212cc predator head swap

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @Buses2Bikes
    @Buses2Bikes Год назад +2

    Always fun to have friends stop over when you're in the middle of a YT video. You never know what to expect.

  • @mklein5179
    @mklein5179 Год назад

    Glad to see another video!! You’re the man dirt!

  • @peterchristlieb
    @peterchristlieb Год назад +2

    That’s a great combo, add a 28.5mm intake valve and you’re done

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад

      I've been looking for the equipment to do my own valve seats. I can't find it.

    • @peterchristlieb
      @peterchristlieb Год назад +1

      @@dirty7739 I have a set from NuWay and it works great, it just takes a while. You have to be careful not to bend the pilot while you cut but you can actually use a roughing cutter and a drill to get the seat started and go back in and cut the 30 and 60/70 throat. I help mine out with a carbide cutter to get some metal out of the way till I get to about 90% of the seat.

  • @MB_JOSH4159
    @MB_JOSH4159 Год назад +1

    Diggin the background music. I changed my gearing. Hopefully my launch is better.

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад +1

      I find the upbeat music helps you with your attitude.

    • @MB_JOSH4159
      @MB_JOSH4159 Год назад

      @@dirty7739 I grew up listening to that stuff. My mom always had house music playin

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад +1

      @@MB_JOSH4159 There's also that too which I've been doing a lot. It reminds me of the nineties lol

  • @anthonyreddy2834
    @anthonyreddy2834 Год назад

    Looking for a hydraulic brake for my doodlebug, what one do you suggest?

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад

      I get them off Amazon and then generally have to make a bracket. But they work good

  • @Rccrawlerhobbyplus
    @Rccrawlerhobbyplus Год назад

    Very nice

  • @SpACeCruizeR2o3
    @SpACeCruizeR2o3 Год назад +1

    He likes to mooove it mooove it lol jk can we get a dirty vid today or what hope all is well Cheif

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад +1

      I promise something will be coming up soon. Just been down with a couple of things.

    • @SpACeCruizeR2o3
      @SpACeCruizeR2o3 Год назад +1

      @dirty7739 def boss u enjoy this dope azz day I like the rc vids too an shyt 💪🏼

    • @SpACeCruizeR2o3
      @SpACeCruizeR2o3 Год назад +1

      @@dirty7739 I was laughing when u said fuggin phaggots lmao ❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @anthonyreddy2834
    @anthonyreddy2834 Год назад

    Tighten the chain please! 🙏

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад

      Believe it or not that's why we always are laughing he will not pop the chain off lol We all went out for a ride after that and he whipped our asses. 42 mile run and the chain was fine it's crazy.

  • @anthonyreddy2834
    @anthonyreddy2834 Год назад +1

    The seat is Throwing me off, it is a Doodle correct?

  • @deathtrapperformanceminibi260
    @deathtrapperformanceminibi260 Год назад

    You guys have a good riding scene in Philly? I live in Jersey and it's a dead zone!

  • @559Minibike_AV
    @559Minibike_AV Год назад

    Would putting a 212 head on a 196 work and if so would it make a difference in power?

    • @lancedmemes2255
      @lancedmemes2255 Год назад +1

      196 has smaller valves and more compression, it also flows bettter, youll loose power with a 212 head

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад +2

      I put A224 head on my 196 built and the thing has massive power.

    • @559Minibike_AV
      @559Minibike_AV Год назад

      @@dirty7739 so would a stock 212 head on a non governed 196 make power?

    • @dirty7739
      @dirty7739  Год назад +1

      @@559Minibike_AV I don't see why not

    • @lancedmemes2255
      @lancedmemes2255 Год назад

      @@dirty7739 the 224 does flow alot better than a 212 non hemi/196, the 212 hemi should actually flow a bit better than a 224, and make some more compression compared to the non hemi 212.