After Therapy Ends

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @alicja.24
    @alicja.24 7 лет назад +44

    I've struggled with really bad anxiety where I locked myself at home and was paralysed by my fears which were caused by trauma I didnt even realize I had before therapy and as far as meds can help, the most important bit in overcoming anxiety is definitely therapy and a lot of motivation to get better which can be hard but its not impossible. I cant remember last time I had a panic attack and I feel you so much about the bit where you still have these thoughts but your brain automatically deals with them and GOD DAMN IT I dont think there's a better feeling than overcoming anxiety🤘🏻to everyone struggling with anxiety it will get better I promise no matter how bad it is and Im a living example, just keep on going 🌷🌷🌸

    • @alinenowak5332
      @alinenowak5332 7 лет назад +2

      hey there! we share both a similar story and similar names ;)

    • @alicja.24
      @alicja.24 7 лет назад +3

      Aline Nowak ahahah thats acc so cool😂❤️

    • @cinistr
      @cinistr 7 лет назад +1

      thank you, i hope it gets better

    • @alicja.24
      @alicja.24 7 лет назад

      Cinthia • it will for sure, anxiety is tricky but realistically the only thing stopping you from doing what you want is yourself🌸

  • @JenEFur
    @JenEFur 7 лет назад +3

    Hey Katrin, thanks for making that video :) I´m a psychotherapist and i see people struggling to feel "like a nutcase" when they are starting therapy. It´s totally okay to ask for help, there are things you cannot change or see on your own, everyone has blind spots.Sorry to hear that you only got to have 6 sessions, that´s nothing....Normally if i am leaving an office, get pregnant or sick i would totally transfer my patients to someone else. It´s not something you should do on a regular base but you need to look out for your clients. But it´s awesome that you still learned so much and are feeling better :)

  • @annaethel4284
    @annaethel4284 7 лет назад +1

    So glad to see you getting better during these 8 months dealing with all of this anxiety!Keep being an amazing inspiration!

  • @ernanijunior7963
    @ernanijunior7963 7 лет назад +3

    Wonderful testimony, Kat. You are helping a lot of people who are struggling right now with similar issues. I'm very happy to listen from you that the results are great and effective. Obviously, we don't know you in total, nobody does, only you, but we see you are in great shape, happy doing what you do, with that brilliance in the eyes.

  • @kuncia69
    @kuncia69 7 лет назад +1

    I'm struggling with severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks since for about 15 years. I'm on medications for 2 years now. I was going to therapy last year for 3 months, and it helped me a lot. But for 2 months now I have strong regression and I'm thinking about going back to therapy, but it's hard for my brain to process this need of help, because it feels like I failed to learn from previous therapy. It's like I failed myself because I'm taking meds, and I had therapy, and I'm still destroying myself. So yeah... mental health issues for days... But seeing you learn from your therapy, and watching those videos keeps me going in hope to learn myself to cope with it :)

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +3

      I know my words don't hold any weight compared to your depression and anxiety, BUT I want to say that going to therapy is NOT failing. It's winning. You're making the absolute best decision for yourself and your life. And I am 100% prepared to have to go back to therapy in the future when new things come at me that I can't handle by myself. That's just what life is. Going to therapy is not a "cure me for life" solution, so don't think of it that way. x

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +4

      Also, no one would ever feel like a failure for taking medication for a cold or a virus or whatever. This is the same. You need some help with the chemical imbalance and that's perfectly okay!

    • @kuncia69
      @kuncia69 7 лет назад

      Thank you for kind words :) Every day for me is a different challenge, and messages like that are like turbo boost :D

  • @melaoh1054
    @melaoh1054 7 лет назад

    I love that you are open enough to speak about this.. People need to realize that there's nothing wrong with asking for help/see a therapist. Somehow it feels as if it's still frowned upon (as if you're a _total_ psycho), which is sad.

  • @GeorgieGirl1012
    @GeorgieGirl1012 7 лет назад

    So happy you have been able to apply the tools you were taught to make your life easier. I am close to people who have been through it and I have gone through it with them, it is very hard to see someone you love or anyone go through what you describe without a definition or a way to help themselves. Also as I see many comment that "it doesn't work", as you can speak from that, there is not a "magic pill" or a bandage, even those who take medication still must work hard for themselves and utilize what they are taught in therapy and apply it to their lives. Everyone is different and every process is different and if someone is having trouble having a comfortable relationship with the doctor it is necessary that they say so and find one that they are comfortable with because this is also key to things working well but also they have to try to help themselves and allow themselves to go through the process and not be so judgmental or jumpy to conclusions. Glad things are working for you, such a great and very honest video and it is helpful for many to know that mental health is not a shameful thing to speak up about.

  • @kithill6817
    @kithill6817 7 лет назад +6

    professionally speaking, cognitive behavioral therapy should be short-term, perhaps twelve to sixteen weeks. CBT gives you the tools to help you on your own. Follow-up sessions can be scheduled. CBT is training how to think differently. I am so glad that you were involved in CBT, the process with homework gives people a way to help themselves and be independent.

