If this guy hadn’t become a huge rock star, he would’ve been an incredible evangelical pastor. He might be the most charismatic speaker I’ve ever heard. Just amazing!
I hate when I hear people say that Bono is just for show. NO!! He walks the walk and he truly does care about these issues. He knows that he gets made fun of but he doesn’t care. Not only is he the best songwriter of our time but he’s a great humanitarian.
This is why I have loved Bono and U2 since I was in my early twenties and still do and always will God Bless you Bono don't let anyone silence you, keep speaking up
Hasnah Abdull You need to stop reading and sharing info from unreliable sources/fake news and fact check properly. These lies you’ve shared on social media sell newspapers because they make people who are jealous of Bono’s altruistic behaviour feel better about themselves. It’s just business as usual in the cut throat world of media, manipulating your psychology by bombarding you with enough propaganda to make you believe anything. It’s just make believe and it sells newspapers, Wake up!!
Some of the most inspiring words I've ever heard spoken. And a life's worth of work to match them. Brother Bono, I Salute You. And all the Soldiers for justice and equality like you.
I am so glad I saw this video. It brought tears to my eyes which surprised me. I thought Bono would make a good speech, that it might be interesting, but I squeeked out a couple of drops in spite of myself. What he said is the Truth.
I was adopted and if was for likes of him I'd be in a bucket years ago! Arsehole Tax evader and kiss his own arse in public as much as possible. Did nothing for his own country. Fair play to The Script doing free concert for all Frontline/HSE workers, something Mr Hewson aka Bono wouldn't know about.
Really? So you don’t teach the Scriptures, but approve of and preach anti-scriptural, evil-supporting, spiritual lies also - because they’re popular and suit the agendas of the godless too? (2Timothy 4:3,4) “Babylon the Great” (Revelation chapter 18) encompasses every false religion, and every false religious leader. By acting as posers (imposters) to being preachers of what is scripturally true, they serve Satan and his interests - and also, in spiritual adultery, “the kings of the earth” - not God and His purposes and will.
Bono is truly non political and a true humanitarian. A dreamer and a misfit and a mass of contradictions. He says what he believes and understands his small moment in time. Highest regards and much respect
@MezzwidMe22 You are absolutely right . Bono is a great humanitarian ! Most 'haters' don't know what he is doing for the poor/africans . They are just 'haters' cause Bono 's got alot off money , but they have no idea about his charity work like the 'ONE-campaign', meeting world leaders in order to try and cancel african debts, .. Bono, you are a great person to me, whit a big hart on the right place, keep it up .. !!
Bono is truly a great and inspiring speaker, so it's bitterly disappointing that he hasn't said a word about equality for the unjabbed in recent times!
@Irish780 I think he supports anything in the globalist's playbook; truly an establishment puppet yet his ego blinds him and he still believes he's helping to save the world. Scotswoman here, hail fellow Celt 👋
I cant get how many people on this planet have become SO cynical.. Bono is not one of them He is a true world citizen & a real disciple of Christ.. I'm not a Christian but his devotion, at the very least, provokes me to think about my own faith & beliefs. Not just in religion, but also in humanity. He's no airhead either. He's constantly suspicious of his own faith & any fan of U2, who actually GETS the lyrics will attest to that. May God bless him..
Hummmm. Great point! The poor we will have with us always... Doesn't mean we shouldn't help but the heart of the help is showing that love. 1John3:16 Thanks GMR
Good point dj1897, To quote Jesus, "You will always have the poor among you". I would venture to say these are not words only but he does DO what he says about giving (not that that justifies him before God) but he is active in regards to 1 John3:17 But whoso has this world's good, and sees his brother have need, and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him, how does the love of God dwell in him? For all you haters; That puts us on the chopping block instead of Bono.
Great man. Great humanist. What was alle the God-talk about? What about helping your fellow man just for its own sake? Its called solidarity. Taste the word. It wont bite you.
Unbelievable speech. Go Bono, you're the greatest. And to all you jelaous haters who accuse him of being self righteous, go look yourself in a mirror, and see if you can take it for more than 5 seconds. Good luck.
some of those comments are deplorable....many of Bonos songs speak of love, the horrors of war, justice, and God, better than the smut that many musicians today sing about..dont hear anyone slandering them...
