I start having reddish and itchy upper eyelids. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with Blepharitis. I was prescribed a cleaning regime and some medication/product (don't remember very well as it was quite many years ago). I did the treatment for some time but there was no improvement. Then, I stop eating any sugar and all the symptoms were gone in no time, probably days. I have my eyes checked annually by the same ophthalmologist and he always checks me for Blepharitis but there are no signs. Initially, he was quite surprised that it was gone, then he got used to it. I keep telling him that it disappeared when I stopped eating sugar ( I mean anything with sugar. The only sweet things I would eat were fruit and hunny (in moderation). Diet works wonders.
I am practically in tears watching this. A few months ago a new eye doctor casually mentioned my blepharitis and MGD - but watching this I see that I've had this since I was a teenager. Always red-rimmed and slightly bloodshot eyes, and huge issues with dryness. I've never been able to wear eye makeup. It's not like I've ignored medical attention, either - I've seen an ophthalmologist at least once a year my whole life. Just a month ago a dermatologist told me I have rosacea, so it's all falling into place with this video.
I know how you feel because when I saw a great eye doctor, she started to rattle off all the problems she was seeing. It was at that point I realized many eye doctors in the past never bothered to say anything. Speak up people and ask direct questions otherwise the doctor just says next patient.
@@ronnysanchez5810 I washed my eyes and face with cloth and johnson baby shampoo. aveeno is good also. then i used Walgreens OTC TRIPPLE ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT. Same ingredients that dr would subscribe in some other named meds. It works.
My 10 month old basset hound puppy had a vicious case of this. I couldn’t keep the cone of shame on her head or get the drops in her eyes. She kept scratching her eyes and was splitting her lids open and they got infected. Getting her to swallow the pills was hit and miss. So I checked her into the kennel at my vet’s office for 12 days and had then treat her. When I picked her up, her eyes looked amazing, perfect actually. Treating this problem for her was just beyond my abilities. It was money very well spent and I was charged half of what I expected to pay.
Every day I clean my eyelids with Foam, I use cleansing wipes at the end of the day. I use a heated eye mask and massage my eyelids afterwards. I also take Omega Eye. All of this was recommended by my optometrist. Every six months I see her for a Blephex treatment where my eyelids are squeezed to make sure they're unclogged (that's painful), then I have them cleaned with the oscillating brush which I like. Because of this routine, I'm able to keep wearing my contact lenses.
Well Dr here in England I just got an answer to my eye issues. I am going to try the eye cleansing and the heat as well and give it 7 days if I am still suffering I will contact my GP. But thankyou for letting me learn my new thing for the day.
I have psoriasis and sometimes use baking soda made into a paste with filtered water to wash hair and skin, and I do wash my eyelashes. It helps with allergies and itchy eyes.
Hot (warm compress) then lid wipes (Alcon Lid-Care). The gauze used in these wipes gives just the right texture to mechanically remove the gunk and by warming up the oil glands first (with the warm compress) then the soap.washes away much better. Warm compress still works better than even trying to wash your eyes in the shower.
Thank you for all the information! Three years ago, I was diagnosed with posterior blepharitis and I was really sad about it during the first two years because I always got ‘flare ups’ (aka twitching and dry eyes that were so bad I couldn’t open my eyes), during social events especially. I had to go home to use the warm masks to fix it. But because of that, I avoided social events and friends gatherings for a long time for fear of getting those flare ups. It’s still not getting any better and I’m still worried everyday of getting those flare ups. I’ll try to use tea tree oil as some people have commented, I hope it helps🙏🏼 (I already use the warm mask 2x a day and IPL, it’s really a tough condition)
I absolutely want to thank you for the knowledge that you gave me. I absolutely will follow these instructions and hopefully get rid of that blephoritis. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Don't know if it would be cheaper or not but guys (more likely their wives) who have to work in sewers and the like have been using Pine Sol on their clothes for a long time.
It looks like there are lots of good treatments out there for sure! One thing I do for blepharitis and pink eye as well, especially if you are going to need to wait to see a doctor, is a very warm, wet black or green tea bag with a couple of drops of honey placed on the surface. Use it as a compress a few times per day.
I started getting this as I got older. Def not a doctor and have no idea of the long term implications but have been putting a spray of colloidal silver on each eye after showering for years with very good results. Probably do it from 4-6 inches away, one spritz each with eye open. Most hits around your eye, I leave it. Did it regularly at first but don't seem to need it very often anymore.
Gratitude 4 Vids! Thank you 4 ur vulnerable pics of ur condition! So brave! Will share vid w/ many who need it!!! So much great info., U r a pioneer in ur field!
I had Blepharitis for years, it felt at times as if I had wood in my eyes, and the gunk, the styes, the soreness was a big big problem. I tried a number of ‘remedies’ suggested, but had no joy. Then I read that Blepharitis can be caused by blocked tear ducts. If you blink about 20 times, around blinks 8-10 you should start to feel moisture. That’s the ducts opening. This may work for you. At the start, try blinking about 50 times on the trot, four times a day. Use ordinary soap and tap water to clear. After 1-2 weeks, you should start to see some improvement, and you can reduce it to three times a day, then twice. Now, I have a regime for blinking about 80 times just as I’m about to nod off in bed, and touch wood have had no problems for years. God knows whatever caused the Blepharitis in the first place. When it started, I was on the PC a lot, staring at the screen and probably hardly ever blinking. But try this method. It costs absolutely nothing, and I hope will help you.
I was initially diagnosed 65 years ago as having "Granulated Eyelids". Guess the name has changed. In later years I have heard it called Blepharitis and even Rosacea of the eye. For me since I have had it since childhood, I always felt it was genetic.
Oh u have what I have my eye Specialist told me I might have rosacea too and yes cornea and there no cure for that but I told him might happen at my work due from remodel there was so much dust . I feel dry most of the time maybe I might have dry eye problems that cause all this ?
