We're not really evolved for it unfortunately. Making quick decisions with limited information was kind of a "must have" for our species to survive and we haven't exactly evolved quick enough physically in comparison to our culture, science etc. It's also much easier and tolerable for the psyche to *decide* instead of questioning so it's only natural that the majority of human population follows that trail for majority of the time. 🫤
The moment you realize you aren’t as smart as you think you are, and you’re not as special as you think you are… then you’ll be where you need to be for critical thinking. Just Think about it.
The trick is in not only questioning others, but also yourself. And doing it in such a way to have the emotional maturity to not go down the road of toxic nihilism. Not rushing to answer them, and instead being a good listener to the world, letting yourself stumble upon the answers at your own pace. Some questions just dont have the simple answers, and you have to make peace with that.
@EphemeralRift And also being real about the fact that you might not be able to put aside absolutely all of your emotions, ego, and personal bias. And still keeping that in mind when proceeding forward.
anybody else think it would be really cool if ER did a "Mail Monday" type series where he does deep dives into people's questions, whether related to personal problems, life advice, or other stuff?
My favorite kind of critical thinking is when I try to rationalize being racist and then trivialize the Holocaust. Thanks ER for teaching me how to be smart like you!!
I like how versatile you are as an ASMR creator, you can seemingly make anything into very good ASMR. Learn to critically think while trying to sleep at 3 am! Win-win!
Hey ER, wanted to let you know that I've gotten really into your videos lately, and I really really like these long discussions/talks about all sorts of various issues. I enjoy hearing others' opinions, and it encourages me to think for myself. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the extremely creative videos with interesting props and concepts, but I really enjoy this kind of thing as a change of pace. Keep it up, and thanks for always providing us with amazing content.
he said the n-word, he mocked people who died in the holocaust, and he said sum along the lines of “ oh everyone wine about to poor humans but not about livestock” he basically said us killing livestock to “survive” is comparable to the holocaust
"The earth doesnt care about us, the universe doesnt care about us, the rest of the animal kingdom doesnt care about us" My cat: "Hold on, hes got a point"
Pop nihilism is so goofy, the universe is neither sapient nor sentient, it can’t be uncaring, there is no god and yet you have created a devil to scare yourself
@@goutbreakidk why, but this was kinda funny for me to read, you start off with “nihilism is so goofy” then halfway through say the most nihilistic thing ever; “there is no god”(Not hating nor sparking an argument, just adding my input)
While it’s important to be objective and “non-partisan,” it’s also important to remember the truth isn’t always in the middle of every dispute. It’s a logical fallacy to assume it is. Sometimes one side leans more toward the facts, while the opposition leans more toward misconceptions and lies. In those cases, it’s perfectly wise to acknowledge the validity of one side over another, regardless of whether it seems “biased,” as long as you have sound and valid reasons for doing so.
I'm glad to see that you were able to move past the whole drama of earlier. I was scared for a moment that things wouldn't go back to normal. Thankfully it seems I was wrong.
Videos like this are why the twitter stuff was so surprising to many of us; because you came off as someone who would think critically/carefully before speaking. This feels reflective, glad to see your mindset has been on this topic and I'm looking forward to more Riftverse😊 Ps: wild orchards have been found to have been cultivated by indigenous Americans (south and north) for food forests! Even back during nomadic times so they'd travel through known food areas
Getting into this video makes me think that Rift purposefully gave those hot takes on twitter knowing people would react negatively based on their emotions and bias before making this video. This seems to give some context as to why he would start posting wild stuff like that out of nowhere.
@@supersonic20091 People reacted negatively because what he said and his actions afterwards came off as pretty fuckin' unhinged. I don't think any amount of context he could give would make what he said less terrible.
@@Short_Potato no it pretty much cleared things right up for those old and smart enough to understand. The only ones still upset are those that can't comprehend the fact that as individuals, we humans think and feel differently, all the way from the largest of details to the smallest. People somewhere will always "react negatively" to someone saying something regardless of what has been done. Rift simply was Rift and people didn't like it. He didn't care what they ultimately thought and said sorry if he offended and thats how adults do life. It's only the children still here bickering and complaining about him
most people grieving current atrocities are not saying no other atrocities have ever happened or aren't continuing to happen (re: logging companies, deforestation, slave labor, human trafficking, the food industry, global war, millions of butchered animals, loss of children). speaking out is not automatically saying society is fine and all those other things don't exist/are irrelevant. that is an assumption based on your own mind, how you relate to the world and others. i agree with you objectively about most things you've said in this video, i agree with your latest website post too. i just get the feeling that you speak about how hypocritical things are to justify not caring about anything at all. (which is also my assumption). there's a lot we don't know. i think it's on us to fight against the things we do know and to do our best to make a difference however irrelevant it may be in the grand scheme of things. grow your own veg, do your research, don't believe everything you hear in media. try your best to fight for what you think to be right, apologize and try again if you're wrong. you never, ever stop learning--ever. for me, love is all there is, and no matter how rose tinted or fucking stupid it is, how childish it is, i choose to believe that empathy and humanity will win eventually.
Kind of an insanity to look at an apple and theorize that you shouldnt buy it because someone who made it mightve voted for someone you dont like, or cut down an acre of trees to plant the orchard.
I’m not sure if I’m a critical thinker or if I’m just a pain to be around. My brain automatically looks for flaws in everything then when it can’t it accepts it as truth. Though even after the fact I rescan for flaws.
All those years I spent alone and depressed in a dark room thinking about society were just an instinctual correction. My mistake? Listening to society. All that thinking led back to one epiphany: Trust your gut. And to think... all that time I thought my depression meant something was wrong with *_me!_* "It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -J. Krishnamurti
@@EphemeralRift first day of class in high school history the teacher picked up a bible and threw it across the room.... cant remember what happened after that but im sure a lot of ppl lost their shi-t and it led to a very interesting semester. he knew how to make history interesting
Its simply about supporting like minded individuals when we can. We cant focus on all things at once, but we make those choices when we can and when they are brought to our attention.
Anyone else miss when the ER comment section was a chill place? I do. I'm too emotionally exhausted from important current events to care about digitally crucifying a dude that makes goofy asmr videos over some shitty comments. Pick your battles, people. I'm trying to sleep here.
Interesting fact, groups of fruit trees or other things that are naturally occurring are called groves, not orchards. The word orchard is specifically for manmade plots of land that can be small or VERY large like apple orchards in Washington state, whereas groves are quite small, rarely more than a few acres large at MOST.
What is critical thinking? Do I do it? What does it mean? Is it okay to do it? When do I do it? When should I do it? How do I do it? Is it critical to critical think? What does critical mean? What does thinking mean? WHAT IS CRITICAL THINKING???
To use the apple's journey analogy, critically thinking, where does consciousness/life come from? From nothing, or from something transcendent and eternal, like God?
@spencer1854 But here's the thing. A transcendent God would have no need to create anything, if it can only create things lesser than itself. What we see in life is not order being created from higher order, it is order being created from lower order. That's evolution, basically, be it biological, cultural, technological, or philosophical. God/consciousness is not something that exists to create lesser being, the lesser forms are instead there to create God/consciousness. I know it's mind-boggling but God is something which evolves from the world and creates itself.
