I can acknowledge that the changes they made to clam blitz are positive. Still never want to play it in solo queue cuz it sends my blood pressure through the roof
I see so much brush cheese in Clams it ticks me off. If I'm playing something short range I can't keep up to the rolling brush that has solo scored twice already and it SHOULLDN'T be my place to be guarding basket. . .but here we are.
@@theghostcreator776that is a good point, the best counter I have found to brush cheese is observing where their brush is and how many clams they have - where thay are is pretty easy, even if you can't see them, it is pretty easy to figure our where they are by the paint on the map, and you can see how many clams they have up top. I can deal with it even as tent, a slow, short range weapon.
They called the rainmaker challenge a test fire. I *really* hope that's a sign they're willing to change the base mode. Unrelated, I approve of the use of dolphin shoals.
This ProChara feature presentation is joined by a special guest: Booga. (Literally screamed when i saw him, like it’s so cool that Nikolini and Chara are getting acquainted)
I always enjoy when you review a subject you’ve covered in a Splatoon 2 video. I love seeing the comparison between the environment between both games! Keep up the good work!
I think they should rework tower control into that "move the 8-ball" mode that they were testing for Splatoon 2. Like instead of standing on the tower, you shoot it to push it, and the enemy team can push the tower back.
Typically payload modes in shooters tend to try to give an incentive to players to capture the objective even if they are playing selfishly as a reward for good play. In Team Fortress 2, that's accomplished by the fact that the cart has an indestructible level 1 dispenser attached to it, making it a constant stream of health and ammo in a game without natural health regen for eight out of nine classes (or six, if we count Sniper's Cozy Camper and Soldier's Concheror...). Overwatch acts similarly, the cart has a constant health aura for the attacking team, which makes them mora durable and is particularly enticing for DPS characters who can use that healing to top themselves up without needing to rely on a healer. Splatoon's tower control *tries* to do this with the passive special advantage thing, but the issue comes from the fact that it's a full team buff, meaning the heavier incentive for aggressive players is to push up and let someone else sit on the tower so they get that buff to get more specials without leaving their aggressive positions. That said, I'm really not quire sure how to attempt to fix that. Health regen is universal in Splatoon 3, and I think increasing it for tower holders would cause more issues than it solves. Similarly, refilling your ink is something you can do pretty much anywhere at any time in Splatoon, unlike in TF2 where you need ammo boxes or dispensers to do it, and weapons like the Hydra Splatling and E-Litre having less downtime because they're on the tower could be very problematic. The only idea I really have is possibly making the special advantage more intense, but having it only apply to the riders, but that just sounds like a good way to get Splattershots camping the tower for optimal Zooka Spam.
Maybe something like give the special advantage to the defending team but give the team in control of the tower a wave breaker style effect, it doesn't do damage obviously but it will reveal where all enemy players near the tower are. As it gets closer to the base this effect becomes a lot less useful since its likely most teams will be in their base trying to stop the tower asap making it so the attacker's advantage lessens as they get close to a knockout but it makes it easier to defend right after getting the tower as it'll alert you to ambushes while still giving the defenders the special advantage so they can still put up a fight despite their location being known.
I feel like turf war could just have some kind of team HP meter, if your team has both more than 40% of the map inked (so HP doesn't decrease right at the start) AND the difference in turf coverage is > some percent (like 2-5%) then the losing team HP drains over time. It would keep the game mode playing just as it does now, but also cause quick knockouts in the case of a snowballed game. Also maybe start with something like each team's spawn and drop from spawn already inked.
Add sprayers like in Tricolour Turf War, but they’re always present, turned off at the start and can change hands during the match. Also the knockout condition is holding all of them uncontested for 30s or so. Each one has its own beacon/signal that appears at different times, starting in the middle.
I think giving the tower rider a unique weapon like the Rainmaker would be cool! Something like turning the tower pole into a laser beam you can aim like Stingray (NOT going through terrain, that would be stupid, I mean really who would design a special that can laser the enemy in their spawn from your spawn am I right guys?) or giving you a mortar shot like Crab or Explo would be awesome! Basically a weaker SR/Singleplayer canon type deal.
I prefer the idea of giving the tower rider a supportive ability (like explo as you said) for assisting pushed up allies with turf control would be awesome. The turf you put down could even count towards your special, and then switch the passive special gain to losing team/enemy has tower. I don't think the tower rider should be given something like stingray simply because you usually have your backline or support ride the tower. Giving them something similar to what they already do, but stronger albeit in a radius around the tower, could be pretty cool.
Honestly I feel like turf war is against slow weapons or weapons that struggle to fight. In turf war I'd say time and speed matters the most and kills matter so much more in turf since there's no objective to focus on. Every kill you get not only let's you push farther but severely hinders the enemy paint output and its so easy to spiral out of control with just a few kills. So when your mode depends mostly on kills then slow weapons really struggle.