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +2

      Yep they said about 12 weeks, even though I only got 6. And I did indeed get homework and stuff like that. :)

  • @FateandAndrea
    @FateandAndrea 7 лет назад

    Therapy has done wonders for my anxiety as well. It's the depression part I still need more help with, but I'm working on that too :) I'm proud of you!

  • @darceybaxter1626
    @darceybaxter1626 7 лет назад +1

    I finished therapy today so it's so super crazy that you uploaded this video!

  • @franm2167
    @franm2167 7 лет назад +1

    I did CBT and therapy for over a year too and I'm actually so impressed at how well you've taken it on, it's a long process and I'm still trying to think myself through attacks but easier said of course haha x

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +4

      Well without "undermining" my feelings, they were not so severe and they were relatively easy to think my way out of once I had the right tools to do so. I have a lot of respect for people struggling with this with much more severe emotions that are more difficult to work though! x

  • @EmoAxelLover
    @EmoAxelLover 7 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing this information and your story with us. My comment ended up being extremely long, but I felt so compelled to share.
    In 2015, I remembered childhood sexual trauma that I had repressed for most of my life. Like some others who have commented, my anxiety became so bad that I nearly never left the house. I was suffering from an eating disorder that got worse and worse, and my agoraphobia developed pretty rapidly. I moved to another city (almost trying to force myself into a "normal" life again) and unfortunately, I fell apart even more without my usual support system. I ended up needing to be hospitalized because my trauma felt like it was too much to handle. I was extremely depressed and suicidal. I would have panic attacks where I would hyperventilate uncontrollably for up to seven hours at a time... which wiped me out for AT LEAST a day, if not more. I was unable to make it to work and was pressured by my boss to quit (because I think she knew she couldn't legally fire me for missing work because of medical reasons...)
    But for me, being hospitalized saved my life. I live in America, and I visited the hospital four times in two weeks, telling nurses and doctors that I was suicidal and could NOT physically take care of myself any longer. Unfortunately, all of the psychiatric beds in my state were filled. There wasn't a single open space in any of the hospitals in my state. Mental health is such a big fucking issue globally, and it feels like especially in the states. It was appalling to spend half the day in the E.R., only to be ultimately turned away... Once, I was even given alprazolam (aka xanax) and told to feel better on my way out.
    The last time I visited the hospital, they finally admitted me. There still wasn't even enough space though. What I ended up doing was a "partial hospitalization", commonly known as "PHP" here. This meant that I was receiving almost the same treatment as if I were staying in the psychiatric ward, but I went home to my own bed to sleep, essentially. We had a structured day that went like so: arrival, check in, group therapy, a lesson, lunch, and group therapy to end the day again. What saved my life, to this day, was finding other people who were just like me.
    People who were functional adults, making ends meet, and appeared pretty much "fine" on the outside... but were battling something life threatening on the inside. Experiencing sympathy and empathy like I never had before gave me a new sense of purpose. We focused on things like gratitude, went over the CBT models, and also discussed "DBT", dialectal behavioral therapy. DBT was constructed in my state actually (Seattle, Washington) and has been proven to cut self harm/suicide ideation rates almost by HALF in adolescents and adults. I truly feel it is the therapy of the future, haha.
    I wanted to say thank you for making videos about mental health when even now, it is still considered taboo. Connection with people who are going through similar things is what saved my life. Realizing that I wasn't alone in the slightest. Your kindness and wealth of information has helped a ton too, and I'm not the only one.

  • @lidiareyes4970
    @lidiareyes4970 7 лет назад

    Totally agree, I went to therapy as well, and without I just do not know if I could go thought for all the things I have lived since the time I move out from my home country. Therapy is one of the things that people can do in order to help themselves and, actually it just make you a better person.

  • @BreakfastAndFallout
    @BreakfastAndFallout 7 лет назад +2

    I like that you started by going to a psycologist and you didn't start with medicines from the start. This is normal to feel stressed sometimes and even stong people can be worreid. There is not any need in pills if you are not going completely mad, antidepressive medicines are very strong and serious sometimes. Very nice decition and thank you for sharing!

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +12

      Well for me medication was never an option 'cause it was not necessary. Simple as that. But for a lot of people medication is what they need to finally be able to go to a therapist to start dealing with the issues they have. So I don't think we should be adding unnecessary stigma to antidepressants and other medications. :)

    • @boneapaaart5934
      @boneapaaart5934 7 лет назад

      Katrin, bravo for this comment.
      Anastasia, mad and madness as a term does not exist, it is invented, it does not exist in medical dictionaries or encyclopedias, there is not such thing as clinical madness...

    • @BreakfastAndFallout
      @BreakfastAndFallout 7 лет назад

      I think you know what I meant, I mean there are film that are called 'Psyco' and there is not any illness that is called 'Psyco' but it does not mean that this is a bad film that discriminates someone. Stop being so sensitive, I just wanted to say thank you to a person that actually shows that the most important solution in these situations is going to a psycologist to heal the pain and medicines are would not solve anything on themselves. It is much more important to get your shit together in your own mind too.