Assuming a transcendent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal God exists- who are we to say what he would or would not, should or should not create? Do you think God maybe knows more than you or I? The Bible states that God created us in His image, and to have a relationship with Him. On a simple human level, isn't life really about relationships, love, and not just that, but the free will to choose? If we didn't have the ability to choose, is it really love? Is it that far of a stretch to say God would have similar intentions as these when he created us? I understand what you're saying about the trajectory of order in many areas going from lesser to more complicated. That may be true in some things, but many things not the case. What about two infinitely complex human beings coming together to create life (order being created from higher order). Isn't that mind boggling? Human evolution and the big bang are theories. Science is continually being disproven, changed, adapted. I believe in lot of science, but I believe we are simply chipping away at understanding what God created. Your observation regarding this pattern doesn't exclude the possibility of the existence in God in any way. The idea of God isn't something we should sluff off at the slightest hint of cognitive dissonance. At the very least, recognize that truth itself can be revealed in more ways that black and white facts. One way real truth can be be revealed, often in a more real and profound way than just facts and logic, is through story. Step into "what if," open your heart as well as your mind, and take time to read the Bible and it's narritives in context of time and culture. At the very least, keep a spot in your heart open to the possibility of God- however small that may be. From a former agnostic, God is real, and God bless you- talk to Jesus! : ] Al @@louisj2256
@@spencer1854 Please don't patronise me, Spencer. Do I seem like someone who is purely a materialist to you? Instead, open your heart to my point of view and maybe God will reveal more of himself to you through what I have to say. At the very least, you will better understand an opposing viewpoint. No, life on its simplest level is not about relationships or love. If you say you believe in a lot of science, please consider what science is telling us now: that the entire universe is on a trajectory heading towards greater and greater stability (entropy), because all the particles and energy, including stars, galaxies, and space debris, are getting further away from each other as reality expands. In fact, it is apparently not only expanding but doing so at an accelerating rate and we do not yet have an explanation for this. We predict that the end-point of this will be a universe in which everything is so far from anything else that no chaos will exist at all - no atoms will collide and create larger molecules, and there will be total darkness. Perfect stability, perfect entropy. So what does that say about life? Biological life is, at its core, a local and temporary DECREASE in the level of stability/entropy in our cosmos. Life does the opposite of what I have described: instead of heading towards entropy, it heads away from it. Life, at its simplest level, is about defying entropy (a single cell containing a concentration of salt is able to stop the salt from heading towards equilibrium by leaving the cell and creating a perfect balance between the concentration of salt inside of the cell and outside of the cell. The cell is also able to grow and split apart so as to continue doing this, and as its genes mutate in subtle ways, those cells which become better and more efficient at defying the inorganic tendency to head towards equilibrium will prevail over the ones that are not as good at it. This is natural selection, and it is ultimately a journey towards GREATER complexity, awareness, interconnectedness and all of the things of God, not a creation of some higher intelligence because that is just not how things work). Human evolution and the big bang are indeed theories, but you seem to be using the word 'theory' to mean 'hypothesis' or 'educated guess'. They are much more than educated guesses. Are you going to tell me that the entire tree of life we have managed to piece together, with all its interconnected branches showing the evolutionary relationships between different organisms including humans (which we have since been able to refine through genetic sequencing) is something which could be 'disproven'? No, because when we admit humility by saying 'we don't yet know everything about the story of life on this planet', we are not saying that all the knowledge we have built up so far could just be an illusion. Science does not usually work by radically replacing one theory with an entirely different one, just by offering up a slightly different explanation as to how these things play out in the details. For example, there used to be a theory called Lamarckian evolution which said that organisms evolve over time by passing on changes that happen to them during their lives to their offspring. Example: a giraffe wants to reach a really tall branch, so it stretches its neck to go get it. If it does this often enough, its neck will become just a tiny bit longer (the same way you can make your muscles grow bigger by exercising), and when it gives birth to a baby giraffe, the baby will inherit a slightly longer neck as a result of this. Lamarckian evolution acknowledged that organisms do evolve over time as a response to the conditions in their environment, but it was ultimately abandoned because Darwinian evolution (which states that changes in an organism are instead the result of random genetic mutation which then get selected for by the environment if they happen to offer a benefit) is closer to the truth. And since then, we have even created a field of study called epigenetics which studies how environmental factors actually CAN affect your genetic makeup during your life! So in a way, Lamarck was still right! Human evolution is a fact and there are many ways in which I can prove this to you if you are interested. Now, let's talk about religion. I personally believe that God is so much greater than what any human religion represents him as, especially the Abrahamic faiths. Tell me, why is it that you believe what's in the Bible over what's in the Qur'an, or the Upanishads, or the Vedas? Why would God restrict his supreme truth to one Holy book, from one linguistic tradition, from one part of the world, from one time period in human history? Isn't the very fact that there are so many different religions on Earth, each one claiming to be the truth and calling all the other ones lies, the ultimate proof that these are all creations of man? Religions is a tool of God, sure, because it enables greater social cohesion within large groups of humans. Many of humanity's great achievements, from architecture to literature to art, are motivated by religion and a desire to partake of the divine. But here we stand, in the 21st Century, in a globalised world that is getting more interconnected all the time and we can see clearly that religion as it has existed so far no longer has the ability to benefit us the way science can. Did religion create plumbing, medicine, the supply chain of goods and services? Did religion help to slash the number of people in extreme poverty from 3/4 in the 19th Century to below 1/10 today? Or was that the scientific revolution? You may credit these things to God, you may say "we were able to do all that because we were created in God's image", but religion is clearly tied to tradition and tradition wants to PREVENT these advancements, not foster them. Do the Amish not think that technology is of the devil? They are an extreme example, sure, but throughout history we can see that religion has done this. When Darwin was coming up with his theory, was it not religion that prevented so many people from accepting it? How much earlier would we have discovered evolution if religion weren't standing in the way? What about the literacy revolution, were the priests not opposed to this because it would allow commoners the ability to read the Bible for themselves, rather than staying dependent on them? Did religion help women to gain more equal rights, or did it stand in the way of that? Please look at it honestly. I actually opened my heart to Jesus. I accepted him as my Lord and Saviour as I was about to undergo an operation and promised him that I would buy a Bible if I came out of the operating theatre alive. And that's exactly what I did. What God chose to show me instead was a universe of self-generating, self-actualising God/consciousness in which I as an individual have a responsibility to contribute towards CREATING God rather than simply obeying God. I was shown that life and the emergence of consciousness is a process of the universe coming to know itself. The Earth herself showed me these things, not your father God. Why do you think of God as male, anyway? God is everything and comprises both the animus and the anima. I have had my own kind of spiritual revelation much different from yours, are you about to tell me that I am being tricked by the devil? Or do you think I am simply deluding myself? If it is possible for us to come to an understanding of God, it will be through studying creation. Not by reading an ancient text. Reading ancient texts may be part of studying creation, but we should not get stuck, bogged down, and limited to them. They are an absolutely tiny part of the whole. Thanks, and please offer up any thoughts. If any astrophysicists want to pick apart my description of entropy, please do so as physics is not my area of expertise. -L
@@Tubeytime My friend as someone with ADHD myself I can tell you that medication is not the way, all it does is get you on a subscription service to a pharmacy that you will never get out of. Deep thinking, meditation and self reflection is the way to go I have found.
