Overwhelmed Citizens of Today's World

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2023
  • How to face today's world, with all its problems? If we want to contribute in creating a better world, which one of the many problems should we choose? Is there a hierarchy of problems, where some should have the priority on others? I this the answer is yes. I'll answer and discuss it in this video.
    The article that inspired this video www.climateforesight.eu/artic...
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Комментарии • 97

  • @michaelchin3550
    @michaelchin3550 Год назад +1

    Mary Jane, you are brilliant. Thanks for sharing. My thoughts are the same as yours without knowing how to put them into words in such simple brilliance as you do.

  • @gepeseromovil
    @gepeseromovil Год назад +2

    Good reflection on important and urgent problems

  • @axelpaff3306
    @axelpaff3306 Год назад +2

    Hi Mary Jane, my good analysis of the environmental situation, regards

  • @Pyrahna241
    @Pyrahna241 Год назад +6

    that definitely makes sense. This is one of the smartest environmental analysis I've ever heard. 😊

  • @pizzareviewsonthego
    @pizzareviewsonthego Год назад +2

    Oh I know back problems very well. Hope you're feeling better. Climate/environmental changes are definitely some of the most important issues we need to address. Overpopulation is also another important issue. So many hospitals can't keep up with the level of medical care needed to care for the citizens of our larger cities. The list goes on and on. I love these videos Mary Jane, thanks for taking the time to give us reason to reflect and think. And sorry about your broken window and plumbing issues. My friend Scott does all my handy work, from plumbing, to construction, and he doesn't ask for too much money.

    • @GC01842
      @GC01842 Год назад

      It's just a hoax

  • @mastervalley8103
    @mastervalley8103 Год назад +2


  • @michaelchin3550
    @michaelchin3550 Год назад

    Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed in form. We need to be more conscious of our wants and more mindful of our needs.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Matter is subordinate to form.
      This means that when the matter has disappeared, the form remains.
      #.Hans-Peter Dürr

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Our goals and desires direct our attention. Our attention determines/guides our actions.
      Truth and reality

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Reality, a symphony of desire and existence.

  • @andrewbadart3827
    @andrewbadart3827 Год назад +2

    Yes, I'm with you Mary, on dealing with the important matters that will face us all.
    On a smaller scale, I've always tried to deal with my own problems in a similarly systematic manner... and that's by being... or at least trying to be practical, about any pending issues that will need my attention.
    Other things may seem more appealing to put one's energies towards, but this requires a form of discipline that reaps it's own rewards in the long run.
    I would suggest that most people are fairly reactionary when it comes to this sort of thing, and their reward centers will usually dictate many of their responses.
    It's something that requires a shift of thinking... but is oh so worth the effort!.
    But as with you... procrastination is definitely one of the things that I'm always fighting against... and I'm not sure what that's about... because It's something that I'm always very critical of, in regards to myself!.
    So don't feel that you're alone in dealing with this particular paradox, as it kind of defies sensible logic to a degree!.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +2

      Since you mention being practical, I wonder: isn't being "practical" exactly caring for the urgent tasks? Doesn't dealing with long term tasks a good dose of idealism? Just a matter I thought about while reading your comment.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Politics in a democratic society is hardly able to be short term in ‘action’.
      That’s the dangerous option to join the old guard from the not democratic wing.
      ^my top worry in economic evolution

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Hi Andrew ❤

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      How about religion? Is it a fundamental mistake, or a well known democratic statement of belief.
      Like a circular argument or so 😊

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Belohnungszentrum ist das top Stichwort, Andrew ❤
      - und eben dieses ist veränderbar. Daran kann die Gesellschaft arbeiten.
      Das Überwinden eines Krieges, soll etwa 3 Generationen benötigen. 90 Jahre!
      Das ist nach meinem Dafürhalten nötig, um dauerhaft auf eine höhere Lebensqualität setzen zu können.
      #.staatliche-Garantie einer Mindestmarge für Industrie, Handel.
      Etc. #.Anfang
      What do you think?
      Sry… muss los 😅

  • @spqr701
    @spqr701 Год назад +4

    M.J. The world is in a very bad place these days. Is environmental negligence the root cause? I don't think so although it is certainly right up there with the rest of our problems. I happen to think that political corruption is one of the big players in this mess... I'm not sure where we should start.......