    • @boneapaaart5934
      @boneapaaart5934 7 лет назад +1

      Who wants to take pills? Noone. But sometimes the problem is chemical, because we humans are chemistry... and pills are needed to balance things in our brian. Also, pills, if you are completely puzzled and confused... in a big crisis... help you clean your thought and take the decisions you need to take to solve the problems that cause the symptoms.

    • @BreakfastAndFallout
      @BreakfastAndFallout 7 лет назад

      I competely agree with you but let me explain... Taking relaxing pills without willing to get better and working on blocking out dangerous situations, behaviors and responces is like taking antibiotics for sore throat continuing to dress too lightly when it is windy and drinking cold beer when going out without any jacket. Yes, it helps but it is only a part of what has to be done. And it will not get better without working with a psycologist.

  • @azraahussain2745
    @azraahussain2745 7 лет назад +1

    I remember when you first started therapy you did a live stream (i think it was after your first session) and you said that it had been something that had slowly been building up and accumulating over a long period of time.
    That really resonates with me because at the time I had been seeing two people, my school counsellor and a psychologist outside of school. I was doing weekly sessions with my school counsellor and I did four CBT sessions with the psychologist before stopping.
    To be honest with you, I don't think that stopping CBT was my best option, I just didn't like the psychologist I was seeing and I found it very hard to relate to her, which mean that I couldn't really put my trust into her. I know a lot of people prefer not to have that kind of relationship with someone they are asking for help from but I'm currently only seeing my school counsellor and we're really close on a level that I tell her things I can't and wouldn't just tell anyone who I didn't 100% trust.
    As a whole, I think my anxiety has improved over the past year but I'll admit the change into year 11 really messed it up for me. In terms of my depression, I don't really know what's going on. I'm way too busy with school work to have the time to be down but it's always there.
    Anyways, I don't even know if that made sense but this was really enlightening video Katrin! I really think you've benefitted from CBT and that's amazing! xx

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +4

      It's important to remember that your relationship with your therapist IS very important and you can impossibly click with everyone. So it's not weird at all that you chose to end it because of who you were seeing. But maybe give it another go with another therapist if you think it could be beneficial to your situation! xx

  • @santanagoff4807
    @santanagoff4807 7 лет назад +1

    oh wow thank goodness i wasn't the only one... i just found my therapy threw writing music, let out all my thoughts and emotions *thanks for sharing*

  • @jesswarsh
    @jesswarsh 7 лет назад

    Hey Katrin - thanks for posting this video and a further thanks for shedding more light on therapy and CBT training. When I was around 21/22 I went to the exact same kind of therapy and it was instrumental in understanding my anxiety. I find it so funny how few people will ask for help about mental health, when asking for physical help is so common. Thanks again, and take care

  • @OBearry
    @OBearry 6 лет назад

    Tack för en till bra video om terapi och hur det har hjälpt dig! Du förklarar så bra hur kbt funkar och jag hoppas många förstår att det inte är meningen att vi ska gå runt med negativ självbild, oro eller ångest hela dagarna. Tjo!

  • @nathanjs4207
    @nathanjs4207 7 лет назад

    Getting help changed my life too. Thank you for making such an inspiring video!

  • @mayatopperwien5479
    @mayatopperwien5479 7 лет назад

    Thank you for this. I spent two months in a clinic because I have depression and was very suicidal. I'm going to leave on Tuesday, so you posted this at the exact time pretty much, because I'm very scared of what comes

  • @ambassadorvarg2167
    @ambassadorvarg2167 7 лет назад

    I have been in therapy for 4 years now. I was crippled by anorexia and severe anxiety (anorexia is just a way for sufferers to gain a sense of control in a very crappy scary world). I didn't have a lot of family support to get help, but my moment of "I have got to get help" was reading a People Magazine. There was a section discussing new books coming out and one was from a national news reporter that wrote about her struggle with her eating disorder and her finally getting help. The statement that has stuck with me to this day was her stating "I can eat a piece of cheese and not feel one ounce of guilt when doing so". I just broke down in tears. I wanted so badly to not have such guilt about what I was "allowed" to eat, how much I was "allowed" to eat, how many calories I say I could have etc; I was so tired of my day revolving around food and controlling (false control) what I allowed myself to have, always being hungry and the horrible guilt and self loathing for eating more than I should or I ate a "forbidden" food. The insanity of having to work out everyday for hours regardless of how weak or sick I was. I called for help the next day. It has saved my life, literally. I am in such a better frame of mind and have such a great feeling of self worth and value to society that I have never really had coming from an abusive home, abusive boyfriend, and then getting cancer and another long term painful chronic illness. I will always go to therapy even if it is just once a month to get my "head straight" but weekly sessions are what keep my feet on the right path. So glad you realized you needed help and reached out and sought it. And even more amazing that you shared this. You are helping so many lives, even saving some. Happiness is obtainable and can last. And it gets easier when we realize it is okay if not everyone likes us or that a friendship ends. That is life, change happens good or bad. It doesn't have to be devastating to our self esteem. Does it hurt? Yes it does but we learn from it and move on. I had a friend for over a decade that I helped raise her first daughter as she was a single mom and helped her when she married, had twins and a two year old. I did so much for her and not even now do I expect anything back for it or regret all that I invested in her and her family. But when I got sick with cancer and Rheumatoid arthritis. Boom gone. Barely hear or see from her ever. It hurts.

