Why I'm No Longer Alternative

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @silverkitty2503
    @silverkitty2503 2 месяца назад +13

    Do you know what I think is REALLY interesting .. when someone mixed generic with alternative ..like just slightly 'off' THAT is so interesting. Neither here nor there but inbetween ..like a fashion liminal space.

  • @SmokingJacket
    @SmokingJacket 2 месяца назад +3

    Ooo! I found another genuinely different person! People like you (and me) make the world go round and enjoy doing so and are really interesting. I love finding people like you!

  • @Germania72
    @Germania72 2 месяца назад +6

    I'm a 51 year-old woman. I haven't followed trends in a while. One thing for sure: I don't wear much make-up (mascara and lipstick,.that's all). I never did.
    I stopped dyeing my hair 2 years ago, and I wear my salt and pepper mane...I refuse to cut it short. I wear it proudly like a wavy-curly shag. I look after it and love it. It's my pride and joy against what many women my age or hairdressers say.
    I have clothes that are 15 years old that I keep because I still wear them. I gravitate towards timeless casual. I wouldn't go back to flare jeans or cropped tops nowadays.
    In a nutshell, wear what you want to wear if you're happy with it. I've been a jeans and trainers lover (I wear vintage Reebok freestyle in baby blue) and that's what I want to wear.

  • @RoxZombie
    @RoxZombie 2 месяца назад +1

    I started dying my hair at 11.. from my natural mousey blonde to black and dressing metal/goth.. since then my hair has been every colour apart from green including an offensive bleach blonde. Later I went through a very dark period in my life (an abusive relationship that spanned 13 years in total, it was a slow burn with a explosive last several years.) during that time I went back to black hair and only wearing unflattering black clothes to hide my overweight and self conscious body. And honestly the thought of wearing anything other than black brought so much anxiety (still does but less).
    So I ditched my ex and cut my hair that was down to my butt, bleached it once more. I dyed it pink for about a year while the natural was growing through. After 19 years I finally can see my natural hair and I'm actually loving what I thought I always hated. I did it for curiosity and really my hair needs a break after all this time 😂.
    As for clothes. Well I'm in the process of throwing out all and I mean all of the old frumpy clothes I wear just to cover myself up. And I'm changing my style from goth/metal to what suits me and who I am now and what I've always been but didn't know how to express. And that's a witchy/hippy vibe.. so still a lot of black there but I got a lot of colourful things to compliment it too.. long flowy lacy heaven.
    So.. in short I could never change to a trend setter but I've definitely changed my style. But my change was more about finding my self 10 years later than everyone else did😂
    P.S I stopped wearing makeup after I finished school for the DV reasons mentioned above and never went back.. only times I've put corpse paint on during that time or since was for gigs

  • @zeva66
    @zeva66 14 дней назад

    Well, i had a period where i looked "normal"....well, KIND OF. But even then ppl hated me , SOMEHOW they FEEL that you are different. THEY REALLY DO! Like some animals they have a sense for it. Because, even when you look more "normal", your AURA is kinda different. Your moves, behaveour, your whole SELF- is RADIATING that diffenence. It really is! You see, my dad was an artist, he was no alternative, he was wearing jeans and T-Shirts and he looked like a Mick Jagger kinda type....even with 70 people called him "young man", because he wasn't like other 70 yrs old men. Even when he has no tattoos, piercings or weird kinda clothing. (well, for an older man even jeans and tight T-Shirt is kinda "weird", but anyway....) So i can tell ya, they FEEL it....when i was looking way more "normal", kids were still laughing....I am small, i was thin, a very nice face back then (now i'm a tattooed weirdo....) small mouth, big eyes, VERY childish face....and i was even then a rebel. Okay, i had red short hair , spiked on the top but that's all. But still, i was a weird loner and ppl on the streets FELT IT. It is not just the looks....it IS, but NOT ONLY....There are people who dress weirdly but still are "normies" and don't get starred at, because they have NO aura.

  • @inkassosjefen6315
    @inkassosjefen6315 2 месяца назад +2

    I stopped dressing alternativer because my priorities changed. I want to wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in, and i want to spend very little time on my appearence because i dont feel like my reflection in the mirror is as important to me anymore. But sometimes i wish i still wanted to dress like that, just to signal to other people that i KNOW that i am a Weird person. Because now i look normal but am still weird, but other weird people is but off by my looks (they believe i am mean or "popular"), while the normal people is put off by my lack of understanding for advanced social rules.

  • @ddH2O
    @ddH2O 2 месяца назад +5

    i would love to dress crazy and different but actually, im just too lazy and i would need to buy new clothes and stuff (which i never do, two thirds of my closet are stuff from people i know / second hand) and i just dont have the money to do that. and i fear that i wouldnt dare to wear them

    • @Germania72
      @Germania72 2 месяца назад +2

      It's exhausting and when you get older, the shops don't have that attraction. They're directed ro teenagers. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking for something that doesn't exist.

  • @teeflo2757
    @teeflo2757 2 месяца назад +1

    I’m not “alternative” and I’m certainly not a trend-setter so a lot of the “dress like this or that” stuff blows right by me. tbh I’m still the hillbilly I was when I was a kid, just 50 years older and now I wear mostly army surplus instead of fur vests and logger boots. like the man said in the movie though “I do like your vibe”, so yeah I can appreciate another person’s aesthetic even though I wouldn’t be caught dead trying it myself. I think a lot of people want to dress the way they feel inside and more power to them. 👍🏼🖖🏼✌🏼

  • @catherineleslie-faye4302
    @catherineleslie-faye4302 2 месяца назад +2

    I occasionaly get a set of conventional generic clothes for thihgs like applying for benefits... I wear them only for such occasions as I am never comfortable in them... And yes most of them are pieces from thrift stores; but the occasional Walmart tank top has snuck in to use as underwear in the coldest part of winter.