I have felt God more in the songs of u2 than I have in many of the so called "worship" crap produced by people who can play no more than three chords and can't sing without autotune
Have you spent as much time praying for Bono as you have thinking negatively about him? Prov 17:22 A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. John 6:63 the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Prov 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. The words you speak about Bono are not healthy because they are not pleasant & dry up the bone. Romans 2:1
Bono understands God in the same way that I do... Not that I'm an expert(who is?)... Bono understands that THE message of Christ is LOVE... For those who doubt, as I have for years, you might find this snippet from Bono representing your own concept of the faith, of Christ. GOD IS LOVE
People who do not believe in universalism would be VERY upset if God permitted such a thing because they wouldn't have been the first one with their paddle out of the water. If such a thing were possible, MOST churches would be empty, b/c we're more concerned about the consequences than actually in love with Jesus.
LOL Datcmoto, Clearly you've miss understood my comment. Bono is carrying his own cross. It is the that *cross* on a global media platform to which I was refering to God finally getting represented for who He is. Of course the cross is the center. Just remember that when you take shots at people that have the heart to do what Bono is doing.
I found this the other day; it may come in handy too. 2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the *holy commandment* delivered unto them. The only *new* commandment Jesus gave was John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
I totally agree, Whoever said you couldn't get into heaven by works? HOWEVER Could anyone say that the cross isn't a good work? Paul writes I will show you my faith by my works. Without faith it is impossible to please God. It requires faith and works. I think it is fair to say Bono is showing good faith and works.
These comments are brutal. Of course, the one who posted those hateful comments are probably perfect little angels who have never done a thing wrong in their life. Just so you know, you who tear people down instead of building them up, we are all hypocrites. Hypocrites who want to change do all they can to better others. (Sigh) It seems that evil in the world goes on.... (Personally, I liked his speech. God certainly is good.)
How just for you to say something like that, after all, here's bono, a naturally talented man whose been fortunate in life, made millions just so ppl like you will only - SUPPORT him. Let me tell you something, this isnt about ppl like me hating bono, i have no hate, nor am I jealous. I accept one's success & his music has brought me joy.. what this is, is about reason & rationale, & when ppl like me call that out, ppl like you are sure to have an emotional response with this veneer of wisdom.
James 1 26 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
This is poetic emotional drivel! And here's how open my mind is... I used to listen non-stop to U2. Thus..i thank you kindly for coming to my rescue... Pink Floyd.
Oh shut up everyone who is slandering. Everyone knows that Bono follows Jesus, and they see his heart, touched by God for the unfortunate. "Jesus anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor."
There are WORLDS between tolerating peoples sins and accepting/loving others in their sin nature, and trusting the Love of God to change ppl. I see no demand on our part to boldly request the Love of God to change the mess this world is in but RATHER a bunch of rules *do's & don'ts* and finger wagging!! Benifits for us and consquences for them?? JESUS NEVER TAUGHT THAT!!
And the second is like it! 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
How can Carman say,"The greatest cause of atheism is a christian who acknowledges Christ with their mouth, but denies Him with their actions, that is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." But when Bono says,"It's lukewarm christians that push me out of church" we get our nighty in a knot? We've idolize Carman for his beliefs God for bid Bono too??
Acts 10:31 The angel told me, Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your gifts to the poor have been noticed by God! 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. mrich21087, Acts 10:28 says, "But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean." Use the scripture to liberate not to condemn. Romans 2:1 You are not your brother's judge. Judge yourself with the same liberty and sin no more.
@brasilcork its called hyperbole ,a figure of speech like when someone says its raining cats and dogs that means it raining really hard,but im a moran not you
There are a lot of atheists who are helping the poor...are they with God? They would consider what Bono just said an insult. Let us not be deceived, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. (Isaiah 64:6)
Even though they hate Him and want nothing to do with Him? That is the only thing you can disagree with in my statement because the rest of it was the gospel through scripture.
Bono's anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its finances after it was revealed that only a small percentage of money it raises reaches the needy. The non-profit organisation set up by the Bono received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent). The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries. Stuff like this needs to be carefully checked out before handing noney over.
Rob187ok And your evidence for this is the New York Post which has been shown to be one of the least credible newspapers in New York. It’s fake news!! All the knowledge in the world and you choose to share lies without bothering to fact check.
