Thank you Monika :-))) I will try to include more of the mixing process. Especially on my full time/real time tutorials on my Patreon site. And thanks a lot for your feedback!
Thank you Linda :-))) I have to admit that I use the water mixable oils more like a traditional oil paint, I meanwhile use hardly any water or if I do I do it just in the stage of the underpainting when I am in an extreme hurry. But knowing that I COULD use water is the important/wonderful thing about the water mixable oils ;-)))
@@2ASteph I basically use the acrylics just for the first layer, the underpainting. Everything else is done with the water mixable oils. And I more and more start to use the water mixable oils even for the underpaintings. I don`t really like that acrylics dry so quick, I meanwhile like to have the possibility to toy around with the underpainting and therefore hardly use any acrylics at the moment.
No one wants to hear how "bad" life as an artist is 😆 or if I did sleep well or not... People are here for learning how to paint a damn cloud - and that's about it 😊
I was really taken aback, god has given you talented hands and mind. May god bless you. Could you please show the mixing of these colours in your painting!
Thank you :-))) I tried to show it but people did not really like it...therefore I stopped to include the mixing process for the youtube videos. But for the version on Patreon (check it out, link is in the description box) you will see the whole process without any time lapse including the colour mixing process.
Thank you :-))) I love to paint clouds...perhaps because I still have from my really early days till now from time to time dreams about being able to fly in the sky without any tool/machine/device...that would be SO AWESOME!!!! :-))))
Where do you get your large flat brush? Is it a cheap house paint brush or a special kind? Also, are mixing a gel medium with your paint? I feel like when I use a thickner/gel it does not work with clouds.
I got it here in Germany at a company called Boesner. Synthetic 1.5 inch brush, cheap but does the job pretty well. I do only use linseed oil - this is my only medium...I do not want to use any harsh thinner or anything that has harmful ingredients like oleo gel or white spirit or turpentine - all of them can promote cancer. I also mix my colours pretty thick...just a dip into the oil with my palette knife...the colour needs to be able to cover the white of the canvas in one go.
I added the usual "list" of materials to the description box of this video. The smaller brushes are bought on ebay germany and are unfortunately currently not available. But any other 0 to 4/000 soft round brush will do the job. The blender brush I bought from Boesner in Germany WAY back...but any other 1.5 inch very soft bristle brush will do the job. But the hair is really extremely soft and very fine - so do not get a hog brush.
Yes :-))) I am not sure if I still used acrylics for the underpainting on this painting. But as I use today solely oil colours I apply the first layer and let it dry completely before I put on the next layer of colour. And dry means bone dry...rather 5 more days than painting over a layer of colour that will lift off when you apply the next as a tip, work on several paintings at the same time to make sure you always have a dry painting to continue to work on :-)))
@@brennerfineart thank you very much. I am very new to oil painting and every video I watch does not make it clear. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. 👍🏼
I have some good ox hair brushes that I use now for decades bought here in Germany but the rest of my brushes are nearly all cheap ebay china brushes...synthetic ones but soft. Very fine hair and zero problems with loosing hair in any way. Can really recommend those cheap sets of round and flat brushes on eBay. I have no certain brand, I buy what is available.
@@LuisVargas616 I know, you just became a member ;-))) 'And yes, there will be coming more cloud painting tutorials in the future as I LOVE to paint clouds myself so much that I would not do my patreon without them ;-))))
شكرا جزيلا! نعم ، يوجد مقطع فيديو جديد كل أسبوعين بلوحة جديدة :-))) استخدمت طلاء زيت قابل للخلط بالماء للصورة هنا ، يمكنك العثور على رابط هذا الطلاء في وصف الفيديو.
Thank you Marisol 👍😊 I think for this specific video there exists (if at all) just a collection of all of the material that I filmed for this specific RUclips video. I do not call those videos tutorials as there is no comment, no colour mixing process, no reference photo, nothing, just all of the filmed material. I am currently on vacation on sardegnia and I will be coming back next week 15th. So please write me over Patreon and I will send you the link to this video if it exists.
Every painting tutorial I watch seems to skip a lot of information from frame to frame and as an absolute beginner it is very confusing. How do you learn to paint is what I want to know. Does anybody have an answer? Help
It is impossible to compress all the information into one video that people REALLY watch for a substantial amount of time. I tried it in the beginning of my channel, two years ago, with tutorials of 1-2 hours...but they did REALLY!!! bad...and youtube did not recommend them any further. So I was "forced" to do much shorter videos that still try to teach the basic but without getting bogged down too much into details...this would be boring to watch for the people and they would leave just like they left on the old longer videos. If you are really interested in full time versions I have them on my Patreon where I also show how I mix the colours (link is in the description box of every video).
Hi Meilat, no, watercolour will not achieve this "rich" look that only oils are able to deliver. Acrylics can do the job but they are harder to work with as they are dry the moment you apply them.
