Navajo Nation EMS and Scary Skinwalker Story

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 383

  • @persephone342
    @persephone342 Месяц назад +42

    Is it always those of us that are first responders, cops, nurses, doctors, and farmers always see the wildest shit! Stay prayed up!

  • @johnescobar1039
    @johnescobar1039 2 месяца назад +105

    Story starts at 9:00

    • @cynergy526
      @cynergy526 Месяц назад +9

      THANK YOU!

    • @Mr_CGS
      @Mr_CGS Месяц назад +3


    • @robertc.5558
      @robertc.5558 Месяц назад +2

      You champ.

    • @TheYates27
      @TheYates27 Месяц назад +4

      Dude I was gonna say. I mean I appreciate the low down but damn lol

    • @jjm2233
      @jjm2233 Месяц назад

      FFS im not staying fukin boring

  • @chuckwilson2301
    @chuckwilson2301 2 месяца назад +121

    As a former EMS provider in rural Colorado I know what you are going through. Bless you and your crew. Stay safe also.

    • @paulinehogness1078
      @paulinehogness1078 Месяц назад +1

      I wonder how the connection to all the i legal immigration plays into this.

    • @Lab-Rat
      @Lab-Rat Месяц назад +1


  • @idt6359
    @idt6359 Месяц назад +25

    Highest respect to the indigenous people living 5,000+ years on North America. They know what goes on!

  • @incomitatus
    @incomitatus Месяц назад +18

    In 1970, my late brother was stationed at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. He was an EWS (electronic warfare specialist) on an F-105. His unit had just finished two tours in Thailand, and he was getting ready to separate from the service. That year he had 3 weeks leave so he decided to drive home to Ohio by car. The 2nd day out in the New Mexican desert while he was driving, his car was illuminated from above by an extremely bright beam of solid, heated coherent light (he described it as similar to a wide-beamed orange laser with a solid dense wall-anyone who has ever used a hand laser knows what that means). He passed out and awoke hours later outside a small town in NM next to a highway. He contacted the police who assumed he had an accident and was either making up the story or having hallucinations. One of the officers drove him miles along the highway to retrieve his car but they were unsuccessful. He never recovered his car which had a small trailer hitched behind it. He told the family what had happened & his pilot, but never reported the strange incident to the Air Force brass. (he was afraid it would affect his discharge disposition (he got an honorable, he was afraid some higher-up might switch it to a general or medical). My brother was a guy that had recently flown over 100 bombing missions over North Vietnam so there was no reason to make up a crazy story like that, especially since he was afraid to report it. Hopefully someday, somebody will run across his car laying in the desert & contact our family, it was loaded with photographs of his time overseas & all his US & Thai military decorations. BTW-he never went the UFO route, he believed, years later, it was some new type of innovative US laser technology that was being tested in the desert. Lasers were in their infancy at that time, but nothing of the scope he described. I've done a little research on the US military using laser technology, but found nothing like what he described.

    • @lgarla23
      @lgarla23 Месяц назад

      What a wild story! Sounds like a UFO too me but definitely could military too they have technology that would blow our minds. Maybe they thought he had some sensitive documents in that trailer or something. One things for sure if he’s still alive he should undergo hypnosis. That should answer everything.

    • @Dudeguymansir
      @Dudeguymansir Месяц назад

      Did he get sick afterwards?

  • @thatsmygrogdd984
    @thatsmygrogdd984 2 месяца назад +357

    Shits real. Ny sister was once riding her bike about 100 yards from the house. She said a white dog came out in the middle of the road. Shifted into a drunk looking older age man. He just stood there staring at her, he got scared of something she said and shifted back and took off. She ran down and this is what i remember. She ran in and she couldnt breathe and she just started screaming and told us what happened. Went to medicine man helped her. She was a very non beleiver. She really participates in the tradition now. I think jesus christ was with her.

    • @a1uffy
      @a1uffy 2 месяца назад +30

      I wonder what the Navajo witch was running from that's super odd. I walked my dog and saw something that was reminiscent of the alien in the invisibility cloak from the movie predator. A month later, my father was killed in a freak accident. I don't know if the two events were related...

    • @luke144
      @luke144 2 месяца назад +24

      Me and my ex wife saw a naked crackhead looking dude walk behind a tree and turn into a buck. They are VERY REAL. I've seen the glowing red eyed toothy grinned sickly looking dog people. I've seen the watchers, Igigi, Sasquatch.

    • @a1uffy
      @a1uffy 2 месяца назад +10

      @@luke144 I've been put into paralysis while conscious, awake, and was walking until the attack by a watcher. How do you know you were visited by a watcher and not a shadow person? There's a difference. Honestly asking and thank you for sharing, I take this very seriously and literally.

