20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 2)

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 307

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 4 года назад +60

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 Introduction
    1. 0:16 Do 1 Timothy 2:9 and 1 Peter 3:3-4 prohibit jewelry (wedding bands, necklaces, etc.)?
    2. 9:16 In Matthew 21:1-8, there is a donkey and a colt (2 animals). Does this have something to do with Jews and Gentiles?
    3. 11:30 Can a person who struggles with addiction be born again? Can you be saved, but not enter the Kingdom of God? (John 3:3)
    4. 14:39 How do I pray for a believer who isn't truly walking in line with Christ, and not showing evidence of any growth or transformation in their life due to habitual sin and lack of intimacy with God?
    5. 18:23 When you ask God for wisdom, how do you expect a reply? How do you hear from God? Does He send thoughts?
    6. 22:27 My church is having an indoor wedding tomorrow, despite the local government's current mandate prohibiting indoor ceremonies. Is this in accordance with God's Word? (Romans 13, 1 Peter 2: 13)
    7. 27:25 Shouldn't Christians practicing polygamy have the same moral obligation to obey God's commands on marriage as divorced Christians who should pursue restoration? Isn't polygamy a sin, no matter what?
    8. 30:05 In 1 John 5: 16-17, can you explain what is meant by "sin not leading to death" and "sin leading to death"?
    9. 34:05 Can you elaborate on Hebrews 6:4? Is it referring to backsliding, or salvation?
    10. 35:00 What is "righteous anger" according to Scripture, and could it be applicable for us to occasionally experience today?
    11. 37:47 What are your views on communion and the eucharist? How much should the early Church writings affect our views on communion?
    12. 44:36 Is there any good reason to think that the rapture of the Church will most likely happen during the "Feast of Trumpets"?
    13. 45:33 What is the difference between a feeling and a conviction?
    14. 46:40 How much authority does a father have over his adult children, and does it differ between sons and daughters?
    15. 49:33 Can you comment on Michael Heiser and his "Divine Council Theory"?
    16. 53:29 How would you respond to someone who claims that the Old Testament is not true due to their belief that there was never a biblical flood or Exodus, and that the Hebrews just copied the cultures around them, etc.?
    17. 59:04 In Genesis 6 and 1 Samuel 15, God regretted His decisions. How can God, who knows all things, make a decision that He later decides was wrong?

    • @flora20
      @flora20 4 года назад +10

      Thank you Sarah ❤️ these are SO useful for future reference

    • @zxy123f
      @zxy123f 4 года назад +9

      Sarah you are the greatest!! We appreciate you being so efficient and diligent in your work GOD BLESS

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 4 года назад +5

      Sebo Brison Thank you so much! ❤️ It's my pleasure!
      And @Flora 20 Thanks to you, too! 🙂

    • @zxy123f
      @zxy123f 4 года назад +3

      I thank GOD for Flora too!!! What a blessing!!!

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 4 года назад +4

      Sebo Brison Amen! Flora is such an amazing sister! 💖 She supports BibleThinker so much through her prayers and her constant encouragement! ❤️

  • @markp2023
    @markp2023 Год назад +6

    One Faith, one Lord, one baptism for the Forgiveness of sins!

  • @mandaweekes3771
    @mandaweekes3771 4 года назад +163

    I spent almost 20 years as an addict. I remember i used to be so desperate to be healed and i thought i would be a slave to my drug habit forever. I started to direct my pleading toward Jesus, I begged for forgiveness and was disgraced in myself. I remember the day Jesus saved me, he gave me a new heart and i am a new creature. I dont want to use drugs anymore. I used to think people where exaggerating about the change in them after finding Christ, Its no exaggeration, he is glorious and loves you and does give you a new heart. I was someone who loved to use drugs and loved my sin instead of God. Now i cant imagine going back there. I was also blessed as a new believer to find Mike, I have learned so much amd God truly has his hand on me. If you want to change and you come to him in humility and repentance, he can do anything.

    • @gigahorse1475
      @gigahorse1475 4 года назад +9

      Praise God! Thank you for sharing. I’ve never had to deal with drug addictions, but your testimony gives hope that God can heal me from the problems deep inside my heart that have been there since birth. I’ve been getting closer to God but I have a long way to go.

    • @henriklarsson5221
      @henriklarsson5221 4 года назад +11

      I had addictions for years and years, even continued after i "found" God, or the bible... you know, using excuse after excuse to keep on going. Slowly he hammered out the faults in me, concerning drugs, lies and lust, until the armor(his strength) fitted much better and would not let it in anymore. This is the same with anything concerning our flesh. Not everyone gets a "insta-conversion" but many need a longer time to work out things, i mean i were an atheist since birth until my ~33;th year, when i started to wake up to biblical truths. 5 Years later i have finally left all of my old life behind and accepted his ways fully. We all continue to struggle tough, since we still have our carnal bodies. Our old life is a reminder of what can happen when we don´t have him, we should not be ashamed about it but instead be glad that we, trough his strength, could learn from it and leave it behind.
      Now, let your tribulations be a training for what is coming, keep on praying, reading and walking in his way. One day we will have to chose whom we will side with, even tough it may cost you your life. The times are running short.
      Peace to all out there, i love you and hope to see you soon.

    • @chaboi7
      @chaboi7 4 года назад +14

      My addictions included, smoking, drinking, robbing, orgies, watching and making porn....when I got saved pretty much everything was cleaned out of my except smoking cigarettes , for some reason I couldn't stop smoking and I tried everything and nothing worked....one day I was smoking on a rooftop and I asked God with tears in my eyes to take it from me because if it was up to me I'd never let cigarettes go but I knew it wasn't his will for me to smoke...the next day I couldn't smoke anymore, it was literally a miracle...God is good and he knows our struggles...sometimes things stick around for a lesson and maybe, for me, the lesson was repentance in tears and agony, amen.

    • @gigahorse1475
      @gigahorse1475 4 года назад +3

      king bibibear Amazing! God bless. 💗

    • @imheck
      @imheck 4 года назад +1

      You said it perfectly! Me TOO!

