Ravi Zacharias, the Man Who Brought Him Down, and the Response From the Evangelical Community

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 285

  • @rebabyrd2099
    @rebabyrd2099 3 года назад +5

    This guy did not bring him down. Ravi brought this on himself. This guy exposed him.

    • @happy777abc
      @happy777abc 9 месяцев назад

      It's a term commonly used since forever that means the person/s or organization that was able to actually catch or expose a criminal to where they are no longer to operate. So, Steve did bring him down.

  • @tprada6214
    @tprada6214 3 года назад +17

    This atheist has a better handle on right and wrong than the evangelical “church” in exposing evil as Scripture commands.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +2

      I agree.

    • @Shikuesi
      @Shikuesi 3 года назад

      Nah, everyone's acute to some evils and blind to others. Typical atheist these days doesn't know what life is or marriage is....

    • @leighlewis5514
      @leighlewis5514 2 года назад

      @@overthinkingchristian8732 You think you do.

  • @imrhodesian
    @imrhodesian 3 года назад +20

    My question is .... if he lied about his education why did none of those universities/colleges not speak out and expose those lies?

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +12

      This was RZIM's responsibility (and to a lesser degree, those Christian organizations who smelled the smoke but continued to use Ravi because he brought in butts in the pews). Why would Harvard issue a statement whenever an author pretended to be associated with them? Inflated credentials are so common that it's hard to keep up...

    • @beaulin5628
      @beaulin5628 2 года назад

      I agree. Surely they would have become aware that he was making false claims about being connected to them after so many years. Maybe they thought it was to their advantage because he was so popular all over the world. Maybe they were compromising just like the Christian organizations who ignored the information.

  • @beaulin5628
    @beaulin5628 2 года назад +3

    I appreciate your honesty in exposing Ravi when you first found out. This does not discredit God or the Lord Jesus Christ. It only confirms the evil that exists in the human heart, even in religious organizations. "Let God be true but every man a liar." "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." Satan is always involved in religion hoping to turn people away from God with scandals like this.
    I can understand why people might be suspicious of an atheist making claims against Ravi
    at first, but they should have checked it out immediately and responded when they learned the truth. It does not surprise me that Christian organizations will compromise to protect their bottom line. They do it all the time. Men did this, not God. Ravi's deceit and the compromise of Christian organizations do not shake my faith in God or the truth of the Gospel at all. I have connected with Jesus personally. I know he exists and I know the Bible is true. It is sad that men have robbed you of your ability to believe. I will follow the Lord Jesus Christ even if every church on earth becomes corrupt and every pastor is caught in sin. My faith is not in them and does not depend on them. God is glorious and wonderful no matter what men do. Jesus warned: "Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many."

    • @johnloftin2461
      @johnloftin2461 2 года назад

      But what distinction do christians or their god really have in the world anymore? The message is compromised by the most visible supporters over and over again. Discovering that one of the faiths best defenders is a fraud, put's all of his material in question. When does god start sanctifying or whatever? You may say it doesn't discredit god, but I think it does precisely that. God has let his church stay worldly since it's inception. We find more and more lies in the church corporate and in the lack of scriptural integrity. You are seriously misjudging the effect on the cross by people like this. I'm waiting to find a new Noah banging his daughters while drunk. I have learned one thing from the bible, it deserves to be filed under powerless mythology. Maybe if god did some public redeeming it might help, but we know he doesn't do that.

  • @davidstout4022
    @davidstout4022 3 года назад +6

    Sounds like he's basing Christianity on man's failure and not on Christ.
    If I based my relationship with Jesus on my failures to love him as he loves me, I'd still be lost as well. I am overwhelmed by Christ's never ending love for me.
    In short: Man fails, Religion fails!
    Man created Religion, and Religion gets you nowhere.
    A personal relationship with Jesus, and being a follower of Christ is the only way to walk a Christian life.
    Christians need to stop placing men on pedestals. Only Jesus belongs there!
    That's my take, like it or not.
    God bless!

    • @cindyadanene5965
      @cindyadanene5965 3 года назад

      I don't believe he set out to expose Ravi but he was learning that this man was using big names universities and claiming to be someone he wasn't. This man grew up in Asia and was lead to Christ by Baptist missionaries.He came to states still a believer. He continued to learn and expose Ravi as he should've.This man is a guy who knows the Bible but realizing how corrupt the church has become.We need to use discernment as we worship in churches today. Much is happening in the churches today with churches seemingly worshipping and lifting up leaders. Many are falling like dominos.

  • @victorynowall
    @victorynowall 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Steve for bringing this TeleEvangelist Preacher down! It is said in the Bible we have to watch out for false Prophets!

  • @hereiam587
    @hereiam587 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this, it's so clear and concise. I've listened to other channels and almost felt like I'm going to insane listening to how it's being presented and the comments from other Christians are frustrating and honestly just so illogical at times (especially when they use scripture out of context), it's been so disheartening.

  • @jackielouw4752
    @jackielouw4752 3 года назад +10

    I was one of those who blindly accepted the integrity of Ravi. I admit that I totally dismissed Steve as an atheist out to destroy a good Christian man. I did apologise to Steve. It was a huge shock to learn the truth about Ravi. I have learnt so much through this. My faith in Jesus Christ is undiminished but my confidence in my discerning abilities is destroyed. I will be sceptical of all Christian leaders in furure.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for your transparency.

    • @SummerTyme2023
      @SummerTyme2023 3 года назад


    • @elhoood1454
      @elhoood1454 3 года назад

      @ Jackie Louw
      So does that include being skeptical about the claims of Jesus?

    • @Shikuesi
      @Shikuesi 3 года назад +1

      "I admit that I totally dismissed Steve as an atheist out to destroy a good Christian man." Well it's cry-wolf syndrome isn't it, because that very thing has been attempted so many times without cause that one is naturally 'sceptical' when they get it right for a change. Anyway, well done Steve.

    • @legendarysermons9621
      @legendarysermons9621 3 года назад

      Steve as an atheist out to destroy a good Christian man. "... think you nailed it there. Boy he wanted Ravi's money BAD!!!!

  • @okacet9412
    @okacet9412 3 года назад +8

    Thanks Steve.

  • @welcometototalitarianism812
    @welcometototalitarianism812 2 года назад +3

    I once read a book by Ravi. It was words with no substance. That made me look twice at him. On another occasion, I believe he was asked if Catholicism was a cult. The way he answered convicted me to stop listening to him. I feel sad for his family.