The question now here is not whether they believe in Christ, but whether Christ believes in them. Jesus is not a little sprite locked in a tiny box to be put in your church assembly. Instead, where two or three are gathered in his name, there he is. What does being gathered in his name mean? Well, have you not heard or understood that God is love? Do you not understand, then, brother, that true love that takes care of a brother and sister is the love of God, regardless of exterior religion?
Sin isn't necessarily something you do as much as it is a state in which one is in. Sin/death is to be separate from God/life. Jesus became sin/separate from life in His death on the cross. Prov 23:7 As a man *thinks* in his heart, so is he. Sin or separation from God starts with thinking. "No biblical principal of the Law of Love"?? If God is Love 1John4 and God is a spirit, then He is the Spirit of Love. When one sins against God they violate the Law of GOD. Gsixty 3:16
I encourage you to read the entire bible.... James 4:11 He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
I appologize for not simply getting to the point. John 13:34 A new commandment (or a law that hangs ALL the other laws and the prophets)I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Love doesn't cut off communication otherwise Love would fail. I'm guessing you are not "Into religion, you're into relationship"? God doesn't cut people off, their sin does that. Sin is punishment all in itself.
That is a great point. But if your verse is going to hold any water lets be right legal about it. First of all, Bono doesn't use *Jesus'* name once, nor does he say he is doing this in the name of Jesus. The lawlessness Jesus is talking about is the violation of the LAW OF LOVE. When you make yourself judge over ppl like Bono, you only make judgment day that more harder on yourself.
4:33 - "Let me climb into the pulpit for just one moment........." H U H ? ! ! ! ! Paul Hewson breached his mother's womb and directly climbed into the pulpit. I LOVE Bono, his talent, and U2's presence in the world. But framing human decency as though it is a commandment from god is pure puke! The invocation here is to revere an invisible entity and do so by loving each other. Love thy neighbor because it is the right, moral, decent thing to do. To hell with the idea of expressing love and kindness for fear of a vindictive creator. How is god showing love by allowing those 5500 African children to die, EVERY day?!?! When mankind gives up the childish notion of worship, and tends to the business of taking care of one another, only then will there be a reasonable chance of peace.... Bono, keep up the good work. Just, please, keep it real!
Yes, I am VERY different than Bono. I am not rich. I do not have international influence. Nor, however am I sanctimonious, delusional, or solipsistic. Paul Hewson is anything but humble. His Martin Luther King invocations are all about attracting attention to himself. Classic messianic complex. No response to my observation of god allowing thousands and thousands of children to die every day? Time to grow up son. Recognize scripture spouting pop stars for what they are.......
A completely irrelevant and unlettered response, Ash. Jealous? I might be, if I were a childish, insecure infant that did not know who he was/is. As I stated before, I have loved and adored U2 since 1982. And Bono is to be admired for wanting a better world. His failing is using his enormous talent and notoriety for the advancement of beliefs that are akin to believing the world is flat.
No, not at all. I was just saying that God is with those who are with Christ and doing good works, not those who are only doing good works. Every year Muslims give away a percentage of their money to the poorest of the poor. Are they Christians? I am just saying it is dangerous to make statements like what Bono did without mentioning Christ as the motive and the motivator. "...apart from me you can do nothing." - Jesus in John 15:5
Funny how one claims to know the difference between the "Letter of the Law" and the "Spirit of the Law". It's not written in the bible because, well... It's common sense.
The word is more correctly "Iniquity", so [Iniquity of Love] makes no sense. Sure that doesn't make any sense but look at it this way Iniquity means the attitude of your thoughts. "Depart..you workers of Lawlessness/iniquity" Iniquity comes from a heart that "Violates the Law of Love" or a mind that will not conform into His image by NOT casting down every evil imagination. Imagination has everything to do with how one thinks. Thus iniquity means doers of your own will & not God's.
theresateri1?? What on earth are you talking about? Do you hope these ppl goto hell? Who died and made you judge? Is it your business what Bono or anyone for that matter believes? Does it influence or threaten your salvation? Does God condemn the act of homosexuality or the homosexual? Jesus died for them too NOT JUST US!! pt1
"U2 chosen to move their company from Ireland where they paid almost no taxes to Netherlands where they pay NO tax ???" So they don't pay any tax? How exactly does that help the poor? or by poor do you mean the government? All the judges here seem to have a good understanding of what they've put on trial *not*... Just saying, I bet many that judge think that MJ was a pedophile 2. Media brain washed junkies... Don't throw stones when there R so many shards of glass from that house you live in.