@@TheBDAOfficial You might be thinking of addiction wrong, I'm talking about were you get your dopamine from. You could buy a game for $15 that has infinite replay value and play that every day without spending anything else other than your time, for example. In terms of classic addictions, coffee is pretty cheap.
Uncle Rift, you and I are cut of the same cloth. I've been saying this stuff forever and get dismissed by people who don't want their world view challenged. This is why I don't actively engage in current events of any kind, be it politics or what have you. I'm so happy I've found your videos. I truly feel amongst my own here! Please never change!
*"You are what you eat."* Never underestimate the implications of the above statement, and don't forget to consider the things that go into the orifices that aren't your mouth!
I do my best critical thinking while I'm asleep. It might be a nightmare reel of neuroses and whatever film or media I happened to have watched earlier that day, but it does give perspective. Assuming I remember any of it.
Paul, the problems in our society are indeed real and complex, but there are also a *lot* of options people have to do something about it other than a) not care or b) separate themselves from society overall. I would really recommend/appreciate it if you took the list of problems that you correctly identified in this video, and made another video outlining the solutions, or at least ethical responses people could take. In another comment I will list some
Underpaid agricultural workers: buy fair trade products Poor employee conditions in your own place of employment/western nation: join a union or support union friendly policies Anything the government has control/influence over: use those critical thinking skills to research candidates background or corruption, and vote appropriately. Or, alternatively, run for office yourself. Between elections Protest, sign and create petitions, and become a community organizer. Food safety: buy organic, local, and regenerative farm foods. Join a farmer coop delivery system. Start a backyard garden. Climate change: a hundred things. Reduce consumption, start a compost bin, bike or walk more, use things for longer so the environmental footprint is spread out longer, buy local, repair things, share things, eat less meat, collect rainwater and use that in your garden, offset your carbon by supporting tree planting or renewable development, sign up for free government programs that help you insulate your house, spend your money on businesses that have strong environmental policies, etc. Yes, by living in society we partake in a flawed system. But that does not make is complicit. Being complicit is a choice. By our economic and political actions (or inactions) we get to decide whether we are complicit in the system, or actively trying to change the system.
@@EphemeralRiftSimply ignoring the problem is also being complicit, true change only comes about when sufficient people have decided enough is enough to any given problem. I get it, hauntology is a difficult pit to dig out of, but the solutions you advocate for is effectively giving up, and for a lot of people that is simply not an option.
Thanks for your response. I actually work for an organization that works with small family farmers to provide folks with an alternative to factory farms in their communities, and capture carbon at the same time. We work specifically in Africa, but the movements against factory farming and toward holistic and regenerative agriculture can be found all across America and the rest of the world too. The options are there for people wishing to stop supporting "the system", at least in most places. It's actually really liberating and exciting to find and support these movements. For you personally, there are several options to disconnect yourself from factory farming by supporting regenerative or holistic local food production just in Pennsylvania 😊
@@NerdJourneys im so glad you are doing this! ive written to my reps whenever i get a chance usually protesting the clear cutting of ancient forests... the point i keep making is HEMP. hemp can do almost everything trees can do, its a sustainable fast growing crop... also, it takes many hundreds of years for a complex forest ecosystem to develop... just shoving a bunch of trees in the ground does not a complex old growth forest ecosystem make. not for many hundreds of years if at all. my argument has always been that hemp is a viable option since it will save what forest is left, and also as a bonus, it coudl probably save a lot of small farms that are currently going under.... i wish more people would look closer at how they could help this work. i was so aggravated one day i wrote to this tree cutting rep: "ok so what are you gonna do, cut down a five hundred year old tree and wipe your a$$ with it? really? where are your priorities, man..." i just was irritated that day but it still makes me laugh. hemp could save a lot of trees.... hemp could create a lot of jobs. as an aside i think pennsylvania is kind of a hotspot for the amish.... im sure they do plenty of sustainable farming techniques...
the asmr in this video is nice but Jesus christ the topic on this video falls apart with any basic logic 1) " they don't have any government " not in the way we have but government in different forms so no 2 " no hierarchy " this is just plain false and misinformation at it's finest. animals, us today and yes your tribes have hierarchy. 3 " no economy " wrong again everyone everywhere in some point of time used a form of trade. Currency was still used eg chocolate. 4 " no inequality " so far all of these claims are extremely outlandish and this is no different. Inequality exists even in these tribes/gatherers. Someone always has to be on top and someone has to be on the bottom. Republicans and democrats didn't invent inequality it is as old as human kind itself. 5 " it's simpler and better life in these tribes/gather lifestyle "Not really no and it doesn't take long to disprove this. Sickness well you're probably basically dead, what happens if you develop something like appendicitis then it's gg, born with a disability then damn sucks for you gg go next, I'm sure none of these tribes have anything like cannibalism or sacrifice that would be crazy, i'm sure all the neighbouring tribes get along nicley and only use those spears and bows for animals. I can go on but he's already dead. Also i think the main problem is arguing ethics and morals and this video is a good example of that. Who decides these ethics and morals exactly? Who decides what's right and wrong? Like sure this video provides a narrative at that but with zero nuance.If your gonna talk philosophy you gotta have nuance and look at both sides otherwise it's not philosophy it's just preaching to the choir.
If you don’t agree, that’s fine. All my logic, points, and examples are valid for the limited time and scope I spent on each subject. Not going to create 1,000 hour long videos to analyze and dissect every single aspect of everything in existence and each of their pros & cons. To sum up: todays society is far worse than any primitive society. Pollution, factory farming, war, micro plastics, chemical and oil spills, deforestation… I could go on but I don’t need to.
@EphemeralRift You're well intentioned but I find the idea of this sort of anarcho-primitivism you've always advocated to be a bit naive, mainly in regards to humanity's progress in medicine. Were we to remain primitive we would find ourselves at the whim of the inherent cruelty of nature, many disabled people would live in agony were they to survive at all. That's not to say late stage capitalism is the end all be all of human welfare, but I personally would rather progress towards utopia, however long that may take, than regress to nature.