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      Maybe you're right. But political corruption has much deeper roots that politics. We should investigate where these roots are.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Good point.

  • @mauriziosant1658
    @mauriziosant1658 Год назад +1

    Time to reinvent the wheel🤔

  • @TL....
    @TL.... Год назад +1

    "JUST IN - Thousands of computer servers around the world have been targeted by a ransomware hacking attack, Italy's National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) warns.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Every day…. doesn’t matter. This happens since connectivity is global.

  • @Malaikatrendy
    @Malaikatrendy Год назад +1

    In America we spend so much money on war, yet have some politicians telling us that little kids should work for their lunch meals.

    • @johnarthur620
      @johnarthur620 Год назад

      They're called Republicans.

    • @axelpaff3306
      @axelpaff3306 Год назад

      The only ones who benefit from the wars are the Military Industrial Complex and the Banks that sell a lot of weapons, but the common citizen is getting worse and worse with less employment and worse pay

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Please tell me more? I don’t see any problems with kids, working for their meals. It depends on ‘work’. How much do they have to work?
      Cleaning up the classroom would be great, kn my opinion.

  • @SuperMpare
    @SuperMpare Год назад +1

    ...the brain too!

  • @RobertoD1899
    @RobertoD1899 Год назад +1

    Thats actually the world making people being like that.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      It always starts on one single person.

  • @rubenrubinos982
    @rubenrubinos982 Год назад +1

    La Vita Bella! I believe elderly people should have rent free homes or apartments.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +2

      I'd say it depends whether they're already receiving a pension or not and how big is the amount. I believe everyone who doesn't have enough should receive something!

    • @rubenrubinos982
      @rubenrubinos982 Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane agreed, if they can do it for the very rich they should do it for those that can't work anymore.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Absolutely. We need a standardized basic income for the elderly. One that takes effect early enough so that the transition from a full job (30 to 40 hours a week + 30 days vacation) to 70%, 50% - 30% to max 12.5 hours/week from age 64.
      All of us: Technically, there are partly well-founded 'assumptions', which refer to a maximum, regular daily working time of NOT more than 4 hours a day.
      So we not only work too much, we also get too little for it. Religious freedom is one of the aspects that first come to mind at this point.
      In addition we should include people affected by neurodiversity to at least 100% basic income, guaranteed by the state.
      What do you think?

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      From 30% to 12.5 hours per week maximum: this time should be used exclusively so that the 'old' can pass on their knowledge to the successors.

  • @danielzz5776
    @danielzz5776 Год назад +1

    Per le termiti ti suggerisco di bere due grappe, vestirti da Sbilf e suonare il Piffero..le termiti verranno irrimediabilmente attratte dal suono e ti seguiranno ovunque..per i problemi alla schiena e alla cervicale io lavorando al pc ti consiglio di cercare rimedi (ginnastica a corpo libero) perchè sul lungo periodo abbasseranno parecchio il livello qualitativo della tua vita. Per gli altri problemi io credo chiederei un consulto per le termiti (anche se il rimedio che ti ho consigliato è molto valido) per capire se hanno già intaccato pesantemente le fondamenta e in questo caso porre subito rimedio.Per quello che riguarda il video in generale io cerco di stilare una sorta di scaletta mentale dei vari problemi e delle priorità e dedico un tot di tempo ad ognuno di essi percentualizzandolo in base al livello di gravità . Per il resto la mia opinione è che le 2 maggiori ricchezze nella vita siano il tempo e la felicità.. le attuali dinamiche del mondo tendono a renderci frenetici,egoisti e competitivi facendoci perdere di vista il concetto base, ovvero l'essere tutti compagni di un viaggio senza meta in cui chi sostiene d'avere la mappa se l'è disegnata da solo. Forse basterebbe solo rallentare, ascoltarsi e darsi una mano a vicenda per capire che non conta arrivare primi ma godersi la corsa.
    Mandi dalla Carnia!

