is to long

  • @GonzoPrice
    @GonzoPrice Год назад +1

    More.... MORE