Please update these videos more frequently and systematically, so that many brass players can have access to this concept..! As a person from a country with very scarce information about brass playing (South Korea), getting to know this brand really brought ease and joy to my playing.
Hello, I am trying figure out the type of mouthpiece to use for tuba. I have an average lips, currently using Arnold Jacobs mouthpiece. I am having a hard time to play in higher range on my Bb tuba. Notes F, G, A and B are extremely difficult in second octaves. Lower range, I am satisfied with. What type and size of mouthpiece would you recommend for me to use? Thank you
Please update these videos more frequently and systematically, so that many brass players can have access to this concept..! As a person from a country with very scarce information about brass playing (South Korea), getting to know this brand really brought ease and joy to my playing.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I will do my best to follow your instructions!
Great video, looking forward to the series!
Thank you!🙏
Amazing video!
Thanks for this video! Excellent food for thought 💭. I think I’d benefit from a mouthpiece consultation with you.
Great video! could you please upload next the video talking about the bore and backbore of the mouthpiece? Thanks for the videos
Looking forward to more videos. thank you
I am trying figure out the type of mouthpiece to use for tuba. I have an average lips, currently using Arnold Jacobs mouthpiece. I am having a hard time to play in higher range on my Bb tuba. Notes F, G, A and B are extremely difficult in second octaves. Lower range, I am satisfied with. What type and size of mouthpiece would you recommend for me to use? Thank you