I think the ease of spawncamping in Turf War is largely a map problem; I believe maps that make that easily happen are fine in ranked modes, but should be either overhauled for Turf or banned form it. Also, I heard the excellent suggestion of making Splat Zones less of a King-of-the-Hill mode and more of a traditional control-point mode; I imagine two or three zones spread out, with the latter in the style of S1 Moray Towers, and you score when you fully turfed more zones than the enemy turfed in their color. (e.g. the majority of 3 zones, or one of the 2 zones while the other is being contested). Helps incentivize moving forward on the map and should give the proper combat disadvantage from playing the objective like other modes have (the tower rider's position is restricted, the Rainmaker is weaker than any other weapon, you can't fight while throwing clams). Since the Rainmaker holder can't superjump, the solutions to Clam Blitz cheese are as follows: make the Power Clam holder drop the football upon _starting_ the jump, and prevent any players from Super Jumping to a Kraken.
this video summarizes the splatoon 3 dev cycle really well. the developers are responding to community feedback on several problems and issues, but the rate at which they fix things needs to improve.
My idea for Tower is this. Do you remember those fan thingies from Anchovy Arcade? Put that as the way the tower is moved, and the only way to score points is to stand on the tower itself. There can be a set path or not, if there is then you just fire at the tower as much as you can and try to catch up to it while avoiding the opponent's fire, and if there isn't then there can be more strategy involved. Bada bing, bada boom, Tower Control is fixed.
Dude I got a great idea for TC rework: Instead of standing on the tower, you shoot it, and the other team can push it back, kinda like how the rainmaker shield works. And the tower has a set path, but it has multiple routes you can take by pushing it in different directions.
So a better version of SO's tower objective? It's a bit like the rainmaker shield probelm, where fast weapons are insanely good, but if you tweak it so that shooters can push it out less than slower weapons like rollers, explo, bows, ect then it would be fun!
If you ask me, we already have a competitive version of Turf War: it’s Splat Zones. The goal of both is essentially just to paint the floor, but by limiting the relevant area to a specific zone(s) in the center of the map and adding a points countdown, it brings players closer to each, reduces spawn camping, offers more opportunities for coordination, and allows weapons that aren’t as good at painting to still contribute. I like all the ranked modes (except clams, but I just haven’t played it much), but Splat Zones is special to me because I feels like it carries the most unique Splatoon DNA. The other modes are pretty similar to common modes in other shooters (payload, super soldier), but the objective of Splat Zones and mostly the unique way you interact with it feels very original and like it carries the concept of Turf War into a competitive mode. In other words, I wish Nintendo would accept that Turf War is a casual game mode and focus more on Splat Zones in its place.
Giving the rainmaker something like rocket jumping mechanics to reach new areas and use otherwise inaccessible paths like the tower occasionally lets happen could be a fun mechanic to enhance the power of the rainmaker and incentivize people to pick it up. It's more of a Splatoon 4 kind of thing though, maps would need to be designed pretty carefully with those paths in mind. lol, careful map design.
No idea what Chara is talking about "Barnacle is a good zones map." It's easily one of the WORST since it's so easy to base lock the team the loses momentum first.
I thought of a system to transform Turf War into a competitive mode, with a requirement for victory and defeat before time runs out and everything (remember, this mode would only be competitive, in casual the classic format would continue): Ultra Signal. However, unlike Tricolor, there would be a greater number of ultra signals per match, in addition, if you lose the ultra signal and the opposing team starts to activate it, the amount of charge you used is reduced. If one of the teams activates all the ultra signals they win, if this does not happen the tiebreaker criteria would be the painted area, however remembering the painted area of the ultra signal is included in this count. For casual mode (and to make it more fun) there could be rotation of effects from challenger mode such as Foggy and super jump. For Zones: All maps need have dual zones and they can even have a greater distance, this would be better in my opinion because it would force the team defending the zone to worry about two sides (in other words, they would have to have better coordination) in addition to making the match less stuck in a single point. For Tower Control: Instead of forcing a team member to stay on top of the tower, turn it into a mini splat zone, if the top of the tower is 100% painted in one color it would walk towards the opponent's base, if not it would stop for a few seconds and it would come back. This would give more freedom to the one on top of the tower (he would still need to paint the tower but could leave if necessary) and would also make it easier for the defending side, because as you only need to paint the top of the tower for it to stop moving, you could just focus on that. For Rainmaker and Clams i agree
Maybe giving the rainmaker three charges à la snipewriter would be a good compromise for its power alongside the rest of the modified rainmaker changes.
I think for Clam Blitz, super jumping with powerclams in general should just force you to drop them and pick them back up. That’s also what happens at the end of kraken.
I’ve had this idea for a while, and I think it’s a pretty easy fix for Clam Blitz cheese: require the person who threw the clam to stay alive during the animations of the Power Clam breaking the barrier. If the person trying to break the barrier gets splatted, the Power Clam would simply drop off of the basket without breaking the barrier. This would still allow for the cheese strat with enough setup or if the enemy team leaves a huge hole in their defenses, but it also means that its relatively easy to shut down if done badly. The other solution I see would be to just remove the ability to Super Jump with a Power Clam, but I like the first option better.
You can still cheese it by having the kraken repeatedly jump on the point where the teammate jumps. It repels both ink AND bombs without them exploding. Not only that, but the knockback to the kraken is lower while its jumping
This is the best suggestion I've seen for how to improve tower control-- doing this and making the special meter neutral (or perhaps have it slowly increase for the defending team after the tower passes the halfway point) and I think it could be more balanced.
