2023 Audi S4: Is This The Audi Sweet Spot?


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  • @jonathan_careless
    @jonathan_careless Год назад +4

    The interior looks IDENTICAL to my RS5. Crazy.

  • @GrizzledNoob
    @GrizzledNoob Год назад +4

    I wish you really showed us how it drives. I don't need track videos but would have liked to see some performance over 38 miles per hour. The review of the interior was solid though. Thanks.

  • @benlecluyse
    @benlecluyse Год назад +2

    Insane S4 Ben !! ❤❤

  • @larrypontelandolfo9304
    @larrypontelandolfo9304 5 месяцев назад

    I own a 2022 and love it....

  • @evan.c43
    @evan.c43 Год назад +3

    Not totally an Audi fan but I'd buy it. It'd be a fun daily.

    • @CharlieBrown-mx4gq
      @CharlieBrown-mx4gq Год назад

      Don’t totally care about what you have to say, but I guess I have to tolerate you

    • @rockeye
      @rockeye Год назад +1

      @@CharlieBrown-mx4gqgo away

  • @raaraa77
    @raaraa77 Год назад +22

    Ben, you're gonna look like Jesus soon.

  • @markb1935
    @markb1935 Год назад +2

    I hate the infotainment system yuk… let me explain. To me the infotainment system should be in the dashboard and not on the dashboard because it looks so much better. Also there isn’t a massive screen in the middle of the windshield, so it much easier to drive.

    • @MJLU280
      @MJLU280 Год назад +1

      Agree. It is in the dash on the S6 not sure why it’s not in dash on S4 looks silly

  • @Theonestrongbusleader
    @Theonestrongbusleader Год назад +4

    I like Audi products!! I wanna buy one Ben.

  • @SteedaGT
    @SteedaGT Год назад +4

    Good review with great timing. I’m cross shopping the S4 at the moment against the M340i, IS500, and C43 for my wife’s next daily.

    • @pokerfred68
      @pokerfred68 Год назад

      M340 then S4. Currently own S4. Had M340.

    • @trilingualkid
      @trilingualkid Год назад

      if she like handling, BMW, if she like soft and luxury....LS500

    • @matthewgoat
      @matthewgoat Год назад

      m340 any day, performance is way better than others in its class, and is very comfortable compared to the 2020 c43 I have one and I want to get rid of it

  • @MatthewJay80
    @MatthewJay80 11 месяцев назад

    I owned an RS3 for 4 years before selling it for my 2022 S5. I enjoy daily driving the S5 more because of the space, comfort, utility, and ergonomics. The RS3 was a fantastic car, and will always be one of my favorite vehicles.

  • @johnhowardesq
    @johnhowardesq Год назад

    Get right back there and drive the a4 prestige wagon. That’s hard to find! And you can compare it to the a6 wagon for us. And thanks!

  • @thenotoriousjoey9956
    @thenotoriousjoey9956 Год назад +1

    It has black brake calipers because it does not have the s sport package

  • @scottdieselgarage1780
    @scottdieselgarage1780 Год назад +1

    Owned an 2021 S4 for a year. By far my favorite car I've owned, and a total sleeper. Smoked most cars that wanted to race. That said, needed brakes and rotors, and it was like 4000 lol

    • @chibobon3736
      @chibobon3736 7 месяцев назад

      Ouch!! The $4k for brakes and rotors is a show stopper for me!! Unless there is a maintenance package

    • @tv321123
      @tv321123 7 месяцев назад

      @@chibobon3736 I call malarky. The OE Brembo brake kit for the front and rear, pads & rotors adds up to ~$1K on FCP Euro. The Aftermarket brake kits; all pads and rotors front + rear are ~$600.

  • @captaint4587
    @captaint4587 Год назад

    Put a E85 Stage 3 pushing 700hp and it’s a real luxury sleeper

  • @Doc_Incognito_2760_5
    @Doc_Incognito_2760_5 Год назад

    S4 or IS500?

  • @xFlared
    @xFlared Год назад +1

    m340i or this?

    • @williamb7574
      @williamb7574 Год назад +1

      Depends. Sporty feel is bmw. Audi is more luxury but has some speed. 340i if you want speed. Don’t care get the S4

    • @theemotionalremix
      @theemotionalremix Год назад +1

      Audi for the look. BMW for the performance.

  • @Loverkid-c8x
    @Loverkid-c8x 3 месяца назад


  • @AG-yv8yb
    @AG-yv8yb Год назад

    Beautiful car. Black emblems, window trim and calipers but wheels dont match..wish audi offers black wheels.

  • @user-ki3ks4fd6i
    @user-ki3ks4fd6i Год назад

    should of kept the flat bottom...
    i dont understand why audi would think people would want the big ol' wheel from the Q7 in their sport sedan...

  • @Loverkid-c8x
    @Loverkid-c8x 3 месяца назад

    6:51 i watch you 247

  • @pokerfred68
    @pokerfred68 Год назад +1

    That key fob is not the normal S4 fob…mine is much more sexy. 😄

    • @CharlieBrown-mx4gq
      @CharlieBrown-mx4gq Год назад +1

      What an ugly key fob, did you buy it in the flea market?

  • @SkyWalker-sz5gf
    @SkyWalker-sz5gf Год назад +1

    Ok AUDI!! It's time to do something else with the design please!! This same design year after year is very very boring. Probably the most vanilla car of 2023 I'd say. The designers should all be sent home immediately lol. Audi needs some fresh new blood on the drawing board! The interior is decent.

  • @TheJHP3
    @TheJHP3 Год назад

    I know Audi one of the most unreliable brands you can buy, but I just love the looks and would buy one if I had the money to keep fixing it lol

    • @Carfan678
      @Carfan678 Год назад

      not saying their reliable but I've had more issues with bmw and Mercedes. Sure the audi may burn oil but its never left me stranded/ not started LOL

    • @isimonsez
      @isimonsez Год назад +1

      Not true