It depends upon my painting moods somehow ;-))) When I go larger I prefer canvas, when I go smaller I prefer the primed hdf plates. And it constantly changes, sometimes I stay away from the hdf plates and sometimes I only work on canvas.
Hi, unfortunately from this painting there exists no real time tutorial. This is one of the first tutorials that I did on my youtube channel and I did not have a Patreon channel back then.
Thank you Raj :-))) And please - don`t call me master - the only thing I have in advance is more "seattime" in front of my easel ;-) I am convinced almost anybody can learn how to paint like this with enough practice :-)))
@@brennerfineart thank you I'll check that in the morning because I'm studying how to paint clouds right now. And I want to to make them as real as possible and ist not that simple
@@brennerfineart yes I think when I take the time to learn I will learn. I'm a atodidact and had 2 years of art school but I was to busy with other things. If you want you can see what I'm doing on Instagram @sophieluijfart but I'm so busy and the time keeps comming slowly because painting is what I'm going to do xx good evening
This is one of the first videos I did here on RUclips...did not have a clue on how to really teach people - therefore it`s really not that good of a tutorial, completely agreed!
Thank you :-))))) I always thought I sound a little hint of scottish due to my sometimes a bit rolling "rrrrr" (really can`t say a decent "three" always sounds like Connor O`Dougle ordering thrrrrreee portions of Haggis) - but being french is also a very nice idea ;-)))))
Hey, deine Bilder sind unglaublich!👌 Könntest du eventuell ein Wolkentutorial in Originallänge hochladen? Als Anfänger braucht man jede Sekunde um zu verstehen, was da vor sich geht 😅 Viele Grüße 👋
Vielen Dank für die Blumen :-) Ich hab`s mit Vollzeittutorials probiert, das läuft leider gar nicht, diese Videos bekommen praktisch keine clicks, haben ne sehr schlechte Zuschauerbindung und werden deshalb auch nicht von RUclips promotet...ABER - ich hab ne Patreon Seite, da gibts jeden Monat 2-4 neue Tutorials (alles an Material was ich für ein Video filme, im Prinzip fast alle RUclips Videos von mir in einer unkommentierten Version ohne Zeitraffer, im Moment 15 Stück, wie gesagt jeden Monat 2-4 weitere Videos bislang zwischen 1.5 und 7 Stunden) für schlanke 4 Euro im Monat. Und dazu gibts noch ne stetig steigende Zahl an von mir gemachten Fotos die du als Referenzmaterial für deine Bilder verwenden kannst. Wär das was für dich? :-)))
Du kannst das Video auch langsam abspielen, evtl hilft dir das ja. Hab ich auch schon gemacht und ich muss sagen, den Ton muss du dann ausmachen sonst schläfst du ein😂
Hi Großes Kino! Macht irrsinnig viel Spaß Dir zuzusehen.. eigentlich macht auch das anwenden deiner Tipps und Tricks Spaß, wenn es mal "funktionieren" würde. Ich glaube eines meiner größten Schwierigkeiten fängt schon von Grund auf an. Die Grundierung der Leinwand. Ich arbeite mit Acrylfarbe und diese trocknet so schnell, das ich größere Flächen ganz schlecht verblenden kann ohne direkt den gesamten Malgrund nass und mit Farbe zukleistern muss. Ich habe in zwei bis drei Schichten den Malgrund mit Gesso grundiert.. Mh... kreidige Haptik. Muss das so? Ok, dann mal ran ans Werk, und siehe da... schwierig. Mache ich hier schon etwas falsch? Wie eignet sich eventuell Acrylbinder zum grundieren? Wie grundierst du? (ich glaube du arbeitest mit Öl?) Beste Grüße und viele neue kreative Projekte.
Hi, erstmal vielen Dank :-))) Mittlerweile untermale ich auch mit den wassermischbaren Ölfarben von Winso&Newton. Hab das früher mit Acrylfarben gemacht, aber die sind DERART schnell trocken, dass man eigentlich nur Farbflächen aufgetragen bekommt. Gibt wohl die Möglichkeit mit Trocknungsverzögerer zu arbeiten aber da hab ich keinen Bock drauf, ich will die Chemie möglichst raus lassen aus der Malerei da ich praktisch jeden Tag stundenlang an der Staffelei sitze und möglichst alle Schadstoffe aus der Geschichte raus haben möchte (deshalb auch der Umstieg auf die wassermischbaren Ölfarben, da brauchts kein Medium N mehr das Petroleum enthält, da reicht Wasser und Leinöl komplett aus). Die Trocknungszeit nervt zwar, aber ich hab mittlerweile drei vier Bilder gleichzeitig in der "Mache" und dann ist es ok wenn ein paar Tage zwischen Untermalung und finaler Schicht ins Land gehen. Dazu male ich hauptsächlich auf Malpappe (gibts beim Boesner, also diese MDF Platten die weiß grundiert sind) und auch gelegentlich auf fertig vorbereiteten Keilrahmen bespannt mit grundierter Leinwand. Das klappt wunderbar, ist nicht teuer und man hat keinen Stress mit grundieren. Probiers auch mal aus, das ist wirklich VIEL bequemer :-)))
@@justicefor-all3129 The full time video is for my patreons only. Do you have the slightest idea how much more time I have to invest to make a full time video without time lapse, adding comments, adding the full palette and colour mixing process, further detailed information? Do you have furhtermore just a hint of how much you would pay for one of these at any other artist and do you know at all that you will get 4!!! new full time tutorials each month on my Patreon for a meager 5 Dollars a month?!?! So please...before you "demand" anything completely out of this world step back and stay realistic.