An idea ive had for a new ranked mode is based on the tricolour ultra signals, I call it Signal Snatch. essentially, across the map are 7 signals, one in both spawns areas (like tower ending zone or rainmaker goal) two in both "bases" (around where rainmaker checkpoints would be) and one in mid. You would score points by capturing each signal, the capturing time of the signals would need to be modified, and would also paint significantly less due to how many there are. A signal can be recaptured from an enemy team by shooting at it to break it, then recapturing it like normal. Every time you grab a signal, a chunk of points is added to your meter, and those points disappear if that signal is taken by the enemy. Some signals like the one in spawn might need to be auto-captured from the beginning to avoid time wasting at the start of the match just grabbing signals already in your base. The game would go into overtime if the losing team is in the middle of breaking/capturing a signal, or if both teams have the same amount of signals currently captured and you can KO if you grab every signal on the map, proving total map control. Some maps would definitely need to be modified for this, and smaller maps like umami, brine water and barnacle might even have only have 5 signals instead of 7(just like how they have 1 checkpoint rather than 2), but I really like this idea and I think it could work.
Idk how often this idea has been pitched but I’ll just say it: Give the Tower a weaker variant of the Ink Cannon so at least *SOMEONE* on the tower has something to do. And it also makes it justifiable to give the special regen to the defenders
Imagine if they gave tower defenders bonkers special charge and then put a weaker version of the salmon run cannons (kinda like crab shots) on the tower
I think there is a way to fix turf war competitive by adding a knockout. Add a map covered percentage display at the top and have the knockout occur if one team has 75 or 80% of the map painted for 20 seconds.
The Challenge mode is fun but wow the random weapons and gear Tower Control one they did this weekend is ridiculous. It’s just a fast KO for the team with the zookas / bomb / wail every time. Looking forward to the Splatling one much more
I'd like to point out a couple things about the Turf War clip at 1:15: For starters, when it displays "Purple Winning", Purple is actually not winning by much if at all. The first thing that gives this away is that the "danger" icon is not displayed, which indicates that a team is losing by over 10%, so we know this match is within 10%. Considering there's actually quite a lot of yellow ink in the middle, I would guess this match is actually within 3-5%. If a match is that close, then yes, it is absolutely going to come down to how well people do in the last few seconds. Much of the strategy for Turf War revolves around making sure to conserve specials and otherwise be prepared for those last few seconds to make sure you don't go down and thus lose the match the way the blue team did. Secondly, it's also Scorch, which is one of the swingiest maps because it's small and the spawn zone is too protected. On bigger maps it's at least harder to make this kind of swing and if you have a decent lead with 10-15 seconds left there's generally not enough time for them to take it back even if you wipe. Thirdly, on many maps, there is a strong defensive point for the enemy team past the middle of the map (ie, on the corners on Barnacle and Dime). If you do poorly enough that the enemy team can capture this, they have an advantage in future fights and you'll likely have to stockpile and burn a ton of resources to even have a chance to get out. So even though there is no "knockout" like there is in ranked, this still gives an advantage to a team that does well early on. The issue where even if one team is destroying the other we still have to wait 3 minutes to end the match kind of exists, but due to the fact that the other team could always break out and make a last second comeback does help prevent these situations from being too dull. I think this is somewhat of an improvement over some of the other modes, like Clam Blitz, where if the score is lopsided enough the match can basically be over even though it might not end for another minute and a half.
i think a funny way we can make tower less “attacking friendly” is creating a path for the tower specifically for going back to mid, the “retreat path” being shorter and more direct thsn the “attacking path” so stalling isnt as big of a problem
I think for turf war, from the last 60 seconds to the last 10 seconds, the respawn time should slowly decrease, until it reaches tacticooler speed at 10 seconds.
I still think that higher the special charge in tower control should only work for whoever is riding the tower this could even make some situations where if one person wants some extra charge they go and ride the tower for a bit to get more specials but now they're stuck on tower when they could be doing something else
Turf war: each team now has an objective near their spawn that they have to defend, inspired by the dye hard mobile game or that orb from girl power station, that the other team can shoot down to knock them out, and turn their ink into light gray. Splat Zones: fix map design, and add a feature where the countdown rate is dependent on how many players of the attacking team are standing on the zone, encouraging more skill for the attacking team, while providing more time for the losing team to make their way back to the zone, since players leaving mid to push into enemy territory will slow the countdown. Tower Control: Add a cannon to the tower to make riding the tower more fun, and start with a two minute base time while adding 30-45 seconds each time a checkpoint is passed. Also, when the final checkpoint is reached, the text should say “We/They are at the final checkpoint” instead of the “third” or “second” checkpoint depending on how many checkpoints the map has. Rainmaker: bring the rules from the test challenge, minus the triple shot mechanic, to the mode proper; as well as starting the match with a three minute base time limit, with a minute added when each team reaches a checkpoint. Clam Blitz: Force players to drop clams when super jumping.
Screw the regular tower control! Let’s just make it the turbine tower from side order! Would that solve anything? Probably not, but it would be kinda funny
Just make turf war ink-lock part of the map like that one shifty station map. That way its important to lock down your turf throughout the game, instead of a 10 sec blitz.
This is gonna sound insane, but imagine if S4 got a mode similar to PVZ GWs Turf Takeover (aka Gardens and Graveyards/Herbal Assault), where it takes place on a large, linear map filled with bases one team has to defend and the other has to take, one by one, ending with a massive final base thats a legitimate challenge to the attackers. Obviously, aint no way this would ever, EVER be competitive, but it was so fun in PVZ GW, and i think it could work in Splatoon.