    • @luke144
      @luke144 2 месяца назад

      @@a1uffy they're all part of the same team. If it's dark and scary it's probably the people from inner earth. If you meet somebody that's pure light definitely an alien. Shadow people are entities that living between our dimension and the one beneath it. There's entities that can shift from the third dimension into 2.5 basically. They're hiding their true form usually it's a lot more scary than the shadow. All the watchers have glowing red eyes. Not eye shine but they actually grow. They can shift form and from a human perspective are considered kind of evil. They'll tell you we're evil. The watchers teach fallen humans how to shape shift and teleport. You either have to be a real piece of s*** that doesn't have a problem with murder or rape or an unbelievably good person. They have two sides just like we do. There's good ones and bad ones. They have kids just like we do. Unless you're one of the good guys you'll probably never see their kids... For obvious reasons.

    • @madi-cw4du
      @madi-cw4du 2 месяца назад

      You’re delusional. Jesus had nothing to do with it

  • @daveybass655
    @daveybass655 2 месяца назад +218

    Here is one for you, I live in Arizona, an was out in the Tonto forest, hunting. I came across a bone yard, with many diffrent skeletons, an skulls in a small area. At first I didn't think anything about it. But I kept finding more, so, I thought maybe a bear, or mountain lion had a den around there. As I kept thinkin on it, I remembered a mountain lion, will drag its kill up a tree, an a bear will bury its kill, an come back to feed. These skeletons, were just layin around all over. An no hides. No gnaw marks, the skulls were all the same too. No predation marks on anything I studied. Then I began to feel like I was bein watched, an a creeped out feelin came over me. So I started walkin back to my truck, to leave the area. An as I got back to the truck, I started hearin what sounded like a crow, but all messed up, an not right, which made me stop, an listen. That's when it spoke, and laughed an evil sound . I turned around, an there was a crow, on the top branches of a dead tree, an it was speakin some crazy stuff, an laughing like a demon. It scared me, cause I never heard nothin like that before. My first thought was, It's a skinwalker, an that was it's boneyard. I jumped in the truck, an jammed. After that, I started havin nightmares about it. I just kept praying, an soon enough I stopped havin those nightmares. I don't go to that place in the Tonto anymore though. I'm pretty sure that place has somethin bad lives there.

    • @xk8485
      @xk8485 2 месяца назад +12

      It looks like you are not a Muslim based on your comment.
      Despite your belief, play a recitation of Quran in such difficulty.
      They/jinn see you from where you can't see them, but they most certainly are afraid and run from the words of The Almighty.
      I am a Muslim now, but in my youth, I had extremely bad nightmares along with my roommates from evil music that called all kinds of evil in our place.
      Long story short, a Muslim guy from school gave us a cassette player and said, "Play it in your place."
      We were amazed.
      Fast forward few decades, without understanding how and why it happened, now I am a Muslim and by the permission of God, I understand exactly why and how it happened.
      Take care of yourself and know the best protection is to seek refuge in God/Allah The Creator.

    • @Jomama014
      @Jomama014 2 месяца назад +24

      ​@@daveybass655🙏 amen. My great grandmother would call upon Jesus when she would go to the outhouse at night. One incident there was a SW on top of the out house. She prayed in Jesus name and the SW got knocked off the roof!!! 😂 what a bad ass little lady.

    • @cindykq8086
      @cindykq8086 2 месяца назад +4

      Glad you got away.

    • @xk8485
      @xk8485 2 месяца назад +2

      I know you think so, but your answer already exposes your lack of knowledge on the matter.
      I'm not surprised and not offended, bro.
      Your path and your way, free country, especially here in the beautiful southwest.
      Pay close attention to how Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, prayed, and how he prostated to God/Father, not how Paul said to pray.
      If you do, you are as close as you can get to the truth through your path.
      You , as christian, are the closest to us, Muslims.
      Not to mention you are American and from Arizona!
      Take care of yourself. Hopefully, you never have another scary encounter hunting out there.

    • @xk8485
      @xk8485 2 месяца назад +2

      @daveybass655 @daveybass655
      I know you think so, but your answer already exposes your lack of knowledge on the matter.
      I'm not surprised and not offended, bro.
      Your path and your way, free country, especially here in the beautiful southwest.
      Pay close attention to how Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, prayed, and how he prostated to God/Father, not how Paul said to pray.
      If you do, you are as close as you can get to the truth through your path.
      You , as christian, are the closest to us, Muslims.
      Not to mention you are American and from Arizona!
      Take care of yourself. Hopefully, you never have another scary encounter hunting out there.

  • @riverlady7023
    @riverlady7023 Месяц назад +19

    Worked at the Port Authority where ships come in and my co-workers asked if I had seen the man wearing dark hoodie yet. I said no and asked them about it and they said they will not tell me until I see it for myself. About a month later I am driving in the port about 5 am heading to the office and a man wearing a hoodie with hood up is standing on side of the road. As I got closer he fell face first directly in front of my car. I slammed on breaks & jumped out of the car ran to front yelling “are you ok?” And he was not there just a large dog stood there & then ran off.