I cleared my problem up with pure organic caster oil - first cold compress- hexane free. 😊. I put 1-2 drops in each eye at bedtime. Also rubbed it on outer eye lids. Then used a warm wet cloth. Takes itch away. Did every night 1-2 weeks. No problems for long time😊. Will also heal eye infections. Anti-bacterial-anti-fungal and anti viral😊. Changed my life☺️
Very informative video! I’m still using a warm compress and diluted baby shampoo every day to wash my eyelids, as my ophthalmologist suggested. I had DMEK and cataract surgery last year, and my cornea became detached a week later. I’m going to ask if I can use one of your suggestions. Thank you again.
In my 40s and as a youth i had problems with my eye's..was constantly getting styes and pink eye. My doc told me a story about me basically being allergic to the natural oils and bacteria on my eyelids. I think he must have been dumming down a description of this. He did recomme d baby shampoo and i have been using it whenever it startsbitching and being irritated even as an adult. Its good to know what it is called
Thank you very much for all the options. I have been suffering with this condition ever since I had Lasic . I have it under control but will try these other options. God bless.
I have it this ,I use warm compression, all natural tea tree eucalyptus!Also the doctor gave me erythromycin!I also use colloidal silver 500 ppm ,but consult with your doctor!
Not only do I have blepharitis I also have darier's disease of the eyelids and dry eye and macular degeneration I wish the VA offered some type of newer treatments too bad you don't work for them Doctor I would love to see you as a patient.
I was diagnosed with blepharitis. Tea tree oil cleaning pads cleared it right up, but they were hard to find, (often out of stock or took a long time to ship), and they were expensive. I found an inexpensive tea tree oil soap and just use that to wash my face with. It seems to work just as well.
Best video I have seen on this. Mine has become rather severe. Had the eye doctor treat the right eye ow my left eye lid all inflamed. I will be seeing the doctor again, but I will be buying that eye care kit. Another woman, not a doctor, just said every day she uses coconut oil to remove makeup, and no condition showed up as long as she continues to use it. So this has other ingredients I know help as well. I TRIED TO ORDER YOUR STUFF YOU ARE SELLING AND THEY WILL NOT LET ME ORDER IT BECAUSE I LIVE IN CANADA. REALLY? WHAT THE HECK. WHY ARE YOU PROMOTING THIS STUFF
Seems very likely that my son has this issue. He rubs his eye vigorously and has recently developed the issue of voluntarily shutting the eyes frequently possibly from the irritation from blepharitis. Just as you said in the video doctor asked to use baby shampoo then gave a steroid then antibiotic. It helped in the early stages but once again he is back to the problem. As you have advised I’ll follow the home remedy procedures and return here with updates. Thanks for the nice videos
Very informative ! I'm 27 and have posterior blep since my teens and recently developped MGD.. I love the use of lidwipes and I do the IPL every year for maintenance
I feel seen. Beginning of March I started getting dry, red and crusty eyes. No itching or pain. Doctor can’t figure it out. Prescribed ointment didn’t work and now the prescribed drops are also doing nothing. Going to try a few of these methods. Thank you!
I have posterior blepharitis. I have to wash my eyes with soap and warm water three times a day. If I wait too long to do my second eye wash, my eyes will suddenly start to sting and my eyes tear. It can totally take over my ability to function.
Great tips! I use 2 Q tips and warm water to scrub the lashes. Not sure if that's ideal but the Restasis drops really work for me. I don't wake up with that gritty feeling in the morning.
Good to hear the restarts is working for you. The q-tip cleaning is great. Some people will put a few drops of a lipid-based artificial tear (like systane balance) on the q-tip when they clean their eyelids.
Thank you!!! I have been told by 2 Opthalmologists that there's no treatment other than a Bruder mask. I found Manuka honey by chance when looking for natural treatment for IBS. I also am taking NAC for my dry eyes. I am going to incorporate your scrubs.
Warm Compresses since dry eye started 5 years ago, hydroclorous acid spray, and eye lids wipes really dry out the skin. Dermatologist said it looks like elephant skin. The eyelid wipe with tea tree oil feels great and helps tears, especially cleaning the eyelid edges. I use Restasis for dry eye. Also NAC drops and cinerera for cataracts. Dermatologist has now prescribed Pro-Topic ointment. Just started it. Weird as it makes the area feel really warm. They said the warm feeling goes away in a couple days….hmm….said to continue to try it. Dermatologists don’t seem to be up on dry eye and eyelid hygiene. They should have lunch with my ophthalmologist and allergist to brainstorm these chronic conditions. Dermatologist seemed aghast when I mentioned tea tree eye lid wipes? They don;t understand the dry eye/miebomian gland, eyelid hygiene part of this it seems.
for me the dryness from hypochlorous acid was caused by overuse - I made sure to only use a small single spray on each eye every morning, gently spreading across the eyelid margins using a face towel, and this after an 8 minute warm compress (10 minutes dried my eyes out too much). I also moisturise my under-eyes every night with rovectin lotus water cream which really really helps. I have virtually no bleph symptoms after 2 years of this routine - apart from every 3 months or i will have slight dry eye, but i'll reduce the amount of spray I use which seems to work. Sometimes less is more
You beat them all. Your descriptions and micro managing of all the details gives us all a full understanding... pushing us to understand this deeper and then come to new conclusions going in the right direction. Nulids and the Optimel gel together are what I am going for next. I have learned how to control this condition now. The Optimel drops and gel were a life saver and the Oust demodex foam works also. Those three with a heated mask.. and then expression of the glands is my regimen. I am going to get the nulids device and then drop the mask maybe use the mask once a week with a full expression afterwards.
Thank you for the awesome comment! The only thing I didn't go into detail was about demodex blepharitis. I wanted to save that for a full video. Thank you for sharing your experience.
