Why Do Women Shave Their Legs?

  • Опубликовано: 14 июн 2024
  • #thoughts

Комментарии • 138

  • @mrm-kj8ww
    @mrm-kj8ww Месяц назад +4

    Why do birds bomb my windshield?
    So many questions. So few answers.
    Generally, most men don't want their women to be hairy. They are attracted to the silky- smoothed skin of a well-shaved woman. Men are also attracted to women with long hair and they like it when women decorate their hair with ribbons or flowers.
    They want their women to look like women, not hairy like men.
    Men are more atrracted to the sweet smell of the thorny rose than they are to the cactus.
    That's just life.

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +1

      if hair grows both on men and women then it is not a gender related issue. 'hairy like men', so why it grows then? or you do not distinguish the body of an adult from the body of a child? and ribbons? why hair on scalp and not on other parts of the body? seems a fetish

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +2

      ​@@respectkindness-oj6xz Ikr? Like women have hair too 🙄

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +2

      ​​@@ArdnassakChreesmasdo you know why some of my comments disappeared? is RUclips algorithm deleting them depending on certain words?

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад +1

      @@respectkindness-oj6xz Not sure, people have mentioned this before, it even my comments sometimes. I don't know why though, I don't have any comment moderation or censoring on, so it should let every comment show. I'm actually shocked that it will delete normal comments, but won't delete the hateful ones lmao.

  • @meganbaute4254
    @meganbaute4254 Месяц назад +4

    And people who shave their arm hair.. I could never do that.

  • @enriquesuarez7113
    @enriquesuarez7113 Месяц назад +5

    Its kind of for the same reason men are expected to go to the gym and become muscular, it simply just comes down to what the opposite sex finds attractive. Men don't find hairy bodies attractive (btw I'm not saying girls should care what men are or are not attracted to, I am just trying to explain the reason) I genuinely have no idea why, but men biologically just find body hair unatractive

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +2

      I think that had to be social conditioning because in the ancient days, women didn't have stuff to shave their legs, so it must not have been a problem back then. I don't know how it started, though, and why.

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +3

      why some persons speak for all people and present their personal opinion saying that all people consider that? very deceiving method to generalise their preferences. i know men who do not care about hair on body. i know women who do not shave. washing the body is more important for sanitation than shaving hair, otherwise all people would be required to become bald. some people had worse problems in life and greater preoccupations than bodyhair. hair naturally grows on men and women, no problem with it. other things are more important for safety and health than worrying about hair

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +2

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasexactly, it is mostly a modern preference after people developed more performant technology to shave and wax. a poor person would care more about having clean water to wash themselves and sanitation

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +3

      ​@respectkindness-oj6xz YES, I don't know why this has become a preference. Maybe it's sort of like how now most women wear makeup? I wish people could accept their natural bodies, but I guess everything has to look "flawless" (not even sure why hair, a natural thing, is a flaw?).

    • @enriquesuarez7113
      @enriquesuarez7113 Месяц назад +1

      @@respectkindness-oj6xz What?? brother re-read my comment. I literally said word for word I am not claiming girls need to give a crap about what men find attractive. Why are you telling me all this about "there being greater issues" and "there being worse problems" as if I didn't know that? I was just trying to give an intellectually honest answer to the question being presented. You gotta detach your emotions from science if you are trying to understand a phenomenum. Also, its literally NOT my personal opinion. It is in fact over 99% of men, and I NEVER said all woman shave their legs, so saying " I know some women that do not shave their legs" does not contradict anything I said in the slightest. i also NEVER said there was "a problem" with woman not having their legs. You are fighting ghosts man

  • @frostythegreaser5745
    @frostythegreaser5745 Месяц назад +7

    I like your natural hair by the way

  • @GuardianAngel4Christ
    @GuardianAngel4Christ Месяц назад +2

    Not sure but I shave mine and not ashamed to say it. When I was in highschool the hair on my legs would rub against my pants and cause small white like cysts or cause me to break out in a rash. Once I started shaving my legs the white like cysts stopped and rashes stopped. Keep in mind too being very athletic like I am and still swimming, working out, walk, run, etc causes those cysts to return. It's not ingrown hairs. Plus at this point my legs look more toned shaving. I have stopped shaving at times and even at work my hair rubs and causes me those same issues so I'm my case I have to. Now, I'm guessing women noticed shaving makes them look more toned and lures men's eyes 😮 to look down 😊. Maybe some women had issues like I have and don't have a choice.

  • @endlessnameless7004
    @endlessnameless7004 Месяц назад +1

    It's because of human mimetic tendencies. A group looks up to a certain celebritarian figure, so more people do what the group does until it becomes a dominant cultural feature.
    It doesn't have to be rational or logical. Rapport is easily established between people by simply imitating one another to an extent. Our brains constantly seek safety in common ground.
    Maybe one day a group of women started looking up to an athlete swimmer, so they started shaving their legs to be like them. Swimmers often shave their bodies to reduce drag.