  • @neuroidcastle
    @neuroidcastle 4 года назад +77

    Anyone else binging Pastor Mike’s vídeos in the middle of the night? 🤣

    • @lisakeele2585
      @lisakeele2585 3 года назад +2


    • @lynnbehnke6910
      @lynnbehnke6910 3 года назад +1


    • @pattif30
      @pattif30 3 года назад +1

      Lessee ... it is now 1:20 a.m. ... 😉

    • @DrewJacobson61
      @DrewJacobson61 3 года назад +2

      Yup. Great sleep aid too!

    • @AshBethel
      @AshBethel 3 года назад +4

      Yes I watch them before I go to bed. A great way to get my mind off of worldly things at the end of my day.

  • @suzanneyorkville
    @suzanneyorkville 4 года назад +42

    Mike you are such a blessing to the body of Christ. I am now 59 years old and how I wish I'd been exposed to solid teachers like you when I was younger.

    • @lesliematyas1921
      @lesliematyas1921 2 месяца назад

      so true ...the sermons i got from church ...was okay to bland ....but that was before internet .
      far too many pastors are not excited, you get the same boring by the numbers ...

  • @ProjectBlackBox_TM
    @ProjectBlackBox_TM Год назад +5

    When Pastor Mike talked about hitting rock bottom and radically repenting it hit me really hard because that is exactly where I'm at. I was saved several years ago, I heard the gospel, I heard of Jesus and his saving love and I believed in him and loved him. But my life before Jesus was so depraved and I was so engrossed in sexual thoughts and porn addiction and this fixation with sexual pleasure. And after I got saved I felt very convicted of my sins but I continued in them while making excuses for them, tell myself "it's bad but it's not that bad" or "well I'm not hurting anyone". And over the years of being saved it isn't like I just didn't want to actually quit, I did genuinely want to stop. And I would pray that God would take away this desire and change my heart, but deep down I just didn't believe I would ever be able to quit even though I wanted to. It felt impossible to change and defeat the flesh and so I just made excuses instead. But I started dating my girlfriend, who is now my fiancée who I want to marry, and I just felt so sick with myself for betraying her in my heart with my adulterous thoughts and actions. And then I really tried to quit, and I struggled so much that I wondered if I was really saved. And I had panic attacks and anxiety every day, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep every night I wondered "Am I saved? does God love me? is there any hope for me?" And I was miserable. But I knew Jesus was my only hope. And I prayed every day even though I felt like God was going to take my life any second, and I read my Bible even though it made my heart beat out of my chest with fear, and I went to church even though I thought I didn't belong in God's house. And what I prayed for was forgiveness, and transformation, and for a new heart, and for the joy and peace and faith of the Spirit. And days went by and then weeks, and every day felt like it was my last day on earth. I was completely at the end of my rope with no more excuses to make. But I never stopped praying to Jesus Christ for his mercy and peace, and confessing my sin and asking him to find joy in turning me from my ways. And finally my faith was restored, and I knew that I was saved by Jesus, and I remembered my former relationship with him and how sin had driven me away. And I remembered the former joy of my salvation and joy in God's word and in his presence in my life. And I knew I believed and I was saved but my flesh was so full of fear and doubt, and my heart was condemning me and my mind was tearing itself in two as the Spirit fought against the flesh. I sincerely thought I was going to have a complete mental breakdown and go into total psychosis because of the ripping apart of my mind between who I wanted to be in Christ, and what the lust of my flesh was moving me to do. But I just kept my unstable soul fixed on Jesus Christ no matter what. And so here I am today, feeling better but still struggling. I've made more progress in my walk with God and in my battle with the flesh than ever before, and for the first time in my entire life I genuinely feel like I can defeat my addictions and my lust and temper my flesh through Jesus. I finally feel like I'm truly walking in the Spirit over the flesh. I know that was a lot but I pray anyone feeling as hopeless as I was can read this and find peace in the Lord Jesus and in his saving love. He wants you to be saved, he died for you to be saved. And he has no pleasure at all in the death of the wicked, but has joy in the turning of a sinner from his evil way that he should live. If you truly desire to change and know him and walk in his Spirit then he is going to help you, because thats what he promised and he is forever faithful, even when we are not. If you read all of this please pray for me. Thank you. Praise Jesus!! ❤️

    • @jocelynbeggs
      @jocelynbeggs Год назад

      Thank you for your vulnerability. I would want to encourage you to look into the Conquer Series which has helped so many men learn good tools to fight porn. You are not alone in this battle! Also I'd encourage you to talk to another Christian man who is spiritually mature in the faith anf walks humbly in his attitude and speech.
      Also, your future marriage needs to be built upon honesty. She needs to know before getting married. Trust may need to be rebuilt but ultimately give her to God. You aren't responsible for her response or can control her response, but you can choose to trust God through this and focus on what God has called you to do.

  • @shelbycurry721
    @shelbycurry721 4 года назад +23

    Thank you so much! As a young woman, I was struggling with this a lot. Actually part of the reason I stayed away from Christianity as an agnostic was the idea that most Christian women seemed to me oddly superficial and concerned with outward appearance and seemed to use Jesus as an accessory. Now that I am Christian I'm doing the difficult balancing act of embracing my femininity without letting my outward appearance be my defining "beauty." Thank you for giving a fair but honest perspective. I will keep it in mind in the future.

  • @thebookworm5048
    @thebookworm5048 3 года назад +7

    The Bible teaches modesty is a virtue, but our culture sees it as oppressive. WOW! I have never heard it put that way but it makes total sense! Thank you for this new perspective!

  • @jenniebensch7216
    @jenniebensch7216 4 года назад +35

    It’s so true about women’s conferences in mainstream churches. It’s all about that cute outfit, right accessories nice car, adorable kids ect. All external stuff.

    • @GemsOfGrace
      @GemsOfGrace 4 года назад +9

      Very true. It’s easy to get sucked into those things.

    • @chaboi7
      @chaboi7 4 года назад +6

      We went down south and my wife was invited to makeup tutorial meetings...I left the church quite easily after that.