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +2

      +Deirdre O'Bryan I'm very happy that you got help and started the journey towards recovery! well done. ❤

  • @asaide7357
    @asaide7357 7 лет назад

    I'm so happy you feel better now, your first video about therapy made me so sad. I think you're a great person, you're actually my favorite person on the internet, and seeing you so angry and so shitty about yourself was sad. Well I don't know you, so maybe if I did I would hate your guts but I honestly doubt that cause we're pretty similar personality-wise. I'm aware saying you're a great person will not change your point of view and magically make you happy, but I'm really glad you're working on it and therapy helped you, cause you do deserve to be happy

  • @benriddelluk
    @benriddelluk 7 лет назад +4

    I'd just like to say, thank you for this

  • @mialuise9436
    @mialuise9436 7 лет назад

    i'm so glad you're feeling better now

  • @NiceNailArtsBlog
    @NiceNailArtsBlog 7 лет назад

    Good that you are talking about things like this! And good to hear that you control your feelings now!

  • @daniashton3551
    @daniashton3551 7 лет назад +2

    So honest and brave 💛 love your videos. You are such a breath of fresh air xx

  • @spliceyyyy
    @spliceyyyy 7 лет назад

    This is so important! Thank you so much, Katrin, for sharing your experience! It is really hard to take a step towards therapy, but when you have a friend or someone you care about can set an example for you really helps. Thank you again! ❤️ xoxo

  • @charlottekramer2786
    @charlottekramer2786 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much for this video and your other one about therapy! I've been going to therapy for a month now and and hearing your experience and how it helped you is really inspirational and motivational for me! :)

  • @charleelooo
    @charleelooo 7 лет назад

    Sending LOVE gurlll! Ive been through therapy and feel better still have down days but more good days. Stay strong x

  • @itzellavin1033
    @itzellavin1033 7 лет назад

    Simply, thank you; For being willing to speak about your journey. This allows others to stop stigmatizing therapy and may even encourage others to seek help! :)

  • @007Hurst
    @007Hurst 7 лет назад

    Life is a gift & today is the present thanks for the share glad your feeling better

  • @scarletmermaid7969
    @scarletmermaid7969 7 лет назад

    Thanks so much for sharing this! As a person who struggles with anxiety, I find this video really helpful and motivating! :)

  • @janiahoi
    @janiahoi 7 лет назад

    I'm so happy for you that the therapy changed your life :) Ihm excited for the personal week!

  • @savvy2892
    @savvy2892 7 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing Kat! I've been contemplating therapy for quite a while now so it's great to see you receive so much from it.

  • @Ssaarraa999
    @Ssaarraa999 7 лет назад

    Omg I had like the exact same experience. I'm glad you're feeling better now!

  • @tritonol
    @tritonol 7 лет назад

    We all Do, Im Glad you feel better Make your Purpose counts

  • @mialuise9436
    @mialuise9436 7 лет назад +1

    that was so enjoyable just like all of your videos, i am thinking about maybe going to therapy as well

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +5

      Awesome! I think everyone would benefit from it in life!

  • @69nisab
    @69nisab 7 лет назад

    Really positive message on this video. CBt seems to have worked well for you. Over here (England) we have it but there is often a long waiting list to access this treatment.

  • @healthyholemealbread
    @healthyholemealbread 7 лет назад

    Wow! Is that your new office?! What a transformation

  • @lauriecda
    @lauriecda 7 лет назад

    i really needed this today...thank you.

  • @WhiteRapunzel
    @WhiteRapunzel 6 лет назад

    Thankyou. Ive been so nervous to start therapy but i really want to try soon...

  • @p16-c5z
    @p16-c5z 7 лет назад +1

    thanks a lot for sharing this!!

  • @kittima3218
    @kittima3218 7 лет назад

    Thank you sooooo much for sharing. It will help more people than you know. 🌻

  • @dannimccready6247
    @dannimccready6247 7 лет назад

    fantastic video Kat! Everything you've said is how I feel. I went for help alot; psychologists and GP's yet I haven't had proper help whatsoever...! I'm self conscious because of my disability plus my college tutor made fun of me because of it. I'm trying so hard to get out again and to go back to college but my anxiety attacks are stopping me

  • @DecxmberDxrnell.
    @DecxmberDxrnell. 7 лет назад

    I know the feelings you described in the beginning of the video. It's exactly how I feel everyday of the week so far. I don't know what to do, I thought I was just physically ill or something. I tried a food-based therapist before and of course they didn't help at all. I have anxiety, BPD and PTSD as well as all the attacks to go with them. They've gotten so bad that it's become a general heart and possible lung problem. I don't know what to do as therapy didn't seem to work last time. I've ended up in hospital too many times now and to be honest I'm stuck with what to do.
    I need some advice.