@@waldocurtis7470 just some random thoughts... im not sure weve honestly progressed that much.. some people have become willing to sacrifice anything, the planet, other people, other races, other countries, public lands, nature (where there still may be undiscovered cures for a billion things, medicine comes from nature) why? early people had good reason to be 'afraid'. life was difficult, death was easy and probably pretty awful. but they =did= have some medicine. opium poppy. cannabis. willow bark. all kinds of other herbs. stuff we still use now. however, a lot of those same issues apply. if you are really sick but poor or have no insurance, youve got no protection.. if you are unhoused or in prison or in some countries, you definitely dont. were in the middle of a global pandemic where poor people cant get treatment or prevention.. we are still at the whim of nature.. but we invented things like MONEY to shield ourselves from it. i honestly think a big reason for the sickness of todays society is connected to this ancient fear of horrible death or natural disaster, sublimated into the belief that MONEY will shield you from those things........ (which to a degree it can, and then after destroying the planet, it cant). just tossing out random thoughts ive had for awhile. why else would people like politicians or oil executives do literally =anything= to get more money than they could ever need, up to destroying nature itself, almost on purpose? all of them are a billion years old, (how many 90 yr old politicians died from covid? i think one.) because they hoard the best healhcare and, for no real reason, deny it to others. that being said yes i can get behind humanity advancing, i wish we would.... its just that we arent really. were just still trying to protect ourselves, at any cost, including other people and nature itself... we could do so much better with better use of the technology we have right now.. i think thats what you were saying basically, not disagreeing, just some thoughts ive had for awhile
@@waldocurtis7470 ugh, that was a super long way of saying, in our efforts to escape nature, we =are= regressing to nature, but not in the way that we want... i.e., (extinction)
I feel like you would deeply enjoy the novel White Noise by Don Delilo. Your rambling could be a direct quote and I would have no idea. The book and this video is I'm assuming unintentionally exploring post-modernist theory.
Me and my friends have a silly little game like this that is based off little kids asking how over and over, we just ask one person what they’re doing then we ask how over and over until they can’t answer until playing a video game goes to how was the universe created
❤❤❤I often find that people that are scarred by religion often go to extremes to get away. Just bca one religion or belief didn't sit with you, doesnt mean they're all messed up. Amd it doesn't mean you cant believe in more than one thing❤❤❤
@@EphemeralRiftOrganised religion is, ironically, of the devil. Think about it: if the devil exists and truly wants nothing more than to make life hell for humankind, organised religion is probably the best way to do it.
Great videos as always man. I don't know if it applies, but I know you went through a similar thing a long time ago. I've looked at different concepts, passages and thoughts from the Bible. Basically couldn't make sense out of any of them. I don't know if this would be "critical thinking," or not. I basically lost my faith in Christianity recently. I don't believe in any religion. I basically believe in some kind of higher power, which could be a God. However, I really just don't know and my beliefs about a God would be much different than the Biblical God or any religion. I guess I would be Agnostic. I watched your video about coming from Roman Catholic to being Agnostic Atheist. Great stuff as always.
Great video. Critical thinking is the basis of the engineering world. Kinda how I got into it ig. Question everything. Ignorance is the opposite of critical thinking and reading some of the comments only strengthens that point. Keep it up Uncle E!
What’s up with all the talking vids. I enjoy them I’m just curious on if you lost interest in your lore and rp? Either way thanks for the great videos. P.s (to the viewers) don’t bring your bs to me idrc. Learn to separate the art from the artist if you really are butthurt
I joined RUclips on my first channel in 06’. Been watching your stuff for as long as I can remember you being here. Jojo is a punk and these kids know nothing, take care.
Critical thinking is okay, but for me, it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
Alright man
The McChicken is ass
burger king crispy chicken is just better
@@Jadee95 yeah fs but you know what’s better then that? Chick Fil A chicken sandwich. It’s godly
Me personally...I prefer the KFC zinger
The problem with critical thinking is that a lot of people who can't do it are extremely convinced that they can.
you for example (i'm trolling)
Yeah like ER unironically.
We're not really evolved for it unfortunately. Making quick decisions with limited information was kind of a "must have" for our species to survive and we haven't exactly evolved quick enough physically in comparison to our culture, science etc.
It's also much easier and tolerable for the psyche to *decide* instead of questioning so it's only natural that the majority of human population follows that trail for majority of the time. 🫤
@@anniellusionthis video is a cover up for it as well. He’s a bad man
What has ER done that has hurt people? @@DawnIndigo-cw7ze
The moment you realize you aren’t as smart as you think you are, and you’re not as special as you think you are… then you’ll be where you need to be for critical thinking. Just Think about it.
He needs to make videos to scare his adversaries
yup, when you can put aside all ego, emotions, personal bias, etc.
The trick is in not only questioning others, but also yourself. And doing it in such a way to have the emotional maturity to not go down the road of toxic nihilism. Not rushing to answer them, and instead being a good listener to the world, letting yourself stumble upon the answers at your own pace. Some questions just dont have the simple answers, and you have to make peace with that.
@EphemeralRift And also being real about the fact that you might not be able to put aside absolutely all of your emotions, ego, and personal bias. And still keeping that in mind when proceeding forward.
anybody else think it would be really cool if ER did a "Mail Monday" type series where he does deep dives into people's questions, whether related to personal problems, life advice, or other stuff?
It would also be cool if he wasn’t a jerk
@@adamthemediocre6376 I disagree that his opinion makes him a jerk as he doesn't go out of his way to enact anything.
i can answer all those right now:
don't do drugs
your first relationship might not work out
life is hard but do your best
and there you go! lol
yeah but he think's that he's a much more level headed and intelligent then he is when he isn't@@NexusGamingRadical
Ha, beautiful, however would you like some barbwire or yarn for that fence.... ;)
My favorite kind of critical thinking is when I try to rationalize being racist and then trivialize the Holocaust. Thanks ER for teaching me how to be smart like you!!
Don't quit your job at Walmart, comedy is not your thing.
@@EphemeralRift I'm just as good at "comedy" as you are at "critical thinking." Be grateful your RUclips fans don't follow your Twitter you dipshit
Damn bro imagine getting ratio’d by the dude you tried calling out-
This. I'm so shocked people just accepted his bullshit "apology" where he essentially said "meh sorry you guys got offended I'm older bye".
@@gaywalllbiterI think half the people are doing that “Seperate art from artist” thing (Idk though, can’t speak for everyone)
I like how versatile you are as an ASMR creator, you can seemingly make anything into very good ASMR. Learn to critically think while trying to sleep at 3 am! Win-win!
Hey ER, wanted to let you know that I've gotten really into your videos lately, and I really really like these long discussions/talks about all sorts of various issues. I enjoy hearing others' opinions, and it encourages me to think for myself. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the extremely creative videos with interesting props and concepts, but I really enjoy this kind of thing as a change of pace. Keep it up, and thanks for always providing us with amazing content.
I agree
he’s kinda a really horrible person bro srry
@@theonly1010 how
he said the n-word, he mocked people who died in the holocaust, and he said sum along the lines of “ oh everyone wine about to poor humans but not about livestock” he basically said us killing livestock to “survive” is comparable to the holocaust
@@PKFLASH123yeah this dude is a shit human being lmaooo I know I used to enjoy him too
"The earth doesnt care about us, the universe doesnt care about us, the rest of the animal kingdom doesnt care about us"
My cat: "Hold on, hes got a point"
you have a smart cat
Pop nihilism is so goofy, the universe is neither sapient nor sentient, it can’t be uncaring, there is no god and yet you have created a devil to scare yourself
@@EphemeralRiftyeah but you care about us Uncle E
@@goutbreakidk why, but this was kinda funny for me to read, you start off with “nihilism is so goofy” then halfway through say the most nihilistic thing ever; “there is no god”(Not hating nor sparking an argument, just adding my input)
While it’s important to be objective and “non-partisan,” it’s also important to remember the truth isn’t always in the middle of every dispute. It’s a logical fallacy to assume it is. Sometimes one side leans more toward the facts, while the opposition leans more toward misconceptions and lies. In those cases, it’s perfectly wise to acknowledge the validity of one side over another, regardless of whether it seems “biased,” as long as you have sound and valid reasons for doing so.