If this guy hadn’t become a huge rock star, he would’ve been an incredible evangelical pastor. He might be the most charismatic speaker I’ve ever heard. Just amazing!
Totally agree
He is a very religious person. I totally agree with you!
You are so right sister!!
You missed the point. He is a great evangelical pastor.
@@3chords490 I think we agree. We’re just talking semantics.
I love his heart ...awesome speaker and a man who knows what "Christ in us " is all about., Go Bono
I hate when I hear people say that Bono is just for show. NO!! He walks the walk and he truly does care about these issues. He knows that he gets made fun of but he doesn’t care. Not only is he the best songwriter of our time but he’s a great humanitarian.
This is why I have loved Bono and U2 since I was in my early twenties and still do and always will God Bless you Bono don't let anyone silence you, keep speaking up
Bono is such a great person. The line "refuse to hate, because love would do a better job" really shook me up.
This made my heart skip a beat and tears roll down my face! What an amazing speaker!
You go Bono!!! A celebrity with conviction that's not afraid to stand up for God!!!!!
What? A celebrity who wears devil costume and gives satanic sign at any opportunity. He's a deceiver
+Remus 247 you are a true idiot
Hasnah Abdull
You need to stop reading and sharing info from unreliable sources/fake news and fact check properly. These lies you’ve shared on social media sell newspapers because they make people who are jealous of Bono’s altruistic behaviour feel better about themselves. It’s just business as usual in the cut throat world of media, manipulating your psychology by bombarding you with enough propaganda to make you believe anything.
It’s just make believe and it sells newspapers, Wake up!!
Some of the most inspiring words I've ever heard spoken. And a life's worth of work to match them. Brother Bono, I Salute You. And all the Soldiers for justice and equality like you.
Preach Boo!! Truth!
Amen!!! Love thy neighbor IS A COMMAND!!!
The man knows what he's talking about.
I watched it years ago... and today, since so much has happened since, it moved my soul even more...
I am so glad I saw this video. It brought tears to my eyes which surprised me. I thought Bono would make a good speech, that it might be interesting, but I squeeked out a couple of drops in spite of myself. What he said is the Truth.
Praise the Lord for Bonno ! Great reminder that the Lord never leaves us not for one moment. John 16 33
Very well done in the end,
Fine thoughts from an inspired man.
Thank you, Bono.
Such a talented kind human being.🙏🏻
A man who wouldn’t hate because he knew love would do a better job! Wow.
He is one of the main reasons why I have become a Pastoral Theologian Amen.
I was adopted and if was for likes of him I'd be in a bucket years ago! Arsehole Tax evader and kiss his own arse in public as much as possible. Did nothing for his own country. Fair play to The Script doing free concert for all Frontline/HSE workers, something Mr Hewson aka Bono wouldn't know about.
@@IrishNational I wouldn't call 10 million for PPE and arranging for its transport nothing...
Really? So you don’t teach the Scriptures, but approve of and preach anti-scriptural, evil-supporting, spiritual lies also - because they’re popular and suit the agendas of the godless too? (2Timothy 4:3,4) “Babylon the Great” (Revelation chapter 18) encompasses every false religion, and every false religious leader. By acting as posers (imposters) to being preachers of what is scripturally true, they serve Satan and his interests - and also, in spiritual adultery, “the kings of the earth” - not God and His purposes and will.
great catholic man who i always have and always will stand up for
Thank you for your words Bono. But a bigger thank for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who allows us the Love of our Father ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Bono is truly non political and a true humanitarian. A dreamer and a misfit and a mass of contradictions. He says what he believes and understands his small moment in time. Highest regards and much respect
That ending always gets me pumped.
@MezzwidMe22 You are absolutely right . Bono is a great humanitarian ! Most 'haters' don't know what he is doing for the poor/africans . They are just 'haters' cause Bono 's got alot off money , but they have no idea about his charity work like the 'ONE-campaign', meeting world leaders in order to try and cancel african debts, .. Bono, you are a great person to me, whit a big hart on the right place, keep it up .. !!
You Go Bono!!!! Preach Bono Preach!!! God has touched your heart and you know him what a blessing you are to the world!!! A good good man!!