  • @ZeroKitsunei
    @ZeroKitsunei 2 месяца назад +2

    I do a little of both. If I had to take a crack at describing my "normal" style it would be... punk rock street bike racer? I also haven't had a natural hair color since freshman yr of high school.
    Sometimes I just can't be bothered. Last time I went out to a bar with some coworkers. I was off, and most of my clothes were in the wash. So I showed up in red Dickies shorts, a white tee, and slip on shoes. I pulled my hair back and was wearing a hat as well. So you couldn't see my hair was amethyst purple. I have never heard "I have never seen you looking so normal" so much.

  • @naqpenda2130
    @naqpenda2130 2 месяца назад

    i assume the trend follower girls also put a lot effort in it. they also need good taste to put it together well and many times theny also need a nicer body to look good in those cloths or to be able to find pretty ones (like you have less options if you are xl+).
    all the not alternative girls are just one category - trend follower? the whole thing sounded a bit immature honestly.
    i don't consider myself a trend follower, i simply buy what i like and what fits me well. i found some brands/designers with simple, comfy and elegant stuff and i tend to shop there. maybe in the future i will make some stuff myself because many times i can't find what i want exactly.
    you can also wear whatever you want. it's natural if our taste changes. mine also changed. we should feel comfortable in our cloths and you can still express yourself

  • @spaceflower3
    @spaceflower3 2 месяца назад

    Yes, as someone who dresses conventionally and socially acceptable I do wonder on occasion. I say the words socially acceptable because my appearance does not cause arguments with my loved ones, and I do not receive negative attention from strangers. I have friends who play with glamour as a sort of lifestyle if I am articulating it correctly. I have a friend who is somewhat gothic but also into Victorian fashion and designs her own clothes. I find alternative fashions somewhat interesting, they can be transformative and exciting. Though I do think alternative looks require a time and financial commitment to maintain. I think I would find it challenging to find something I would stick with as well. Though I do find the conventional fashions today to be a bit frumpy, bland, plain, not overly exciting. I do long for something creative, unique, something with drama, but do not how. I have so much to consider, such as my profession which most clients trust the professional business-casual look. I think people who dress alternatively are absolutely fabulous and I admire their commitment and willingness to be brave and explore the wonderful world of alternative fashion.

  • @softreyna
    @softreyna 2 месяца назад +2

    I can't say that I'm a trendsetter, but I am an ultra low effort dresser and one day I saw a girl at the grocery store fully dressed as a clown and thought, "I wish I was brave like her." So there probably are people who are curious.

  • @elliotfong8794
    @elliotfong8794 2 месяца назад

    I will never stop being alternative and normalacy is a contrivence

  • @Sleepystardrops
    @Sleepystardrops 2 месяца назад

    While I appreciate the normal aesthetic I just can't dress that way because my clothes give me so much happiness. I love getting dressed in my silly clothes and to take the silliness away would just take away such a simple and easy joy from my life when this world is so hard.

    • @Samahra01
      @Samahra01 2 месяца назад

      Me too❤❤❤

  • @ronvanover7690
    @ronvanover7690 2 месяца назад +3

    I am a 52 year old goth

  • @JamesScholes
    @JamesScholes 2 месяца назад +1

    Seriously, the disdain you have for the "trend followers" as you call them literally radiates from your body language and the words you use in this video...
    You're obviously calling them trend followers because it's your way of referring to them as mindless sheep who blindly follow the herd and you saying this allows you to feel superior to them in the process.
    It's also delivered in a passive-aggressive tone which signals there's some bitterness towards this group of people. I would say something bad happened in your past and you now associate this group of people as the root-cause of that bad thing that happened to you. If I had to guess, it was probably something to do with bullying?
    Also, your need to convince us you're a local celebrity is quite frankly off the scale. How you lean forward then point towards yourself with both hands and also say phrases like "I'm not exaggerating" and "I really, really am" shows a dire need for us to believe you.
    People who are actual celebrities or important figure-heads don't behave like this because these thoughts don't even enter their mind, let alone the need to broadcast it because it's already assumed by the celebrity that everyone already knows this.
    This tells me you have a dire need to feel important/relevant which you obviously haven't achieved yet, because like I said, people with high status you claim to have don't need to broadcast it like you just did.
    I could go on but I'll end there. BTW, I hope this doesn't come across as an attack on you because you do seem like a genuinely nice person. I just found you so interesting - not because of the way you look but how you blatantly tell on yourself without actually telling on yourself if you know what I mean.

    • @DemelzaBoing
      @DemelzaBoing 2 месяца назад +4

      It was a bit rude and judgemental, but I doubt your opinion will bother this young woman.
      Just read your comments back, especially the last three paragraphs and apply them to yourself.
      Quite hurtful, and not just a tad conceited and dare I say calculated to make the OP feel diminished in some way.
      You say you could go on..... Oh I just bet you could, Dear. You seem to delight in the thought of your own haughty opinions.
      Live and let live.