    • @TheEngineerd
      @TheEngineerd 4 года назад +4

      @@Charity-vm4bt Could you quote the verse where, you claim, Jesus calls women dogs? (Spoiler alert who aren't sure where this is headed if we get a response: the dog term has nothing to do with the fact he's talking to a woman).

    • @TheEngineerd
      @TheEngineerd 4 года назад

      ​@@Charity-vm4bt I don't have his book to go look it up. Do you recall the reasoning? One can, unfortunately, never have too many books. So, if the dogs are juxtaposed against the children, and what makes one a dog is being a female, then did Jesus only have interest in preaching to men as well? Or are dogs female, Caananite, occultists? I'm just not sure why you're bringing in additional characteristics if what you want to say is that dogs = women. I assume they're relevant to your original point somehow.

    • @TinkerBell-bt6vu
      @TinkerBell-bt6vu 3 года назад +3

      @@Charity-vm4bt this verse is not emphasizing the dogs. It is a metaphor to tell a story about how even dogs get scraps. And it was not about Jesus(God the Son) thinking poorly of women in any way. It was a societal/cultural norm that women were treated as lower. But that had to do with the Roman world (babylon) and not Jesus. Remember these were Gentile women (not Israelite women, but rather women of Rome and a result of sin and the fallen world. That is how women were treated and Jesus turned that upside down by showing grace and love to her

  • @everwoodbaby96
    @everwoodbaby96 4 года назад +111

    "We preach the gospel of hootchie momma in our culture" - Mike Winger 9/4/2020

    • @PreciousMeddler
      @PreciousMeddler 4 года назад +4

      I dropped in here to post the same thing.

    • @sphagbog
      @sphagbog 4 года назад +2

      What is hootchie momma? ... I could google it

    • @everwoodbaby96
      @everwoodbaby96 4 года назад +4

      @@sphagbog @MikeWinger the people need answers!!

    • @tourmaline7385
      @tourmaline7385 4 года назад +2


    • @imheck
      @imheck 4 года назад +12

      @@sphagbog High tight skirts, low cut blouse, flashy colors, jewelry & pricey, accessories, I was an usher at a church where the ladies would sit on the front row & flash the preacher or any man at the lectern. It got so bad we had to hand out modesty cloths.

  • @jasonanderson7343
    @jasonanderson7343 4 года назад +34

    Just stumbled across your channel when searching about finding Jesus in the Hebrew bible. I am blown away on how you address every question with humility and you aren’t afraid to say you don’t know. Keep going Pastor Mike and God bless.

  • @deion312
    @deion312 4 года назад +39

    We love your ministry Mike. You are Biblical, honest, and kind.

  • @sphagbog
    @sphagbog 4 года назад +47

    151k subscribers now. Going up so quickly. So many people listening to sound teaching 🙃

    • @invadercivic2774
      @invadercivic2774 4 года назад +2


    • @sphagbog
      @sphagbog 4 года назад +1

      @@invadercivic2774 1000 in a day

    • @matthewdecker2299
      @matthewdecker2299 4 года назад +2


    • @sphagbog
      @sphagbog 4 года назад +1

      @@matthewdecker2299 I can feel a graph coming on, but I expect Mike has one

    • @sphagbog
      @sphagbog 4 года назад +1

      @@matthewdecker2299 4 days later 156k 500/day

  • @tobynobel5671
    @tobynobel5671 4 года назад +28

    There's a new perfume commercial out where a whole string of women say "I'm perfect," "I'm perfect," etc, then at the end the narration says something like "we're all perfect." I realize it's just trying to boost confidence, but I think there's a drastic difference between "I am perfect," and "we were all created equally beautiful and unique." Because we are not all perfect, only God is perfect. And since we are not all perfect we rely on the gift of salvation from Jesus. I've got 3 daughters that are of the age of getting their first make up kits and jewelry and stuff. So we're trying to balance the God made you special, you're beautiful without that stuff, but also letting them be excited and happy to have their fun little girly things.

    • @ClipZ_Gaming_1
      @ClipZ_Gaming_1 3 года назад +2

      And some of those on that commercial aren’t women

  • @JohnLopez-hr1fd
    @JohnLopez-hr1fd 4 месяца назад

    I'm just starting to go through these Q and A as a playlist, and thought I have been watching Mike for a few years now I finally understand what I am so in line with his understanding of scripture. He's from Calvary Chapel.

  • @lalaland962
    @lalaland962 3 года назад +1

    I'll be 63 in December, and were either of my parents alive I would STILL be seeking their counsel.

  • @SanctifiedPunk
    @SanctifiedPunk 4 года назад +33

    As a Christian gal, THANK YOU so much for your comments on the jewelry verse. I have had people use that verse to tell me that my nose ring and earrings are sinful or even pagan. I've also felt so uncomfortable in women's ministries that put such an emphasis on outer beauty. There's been so many times when I've felt like I'm not pretty enough or dolled-up enough for women's ministry and it's so awkward.

    • @klrp3248
      @klrp3248 3 года назад +11

      Piercings and tattoos are not inherently evil, but they are prevalent in pagan practice all across history. With the rise of witchcraft in my area, I can recognize a witch by the piercings, tattoos, crystal jewelry, and clothes. So how you present yourself is important.

    • @franzellkrieg6118
      @franzellkrieg6118 2 года назад +4

      And then again, if you come from Malawi and don't have piercings your would be seen as worldly and western.... Greetings from Africa 🌍

    • @turtleneckferret
      @turtleneckferret Год назад +1

      Nose rings aren't cute IMO

  • @ThisBloke760
    @ThisBloke760 Год назад +1

    God requires us to be in close relationship with Him. The only way to do that is to be filled with Holy Spirit and to live hearing His voice directing us individually and obviously God will not contradict His written word. This relation ship is sadly lacking in most church attenders and is not discipled in corporate churches. We don’t need more rules we only need Jesus

  • @darrellblanchard2362
    @darrellblanchard2362 Год назад

    I believe what matters is the reason for wearing them in the first place. Intent of the heart.