A rework idea I have could be to have it be autonomous and you have to give it gas by filling an ink tank on it by shooting it. The opponents stop it by shooting it to drain the tank and fill it with their ink. Enemies stepping on the tower will stop it but it won't start traveling back until it either has no ink or enemy ink in it. His much ink it has is displayed in the ui for both teams to see. Also note this could be a base for another ranked mode if we don't want to overhaul tc this much.
I will say how i would rework turf war and make it more competitive. Before first minute: all the same At one minute: each team gets points on the map based on the area painted (as if the match ended there) At 2 minutes: hapoens again At 3 minuts: happens one last time and the area counts a little more (like 1.2 times its value) The team with more total paint points wins I think that would be a good start?
@@KIIROCORE you see, these creatures at the top right are named boogas. the wonderful prophet Nikolini (Deluxe) has spread the word of the boogas. they are glory
hear me out. what if in tower control, the player riding the tower could go into squid form to control the tower, the tower of course would still be on a rail, but imagine being able to have a bit of wiggle room where you could slightly slow down the tower or move it left or right to make a previously impossible jump possible? kinda similar to how octavios mech works in the final boss.
I had an idea for turf where a counter will go down if a team has like 60% of the map painted in their colour Starting from 100 and going to zero like in Splatzones. If the game ends and the counter isn't at zero, the team with the most paint will win like in regular turf war.
Maybe to rework power control they could have it so that you only need to be near the tower to make it move instead of being on it and being vulnerable and doing nothing which would be a massive upgrade from what we have right now
If turf war was changed to allow a knockout for a vast majority of the map being covered by one team would vastly improve the experience for casual and competitive players
ok hear me out for tower control. what if the tower functioned like the turrets from night waves in salmon run? the person riding the tower gets a powerful weapon at the downside of being an easy target and having no ink recharge. this makes pushing the tower fun, like having the rainmaker in splatoon 1. speaking of rainmaker should just work how it does in experimental mode. the riskier rewardier way it works there is just more fun
*edit 2:* so apparently i've come up with a rework and rename of Deathmatch: Fort Capture. the map has Mid as a fortress you must contest, conquer and defend/capture. it's like Splat Zone, but it's the capture of Mid, not painting a certain area in it. but let me guess, that idea is flawed.
Hey chara whenever I buy a new weapon or wana warm up before I go into competitive modes I like to play turf wars a but to get used to the controls and ready myself for more difficult play. How do you feel about that? Im only A+ rank and I want a professional opinion on it.
I have an idea to make tower control better, make it A/D where one team can push the cart and the other has to defend it, the red team can have a little set up time to ink the map.
I think we can all agree that splatoon 3 needs at least 1 new ranked mode
Yeah it has been over 3 years since that has happened lol
I want something more that turf for casual too
I don’t think we’re getting a fifth mode, they already added Challenges and I think that’s supposed to be the ‘replacement’ for a new mode.
@@joy-anneotto2458moyai painting objective. Good idea
I can acknowledge that the changes they made to clam blitz are positive. Still never want to play it in solo queue cuz it sends my blood pressure through the roof
I see so much brush cheese in Clams it ticks me off. If I'm playing something short range I can't keep up to the rolling brush that has solo scored twice already and it SHOULLDN'T be my place to be guarding basket. . .but here we are.
@@hallaloth3112bruh that's not even cheese that's just them having a good matchup and your team being unobservant
@@theghostcreator776that is a good point, the best counter I have found to brush cheese is observing where their brush is and how many clams they have - where thay are is pretty easy, even if you can't see them, it is pretty easy to figure our where they are by the paint on the map, and you can see how many clams they have up top. I can deal with it even as tent, a slow, short range weapon.
There is a great video by Squid School on CB defence, it really made me enjoy the mode a lot more, you should check it out, it might help a lot
I played clam blitz like twice and both times I was freaking out. Never again…
They called the rainmaker challenge a test fire.
I *really* hope that's a sign they're willing to change the base mode.
Unrelated, I approve of the use of dolphin shoals.
Yeah, Oliy's editing on this video is really good
This ProChara feature presentation is joined by a special guest: Booga.
(Literally screamed when i saw him, like it’s so cool that Nikolini and Chara are getting acquainted)
SAME! I literally went WHAT? BOOGA?! 😳
NIKO WINS‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣
I always enjoy when you review a subject you’ve covered in a Splatoon 2 video. I love seeing the comparison between the environment between both games! Keep up the good work!
I think they should rework tower control into that "move the 8-ball" mode that they were testing for Splatoon 2. Like instead of standing on the tower, you shoot it to push it, and the enemy team can push the tower back.
Typically payload modes in shooters tend to try to give an incentive to players to capture the objective even if they are playing selfishly as a reward for good play. In Team Fortress 2, that's accomplished by the fact that the cart has an indestructible level 1 dispenser attached to it, making it a constant stream of health and ammo in a game without natural health regen for eight out of nine classes (or six, if we count Sniper's Cozy Camper and Soldier's Concheror...). Overwatch acts similarly, the cart has a constant health aura for the attacking team, which makes them mora durable and is particularly enticing for DPS characters who can use that healing to top themselves up without needing to rely on a healer.