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +1

      Tu as reson. Gjoldisi le corse e dasi une man. Mandi Cjargnel!

    • @danielzz5776
      @danielzz5776 Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane Mandi!

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +2

      @@AA-gd5tl E' lingua friulana. La sua differenza dall'italiano è uno degli elementi fondamentali per cui ad oggi è riconosciuto come lingua regionale invece che dialetto. Un peccato però che solo il friulano e il sardo lo siano. Fosse per me, riconoscerei tutti i principali dialetti italiani come lingue e li tutelerei come tali.

  • @Qwerty8
    @Qwerty8 Год назад

    1. will be the end of killing each other - without loosing everything!
    War takes our needed recourses - necessary for changing into a positive evolution of human life.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Die neuen Kreationisten 😅

  • @Zarkalo
    @Zarkalo Год назад

    problemi più grandi di noi. a volte non possiamo farci niente. guardarsi dentro e vedere più quello che abbiamo vicino... non ha tanto senso pensare a questi problemi più grandi di noi...

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      Ciao Gio. Chi altro pensi debba affrontare questi problemi, se per te sono "più grandi di noi"?

  • @ChiccoMusic12
    @ChiccoMusic12 Год назад

    Credo che storicamente sia sempre stato cosi. Finchè i problemi non ci toccano nel quotidiano non gli dedichiamo tempo nè attenzione. O almeno la maggioranza di noi non lo fa. Ci vuole conoscenza e lungimiranza, nonchè una coscienza matura e una forte assunzione di responsabilità collettiva. Certo non si può risolvere il problema ambientale senza un coordinamento fra stati a livello globale, viste le implicazioni economiche. Credo che si continueranno a fare piccoli passi poco rilevanti finchè il problema non diventerà troppo evidente e a quel punto potrebbe essere troppo tardi. La guerra in Ucraina, e molti altri fatti quotidiani, ci mostrano come il problema ambientale scivoli in fondo alle priorità di fronte a problemi culturali, sociali, economici o politici ritenuti più importanti. Si potrebbe allora dire: vabbè, ma io cosa posso fare nel quotidiano? Eh, bella domanda. E a cosa servirebbe? Tralasciando Cina, USA e India che sono delle autentiche discariche, perfino un paese moderno e ricco come la Germania dipende ancora dal carbone. Il Dio denaro purtroppo sembra sempre molto più convincente di pezzi di polo nord che si sbriciolano ed inverni sempre più miti. Quella climatica è un'autentica guerra globale da combattere ogni giorno, a tutti i livelli, affinchè diventi la priorità più importante e urgente, come dici tu.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      Eppure noi in Italia i problemi climatici li tocchiamo con mano, altroché. La scorsa estate tutte le regioni sono state affette da siccità. Nonostante ciò, si è parlato di stratagemmi per garantirsi un'adeguata quantità d'acqua per questa prossima estate e per le poche estati a venire, piuttosto che ragionare su prevenire che il problema si ripresenti e peggiori in futuro.
      Per quanto riguarda il cosa può fare uno nel quotidiano, direi che nel tuo caso già prendersi il tempo per riflettere su questo tema e scrivere un commento pubblico a tal proposito rientra nelle azioni a favore di una soluzione.

