Have you watched the entire video? Or did you comment just by watching half of this demonstration? Clearly the underpaint later is beautifully done before the artist paints with green and gray over the blue/indigo underpaint later...
@@Scrabbledat so? Why would someone take 3 to 6 months on a 4 foot by 3 foot piece just to "demonstrate" a technique? We learn most by buying books reproduced from old masters writings. Most Artists are avid readers and want to understand the science , the maths , the colour theory behind the materials we use, I already use underpainting techniques in my pastel work and oil paintings . Water colour is not very often on a large scale, imagine trying to stretch a 3 meter by 2 meter piece of 300gm cotton rag rough paper without it getting destroyed, specially if you are alone? Where do you get a bath big enough to soak it all ? How do you find a board big enough, thick enough to not warp under the weight of the wet paper? Can you imagine how expensive a size 500 professional squirrel wash brush would be or god forbid a size 300 sable or even a cheap renamed vegan synthetic budget brush would be over £1,000 . A squirrel wash would probably be about £2k and a top of the range Kolynski would be tens of thousands and the hair length needed to hold enough water would be about 4 foot tall before the ferule or handle were added. This is why watercolour is painted on a small scale.
This technique is valuable and worth learning. Thanks for the demo!
Glad it was helpful!
This helps a lot, really well done with the demonstration 👌
Great demo! Inspired much...thank you ❤
This tutorial is VERY useful! Thanks:)
Cinnabonчик Стефуния we’re glad to hear that:)
This is incredibly helpful. Thanks
Thank you, excellent teaching.❤
Thank you for making this lesson.
Glad it was helpful!
Anyone know what make the brush shes using is? It looks brilliant and its pointing and water retention capabilities are amazing!
It's a regular synthetic brush, nothing special about it.
Can i use brunt sienna for the underpainting?
awesome , thanks for sharing :)
May I ask what brushes you're using?
Synthetic ones.
whos the artist shes reffering to again in the first minutes? tolstoy?
fyodor tolstoy. www.google.com/search?q=fyodor+tolstoy+watercolors&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjdnYvn9Jn1AhWKFTQIHTGyD0EQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=fyodor+tolstoy+watercolors&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJzoGCAAQCBAeUNQJWMorYLotaAJwAHgAgAFFiAGmCJIBAjE3mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=IDHVYd2NMYqr0PEPseS-iAQ&bih=741&biw=1367
@@artschoolsfbay thank you
this is a sketch. not an underpainting.
Have you watched the entire video? Or did you comment just by watching half of this demonstration? Clearly the underpaint later is beautifully done before the artist paints with green and gray over the blue/indigo underpaint later...
Thes explaining underpainting by doing a small piece….
@@Scrabbledat so? Why would someone take 3 to 6 months on a 4 foot by 3 foot piece just to "demonstrate" a technique? We learn most by buying books reproduced from old masters writings. Most Artists are avid readers and want to understand the science , the maths , the colour theory behind the materials we use, I already use underpainting techniques in my pastel work and oil paintings . Water colour is not very often on a large scale, imagine trying to stretch a 3 meter by 2 meter piece of 300gm cotton rag rough paper without it getting destroyed, specially if you are alone? Where do you get a bath big enough to soak it all ? How do you find a board big enough, thick enough to not warp under the weight of the wet paper? Can you imagine how expensive a size 500 professional squirrel wash brush would be or god forbid a size 300 sable or even a cheap renamed vegan synthetic budget brush would be over £1,000 . A squirrel wash would probably be about £2k and a top of the range Kolynski would be tens of thousands and the hair length needed to hold enough water would be about 4 foot tall before the ferule or handle were added. This is why watercolour is painted on a small scale.