  • @melodyreeves5245
    @melodyreeves5245 2 месяца назад +53

    Prayers of protection for you both

  • @Saqua2289
    @Saqua2289 Месяц назад +38

    I saw a skinwalker in Littleton, Colorado, back in 2000. It looked like a Native man, an elder. He turned into a coyote & ran off. Scared the crap out of me! That thing radiated pure evil.

  • @nativeatheist6422
    @nativeatheist6422 2 месяца назад +80

    I'm subbed to this guy. He's the real deal. EMTs are the pulse of the community. Love his stories.

  • @stephaniemcpherson2558
    @stephaniemcpherson2558 2 месяца назад +25

    Retired medic from a rural, poor area. I understand the struggles. Love, prayers & respect heading your way🤗

  • @darrensteuber4994
    @darrensteuber4994 Месяц назад +19

    My wife was a travel nurse and we spent a total of 12 months in Chinle, AZ in 2021/2022. The Navajo people we met were very nice. We really enjoyed being there, even though everything was shut down or open with restrictions during covid. I heard many stories about what happens on the Navajo Nation, and I am very interested. I took a very interesting picture at Rock Art Ranch, just South of the Nation. Best wishes to the Navajo People.

  • @yogistogi
    @yogistogi 2 месяца назад +44

    Here in California I used to work at a drug and alcohol rehab located at the foot hills of an undisclosed mountain range and I heard a story of a man that was a resident there from the actual person that saw it happen but that resident was acting odd and speaking in tongues while his face morphing back and forth between dog and his human face, there are far more details but that was the gist of it.

  • @disideratum
    @disideratum 2 месяца назад +15

    Thank you for your service sir and prayers for your safety and protection. Thank you also for having the courage to speak about this. Some people listen to these stories for entertainment but others, many others, listen for understanding. We need to know things like this are real and coming from a respected member of the community we get that. There are others who teach us about how to protect ourselves too. It's all important. I understand why Elders say we shouldn't talk about it, to not give them attention. What you seek also seeks you IF you're not careful. We need truth about what's going on and how to deal with it and I appreciate your truth. Checking out your channel too!

  • @dianemitchell5142
    @dianemitchell5142 2 месяца назад +24

    Thankyou for your service sir.

  • @surrelljr
    @surrelljr 2 месяца назад +33

    If I were younger and got back into EMS, I wouldn’t mind working there. I worked on a reservation about 70 miles away from any major city, and since I didn’t grow up on that reservation I wasn’t involved in any “family differences “. The people were great, they knew that I was there to help, and since I’m also native I respected their traditional ways. In these remote communities, there isn’t anyone else to fill the need.

  • @alwaysyouramanda
    @alwaysyouramanda 2 месяца назад +44

    I’ll never forget it. One night when it was stormy out I woke up to hear what sounded like my dad outside my window. The whisper said, “Amanda. Hey, Manda.” Over.. and over.. and OVER AND OVER AGain-! It wasn’t natural. I was petrified. So scared I couldn’t shout for my mom. I laid frozen listening and trying to convince myself it was a drip and that my mind was playing tricks with it. My dad rarely came by, but if he did he’d just knock!

    • @alwaysyouramanda
      @alwaysyouramanda 2 месяца назад +15

      Not long after that I woke up to a bright blue light illuminating my bedroom. Looking over at the curtains it looked like two glowing orbs danced- as if someone was pointing flashlights at my window. I was so sleepy I told myself “the moon is dancing,” and in the morning I told my mom “I might be 7 but I know the difference between dreams and real life!”

    • @ginarodriguez7773
      @ginarodriguez7773 Месяц назад +4

      @alwaysyouramanda I lived in Phoenix when I was a kid bout 7 yrs old. In the Maricopa County. I slept with my mom she'd be dead asleep. And I'd see a white veil type thing go over the bed back and forth. I'd try to wake her up but she couldn't. Then when I'd finally fall asleep I'd always dream I was flying in between the clouds it was beautiful and had full control. Going high looking down and coming back down. That felt awesome no fear they're. It's always been with me can't figure out. To this day I loooove clouds. I can sit outside and just ZEN OUT!!!🤭 when I'm on a plane FORGET ABOUT IT!!I I wish I could actually walk on them!!🤗🤗

  • @Dstew57A
    @Dstew57A Месяц назад +9

    I deeply admire and respect the various Native American communities….Strong, Courageous human beings…just something incredibly deep and sacred about Native Americans. New sub to Coach 5615😊

  • @tigergumby
    @tigergumby 2 месяца назад +28

    I love this. I used to be a cop on overnights. Some of the stuff that's out there is crazy.

    • @01Lenda
      @01Lenda Месяц назад +6

      Was on patrol once, deep nights 🌙. Had the boony, middle of nowhere area. Came up on a vehicle, middle of the road, running,no one around. Checked all over, saw nothing. Called for an assistant unit, we checked all over. Nada, no one. Called a wrecker and had it towed. Creepy as hell.