Finally! I'm not working a 12 hour shift when one of his videos comes out! Now I can stay awake and enjoy the video 😂
I'm glad to see that you were able to move past the whole drama of earlier. I was scared for a moment that things wouldn't go back to normal. Thankfully it seems I was wrong.
What drama??
@@EphemeralRiftFaaaacts. Well done man. Just move past it and do your thing.
@@EphemeralRiftthe drama where you spammed the Nword on twitter
@@robertstephens7251 That word only grows in power the more you react to it. Morgan Freeman said it himself too.
@@EphemeralRiftWhen you spammed the n word on twitter
Videos like this are why the twitter stuff was so surprising to many of us; because you came off as someone who would think critically/carefully before speaking. This feels reflective, glad to see your mindset has been on this topic and I'm looking forward to more Riftverse😊
Ps: wild orchards have been found to have been cultivated by indigenous Americans (south and north) for food forests! Even back during nomadic times so they'd travel through known food areas
Getting into this video makes me think that Rift purposefully gave those hot takes on twitter knowing people would react negatively based on their emotions and bias before making this video. This seems to give some context as to why he would start posting wild stuff like that out of nowhere.
People reacted negatively because what he said and his actions afterwards came off as pretty fuckin' unhinged. I don't think any amount of context he could give would make what he said less terrible.
hm don't know much about that, but I'll take your word for it
Jesus shut up
@@Short_Potato no it pretty much cleared things right up for those old and smart enough to understand. The only ones still upset are those that can't comprehend the fact that as individuals, we humans think and feel differently, all the way from the largest of details to the smallest. People somewhere will always "react negatively" to someone saying something regardless of what has been done. Rift simply was Rift and people didn't like it. He didn't care what they ultimately thought and said sorry if he offended and thats how adults do life. It's only the children still here bickering and complaining about him
most people grieving current atrocities are not saying no other atrocities have ever happened or aren't continuing to happen (re: logging companies, deforestation, slave labor, human trafficking, the food industry, global war, millions of butchered animals, loss of children). speaking out is not automatically saying society is fine and all those other things don't exist/are irrelevant. that is an assumption based on your own mind, how you relate to the world and others.
i agree with you objectively about most things you've said in this video, i agree with your latest website post too. i just get the feeling that you speak about how hypocritical things are to justify not caring about anything at all. (which is also my assumption). there's a lot we don't know. i think it's on us to fight against the things we do know and to do our best to make a difference however irrelevant it may be in the grand scheme of things. grow your own veg, do your research, don't believe everything you hear in media. try your best to fight for what you think to be right, apologize and try again if you're wrong. you never, ever stop learning--ever. for me, love is all there is, and no matter how rose tinted or fucking stupid it is, how childish it is, i choose to believe that empathy and humanity will win eventually.
The void does all the critical thinking for me and it whispers the answers to my right ear
We will always remember, Rift
Who's "we?"
I wasn't asking you.
Remember.... what, exactly? Actually, don't bother answering. It's not like I care anyway.
ur such a sad old man its insane
Kind of an insanity to look at an apple and theorize that you shouldnt buy it because someone who made it mightve voted for someone you dont like, or cut down an acre of trees to plant the orchard.
Yea but that's how it works.
I’m not sure if I’m a critical thinker or if I’m just a pain to be around. My brain automatically looks for flaws in everything then when it can’t it accepts it as truth. Though even after the fact I rescan for flaws.
fun isn't it
You know, you're gonna have a good deep sleep when ER uploads a new video 🤍
All those years I spent alone and depressed in a dark room thinking about society were just an instinctual correction. My mistake? Listening to society.
All that thinking led back to one epiphany: Trust your gut. And to think... all that time I thought my depression meant something was wrong with *_me!_*
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -J. Krishnamurti
Lessons in critical thinking from Ephemeral Rift 💀💀💀
i probably should have been a professor.
@@EphemeralRift you're nutty, that's for sure👍
@@EphemeralRift first day of class in high school history the teacher picked up a bible and threw it across the room.... cant remember what happened after that but im sure a lot of ppl lost their shi-t and it led to a very interesting semester. he knew how to make history interesting
Its simply about supporting like minded individuals when we can. We cant focus on all things at once, but we make those choices when we can and when they are brought to our attention.
Great! A new one to see. I save for the night. Thank you Rift!
Ever heard of moral grandstanding? Look it up. You might find it interesting.
Doesn't apply to me.
@@EphemeralRift you are not the ephemeral rift we once knew.
Anyone else miss when the ER comment section was a chill place?
I do.
I'm too emotionally exhausted from important current events to care about digitally crucifying a dude that makes goofy asmr videos over some shitty comments. Pick your battles, people.
I'm trying to sleep here.
think of it as spicing things up! i find many of the comments quite funny myself
Love you uncle E! Been watching since the start of your channel, glad to see you’re still uploading and making good shiiii 🔥
Interesting fact, groups of fruit trees or other things that are naturally occurring are called groves, not orchards. The word orchard is specifically for manmade plots of land that can be small or VERY large like apple orchards in Washington state, whereas groves are quite small, rarely more than a few acres large at MOST.
I love the recent topics for your spoken videos, keep it going!
love ur vids uncle E, truly top tier asmr!!
What is critical thinking? Do I do it? What does it mean? Is it okay to do it? When do I do it? When should I do it? How do I do it? Is it critical to critical think? What does critical mean? What does thinking mean? WHAT IS CRITICAL THINKING???
To use the apple's journey analogy, critically thinking, where does consciousness/life come from? From nothing, or from something transcendent and eternal, like God?
probably not god ;)
@@EphemeralRiftAgree to disagree I suppose. God bless sir!
@spencer1854 But here's the thing. A transcendent God would have no need to create anything, if it can only create things lesser than itself. What we see in life is not order being created from higher order, it is order being created from lower order. That's evolution, basically, be it biological, cultural, technological, or philosophical. God/consciousness is not something that exists to create lesser being, the lesser forms are instead there to create God/consciousness. I know it's mind-boggling but God is something which evolves from the world and creates itself.