There needs to be a strong connection explained between demodicosis and dry eyes. You can search the two together and there simply isn't a strong explanation. Xdemvy addresses this the new medication, but they also do not explain the connection. Which will lead to deeper understanding in general. Looking forward to it... I think they (brevis) are burrowing into the meibomian glands. Unclogging the gland then full expression (emptied out completely) should lead to the gland waking up and getting back to oil production. Thank you for your efforts!!! Exceptional! @@DrEyeGuy
What causes blepharitis? Approximately 16 yrs ago (while working in a plywood mill in a very remote northern Canadian region) I made an appt (400 miles away) with an optometrist who diagnosed my problem as being glaucoma. Eight years later, I move 2k south back to civilization and got myself a new optometrist. I was diagnosed with Blepharitis and NOT Glaucoma. I was advised to use warm compresses with lid care towelettes 2 X a day, morning and evening. Works well except I find when I've had a few cocktails the night before. I rarely partake of alcohol but when I do, I have discovered that alcohol exasperates the blepharitis the following morning. So here I am almost 20 years later and I'm still asking questions. The main question being...what is the cause? Did working in this dusty/sooty/dirty plywood mill cause my blepharitis??? I didn't have it before my mill employment. Thank you
I got a bad case from allergies and our very dry cimate...warm compresses, Systane pads for cleaning, eyewashes. Now I make sure to lubricate my eyes and at the first hint of "stickiness" I start doing eye rinses.
I got blepharitus after a stay in the hospital from a fall I’ve now had since then it’s been 11 years 😢😢 I finally got it under control w a product called oust its tea tree cleanser I use it 4 times a day so it doesn’t get worse !! Can also use a very warm facecloth to open up glands (wet ) feels really good basically keto ultra clean ! 😊
Can you have blepharitis without MGD? how do you know if you have MGD or not ? Is eyelid massage ever contraindicated as in when you don’t actually have MGD?
You have some really good information and tips on your channel. I like the way you explain the problem and the different treatment options. It is really helpful. Do you have any opinion or experience with patients using colloidal silver for eye infections or Blepharitis. Except for quite a few positive reviews/comments on Amazon product pages I have not been able to find any comments from professional sources. Thanks again for all your hard work in making such interesting and informative videos.
Hi! Thank you for your nice words! I actually want to do a video about colloidal silver, but I haven't been able to research as much as I want. I think in general, there can be more effective treatments, so maybe that's why there aren't many professional opinions out there on colloidal silver. But I'll see if I can get into the details and come up with a video to do about it.
The ionic form of colloidal silver is a tiny molecule about 15 times smaller than the "normal" non-ionic or complete shell filled form. This is why it will work better for external application or as a topical type treatment. Exposure to the chloride ions in your stomach or sweat will inactivated the ion form quickly forming silver chloride of course. Other haloids will do the same but are not normally present topically. Rinse the sweat before spraying your pits or just make the first few sprays the rinse and wipe them off. Same goes for any salt or saline solution, free chloride ions or other halide ions bind the silver before it can be of any impact as a treatment. Hope this helps, from one who no longer suffers from this problem.
Can use a soft toothbrush to clean the eyes 🤷🏼♀️I use like a soft long eyeshadow brush it's perfect to get in the eyelashes, and pointy q-tips that I dip into the spray to get in-between the eyelashes works
I am on a mission to solve my husband's seemingly unidentifiable eye problem. I'm fairly sure this isn't it either, but urgent care, an optometrist and an ophthalmologist with lots of bloodwork couldn't figure it out. We have no insurance and so I'm scouring the internet and books to try and get somewhere. We paid too much money to be told, "I don't know". He has lots of tears and sometimes a runny nose. It's tears. No puss, no external swelling. VERY red eye, light sensitivity. Warm compresses help some, but only very temporarily. This is the 3rd or 4th time he's had it this year. I'm hearing whispers of something called "covid eye" and I'm looking into that. It doesn't seem to be regular pink eye. His white blood cell count was normal. No syphilis. We thought it might be an autoimmune condition, but the bloodwork said no to that as well.
@@keving.1518 also intermittent pulse light to open the glands which get blocked with oils, states. May require a few treatments . I’m sure you had a check for demodex also.
I wear a sleep mask on my eyelids every single night when I go to bed. Would this cause blepharitis or eye irritation, dry eyes, or a stye? Is it safe to sleep or sleep mask every night?
Thanks for video. Is the posterior same as mucous in the eye. I use baby shampoo, warm and cold compression and eye scrub. Still got it. Top eye lid drain mucous into corner of eye. Do you think wearing masks contribute to problem?
Thanks for these great tips! Would you please give guidance on the order of use and frequency for these items? Compresses, lid cleaning wipes (or Myboclean?), manuka drops, hypochlor? I want to make sure I’m using them most effectively and not wasting the products.
I wake up in the middle of the night because of itchy eyelids and ive literally tried everything and felt always felt like the baby shampoo was b.s. Im thankful you actually gave more options than saying the same old
What about milking & thus unclogging the glands along upper and lower lids? Ophthalmologist did both eyes & along with daily cleaning I had white eyes for over 6 months and no eye infections.
I always have extremely itchy eyes, they always feel like something is in them and sometimes they create what looks like a booger. I’ve seen my primary, emergency room, urgent care, ophthalmologist with no luck. Just more and more eye drops that don’t work. I’ve been using the of soft scrubs for almost three years now. I also use baby wash cloths and baby soap mixed with tea tree oil to wash my eyes. I pat them dry and use warm compresses. None of this is working.
Like the video on nulids. In office procedures & nulids are too high for me. Is myboclean good to start with? And i could not find the Manuka honey video link in the description?
Yes, myboclean would be a good one to start with without breaking the bank. I have the manuka honey links just below the hypochlorous acid links. Or you can search it on Amazon under "Manuka Honey Eye Drops" and find the optimel eye drops there.
In the shower I wet my short hair & pump a good amount of anti-dandruff shampoo into my hand which I rub into thick suds. Then I wipe this onto my face - including my closed eyelids - finishing with a good rub into my hair, scalp & ears, adding a tiny blob of conditoner to my hair, finally rinsing my whole head under the shower. Ordinary own brand anti-dandruff from the supermarket & well-lathered with water so diluted enough not to cause reaction on my face & eyelids. Someone I knew had bad blepharitis they'd pick, which seemed to me to be rather like dandruff.
I have blepharitis and I read a book using compressed with warm Chamomile tea to help with the discomfort, and I used by three months and eyes get better.
Once I went to the doc because my eyelid was so swollen and red, and I had a stye. He said it looks like a bad case of bleph and a said I should see a opthamologist. My eye got to the point where I couldn’t even open and it actually turned out to be cellulitis.