Splatoon's tower control *tries* to do this with the passive special advantage thing, but the issue comes from the fact that it's a full team buff, meaning the heavier incentive for aggressive players is to push up and let someone else sit on the tower so they get that buff to get more specials without leaving their aggressive positions. That said, I'm really not quire sure how to attempt to fix that. Health regen is universal in Splatoon 3, and I think increasing it for tower holders would cause more issues than it solves. Similarly, refilling your ink is something you can do pretty much anywhere at any time in Splatoon, unlike in TF2 where you need ammo boxes or dispensers to do it, and weapons like the Hydra Splatling and E-Litre having less downtime because they're on the tower could be very problematic. The only idea I really have is possibly making the special advantage more intense, but having it only apply to the riders, but that just sounds like a good way to get Splattershots camping the tower for optimal Zooka Spam.
Maybe something like give the special advantage to the defending team but give the team in control of the tower a wave breaker style effect, it doesn't do damage obviously but it will reveal where all enemy players near the tower are. As it gets closer to the base this effect becomes a lot less useful since its likely most teams will be in their base trying to stop the tower asap making it so the attacker's advantage lessens as they get close to a knockout but it makes it easier to defend right after getting the tower as it'll alert you to ambushes while still giving the defenders the special advantage so they can still put up a fight despite their location being known.
could try giving tower rider the effects of LDE
@@Light-11A damageless wavebreaker would be an amazing effect for the rider.
I like all modes in almost all stages (Brinewater). They're very fun to play.
It's only Splatzones where I only like it in very few stages.
Like Mahi-Mahi or Pumptrack (and me personally Mincemeat being changed)
Good thing kraken cheese got fixed.
We need a turf war variant to beef up the content and to spice up the bland mode.
I feel like turf war could just have some kind of team HP meter, if your team has both more than 40% of the map inked (so HP doesn't decrease right at the start) AND the difference in turf coverage is > some percent (like 2-5%) then the losing team HP drains over time. It would keep the game mode playing just as it does now, but also cause quick knockouts in the case of a snowballed game. Also maybe start with something like each team's spawn and drop from spawn already inked.
Add sprayers like in Tricolour Turf War, but they’re always present, turned off at the start and can change hands during the match. Also the knockout condition is holding all of them uncontested for 30s or so. Each one has its own beacon/signal that appears at different times, starting in the middle.
I think giving the tower rider a unique weapon like the Rainmaker would be cool! Something like turning the tower pole into a laser beam you can aim like Stingray (NOT going through terrain, that would be stupid, I mean really who would design a special that can laser the enemy in their spawn from your spawn am I right guys?) or giving you a mortar shot like Crab or Explo would be awesome! Basically a weaker SR/Singleplayer canon type deal.
I prefer the idea of giving the tower rider a supportive ability (like explo as you said) for assisting pushed up allies with turf control would be awesome. The turf you put down could even count towards your special, and then switch the passive special gain to losing team/enemy has tower. I don't think the tower rider should be given something like stingray simply because you usually have your backline or support ride the tower. Giving them something similar to what they already do, but stronger albeit in a radius around the tower, could be pretty cool.
4:56 I'm so glad somebody said it;
Honestly I feel like turf war is against slow weapons or weapons that struggle to fight. In turf war I'd say time and speed matters the most and kills matter so much more in turf since there's no objective to focus on. Every kill you get not only let's you push farther but severely hinders the enemy paint output and its so easy to spiral out of control with just a few kills. So when your mode depends mostly on kills then slow weapons really struggle.
seeing the splat 2 version was actually quite accurate and I stand by your opinions for that. I’m sure I’ll be agreeing with you here.
I think the ease of spawncamping in Turf War is largely a map problem; I believe maps that make that easily happen are fine in ranked modes, but should be either overhauled for Turf or banned form it.
Also, I heard the excellent suggestion of making Splat Zones less of a King-of-the-Hill mode and more of a traditional control-point mode; I imagine two or three zones spread out, with the latter in the style of S1 Moray Towers, and you score when you fully turfed more zones than the enemy turfed in their color. (e.g. the majority of 3 zones, or one of the 2 zones while the other is being contested). Helps incentivize moving forward on the map and should give the proper combat disadvantage from playing the objective like other modes have (the tower rider's position is restricted, the Rainmaker is weaker than any other weapon, you can't fight while throwing clams).
Since the Rainmaker holder can't superjump, the solutions to Clam Blitz cheese are as follows: make the Power Clam holder drop the football upon _starting_ the jump, and prevent any players from Super Jumping to a Kraken.
risk of rain 2 music in a prochara video? unexpected but very welcome
this video summarizes the splatoon 3 dev cycle really well. the developers are responding to community feedback on several problems and issues, but the rate at which they fix things needs to improve.
My idea for Tower is this. Do you remember those fan thingies from Anchovy Arcade? Put that as the way the tower is moved, and the only way to score points is to stand on the tower itself. There can be a set path or not, if there is then you just fire at the tower as much as you can and try to catch up to it while avoiding the opponent's fire, and if there isn't then there can be more strategy involved. Bada bing, bada boom, Tower Control is fixed.
Yeah! That would be fun, or mby an orb type thing from the octo expantion.
@@yuri_since_2021 Even Better!