Assuming a transcendent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal God exists- who are we to say what he would or would not, should or should not create? Do you think God maybe knows more than you or I? The Bible states that God created us in His image, and to have a relationship with Him. On a simple human level, isn't life really about relationships, love, and not just that, but the free will to choose? If we didn't have the ability to choose, is it really love? Is it that far of a stretch to say God would have similar intentions as these when he created us? I understand what you're saying about the trajectory of order in many areas going from lesser to more complicated. That may be true in some things, but many things not the case. What about two infinitely complex human beings coming together to create life (order being created from higher order). Isn't that mind boggling? Human evolution and the big bang are theories. Science is continually being disproven, changed, adapted. I believe in lot of science, but I believe we are simply chipping away at understanding what God created. Your observation regarding this pattern doesn't exclude the possibility of the existence in God in any way. The idea of God isn't something we should sluff off at the slightest hint of cognitive dissonance. At the very least, recognize that truth itself can be revealed in more ways that black and white facts. One way real truth can be be revealed, often in a more real and profound way than just facts and logic, is through story. Step into "what if," open your heart as well as your mind, and take time to read the Bible and it's narritives in context of time and culture. At the very least, keep a spot in your heart open to the possibility of God- however small that may be. From a former agnostic, God is real, and God bless you- talk to Jesus! : ] Al @@louisj2256
@@spencer1854 Please don't patronise me, Spencer. Do I seem like someone who is purely a materialist to you? Instead, open your heart to my point of view and maybe God will reveal more of himself to you through what I have to say. At the very least, you will better understand an opposing viewpoint.
No, life on its simplest level is not about relationships or love. If you say you believe in a lot of science, please consider what science is telling us now: that the entire universe is on a trajectory heading towards greater and greater stability (entropy), because all the particles and energy, including stars, galaxies, and space debris, are getting further away from each other as reality expands. In fact, it is apparently not only expanding but doing so at an accelerating rate and we do not yet have an explanation for this. We predict that the end-point of this will be a universe in which everything is so far from anything else that no chaos will exist at all - no atoms will collide and create larger molecules, and there will be total darkness. Perfect stability, perfect entropy. So what does that say about life? Biological life is, at its core, a local and temporary DECREASE in the level of stability/entropy in our cosmos. Life does the opposite of what I have described: instead of heading towards entropy, it heads away from it. Life, at its simplest level, is about defying entropy (a single cell containing a concentration of salt is able to stop the salt from heading towards equilibrium by leaving the cell and creating a perfect balance between the concentration of salt inside of the cell and outside of the cell. The cell is also able to grow and split apart so as to continue doing this, and as its genes mutate in subtle ways, those cells which become better and more efficient at defying the inorganic tendency to head towards equilibrium will prevail over the ones that are not as good at it. This is natural selection, and it is ultimately a journey towards GREATER complexity, awareness, interconnectedness and all of the things of God, not a creation of some higher intelligence because that is just not how things work).
Human evolution and the big bang are indeed theories, but you seem to be using the word 'theory' to mean 'hypothesis' or 'educated guess'. They are much more than educated guesses. Are you going to tell me that the entire tree of life we have managed to piece together, with all its interconnected branches showing the evolutionary relationships between different organisms including humans (which we have since been able to refine through genetic sequencing) is something which could be 'disproven'? No, because when we admit humility by saying 'we don't yet know everything about the story of life on this planet', we are not saying that all the knowledge we have built up so far could just be an illusion. Science does not usually work by radically replacing one theory with an entirely different one, just by offering up a slightly different explanation as to how these things play out in the details. For example, there used to be a theory called Lamarckian evolution which said that organisms evolve over time by passing on changes that happen to them during their lives to their offspring. Example: a giraffe wants to reach a really tall branch, so it stretches its neck to go get it. If it does this often enough, its neck will become just a tiny bit longer (the same way you can make your muscles grow bigger by exercising), and when it gives birth to a baby giraffe, the baby will inherit a slightly longer neck as a result of this. Lamarckian evolution acknowledged that organisms do evolve over time as a response to the conditions in their environment, but it was ultimately abandoned because Darwinian evolution (which states that changes in an organism are instead the result of random genetic mutation which then get selected for by the environment if they happen to offer a benefit) is closer to the truth. And since then, we have even created a field of study called epigenetics which studies how environmental factors actually CAN affect your genetic makeup during your life! So in a way, Lamarck was still right! Human evolution is a fact and there are many ways in which I can prove this to you if you are interested.
Now, let's talk about religion. I personally believe that God is so much greater than what any human religion represents him as, especially the Abrahamic faiths. Tell me, why is it that you believe what's in the Bible over what's in the Qur'an, or the Upanishads, or the Vedas? Why would God restrict his supreme truth to one Holy book, from one linguistic tradition, from one part of the world, from one time period in human history? Isn't the very fact that there are so many different religions on Earth, each one claiming to be the truth and calling all the other ones lies, the ultimate proof that these are all creations of man? Religions is a tool of God, sure, because it enables greater social cohesion within large groups of humans. Many of humanity's great achievements, from architecture to literature to art, are motivated by religion and a desire to partake of the divine. But here we stand, in the 21st Century, in a globalised world that is getting more interconnected all the time and we can see clearly that religion as it has existed so far no longer has the ability to benefit us the way science can. Did religion create plumbing, medicine, the supply chain of goods and services? Did religion help to slash the number of people in extreme poverty from 3/4 in the 19th Century to below 1/10 today? Or was that the scientific revolution? You may credit these things to God, you may say "we were able to do all that because we were created in God's image", but religion is clearly tied to tradition and tradition wants to PREVENT these advancements, not foster them. Do the Amish not think that technology is of the devil? They are an extreme example, sure, but throughout history we can see that religion has done this. When Darwin was coming up with his theory, was it not religion that prevented so many people from accepting it? How much earlier would we have discovered evolution if religion weren't standing in the way? What about the literacy revolution, were the priests not opposed to this because it would allow commoners the ability to read the Bible for themselves, rather than staying dependent on them? Did religion help women to gain more equal rights, or did it stand in the way of that? Please look at it honestly.
I actually opened my heart to Jesus. I accepted him as my Lord and Saviour as I was about to undergo an operation and promised him that I would buy a Bible if I came out of the operating theatre alive. And that's exactly what I did. What God chose to show me instead was a universe of self-generating, self-actualising God/consciousness in which I as an individual have a responsibility to contribute towards CREATING God rather than simply obeying God. I was shown that life and the emergence of consciousness is a process of the universe coming to know itself. The Earth herself showed me these things, not your father God. Why do you think of God as male, anyway? God is everything and comprises both the animus and the anima. I have had my own kind of spiritual revelation much different from yours, are you about to tell me that I am being tricked by the devil? Or do you think I am simply deluding myself? If it is possible for us to come to an understanding of God, it will be through studying creation. Not by reading an ancient text. Reading ancient texts may be part of studying creation, but we should not get stuck, bogged down, and limited to them. They are an absolutely tiny part of the whole.
Thanks, and please offer up any thoughts. If any astrophysicists want to pick apart my description of entropy, please do so as physics is not my area of expertise.
Especsially thank u from dont+english-speaking Segment. Im learning a part from ur videos
Seriously I watch it every night without getting bored... thank you for this masterpiece 🌃😴✨❤️❤️❤️
my mind speaks a thousand words a minute. can’t get it to shut up.
Your options are meditation or medication.