    • @beaulin5628
      @beaulin5628 2 года назад

      I began to see weakness in his defense of the Gospel also, especially concerning Catholicism and Mormonism. Also, he told stories and liked to quote famous poems and authors more than the Bible. I had backed away from him before this info came out.

  • @normandennis9420
    @normandennis9420 3 года назад +6

    I knew about Ravi a couple of years ago before most, through Steve and Servus Christi. Thanks Steve.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад

      I knew of some red flags, but then forgot afterward as I was never much of a follower of Ravi's ministry. But I was surprised at how quickly evangelicals "forgot" about the 2018 scandal and began inviting Ravi on a stage...

  • @Beth31597
    @Beth31597 3 года назад +3

    This is such a wakeup call. As a victim of manipulation, lies, betrayal and spiritual abuse in a church in Indiana I am deeply grateful for the wake up call this should be to the evangelical world. The Church has a no contact order w me and they went so far as to try to tell me that I could not speak to ANYONE who attends that church .....all in a frenzied effort to cover up what really happened and the horrific abuse I experienced at the hands of ONE MAN who has a lust for power that is being covered up. He groomed the new senior pastor and the elders, from what I've been told, have NO IDEA what lengths he went to to hide what lengths he went to to get rid of me. Although the scale is minor compared to the Ravi story, the dynamics are the same. Lies and cover up. Several strong advocates who are retired pastors worked tirelessly on my behalf and yet this man remains unexposed for the most part. This interview gives me courage to keep at it until the truth is known. You mentioned all the emails that have fallen on deaf ears. That has been my experience as well. They didn't want to face the truth, I was one single senior adult woman with severe PTSD because of the lack of care I received over the past 5 yrs and was a pain in the butt because I refused to be a victim. I was not strong enough to stand up to their power and live with horrific pain, often hovering between life and death. I'm a strong person but I've been unheard and beaten down by three churches a national ministry that also deceived me and then cut off communication to avoid facing the truth. I don't have the strength to fight anymore, other than to use public media to share my experience. I thank God that I am in a wonderful church now, which seems to be a safe place so far. I'm terrified, because I don't want to face any more harshness and rejection, which can lead to self sabotage if I'm not careful, but I am hopeful that there will be healing with time.

    • @hereiam587
      @hereiam587 2 года назад +1

      What a disgrace, I'm so sorry x

  • @andrewtungsk
    @andrewtungsk 3 года назад +3

    Comment 123 QUOTE : " But the real lesson from Ravi Zacharias is why you guys didn't learn twenty years ago when he was lying about his credentials." Steve Baughman. This is the most damning to the Church of Jesus Christ.

  • @niakum7813
    @niakum7813 3 года назад +4

    I never not one of this people who look up to celebrity preachers or churches with huge music production. To me God is so personal and I have tasted His goodness and I just cannot deny His existence. There is no right and wong, absolutely no boundaries without God. everything is up for grab. That alone said He exist. In jeremiah God called outsider to bring jugedment over leaders and Gods people. Steve is just used by God to bring judgement to our christian leaders.

  • @tiandavidson4465
    @tiandavidson4465 3 года назад +15

    Steven, you had the courage to bring out the truth. We have lessons to learn from this. I shall pray that you may find the truth as you seek.

  • @tinekedijk7385
    @tinekedijk7385 3 года назад +4

    Not REVAI....it is RAHVEE ! Like Steve pronounces his name correctly 🤗

  • @glorialovesChrist
    @glorialovesChrist 3 года назад +2

    On Christ The Solid Rock i stand . Everyone and everything else is sinking sand. Put ALL your hope trust in Jesus . Not church people

    • @stuarternest9358
      @stuarternest9358 3 года назад

      Could not hv said it better.
      Ravi or no one else died on the cross,Jesus did.

  • @welcometototalitarianism812
    @welcometototalitarianism812 2 года назад +1

    Very likeable atheist. 🤗

  • @howardreed5155
    @howardreed5155 3 года назад +2

    Who are you to not forgive?

  • @yuujeff1
    @yuujeff1 3 года назад +2

    This guy has been way more Christian than Ravi ever was... how ironic.
    The gentleman actually became atheist because of christians like these leaders. I am NOT even kidding, true facts.
    As a nobody believer next door, I’m just stunned but not surprised with all happening in the so called Christian’s ministry and leaders.
    I would honestly throw away the MONEY business first to see clearly. This big businesstry banks tens of millions a year. The root!

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 3 года назад

      That's not what he said. He didn't become a believer because he never understood what having Jesus in one's heart meant, he thought it was lame. He never really believed.

  • @thomasgeorge2341
    @thomasgeorge2341 3 года назад +7

    Steve, preach about Jesus rather than researching on Ravis academics and try to bring people to Jesus.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      Mmmmm, you know Baughman is an atheist? Please consider doing some research on him. He’s a great guy.

    • @chursunloh7416
      @chursunloh7416 3 года назад

      Yes, it is important to preach Christ, however there has to be that space/platform to expose liars and deceitfulness. A balance, don't you agree?

    • @cindyadanene5965
      @cindyadanene5965 3 года назад +2

      @@kurtanderson5023 however he has previously accepted Christ and still finding his way.Ravi lied big time about his education and his credentials.

  • @sherrylelee8274
    @sherrylelee8274 3 года назад +3

    Let’s always communicate ! Appreciate both sides and thank you Steve.

  • @valeriemartens-schultz2999
    @valeriemartens-schultz2999 3 года назад +12

    Steve, I am so very sorry for the hugely dishonest behavior you encountered from so many so called Christians.
    As one who loves Jesus myself, I hate that you were treated so poorly by the employees of RZIM.
    Please believe that we Christians aren't all this way.

    • @angellabent-thomas1269
      @angellabent-thomas1269 3 года назад

      You are wrong, we should cut the hypocrisy, our hearts are desperately wicked above all else. We should quit presenting ourselves as different, and let him who hath no sin cast the first stone.

    • @hereiam587
      @hereiam587 2 года назад

      @@angellabent-thomas1269 We are 'the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) and 'a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.' 1 Peter 2:9.
      People are different - there was a difference between Peter and Judas; Ravi was a Joab and a Judas, and like Judas, he left this world 'to go where he belongs' (Acts 1:25).