Dude I got a great idea for TC rework:
Instead of standing on the tower, you shoot it, and the other team can push it back, kinda like how the rainmaker shield works. And the tower has a set path, but it has multiple routes you can take by pushing it in different directions.
So a better version of SO's tower objective? It's a bit like the rainmaker shield probelm, where fast weapons are insanely good, but if you tweak it so that shooters can push it out less than slower weapons like rollers, explo, bows, ect then it would be fun!
If you ask me, we already have a competitive version of Turf War: it’s Splat Zones. The goal of both is essentially just to paint the floor, but by limiting the relevant area to a specific zone(s) in the center of the map and adding a points countdown, it brings players closer to each, reduces spawn camping, offers more opportunities for coordination, and allows weapons that aren’t as good at painting to still contribute. I like all the ranked modes (except clams, but I just haven’t played it much), but Splat Zones is special to me because I feels like it carries the most unique Splatoon DNA. The other modes are pretty similar to common modes in other shooters (payload, super soldier), but the objective of Splat Zones and mostly the unique way you interact with it feels very original and like it carries the concept of Turf War into a competitive mode. In other words, I wish Nintendo would accept that Turf War is a casual game mode and focus more on Splat Zones in its place.
Dude I just have to call out the music here... Halo: Reach, AND Risk of Rain 2!? I never expected to hear those in a Splatoon video
Turf War probably got worse as a whole since people take that shit too seriously and the maps are the big problem
thank you prochara for inking the turf
Giving the rainmaker something like rocket jumping mechanics to reach new areas and use otherwise inaccessible paths like the tower occasionally lets happen could be a fun mechanic to enhance the power of the rainmaker and incentivize people to pick it up. It's more of a Splatoon 4 kind of thing though, maps would need to be designed pretty carefully with those paths in mind.
lol, careful map design.
No idea what Chara is talking about "Barnacle is a good zones map." It's easily one of the WORST since it's so easy to base lock the team the loses momentum first.
I like rainmaker. It and zones are ny fav mode. Clams is absolute hell in soloq. Tower is ok its kinda just there
I thought of a system to transform Turf War into a competitive mode, with a requirement for victory and defeat before time runs out and everything (remember, this mode would only be competitive, in casual the classic format would continue): Ultra Signal. However, unlike Tricolor, there would be a greater number of ultra signals per match, in addition, if you lose the ultra signal and the opposing team starts to activate it, the amount of charge you used is reduced. If one of the teams activates all the ultra signals they win, if this does not happen the tiebreaker criteria would be the painted area, however remembering the painted area of the ultra signal is included in this count.
For casual mode (and to make it more fun) there could be rotation of effects from challenger mode such as Foggy and super jump.
For Zones: All maps need have dual zones and they can even have a greater distance, this would be better in my opinion because it would force the team defending the zone to worry about two sides (in other words, they would have to have better coordination) in addition to making the match less stuck in a single point.
For Tower Control: Instead of forcing a team member to stay on top of the tower, turn it into a mini splat zone, if the top of the tower is 100% painted in one color it would walk towards the opponent's base, if not it would stop for a few seconds and it would come back. This would give more freedom to the one on top of the tower (he would still need to paint the tower but could leave if necessary) and would also make it easier for the defending side, because as you only need to paint the top of the tower for it to stop moving, you could just focus on that.
For Rainmaker and Clams i agree
Maybe giving the rainmaker three charges à la snipewriter would be a good compromise for its power alongside the rest of the modified rainmaker changes.
I think for Clam Blitz, super jumping with powerclams in general should just force you to drop them and pick them back up. That’s also what happens at the end of kraken.
That's actually a great idea especially because it doesn't add any new mechanics that would exist just to solve that one problem.
6:10 i wouldn't mind seeing a video on how you would change tower control
I’ve had this idea for a while, and I think it’s a pretty easy fix for Clam Blitz cheese: require the person who threw the clam to stay alive during the animations of the Power Clam breaking the barrier. If the person trying to break the barrier gets splatted, the Power Clam would simply drop off of the basket without breaking the barrier. This would still allow for the cheese strat with enough setup or if the enemy team leaves a huge hole in their defenses, but it also means that its relatively easy to shut down if done badly.
The other solution I see would be to just remove the ability to Super Jump with a Power Clam, but I like the first option better.
You can still cheese it by having the kraken repeatedly jump on the point where the teammate jumps. It repels both ink AND bombs without them exploding. Not only that, but the knockback to the kraken is lower while its jumping
@@Iciest_Ice I feel like that’s a problem with Kraken in of itself. It’s supposed to be an aggressive special, not a worse version of Ink Vac.
I think tower control could have gotten a permanent sprinkler on the top of it that shoots the ink of the team holding the tower.
This is the best suggestion I've seen for how to improve tower control-- doing this and making the special meter neutral (or perhaps have it slowly increase for the defending team after the tower passes the halfway point) and I think it could be more balanced.