    • @Betty-qz5zd
      @Betty-qz5zd Месяц назад +2

      @@01Lenda see the comment from incomitatus. maybe it was his brother's car.

  • @MRRYAN0091
    @MRRYAN0091 2 месяца назад +32

    Yooooooo!!! Coach it's been ages!!! Glad to see your still going strong with your stories!!! 😎💀👻 👽 😱

  • @jeneendove906
    @jeneendove906 Месяц назад +4

    Thats important to Be able to work together and almost know what each other is thinking.That puts a good team together to help other people. Keep up the good work.Thank you all.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @saraharrison6836
    @saraharrison6836 2 месяца назад +48

    I worked home health on the Navajo reservation. Then, i went to live with a family there. What this guy says is truth. And the mud isnt like what most people know. You will get stuck up to your axles.
    Once a friend and I were out driving at dusk and a large strange creature ran across the road in front of us. My friend slammed on the brakes and we just sat there for several minutes shouting "what WAS that???" I wont describe it. But, it couldnt be anything natural. I have been taught by elders on the rez what one was and how to become one. I dont ever say a word about that either.

    • @Lazerrrr-f7l
      @Lazerrrr-f7l 2 месяца назад

      @@saraharrison6836 we already know how to become one I could become one I don't have to be Navajo I got spirituality to do things I can curse others

    • @odiwethington5637
      @odiwethington5637 2 месяца назад

      People can become them?

    • @RubyJeans943
      @RubyJeans943 Месяц назад +7

      ​@odiwethington5637 yes. That's what they are. They commit unspeakable acts to become one.

    • @savage.4.24
      @savage.4.24 Месяц назад

      They are the sad remaining husk of what was once a soul replaced by hatred evil and greed.

    • @alikacerto2280
      @alikacerto2280 Месяц назад

      No one can become one. They are demons. People can be possessed by demons, but they can't turn into other things . Demons can appear as anything they want.

  • @JosephA.-ns9hr
    @JosephA.-ns9hr Месяц назад +11

    I have greatest respect for all Indians. You guys are my soul ❤ God your Father covers you guys all day long❤❤❤

    • @Sarah-said
      @Sarah-said Месяц назад +2

      I'm not trying to be rude but if you have great respect then maybe you should know that they usually prefer to be called Native Americans (in general, like when referring to all the tribes within the US as a group). The Native Americans in the video are Navajo and they have an amazing culture and history. It's not our fault that we were taught to call them Indians but we now know better.

  • @UncleBildo
    @UncleBildo Месяц назад +4

    I've always been fascinated by "The Big Rez". My godfather was game officer for our local big Rez, Colville in Washington. When I was a kid he spent time down there, and brought back crawdads from the Rez, that now are prolific up here. He also started me reading Tony Hillerman as a teen. I'm kinda a history geek anyhow, but the whole "how we got where we are" thing is a big draw for me, along with "what are we not seeing?" Skinwalkers and the sort has been a regular thing in discussions with friends and family forever. The traditions, stories, and people are always interesting. Up here it's the hairy man of the woods that haunts 'em. Hardcore respect for EMS, that's gotta be a challenge with the wonderful road system, great addressing system, and everyone all packed together like you guys have! There's a buttlaod of territory to work in, besides some of the tough runs they get. Several of my people are or were EMS on the Rez here. We're a bit less rural (not that much less) and we have trees to go with our rocks and sand!

  • @rvmcwhorter
    @rvmcwhorter Месяц назад +29

    I was fishing in Northern California, and I heard something that I thought was people laughing , then it got real quiet frogs stopped , cicadas stopped and all of a sudden I looked to my left and there was a coyote . It was creeping around back and forth staring at me . I yelled at it and waved my arms and it took off , then I heard the laughing people again . Only thing I could think of was it was skinwalker , I left ,a I left my other rod and bag of food too that was down the bank , I split . Never went back there . Yes the shit is real .

    • @MomentswithDavid
      @MomentswithDavid Месяц назад

      Where in northern Cali??

    • @wms72
      @wms72 Месяц назад

      Coyotes sound like creepy people laughing. Not supernatural.

  • @laurenelizabeth8585
    @laurenelizabeth8585 3 месяца назад +20

    Thanks for sharing. Love hearing the stories.

  • @valkyrie1066
    @valkyrie1066 Месяц назад +8

    It would be foolish to doubt the tales of people long living in any area. we moved in. we heard of skinwalkers and such. It would be too starry-eyed to ignore them. They know, we don't. Be respectful; as there is something in the old tales. Be respectful; be warned. I am of "the old religion" and I know better than to doubt long held beliefs. If this man says he saw one, I believe him. I have experienced enough similar situations. Blessed Be, Sir!