Vigorous eye massage and vigorous eye rubbing is usually always discouraged. There is a way to clean your eyelids safely even after cataract surgery. As always, it's best to check in with your eye doctor to make sure.
I tried eyelid foam wash, eye drops, antibiotic eye gel, oral antibiotics, nothing worked. Instead i started massaging oil cleansers that emulsifies after adding water. Improved tremendously. Perhaps it breaks down the oil built up causing the inflammation.
My eye doctor suggested LipiFlow thermal pulsation. It is very expensive which insurance does not cover about $1200-$1800. What is your opinion of it? He said my glands were creamy. Thank you
I just use tea tree & coconut oil with a damp warm wash cloth for my whole face, i combine them with natural & biodegradable surfactants like Dr. Bronner's. I make sure to clean/exfoliate my eyebrows too as I've read biome overgrowth from there can migrate to your eyelids. The cleansers work really well to control my cradle cap and dandruff too.
I use to have this. Especially when I woke up from sleeping. I cured mine by stop sleeping near a fan and i started putting Vaseline on my eyes when I went to sleep
I am using the erythromycin eye ointment on my upper eyelids for that blepharitis that was prescribed for me, but my eyelids are still so itchy, Does it take much more time to get the itch to stop? This is the first full day of using it, plus last night.
One of the best videos on the subject how do people get this disease i think most of us get it from the makeup we use either face makeup gets in contact with the eyelids or eye makeup Nobody mentioned If it's catching is Can one person catch it from another person and I believe they can I cannot believe There is no cure for this This is sad Some people have it worse than others Even mild cases are hell to live with
Excelente information ..... and think of the billions of women using GLUE to stick eye lashes to their own eye lashes..... that is YIKES x 1000000.... people learn to love your eyes!! Please 😘
Granny told us if we woke w our eyes stuck shut to get a very warm wet towel and let it lay over the eyes and then wipe free of debris...wonder if this is what it is about. That's been 30+ years ago now...🤔
I Have plugged eyelash pores, I actually just began putting castor oil on my lids before I go to bed at night. then I was wondering if maybe I was plugging the eye lid pores. it is a month since you commented. do you still do this and what are the results? I thank you for your response to this.
Hi Dr, do u recommend the latest heat compression “Halpax” eye mask a good device for blepharitis, serious MGD? How is it compare to tearretore one u recommended in the past? I want something without pressure on eyeballs. I used to do meibomian gland expression in Dr office but my doc retired during pandemic. I want to find some solution. Thank you so much! LL
Also probiotics solution will help with all of this as well, we get too much biofilm, even with essential oils that hold it in place as well so been thinking you're doing it good like using some tea tree oil solutions but it creates bio film. So I have some foam soap that I use but I also have some probiotics solution I use as well. Also organic castor oil is good for the eyelids too and the lashes. I also have issues with lashes breaking off and thinning so rosacea with styes sometimes as well. Also have upped my iodine too for thyroid which can cause some of this too.
I start having reddish and itchy upper eyelids. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with Blepharitis. I was prescribed a cleaning regime and some medication/product (don't remember very well as it was quite many years ago). I did the treatment for some time but there was no improvement. Then, I stop eating any sugar and all the symptoms were gone in no time, probably days. I have my eyes checked annually by the same ophthalmologist and he always checks me for Blepharitis but there are no signs. Initially, he was quite surprised that it was gone, then he got used to it. I keep telling him that it disappeared when I stopped eating sugar ( I mean anything with sugar. The only sweet things I would eat were fruit and hunny (in moderation). Diet works wonders.
I am practically in tears watching this. A few months ago a new eye doctor casually mentioned my blepharitis and MGD - but watching this I see that I've had this since I was a teenager. Always red-rimmed and slightly bloodshot eyes, and huge issues with dryness. I've never been able to wear eye makeup. It's not like I've ignored medical attention, either - I've seen an ophthalmologist at least once a year my whole life. Just a month ago a dermatologist told me I have rosacea, so it's all falling into place with this video.
I know how you feel because when I saw a great eye doctor, she started to rattle off all the problems she was seeing. It was at that point I realized many eye doctors in the past never bothered to say anything.
Speak up people and ask direct questions otherwise the doctor just says next patient.
try manuka honey..
@@Bhatmanndo you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
What is your treatment?
@@ronnysanchez5810 I washed my eyes and face with cloth and johnson baby shampoo. aveeno is good also. then i used Walgreens OTC TRIPPLE ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT. Same ingredients that dr would subscribe in some other named meds. It works.
My 10 month old basset hound puppy had a vicious case of this. I couldn’t keep the cone of shame on her head or get the drops in her eyes. She kept scratching her eyes and was splitting her lids open and they got infected. Getting her to swallow the pills was hit and miss. So I checked her into the kennel at my vet’s office for 12 days and had then treat her. When I picked her up, her eyes looked amazing, perfect actually. Treating this problem for her was just beyond my abilities. It was money very well spent and I was charged half of what I expected to pay.
Every day I clean my eyelids with Foam, I use cleansing wipes at the end of the day. I use a heated eye mask and massage my eyelids afterwards. I also take Omega Eye. All of this was recommended by my optometrist. Every six months I see her for a Blephex treatment where my eyelids are squeezed to make sure they're unclogged (that's painful), then I have them cleaned with the oscillating brush which I like. Because of this routine, I'm able to keep wearing my contact lenses.
Glad to hear all of that is helping it stay under control.
Thank you for showing your own eyes as a reference. This problem feels a lot less embarrassing to have treated if even an eye doctor can have it.
Well Dr here in England I just got an answer to my eye issues.
I am going to try the eye cleansing and the heat as well and give it 7 days if I am still suffering I will contact my GP.
But thankyou for letting me learn my new thing for the day.
I have psoriasis and sometimes use baking soda made into a paste with filtered water to wash hair and skin, and I do wash my eyelashes. It helps with allergies and itchy eyes.
Hot (warm compress) then lid wipes (Alcon Lid-Care). The gauze used in these wipes gives just the right texture to mechanically remove the gunk and by warming up the oil glands first (with the warm compress) then the soap.washes away much better.