  • @marksorenson5871
    @marksorenson5871 3 года назад +7

    I always thought Ravi was too slick on theological issues and bragged a lot about his associations and all the famous people he knows. Who cares? Ravi either sinned unto death or never really was saved

    • @johnnyboy1586
      @johnnyboy1586 3 года назад +3

      I thought the same,he seemed to be trying impress with academic connections

  • @garydenton7303
    @garydenton7303 2 года назад

    Steven, you have every right to be an atheist and that is your choice. That you exposed Guru Ravi as you called him for the deception that he was hiding is courageous, and I am more concerned with TRUTH than lies and coverups. You mentioined earlier how you hated the song Into my heart. This is the very key to unlocking the door to the reality of the deceptive heart! Jesus Christ will NEVER enter someone's heart. That is deception! However, Jesus Christ made it very clear that you must be born again, not by water, not by human efforts or Guru Ravi, but by HIS SPIRIT! God is Spirit, and those that worship Him and come to Him must come to Him in Spirit and in HIS TRUTH! Not Guru Ravi's way, not your way, not my way, but HIS way! Throughout God's Word, He clearly exposes and reveals the human heart! It is vile and desparately WICKED, and who can understand it! Even when the disciples saw Jesus' resurrection Body, and saw Him actually going up into the clouds(He is coming back this way), some STILL DOUBTED. But, Jesus gave clear instructioins! You can't be a Guru Ravi or a Steven or a Gary, but you have to wait for the Spirit of God to come upon you, and enter your dead spirit, to resurrect it and seal it into REAL LIFE, and this wonderful Holy Spirit is the ONLY ONE that can lead the Christ followerer forward into victory, TRUE REALITY, and into the Kingdom of God! The flesh and living soul profits nothing! Even Jesus Christ Himself said, I DO NOTHING except what I see the Father telling me what to do! He did not manifest his Guru Jesus, or His flesh! He manifested ALL that He did through the POWER of GOD that descended upon Him when He came out of the water after being baptized by John. Amazing! Received power, but fasted the soul and flesh for 40 days and nights, and then was endured with POWER to do all that He did, went to the cross, shed His blood, and did EXACTLY what His Father, the Creator of the Universe told Him to do, and Guru Jesus never manifested even Satan offered it to HIM THREE TIMES in the wilderness! If this isn't God Almighty, maker of everything seen and unseen, then there isn't like you said a god! BUT GOD! Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God has Risen! And that is all that matters! And the poor little Southern Baptist that you grew up in and singing nice little songs is as Guru as Ravi was!

  • @TheSacredlizzy
    @TheSacredlizzy 3 года назад +18

    He’s such a nice man. Praying for him.

    • @noorulameen804
      @noorulameen804 3 года назад +1

      @Elizabeth...you still want to pray for that devil?
      Imagine you are one of Ravi's women victims,
      most probably you'll cursed him!

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад +8

      @@noorulameen804 pretty sure she’s referring to Steve...

    • @stevenicholoson3770
      @stevenicholoson3770 3 года назад

      Do you want to go on a date?

    • @PaulWallification
      @PaulWallification 3 года назад +1

      @@stevenicholoson3770 Why not...?

    • @TheLionessjudah
      @TheLionessjudah 3 года назад

      @@noorulameen804 Now if you use your criteria then why do muslims follow a man who was a child molester, who lusted for his son's wife, had sex with anyone his god told him to molest. One thing when a man sins, worse when he tells you his god desires this behavior.

  • @MitchellRose-gi2ln
    @MitchellRose-gi2ln 2 месяца назад

    When I was a christian, it was fashionable to think that Jesus was all that we needed. Psycology was almost tabu. It was perceived as a competitor for the truth, satanic in a sense. It is impossible to seek help when we think that Jesus is all we need, and real help is an enemy.

  • @rogertwitty8221
    @rogertwitty8221 2 года назад

    i pray he REPENTED before his death...guys have you repented today ????

  • @amakacharyseze7758
    @amakacharyseze7758 2 года назад

    Why in the world wouldn't Ravi Zachariah's wife know whether he earned a PhD or has lied about being an Oxford professor? And if she knew, why would she be silent about those? And why was Mr. Steve Baughman depending on the response of the evangelical world to get his findings about Ravi Zacharias out - before the sex scandal broke out? Somethings do not add up.

  • @legendarysermons9621
    @legendarysermons9621 3 года назад

    whjat about our president lying about his credential 20 years ago????

  • @benhesediszraelinfosystems8175
    @benhesediszraelinfosystems8175 2 года назад

    Christians should now read the book Paekche's Principle The Great Secret of Asia

  • @juliemayes2027
    @juliemayes2027 2 года назад

    Steven God will NOT have His Name mocked and Ravi and his enablers were doing just that so yes God DID use you to bring the truth out there and thank you for doing so oh and I do pray for you a lot but only The Holy Spirit can really convince you about needing Jesus when the True Gospel is preached thank you again for doing a wonderful job in showing up these people for what they are

  • @nancybergeron4522
    @nancybergeron4522 3 года назад

    Who was the little voice who said that no one listens when you pray? It was satan, of course. Read again what Jesus told us-not anybody else then be patient. He will guide you, but you have to ask Him. I just began my real journey knowing the Lord as a prayer warrior using intercessory prayer. I’m putting you on my list, brother. Join me. In Jesus name, Nancy

  • @iyyakuttirajasekaran9906
    @iyyakuttirajasekaran9906 3 года назад +2

    A.real human being must be concerned about truth of life.Life is open to all.There are people like Ravi in all over the world. Following somebody itself leads to illusions.Life is multidimensional and all the human beings have truth in them!

    • @patcola7335
      @patcola7335 3 года назад +1


  • @pietsanvenero9756
    @pietsanvenero9756 2 года назад

    Doesn't matter what you say according to the scriptures there is no such thing as a big sin .
    Sin stays sin nomatter what just a wrong thought is sin
    So attacking mr Ravi is not the right thing to
    If you really study the scriptures you will understand
    God said Heaven and earth 🌎 can pass away but my word will never pass away
    So if you are a very learnerd person doesn't mean you know everything
    Today everyone thinks they are very clever .
    I wonder what the new population off the wold a 100 years from know 🤔
    Question doesn't matter how educated you are you are no better than the person next to you
    It's the responsibility of God to deal with mr Ravi not human beings
    So carry on with your life and be forgiving
    God bless you in the name off his Son Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen

  • @MsLarry91
    @MsLarry91 3 года назад +1

    The evangelicals only concern is cash that is why i myself can never subject myself to organized religion.