  • @belerinah
    @belerinah 7 лет назад

    This video is amazingly made. Bravo !

  • @ewa6717
    @ewa6717 7 лет назад +9

    I'd go to a therapy if i had money. I struggle with anxiety and neurosis, I keep thinking and worrying about absurd crap and I can't stop it. I'd do something in my free time because I often feel bored (and that makes my anxiety even worse) but I keep avoiding doing anything because of the fear of change... I feel I'm seriously twisted but I don't know where to seek help and how to get motivated and how to find funds for that.

    • @ewa6717
      @ewa6717 7 лет назад

      It pisses me off enormously. I feel I need serious help meditation helps some people but it may be the additional therapy but not the main way to fight anxiety and overwhelming emotions... I know you want to help but please educate yourself, meditation as a single treatment is just as effective as vitamin C for cancer.

    • @lisiledbetter8220
      @lisiledbetter8220 7 лет назад

      it's definitely a financial burden, I had to take up two extra jobs to afford therapy, but it seems like you're at loss for other options. can only say, I've never regretted spending all that money. stop looking for excuses and start looking for solutions! YOU have to make it happen!

  • @alannahfehring3538
    @alannahfehring3538 7 лет назад +1

    thank you for sharing!

  • @urskaegart8957
    @urskaegart8957 7 лет назад

    Hey 😊 You should do video with Sonny about how your anxiety affect him if it does since you live together. I love both of your videos so much. 🙉 You are such an inspiration! Greetings from Slovenia!

    • @urskaegart8957
      @urskaegart8957 7 лет назад

      It think it would be interesting to hear how does your anxiety effect him since he is your better half and he cares about you.

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +1

      +insomnia xoxo since my anxiety had a lot to do with our relationship I feel like that part is private and I probably won't make a video on that particular subject. :)

  • @Julia-gr7rh
    @Julia-gr7rh 7 лет назад

    thank you so much for this I'm going to start looking into CBT in my area. I had no clue what to do my mental state has been so horrible for I can't tell you how many months now. I'm so miserable and I'm past the point of feeling like I can fix it but I had no clue where to start. I really don't want to be medicated because I didn't think that would help especially since my doctor is script happy and doesn't know how to get to the bottom of any problem. i didn't even know about this therapy or anything that could help me with my severe anxiety and depression so thank you thank you!! 💕

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад

      +Julia Crampsie sounds like you're feeling a lot like I did! Look into it! xx

  • @seiphrel081310
    @seiphrel081310 7 лет назад

    I admire you. Though I didn't know you. I believe you're beautiful inside and out🌷

  • @highwayyunicorn
    @highwayyunicorn 7 лет назад

    Thank you for this video - I sometimes get very bad anxiety but I never went to se à therapist because it is not very often (it can be weeks or à month where I feel like this and other times I feel like I can handle things and I don't need help) You made me think about seeing someone about this and learning how to handle my irrational thoughts I get sometimes - thank you very much ! (Sorry for misspelled words - french autocorrect !)

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +2

      You should!! Doesn't matter if it doesn't happen so often. Just having bad feelings is reason enough to go to talk to someone so you can get help to get rid of those bad feelings or learn how to handle them. :)

    • @highwayyunicorn
      @highwayyunicorn 7 лет назад

      You are right ! Thank you very much ! Btw I love your videos and I also am glad you feel better about things now :)

  • @maayans.181
    @maayans.181 7 лет назад

    I feel exactly like you described except the fact that I'm not working so it's like that all the time but I'm afraid to go to therapy 😒

  • @petrichxr1711
    @petrichxr1711 7 лет назад +2

    swedish mental health protocol is so good here in Spain you have to pay a fucking fortune for a psychological therapy it really sucks

  • @BeYourself3003
    @BeYourself3003 7 лет назад +2

    You're wonderful ♥

  • @ronja3469
    @ronja3469 7 лет назад

    I have been wanting for some time now to contact a therapist, but I know how hard it is in Germany and apparently especially in my city to find a therapist that has actually time for you, so I have been procrastinating to call someone for over two months now :-D

    • @pandaevee
      @pandaevee 7 лет назад

      Ron Ja hey ich bin aus deutschland und hab 2015 auch jemanden gesucht und weil ich da echt viele pro tag angerufen hab, hatte ich auch mega glück schon nach 1 monat jemanden zu haben :) einfach loslegen und nicht aufgeben!! viel erfolg - ES IST ES MEGA WERT!! :)

  • @sullieskye
    @sullieskye 7 лет назад

    i had an adult coloring book. i havent used it in a while though

  • @angies8527
    @angies8527 7 лет назад +5

    I am glad that more and more RUclipsrs start to talk about mental health issues and anxiety. It's important to inform others who don't have these issues how it feels like to have them and it helps people with issues to be less scared of therapy/therapists etc. :)

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +8

      I asked for help because one of my favorite RUclipsrs spoke so openly about her situation and experience. So yes, it is very important and helpful!