Warm compress still works better than even trying to wash your eyes in the shower.
Thank you for all the information! Three years ago, I was diagnosed with posterior blepharitis and I was really sad about it during the first two years because I always got ‘flare ups’ (aka twitching and dry eyes that were so bad I couldn’t open my eyes), during social events especially. I had to go home to use the warm masks to fix it. But because of that, I avoided social events and friends gatherings for a long time for fear of getting those flare ups. It’s still not getting any better and I’m still worried everyday of getting those flare ups. I’ll try to use tea tree oil as some people have commented, I hope it helps🙏🏼 (I already use the warm mask 2x a day and IPL, it’s really a tough condition)
May you heal soon ameen
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and love.
I absolutely want to thank you for the knowledge that you gave me. I absolutely will follow these instructions and hopefully get rid of that blephoritis. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
you're welcome! Hopefully it all helps.
Hypochlorous acid spray helped me more than eye wipes. I also use Lysol sanitizer in the washing machine with my bed linens and towels. Much better!
Don't know if it would be cheaper or not but guys (more likely their wives) who have to work in sewers and the like have been using Pine Sol on their clothes for a long time.
I used Lysol for awhile and developed a bad allergy to it with terrible itching. Be careful.
It looks like there are lots of good treatments out there for sure! One thing I do for blepharitis and pink eye as well, especially if you are going to need to wait to see a doctor, is a very warm, wet black or green tea bag with a couple of drops of honey placed on the surface. Use it as a compress a few times per day.
Great tip and thanks for commenting again on my videos.
Yeah, nothing like some good ol honey on your eyelashes. Psycho.
@@samanderson806 you don’t need to be such a JERK.
Manuka honey is really good.
I started getting this as I got older. Def not a doctor and have no idea of the long term implications but have been putting a spray of colloidal silver on each eye after showering for years with very good results. Probably do it from 4-6 inches away, one spritz each with eye open. Most hits around your eye, I leave it. Did it regularly at first but don't seem to need it very often anymore.
Do you do this with your eyes open?
@@jennyc5100 yup, doesn't sting or anything.
@@Tensioner Thank you!
Pinetar shampoo to cleanse, followed by a balm of equal parts coconut oil mixed with Manuka honey. This healed mine in days.
I tried coconut oil by chance and the itchy ness stopped
Gratitude 4 Vids! Thank you 4 ur vulnerable pics of ur condition! So brave! Will share vid w/ many who need it!!! So much great info., U r a pioneer in ur field!
Thank you! It had been great to be able to make these videos.
I had Blepharitis for years, it felt at times as if I had wood in my eyes, and the gunk, the styes, the soreness was a big big problem. I tried a number of ‘remedies’ suggested, but had no joy. Then I read that Blepharitis can be caused by blocked tear ducts. If you blink about 20 times, around blinks 8-10 you should start to feel moisture. That’s the ducts opening. This may work for you. At the start, try blinking about 50 times on the trot, four times a day. Use ordinary soap and tap water to clear. After 1-2 weeks, you should start to see some improvement, and you can reduce it to three times a day, then twice. Now, I have a regime for blinking about 80 times just as I’m about to nod off in bed, and touch wood have had no problems for years. God knows whatever caused the Blepharitis in the first place. When it started, I was on the PC a lot, staring at the screen and probably hardly ever blinking. But try this method. It costs absolutely nothing, and I hope will help you.
Makes Sense Thanks
Great and helpful post-thank you!
I was initially diagnosed 65 years ago as having "Granulated Eyelids". Guess the name has changed.
In later years I have heard it called Blepharitis and even Rosacea of the eye.
For me since I have had it since childhood, I always felt it was genetic.
do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Oh u have what I have my eye Specialist told me I might have rosacea too and yes cornea and there no cure for that but I told him might happen at my work due from remodel there was so much dust . I feel dry most of the time maybe I might have dry eye problems that cause all this ?
@@brianmorales25 do you get any tears while crying?
I cleared my problem up with pure organic caster oil - first cold compress- hexane free. 😊. I put 1-2 drops in each eye at bedtime. Also rubbed it on outer eye lids. Then used a warm wet cloth. Takes itch away. Did every night 1-2 weeks. No problems for long time😊. Will also heal eye infections. Anti-bacterial-anti-fungal and anti viral😊. Changed my life☺️
caster oil also promotes lash growth, so you'll likely end up with long lashes
You can put castor oil in your eye ?
Very informative video! I’m still using a warm compress and diluted baby shampoo every day to wash my eyelids, as my ophthalmologist suggested. I had DMEK and cataract surgery last year, and my cornea became detached a week later. I’m going to ask if I can use one of your suggestions. Thank you again.
In my 40s and as a youth i had problems with my eye's..was constantly getting styes and pink eye. My doc told me a story about me basically being allergic to the natural oils and bacteria on my eyelids. I think he must have been dumming down a description of this. He did recomme d baby shampoo and i have been using it whenever it startsbitching and being irritated even as an adult. Its good to know what it is called
Thank you very much for all the options. I have been suffering with this condition ever since I had Lasic . I have it under control but will try these other options. God bless.
do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
WOW Great information Doc 👍 Thank you👏😊💐
Really thanks Dr. What u explained is very helpful.
I have it this ,I use warm compression, all natural tea tree eucalyptus!Also the doctor gave me erythromycin!I also use colloidal silver 500 ppm ,but consult with your doctor!
Thank you for the very helpful info.! ❤
Not only do I have blepharitis I also have darier's disease of the eyelids and dry eye and macular degeneration I wish the VA offered some type of newer treatments too bad you don't work for them Doctor I would love to see you as a patient.
do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Thank you. This is helpful, and interesting to know you have this problem too.
I was diagnosed with blepharitis. Tea tree oil cleaning pads cleared it right up, but they were hard to find, (often out of stock or took a long time to ship), and they were expensive. I found an inexpensive tea tree oil soap and just use that to wash my face with. It seems to work just as well.
Which brand? Thanks
@@mimi18888 Pipimg Rock. They no longer make it. I use Dr Bronners now.