  • @juliemayes2027
    @juliemayes2027 2 года назад

    And from this Christian Steven thank you for your integrity and bravery for bringing this despicable and dangerous man zackarias who was never a Christian at least going by his so called conversion tale and lies about his lifestyle and qualifications and total lack of remorse towards his precious victims for whom I pray for and you Steven and all others who have been affected who didn’t know of his lies and those who did well I hope at least you all repent before it’s too late for you because we serve a very merciful God who does forgive when we repent

  • @mike1967sam
    @mike1967sam 2 года назад

    yes there are evangelicals who are not good people but I've rarely known a decent atheist, in fact it's very much an oxymoron.

  • @messenjah71
    @messenjah71 3 года назад +1

    If Jesus could be beaten, torn, attacked, and killed, and STILL show love to those knew not what they did then there is NOTHING that is unforgivable. THAT was the lesson of the Ressurection. It was an extreme example of what we do all the time - crucify each other. When faced with much less temptation to withhold love, we can remember what Jesus demonstrated for us. Embrace forgiveness as release from our illusions of hatred and attack and join Him in the Ressurection.

    • @rachellydy3367
      @rachellydy3367 2 года назад

      If we repent we are forgiven. You are right in that there is no unforgivable sin. Key is acknowledge ones’ sin and feeling remorse, asking God for forgiveness and repenting (turning away).

  • @rutacackowska7955
    @rutacackowska7955 2 года назад

    be carfulllllllafter you pass away people can say about you anything they want to.....where were all women when Ravi was alive..

  • @Stygian360
    @Stygian360 2 года назад

    This man mentions that he's an Atheist and as a Christian you don't profess Christ and spend the entire video making a case for Christ? Frankly I'd rather here that discussion

  • @camillethepanther1760
    @camillethepanther1760 3 года назад +1

    I hope you guys learned about this, cuz it will teach you something

  • @sharonhutchinson1574
    @sharonhutchinson1574 3 года назад +1

    Am not suprised, its what is happening over and over again. The curruption and the denials and the covering up in the churches is great. Its like no one has a right to complain or report wrong doings you classed as a trouble maker or they think its an enemy attack on them.

  • @theherald4340
    @theherald4340 3 года назад +2

    Who was Ravi Zacharius? Only one of the best speakers for Christianity that I’ve seen for a long time. Especially how he responded to Atheist questions. And so now we are seeing the title on this cite, “the man that brought down Ravi”? Really? We’re going to now wave our little hurrah flags over this?
    I don’t know who’s worse; Ravi or those taking glee at his fallen state. Your minds should be Christlike in regards to all this. Forgiving for one, and then helping the man get back to the state of repair so that he can continue being the spokesperson for Christ and the good news message. Anything less than that, and it will say loads about your own supposed Christian lives before the King of Kings.
    The apostle Paul in chapter 7 of Romans relates his times of a fallen nature, and he persecuted Christians before his change to Christ. He related his own struggles as we all have. Take time in your hearts and souls to consider this, before persecuting a person with titles on a site like this one.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      You realize Ravi was dead for about a year when you wrote this comment?

    • @theherald4340
      @theherald4340 3 года назад

      @@kurtanderson5023 Yeah; real nice slapping a dead man around, huh?

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@theherald4340 “only one of the best speakers” was also a deceitful manipulative abuser of women. It is the truth and we need to learn from Ravi’s legacy.
      We’re not “persecuting” Ravi. We don’t take “glee and wave our little hurrah flags.” We are grieved about his behavior and we care for his victims. That’s the issue. That’s also very “Christlike.”

    • @theherald4340
      @theherald4340 3 года назад

      @@kurtanderson5023 What’s “Christlike”, is not to display someone’s failings before millions on social media!

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@theherald4340 no. That’s not true. What’s REALLY Christlike is to acknowledge the truth about Ravi’s sinful behavior, minister to the victims and seek to protect the innocent.
      Do you think we should ignore what Ravi did? Maybe sweep it under the rug?

  • @pietsanvenero9756
    @pietsanvenero9756 2 года назад

    You are not going to get a lot of responses from poeple
    Whether you an atheist or not judgements is God's and God's alone
    About that that small voice poeple say they hear is a fast and not the truth
    It's about conviction nothing else

  • @Jesusmysavior234
    @Jesusmysavior234 2 года назад

    This is not a honest, nor fair argument because a dead man can not defend himself...

  • @PLeejo
    @PLeejo 3 года назад +1

    Christians at Berkeley?! Hope he's being as discerning about who he labels Christians. New Age Christians? Social Justice Christians? Christ believers? Post modern Christianity? Lotta user error out there. Not just Ravi. Surprised and disappointed in humans - Christian humans failed. Who could have predicted that?

  • @charleshughes1141
    @charleshughes1141 2 года назад

    Satan is tarnishing Ravi and I think it's funny they waited until he was dead to bring the allegations out.

  • @kathreenmargaret1883
    @kathreenmargaret1883 3 года назад +8

    Thank you both. 🙏🌷never heard of Ravi until a week or two ago and the story made me very sick.

  • @0judi0bartel74
    @0judi0bartel74 2 года назад

    Jesus never covered up sin. He exposed it. They were cowards.

  • @Sekte-kultovi
    @Sekte-kultovi 2 года назад +1

    He is doing great job to expose evil. Thank you

  • @pietsanvenero9756
    @pietsanvenero9756 2 года назад

    One day when you and me stand in front of God he will be the judge not a mere human being

  • @heartsandpunzie3296
    @heartsandpunzie3296 3 года назад +1

    it's written who ever meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears...Philippians 3;2 beware of dogs those workers of evil mutilators of the flesh..Peace love and blessings to all but this is a prime example of self righteousness. It's written he who is without sin cast the first stone.
    God knows Ravi 's heart and only God forgives sin ,as the fathers prayer says" forgive me of my trespasses -" as i "forgive those who trespass against me" this man wrote a book with a evil heart not knowing" your sins will find you out"...

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      Telling the truth isn’t meddling. It’s a warning to others. It’s for the protection of the innocent.
      Furthermore Baughmans heart isn’t “evil.” I have learned much from him and I appreciate his research and efforts. Please take time to listen to his videos to learn about him.

