I really enjoyed this one when I played it. Definitely on the heavier side but mostly because of the planning multiple turns in advance. We backed this one.
This game looks like it might break my brain. And I'm going to back it. 🤓 Thanks for your wonderful teach and playthrough. Really enjoyed this one. I think my favorite moment was Monique's moment of angst at 1:27:40. Very funny!
I had already backed it before watching the playthrough ... and that just confirmed my choice 100%. This is the kind of game i love. We are going to play at 4/5 most of the time so i wonder how it scales with more people (i guess it gets tighter and crunchier, which is fine to me) 🙂Nice vid as usual ty guys.
I got through the rules overview, paused the video, went to Kickstarter, and backed it! Yeah, this looks like a game for me! (Why was the automata's card laid sideways next to the board?)
So glad the video was helpful! We placed it sideways so we wouldn't make a mistake with the movement of the automa. The yellow arrow is the true direction of the automa, not the arrow icon which depicts the automa. In previous plays it kept messing with our brains so we decided that for the playthrough just lay it like that to make things easier on us for upkeep. Hope that makes sense lol. 😀
@@BeforeYouPlay Right! That makes sense! The direction of the little arrow came first and the card was placed accordingly and not the other way around. Thanks!
Ahh you are right looks like at time stamp 01:27:00 we should have activated the automa due to Monique increasing her capacity. They would have built to the left twice and then we would flip the card.
I can't really see what's going on here, I don't know if it' because the board is too busy or the colours or whatever, but I just can't really see any of what is going on!
I was feeling the same way. I was thinking it might just be because I'm somewhat colorblind. But, yeah, I REALLY don't like the graphic design business on the board.
Hey guys! I watch your channel all the time! Could you do a video about the behind the scenes of how you make these? Like what the planning process is? I would really like to get into this type of media work!
Honestly I'd assume that Naveen actually did not qualify for his project. When counting the way you did, you're counting the corner block twice. To me, the distance between those two stops is 7 blocks. Not that it changes anything about the result, but I guess they should add some clarification on how to count the blocks for the project :)
The rulebook diagram was confusing for that project. It looked to us that you compute it like you would the hypothetical Area of the blocks so 4 wide and 4 tall. We have no idea how someone could get the max of 10 blocks!!
This game is heavy stuff... I love Lacerda's but this Terminus board is busy and the artwork is not appealing for me. When you guys scored the projects and especially the 3rd one I knew that it is not a game for me. That type of scoring creates confusion. I can see that it is funding I'm sure some people will like it.
Seems like you'd spend more time explaining the game or suggesting to other players what their best move would be than actually playing the game. I was intrigued at first but cancelled my pledge after seeing these playthroughs. Hope other backers enjoy it though. Just not for me.
This looks like a game where the game lenght comes from thinking about what to do, and less about performing the actions themselves. I can see this boing a very tight and cutthroat game if all players know it well. A bit like an 18XX or Pipeline. But I can understand why not everyone would like this.
Thank for checking out the video! Here is a link to the campaign if you are interested - www.kickstarter.com/projects/insideupgames/terminus-4/
Why is the Automa card portrait, instead of landscape?
Awesome Playthrough! I always love the banter between you two while you play 😊
Thanks so much!
I really enjoyed this one when I played it. Definitely on the heavier side but mostly because of the planning multiple turns in advance. We backed this one.
Thank you guys!!!! Love your videos! 🥰
Thanks for watching!
This game looks like it might break my brain. And I'm going to back it. 🤓 Thanks for your wonderful teach and playthrough. Really enjoyed this one. I think my favorite moment was Monique's moment of angst at 1:27:40. Very funny!
You're the best James, we always appreciate your kindness 🙂.
i honestly love this channel
I had already backed it before watching the playthrough ... and that just confirmed my choice 100%. This is the kind of game i love. We are going to play at 4/5 most of the time so i wonder how it scales with more people (i guess it gets tighter and crunchier, which is fine to me) 🙂Nice vid as usual ty guys.
That's so good to hear! Thanks for spending your time with us 😃.
I got through the rules overview, paused the video, went to Kickstarter, and backed it!
Yeah, this looks like a game for me!
(Why was the automata's card laid sideways next to the board?)
So glad the video was helpful! We placed it sideways so we wouldn't make a mistake with the movement of the automa. The yellow arrow is the true direction of the automa, not the arrow icon which depicts the automa. In previous plays it kept messing with our brains so we decided that for the playthrough just lay it like that to make things easier on us for upkeep. Hope that makes sense lol. 😀
@@BeforeYouPlay Right! That makes sense! The direction of the little arrow came first and the card was placed accordingly and not the other way around.
Year three, roundabout 2, Monique didn't have yellow build when she increased capacity
Ahh you are right looks like at time stamp 01:27:00 we should have activated the automa due to Monique increasing her capacity. They would have built to the left twice and then we would flip the card.
I can't really see what's going on here, I don't know if it' because the board is too busy or the colours or whatever, but I just can't really see any of what is going on!
Yeah there’s a lot of lines and colors, this is a prototype so not sure what the final production copy will look like.
I was feeling the same way. I was thinking it might just be because I'm somewhat colorblind. But, yeah, I REALLY don't like the graphic design business on the board.
are the player boards the same for all players, or does each board has a different power or something?
They're all the same, just different art for each color.
Hey guys! I watch your channel all the time! Could you do a video about the behind the scenes of how you make these? Like what the planning process is? I would really like to get into this type of media work!
Why does this look so much like a Lacerda game 😆
Yeah it's very tricky, you really have to plan out a lot of steps in advance. 🚄
There is a promotion by him right on the Kickstarter so I think this is a good observation!
Feels like Francis Drake mixed with a Lacerda Game in an unholy union
Honestly I'd assume that Naveen actually did not qualify for his project. When counting the way you did, you're counting the corner block twice. To me, the distance between those two stops is 7 blocks. Not that it changes anything about the result, but I guess they should add some clarification on how to count the blocks for the project :)
I was thinking the same thing.
The rulebook diagram was confusing for that project. It looked to us that you compute it like you would the hypothetical Area of the blocks so 4 wide and 4 tall. We have no idea how someone could get the max of 10 blocks!!
The first player is huoge!!
Monique always Wins
She won’t stop
@@BeforeYouPlay I'm rooting for you Navine
This game is heavy stuff... I love Lacerda's but this Terminus board is busy and the artwork is not appealing for me. When you guys scored the projects and especially the 3rd one I knew that it is not a game for me. That type of scoring creates confusion. I can see that it is funding I'm sure some people will like it.
Seems like you'd spend more time explaining the game or suggesting to other players what their best move would be than actually playing the game. I was intrigued at first but cancelled my pledge after seeing these playthroughs. Hope other backers enjoy it though. Just not for me.
This looks like a game where the game lenght comes from thinking about what to do, and less about performing the actions themselves. I can see this boing a very tight and cutthroat game if all players know it well. A bit like an 18XX or Pipeline.
But I can understand why not everyone would like this.
@@monkeyunit4533 Thats a great comparison actually. It's tight and requires proper planning