Best video I have seen on this. Mine has become rather severe. Had the eye doctor treat the right eye ow my left eye lid all inflamed. I will be seeing the doctor again, but I will be buying that eye care kit. Another woman, not a doctor, just said every day she uses coconut oil to remove makeup, and no condition showed up as long as she continues to use it. So this has other ingredients I know help as well. I TRIED TO ORDER YOUR STUFF YOU ARE SELLING AND THEY WILL NOT LET ME ORDER IT BECAUSE I LIVE IN CANADA. REALLY? WHAT THE HECK. WHY ARE YOU PROMOTING THIS STUFF
Thanks so much, very helpful and informative indeed!! 👍🙏💞
Seems very likely that my son has this issue. He rubs his eye vigorously and has recently developed the issue of voluntarily shutting the eyes frequently possibly from the irritation from blepharitis. Just as you said in the video doctor asked to use baby shampoo then gave a steroid then antibiotic. It helped in the early stages but once again he is back to the problem. As you have advised I’ll follow the home remedy procedures and return here with updates. Thanks for the nice videos
Thank you for the amazing comment! Sorry to hear your son may have thisnm issue. Hopefully he can find relief soon!
lavender sachets in the pillow helps to keep those mites away
Very informative ! I'm 27 and have posterior blep since my teens and recently developped MGD.. I love the use of lidwipes and I do the IPL every year for maintenance
Thanks for this comment! Good to hear IPL is helping you. Just curious, what lid wipes do you like the best.
I have the same just been diagnosed . Do you have many flare ups anymore?
@@DrEyeGuyI like the Ocusoft that you showed in the video
@@itsjkb9768do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
@@medhikasingh6327 yes a lot of
I knew subscribing was a great idea. Thank you so so much for your great information.
Thank you so much for this comment! This is the purpose of me making videos for this channel. To help people the best I can.
I feel seen. Beginning of March I started getting dry, red and crusty eyes. No itching or pain. Doctor can’t figure it out. Prescribed ointment didn’t work and now the prescribed drops are also doing nothing. Going to try a few of these methods. Thank you!
I hope you can get relief with something. Thanks for commenting.
do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Blephasteam eye goggles work great for me.Severe MGD.I will now buy their 2nd Gen ones which are wireless.
I have posterior blepharitis. I have to wash my eyes with soap and warm water three times a day. If I wait too long to do my second eye wash, my eyes will suddenly start to sting and my eyes tear. It can totally take over my ability to function.
Great tips! I use 2 Q tips and warm water to scrub the lashes. Not sure if that's ideal but the Restasis drops really work for me. I don't wake up with that gritty feeling in the morning.
Good to hear the restarts is working for you. The q-tip cleaning is great. Some people will put a few drops of a lipid-based artificial tear (like systane balance) on the q-tip when they clean their eyelids.
@@DrEyeGuy Thanks! That's an awesome idea!!
do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
@@medhikasingh6327 Yes
Thank you for the great information. Great video 😊
Thank you!!! I have been told by 2 Opthalmologists that there's no treatment other than a Bruder mask. I found Manuka honey by chance when looking for natural treatment for IBS. I also am taking NAC for my dry eyes. I am going to incorporate your scrubs.
Warm Compresses since dry eye started 5 years ago, hydroclorous acid spray, and eye lids wipes really dry out the skin. Dermatologist said it looks like elephant skin. The eyelid wipe with tea tree oil feels great and helps tears, especially cleaning the eyelid edges. I use Restasis for dry eye. Also NAC drops and cinerera for cataracts. Dermatologist has now prescribed Pro-Topic ointment. Just started it. Weird as it makes the area feel really warm. They said the warm feeling goes away in a couple days….hmm….said to continue to try it. Dermatologists don’t seem to be up on dry eye and eyelid hygiene. They should have lunch with my ophthalmologist and allergist to brainstorm these chronic conditions. Dermatologist seemed aghast when I mentioned tea tree eye lid wipes? They don;t understand the dry eye/miebomian gland, eyelid hygiene part of this it seems.
for me the dryness from hypochlorous acid was caused by overuse - I made sure to only use a small single spray on each eye every morning, gently spreading across the eyelid margins using a face towel, and this after an 8 minute warm compress (10 minutes dried my eyes out too much). I also moisturise my under-eyes every night with rovectin lotus water cream which really really helps. I have virtually no bleph symptoms after 2 years of this routine - apart from every 3 months or i will have slight dry eye, but i'll reduce the amount of spray I use which seems to work. Sometimes less is more
You beat them all. Your descriptions and micro managing of all the details gives us all a full understanding... pushing us to understand this deeper and then come to new conclusions going in the right direction. Nulids and the Optimel gel together are what I am going for next. I have learned how to control this condition now. The Optimel drops and gel were a life saver and the Oust demodex foam works also. Those three with a heated mask.. and then expression of the glands is my regimen. I am going to get the nulids device and then drop the mask maybe use the mask once a week with a full expression afterwards.
Thank you for the awesome comment! The only thing I didn't go into detail was about demodex blepharitis. I wanted to save that for a full video. Thank you for sharing your experience.
There needs to be a strong connection explained between demodicosis and dry eyes. You can search the two together and there simply isn't a strong explanation. Xdemvy addresses this the new medication, but they also do not explain the connection. Which will lead to deeper understanding in general. Looking forward to it... I think they (brevis) are burrowing into the meibomian glands. Unclogging the gland then full expression (emptied out completely) should lead to the gland waking up and getting back to oil production. Thank you for your efforts!!! Exceptional! @@DrEyeGuy
What causes blepharitis? Approximately 16 yrs ago (while working in a plywood mill in a very remote northern Canadian region) I made an appt (400 miles away) with an optometrist who diagnosed my problem as being glaucoma. Eight years later, I move 2k south back to civilization and got myself a new optometrist. I was diagnosed with Blepharitis and NOT Glaucoma. I was advised to use warm compresses with lid care towelettes 2 X a day, morning and evening. Works well except I find when I've had a few cocktails the night before. I rarely partake of alcohol but when I do, I have discovered that alcohol exasperates the blepharitis the following morning. So here I am almost 20 years later and I'm still asking questions. The main question being...what is the cause? Did working in this dusty/sooty/dirty plywood mill cause my blepharitis??? I didn't have it before my mill employment.