    @MYLORDCLC123 5 месяцев назад

    Sound quality of this video is bad and cuts off.

  • @doulos2032
    @doulos2032 3 года назад +5

    Sad to hear how deceptive a man could be gaining everything in the name of God..... so sad.... great eye opener to all Christians who blindly believes any who can talk smoothly.....RZIM should stop using this name apologise to the world. Apologise to the donors.... shame on the board of RZIM who allowed all this to go on.....

  • @paulallis8327
    @paulallis8327 3 года назад +2

    I'm tired of both Christians' and atheists' outpouring of pharisaical judgmentalism against Ravi Zacharias. He was a sinner and sinful in his life, but who are we to presume God has consigned him to hell? God is our judge and what God does with him is his matter. Jesus said, "let him that is without sin cast the first stone. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?. Ravi is dead and we leave him and his future in God's hands and look more closely at ourselves.

    • @alanamaharaj
      @alanamaharaj 3 года назад

      Totally agree!

    • @friendlybanjoatheist5464
      @friendlybanjoatheist5464 3 года назад +4

      Do we stop taking about abuse when the abuser dies? Do we ignore the fact that his enablers in Christian leadership turned the other way, lied for him, falsely accused al who criticized him?

    • @joycelint6652
      @joycelint6652 3 года назад

      My hope is that people who came to Jesus through Ravi's books or lectures will not give up on the truth of Jesus. My hope is that other ministries will learn from what happened here and find a way to put an accountability process into place.
      I'm going to bring another topic in this, but it's along the same lines. You may recall that donors to several ministries complained to the US government about those ministries with concerns. Sen. Grassley's office Only 2 of those organizations did what was requested. The others claimed it was the government trying to take away their rights. My thinking on that issue was your organization gets tax free donations from many people who can claim those donations on tax returns to reduce taxes owed. There needs to be accountability and transperency.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      Who said “pharisaical judgement” is what we are doing? We share the truth of Ravi’s sinful behavior. If you want to get “tired” about something then get “tired” at those who enable those like Ravi.

  • @victoriagertrudelazarus6269
    @victoriagertrudelazarus6269 3 года назад +4

    ....let God be true and every man a liar..Romans 3:4.

  • @georgewagner7787
    @georgewagner7787 3 года назад

    What this guy is saying about the book of Daniel is bogus. He doesn't know what he's talking about

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 3 года назад

      Ps it's easy to call people names after they're dead.

  • @admiralisshobattousai2806
    @admiralisshobattousai2806 3 года назад +4

    No matter who we brought down here on earth, Each and every one of us will still give an account and will stand and will be judged by Jesus Christ. When we stand before Christ as a Judge, we will be judged according to our deeds in this life. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” This is not an isolated teaching in the New Testament. Jesus said in Matthew 16:27, “The Son of Man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and will then recompense every person according to his deeds.” And in the very last chapter of the Bible Jesus said, “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with me, to render to every person according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12). In other words, the way you live is not unimportant.
    No matter how much you do good in this life if you don't have Christ in your life if you don't believe and put your Faith and Trust in the finished work of Christ you will spend eternity in darkness away from God. eternal punishment.
    We need to be mindful and try to ponder our own life. God has given us this one-time chance in our life to know Him through Jesus Christ...If you die today and you did not repent and did not believe and have not put your faith in Christ then your in big trouble my friend...spending eternity in Hell because we are talking about eternity here it's not just a one-day affair with Hell. I bet you can't even put your thumb on boiling water for 10 seconds. Think of it...Think of it how good and merciful God is that He did not hide the truth from us. He warns us already today so that it's up to us to decide.

  • @doulos2032
    @doulos2032 3 года назад +10

    Steve you are so gracious in your words, the whole evangelical community should be ashamed...

    • @landofthefree2023
      @landofthefree2023 3 года назад

      You should he ashamed...
      Ashamed of yourself. For casting your judgment upon a community.
      When did you our shit stop stinking?

  • @davebannister323
    @davebannister323 3 года назад

    In my view Steve was used by God to " expose " the Hypcritcal standards of those Evangelical Leaders , I am affraid that for too many MEGA CHURCHES , " brand " becomes important . As a Christian we should ALL be aware of this happening . I am sure God brought people to himself through Ravi's Ministry , Ravi has had to account to God .

  • @yl4521
    @yl4521 2 месяца назад


  • @drlegendre
    @drlegendre 3 года назад

    Let's make sure we don't act too surprised. Ravi is just one more in a long line of religious hypocrites stretching back beyond collective memory.
    And never, ever forget that despite all of the company Ravi has in his ugly, shameful ways - he and his cohorts are only the ones we managed to catch SO FAR.

  • @cliffordnewell2445
    @cliffordnewell2445 Год назад

    Brought down by an atheist. Makes sense.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  Год назад

      In the Old Testament, it was common for Gpd to use irony and use pagan nations to bring about God's judgment. I'm not saying that's going on here because I'm not God and won't take his name in vain. I'm just pointing out that irony is a huge part of God's story in the Christian Scriptures.

  • @stevenicholoson3770
    @stevenicholoson3770 3 года назад +1

    Steve was right, the issue I have is, if he is an Atheist, where is the objective moral standard that he was judging Ravi's morality come from? I don't think he has thought about this particular concept of his world view very well.

    • @maribeljimenez5428
      @maribeljimenez5428 3 года назад +3

      You are proving his point. If someone is knockin at your door to tell you your house is on fire, would you close the door on his face if you knew he was an atheist? I don't thing so.

    • @samael5782
      @samael5782 3 года назад

      You don't even need an objective moral standard, just be a decent human being with the ability to empathize. What a moronic objection.

  • @barbarakeats880
    @barbarakeats880 2 года назад

    I loved "Traveling fron east to west". My heart melted when I heard about Ravi because I have read all his books and they were so well written and enlightening. God can use anyone to bring people to Christ and now Ravi has to face that God.

  • @noorulameen804
    @noorulameen804 3 года назад +3

    He was never a professor at Oxford neither was he educated at Cambridge.
    But he was surely the devil masquerading as an angel mesmerizing his audiences with his lies!
    And Christians were fooled!

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад +2

      Christians were fooled, but not all. Some Christians stay away from the apologetics scene in general, and others were turned off by Ravi’s riddles (he was a good story teller but it was hard to keep up with what exactly he was saying).