@@Tubeytime My friend as someone with ADHD myself I can tell you that medication is not the way, all it does is get you on a subscription service to a pharmacy that you will never get out of. Deep thinking, meditation and self reflection is the way to go I have found.
@@AimbotAU Everyone's addicted to something, the only difference is the cost to fuel your addictions. Thankfully, my addictions are extremely cheap.
@@Tubeytimeno addiction is cheap
@@TheBDAOfficial You might be thinking of addiction wrong, I'm talking about were you get your dopamine from. You could buy a game for $15 that has infinite replay value and play that every day without spending anything else other than your time, for example.
In terms of classic addictions, coffee is pretty cheap.
Cautionary Tales appreciated. 👍👍
the glasses were a nice touch
LOVE IT❤ good stuff and the last videos were some of my absolute favorite!
Thanks for giving it back 💜
You should do an Alan Wake video. I think it'd fit your style and interests perfectly.
i'm not even sure if i'm going to buy that game. perhaps eventually..
Uncle Rift, you and I are cut of the same cloth. I've been saying this stuff forever and get dismissed by people who don't want their world view challenged. This is why I don't actively engage in current events of any kind, be it politics or what have you.
I'm so happy I've found your videos. I truly feel amongst my own here! Please never change!
*"You are what you eat."*
Never underestimate the implications of the above statement, and don't forget to consider the things that go into the orifices that aren't your mouth!
I sleep late and wake up early and I go on with my day fine
I do my best critical thinking while I'm asleep. It might be a nightmare reel of neuroses and whatever film or media I happened to have watched earlier that day, but it does give perspective. Assuming I remember any of it.
i feel like this is meant to be a passive aggressive video
I don't do those types of videos.
Paul, the problems in our society are indeed real and complex, but there are also a *lot* of options people have to do something about it other than a) not care or b) separate themselves from society overall.
I would really recommend/appreciate it if you took the list of problems that you correctly identified in this video, and made another video outlining the solutions, or at least ethical responses people could take. In another comment I will list some
Underpaid agricultural workers: buy fair trade products
Poor employee conditions in your own place of employment/western nation: join a union or support union friendly policies
Anything the government has control/influence over: use those critical thinking skills to research candidates background or corruption, and vote appropriately. Or, alternatively, run for office yourself. Between elections Protest, sign and create petitions, and become a community organizer.
Food safety: buy organic, local, and regenerative farm foods. Join a farmer coop delivery system. Start a backyard garden.
Climate change: a hundred things. Reduce consumption, start a compost bin, bike or walk more, use things for longer so the environmental footprint is spread out longer, buy local, repair things, share things, eat less meat, collect rainwater and use that in your garden, offset your carbon by supporting tree planting or renewable development, sign up for free government programs that help you insulate your house, spend your money on businesses that have strong environmental policies, etc.
Yes, by living in society we partake in a flawed system. But that does not make is complicit. Being complicit is a choice. By our economic and political actions (or inactions) we get to decide whether we are complicit in the system, or actively trying to change the system.
ok but good luck in trying to shut down the factory farming behemoths ;)
@@EphemeralRiftSimply ignoring the problem is also being complicit, true change only comes about when sufficient people have decided enough is enough to any given problem. I get it, hauntology is a difficult pit to dig out of, but the solutions you advocate for is effectively giving up, and for a lot of people that is simply not an option.
Thanks for your response. I actually work for an organization that works with small family farmers to provide folks with an alternative to factory farms in their communities, and capture carbon at the same time. We work specifically in Africa, but the movements against factory farming and toward holistic and regenerative agriculture can be found all across America and the rest of the world too. The options are there for people wishing to stop supporting "the system", at least in most places. It's actually really liberating and exciting to find and support these movements. For you personally, there are several options to disconnect yourself from factory farming by supporting regenerative or holistic local food production just in Pennsylvania 😊
@@NerdJourneys im so glad you are doing this! ive written to my reps whenever i get a chance usually protesting the clear cutting of ancient forests... the point i keep making is HEMP. hemp can do almost everything trees can do, its a sustainable fast growing crop... also, it takes many hundreds of years for a complex forest ecosystem to develop... just shoving a bunch of trees in the ground does not a complex old growth forest ecosystem make. not for many hundreds of years if at all.
my argument has always been that hemp is a viable option since it will save what forest is left, and also as a bonus, it coudl probably save a lot of small farms that are currently going under.... i wish more people would look closer at how they could help this work. i was so aggravated one day i wrote to this tree cutting rep: "ok so what are you gonna do, cut down a five hundred year old tree and wipe your a$$ with it? really? where are your priorities, man..." i just was irritated that day but it still makes me laugh. hemp could save a lot of trees.... hemp could create a lot of jobs. as an aside i think pennsylvania is kind of a hotspot for the amish.... im sure they do plenty of sustainable farming techniques...
I’ll think tomorrow
I love critical thinking. I like to critically think about why people think critically and how they can think critically in their everyday lives
Bro is back on the meds
nah bro he’s still tryna roast people in replies☠️☠️
@@toyanaydin8248to be fair, half of those people are already tryna start something
I just love ur asmr
He is now the official daddy of asmr
the asmr in this video is nice but Jesus christ the topic on this video falls apart with any basic logic
1) " they don't have any government " not in the way we have but government in different forms so no
2 " no hierarchy " this is just plain false and misinformation at it's finest. animals, us today and yes your tribes have hierarchy.
3 " no economy " wrong again everyone everywhere in some point of time used a form of trade. Currency was still used eg chocolate.
4 " no inequality " so far all of these claims are extremely outlandish and this is no different. Inequality exists even in these tribes/gatherers. Someone always has to be on top and someone has to be on the bottom. Republicans and democrats didn't invent inequality it is as old as human kind itself.
5 " it's simpler and better life in these tribes/gather lifestyle "Not really no and it doesn't take long to disprove this. Sickness well you're probably basically dead, what happens if you develop something like appendicitis then it's gg, born with a disability then damn sucks for you gg go next, I'm sure none of these tribes have anything like cannibalism or sacrifice that would be crazy, i'm sure all the neighbouring tribes get along nicley and only use those spears and bows for animals. I can go on but he's already dead.
Also i think the main problem is arguing ethics and morals and this video is a good example of that. Who decides these ethics and morals exactly? Who decides what's right and wrong? Like sure this video provides a narrative at that but with zero nuance.If your gonna talk philosophy you gotta have nuance and look at both sides otherwise it's not philosophy it's just preaching to the choir.
If you don’t agree, that’s fine. All my logic, points, and examples are valid for the limited time and scope I spent on each subject. Not going to create 1,000 hour long videos to analyze and dissect every single aspect of everything in existence and each of their pros & cons.
To sum up: todays society is far worse than any primitive society. Pollution, factory farming, war, micro plastics, chemical and oil spills, deforestation… I could go on but I don’t need to.
@EphemeralRift You're well intentioned but I find the idea of this sort of anarcho-primitivism you've always advocated to be a bit naive, mainly in regards to humanity's progress in medicine. Were we to remain primitive we would find ourselves at the whim of the inherent cruelty of nature, many disabled people would live in agony were they to survive at all. That's not to say late stage capitalism is the end all be all of human welfare, but I personally would rather progress towards utopia, however long that may take, than regress to nature.