  • @lifebreadbakeryandminifarm2834
    @lifebreadbakeryandminifarm2834 4 года назад +3

    I love what you said about learning to listen to people who don't agree with you on everything and learning from that conversation. It is part of the reason why I like your channel so much. I may not agree with everything you say or believe but I learn new things about the Word because I hear them from a point of view that is different than ministers within my religion. I hear them from you without the confirmation theory type interpretations that we as humans are prone to make. I.e. reading the word in order to validate your belief. Especially like your video about alcohol and the fresh perspective you gave as someone who does not partake. Keep on keeping on brother!

  • @wingnutzster
    @wingnutzster 3 года назад +3

    With regards question 4: Believe it or not, it is possible to hit actual rock bottom, be rescued supernaturally by an undeniable miracle but later backslide - that's me. I feel like the process is a process, a long daily process of daily getting closer to fullness or closeness and in that, I find an intimacy beyond what I've experienced with anyone on earth, think about it..if every day you woke up determined to get closer to the person you love never feeling like you love them enough, how deep and meaningful would that relationship be? Yet as much as I struggle to get closer I learn more every day about just how depraved and wicked I am and so it's a slow transformation and my hope is that I am truly saved - this from someone raised in an evangelical family who sold everything for ministry, who walked across the country with a cross with my dad - but as a teen rebelled and fell into severe addiction and as a young adult was rescued from the pits of death and dereliction and never for a moment doubted God's hand in the whole process but now is nowhere near as close to God as I should be, I don't feel like I'm bearing fruit or in any way being a light to the world.

  • @lotruthve6402
    @lotruthve6402 4 года назад +5

    Mike, this is great content thank God for the call on your life for sound teaching for the body of Christ🙏🏾❤️

  • @Sonny_Contreras
    @Sonny_Contreras 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Pastor Mike. Always a sound voice for alt-center stance lol. Not the right or the left. Just rightly dividing the Word of truth. Your appreciated and prayed for.

  • @shayla4094
    @shayla4094 2 года назад +1

    I loved this topic bc I grew up in a church that jewelry things were forbidden

  • @karricompton
    @karricompton 4 года назад +4

    Please, yes, to a verse by verse study of Hebrews! I’m studying it in depth with a group right now and it’s SO rich! I’d love to hear what you say about it.

  • @brianmattingly9481
    @brianmattingly9481 4 года назад +3

    Thank you mike

  • @flora20
    @flora20 4 года назад +9

    Thanks Mike for answering my question - a lot of the commentaries seemed confusing lol I’m really excited to hear about the forthcoming Hebrews series - can’t wait! Thank you for all you do may God bless you

  • @doulos77
    @doulos77 Год назад

    I think the strongest argument for Heiser is Job 1 which was not mentioned in your analysis.
    But I completely agree - take what you find profitable and leave the rest!!

  • @eversosleight
    @eversosleight 4 года назад +5

    Great material Mike with great responses! I appreciate your honest reply on M. Heiser and Divine Council, and while I was finally sold on it, after a long season of digging and studying, I agree it does sound like weird theology to most at first. I appreciate your stance and respect your view; it's definitely not something that should divide.
    Thanks for another great q and a👍🤓👍

  • @Sarahac8
    @Sarahac8 4 года назад +4

    LOVE this series so much!! Thank you Mike! You are the only person on youtube that I have alerts turned on for because every single video you do is so valuable. Also, please do go in depth on the divine council theory at some point! Super intrigued by this topic and would love to hear other interpretations.

  • @arcrue
    @arcrue 4 года назад +7

    Thanks for answering my question about the rapture.
    Many say that phrases connected with Lord's second comming such as "No one knows the day or the hour" or "in the twinkling of an eye" are idioms to the Feast of Trumpets. Interesting.

  • @therayn0
    @therayn0 4 года назад +5

    Thank you for the michael Heiser Question. I have read his book "unseen realm" this year and found it very convincing. I would love to hear about what alternative interpretations there are about the verses and the devine council theory.

  • @carlidoepke5131
    @carlidoepke5131 2 года назад +1

    Always a blessing! Thanks, Mike!

  • @lionoffireministries
    @lionoffireministries 4 года назад +10

    Hey Mike 👋 😊
    I’m not sure if you remember me... I was called Matt Mason before! Now I’ve also changed my channel name and logo ☺️
    Would love your thoughts??

  • @benny372
    @benny372 4 года назад +4

    Please go through Hebrews verse by verse!!! :) it’s a challenging book for most people (including myself), it would be such a huge blessing!

  • @chriskattan2
    @chriskattan2 4 года назад +2

    Hi Pastor Mike,
    Thank you so so much for your ministry! You are educating me and now, I am super passionate about studying my Bible and not just reading it. I highly respect your integrity and I am grateful for it!
    I have a few questions that you can hopefully add to your « 20 questions with Pastor Mike »!
    - In exodus 19:11 i notice the reference to « 3 days »
    And I wonder what is the meaning/symbolism of 3 days (Christ rose in 3 days) so many things seem to refer as 3 days.
    - Also, why is John the disciple that Jesus loved. Is it his personal assessment of his relationship with Jesus? His perception?
    - what does the word « Bible « mean? Who and when and how was it decided that the Bible would be called a B-I-B-L-E?
    - What do you know about the eneogram?

  • @hisholystory
    @hisholystory 4 года назад +4

    So glad someone asked your opinion on Heisers Divine council interpretation! Excited to hear your opinion on that!

  • @RedPillOfTheBible
    @RedPillOfTheBible 4 года назад +2

    Minute 19 on the topic of wisdom I totally agree with you, and I would add tr hat God gives wisdom through life experiences as He gave to Salomon.

  • @QZigZagg
    @QZigZagg 4 года назад +2

    Now this a good topic! Glad that Mike decided to thoroughly explain this subject!

  • @chris092283
    @chris092283 4 года назад +2

    I disagree on a few views but really enjoy listening and definitely gives me a different perspective on a few things. Thanks

  • @savannah138
    @savannah138 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this video and your closing comments on Romans

  • @folkie099
    @folkie099 4 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for answering my question!