Thank you
Neosprin works very well
What do you think about gland cleaning by milking the glands along the lids done by an ophthalmologist?
I got a bad case from allergies and our very dry cimate...warm compresses, Systane pads for cleaning, eyewashes. Now I make sure to lubricate my eyes and at the first hint of "stickiness" I start doing eye rinses.
I got blepharitus after a stay in the hospital from a fall I’ve now had since then it’s been 11 years 😢😢 I finally got it under control w a product called oust its tea tree cleanser I use it 4 times a day so it doesn’t get worse !! Can also use a very warm facecloth to open up glands (wet ) feels really good basically keto ultra clean ! 😊
Great video! Since Blepheritus and MGD have overlaps, have you ever seen patients with MGD improvement from just doing the microbleph exfoliation?
Can you have blepharitis without MGD? how do you know if you have MGD or not ? Is eyelid massage ever contraindicated as in when you don’t actually have MGD?
You have some really good information and tips on your channel. I like the way you explain the problem and the different treatment options. It is really helpful. Do you have any opinion or experience with patients using colloidal silver for eye infections or Blepharitis. Except for quite a few positive reviews/comments on Amazon product pages I have not been able to find any comments from professional sources. Thanks again for all your hard work in making such interesting and informative videos.
Hi! Thank you for your nice words! I actually want to do a video about colloidal silver, but I haven't been able to research as much as I want. I think in general, there can be more effective treatments, so maybe that's why there aren't many professional opinions out there on colloidal silver. But I'll see if I can get into the details and come up with a video to do about it.
The ionic form of colloidal silver is a tiny molecule about 15 times smaller than the "normal" non-ionic or complete shell filled form. This is why it will work better for external application or as a topical type treatment. Exposure to the chloride ions in your stomach or sweat will inactivated the ion form quickly forming silver chloride of course. Other haloids will do the same but are not normally present topically. Rinse the sweat before spraying your pits or just make the first few sprays the rinse and wipe them off. Same goes for any salt or saline solution, free chloride ions or other halide ions bind the silver before it can be of any impact as a treatment. Hope this helps, from one who no longer suffers from this problem.
Can use a soft toothbrush to clean the eyes 🤷🏼♀️I use like a soft long eyeshadow brush it's perfect to get in the eyelashes, and pointy q-tips that I dip into the spray to get in-between the eyelashes works
can you use cleaning gel for blep even if you dont have it?
I am on a mission to solve my husband's seemingly unidentifiable eye problem. I'm fairly sure this isn't it either, but urgent care, an optometrist and an ophthalmologist with lots of bloodwork couldn't figure it out. We have no insurance and so I'm scouring the internet and books to try and get somewhere. We paid too much money to be told, "I don't know". He has lots of tears and sometimes a runny nose. It's tears. No puss, no external swelling. VERY red eye, light sensitivity. Warm compresses help some, but only very temporarily. This is the 3rd or 4th time he's had it this year. I'm hearing whispers of something called "covid eye" and I'm looking into that. It doesn't seem to be regular pink eye. His white blood cell count was normal. No syphilis. We thought it might be an autoimmune condition, but the bloodwork said no to that as well.
Try washing hie eyes with baby shampoo
@@keving.1518 also intermittent pulse light to open the glands which get blocked with oils, states. May require a few treatments . I’m sure you had a check for demodex also.
Dr what would a standard routine, everyday of take care of your eyes with this condition be? Warm compress, massage, cleaning and eye drops?
I wear a sleep mask on my eyelids every single night when I go to bed. Would this cause blepharitis or eye irritation, dry eyes, or a stye? Is it safe to sleep or sleep mask every night?
Thanks for video. Is the posterior same as mucous in the eye. I use baby shampoo, warm and cold compression and eye scrub. Still got it. Top eye lid drain mucous into corner of eye. Do you think wearing masks contribute to problem?
Very informative. Thank you!
Thanks for these great tips! Would you please give guidance on the order of use and frequency for these items? Compresses, lid cleaning wipes (or Myboclean?), manuka drops, hypochlor? I want to make sure I’m using them most effectively and not wasting the products.
Have you found anything that could help yet?
Wow ! What a great educational video 🤗
Thank you! I'll have a video coming out about demodex blepharitis as well.
I wake up in the middle of the night because of itchy eyelids and ive literally tried everything and felt always felt like the baby shampoo was b.s.
Im thankful you actually gave more options than saying the same old
Thanks doctor. I have excessive blinking problem in addition to watery and painful eyes. Is this Blepharitis?
I have Blepharitis but my upper lid behind my lashes is sticky? What should I use for this?
I use the wipes on my eye lids, too
Thank you for the good video.
Thanks for watching!
What about milking & thus unclogging the glands along upper and lower lids? Ophthalmologist did both eyes & along with daily cleaning I had white eyes for over 6 months and no eye infections.
I think it can be a great treatment. Either with Meibomian Gland expression, or lipiflow, or even IPL can be great.
I always have extremely itchy eyes, they always feel like something is in them and sometimes they create what looks like a booger. I’ve seen my primary, emergency room, urgent care, ophthalmologist with no luck. Just more and more eye drops that don’t work. I’ve been using the of soft scrubs for almost three years now. I also use baby wash cloths and baby soap mixed with tea tree oil to wash my eyes. I pat them dry and use warm compresses. None of this is working.
Awesome content!!! So glad I found this channel!!
I'm glad you found it too!
Like the video on nulids. In office procedures & nulids are too high for me. Is myboclean good to start with? And i could not find the Manuka honey video link in the description?
Yes, myboclean would be a good one to start with without breaking the bank. I have the manuka honey links just below the hypochlorous acid links. Or you can search it on Amazon under "Manuka Honey Eye Drops" and find the optimel eye drops there.
Really informative!
What about caster oil?
This may be the most common question I get. I am currently working on a video specifically about this.