  • @alro11
    @alro11 3 месяца назад +22

    That you Lenny for your dedication and service. stay safe🧡

  • @LisaEllis-rt3xh
    @LisaEllis-rt3xh 2 месяца назад +7

    With all he has to deal with,on top of that the supernatrual stuff,takes a strong mind and will, God be with you Sir,stay safe

  • @board1666
    @board1666 3 месяца назад +18

    thank you Lenny and Nikita

  • @pamelamolyneaux2322
    @pamelamolyneaux2322 2 месяца назад +34

    My Navajo friend wouldn't even let us say the word skin walker.....around him
    He got really scared. That area we live in was snowflake az. Navajo county

  • @sandrabonner8208
    @sandrabonner8208 2 месяца назад +15

    The most frightening thing I heard, was a lack of full paramedics. I would also imagine lots of areas without radio and cell phone service to communicate with physicians, but if no paramedics likely not the most pressing problem. The Nation NEEDS to find a way to staff each and every ambulance with a paramedic!

  • @frangerheim8620
    @frangerheim8620 2 месяца назад +14

    Thanks for sharing 👍 I grew up in Lukachukai. I left there years ago, I reside in the Pittsburgh area. I love being away from hearing stuff like that. Bless you 🙏 for all you do.

    • @jjumbo33ify
      @jjumbo33ify 2 месяца назад

      Come home…..

    • @BonnieKennedy-pj7tn
      @BonnieKennedy-pj7tn Месяц назад

      How did you end up in Pittsburgh?

    • @frangerheim8620
      @frangerheim8620 Месяц назад +2

      I left for a 3 week vacation and I decided not to go back. I married my husband and said goodbye 👋 I am happily married for 20 years now plus we have great kids ❤ just sent one off to college 2 weeks ago. 4 down and one more to go. Life is good here for me. Different?! YES!! But absolutely great!!

    • @frangerheim8620
      @frangerheim8620 Месяц назад +2

      😢 😞 I'm so sorry but I'm not willing to come back. I love ❤where I am now. Life is better here for my family. I love it very much 🙏 ❤ it's my home.

  • @Shuigbo
    @Shuigbo 2 месяца назад +65

    My aunt has crazy skin walkers stories about her shift as a radiologist at the hospital in Gallup 😯😯😯😯

  • @charlottewilliams7866
    @charlottewilliams7866 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the invitation, Lenny! I hope to visit the Nation before long.

  • @ginarodriguez7773
    @ginarodriguez7773 Месяц назад +9

    Those red bouncing lights sound like the MARFA LIGHTS which are a big mystery in texas. No one really knows what they are are come from. They just appear at night sometimes on the horizon driving down the road. One time me and a friend were heading to Alpine and it got dark and in front of us e saw 4 red light's looked like break light's in a car but they were coming towards us pretty fast. We Were like what the freak😮!!! Then they just disappeared like up to the sky really fast.😮

  • @nativeandindigenuscraftcre433
    @nativeandindigenuscraftcre433 3 месяца назад +12

    Hi i am glad that it titled the right way and thanks for sharing your stories on Navajo nation it good to here what happens well on the job thanks again and good luck

  • @rarusnak
    @rarusnak Месяц назад +1

    I really enjoy the Dine' people, and loved hearing your EMS work and dedication to helping people. I have visited your nation several times, always a special visit with the people and your sacred lands. AHE'HEE'!, from an echo tech in Idaho.

  • @raptic5778
    @raptic5778 Месяц назад +5

    Former FF/EMT here. I’ve worked city EMS where a long call is 20-30 min & the shortest run time I was part of was 7 minutes. I’ve also worked rural EMS where a long call can easily end up being 4-6 hours with the average being about 2 hours. Between the two, I enjoyed rural EMS the most oddly enough. Instantly went & subbed this guy’s channel when he shared it as that kind of stuff/stories is what I love hearing. Real world “Hey we was on this call & the weirdest thing happened” were always the best to hear gathered around a table of 6 people eating like they haven’t at in 2 weeks trying to finish their food & story before the tones dropped again. IYKYK. I would seriously love to check out their EMS operation & see first hand how it all comes together in such an immensely rural area while out that way as I have long wondered how EMS/Rescue ops work in the Navajo Nation.

  • @JohnMelland
    @JohnMelland Месяц назад +1

    Thank you so much for sharing. 👣🦅🚣🏿‍♂️🔥🔥🔥🐟🐟🐟🐟

  • @Codythinkk-p9x
    @Codythinkk-p9x 2 месяца назад +7

    Loved to hear his story thanks for sharing!!!

  • @marquesn77
    @marquesn77 Месяц назад +5

    The lasting effects of Native American Residential schools is heartbreaking, vengeance is God’s

  • @TexMexGenX
    @TexMexGenX 3 месяца назад +48

    I Love You My Native Brothers and Sisters! ❤

    • @TexMexGenX
      @TexMexGenX 3 месяца назад +4

      How has the US Government not improved the infrastructure on Native lands???

    • @brianrichards4026
      @brianrichards4026 2 месяца назад

      Because those in the US government dont care about the Navajo, or any of the rest of WE THE PEOPLE,

  • @monicarust2383
    @monicarust2383 Месяц назад

    Great interview and information!