  • @AbsalomsTube
    @AbsalomsTube Месяц назад +2

    You tell me

  • @lishayost144
    @lishayost144 Месяц назад +1

    I shave my legs about once every two weeks. I like the way it feels smooth, but i dont care enough about it to do it very often.
    So many things in our society boggles my mind. The expectations and have to's gotta go.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад +1

      I agree, and it's so weird, too. Like, why do we humans have to make life so complicated? 😭

    • @lishayost144
      @lishayost144 25 дней назад +1

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas Yesss!!!!!

  • @respectkindness-oj6xz
    @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +3

    some people are sick and dying but others still obsesses over such unimportant aspects that are not essential for our existence and wellbeing for the most part

  • @pkcarv-cx7pr
    @pkcarv-cx7pr Месяц назад +1

    Look up the song Hair by the Cowsiils. Hair is beautiful and cool whether you have it or not. And don't let anyone tell you, that if you're a woman, you need to have or not have it here where or there. God bless

    • @SergeantExtreme
      @SergeantExtreme Месяц назад

      LOL. Go figure. Only a creepy old perv like you likes hairy women.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад

      @@SergeantExtreme Okay, rude. What exactly is your issue with him saying that?
      It's just his preference, everyone has their preferences. if you don't like it, fine, that's *your* personal preference. Don't be shaming others for theirs.

  • @lewisvogel466
    @lewisvogel466 Месяц назад +4

    You are blessed with good looks Kassandra. And, by the way, so am I.

  • @username-nicholas
    @username-nicholas Месяц назад +1

    I’m presuming the whole idea of female shaving originated by the male patriarchal system to divide the feminine spirit from masculine spirit, attempting to make women not as important as men. Lo, they did not know their plan would backfire as such a plan actually reinforced how truly exotic and unique women truly are. Am I attracted to a hairy woman? No. But that wouldn’t stop me from dating or being with one. You can have hairy pits hairy legs hairy arms it’s in your heart and mind that actually matters.

    • @username-nicholas
      @username-nicholas Месяц назад +1

      BTW, you are of exceptional beauty. Perhaps too young for me but very beautiful nonetheless!!!

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад

      ​@username-nicholas Wow! Thank you! 😊

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +1

      Yeah, I see your point. And I think it's okay for people to have preferences, but the reasons and influences behind it are what I'm curious about.

  • @lewisvogel466
    @lewisvogel466 Месяц назад +2

    Television and advertizing is a big reason. There was money to be made in getting women to shave their legs and wear panty hose.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +2

      That is sick 😒

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 Месяц назад +1

      Men like to shave their bodies too. It just looks better and feels cleaner to some people. She might look hot with hair though.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад

      @@jamieSp69 yeah, a man here said he shaves because he works out. And yeah, I see the appeal. I know it probably seemed like I was against shaving or something, but I'm not really, i just wanted to know why it was a thing and what the deal with it is.

  • @ravenstar-kv2ks
    @ravenstar-kv2ks 22 дня назад +1

    I have supersensitive skin. That makes me irritated with shaving etcm

  • @frostythegreaser5745
    @frostythegreaser5745 Месяц назад +1

    That is an interesting subject, where did these beauty and hyigene standards come from and why?

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +1

      Yeah, this is a question I keep having

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 Месяц назад +2

      Hair traps odors and dirt and we have body hair to detect bugs and stuff that craws on us and body hair can also offer us some uv protection to help prevent sunburn. The bug and uv stuff mattered more when we lived in huts, but nowadays it has become just a nuisance.

  • @jamieSp69
    @jamieSp69 Месяц назад +1

    I've seen unshaven women who were still attractive, but I kinda feel like it just depends. Hair traps dirt and odors too, and men get move of a pass when it comes to body odor.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +1

      Idk why though. Humans are so strange.

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasYeah, I mean you might be able to rock it, but men are men at the end of the day. How much hair are we talking about?

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 Месяц назад +1

      At the end of the day, it's your body so you can do whatever you want with it. Men will accept you even if you aren't perfect to them because in mature relationships we make compromises. Your personality is what is most important. 😊

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад

      @@jamieSp69 I agree (also, sorry for late reply lol, had to take some time offline)

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 25 дней назад +1

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasSo do I, but I have developed a very thick skin over the years so I stay. No more running. 😊❤

  • @marcelorevollo1184
    @marcelorevollo1184 Месяц назад +2

    Kinda like the idea of men only having short hair and women long hair, probably someone had that preference and convinced everyone that it should be the norm.
    I must admit that I preffer shaved legs but I don't know if it's because that's the way society has raised us men in general or because that's just a personal preference I have
    That being said, I don't mind women having hairy legs, my ex sometimes didn't shave her legs and I still felt atracted to her and never though less of her because of it. It should be normalized the idea of women not shaving their legs, like, It's not that big of a deal, I'm sure our neanderthal ancestors didn't mind back then 😂

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +1

      THAT'S WHAT IM THINKING! But then again, I do get that it's a preference and people are allowed to have it, I am just curious as to why.