@@DrEyeGuy well? What's the answer
In the shower I wet my short hair & pump a good amount of anti-dandruff shampoo into my hand which I rub into thick suds. Then I wipe this onto my face - including my closed eyelids - finishing with a good rub into my hair, scalp & ears, adding a tiny blob of conditoner to my hair, finally rinsing my whole head under the shower. Ordinary own brand anti-dandruff from the supermarket & well-lathered with water so diluted enough not to cause reaction on my face & eyelids. Someone I knew had bad blepharitis they'd pick, which seemed to me to be rather like dandruff.
I have blepharitis and I read a book using compressed with warm Chamomile tea to help with the discomfort, and I used by three months and eyes get better.
P. Z. 😊xz
Once I went to the doc because my eyelid was so swollen and red, and I had a stye. He said it looks like a bad case of bleph and a said I should see a opthamologist. My eye got to the point where I couldn’t even open and it actually turned out to be cellulitis.
wow, sorry to hear that. I actually want to do a video about cellulitis as well. thanks for sharing.
@@DrEyeGuy I got lucky, it was only pre-septal cellulitis. Some oral antibiotics patched me up :)
A drop or two of emu oil on the lids and lashline works miracles
Is it possible to only have it in one eye? Wondering if its anterior blepharitis or eye edema i have due to high blood pressure
Hi 👋 doctor I hope you are well
I have had cataract surgery and was told to never, ever (repeated several times) rub my eyes. Makes treatments you're recommending a bit difficult.
Vigorous eye massage and vigorous eye rubbing is usually always discouraged. There is a way to clean your eyelids safely even after cataract surgery. As always, it's best to check in with your eye doctor to make sure.
Does Castor oil help ?
I tried eyelid foam wash, eye drops, antibiotic eye gel, oral antibiotics, nothing worked. Instead i started massaging oil cleansers that emulsifies after adding water. Improved tremendously. Perhaps it breaks down the oil built up causing the inflammation.
name of the product please
What about Demadex mites on and near eyelashes causing blepharitis.
I'll have a whole dedicated video about demodex blepharitis.
@@DrEyeGuy demodex
My eye doctor suggested LipiFlow thermal pulsation. It is very expensive which insurance does not cover about $1200-$1800. What is your opinion of it? He said my glands were creamy. Thank you
thank you for sharing this
I just use tea tree & coconut oil with a damp warm wash cloth for my whole face, i combine them with natural & biodegradable surfactants like Dr. Bronner's. I make sure to clean/exfoliate my eyebrows too as I've read biome overgrowth from there can migrate to your eyelids. The cleansers work really well to control my cradle cap and dandruff too.
Great Video...
I use to have this. Especially when I woke up from sleeping. I cured mine by stop sleeping near a fan and i started putting Vaseline on my eyes when I went to sleep
did this clog up the pores? Thank you in advance for responding
Dr since 2 years follow upbwith derma i hv ulcerative blephritis 😢worst now
Would any of these treatments be advisable for someone who has had Lasik surgery done nearly 4 months ago?
I am using the erythromycin eye ointment on my upper eyelids for that blepharitis that was prescribed for me, but my eyelids are still so itchy, Does it take much more time to get the itch to stop? This is the first full day of using it, plus last night.
One of the best videos on the subject how do people get this disease i think most of us get it from the makeup we use either face makeup gets in contact with the eyelids or eye makeup Nobody mentioned If it's catching is Can one person catch it from another person and I believe they can I cannot believe There is no cure for this This is sad Some people have it worse than others Even mild cases are hell to live with
I have never worn any makeup except lipstick. I am 82 yrs old and now have blepharitis.
Even lipstick i believe it's a form of herpes it'll seek out moist spots eyes mouth it moves
Excelente information ..... and think of the billions of women using GLUE to stick eye lashes to their own eye lashes..... that is YIKES x 1000000.... people learn to love your eyes!! Please 😘
Granny told us if we woke w our eyes stuck shut to get a very warm wet towel and let it lay over the eyes and then wipe free of debris...wonder if this is what it is about. That's been 30+ years ago now...🤔
Doctor , can you post a link where you got the eye lid anatomy model? I like one for my practice. Great videos!!!👀
Hello Doctor, can blepharitis cause eyelash loss ? Thanks
@colinepelez4925 it has for me.
Oh my gosh, thank you!
You're welcome!
What if you like in the UK? I can’t get these products 😢
is using make up (mascara) a cause of problems???
It absolutely can cause/contribute to blepharitis.
hello dr. eyeguy, what do you think about the VDM project cure eye floaters ?
Hoping for the best, I think anybody looking into helping people with floaters should be supported.
Best solution to reduce swelling and plugged eyelash is castor oil. 2 days later, no swelling, no crusting, and less dry eyes.
I Have plugged eyelash pores, I actually just began putting castor oil on my lids before I go to bed at night. then I was wondering if maybe I was plugging the eye lid pores. it is a month since you commented. do you still do this and what are the results? I thank you for your response to this.
I used castor oil for 3 weeks no change for me. Had to have tear duct surgery on my left eye.
Claridex tea tree oil eye wipes… I order them monthly from Amazon
Hi - thanks for the video. Any specific tips on treating blepharitis caused by seborrheic dermatitis?
Sinlmilar tips in the video. Is it reoccurring for you?
Hi. I have the same problem. Do you find a solution to heal your seborheic blepharitis please? Thanks you
Hi Dr, do u recommend the latest heat compression “Halpax” eye mask a good device for blepharitis, serious MGD? How is it compare to tearretore one u recommended in the past? I want something without pressure on eyeballs.
I used to do meibomian gland expression in Dr office but my doc retired during pandemic. I want to find some solution. Thank you so much! LL
Also probiotics solution will help with all of this as well, we get too much biofilm, even with essential oils that hold it in place as well so been thinking you're doing it good like using some tea tree oil solutions but it creates bio film. So I have some foam soap that I use but I also have some probiotics solution I use as well. Also organic castor oil is good for the eyelids too and the lashes. I also have issues with lashes breaking off and thinning so rosacea with styes sometimes as well. Also have upped my iodine too for thyroid which can cause some of this too.