  • @sofiamoeller_
    @sofiamoeller_ 2 года назад

    Pastor Mike, please expand upon 53:29! I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this!

  • @shannonlange1895
    @shannonlange1895 4 года назад +9

    hey mike, id really like if sometime you did a bible study on proverbs (just an idea). also thank you for your ministry!

  • @Dannie_Decent
    @Dannie_Decent День назад

    Great video

  • @twiceborn_by_grace
    @twiceborn_by_grace 4 года назад +2

    I’m commenting in the middle of the question, so you might say it, but to me having struggles implies that you don’t want that issue of sin and you’re fighting against it.

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for doing this series. A good way to quickly gather a bit of wisdom on this issue or that - things that are bothering real people, and may be handy to have in the back pocket for the future.
    Resources like this are even nifty for the future even if I don't recall everything in them, since we can just return to them later. :)
    Take care!

  • @Tokengesture
    @Tokengesture 4 года назад +2

    The fact that this is even a question speaks volumes....

    • @TinkerBell-bt6vu
      @TinkerBell-bt6vu 3 года назад +3

      There are 25 different questions answered in this video. You are going to need to be a bit more specific lol

    • @briannaprieto3043
      @briannaprieto3043 3 года назад

      What do you mean?

  • @brittbritt1306
    @brittbritt1306 3 года назад +1

    Mike can you please do an interview with Dr michael heiser? It would be such a great conversation!!!!

  • @grantbartley483
    @grantbartley483 3 года назад +1

    Interesting to see that the history of worship in your church seemed to display a quasi-Hegelian dialectic. Cool. The key to resolution is often synthesis.

  • @zoesabundantlife9248
    @zoesabundantlife9248 2 года назад

    Regarding the feast of trumpets…it takes place over a two day period and nobody does know the day or the hour when the actual feast starts…they have to look for the sign in the sky (the new moon I believe) then they blow the shofar “trumpet”…so with that also in mind…it seems highly possible that it could be the feast that foreshadows the return and eternal rule of our Lord and Savior Yeshua 🙏🏻🔥❤️ God bless.

  • @maxiescarlet
    @maxiescarlet Год назад +1

    I only ever wear jewellery that’s been given to me to please the giver! I do like pretty things but I definitely don’t need to own them I am happy to see jewellery on another woman as much as myself.

  • @jennysims1910
    @jennysims1910 3 года назад

    Great answer to question 6

  • @shoespeak
    @shoespeak 3 года назад +7

    every 20 questions video starts the same: mike adjusting his glasses wondering if the stream is on :)

  • @Mr_A1-37
    @Mr_A1-37 4 года назад +4

    Mike, I think perhaps further acquainting yourself with the ancient background culture of the bible would lead you to the same conclusion that Heiser holds regarding the divine council.

    • @TinkerBell-bt6vu
      @TinkerBell-bt6vu 3 года назад +2

      Pastor Mike is a pastor and theologian. He has formal seminary training and does massive amounts of research. He understands the ancient cultural practices better than most. Perhaps there are differences in opinions that do not rely on more reading and research. Perhaps it is precisely because of his education, training and research that he has arrived at his conclusion. Just something to consider. Cheers

  • @lynnbehnke6910
    @lynnbehnke6910 3 года назад +7

    I was interested in your comments about women's attire.
    Although an over-emphasis on the outside is problematic, so is neglect. I think this is an area where we should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Neglect of one's appearance can hinder one's testimony.
    I think it's entirely appropriate for the women of the Church to help teach girls how to create a modest, efficient, flattering wardrobe so they will be equipped for every occasion, and don't need to spend so much time worrying about it, and trying to make all their decisions unguided.
    Having women in the Church teach girls about appropriate hair and makeup instead of leaving it up to the world makes the girls better able put outer adornment in the proper place in their lives.
    I don't mean this should replace Bible study, but a girls' only retreat or mother-daughter weekend where ladies are given practical guidance would be much more useful than having a male pastor (who often has a very attractive and well turned out wife) basically dismiss this natural concern of most young women.

  • @faithdoreen6989
    @faithdoreen6989 4 года назад +4

    Phylicia Masonheimer wrote a great book for women called "stop calling me beautiful" and it speaks well on the issue of women conferences and just church culture in general focusing on external beauty instead of internal godly beauty.

  • @susanbrooks5792
    @susanbrooks5792 3 года назад

    To Hendrick Larson thank you so much for that testimony of yours I fell into the same category where I was saved at a very young age and I did not even understand what sin was I didn't understand that when you get out in the world people don't think like you do what you were taught in church I'm not saying that I wasn't convicted I knew that stealing and all those things were wrong but I had no self control about it it's taken me years to realize that God gave us the ten commandments to show us that we are sinners but I broke every single one of them and I had I broke all of them until I got to the point where after many many years I looked at myself and questioned if I was saved or not and I just had to let it all out to God repent of everything that I ever done that I could remember and it was painful but he washed me I'm not saying that I still don't struggle with some things of course we do we live in a world that promotes all these sinful things but it is easier with God's strength

  • @kaymojil7669
    @kaymojil7669 4 месяца назад

    Rock bottom is another word for repentance-- I love it!

  • @molliethompson3425
    @molliethompson3425 4 года назад +15

    Can I ask a cheeky extra question - does anyone know what breed of cat Moxie is? She is so fluffy and sweet 😍
    anyway thank you Mike for all your videos they’re so useful and a huge blessing

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 4 года назад +5

      Maine Coon, I believe :)

    • @molliethompson3425
      @molliethompson3425 4 года назад +4

      Sarah Zimmermann thank you 😊 her character reminds me of a Ragdoll but I knew she wasn’t she’s purrfect hope we see her soon 😻

  • @rhea_celeste
    @rhea_celeste 4 года назад +2

    I spend 30 minutes total on hair and make up before leading worship every sunday. And I don't say that to sound "holy" I actually struggle with wondering if it's not enough because I'm not "good" at doing the whole girly get-up and I wonder if my Pastor's wife thinks I should take more time on my looks. My mom used to tell me all of the time I "let myself go" because there were a couple of years I never did my hair or make up because I just don't see the point in outward appearances? Maybe there's a middle ground I have not found yet?