Let me start by apologizing if my comment came off as a demand, that certainly was not my intent in any way. Secondly, I have not even the slightest idea how much time it takes to make a full video. I can only imagine based on what you had mentioned, that it takes a lot of work. To be completely honest, what I meant when I stated that I wish you would put a link to the full video was not really about a video without times lapse. I was speaking about time lapse without the gaps so we can watch the whole cloud being painted. I know we are lucky in the first place to have any of your knowledge shared to us. I was just struggling with my clouds at that moment and I was attempting to follow what you were doing and was not expecting it to jump forward, so that is why I was saying I wished we could watch the whole thing. But again, I appreciate all that you give us anyway. I am hoping to one day have realistic clouds myself. The struggle is real.
@@justicefor-all3129 Thank you for your explanation - and I truly understand it, you want to see just the next part and BANG the part is "time lapsed" ;-))) Which is an annoying thing...but I had to do the videos like that after I started in the beginning with some full time no time lapse videos and they did really bad. No engagement, people do not have the patience for more than 10-20 minutes if at all. And therefore I not only started to cut down the youtube videos but I also stated to offer the patreon membership where I offer for the true enthusiasts a full time version without any time lapse of every weeks youtube video. Perhaps this might be something you might enjoy. And it really is pretty cheap, 5 dollars a month for 4 full time videos is really a bargain ;-))))
Hi Sylvia, you`re completely right - and that`s the reason why I usually show the colour palette in the newer videos at least for a short bit of time. In the detailed videos on my Patreon you will even see the complete mixing process in real time - but that takes AGES sometimes and no one wants to see that here on a shorter RUclips video (believe me, I truly tried, those longer videos do not well) :-///
Ty for such a quick response and I understand quick vs long and detailed so do I need to be a patron to see the longer videos? And ty fir the palette info!!
@@sy2.083 Yes you need to be a member of the Patreon. There goes a lot more time into each of those videos so that it`s only worth doing it when people pay the 5 dollars a month for it. But I publish at least 1-2 new full time videos with comments and no or hardly any time lapse each month, very often I manage to do even 4 of them a month (always the according youtube video but with all the material that I filmed and with comments on the important parts). I currently have 10 full time tutorials and another 20 or so "material collections", just the whole video without comments or background music as an extension to the according youtube video as people ALWAYS asked me to stop doing the time lapse in the videos.
@@brennerfineart sorry I dont know what that means. I heard you speak and I thought you sounded Dutch so I wrote the title of a song I like, and your response tells me I was right in thinking you were Dutch haha 👍🏼
@@JonnyChaos I am actually a german guy ;-)))) I put your dutch comment into google and the meaning of your words was something like "it did not work" - so I came up with a question for you (I thought YOU are a dutch guy) that means something like "could you not do the painting"? :-))) OK - we both don`t speak any dutch at all - let`s stick to english :-)))
Always a battle of how much I have to cut away to keep people on watching...I tried it with LONG tutorials in the beginning...but they did not well...only when I started to go below 10, 15 minutes RUclips started to push me out to more people sadly...but i have a patreon channel where we have no time lapse, no cut, the whole colour mixing process...people who are REALLY into learnin how to paint:
Alright am i the only one who thinks that this is not a tutorial but merely someone painting beautiful clouds. But if the question comes that can i try myself using this video. The answer is no.
Hi Parth, I already published a real time tutorial here (the pepper painting tutorial) - and the sad truth is, no one likes it, no one is watching it for a decent amount of time and therefore this video won`t get recommended by RUclips. And not because it is a bad tutorial, people here on youtube in general don`t want to watch really long is no coincidence that 90% of all the other "tutorials" here in the painting section are not longer than 10-15 minutes if at all. So why should I waste all the effort and time in producing something people don`t watch anyway? I offer full time versions without any time lapse on my patreon if you are interested. Basically all the material that I filmed for a specific video to give a better insight in the whole process. These are non edited, there are no comments, no music. Just the pure painting process.
I tried it, showing people all of the video without skipping, without time lapse...but those videos did horrible...people bail out when nothing "happens" joke...therefore - my painting tutorials on RUclips are fast paced to keep the engagement rate up...and since I do it a longer portion of the video is watched at average and youtube started to push the videos out to more people. When you want to see the full time versions of the videos you can check out my patreon channel:
I tried it with long real time tutorials and they did very one watches them here on youtube...or at least not enough people for a long enough time so that RUclips is going to push them out. Therefore I do the "small" ones here for free on RUclips and the bigger ones (the ones that are really time consuming to produce) on my patreon. It think that`s a fair deal. Those who want a more in detail look can join on Patreon, the others can watch the videos here :-)))
It`s really difficult to find the balance between going fast enough so that people don`t get bored (and they DO get REALLY!!! quickly bored here on RUclips) and going slow enough to teach people enough...