  • @danhardin7243
    @danhardin7243 2 года назад

    This man is like Jesus! Jesus said, For this cause came I into the world, to bear record to the truth!

  • @danhardin7243
    @danhardin7243 2 года назад

    Christmas id a Catholic tradition!!!!?

  • @pilgrim5217
    @pilgrim5217 3 года назад +1

    How do we know that this man is speaking the truth about Ravi?

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +1

      When his own ministry has to come out and say they were wrong, it looks pretty bad for Ravi's "legacy..."

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      Google him and find out for yourself. Is Steven the ONLY one saying this or is he joined by MANY others? And for the record, don’t doubt Mr. Baughman. His research is accurate.

  • @protochris
    @protochris 3 года назад +5

    NO Baughman didn't bring down Ravi. There were others long suspicious of his behavior. You could tell his ministry was not consistent with biblical teachings, just like most TV evangelists.

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад

      Christians did not publicly criticize Ravi’s theology until after the sex scandal evidence. So to come out after the fact is extremely disingenuous.

    • @protochris
      @protochris 3 года назад

      @@paulcalin7533 I don't think you mean his theology; they would still agree with that. It's his behavior that was worrisome.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @protochris give me a name of someone who publicly called out Ravi BEFORE Steve Baughman did?

  • @glenbreeding2819
    @glenbreeding2819 3 года назад

    David sent his best friend into battle to die so he could have his wife but god built a nation on his back Ravi will be held accountable for what he did but what he’s done is not erasing his word of god

  • @BISH9484
    @BISH9484 2 года назад

    Where was this Atheist though when Ravi was still alive? The devil is the father of all lies...

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  2 года назад

      Yes, the devil is the father of all lies, including evangelical cover-ups so Christians can save face rather than bring leaders' sin to the light. It's truly a tragedy... (To answer the first part of your question, this atheist tried to raise the alarm when Ravi was alive but was quickly shot down by Christians who heard what he had to say, saw the evidence or red flags, but just didn't care...sins of omission are still sins.)

    • @BISH9484
      @BISH9484 2 года назад

      @@overthinkingchristian8732 well I don't really know much about Ravi but the little I've seen of him, I have to say that I was quite impressed. So dragging someone's name through the mud is not really a commendable thing to do, especially if he/she is already dead.

  • @paulallis8327
    @paulallis8327 3 года назад

    I agree with the first part of Joyce Lint's comments but am not sure about the relevance of the second part. Gold maybe be transported in a dirty vehicle but it remains gold. We don't discount King Solomon's Song because of his fall at the end of his life.

  • @ruth7ish
    @ruth7ish 3 года назад +6

    I salute SteveBaughman for exposing this perpetrator. We need you to start a Christian disciplinary organization to hold all these fake preachers to accountability and expose them. The victims have no one to turn to or run to for help, at least they can come to you to bring to light the abuse in the church. Yes Amen, God used you Steve. Much respect to you Sir.

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад +4

      Yes, we need more accountability. Unfortunately accountability is given mere lip service in many circles...

  • @camillethepanther1760
    @camillethepanther1760 3 года назад

    To truth and justice, you must kidding me. You all on this channel should be lost

  • @bettyful77
    @bettyful77 3 года назад

    Jesus claimed , “I am the TRUTH”- as a child of God we need to be covered with His truthfulness, learned to be truthful and love to be on the side of truth. When I was young, I am fascinated why God makes a big deal about lying, deception, false testimony. The reason why is because that’s the most common sin I’ve committed and it’s not a big lie- mostly “white lies.” No bad intention on my part at all. My thought before it is just a small sin and I don’t see it as a sin. No I know, because the Bible says, ‘in the last days many will be deceived. The moment we become a child of God, we should be aware of our sins, confess to him every time we committed so God can cleanse us, purify us, sanctify us until it become our natural nature not to sin. We can now share and become partakers of God’s holiness.

  • @debbiesmithmcconnell9889
    @debbiesmithmcconnell9889 3 года назад +5

    Well, my feeling is He did a lot of good, in his life. I am great full for the good that he did . Can’t hate a dead man.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +5

      Doing good to outweigh the bad is not Christianity...

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад +5

      Well my feeling is he did a lot of evil towards his victims.

    • @welcometototalitarianism812
      @welcometototalitarianism812 2 года назад

      What was the "good"? He went around speaking... and about his good deeds that he spoke of, how do we know it's true?

  • @jennathacker4439
    @jennathacker4439 3 года назад +5

    This guy is smart. Good for him for picking up on it. I never looked closely into ravis background and never heard any of this until now. If i had heard he owned spas, i would have been out right away. I dont know much about the educational side, but i should have listened more closely. I'm also wondering why when i searched for ravis name on youtube, i never saw any of the negative.

    • @beaulin5628
      @beaulin5628 2 года назад

      I never imagined someone could falsely claim to be connected with Cambridge University and a "visiting professor" and get away with it. I never thought of checking out his credentials because: "What university would allow this if it were untrue?"

  • @paulallis8327
    @paulallis8327 3 года назад

    We are all responsible for what happened and must share the blame. Ravi should have been confronted long before the matter came to light, and we failed to confront him. Continuing to air the matter in public is only proof of this. Action to redress all those affected is right; harping on the matter in public is unhelpful.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад +2

      “Harping in public” is a way to tell others that an abuser has been exposed. How else does that happen?
      Furthermore Ravi had been confronted many times before he died. We didn’t fail to confront him although his board failed to hold him accountable.
      It was Ravi who failed.

  • @paulallis8327
    @paulallis8327 3 года назад

    Was the betrayal of Judas constantly referred to in any of the epistles? Ravi's case was only one of thousands of other like cases though more widespread. We don't need public exposure, we only need to look in our own hearts to see what we are capable of. Paul Allison

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      The legacy of a Judas includes his betrayal and suicide. Ravi has a legacy as well. We need to teach and learn from Judas and Ravi.

  • @gabymeyer8003
    @gabymeyer8003 3 года назад +3

    We are supposed to follow Him who is the Way, the TRUTH, and the life. Apologies for our poor witness in standing for TRUTH.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +1

      There are some great resources on being a church which seeks truth rather than covering up abuses. Stay tuned for my video in which I'll recommend m favorite fresh resources on the topic...

