Everyone who knows him in one way or another knows that Tose has and had a great magical divine power of the inner Light , which enchanted everyone. His sudden departure at the height of his artistic creativity is a very painful unknown for us, but for the supersensible world, it is a different story. He is a mega superstar of the Balkans, just one step away from being recognized by the whole world. Tose had a mission of unity, that is the karma of the Balkans, or the unity of all nations, especially the former republics of Yu. December 2023 and still listening to all his songs and always will.
Eeeeeee Toše, Toše....svaka riječ ovih intervjua mi je važna i draga i pokazuje tebe kakav si bio - poseban, neponovljiv, drag....i trebao si reći onoj novinarki da ti je ušla u "osobni prostor" ; )....sigurno nikad nije nekog drugog tako stisnula uza zid ; ).
Srce si bio duša jedna pun ljubavi i dobrote
Najbolji najljepši anđele 🌠 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠
Srce milo anđele 😥😥😥😥
Everyone who knows him in one way or another knows that Tose has and had a great magical divine power of the inner Light , which enchanted everyone.
His sudden departure at the height of his artistic creativity is a very painful unknown for us, but for the supersensible world, it is a different story.
He is a mega superstar of the Balkans, just one step away from being recognized by the whole world. Tose had a mission of unity, that is the karma of the Balkans, or the unity of all nations, especially the former republics of Yu. December 2023 and still listening to all his songs and always will.
Eeeeeee Toše, Toše....svaka riječ ovih intervjua mi je važna i draga i pokazuje tebe
kakav si bio - poseban, neponovljiv, drag....i trebao si reći onoj novinarki da ti je ušla u "osobni prostor" ; )....sigurno nikad nije nekog drugog tako stisnula uza zid ; ).
Znam ahhah malo se zanijela, zaboravila na kamere. Vec je proslo 12 godina....
ma sunce lepo cisto kako si lep kakva steta ode toliko rano ostase nakaze sto su te pratile
ko rece sakav volan i da brcam niskuka ko mal to istoto i jas go praev samo nazalost bev premal koga tose umre rip.Tose
"Zvezde su na nebu" 🙁