This was really helpful sir! I always find clouds difficult to paint. I'll try some of the techniques I learned from here. Thank you very much!
Thank you for dropping by. I`m glad that this video helped you :-)))
Your cloud paintings are extraordinary, and very helpful! But could you also show us how you mix your colours?
Thank you Monika :-))) I will try to include more of the mixing process. Especially on my full time/real time tutorials on my Patreon site. And thanks a lot for your feedback!
Whoa awesome, love the light reflecting off the clouds!
Thank you :-))))))))
I love that you use water-mixable oils as I do! I love all the clouds that you do!
Thank you Linda :-))) I have to admit that I use the water mixable oils more like a traditional oil paint, I meanwhile use hardly any water or if I do I do it just in the stage of the underpainting when I am in an extreme hurry. But knowing that I COULD use water is the important/wonderful thing about the water mixable oils ;-)))
Join my patreon for in detail lessons on how to do a realistic painting. 4 new lessons each month!
Can you mention in your videos when you switch to oils?
@@2ASteph I basically use the acrylics just for the first layer, the underpainting. Everything else is done with the water mixable oils. And I more and more start to use the water mixable oils even for the underpaintings. I don`t really like that acrylics dry so quick, I meanwhile like to have the possibility to toy around with the underpainting and therefore hardly use any acrylics at the moment.
How long did you take to make the clouds?
@@Mhyko380 It`s been a while ago...but I think roughly around 6-7 hours
YOU ARE AMAZING, such patienceeeee
Thank you :-)))
great tutorial, no unnecessary blabla about your feelings and about yourself, love your stuff 👌👌
No one wants to hear how "bad" life as an artist is 😆 or if I did sleep well or not... People are here for learning how to paint a damn cloud - and that's about it 😊
@@brennerfineart true that is 🙂✌️
it diserves a million views, and its soo realistic
Thank you :-)))) One day perhaps it will get to a million ... ;-))))
Wouw, I would love to try This one. Very Beautiful painting. Thank you for your video’s
Thank you :-) Give it a try - it`s not THAT difficult :-)
Very beautiful ❤
Thank you :-)))
The next Mona Lisa!
Thank you :-)))
I love how you start out by saying “ hey guys”. 😊👍🏼😂
Thank you :-))))
Absolutely magical!
Thank you so much :-))))
Always a pleasure my friend
Thank you Adrian :-)))
I was really taken aback, god has given you talented hands and mind. May god bless you. Could you please show the mixing of these colours in your painting!
Thank you :-))) I tried to show it but people did not really like it...therefore I stopped to include the mixing process for the youtube videos. But for the version on Patreon (check it out, link is in the description box) you will see the whole process without any time lapse including the colour mixing process.
@@brennerfineart Thank you 😊😊
Hi! I love all your cloud paintings. They calm me as if they were in the sky!
Thank you :-))) I love to paint clouds...perhaps because I still have from my really early days till now from time to time dreams about being able to fly in the sky without any tool/machine/device...that would be SO AWESOME!!!! :-))))
Beautiful as usual! You are so talented
Thank you Jen :-))))
Beautiful, great tutorial. Thank you for sharing..
Thank you, you`re welcome Jenny :-)))
Where do you get your large flat brush? Is it a cheap house paint brush or a special kind? Also, are mixing a gel medium with your paint? I feel like when I use a thickner/gel it does not work with clouds.
I got it here in Germany at a company called Boesner. Synthetic 1.5 inch brush, cheap but does the job pretty well. I do only use linseed oil - this is my only medium...I do not want to use any harsh thinner or anything that has harmful ingredients like oleo gel or white spirit or turpentine - all of them can promote cancer. I also mix my colours pretty thick...just a dip into the oil with my palette knife...the colour needs to be able to cover the white of the canvas in one go.
I have become a biggest fan of your painting in 2-3 days.🥺❤️
Thank you :-))) You´re welcome :-)))
Your cloud painting are amazing 😍👌 it's great 👏
Thank you :-))))
Is there a list of the brushes used for this? Especially the blender big one and the final tiny fine-point brush.
I added the usual "list" of materials to the description box of this video. The smaller brushes are bought on ebay germany and are unfortunately currently not available. But any other 0 to 4/000 soft round brush will do the job. The blender brush I bought from Boesner in Germany WAY back...but any other 1.5 inch very soft bristle brush will do the job. But the hair is really extremely soft and very fine - so do not get a hog brush.