  • @pinatajuju4471
    @pinatajuju4471 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you brother and sister ❤

  • @k8eekatt
    @k8eekatt 3 месяца назад +17

    I love to hear from Dine in the Navaho nation! Thanks for sharing.

  • @EternaResplandiente
    @EternaResplandiente 2 месяца назад +5

    I really respect the Navajo Nation and im currently trying to learn some Navajo ❤🎉

  • @user-Votan
    @user-Votan 2 месяца назад +17

    Skin Walkers are more than one in one Body they fear Fire.

  • @anapantz
    @anapantz 2 месяца назад +2

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing the story.

  • @dorothybritton8564
    @dorothybritton8564 3 месяца назад +15

    Good stories from the big sky

  • @Luna-oo3fl
    @Luna-oo3fl Месяц назад +18

    I used to live in Yosemite national Park. Off chillnualna falls. Their was rumored to be an indian graveyard behind my house i was living at. I payed no heed and went hiking up the hill to see what adventures i could find on my day off work. Never went towards the graveyard as it was downhill. But this is a highly active deer trail because it is easy going on the top Ridgeline. As i got to the top i was gonna keep going upwards. Got an odd feeling it was quite. Then i heard what sounded like my mother calling my name . Thought i was tripping mabey it was a raven. Then i heard it again. As i looked into the shrubbery i thought i saw deer antlers fade into the bush. So i started to pray and went on my way. Thinking i was tripping out, none the less i turned downhill and started for home. Somehow got lost until i came upon my spirit animal. A big ass spider was in between two trees . I took some pictures and found my way home. Still to this day i wonder what or if i saw anything.

    • @45johngalt
      @45johngalt Месяц назад +1

      your spirit animal is a spider? lame.

    • @Betty-qz5zd
      @Betty-qz5zd Месяц назад +1

      @@45johngalt You know nothing

    • @mo_musashi_284
      @mo_musashi_284 Месяц назад +2

      @@45johngalthey mine is a pigeon so shut up !

    • @satsukikiryuin1667
      @satsukikiryuin1667 Месяц назад +1

      mine is shrek

    • @stacywallen4791
      @stacywallen4791 Месяц назад

      See a goul in the woods. Leave in a hurry to put space between you and u stop to take pics?

  • @JohnMacFergus-oz5cp
    @JohnMacFergus-oz5cp Месяц назад

    Thank you friend for your dedication and hard work! Also thank you for sharing your stories. I have been to Malpais NM and was creeped out, especially near the lava tubes. I am a colonist but love native people, culture and art.

  • @primitivebulliestony9090
    @primitivebulliestony9090 3 месяца назад +17

    Thank you for this incredible story.. Hopefully you do more stories like this on your channel. I subscribe and looking forward for your next vlog

  • @jamesduke9809
    @jamesduke9809 2 месяца назад +2

    Great video, thank you!

  • @kaecake9575
    @kaecake9575 2 месяца назад +16

    Ya'at'eeh shik'is from Iyanbito Dinétah
    I had heard some stories of Sasquatch in McGaffey NM by my auntie. She caught a picture of it peaking behind a tree. She only has 4 neighbors and they are all 30s or 50s
    In Navajo culture they wouldn't whistle at night because something might whistle back.
    My grandma in Red Rock Crayon, she had a encounter near ditches by her home. She heard a old woman say "Ya'at'eeh!" to her coming from her ditch. Since then she doesn't dumped her ashes in the ditch at night.
    It's creepy out here but its my family's homes
    I have a college friend from Ramah NM while in college in Las Vegas NM. He bought a rifle while I was hanging around him and I would joke with him about hunting a skinwalker but it sounded like he wasn't joking.

    • @imfloridano5448
      @imfloridano5448 2 месяца назад +6

      The Bigfoot people's have high respect for Native Americans. Y'all respect nature and them of course. They like to keep their distance cause they see that humans are scared of what they don't understand. They are very humble and when you rid your fear of them they will communicate with y'all. Leave them gifts of honey, garlic and fruits. Wat happens between y'all and the Bigfoot people's you must keep quiet about it unless they communicate differently

    • @kaecake9575
      @kaecake9575 2 месяца назад +4

      @@imfloridano5448 Wonderful comment. Indigenous People have too much respect for The Creator. They have been celebrating women for centuries it just takes Colonialism to break the celebration of women and have them depend on "mans ideas" instead of what "The creator" has brought to bring us together.
      "The land."

    • @sebastianguzman3845
      @sebastianguzman3845 Месяц назад +2

      There’s a lot of spooky stories in New Mexico. Thank you for sharing

  • @utahdirtbiketours
    @utahdirtbiketours 2 месяца назад +6

    I've been down in Chinle-Ganado several times this year. Uncle is a PT in Chinle-Ganado. We've heard so many stories from skin walkers to hairy bipedal creatures. It's wild out there.