Preach WHAT - scriptural truth from God? That’s not what this was.
Bono is truly a great and inspiring speaker, so it's bitterly disappointing that he hasn't said a word about equality for the unjabbed in recent times!
He also supporters israel. god is with Palestine children, too irishman here
@Irish780 I think he supports anything in the globalist's playbook; truly an establishment puppet yet his ego blinds him and he still believes he's helping to save the world. Scotswoman here, hail fellow Celt 👋
this guy so free from religion and and lover of jesus! i applaud him!
chill people. he is just a rockstar trying to make a difference. kudos man!
Thanks for your faith BONO!
Breathtaking speech!
"Love All, Serve All. Help Ever, Hurt Never." - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Even good words mean nothing, when spoken by a well known charlatan and worse still, a pedophile .
And this is coming from a huge u2 fan since 1980!
Wolf in sheep’s clothing, stealing from the Shepherd
Such a wise man!!
moved to tears
One darn-right big bloody AMEN!
I cant get how many people on this planet have become SO cynical..
Bono is not one of them
He is a true world citizen & a real disciple of Christ..
I'm not a Christian but his devotion, at the very least, provokes me to think about my own faith & beliefs. Not just in religion, but also in humanity.
He's no airhead either. He's constantly suspicious of his own faith & any fan of U2, who actually GETS the lyrics will attest to that.
May God bless him..
Can someone please tell me what event this was?? Thanks.
NAACP Awards
@@sharifchi Thank you!
amazing work with god AMEN
So is God supporting U2 now?
Hummmm. Great point!
The poor we will have with us always... Doesn't mean we shouldn't help but the heart of the help is showing that love. 1John3:16
Thanks GMR
Love Bono
The ordinance is 253 pages
Long enough to qualify to be sold as a book
Page 22
One page on the Historic district
Good point dj1897,
To quote Jesus, "You will always have the poor among you".
I would venture to say these are not words only but he does DO what he says about giving (not that that justifies him before God) but he is active in regards to 1 John3:17
But whoso has this world's good, and sees his brother have need, and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him, how does the love of God dwell in him?
For all you haters; That puts us on the chopping block instead of Bono.
Great man. Great humanist. What was alle the God-talk about? What about helping your fellow man just for its own sake? Its called solidarity. Taste the word. It wont bite you.
Glory to God!!!!!!
Yes, Glory to God!
Love that man
Unbelievable speech. Go Bono, you're the greatest.
And to all you jelaous haters who accuse him of being self righteous, go look yourself in a mirror, and see if you can take it for more than 5 seconds. Good luck.
some of those comments are deplorable....many of Bonos songs speak of love, the horrors of war, justice, and God, better than the smut that many musicians today sing about..dont hear anyone slandering them...
I have felt God more in the songs of u2 than I have in many of the so called "worship" crap produced by people who can play no more than three chords and can't sing without autotune
Have you spent as much time praying for Bono as you have thinking negatively about him?
Prov 17:22 A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
John 6:63 the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
Prov 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
The words you speak about Bono are not healthy because they are not pleasant & dry up the bone.
Romans 2:1
this is how it's done,kanye,how it's really done
Bono understands God in the same way that I do... Not that I'm an expert(who is?)... Bono understands that THE message of Christ is LOVE... For those who doubt, as I have for years, you might find this snippet from Bono representing your own concept of the faith, of Christ. GOD IS LOVE
he is so real.
like honestly, too many of you can't handle the realness
This fists even in 2022
bono make this famous people standing
you go bono
People who do not believe in universalism would be VERY upset if God permitted such a thing because they wouldn't have been the first one with their paddle out of the water. If such a thing were possible, MOST churches would be empty, b/c we're more concerned about the consequences than actually in love with Jesus.
love it!!!!
LOL Datcmoto,
Clearly you've miss understood my comment.
Bono is carrying his own cross. It is the that *cross* on a global media platform to which I was refering to God finally getting represented for who He is.
Of course the cross is the center. Just remember that when you take shots at people that have the heart to do what Bono is doing.
I found this the other day; it may come in handy too.
2 Peter 2:21
For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the *holy commandment* delivered unto them.