@@brennerfineart thank u bro
@@damienwayne__ you`re welcome :-)))
Extremely talented, this was very helpful, thank you very much 💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much :-))) And you`re welcome :-)))
Love this! 💙
After you put that first layer of paint do you let it dry and then come back and then start the second layer?
Yes :-))) I am not sure if I still used acrylics for the underpainting on this painting. But as I use today solely oil colours I apply the first layer and let it dry completely before I put on the next layer of colour. And dry means bone dry...rather 5 more days than painting over a layer of colour that will lift off when you apply the next as a tip, work on several paintings at the same time to make sure you always have a dry painting to continue to work on :-)))
@@brennerfineart thank you very much. I am very new to oil painting and every video I watch does not make it clear. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. 👍🏼
@@emanuelgonzalez1702 you`re welcome :-)))
Your artwork and tutorials are excellent. 👌
Thank you so much Caryl :-)))
What paint brush are you using? Do you issues with bristles coming off on your canvas?
I have some good ox hair brushes that I use now for decades bought here in Germany but the rest of my brushes are nearly all cheap ebay china brushes...synthetic ones but soft. Very fine hair and zero problems with loosing hair in any way. Can really recommend those cheap sets of round and flat brushes on eBay. I have no certain brand, I buy what is available.
@@brennerfineart thanks so much!
Bonjour. Quelle marque de peinture utilisez-vous s'il vous plaît ?. En vous remerciant.. cordialement.
Winsor&Newton water mixable oil colours :-))))
@brennerfineart Merci 👍
Thank you!
Amazing job. Jaw-dropping beautiful. I love your clouds!!!
Thanks a lot Keving :-)))
Good education I follow you because you are such a creative artist
Thank you :-)))
Beautiful painting! Would you be able to share a link for the reference photo?
Thank you :-) Here the link for the photo that inspired me to do this painting:
Красота какая! Облака похожи на живых персонажей!
Спасибо большое :-)))) Да облака однозначно как живые существа, постоянно меняющиеся и просто красивые :-)))
I love your works man
Thank you :-)))
Really cool!I have so many struggles to choose the right colors..👏👏
Glad that you like it :-)))
WoW! Thanks!
Thanks for watching :-)))
Wow amazing 💓👍
Thanks a lot :-)))
Thank you :-))))
@@brennerfineart 👍🏻👍🏻✨✨
This is so great. Its greatness is in its simplicity.
Thanks a lot :-))))
Fluffiness 💕
Definitely :-)
Very nice, thanks!
You`re welcome :-)))
Stunning!! Thank you! ☁️❤️
Thanks a lot :-))))
Hi Brenner, have you got this tutorial on your Patreon?
Hi Luis, sorry, I did this painting before I started with my Patreon. Therefore there is unfortunately no real tutorial of this video/painting.
@@brennerfineart I see it’s okay, I am one of your Patreons, and I saw brilliant tutorials even though a new tutorial like this one will be great.
@@LuisVargas616 I know, you just became a member ;-))) 'And yes, there will be coming more cloud painting tutorials in the future as I LOVE to paint clouds myself so much that I would not do my patreon without them ;-))))
مبدع! استمر أتمنى أن ارى فنك اكثر 3> لكن هل استخدمت بهذه اللوحه اكريليك؟
شكرا جزيلا! نعم ، يوجد مقطع فيديو جديد كل أسبوعين بلوحة جديدة :-))) استخدمت طلاء زيت قابل للخلط بالماء للصورة هنا ، يمكنك العثور على رابط هذا الطلاء في وصف الفيديو.
Beautiful ❤️
Thank you :-)))
Amaizng art! Is this specific video on your patreon? I cant seem to find it.
Thank you Marisol 👍😊 I think for this specific video there exists (if at all) just a collection of all of the material that I filmed for this specific RUclips video. I do not call those videos tutorials as there is no comment, no colour mixing process, no reference photo, nothing, just all of the filmed material.
I am currently on vacation on sardegnia and I will be coming back next week 15th. So please write me over Patreon and I will send you the link to this video if it exists.
@@brennerfineart okay thank you! I sent you a message on patreon.
Every painting tutorial I watch seems to skip a lot of information from frame to frame and as an absolute beginner it is very confusing. How do you learn to paint is what I want to know. Does anybody have an answer? Help
It is impossible to compress all the information into one video that people REALLY watch for a substantial amount of time. I tried it in the beginning of my channel, two years ago, with tutorials of 1-2 hours...but they did REALLY!!! bad...and youtube did not recommend them any further. So I was "forced" to do much shorter videos that still try to teach the basic but without getting bogged down too much into details...this would be boring to watch for the people and they would leave just like they left on the old longer videos. If you are really interested in full time versions I have them on my Patreon where I also show how I mix the colours (link is in the description box of every video).
🎉🎉🖌️🎨🎨. Gr8
Thank you 🙏🏼
You`re welcome!!
Amazing 😻
Thanks a lot :-))))
Wow!!!! Picked up painting a week ago... Novice Question: Can I achieve the same look with watercolor paint?