  • @TheYasill
    @TheYasill 7 лет назад

    Early bird! Hello Katrrrrrrrrin!!!!!

  • @אנינערהפרחהבלונדינית

    I had to do that 2 times but i think it's stupid. he was nice but only wants to draw and talk about recycling. How does that help people feel better?

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +17

      If you have a negative attitude towards it then it will not help you. Therapy will only help you when you let it, and reaching that point might take a while.

    • @אנינערהפרחהבלונדינית
      @אנינערהפרחהבלונדינית 7 лет назад +1

      I don't need it. Probably I never did and that's why. It's just for when my sister died everybody has to go only my #2 and #3 brother are not allowed because my mom think it will look bad for the military. So I won't go again because I don't need it and it will maybe come back and bite me later.

    • @KelseyEliz
      @KelseyEliz 7 лет назад +7

      your mind has to be open to therapy and realizing you need it for it to work, otherwise it's a waste of time

    • @vanillebille737
      @vanillebille737 7 лет назад +1

      Maybe this therapist just doesnt fit your needs. If He/she cant help you im quite sure that another therapist could. When you find the Right one (and you are openminded towards the therapy) you'll Feel the difference.
      Best wishes

  • @shaunOG91
    @shaunOG91 7 лет назад

    Great video, Katrin, and a very important, too, in my opinion. I've been struggling with depression, anxiety and panic attacks for quite a long time but haven't found the strength (I guess?) to seek professional help yet. I'm still building the courage to do so. Seeing that it helped you significantly is very encouraging, though. Thank you for sharing your story, you're amazing. Take care!
    All the love

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +3

      Take your time! But know that there's nothing shameful or bad about asking for help! :D It's the best thing you can do in your situation. You don't have to deal with this by yourself. x

    • @KrisVic91
      @KrisVic91 7 лет назад +1

      Tess von K Look up noah elkrief on youtube, if you don't want to seek professional help yet, he has a lot of videoes addressing these issues. helped me a bunch!

    • @shaunOG91
      @shaunOG91 7 лет назад

      Thank you

    • @shaunOG91
      @shaunOG91 7 лет назад

      Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to check him out!

    • @KrisVic91
      @KrisVic91 7 лет назад

      Tess von K ☺

  • @maritta2504
    @maritta2504 7 лет назад

    One thing I always ask myself is: How do you actually get into therapy? I mean, if you are at the point where you are sure or think you might need help to master certain situations or to get over your fears and anxieties, what do you do excatly? Do you just, like, google Therapists near you and go to one and say "I think I need therapy, you have an appointment for me"?
    Sorry if that's a dumb question, but it's hard for me to think about how I would do that. Because normally, at least in germany, most of tht times you go to your "family doctor" first and he will then refer you to a specialist that can help you better. But in a case of me needing therapy, I already know where I need to go to. And since it's very expensive, don't I have to be diagnosed with something first so that my health insurance can determine weather or not they pay for it?

    • @lisiledbetter8220
      @lisiledbetter8220 7 лет назад

      hallo, nachbar aus österreich hier :) ich hab wirklich meinen therapeuten gegoogelt, sie hat mir dann gesagt, dass ich eine überweisung vom hausarzt benötige. hier hat die krankenkasse nur einen teil übernommen. bei mir waren es vor allem schlafprobleme! hab es nie bereut. hoffe, ich konnte helfen!

    • @maritta2504
      @maritta2504 7 лет назад

      Oh, vielen Dank! So ist es ja eigentlich auch der "normale"Weg, aber irgendwie find ich das in dem Fall.... Komisch. Irgendwie. Kann es nicht wirklich beschreiben :D.

  • @PlantBasedBride
    @PlantBasedBride 7 лет назад

    I had to stop going to therapy before I was ready because I could no longer afford it :(

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад

      +Plant Based Bride Ugh that sucks! :((

  • @emilieschrder7654
    @emilieschrder7654 7 лет назад

    I saw my psychologist for the secod time yesterday and she is very nice, i hope she can help me

  • @BlackHermit
    @BlackHermit 7 лет назад

    Is there anything for free? I keep getting Facebook ads for "free trials" of online therapy, but then they force you to pay once the trial period is over...

    • @miriam7872
      @miriam7872 7 лет назад +2

      Depends on the country.. lot's of people still don't understand how important mental health is, while here in germany you have quite a few free options. If you're quite young, a youth centre or something might also be an option

  • @kjolvikey
    @kjolvikey 7 лет назад

  • @amren735
    @amren735 7 лет назад

    What kind of sport did you find?

  • @Sweetxxtarte86
    @Sweetxxtarte86 7 лет назад

    i'm so scared to end my therapy with my therapist. i have a feeling she's gonna drop me because i'm not getting better

    • @Carla-de2sz
      @Carla-de2sz 7 лет назад +1

      Zoie Hass Therapist won't drop you because you're it improving, if anything they should want to continue with you! I saw the same therapist for 6 years and only stopped cause I moved

  • @amiesparkle00
    @amiesparkle00 7 лет назад

    I think Charles Gross should watch this video.