The only *new* commandment Jesus gave was John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Saint bono❤❤❤❤
I totally agree, Whoever said you couldn't get into heaven by works? HOWEVER Could anyone say that the cross isn't a good work? Paul writes I will show you my faith by my works. Without faith it is impossible to please God. It requires faith and works. I think it is fair to say Bono is showing good faith and works.
These comments are brutal. Of course, the one who posted those hateful comments are probably perfect little angels who have never done a thing wrong in their life. Just so you know, you who tear people down instead of building them up, we are all hypocrites. Hypocrites who want to change do all they can to better others. (Sigh) It seems that evil in the world goes on....
(Personally, I liked his speech. God certainly is good.)
How just for you to say something like that, after all, here's bono, a naturally talented man whose been fortunate in life, made millions just so ppl like you will only - SUPPORT him. Let me tell you something, this isnt about ppl like me hating bono, i have no hate, nor am I jealous. I accept one's success & his music has brought me joy.. what this is, is about reason & rationale, & when ppl like me call that out, ppl like you are sure to have an emotional response with this veneer of wisdom.
James 1 26 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
and to all you haters
thank you :)
Bono for president!!!
This is poetic emotional drivel! And here's how open my mind is... I used to listen non-stop to U2. Thus..i thank you kindly for coming to my rescue... Pink Floyd.
Soooo cute
Oh shut up everyone who is slandering. Everyone knows that Bono follows Jesus, and they see his heart, touched by God for the unfortunate. "Jesus anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor."
There are WORLDS between tolerating peoples sins and accepting/loving others in their sin nature, and trusting the Love of God to change ppl. I see no demand on our part to boldly request the Love of God to change the mess this world is in but RATHER a bunch of rules *do's & don'ts* and finger wagging!! Benifits for us and consquences for them?? JESUS NEVER TAUGHT THAT!!
The LORD is a man of war (Exodus 15:3)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 8:13)
And the second is like it!
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
How can Carman say,"The greatest cause of atheism is a christian who acknowledges Christ with their mouth, but denies Him with their actions, that is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." But when Bono says,"It's lukewarm christians that push me out of church" we get our nighty in a knot? We've idolize Carman for his beliefs God for bid Bono too??
Acts 10:31 The angel told me, Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your gifts to the poor have been noticed by God!
35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.
Acts 10:28 says, "But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean."
Use the scripture to liberate not to condemn.
Romans 2:1
You are not your brother's judge. Judge yourself with the same liberty and sin no more.
@brasilcork its called hyperbole ,a figure of speech like when someone says its raining cats and dogs that means it raining really hard,but im a moran not you
There are a lot of atheists who are helping the poor...are they with God? They would consider what Bono just said an insult.
Let us not be deceived, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away. (Isaiah 64:6)
Even though they hate Him and want nothing to do with Him? That is the only thing you can disagree with in my statement because the rest of it was the gospel through scripture.
You and Homer Simpson should write a book.....
Bono's anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its finances after it was revealed that only a small percentage of money it raises reaches the needy.
The non-profit organisation set up by the Bono received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent). The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries. Stuff like this needs to be carefully checked out before handing noney over.
And your evidence for this is the New York Post which has been shown to be one of the least credible newspapers in New York. It’s fake news!! All the knowledge in the world and you choose to share lies without bothering to fact check.
Bono since got all African poor countrys debt cleared so time proves u very very wrong god forgive you
Notice that Cornelius doesn't deny God. Actually he is doing his best to honor God who he doesn't know.
Are you saying that Bono is an Atheist?
stand up for bono
The question now here is not whether they believe in Christ, but whether Christ believes in them. Jesus is not a little sprite locked in a tiny box to be put in your church assembly. Instead, where two or three are gathered in his name, there he is. What does being gathered in his name mean? Well, have you not heard or understood that God is love? Do you not understand, then, brother, that true love that takes care of a brother and sister is the love of God, regardless of exterior religion?
Sin isn't necessarily something you do as much as it is a state in which one is in. Sin/death is to be separate from God/life. Jesus became sin/separate from life in His death on the cross.
Prov 23:7 As a man *thinks* in his heart, so is he.
Sin or separation from God starts with thinking.
"No biblical principal of the Law of Love"??
If God is Love 1John4 and God is a spirit, then He is the Spirit of Love. When one sins against God they violate the Law of GOD. Gsixty 3:16
I encourage you to read the entire bible....