  • @christiantaylor9200
    @christiantaylor9200 4 года назад +5

    I'm a recovering addict. I "hit bottom" when I finally quit digging!

  • @newcreationcoachingllc6491
    @newcreationcoachingllc6491 4 года назад +1

    Yes on the Hebrews study!

  • @IsraelNewTestament
    @IsraelNewTestament 4 года назад +3

    The best way to know the difference good and bad anger is to follow the example of Christ. The Apostle Paul seems to summarize Jesus’ approach to anger in his confusing instructions in Ephesians 4:26: “Be angry and do not sin.” That verse may seem odd, but it perfectly depicts Jesus. Yes, Jesus got angry, but he was always sinless.
    Jesus shows us three right ways to be angry:
    1. Loving anger is redemptive, not vindictive.
    It is directed toward the problem, not the person. Here’s how Paul says it: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29 ESV).
    Your goal should be to build up the other person and show grace, like Christ did for you.
    Loving anger is void of the slightest drop of malice or desire to make that person pay for what they did. Jesus had the best illustration for this in Matthew 5:39: “If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other one also.”
    Having your cheek slapped isn’t an attack so much as it is an insult. So when it happens, you have three choices: (1) You can strike back, revealing that anger is controlling you. (2) You can offer them the same cheek, taking a passive aggressive approach until you finally lose control and explode. Or, (3) you can turn to them the other side of your face in an attempt to confront the evil in them and restore the relationship.
    Loving anger is always focused on eliminating the sin while drawing close to the person. It should feel like an invitation to fellowship, not an execution of vengeance.
    2. Loving anger is controlled and develops slowly.
    When Paul tells us to “let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice” (Ephesians 4:31), he’s talking about avoiding that state where you feel consumed by anger-whether that comes out aggressively through shouting or passively through slander.
    The book of Proverbs says a lot about anger; it doesn’t, however, counsel “no anger” so much as slow anger: “Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty” (Proverbs 16:32). It tells us that getting angry quickly rarely has a good effect: “An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins” (Proverbs 29:22 NIV). Rather than quick and reflexive outbursts, it counsels us to respond with patience: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). Proverbs 19:11 says, “It is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Sometimes the best thing to do with a wrong done to you is let it go-that is your glory and will diffuse a lot of anger.
    3. Loving anger is short-lived.
    You confront the person for the wrong and then commit the injustice to God and let him deal with it. Then you can go to sleep an unburdened person, and the sun has not gone down on your anger like we are commanded in Ephesians 4:26.
    When my wife and I got married, we tried to put this verse into practice a little too mechanically. We said, “Let’s never go to bed until we have everything resolved.” And all that did was just to lead us to a few sleepless nights, because even after we talked about the issue, one of us would still be angry because the other didn’t see things their way.
    This verse, however, is not talking so much about resolving all your interpersonal issues every day before sunset. (After all, resolving conflict takes two parties, and sometimes the best way to resolve a conflict is to be patient.) No, Paul’s words here aren’t primarily about handling disagreements swiftly. They’re more about an attitude you take into your disagreements, where you don’t carry the burden of settling the score or even getting the other person to see things your way. You can confront the wrong and then go to bed and leave vengeance to God.
    In Matthew 21, right after Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the Temple with whips, verse 14 says the lame and the sick came to him. He didn’t scare people away with his anger but was just as approachable after his anger as before. Why? Because his anger wasn’t an explosive character flaw. It was focused, redemptive, and short-lived.
    Is that what happens right after you are angry? If not, what better time is there than today to take your sinful anger to God and ask him to transform it?

  • @susanbrooks5792
    @susanbrooks5792 3 года назад +1

    Hi Mike I love your teaching so much you are so right on about many things I just wanted to run this by you my thought was about Jesus riding on the young donkey that maybe it was twofold that he was trying to his last attempt to show his people that he was the Messiah because it was predicted in the scriptures that the Messiah would come on a lowly donkey as a servant and donkeys are servants and maybe it was to refresh their memory that he was the one that was another sign just saying don't know that for a fact of course

  • @onelove6576
    @onelove6576 Год назад +2

    I struggle with addiction and I’m born again 🤗! But I take it really slow and less and less and its working! If It wasnt for The Lord It would not work at all. Im over most of my old and new traumas. Iv’e forgiven my older cusin who molested me. Så the spirit works within me!
    Maby not as much as usual due to that I took som pills before. But Its cool. Im not high or so. Maby alitle... yeah. As I said its cool. Im over it in a few days and on track again. As long as I really work with myself, my dayly prairs, speaking to the Heavenly Father, reading the bible, its cool then.... progress....
    So JES to one off your question
    Im also a former satanist and Im over that aswell apparently 😌🙏
    God bless you all and much love from Sweden 🇸🇪💟✝️💟

  • @chantalr.s.a.2535
    @chantalr.s.a.2535 4 года назад +3

    My favorite Christian you tube videos to watch are Mike Winger, David Wood, Ravi Zacharias, Nabeel Kureshi, one minute apologist, pastors perspective, Greg Lourie and Paul Washer. Any others I should have a look at.

  • @anonymouse7074
    @anonymouse7074 2 года назад

    7:06 would love to hear some sermons on this. How to biblically devalue these externals, in this tough culture

  • @genebeen7787
    @genebeen7787 Год назад

    Disagree that the governments treatment of church was a secondary issue. It has been 2 years so I hope there was more reflection on this.

  • @emsdiy6857
    @emsdiy6857 3 года назад

    Wow thanks for 1 first question

  • @manicpixiedreamgirl7930
    @manicpixiedreamgirl7930 4 года назад +1

    Mike, please do a video on the historicity of Noah's flood.