  • @ttlqkf18
    @ttlqkf18 7 лет назад

    i hit rock bottom myself a month ago but i'm too scared to go to therapy

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +2

      What is it that scares you? :/

    • @ttlqkf18
      @ttlqkf18 7 лет назад

      idk i feel like ive kept everything that depresses me/suicidal thoughts/self esteem issues inside my head for so long and never spoke a word about it to anyone that the thought of having to tell someone about it really fucks me up and its become a fear ahh!

  • @xoxoLeony
    @xoxoLeony 7 лет назад

    I'm very curious to know if you have any idea WHY you have the low self-esteem etc etc -- not that I want you to share those -- OR if you find the reasons don't matter, or that there simply are no actual reasons? Hope I'm making sense :)

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад

      I can't be sure really. There are no "obvious" reasons that I know of!

    • @xoxoLeony
      @xoxoLeony 7 лет назад

      Got it! Thanks a lot for the reply

  • @3hunderedthirtythree
    @3hunderedthirtythree 7 лет назад +17

    i live in america. i dont have health insurance. my therapy is vodka

  • @ebonylacey7919
    @ebonylacey7919 7 лет назад

    Bit irrelevant but does anyone think she looks like the girl from ahs, like the first season she was the wife to the weird surgeon??

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +1

      Mmmmmh no not really haha!

    • @windlives
      @windlives 7 лет назад

      Nora Montgomery aka Lily Rabe? I don't see that many similarities haha

  • @myname-de2oy
    @myname-de2oy 7 лет назад

    all i can tell you is that anxiety is self created.

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +8

      Well of course? Mental illness is called mental illness 'cause it's mental haha. It's in your head. And you sometimes need help to get it out. :)

    • @myname-de2oy
      @myname-de2oy 7 лет назад +1

      Katrin Berndt well some are genetic and can't be helped, some are caused by drugs. but anxiety is self created, and it can help by realizing its not real and telling yourself that

    • @denisevanl4526
      @denisevanl4526 7 лет назад +2

      It is way more complicated than that. Just telling yourself that it is not real, its helpfull at al when you have a anciety dissorder.

    • @myname-de2oy
      @myname-de2oy 7 лет назад

      any therapist will give you exercises to help get your mind off anxiety, so anything can help. its not a debilitating disease. The sooner someone with an anxiety disorder learns that the sooner they can get on with their life.

  • @FrederikkeTherese
    @FrederikkeTherese 7 лет назад +1

    You are SO well spoken in this video, it has been an absolute pleasure to listen to 🙏🏼

  • @josephmchugh5121
    @josephmchugh5121 7 лет назад +2

    i love you so much Katrin, you are si=o beautiful and brave. you have really inspired me and shaped me as a person. please keep doing what you're doing

  • @jentlejd
    @jentlejd 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for posting about your personal experience with therapy and anxiety. I too have anxiety and have been in therapy as well. I have also worked in mental health. I feel being open about having mental health issues decreases the stigma and increases the willingness of others to seek help. I'm glad you're doing better with your anxiety. Xoxo

  • @Bi_be
    @Bi_be 7 лет назад +2

    I'm really proud of you Kat ...well done... Which theme you will join this week? (I'm sorry if this sounds rude and not specified to this video)

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +5

      This week is personal week! So all videos will just be personal themed about my life and such ^^

    • @Bi_be
      @Bi_be 7 лет назад +1

      Oh nice!!! Good luck and thank you very much for always answering me!

  • @smurfkuh1988
    @smurfkuh1988 7 лет назад +2

    Wish my therapist would understand me.. but he is pushing me to take medicine (ritalin), and after that give me therapy -_-
    No i'm not crazy just frustrated and pissed off :')

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +4

      +Jennifer There is no such thing as "crazy"... if you therapist is not a good fit for you then get another one. :)

    • @Carla-de2sz
      @Carla-de2sz 7 лет назад +4

      Jennifer try to see a psychologist not a psychiatrists. Psychologists can't give medicine to you and so they don't really push it.

  • @TheJojzii
    @TheJojzii 7 лет назад +3

    Was it "umo" you went to? I decided last Friday to get help with myself so this video is very helpful to me😊

  • @RoxieRoulette
    @RoxieRoulette 7 лет назад +2

    I'm so glad you posted this. Might sound super fan-girly but I have always loved your channel and seeing that you have gotten through something that I suffer with has made me love you even more

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +5

      Medication by itself cannot "cure" the ghosts in your head but it can definitely get you to a point where you feel strong enough and safe enough to start digging around in your mind to solve the ghosts that live there so to speak. You can do it!