James 4:11
He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
So many mosqitoes dying needlessly from AIDS.Brings a tear to the eye.
I appologize for not simply getting to the point.
John 13:34 A new commandment (or a law that hangs ALL the other laws and the prophets)I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Love doesn't cut off communication otherwise Love would fail.
I'm guessing you are not "Into religion, you're into relationship"? God doesn't cut people off, their sin does that. Sin is punishment all in itself.
@hydfawr I am not sure Bono makes money out of his charity work. He does earn money from being a rock star quite legitimately
That is a great point.
But if your verse is going to hold any water lets be right legal about it.
First of all, Bono doesn't use *Jesus'* name once, nor does he say he is doing this in the name of Jesus.
The lawlessness Jesus is talking about is the violation of the LAW OF LOVE.
When you make yourself judge over ppl like Bono, you only make judgment day that more harder on yourself.
4:33 - "Let me climb into the pulpit for just one moment........."
H U H ? ! ! ! !
Paul Hewson breached his mother's womb and directly climbed into the pulpit.
I LOVE Bono, his talent, and U2's presence in the world.
But framing human decency as though it is a commandment from god is pure puke! The invocation here is to revere an invisible entity and do so by loving each other.
Love thy neighbor because it is the right, moral, decent thing to do. To hell with the idea of expressing love and kindness for fear of a vindictive creator.
How is god showing love by allowing those 5500 African children to die, EVERY day?!?!
When mankind gives up the childish notion of worship, and tends to the business of taking care of one another, only then will there be a reasonable chance of peace....
Bono, keep up the good work. Just, please, keep it real!
Yes, I am VERY different than Bono. I am not rich. I do not have international influence. Nor, however am I sanctimonious, delusional, or solipsistic. Paul Hewson is anything but humble. His Martin Luther King invocations are all about attracting attention to himself. Classic messianic complex. No response to my observation of god allowing thousands and thousands of children to die every day? Time to grow up son. Recognize scripture spouting pop stars for what they are.......
mrbarthoss1 shut up cause you don't understand the first thing about Bono- you're probably just jealous of him.
A completely irrelevant and unlettered response, Ash. Jealous? I might be, if I were a childish, insecure infant that did not know who he was/is. As I stated before, I have loved and adored U2 since 1982. And Bono is to be admired for wanting a better world. His failing is using his enormous talent and notoriety for the advancement of beliefs that are akin to believing the world is flat.
No, not at all. I was just saying that God is with those who are with Christ and doing good works, not those who are only doing good works. Every year Muslims give away a percentage of their money to the poorest of the poor. Are they Christians? I am just saying it is dangerous to make statements like what Bono did without mentioning Christ as the motive and the motivator.
"...apart from me you can do nothing." - Jesus in John 15:5
No....just go!
VI'm honored to be on the same stage as Bill Cosby... ' - I'm Irish, from same town as him, and he's a prick. Forgot where he came from. Sad
Funny how one claims to know the difference between the "Letter of the Law" and the "Spirit of the Law".
It's not written in the bible because, well... It's common sense.
@dAoRANGEpINAPPLE bono believes in grace not salvation through works-search the song mercy
just give money to charity for fuck sake
The word is more correctly "Iniquity", so [Iniquity of Love] makes no sense.
Sure that doesn't make any sense but look at it this way
Iniquity means the attitude of your thoughts.
"Depart..you workers of Lawlessness/iniquity"
Iniquity comes from a heart that "Violates the Law of Love" or a mind that will not conform into His image by NOT casting down every evil imagination.
Imagination has everything to do with how one thinks. Thus iniquity means doers of your own will & not God's.
theresateri1?? What on earth are you talking about? Do you hope these ppl goto hell? Who died and made you judge? Is it your business what Bono or anyone for that matter believes? Does it influence or threaten your salvation? Does God condemn the act of homosexuality or the homosexual? Jesus died for them too NOT JUST US!! pt1
"U2 chosen to move their company from Ireland where they paid almost no taxes to Netherlands where they pay NO tax ???"
So they don't pay any tax? How exactly does that help the poor? or by poor do you mean the government? All the judges here seem to have a good understanding of what they've put on trial *not*... Just saying, I bet many that judge think that MJ was a pedophile 2. Media brain washed junkies... Don't throw stones when there R so many shards of glass from that house you live in.