An idea ive had for a new ranked mode is based on the tricolour ultra signals, I call it Signal Snatch.
essentially, across the map are 7 signals, one in both spawns areas (like tower ending zone or rainmaker goal) two in both "bases" (around where rainmaker checkpoints would be) and one in mid. You would score points by capturing each signal, the capturing time of the signals would need to be modified, and would also paint significantly less due to how many there are. A signal can be recaptured from an enemy team by shooting at it to break it, then recapturing it like normal. Every time you grab a signal, a chunk of points is added to your meter, and those points disappear if that signal is taken by the enemy. Some signals like the one in spawn might need to be auto-captured from the beginning to avoid time wasting at the start of the match just grabbing signals already in your base. The game would go into overtime if the losing team is in the middle of breaking/capturing a signal, or if both teams have the same amount of signals currently captured and you can KO if you grab every signal on the map, proving total map control. Some maps would definitely need to be modified for this, and smaller maps like umami, brine water and barnacle might even have only have 5 signals instead of 7(just like how they have 1 checkpoint rather than 2), but I really like this idea and I think it could work.
Idk how often this idea has been pitched but I’ll just say it: Give the Tower a weaker variant of the Ink Cannon so at least *SOMEONE* on the tower has something to do. And it also makes it justifiable to give the special regen to the defenders
Hell yeah bloons music
Imagine if they gave tower defenders bonkers special charge and then put a weaker version of the salmon run cannons (kinda like crab shots) on the tower
That's certainly one way to make riding the tower fun!
Would love rm to be 30-40 seconds timer at pickup. That def was very cool in the rm test challenge.
I think there is a way to fix turf war competitive by adding a knockout. Add a map covered percentage display at the top and have the knockout occur if one team has 75 or 80% of the map painted for 20 seconds.
Chara really loves the phrase "On top of that"
Splatoon should add flag wars I mean it isnt that complicated to win but it is to code
The Challenge mode is fun but wow the random weapons and gear Tower Control one they did this weekend is ridiculous. It’s just a fast KO for the team with the zookas / bomb / wail every time. Looking forward to the Splatling one much more
Well, they fixed kraken cheese!
2:17 BOOGA!!!
I'd like to point out a couple things about the Turf War clip at 1:15:
For starters, when it displays "Purple Winning", Purple is actually not winning by much if at all. The first thing that gives this away is that the "danger" icon is not displayed, which indicates that a team is losing by over 10%, so we know this match is within 10%. Considering there's actually quite a lot of yellow ink in the middle, I would guess this match is actually within 3-5%. If a match is that close, then yes, it is absolutely going to come down to how well people do in the last few seconds. Much of the strategy for Turf War revolves around making sure to conserve specials and otherwise be prepared for those last few seconds to make sure you don't go down and thus lose the match the way the blue team did.
Secondly, it's also Scorch, which is one of the swingiest maps because it's small and the spawn zone is too protected. On bigger maps it's at least harder to make this kind of swing and if you have a decent lead with 10-15 seconds left there's generally not enough time for them to take it back even if you wipe.
Thirdly, on many maps, there is a strong defensive point for the enemy team past the middle of the map (ie, on the corners on Barnacle and Dime). If you do poorly enough that the enemy team can capture this, they have an advantage in future fights and you'll likely have to stockpile and burn a ton of resources to even have a chance to get out. So even though there is no "knockout" like there is in ranked, this still gives an advantage to a team that does well early on.
The issue where even if one team is destroying the other we still have to wait 3 minutes to end the match kind of exists, but due to the fact that the other team could always break out and make a last second comeback does help prevent these situations from being too dull. I think this is somewhat of an improvement over some of the other modes, like Clam Blitz, where if the score is lopsided enough the match can basically be over even though it might not end for another minute and a half.
i think a funny way we can make tower less “attacking friendly” is creating a path for the tower specifically for going back to mid, the “retreat path” being shorter and more direct thsn the “attacking path” so stalling isnt as big of a problem
I think for turf war, from the last 60 seconds to the last 10 seconds, the respawn time should slowly decrease, until it reaches tacticooler speed at 10 seconds.
I like that idea, kind of like MOBA respawns work. But I also think you should KO if your team can paint 75% of the map
I still think that higher the special charge in tower control should only work for whoever is riding the tower this could even make some situations where if one person wants some extra charge they go and ride the tower for a bit to get more specials but now they're stuck on tower when they could be doing something else
Totally agree with turf war!! You can just win in last 10 seconds.
what if you replaced the tower with one of those cannons you get for Cohock Charge (the salmon run wave)
2:18 certified booga moment
Turf war: each team now has an objective near their spawn that they have to defend, inspired by the dye hard mobile game or that orb from girl power station, that the other team can shoot down to knock them out, and turn their ink into light gray.
Splat Zones: fix map design, and add a feature where the countdown rate is dependent on how many players of the attacking team are standing on the zone, encouraging more skill for the attacking team, while providing more time for the losing team to make their way back to the zone, since players leaving mid to push into enemy territory will slow the countdown.
Tower Control: Add a cannon to the tower to make riding the tower more fun, and start with a two minute base time while adding 30-45 seconds each time a checkpoint is passed. Also, when the final checkpoint is reached, the text should say “We/They are at the final checkpoint” instead of the “third” or “second” checkpoint depending on how many checkpoints the map has.
Rainmaker: bring the rules from the test challenge, minus the triple shot mechanic, to the mode proper; as well as starting the match with a three minute base time limit, with a minute added when each team reaches a checkpoint.
Clam Blitz: Force players to drop clams when super jumping.
Screw the regular tower control! Let’s just make it the turbine tower from side order!