  • @adammeade2300
    @adammeade2300 4 года назад +1

    Q: Is there sound scriptural provision for the use of violence in defending one's self or, more importantly, the innocent (say, wife and children)? Quick and dirty version: Is it a sin to use a firearm to defend my family from violent home-intruders, or should I just stand idly by and let them have their way...as Christ did in His mission to and on the cross?
    This is something I've always wondered about and hoped I'd never have to deal with as more than a hypothetical, but with things as they are in certain cities, the hypothetical becoming the pragmatic seems more probable than it used to be. Thanks, Mike. If you could get to this question eventually, it'd be a great help to me in pondering how I might spiritually prepare for such circumstances.

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  4 года назад +3

      I believe self defense is biblical. Both in Old Testament examples in the Law as well as stories where it seems to be approved of (Esther). I also think Jesus’ command to take up a sword hints at this. That’s a short answer but more should be said.

    • @adammeade2300
      @adammeade2300 4 года назад +1

      @@MikeWinger Thank you for the quick reply! In all things, I try to discern whether my feelings are the movement of the Spirit or just my own whims. Vengeance...retaliation...they are not part of the question. There is a reason I feel such righteous indignation when I hear about unspeakable crimes perpetrated on the least among us. But, considering the grace God has shown me, I am willing to show the same to others. But grace requires penitence, right? It seems to me that uncompromising calls for pacifism maybe suffer from the same exegetical deficiency as uncompromising mandates for Franciscan poverty based on the parable of the rich young ruler. Gotta respect the zeal, but maybe there's a lack of rigor in these lines of thought. Thanks again, Mike!

  • @skyler8652
    @skyler8652 4 года назад +2

    Mike Winger PLEASE do divine council theory video!!

    • @caroleimani9754
      @caroleimani9754 3 года назад +1

      What is Divine Theory Counsel? (I hope I got that right.)

    • @caroleimani9754
      @caroleimani9754 3 года назад +1

      Divine Counsil Theory

  • @crystalfabulous
    @crystalfabulous 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely yes. Lots of it because I’m a jeweler 🤩

  • @BrandonGonzales1455
    @BrandonGonzales1455 4 года назад +1

    Mike! Can you address John MacArthur and Grace Church continuing to meet in spite of COVID restrictions? Maybe you've done so and I missed it.

  • @brendajames2544
    @brendajames2544 4 года назад +4

    Is it normal to have doubts about your salvation I mean to be so sure of it one day and then the next day you hear something and you doubt that your saved

    • @angelaclark3613
      @angelaclark3613 Год назад

      Look up Todd Friel or his RUclips channel Wretched. He has several videos on this that have helped me, and of course read the word & pray.

  • @kaustovdutta4234
    @kaustovdutta4234 4 года назад +1

    Kingdom of God looks like? When we believe in Jesus as a personal savior I'm in the kingdom of God?

  • @Soy_Aleluya
    @Soy_Aleluya 3 года назад

    I stopped wearing jewelry 13 years ago when I came to Christ.

    • @caroleimani9754
      @caroleimani9754 3 года назад +1

      Do you think it's against the Bible to wear jewelry?

  • @adastrajane
    @adastrajane 3 года назад +1

    And there you go - disobeying the law to congregate indoors is a sin that could lead to death (currently).

    • @susanbrooks5792
      @susanbrooks5792 3 года назад

      Hi Jane I just wanted to respond to your statement it's not that I don't disagree but here's another side to that the church I was going to the pastor stood in the pulpit and looked at us all and said if we did not a lot of us didn't come to church the Sunday before because one of the video people had covid so a lot of us stayed home and he told us that it was a sin that we stayed home and he had to eat those words because in the middle of that week after that statement I have a good friend that I sit next to that she had covered so bad she was on the ventilator for 6 weeks and almost did not make it so you got to be careful what you say to people it's an individual decision not blank statement

  • @xBlayneWagner
    @xBlayneWagner 4 года назад

    Please always remember to stay in the word
    It's good to hear your personal perspective since you have a different worldview than perhaps many of us but we should never let that overshadow the word.
    Please differentiate between personal opinion and what the word actually says. Or when it's personal opinion please show why you feel that way with scripture references.
    There is no more powerful word, than THE word itself

  • @lindseydicken7921
    @lindseydicken7921 4 года назад +2

    Hey! For the gal who asked about rightwous anger, the book Uprooting Anger by Robert D. Jones is a great resource. It has helped me tremendously in my battle against ungodly anger.

  • @robbiecleighmarks3088
    @robbiecleighmarks3088 2 года назад +1

    I know this question and scripture is directed more to sisters here... but as a man, I do enjoy wearing watches, and consider it a hobby. However, It's strictly an intrapersonal hobby with no intentions of "showing off" in anyway. I just love mechanical mechanisms... I've wrestled with this spiritually, and I feel the Lord tells me its not the "watches" or the "stuff" that's a problem.. it's if/when something starts taking away from your walk with Christ (either physically and/or spiritually and mentally). He wants us to enjoy our lives and stuff, but He wants us to be thanking, and thinking of Him in every moment. As we should, all our joy and blessings come from our Father :) Don't overthink yourself into being religious.. It's a trick of the enemy, and I've fallen for it many times. When the enemy knows you've been covered by the saving blood of Jesus, he in his desperation will try and use "religion" in a way that confuses and exhausts you. Don't fall for it. REMEMBER THIS!!
    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matt 11:28-30)

  • @caroleimani9754
    @caroleimani9754 3 года назад +1

    I was wondering about Mike's opinion on Churches that are "King James Bibles Only" Churches. I can sort of understand their point, but I don't totally agree with it. I have a New King James, NASB, NIV, and TEV New Testament. I use these when I find some, "archaic" stuff in the KJV.

  • @ultrastar23
    @ultrastar23 4 года назад +1

    @53/29 Interestingly, one of my teachers also says this, and she’s a Old Testament scholar at a private christian university.

  • @WayneO321
    @WayneO321 Год назад

    How do you feel about your answer to question 6 right now pastor?