  • @debbiesmithmcconnell9889
    @debbiesmithmcconnell9889 3 года назад

    I’m sad to find this out. After he dies

  • @MyNathanking
    @MyNathanking 3 года назад

    Overthinking Christian, I hope the rest of your videos aren't like this with the bad sound quality. It's enough to make me want to stop watching your videos unless you can redo your videos. What kept you from ensuring good sound quality BEFORE you uploaded these videos? You need to completely black out the parts with the bad sound quality and respeak those parts of your videos.

    • @aracelyemmett3493
      @aracelyemmett3493 3 года назад

      Im hoping your an atheist like Steve. Petty complaints like your character.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      I would not let “bad sound quality “ hinder you from listening. It’s the content of the conversation that is the issue.

  • @MyNathanking
    @MyNathanking 3 года назад

    Thank you for putting up words on the screen, but the sound quality in this video is bad.

  • @brendakauffman2222
    @brendakauffman2222 3 года назад +7

    I actually think the fact that when Steve came forward he came forward stating he was a athiest actually didn't help. Though in all the interviews I've found Steve gracious to those of faith, stating positive experiences he's had in some churches, and respect he has for some, by and large, atheist's are pretty happy to dig up dirt on Christians. I can see his point though that if he didn't state it later people might question motives.
    I as a christian have a big problem with the fact his work history and his degrees were dishonest. Within an organization they may have cared more about their job security, which leads one to wonder if their faith truly was real. Scripture doesn't show us a pattern of huge churches, it shows small home gatherings as a church model. Mega church USA I think is often an apostate church, while maintaining the word "Christian".
    Thank you Steve for persuing truth.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +6

      This actually reminds me of the Mark Driscoll situation. When it was found out that Driscoll plagiarized, he (and others) said (or implied) "Who cares?!" After all, he's doing God's work! But many times letting leaders off the hook in the seemingly-small means letting them off the hook in the "big." Just a thought...

    • @JeffSmith-rz2er
      @JeffSmith-rz2er 3 года назад +9

      What breaks my heart, is that Steve Baughman was viciously attacked on Social Media by Ravi Zacharias fanboys for years. On Twitter, by emails, and in youtube comment section, the Ravi fanboys were nasty, nasty, nasty. As Steve said, "So Much for Let My People Think." It appears, Ravi created a group of cult-like fanboys, not free thinking loving Christians. Now, the same thing is going on with Julie Roys. She has conducted investigations into some very questionable financial practices of John MacArthur's Ministry and she is receiving the same treatment from John MacArthur fanboys. What is even more concerning is MacArthur has a right-hand man, Phil Johnson, who is acting more like a Mafia Henchman, than a Christian Leader. On his Twitter account and in youtube interviews, Phil Johnson has subjected Julie Roys to vicious, angry, condescending, name calling. Oh well, as Sonny and Cher said, "And the Beat Goes On."

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +7

      @@JeffSmith-rz2er I've seen Ravi's victims attacked on social media this summer. Some of it was in private Facebook groups and some was public. It's shameful. I've also seen of the attacks on Steve just because he dared question Ravi. I've also been following the MacArthur/Roys story and I guess Johnson's behavior shouldn't surprise me since his mentor and boss has been an unchecked bully for years within evangelicalism. And bullies don't like when someone begins pushing back.

    • @dstple
      @dstple 3 года назад +2

      @@JeffSmith-rz2er I would like this comment 1000 times if I could.

    • @JeffSmith-rz2er
      @JeffSmith-rz2er 3 года назад +3

      @@dstple I think a very big lesson for Christians is that sometimes God sends uses non-Christians to point out the sin of Christians or to do his work. According to Steve, he sent over a thousand emails to Christian pastors and leaders and was mostly ignored. I saw a podcast, where a Christian Leader confirmed that to his shame, Steve had emailed him and he ignored the email because he thought Steve had an axe to grind with Ravi. Steve also had a website Ravi-Watch and a RUclips channel about Ravi's lying for years. Steve also wrote a book in 2018 called "Cover up in the Kingdom" which was ignored or attacked by most Christians. The strangest story is that Steve sent his information to the Christian Book company that published Ravi's books. Steve even communicated with their lawyer. Not only did they ignore Steve, shortly afterward, they signed Ravi to a lucrative deal. Now they are pulling his books off their shelves. The only people who paid attention were Ravi fans boys who sent wave after wave of nasty Social media message to Steve.

  • @turndroid234
    @turndroid234 3 года назад

    These people are worse than liberals. Put Mr. Ravi on a stand and let him defend himself already. Give the man a chance to explain and defend himself. All I've been hearing is ..."He did this and he did that.." Give him a chance to defend himself before you crucify him.

    • @karigross4596
      @karigross4596 3 года назад +1

      You know he’s dead, right?

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +1

      He slandered a victim. Never owned up. Ruined her reputation, so I think Ravi is "worse than a liberal."

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад +2

      Brian, you gotta do some research on this before any more comments.

  • @debbiesmithmcconnell9889
    @debbiesmithmcconnell9889 3 года назад

    Predator as in ?

  • @lynnv8501
    @lynnv8501 3 года назад +2

    Ravi's actions show he did not have genuine faith. Jesus said we will know them (false teachers) by their fruits. If he was the liar and perpetrator that evidence shows he is, then he is not a follower of Jesus Christ. He instead used the ministry for his own twisted reasons. And those who covered for him are complicit. I pray they repent, and pay restitution to all the victims. Ravi is a good example of what not to do. It is not easy hearing criticism from anyone about the church if the message they posit is presented in such a way that it's hard to hear. Let me give an example so it's clear what I mean. I've tried several times to listen to criticism, only to have to turn off the message. What made it hard to listen was either the person providing criticism rambled on and on, to the extent that after 20 minutes I had no idea where they where going. In other words, if a premise or argument isn't stated right up front, then the listener can hardly be expected to stick it out for very long just because the speaker can't be concise. Or, if the speaker complains incessantly without getting to the point, then forget it. There's a lot to he said about presenting a case. I do not know about the interviewee in this instance, because I have not heard his case against Ravi. But I guarantee that if I had the opportunity to hear him, and he presented a concise case with evidence, I would have listened. I'm sorry his message fell on many deaf ears.

  • @valeriajorge3045
    @valeriajorge3045 3 года назад

    O amor cobre pecados, talentos não.