Your comment hit the nail on the head of what I was thinking.
@@waldocurtis7470 just some random thoughts... im not sure weve honestly progressed that much.. some people have become willing to sacrifice anything, the planet, other people, other races, other countries, public lands, nature (where there still may be undiscovered cures for a billion things, medicine comes from nature) why? early people had good reason to be 'afraid'. life was difficult, death was easy and probably pretty awful. but they =did= have some medicine. opium poppy. cannabis. willow bark. all kinds of other herbs. stuff we still use now.
however, a lot of those same issues apply. if you are really sick but poor or have no insurance, youve got no protection.. if you are unhoused or in prison or in some countries, you definitely dont. were in the middle of a global pandemic where poor people cant get treatment or prevention.. we are still at the whim of nature.. but we invented things like MONEY to shield ourselves from it.
i honestly think a big reason for the sickness of todays society is connected to this ancient fear of horrible death or natural disaster, sublimated into the belief that MONEY will shield you from those things........ (which to a degree it can, and then after destroying the planet, it cant). just tossing out random thoughts ive had for awhile. why else would people like politicians or oil executives do literally =anything= to get more money than they could ever need, up to destroying nature itself, almost on purpose? all of them are a billion years old, (how many 90 yr old politicians died from covid? i think one.) because they hoard the best healhcare and, for no real reason, deny it to others.
that being said yes i can get behind humanity advancing, i wish we would.... its just that we arent really. were just still trying to protect ourselves, at any cost, including other people and nature itself... we could do so much better with better use of the technology we have right now.. i think thats what you were saying basically, not disagreeing, just some thoughts ive had for awhile
@@waldocurtis7470 ugh, that was a super long way of saying, in our efforts to escape nature, we =are= regressing to nature, but not in the way that we want... i.e., (extinction)
I feel like you would deeply enjoy the novel White Noise by Don Delilo. Your rambling could be a direct quote and I would have no idea. The book and this video is I'm assuming unintentionally exploring post-modernist theory.
Alot of content. Nice!
we can develop skills to be more objective, cool, i like your videos
"I have an apple, aahh apple pen"
-Sun tzu
The Devot religious ones. Im Interested how they put science in are human history, relate, coexistence. Im amazed the balance will prevail.
I like way you think, yapper
that's Mr. Intellectual, Sir.
Thanks bro i love this
W ❤️✨
Analyzation. Being able to step back and see what is really being said, or what a situation is truly about. Analyse everything.
yup and then go crazy afterwards lol
Me and my friends have a silly little game like this that is based off little kids asking how over and over, we just ask one person what they’re doing then we ask how over and over until they can’t answer until playing a video game goes to how was the universe created
Hmm. I like the sound of this title
0:28 sure do aghgahgag
great timing, E
Now here's a dude who've not seen in a good, goood while.
Good Now Uncle Rift. Im doing Splentastic Today. I Love your ASMR Videos. Very Relaxing and Informative. 😊❤
Ephermal Rift u truly are a gift to Asmr 💯
Think Uncle E Think
@@g3thetiger100what will you have in 500 years
@@HiramVeltT.. tingles...
susie: well it's not like i have a choice ;)
I constantly think about that one time i had rift sickness
Me trying to be a critical thinker about the Israel/ Palestine conflict: "but bro. What about the 75 billion cattle that get slaughtered every year? "
Exactly!!! Finally, someone gets it.
That apple looks good!!
i question alot of things but im to lazy to do research if its irrelevant to me😅😅
can relate
Taking this class right now and my prof makes it to hard
The bob ross of ASMR
Bob Ross wouldn't say retarded shit on Twitter like he does.
I fell asleep to this
For some reason i have this erge to see er in a classic truck or car salsman video
it was especially important, during the Covid years =)
Critical thinking just makes me think of Danny Gonzalez
8:58 God that’s where animals come from.
❤❤❤I often find that people that are scarred by religion often go to extremes to get away.
Just bca one religion or belief didn't sit with you, doesnt mean they're all messed up.
Amd it doesn't mean you cant believe in more than one thing❤❤❤
personal faith? no problem
organized religion? no
@@EphemeralRiftOrganised religion is, ironically, of the devil. Think about it: if the devil exists and truly wants nothing more than to make life hell for humankind, organised religion is probably the best way to do it.
You are a hero
Can you make another Atari controller video?
South africa has bananas
Religious people need to learn critical thinking the most.
Ur my favorite stranger
hello stranger
uncle er spittin facts (i think)
Critical Theory and the Marxist idea of alienation are very relevant here.
I use critical thinking to find the truth
Great videos as always man. I don't know if it applies, but I know you went through a similar thing a long time ago. I've looked at different concepts, passages and thoughts from the Bible. Basically couldn't make sense out of any of them. I don't know if this would be "critical thinking," or not.
I basically lost my faith in Christianity recently. I don't believe in any religion. I basically believe in some kind of higher power, which could be a God. However, I really just don't know and my beliefs about a God would be much different than the Biblical God or any religion. I guess I would be Agnostic.
I watched your video about coming from Roman Catholic to being Agnostic Atheist. Great stuff as always.
Very sad to see you leave God.
For someone trying to be objective, your biases and romanticism are extremely noticeable. Good video, nonetheless.
Yo he kinda look like Isaac newton
i was waiting for the snake and the naked lady and guy to show up @@
is that good or bad lol
@@EphemeralRiftit’s good. Newton had calcurizz.
this is kinda ironic considering the stuff he said a week or two ago
what did i say?
@@EphemeralRiftniggas askin me if I’m ok
yo can we please get some kooky medical roleplays
can we? ;)
Great video. Critical thinking is the basis of the engineering world. Kinda how I got into it ig. Question everything. Ignorance is the opposite of critical thinking and reading some of the comments only strengthens that point. Keep it up Uncle E!
What’s up with all the talking vids. I enjoy them I’m just curious on if you lost interest in your lore and rp? Either way thanks for the great videos.
P.s (to the viewers) don’t bring your bs to me idrc. Learn to separate the art from the artist if you really are butthurt
cuz i do what i want to do when i want to do when i feel like do yadda yadda
@@EphemeralRift love the attitude 😂👍🏼
Love it but why don’t u whisper anymore?
depends on the setting
You’re the setting that depends on @EphemeralRift
thanks for asmr😊
1 Litre of Oil & 3 Litres of Drinking Water
1 Litre Bottle of Drinking Water
Is that apple knowledge free?
I think Lloyd took it now l!!!
I joined RUclips on my first channel in 06’. Been watching your stuff for as long as I can remember you being here. Jojo is a punk and these kids know nothing, take care.
wtf is a Jojo? the only Jojo i know is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the manga.
I love all your contentent. Always keep being you❤
Lmfao i love how he doesnt get cancelled simply because he doesnt give a F 😂🤣💪
What's the man gonna get canceled for exactly? Having thoughts and opinions 😂
@filaaa2171the downfall of a past legend shit is insane