Hi Meilat, no, watercolour will not achieve this "rich" look that only oils are able to deliver. Acrylics can do the job but they are harder to work with as they are dry the moment you apply them.
I love your work! you are so talented
Keep it up
New subscriber here!
Thank you so much Kiri :-))) Glad that you like it :-)))
Thank you :-)))
You are amazing
Thanks a lot Muhammad :-)))
Which surface do you like to paint the most on?
It depends upon my painting moods somehow ;-))) When I go larger I prefer canvas, when I go smaller I prefer the primed hdf plates. And it constantly changes, sometimes I stay away from the hdf plates and sometimes I only work on canvas.
Thanks you ☺️
And thanks for watching :-))))
Thanks :-)))
I love you clouds! :) This is a very inspirinig video. Could you explain what kind of brushes do you use?
Hi Joanna and thanks a lot :-))) I have a video where I explain what kind of brushes I use most of the time:видео.html
Amazing - thanks!
Thank you Maria :-)))
Thank you
You`re welcome :-)))
كالعادة سهل لاكن عبقري شكرا لك سيدي
شكرا على المديح :-)))
Hey I have subscribed to your patreon channel. Could you upload full videos of these 'how to paint clouds?'
Hi, unfortunately from this painting there exists no real time tutorial. This is one of the first tutorials that I did on my youtube channel and I did not have a Patreon channel back then.
what kind of paint does he use?
I`m using water mixable oils from Winsor&Newton. Links to these colours are in the description box.
Thank you so much Master
Thank you Raj :-))) And please - don`t call me master - the only thing I have in advance is more "seattime" in front of my easel ;-) I am convinced almost anybody can learn how to paint like this with enough practice :-)))
@@brennerfineart 💖
Oil or acrylic? Gorgeous!
Hi Corinna, I used oil for this one :-)))
What brush do you use?
Hi Sophie, I use all kinds of brushes but mainly these here:видео.html
@@brennerfineart thank you I'll check that in the morning because I'm studying how to paint clouds right now. And I want to to make them as real as possible and ist not that simple
@@wandersworld7523 ok - glad that I could help :-)))
@@brennerfineart yes I think when I take the time to learn I will learn. I'm a atodidact and had 2 years of art school but I was to busy with other things. If you want you can see what I'm doing on Instagram @sophieluijfart but I'm so busy and the time keeps comming slowly because painting is what I'm going to do xx good evening
Sorry I wouldn't like to be mean or harsh engils is not my first language. Like the simplicity of you video's and very helpful!!
Thank you :-)))
Thank you :-)))
Thank you!
This is not a tutorial; it's a demonstration.
This is one of the first videos I did here on RUclips...did not have a clue on how to really teach people - therefore it`s really not that good of a tutorial, completely agreed!
@@brennerfineartoh ok I still found it helpfull
@@MatthewYacob-jg3ld great :-)))
I like ur videos.
Thank you :-)))
Am I the only one who hear a French accent? Anyway, the painting is BEAUTIFUL! And the video is very helpful! Thank you so much ❤️
Thank you :-))))) I always thought I sound a little hint of scottish due to my sometimes a bit rolling "rrrrr" (really can`t say a decent "three" always sounds like Connor O`Dougle ordering thrrrrreee portions of Haggis) - but being french is also a very nice idea ;-)))))
German! :D
@@lealiii2322 rightyright :-)))
deine Bilder sind unglaublich!👌
Könntest du eventuell ein Wolkentutorial in Originallänge hochladen? Als Anfänger braucht man jede Sekunde um zu verstehen, was da vor sich geht 😅
Viele Grüße 👋
Vielen Dank für die Blumen :-) Ich hab`s mit Vollzeittutorials probiert, das läuft leider gar nicht, diese Videos bekommen praktisch keine clicks, haben ne sehr schlechte Zuschauerbindung und werden deshalb auch nicht von RUclips promotet...ABER - ich hab ne Patreon Seite, da gibts jeden Monat 2-4 neue Tutorials (alles an Material was ich für ein Video filme, im Prinzip fast alle RUclips Videos von mir in einer unkommentierten Version ohne Zeitraffer, im Moment 15 Stück, wie gesagt jeden Monat 2-4 weitere Videos bislang zwischen 1.5 und 7 Stunden) für schlanke 4 Euro im Monat. Und dazu gibts noch ne stetig steigende Zahl an von mir gemachten Fotos die du als Referenzmaterial für deine Bilder verwenden kannst. Wär das was für dich? :-)))
@@brennerfineart oh wie schade :0 Verstehe einer diesen RUclipsalgorythmus 😪 Das klingt gut, danke für die Info :)
Viel Erfolg weiterhin 👍
Du kannst das Video auch langsam abspielen, evtl hilft dir das ja. Hab ich auch schon gemacht und ich muss sagen, den Ton muss du dann ausmachen sonst schläfst du ein😂
Thank you👁👄👁
Thank you for watching :-))))
Großes Kino! Macht irrsinnig viel Spaß Dir zuzusehen.. eigentlich macht auch das anwenden deiner Tipps und Tricks Spaß, wenn es mal "funktionieren" würde.