    • @ChiccoMusic12
      @ChiccoMusic12 Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane eh, come vedi si tappano i buchi ma il problema rimane sempre li. E per risolverlo non bastano incentivi, bonus e rimedi temporanei, serve un coordinamento globale. Abbiamo ancora gente come Trump che dice che il riscaldamento globale non esiste, o come Bolsonaro che disbosca la foresta amazzonica per interessi economici. Questi qui sono appoggiati da metà degli elettori dei loro paesi. La situazione è complicata, per usare un eufemismo. Certo non serve guardare molto in la, con la pianura padana che è il luogo più inquinato d'Europa. Credo che sia fondamentale entrare nell'ottica del dover rinunciare a qualcosa. Per esempio gli aumenti sul gas avrebbero potuto ridurre bruscamente i consumi. Sono scesi solo del 10%, perchè chi ha soldi paga quel che deve pagare e sta con 24 gradi in casa, alla faccia del riscaldamento globale. Le auto elettriche, finché non abbiamo una produzione energetica totalmente rinnovabile (che allo stato attuale è un'utopia) sono inutili o quasi, gli allevamenti intensivi e le industrie sono un altra fetta grandissima di inquinamento, ma chi li ferma? La politica deve muoversi, ma le priorità sono sempre altre. Insomma, un bel casino.

  • @Antreus
    @Antreus 6 месяцев назад

    The answer is always to have more children. I don’t care what anyone says. The more CO2 in the air, the greener the plants, more oxygen for us, and less watering needed.

  • @vivoperta
    @vivoperta Год назад

    We the west have to deal with? How about the rest of the world?😢

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Well… don’t know about ‚West‘ since earth started turning 😊

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      I meant that I was talking on the perspective of the Westerner

  • @gfar4964
    @gfar4964 Год назад

    Sustainability. Technology has allowed developed countries to achieve many comforts, but at the same time, it has created numerous negatives.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      The problem here is product life cycles.
      We waste too many raw materials.
      Comfort is not a problem; no one has to go hungry anymore because of comfort.
      Industry works efficiently - no problems!
      Do you understand me?

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      Very good point. I've been reflecting for many years on this double aspect of technology, source of so much benefit and cause of our ruin.

  • @lindarandazzo-trygstad8262
    @lindarandazzo-trygstad8262 Год назад

    Leave NYC!

  • @DarthHao
    @DarthHao Год назад +2

    The only viable solution to that house scenario is to burn the house down. Just like there is only one viable solution to all of these problems; humanity’s extinction.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      This is a real fighting scenery 🥰
      Let’s hit the road.
      Who is in charge? Me, myself and I 🙃🔥🍾

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Can we eat termites? Is it healthy?
      How about using stones next time 🤕
      Humanity always gets/takes the termites, right?

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +2

      Your hypothesis makes a lot of sense. Nonetheless, wouldn't you try still everything possible, before actually destroying your own home?

    • @DarthHao
      @DarthHao Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane True, but only if the problems had reasonable chances of resolution. The reality remains that the world’s problems are well beyond resolution, the house is inevitably going to collapse in on itself. It is time to start over, maybe the dominant life form after us will be more successful.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      @@DarthHao How would you propose to start over? By moving life on other planets?

  • @diegobarro7954
    @diegobarro7954 Год назад

    Che bel pezzo di donna! Sei bona! Saluti Diego

  • @davidellis5141
    @davidellis5141 Год назад +4

    At least the 🇺🇸 is back at the table in tackling the environmental issues that confront us all. For four long years the government was populated by climate change deniers. For now , we are trying to be part of the solution because we definitely are part of the problem.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +1

      Still the US - a democratic country and major polluter of the planet - isn't part of the Paris agreement, which is an absolute tragedy for the rest of the world.

    • @davidellis5141
      @davidellis5141 Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane The very first act of President Biden was rejoining The Paris Treaty & accepting it unconditionally.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +1

      ​@@davidellis5141 Very true! My bad. Apologies.

  • @Drae84
    @Drae84 Год назад

    Tranquilla, siamo tutti procastinatori, io poi lo sono a livelli patologici XD.
    Per me non arriveremo mai a una soluzione di questi grandi problemi globali, siamo troppo spezzettati in 'tribù' che ragionano ancora come nucleo a se stante, non c'è il concetto di razza umana. E lo si vede sia nelle nazioni democratiche, non c'è un vero movimento verde, se non con numero infimi. Per non parlare poi delle dittature varie. Non se ne può uscire. Poi arriveremo al punto di non ritorno, ma li non sapremo più su chi fare scarica barile. La cosa triste è che i governanti di ora non assisteranno a questo declino, tanto loro non ci saranno più. Ad oggi conta solo prendere voti, e queste tematiche i voti non li portano

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      Ciao Davide. Ti ringrazio del tuo contributo, ma devo proprio chiedertelo: dov'è l'elemento costruttivo del tuo intervento?