  • @e4lee0311
    @e4lee0311 2 месяца назад +1

    Coach is a good example of service to the community. The Centaur story in the Chinle wash is a good one.

  • @chariots8x230
    @chariots8x230 Месяц назад +11

    8:37 Skinwalker story starts here

  • @redyazzie
    @redyazzie Месяц назад +1

    I worked Navajo EMS in Tohatchi 1970s.....yes , very real experiences. Been a PA since 1988.

  • @navajourbandeschinii7300
    @navajourbandeschinii7300 2 месяца назад +11

    NIZHONI NIZHONI interview on EMS situation thru out our Navajo Nation…glad to see back on Tube Channel.. thank you for sharing ❤❤

  • @PenelopePitstop0078
    @PenelopePitstop0078 Месяц назад +1

    Beautiful Navaho Nation folks❣️

  • @Joseph-dv7ow
    @Joseph-dv7ow 2 месяца назад +8

    Thank you my Native Brother and Sister, for sharing I’m only 15 o/o Native
    And I’m very proud of sharing the blood 🩸 line 🙏

  • @ndr226
    @ndr226 Месяц назад +1

    European elders report similar stories. Especially in the central and southern europe. Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

  • @c.t.murray3632
    @c.t.murray3632 Месяц назад +1

    Very interesting about the skinwalkers appearing with red lights. I'd be very interested in the ceremony to protect me against such powerful entities. I have enough problems of my own I don't need a skinwalker in my face. Thank you. I subscribed to your Channels.

  • @bieditso2038
    @bieditso2038 2 месяца назад +8


  • @truthspeaker711
    @truthspeaker711 Месяц назад

    Bless you and your wonderful, beautiful people. I have been there many times. My neighbors in Yavapai County answered my call to help your people during covid. It was your retired Captain of Criminal Investigations that met me ar Twin Arrows to transfer all the donations during the curfews. ❤❤

  • @jobannycruz9803
    @jobannycruz9803 Месяц назад

    You should do more stories like this on paranormal and skin walker’s 😊

  • @magdatorruellas9122
    @magdatorruellas9122 Месяц назад +1

    Even as a child I never believed in skin walkers and I have seen a lot!
    Still, Thumbs up for your channel.

  • @dds3159
    @dds3159 2 месяца назад +6

    Thanks for sharing this. Darren and Susan off grid seligman AZ

  • @cornwasher
    @cornwasher Месяц назад

    I would love to see a series of dramatic episodic stories following the rescue work performed on the reservation. Each episode following the same basic medicos, police and tribal members. The series 'Longmire' would be a great model for development of the series.

  • @alexplaysgames_2
    @alexplaysgames_2 Месяц назад

    I love you guys! I’m a big believer in this stuff and secretly always thought something strange should be out there to balance all the normal things in the world.

  • @browndwarf4200
    @browndwarf4200 Месяц назад

    Kool interview 👍🏽

  • @altayazzie3940
    @altayazzie3940 2 месяца назад +12

    I also grew up with skinny walkers..when i was parents go to town..just me and siblings are home alone..they use to crawl all on the with the meter box outside and knock on the wall..but we werent scared...we use to go out there and chase them away😂😂

    • @PrinceAli-83
      @PrinceAli-83 Месяц назад

      Um, had the same thing happened to me an my friend at her house in the woods. We never went out to look, we were terrified! But it sounded like the one on the roof wanted to beat down the whole house! This happened several times to us. We thought it was ghosts but dang it was loud and angry all over the ceiling! 😮

  • @CS-pi5oc
    @CS-pi5oc 2 месяца назад +2

    My fam has “experiences” generationally. I had many throughout life, but not where I currently live. I use the knowledge when driving. I just know what a person will do or is thinking. This week I had an experience…a tall, blonde man in his 30’s stood facing my closet in my bedroom. I was lying under covers on my bed. His hair cut was the businessman special & he was wearing a flannel shirt of muted red, and vanilla with black threads. It was a soft shirt tucked into khaki belted pants. He was relaxed like he was awaiting an elevator. I had fallen asleep listening to comedy on tv. I closed my eyes after seeing him to rethink & asked myself if he had been in a dream. I recalled the dream..he was not in it. I wonder who he is. I’ll ask family.

  • @Lon6inu5
    @Lon6inu5 Месяц назад

    Have a friend who was an elementary school teacher in Pinyon in the early 2000s. We drove out to visit him one summer and one night talked to one of his co-workers for hours about real high strangeness. It was scary stuff, especially at the time.

  • @bruhmoment1761
    @bruhmoment1761 2 месяца назад +6

    Congrats on the success of this video knew you would make it haha

  • @dayhikr140
    @dayhikr140 2 месяца назад +23

    Once driving through Kayenta after dark, behind me a huge flock of crows/black birds swarmed my car from behind. Don't know if that was paranormal, but I thought it odd that they would do this after dark.