Ich glaube eines meiner größten Schwierigkeiten fängt schon von Grund auf an. Die Grundierung der Leinwand.
Ich arbeite mit Acrylfarbe und diese trocknet so schnell, das ich größere Flächen ganz schlecht verblenden kann ohne direkt den gesamten Malgrund nass und mit Farbe zukleistern muss.
Ich habe in zwei bis drei Schichten den Malgrund mit Gesso grundiert.. Mh... kreidige Haptik. Muss das so? Ok, dann mal ran ans Werk, und siehe da... schwierig. Mache ich hier schon etwas falsch?
Wie eignet sich eventuell Acrylbinder zum grundieren? Wie grundierst du? (ich glaube du arbeitest mit Öl?)
Beste Grüße und viele neue kreative Projekte.
Hi, erstmal vielen Dank :-))) Mittlerweile untermale ich auch mit den wassermischbaren Ölfarben von Winso&Newton. Hab das früher mit Acrylfarben gemacht, aber die sind DERART schnell trocken, dass man eigentlich nur Farbflächen aufgetragen bekommt. Gibt wohl die Möglichkeit mit Trocknungsverzögerer zu arbeiten aber da hab ich keinen Bock drauf, ich will die Chemie möglichst raus lassen aus der Malerei da ich praktisch jeden Tag stundenlang an der Staffelei sitze und möglichst alle Schadstoffe aus der Geschichte raus haben möchte (deshalb auch der Umstieg auf die wassermischbaren Ölfarben, da brauchts kein Medium N mehr das Petroleum enthält, da reicht Wasser und Leinöl komplett aus). Die Trocknungszeit nervt zwar, aber ich hab mittlerweile drei vier Bilder gleichzeitig in der "Mache" und dann ist es ok wenn ein paar Tage zwischen Untermalung und finaler Schicht ins Land gehen. Dazu male ich hauptsächlich auf Malpappe (gibts beim Boesner, also diese MDF Platten die weiß grundiert sind) und auch gelegentlich auf fertig vorbereiteten Keilrahmen bespannt mit grundierter Leinwand. Das klappt wunderbar, ist nicht teuer und man hat keinen Stress mit grundieren. Probiers auch mal aus, das ist wirklich VIEL bequemer :-)))
@@brennerfineart ich danke dir !!!!!
@@kolossos86 Kein Problem :-)))
I wish you would at least put in a link to the video without any gaps. It would be extra helpful in my cloud struggles.
what link do you mean?
Since the video is not a complete video, add a link to the full video so we have the ability to watch the full video without any missing parts.
@@justicefor-all3129 The full time video is for my patreons only. Do you have the slightest idea how much more time I have to invest to make a full time video without time lapse, adding comments, adding the full palette and colour mixing process, further detailed information? Do you have furhtermore just a hint of how much you would pay for one of these at any other artist and do you know at all that you will get 4!!! new full time tutorials each month on my Patreon for a meager 5 Dollars a month?!?! So please...before you "demand" anything completely out of this world step back and stay realistic.
Let me start by apologizing if my comment came off as a demand, that certainly was not my intent in any way. Secondly, I have not even the slightest idea how much time it takes to make a full video. I can only imagine based on what you had mentioned, that it takes a lot of work.
To be completely honest, what I meant when I stated that I wish you would put a link to the full video was not really about a video without times lapse. I was speaking about time lapse without the gaps so we can watch the whole cloud being painted.
I know we are lucky in the first place to have any of your knowledge shared to us. I was just struggling with my clouds at that moment and I was attempting to follow what you were doing and was not expecting it to jump forward, so that is why I was saying I wished we could watch the whole thing. But again, I appreciate all that you give us anyway. I am hoping to one day have realistic clouds myself. The struggle is real.
@@justicefor-all3129 Thank you for your explanation - and I truly understand it, you want to see just the next part and BANG the part is "time lapsed" ;-))) Which is an annoying thing...but I had to do the videos like that after I started in the beginning with some full time no time lapse videos and they did really bad. No engagement, people do not have the patience for more than 10-20 minutes if at all. And therefore I not only started to cut down the youtube videos but I also stated to offer the patreon membership where I offer for the true enthusiasts a full time version without any time lapse of every weeks youtube video. Perhaps this might be something you might enjoy. And it really is pretty cheap, 5 dollars a month for 4 full time videos is really a bargain ;-))))
You need to tell people what colors you are using . ❤️☁️
Thanks for your input - I will definitely do that in the next videos!
I see ur painting is beautiful but it wld b great if u talked about your color choices-this is not obvious to me because I am a beginner! Thank you!!
Hi Sylvia, you`re completely right - and that`s the reason why I usually show the colour palette in the newer videos at least for a short bit of time. In the detailed videos on my Patreon you will even see the complete mixing process in real time - but that takes AGES sometimes and no one wants to see that here on a shorter RUclips video (believe me, I truly tried, those longer videos do not well) :-///
Ty for such a quick response and I understand quick vs long and detailed so do I need to be a patron to see the longer videos? And ty fir the palette info!!