  • @shawnarider916
    @shawnarider916 9 месяцев назад

    Kevin Rider - The documentary 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' by Timothy Mahoney is by far the best made on the subject of evidence that matches the Bible on the Exodus and how it fits with the known histories of the world.

  • @darrenplies9034
    @darrenplies9034 4 года назад +4

    The gospel of Hoochie mama. That is the best line ever. 🙃

  • @aidanmcmanus2752
    @aidanmcmanus2752 4 года назад +3

    In 1 John 5: 16-17, could we consider if a sin not leading to death might be a sin that is repented of?

    • @silk1311
      @silk1311 3 года назад

      That's what I was thinking. I'd think someone who still sins because they are struggling to change a long-standing habit is different than someone who still sins because they aren't convicted

    • @aidanmcmanus2752
      @aidanmcmanus2752 3 года назад

      @@silk1311 And you can't be forgiven of sin unless you have been baptized for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Colossians 2:12-13).

  • @daddada2984
    @daddada2984 4 года назад +2

    What can you say about this verse: Matthew 23:8 - But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. Is calling someone pastor ok, as bible say Jesus is our only teacher.

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 4 года назад

      @Desire Of All Nations amen to that sisterm, but people saying they are with God still call themselves pastor. Few are the ones that dont what to be called. When they do that I guard my mind with Luke 16:10 - 14

  • @firstarticle3779
    @firstarticle3779 4 года назад +1

    These women he was addressing would spend most of their day doing their hair and clothing themselves. It was addressed specifically to those women doing that. Think of the people who go to Church with all their fancy clothes, spending many hours, making sure you have the newest caddy while some people sit and look down on others who turn up at Church without it.
    Context isn't irrelevant.

  • @AfterTheRain_Beth
    @AfterTheRain_Beth 3 года назад +2

    Side-note: Dr Heiser said the divine council of Elohim 'sounded' like it was a pantheon. But he went on to confirm he didn't actually think it was a pantheon. So he wasn't being heretical as such.

  • @grannygear1001
    @grannygear1001 3 года назад

    Pastor Coats, and 3 other Canadian Pastors were carted off to jail for assembling together, No government can dictate a God-given right away for people deciding to assemble and worship their Saviour. The first amendment was written to limit government.

  • @aeolian7556
    @aeolian7556 4 года назад +7

    Over 200 hours of research on Eternal Security !! :D

  • @mwambakatambwa485
    @mwambakatambwa485 2 года назад +1

    Two years later, the covid issue was just over emphasized and over exaggerated... You made a good stance on this issue..politics these days is all about who gets more votes.

  • @kareneaton4052
    @kareneaton4052 4 года назад +3

    Observation : Men CAN be extremely shallow about putting external appearances above what is internal.
    I think Pastor Mike kind of blamed women here and said that it's mostly women that are being shallow with appearances.
    With my own personal experience (of 54 years on the planet) I think that much of our emphasis on our appearance is because of men doing it and we want men to find us appealing.

    • @ClipZ_Gaming_1
      @ClipZ_Gaming_1 3 года назад +1

      Men do not care in the slightest. My husband can’t keep his hands off me no matter what I look like or wear. He doesn’t even notice makeup if jewelry. Women assume men notice and then we compete with each other. We are definitely the ones with the problem. We project onto the men and claim it’s them who “make” us feel compelled to doll up. It’s not true. It’s never been true. Most men don’t even like all that extra stuff.

    • @kareneaton4052
      @kareneaton4052 3 года назад

      @@ClipZ_Gaming_1 correction:
      the men that have communicated to YOU their REAL feelings and thoughts do not care about external appearances.
      Your husband is:
      1) only ONE man not all of them
      2) your husband is not all the men whom I have known who have actually verbally stated what I shared
      Hence my use of the phrase, "IN. MY. EXPERIENCE."
      Your comment telling me that I have not experienced what I actually have is at best silly and lame🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @kareneaton4052
      @kareneaton4052 3 года назад

      @@ClipZ_Gaming_1 I do NOT have a problem! I am NOT projecting! I do NOT assume!

    • @kareneaton4052
      @kareneaton4052 3 года назад +1

      @@ClipZ_Gaming_1 Plus what I actually said was that men can put external appearances ABOVE internal (traits)

  • @anugrahadushing7756
    @anugrahadushing7756 2 года назад

    Pastor Mike. In the Question eight referring 1 John 5: 16-17.... The Sin that leads to death.. Is John saying about the unforgivable sin that Jesus mentioned - Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? I notices that John has mentioned "Sin" and not "sins" in that verse. As mentioned by Jesus that particular sin actually leads to eternal death & there's nothing one can do to avoid it, leading a confirmed death.

  • @lauriemapplebeck6029
    @lauriemapplebeck6029 4 года назад +1

    I always agree!

  • @SusanMorales
    @SusanMorales 4 года назад +6

    Sorry my question wasn’t clear. I really tried to put my thoughts into the right words. Thank you for trying. I was wondering if polygamous Christians have a moral obligation to obey God’s definition of marriage and leave their spouseS (the sin of polygamy) to follow Christ.

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  4 года назад +5

      Ah! Sorry I didn’t understand. I think I answered that in the video earlier in the week. My answer is “not generally”. But I really struggled a lot with it and tried to offer some of my reasons in that video. Some thing I will quickly add is that we have an example in 1st Corinthians of a marriage that is sinfully entered but should be maintained. We are told not to marry unbelievers but also told to stay with the unbeliever we wrongly married if possible. So I think a marriage wrongly entered is still binding.

    • @padraicmkelly
      @padraicmkelly 4 года назад +2

      @@MikeWinger i really don't think so, being married to an unbeliever is not a sin but an invalid marriage can be sin, for example it can be adulterous and if it is sin we should cease it and leave.

  • @RedPillOfTheBible
    @RedPillOfTheBible 4 года назад +3

    I totally agree with you on this question about jewelry

  • @Oana404
    @Oana404 4 года назад +1

    Hi Mike can you please read Donna Howel's book: ''The handmaidens conspiracy'' and make a video. thank you