    • @Drae84
      @Drae84 Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane apprezzo molto la ricerca del dialogo, ed ho apprezzato molto il video. Le tematiche trattate mi sono tutte molto care, ed è causa di grande frustrazione non riuscire ad incidere nel cambiamento che vorremmo. Cosa ci fosse di costruttivo nel mio commento? A volte accettare che su alcune cose non abbiamo il controllo, può essere positivo e aiutare a mitigare questo senso di impotenza. Ma se preferisci posso cancellare il commento, se non lo reputi nel giusto flusso del tuo pensiero lo capisco e on mi faccio problemi :). Chiudo ringraziandoti, perché tu per lo meno nel tuo piccolo qualcosa la stai facendo

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      @@Drae84 Capisco. E' un approccio diverso dal mio e come tale porta valore alla discussione. Mi fa piacere che apprezzi il mio lavoro, grazie.

  • @briandeluca4318
    @briandeluca4318 Год назад +1

    Aweeee you’re a victim.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      Fashion victim? - don’t think so 😊

  • @25447carepear
    @25447carepear Год назад

    4:50 Please tell me this is NOT what you believe in because this takes away any credibility of legit intelligence if you believe in evolution.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      What is wrong with believing in evolution. I respect your belief.
      Tell me about. Evolution is the consequence of Creationism, think about it 🎉😊

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад

      I'm not sure I understand. Evolution is the only theory of the origin of our species on the planet and I'm not aware of theories that deny it.

  • @boltthrower142
    @boltthrower142 Год назад +1

    @13:30 vero, è en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Release_early,_release_often .. dovrò fare anch'io un commento importante e "foundational" che faccia da premessa generale, altrimenti continuo a rinviare anche sui dettagli, e alla fine non ti scrivo niente ::

  • @Bidenisapedo
    @Bidenisapedo Год назад +4

    I'm not against LGBT rights- we're all human. What I'm against is being forced to celebrate somebody's sexuality and being called a "homophobe" if I don't. What's far worse is what's happening to young children in schools across America where they're exposed to unspeakable evil. Schools should be teaching arithmetic, grammar, science, etc, not sexuality, porn or other garbage. This whole "woke" culture needs to go and those who harm children need to be jailed. Just my 2 cents on that issue.

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      How bad is it? Do you have some links to discover?

    • @Qwerty8
      @Qwerty8 Год назад

      The Baptism of Leviathan: 'Protestant Elites and Politics in the United States and Latin America'; by Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer.
      Attempt this topic, for more certainty in matters of faith.
      There are many approaches, which struggle for the truth. Often we do not find the reasons for our actions in present views on/of our world.

    • @WhatashameMaryJane
      @WhatashameMaryJane  Год назад +1

      That's great! I definitely agree with you that one should not be forced to celebrate anything in this world. There are two things I don't understand in your comment.
      1) Who forces you to celebrate someone's sexuality? I struggle to picture something like that happening, but tell me more about your experience!
      2) I think schools should teach citizens how to exist in society and interact with the people around them. This includes geography, history, science and definitely sexual education. Now, I would love to know in what schools "sexuality, porn or other garbage" are being taught. Can you share your experience with this, too?

    • @Bidenisapedo
      @Bidenisapedo Год назад

      @@WhatashameMaryJane There are plenty examples of what's going on in the US school system. Pornographic books, drag queen shows, all kinds of sickness and poison being pushed on kids. Here's just one example. This has been a Huge controversy for a while now. ruclips.net/video/q_-U1n93YWI/видео.html