    • @RoxieRoulette
      @RoxieRoulette 7 лет назад

  • @martyjaay
    @martyjaay 7 лет назад

    Thank you for this Katrin. I remember seeing your older video about Therapy. I think subconsciously it may have helped me in the sense of asking for help and chasing it up. I'm halfway through a 6 week CBT programme for similar feelings. Peace and love! x

  • @vanillebille737
    @vanillebille737 7 лет назад

    I really enjoyed this video because i can relate to it so much. Last year at age of 19 i suffered from some Heavy depressions and wished to have the 'courage' to commit suicide. Luckily My Family helped me to find help which isnt easy at this subject. Since then i am taking those anti depressants which helped alot + 1 hour therapy a week for about 50 weeks. Its still a long and Hard way, but thats Life huh :)
    I just Love the fact that you're Talking about this Subject because way too many people are afraid/ashamed of.
    Hopefully one day i can be as strong as you Seem to be!
    Fingers crossed that you dont have to go through this again and get a bit stronger every Single day!

  • @casseysteeves9844
    @casseysteeves9844 7 лет назад

    Wonderful video. Thank you.

  • @pattypathology4598
    @pattypathology4598 7 лет назад

    I really enjoyed this video Kat! I also struggle for months with this "shitty feeling" all the time, I even thought, that it is normal and just the way I am now. Hopefully, I will find a good therapist just as you did, so I could finally get some help and make positive changes in my life.
    Wish you a great week

  • @smirbelbirbel
    @smirbelbirbel 7 лет назад

    I had CBT combined with trauma- and elements of depth psychology therapy. It went on for a year (an hour every week or every other week). As you described, it absolutely changed my life and being helped to discover the tools that work for me has been one of the best things ever happening. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  • @tibahasan3753
    @tibahasan3753 7 лет назад

    It feels so good to know people can get help when they need it. Right where I live, we don't have CBT, no one offers them even if you specifically ask for it, they only prescribe drugs. Best of luck for you Katrin with whatever coming next 🌼🌱

  • @xspiritismus
    @xspiritismus 7 лет назад

    I'm glad to hear 6 weeks of therapy helped you! Sadly, I've been mentally ill all my life and see multiple therapists multiple times a week for years now. I'm getting really tired of it. Slowly getting a little bit better though, hopefully there comes a time I can go without a therapist! Thank you for sharing your experiences and make going to a therapist more normal/accepted :)

  • @alistacramen9799
    @alistacramen9799 7 лет назад

    So awesome! Changing part of you can be so difficult and usually isn't easy. It can take a while to undo something your brain has made a habit. So happy therapy has changed your life!

  • @Maril_
    @Maril_ 7 лет назад

    This Video calmed me down so much. I loved listening to your voice and the backround music is just on point and motivating.

  • @aub1976
    @aub1976 7 лет назад

    I'm new to your channel and didn't know you went to therapy but I'm really glad you seek for help when you needed! I have a friend who waited years before seeking for help and now she's been in the hospital for the past 4 months and she's slowly learning to get a little better everyday but it's a long and hard process and the longer you wait the harder it gets

  • @laurenrachel90
    @laurenrachel90 7 лет назад

    The thought of talking to someone about my anxiety gives me more anxiety 👎 self care helps me so much and staying active and spending a lot of time outside is a must for me to stay sane.

  • @myname-de2oy
    @myname-de2oy 7 лет назад

    i had mental problems but it was when i used to drink a lot.
    i think they were directly related.

  • @emilyrjones
    @emilyrjones 7 лет назад +1

    I really needed this. I have my last session on Wednesday and I'm terrified.

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +9

      Awesome! Just remember that "last session" doesn't mean that you will never go to therapy again. :) Use what you have learned to grow as a person and don't be scared to ask for more help in the future if you need it. x

  • @fourat9710
    @fourat9710 7 лет назад

    bist du deutsch ?

    • @MakaylaDianne1
      @MakaylaDianne1 7 лет назад

      fourat garrach sweden

    • @fourat9710
      @fourat9710 7 лет назад

      ik she's Swedish but her last name is german that's why I asked

    • @Katrinberndt
      @Katrinberndt  7 лет назад +2

      Both my names are German hehe. Or at least I'm "named after" a German person.

    • @fourat9710
      @fourat9710 7 лет назад

      Katrin Berndt alles klar take care ;)

  • @potatoships9379
    @potatoships9379 7 лет назад

    anxiety is one of those feelings that you can't cope with or get rid of on your have to get help for it. I've had anxiety and panic attacks but mine were waaay worse than yours and they lasted for years but I had to do a lot of reading and self growth..I needed to cope with the things that I can't change and deal with my problems better. as I'm getting older I'm getting calmer too in tense situations! before I would snap but now I use words with people rather than just yelling and draining my own energy. it's a journey and the more you understand that your health and wellbeing is more important the more you will try to find ways to deal with life and not feel crapy. stress and over-thinking can't be helped but self-growth will help to worry less..because the things that we worry about will have a different impact on us if we think about them another way. if someone is afraid of being abandoned by the significant other they will worry about that person leaving them or cheating or that person might get bored one day and you would stress over everything! from him going to a party to traveling every day will you worrying..and having really bad energy all over you house even when you feel good you'll pick up the negative energy that you had two days ago. self growth will teach you that you will eventually leave everything! and what's the worst thing can happen when your bf/gf leaves? you'll die? no! it would be a life experience for you to learn so you can deal with life better..acceptance of the fact that this is life and you always win a life lesson