    • @marcelorevollo1184
      @marcelorevollo1184 Месяц назад +2

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas I don't know the why, but I do know that at some point in history Gillette wanted to start selling razors to women and kinda pushed the idea women having always their legs shaved just so women felt like they needed razors to "look better", at leat that's what I've heard

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад +1

      @@marcelorevollo1184 Oh. So it was some sort of business plan? I mean, I'm all about making money, but THAT is just crazy.

    • @marcelorevollo1184
      @marcelorevollo1184 25 дней назад +1

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas Well a lot of people will try to convince people to do anything as long as they can get some profit out of it, kinda like what happened with homeopathic medicines or crypto

  • @isahighlander4825
    @isahighlander4825 Месяц назад +4

    It's a softer less masculine look.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад +2

      Interesting. But why is it considered less masculine when women naturally have it?

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +1

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas seems like they have a preference for childlike bodies. even a young boy would have less bodyhair than an adult woman. what is feminine at this point?

    • @respectkindness-oj6xz
      @respectkindness-oj6xz Месяц назад +1

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasa young boy would naturally have less hair than an adult woman. seems that these people have a preference for childlike physique

    • @JimmyBond-rg6gt
      @JimmyBond-rg6gt Месяц назад +1

      An adult woman has less hair than an animal.
      What is your point? Are you saying you are an animal?
      Are you an animal? Have you seriously asked yourself that question?
      "these people"? That sounds vaguely judgemental. Are you evaluating standards of "hairlessness"?
      You are not animal. Darwin is an interesting man. You should read more. Apparently you have not.
      That is unfortunate. However, it is much too late for "reading". I have good news and BAD news.
      You are DEFINITELY NOT an ANIMAL. That is the good news. The bad news? We are screwed.
      THAT is the bad news. Why? Because people believed SCIENCE.
      I know many scientifically minded individuals. Science is a creative pursuit like any other.
      Scientist are always searching for things to MEASURE. You cannot measure G-o-d. Can you?
      If so...then pray tell...how BIG is God? Do you know? Can you say? Are YOU an ANIMAL?
      Do animals shave their legs? Why would an animal shave its legs? Then use make-up?
      Do animals film each other having group sex for the other animals to watch? Do they?
      Which ones? The "monkeys"? Is that all the human-race is? Monkeys? Is that TRUE?
      Shaved monkeys. Wow. That's bleak. Frankly, I suspect "brain-washing". Don't you?
      Who cares? I gave up a long time ago.
      The Bible is simply another attempt by Man to measure the limits of God.
      The Pope thinks the Catholics are in his "pocket". The man is a moron.
      Jesus Christ did NOT carry a Bible around. Did he? Or a GUN.
      Jesus Christ did NOT wear an anti-abortion t-shirt. Did he?
      Jesus Christ does not vote. Politicians are LIARS.
      If you do not understand that, YOU are also a moron.
      Politicians assume that they can THINK for others.
      Jesus Christ thinks for himself.
      His followers do as well.
      Love your enemies.
      The revolution is at the doorstep.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  25 дней назад +1

      @@respectkindness-oj6xz For CHILDLIKE bodies???? Uh, not to try to accuse anyone of anything, but that's kind of pedophilic if you ask me...
      Why would someone like that over an adult like body?

  • @Kill-JiII
    @Kill-JiII Месяц назад +1

    These are big questions your asking be careful…the cia will be onto you soon 😂

  • @kevinbell1138
    @kevinbell1138 Месяц назад +1

    Yes, agreed it is a "ritual" that is expected.
    A very valid question though, personally at this stage for me it's actually trivial.
    FAR more concerned with a lady being faithful and respectful - but yes, a nice smelling perfume on a sweet lady is ecstacy.

  • @singingdonkey620
    @singingdonkey620 Месяц назад +1

    i like smooth legs but dont show them out. Jesus sent me a recipe for shaving cream even wow they are so smooth now. its not a big deal i guess. our hair is important though so how i take care of my hair He even changed, He sent Esther with beauty treatments
    she would have bushy underarms and stink too
    Eshter told me they ripped out all her arm hair leg hair underarm, all her bushes got ripped off with hot wax.

  • @Ezekiel9_46
    @Ezekiel9_46 Месяц назад +1

    should men shave beard?

  • @bevegan911
    @bevegan911 Месяц назад

    Be vegan or be vegetarian at least 😡

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  Месяц назад

      I am vegetarian 😂

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 16 дней назад

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasWhat if you were sitting beside someone who was eating a juicy cheeseburger? How would that make you feel?

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  13 дней назад

      @@jamieSp69 Lol, people really think they're offending us with this 😆

  • @Markismaximis
    @Markismaximis Месяц назад +3

    I prefer my women like Chewbacca! It's hot! Literally!🥵♨️🌡️🌶️🤣