Would that solve anything? Probably not, but it would be kinda funny
Why did I read the title as “How many gods are there in Splatoon?” 🤣
maybe something like shooting the tower while youre standing on it makes it go quicker so you wanna stand on it and actually do something with it
yooooo the btd5 music?? do you play bloons too
Just make turf war ink-lock part of the map like that one shifty station map. That way its important to lock down your turf throughout the game, instead of a 10 sec blitz.
This is gonna sound insane, but imagine if S4 got a mode similar to PVZ GWs Turf Takeover (aka Gardens and Graveyards/Herbal Assault), where it takes place on a large, linear map filled with bases one team has to defend and the other has to take, one by one, ending with a massive final base thats a legitimate challenge to the attackers. Obviously, aint no way this would ever, EVER be competitive, but it was so fun in PVZ GW, and i think it could work in Splatoon.
I really hope we get a new mode. Maybe a new casual mode, other than turf.
Video 212 of commenting on Chara videos till undercover gets fixed
Comment 24 of replying to magic3734’s comments until a new stringer gets added [not a new kit but a new main weapon]
Nobody gonna mention the bloons music playing in the background?
i think having to go into squid mode and "control" the tower would make it more fun
A rework idea I have could be to have it be autonomous and you have to give it gas by filling an ink tank on it by shooting it. The opponents stop it by shooting it to drain the tank and fill it with their ink. Enemies stepping on the tower will stop it but it won't start traveling back until it either has no ink or enemy ink in it.
His much ink it has is displayed in the ui for both teams to see.
Also note this could be a base for another ranked mode if we don't want to overhaul tc this much.
I will say how i would rework turf war and make it more competitive.
Before first minute: all the same
At one minute: each team gets points on the map based on the area painted (as if the match ended there)
At 2 minutes: hapoens again
At 3 minuts: happens one last time and the area counts a little more (like 1.2 times its value)
The team with more total paint points wins
I think that would be a good start?
Risk of rain music spotted
And bloons music too? They cooked with these background songs fr
2:18 BOOGA
according to google translate this says “women”
you see, these creatures at the top right are named boogas. the wonderful prophet Nikolini (Deluxe) has spread the word of the boogas. they are glory
hear me out. what if in tower control, the player riding the tower could go into squid form to control the tower, the tower of course would still be on a rail, but imagine being able to have a bit of wiggle room where you could slightly slow down the tower or move it left or right to make a previously impossible jump possible? kinda similar to how octavios mech works in the final boss.
Tower control doesn't do what literally every other payload game mode in every other game does; only having to be near the payload
What if for Kraken cheese they made jumping to a kraken lower how many clams you have when you land, depending on your distance from the kraken.
I think it would be fun if standing on the tower in TC gave you some sort of buff, like with holding the rainmaker in the challenge.
I had an idea for turf where a counter will go down if a team has like 60% of the map painted in their colour
Starting from 100 and going to zero like in Splatzones.
If the game ends and the counter isn't at zero, the team with the most paint will win like in regular turf war.
Maybe to rework power control they could have it so that you only need to be near the tower to make it move instead of being on it and being vulnerable and doing nothing which would be a massive upgrade from what we have right now
Imagine the stalling for tower tho 💀
swimming on the side of the tower facing away from the enemy so they literally just can't hit me without a blaster or insane falloff
If turf war was changed to allow a knockout for a vast majority of the map being covered by one team would vastly improve the experience for casual and competitive players
a way they could improve tower control is give the tower rider sub power up, so that at least they can contribute by throwing their subs farther
Splatoon battle royale would be interesting to see haha
ok hear me out for tower control. what if the tower functioned like the turrets from night waves in salmon run? the person riding the tower gets a powerful weapon at the downside of being an easy target and having no ink recharge. this makes pushing the tower fun, like having the rainmaker in splatoon 1. speaking of rainmaker should just work how it does in experimental mode. the riskier rewardier way it works there is just more fun
*edit 2:* so apparently i've come up with a rework and rename of Deathmatch: Fort Capture.
the map has Mid as a fortress you must contest, conquer and defend/capture.
it's like Splat Zone, but it's the capture of Mid, not painting a certain area in it.
but let me guess, that idea is flawed.
This felt like a 2021 chara video 🤩
I had no idea passive special charge tied to match state was a thing...
Okami music? oliytc the goat fr
I kinda think that adding a mode where the primary objective would be to get kills, similar to other shooter games, would be nice.
Hey chara whenever I buy a new weapon or wana warm up before I go into competitive modes I like to play turf wars a but to get used to the controls and ready myself for more difficult play. How do you feel about that? Im only A+ rank and I want a professional opinion on it.
For a rework of tower make it so that staying in the tepee for x amount of time give the one on the tower cooler. Then flip the special advantage
I love riding the tower lol. It's like my fave thing to do
ah i see you've never encountered a blaster main before
@@PrunselClone me, who has started using Rapid Deco and SBlast 91:👀
BOOOOOOGAAAAAAA (Nik- I mean autobomb arthur)
I hardly ever get to play with a team/friends so its never coordinated, but clam blitz is still my favorite mode
I have an idea to make tower control better, make it A/D where one team can push the cart and the other has to defend it, the red team can have a little set up time to ink the map.
oops that’s just tf2
Rainmaker: fish rugby.