  • @gloriabazemore4796
    @gloriabazemore4796 3 года назад +3

    Steve’s concerns about why the evangelicals took the stand that they did sounds all too familiar.

  • @jeselivelasco3867
    @jeselivelasco3867 3 года назад +2

    The heart is deceitful above all things,
    and desperately sick; who can understand it?
    Only God can understand and redeem a repented heart.
    There is something that I don't understand. Ravi said all these lies about his education and credentials out loud and everywhere he went and even published them in his books. How come none of these schools ever came forward calling out his lies?

  • @odetteabad
    @odetteabad 3 года назад

    i think this is the scripture he was pertaining to --““Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:49-50‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +1

      Steve was alluding to a passage in Philippians (see Phil. 1:15-18).

    • @aracelyemmett3493
      @aracelyemmett3493 3 года назад

      @@overthinkingchristian8732 You will have to change your name to non thinking christian if you don't remove this deception of a need to gossip and celebrate another falling to sin by a godless fool who takes advantage of christians who don't know how to be wise as serpents as well as harmless as doves. You need to be both. Steve is of the serpent and has that down. You have the harmless part down. If you don't get both you are not half right but in gods eyes all wrong.

    • @johnjuco4463
      @johnjuco4463 3 года назад

      Did he do it in his name or His name?

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@aracelyemmett3493 good grief you don’t know Steve or listen. Steve does NOT take advantage of Christians. He’s not discussing theology. He’s discussing the truth of Ravi’s behavior. And Steve is RIGHT.

  • @janisfafalios7184
    @janisfafalios7184 3 года назад +1

    It's a shame people judge Christianity by hypocrites like Ravi. One thing be sure of Jesus is real and he died for our sins and was resurrected on the 3rd day. By putting our faith in that we have eternal life with Jesus in heaven. Out faith is in Jesus not men. Remember true Christians are very trusting because we are trustable.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 года назад

      Jesus said to the apostles
      “He who hears you hears me
      He who rejects you rejects me.”

  • @martinospitaletta8198
    @martinospitaletta8198 3 года назад +1

    Did Ravi have what Paul called pistis/faith? The meaning of pistis in the context of subordination is - in the extant texts from Paul's time - allegiance. By calling Jesus christos=annointed one, he is declared to be the messianic king of Israel. By calling him further kyrios, he receives the same title of the Roman emperor. By combining this two facts "faith in the lord Jesus Christ" in Romans becomes correctly: "allegiance towards Jesus as king of Israel and emperor of the world" . Furthermore, dikaiosyne meant in the Jewish theology of Paul's time "covenant faithfulness"(Luke 1, 6), as the sign of the true faithful members of Abraham's covenant family. If you combine both findings, "faith that is reckoned as righteosness" becomes "allegiance (towards Christ as king) that is acknowledged as covenant faithfulness". If and only if you have allegiance, you are considered a member in the true covenant people. And as long as you continue to live in unrepentant sin, you do not have allegiance - you are possibly just an adherent to a traditional misinterpretation of Paul, EVEN if you wrongly define your conviction of some confessional shortcut statements as "pistis". So the problem of Ravi is the problem of every "sola fide Christian" who lives a lifestyle of sin. He may cling to a confessional creed, but that is not what Paul meant by pistis. I highly recommend you reading the Wikipedia article on the "New Perspective on Paul" or the books by Matthew Bates: "Gospel Allegiance. What faith in Jesus misses for salvation in Christ". Or: "Salvation by Allegiance alone. Reconsidering Faith, Works and the Gospel of Jesus the King." Or N. T. Wright "Paul and the faithfulness of God." Be blessed and think for yourself!

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +3

      I'm familiar with Bates. I like his stance. I also am familiar with the New Perspective on Paul and have interviewed some of its main proponents (see bottom of article). overthinkingchristian.com/2021/01/02/top-posts-of-2020/

  • @LEGASItv
    @LEGASItv 3 года назад +4

    Yes, Steve should get the credit for being one of the brave people exposing Ravi's lies. But someone (me) should thank him for introducing BANJO. Thanks!

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад +2

      He’s a great banjo player! And guitar player -would love to play with him one day.

  • @listennow5261
    @listennow5261 3 года назад

    This clown is just to happy about this!! I hope the Lord rebukes these clowns.

    • @overthinkingchristian8732
      @overthinkingchristian8732  3 года назад +2

      I don't know who you're referring to, but I'm not happy about something as disgusting as this scandal and its terrible cover-up. And from my interactions with Steve, I doubt he's happy about this. Who would be happy about warning people (who claim to emulate Christ) about glaring red flags only to have them mock and slander you for years?

    • @listennow5261
      @listennow5261 3 года назад

      @@overthinkingchristian8732 mike

    • @listennow5261
      @listennow5261 3 года назад

      Clown being the people pushing this foolishness about Ravi!!

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@listennow5261 then May I respectfully ask you to do some research? You will quickly learn we are not the “clowns” here.

  • @valeriemartens-schultz2999
    @valeriemartens-schultz2999 3 года назад +1

    Oh man is he right about the behavior of people online. Civil discourse is a lost art. Sad.

    • @paulcalin7533
      @paulcalin7533 3 года назад +2

      True...Steve is right about adults and their “temper tantrums” rather than real dialogue...

  • @biblebill6206
    @biblebill6206 3 года назад +1

    1st and foremost it's all about how much time you spend on your knees praying . Talking about God , the bible , Christ without spending lots of hard time daily praying is empty .

  • @kathleenrivera8386
    @kathleenrivera8386 3 года назад +1

    WHEN I HEARD ABOUT RAVI, I HAD BEEN WATCHING ALOT OF HIS VIDEOS. I WAS AS SHOCKED AND SADDENED AND MY HEART GOES OUT TO HIS FAMILY, ESPECIALLY HIS WIFE! One thing I do want to say is EVERYTHING IS FORGIVABLE EXCEPT BLASPHEMING HOLY SPIRIT! EVERYTHING JESUS SAID IS A COMMAND, NOT A SUGGESTION! The Scripture right after Jesus answered the question, "how do we pray?" AND He shows the outline of how to pray known as the our Father, the Scripture afterwards is "forgive others as I forgive you". This is paramount for a Christian because not to forgive is a sin and you cannot enter Heaven with sin in your heart! It's not easy, I know but with God's help, it is doable and we are told to forgive 70 x's 7! God Bless you all!