@@sy2.083 Yes you need to be a member of the Patreon. There goes a lot more time into each of those videos so that it`s only worth doing it when people pay the 5 dollars a month for it. But I publish at least 1-2 new full time videos with comments and no or hardly any time lapse each month, very often I manage to do even 4 of them a month (always the according youtube video but with all the material that I filmed and with comments on the important parts). I currently have 10 full time tutorials and another 20 or so "material collections", just the whole video without comments or background music as an extension to the according youtube video as people ALWAYS asked me to stop doing the time lapse in the videos.
How did you mix blue and yellow and didn't get green??? You skipped the most important part 😱😱😍😍😍
Hi Ann :-))) I actually did not mix blue and yellow - the yellow was used to mix it with white and red to get that brownish tone on the palette.
I tried to paint clouds for the first time following this video. It’s not great, but HEY things dont have to be perfect for me to like doing it
Great that this video motivated you to do your first cloud painting :-))) Keep on practicing - it takes a while to get everything sorted out ;-)
next level🤌🏻
Thanks a lot!
Alles Naar De Kloteeeeeeeeee
Heeft u het plaatje niet voor u geschilderd?
@@brennerfineart sorry I dont know what that means. I heard you speak and I thought you sounded Dutch so I wrote the title of a song I like, and your response tells me I was right in thinking you were Dutch haha 👍🏼видео.html
@@JonnyChaos I am actually a german guy ;-)))) I put your dutch comment into google and the meaning of your words was something like "it did not work" - so I came up with a question for you (I thought YOU are a dutch guy) that means something like "could you not do the painting"? :-))) OK - we both don`t speak any dutch at all - let`s stick to english :-)))
@@brennerfineart hahahaha so much development from a sporadic, random, silly comment.
Anyway back to the subject good job on the clouds haha 👍🏼
You are magnificent!
Thanks a lot :-)))
Ich wünschte, Sie würden ein Tutorial in deutsch vertonen!
Hallo Heike, das lohnt sich leider nicht...weniger als 5% der Aufrufe auf dem Kanal kommen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum...
Lot of edits at the correct time of the finishes if the clouds
Always a battle of how much I have to cut away to keep people on watching...I tried it with LONG tutorials in the beginning...but they did not well...only when I started to go below 10, 15 minutes RUclips started to push me out to more people sadly...but i have a patreon channel where we have no time lapse, no cut, the whole colour mixing process...people who are REALLY into learnin how to paint:
Are you from Germany? Or am I tripping
Yes, I am from Germany - that`s the reason for my "not so good" english ;-))))))
Alright am i the only one who thinks that this is not a tutorial but merely someone painting beautiful clouds. But if the question comes that can i try myself using this video.
The answer is no.
Hi Parth, I already published a real time tutorial here (the pepper painting tutorial) - and the sad truth is, no one likes it, no one is watching it for a decent amount of time and therefore this video won`t get recommended by RUclips. And not because it is a bad tutorial, people here on youtube in general don`t want to watch really long is no coincidence that 90% of all the other "tutorials" here in the painting section are not longer than 10-15 minutes if at all. So why should I waste all the effort and time in producing something people don`t watch anyway? I offer full time versions without any time lapse on my patreon if you are interested. Basically all the material that I filmed for a specific video to give a better insight in the whole process. These are non edited, there are no comments, no music. Just the pure painting process.
You go to fast, I didn’t even see you paint the large white cloud
I tried it, showing people all of the video without skipping, without time lapse...but those videos did horrible...people bail out when nothing "happens" joke...therefore - my painting tutorials on RUclips are fast paced to keep the engagement rate up...and since I do it a longer portion of the video is watched at average and youtube started to push the videos out to more people.
When you want to see the full time versions of the videos you can check out my patreon channel:
I’m sorry that was bad that was instructions it was too fast and didn’t even show step by step
OK - thanks for your feedback!
This isn't a how to. This is a "watch me do it."
I tried it with long real time tutorials and they did very one watches them here on youtube...or at least not enough people for a long enough time so that RUclips is going to push them out. Therefore I do the "small" ones here for free on RUclips and the bigger ones (the ones that are really time consuming to produce) on my patreon. It think that`s a fair deal. Those who want a more in detail look can join on Patreon, the others can watch the videos here :-)))
Yeah right...not the same painting...
I was hoping this was in English
It is...but its a pretty german english ;-))))
@@brennerfineartyour English is fine. I totally understand you even watching on 2x speed… neurospicy problems. Lol. Keep doing this fabulous work.
I understood you just fine. This person is being rude. Thank you for the video
Could you go slower…???? =\
It`s really difficult to find the balance between going fast enough so that people don`t get bored (and they DO get REALLY!!! quickly bored here on RUclips) and going slow enough to teach people enough...