    • @bethewalt7385
      @bethewalt7385 2 месяца назад +8

      That is bizarre, I thought the same thing, what were they doing out in the dark? I'm thinking they weren't "birds" as we normally know birds, I feel like something took the form of a flock of birds, but what? Really strange, I bet that kinda freaked you out, glad you're ok

    • @dayhikr140
      @dayhikr140 2 месяца назад +9

      @@bethewalt7385 That's what it looked a flock of black birds suddenly appeared from the ground and dispersed. Weird.

    • @cwavt8849
      @cwavt8849 Месяц назад +1

      It is! They know that to fly at night is risking their lives. And, it being crows, no matter the religion, there is dark symbolism.

    • @ginarodriguez7773
      @ginarodriguez7773 Месяц назад +2

      @dayhikr140 I live in Texas. Those black crows are always in the cemetary. Not neighborhoods. We get birds, pigeons. Well that afternoon I looked out my kitchen window and my front yard had like 15 crows on it!!! I was like what the freak!!! Like I do when something freaky unexplainable that gives me a bad vibe, I just started praying. Haven't seen any more round my home. 💕

    • @cwavt8849
      @cwavt8849 Месяц назад +1

      @@ginarodriguez7773 I, too, live in Texas and we have crows flocking together in large numbers every fall. If you live anywhere near nut bearing trees, especially pecans, most especially paper shell pecans, it is almost guaranteed that there will be large flocks of crows

  • @Spirits2000
    @Spirits2000 Месяц назад +3

    Wonder what it means to see a Bear that’s see though run right in front of you. I was outside helping a neighbor get her puppy and she saw it too but did not want to talk about it, while I still did want to. but she walked away. I even saw like a portal in my bedroom on the wall White wolfs in a pack running with the wind blowing. Then a month later and I didn’t tell anyone, my son comes down the stairs so afraid telling me the same thing he saw in my bedroom, he was so so afraid. Why ? What ? does this mean ?

  • @lavernemoreno7168
    @lavernemoreno7168 2 месяца назад +11

    Intreresting! I believe about everyone has a personal experience of what he's talking about..
    We have to go back to our True Dine Traditional self care, how we take responsibility of - to take care of our body, mind and spirit---- NOT --- to drink the Dame--- shit alcohol and substsnces...

  • @lavernemoreno7168
    @lavernemoreno7168 2 месяца назад +4

    Axheha la for being EMS!

  • @imfloridano5448
    @imfloridano5448 2 месяца назад +17

    The tribe needs a Blackhawk helicopter which can be designed to fly in the worst conditions. Why the Fed hasn't assigned Air transport unit trained in combat flying with medical personnel that have combat experience will cut the deaths down

    • @evelynbare1975
      @evelynbare1975 Месяц назад +1

      Because the FEDS don't share and they don't care.

  • @adriannagould363
    @adriannagould363 2 месяца назад +7

    Great job!!! Thanks for sharing ❤

  • @joseHernandez-xc4ix
    @joseHernandez-xc4ix Месяц назад

    Friend from chinlee left because of skinwalkers his stories were really trippy 😮

  • @HopiLivingintheCity
    @HopiLivingintheCity 2 месяца назад +10

    What is going on with the yellow water in Chinle?

    • @nikitajaiswal01
      @nikitajaiswal01  2 месяца назад +7

      Apparently someone had their water tested at the medical compound a few years back and Manganese is responsible for the yellowish color from sediment in the water, but the amount of Manganese was still at a safe level to drink (and a water filter can help filter it out if you are able to get one). Of course this is just one individuals house and that may not apply to all the houses in the community

  • @PaulBraman-t1h
    @PaulBraman-t1h 2 месяца назад +5


  • @traviscruise
    @traviscruise Месяц назад

    Really cool people and video. Thanks

  • @BlackCatTarotUSA
    @BlackCatTarotUSA Месяц назад

    fascinating! thanks for sharing!

  • @EmersonNez-um2sy
    @EmersonNez-um2sy 2 месяца назад +11

    Oh 😲 I have few scary stories you don't wanna tell they think your crazy

  • @MichaelCyrus88
    @MichaelCyrus88 Месяц назад

    I've driven the same stretch of highway number 9 as long as I've had a license. Chesterfield county, South Carolina. Coming back from my sister's house in chesterfield to my house in pageland. You pass through a small "town" called Mt. Croghan. It's just a post office with some houses close to it. 😂
    So, this is a rural area. You're most likely not going to see any vehicles at 3 in the morning. Coming into this small town that night i see a pretty large white ball of light come off of a side road, right across number 9, and into the woods across the road. I stopped and could see it just floating through the woods, winter, no leaves on the trees. I still have no idea what it actually was but it never seemed to deviate from its path. So it had to be floating right through limbs.
    Still question what i saw that night.

  • @chriswolford1054
    @chriswolford1054 Месяц назад

    I just toured the new 9-11 center in Harrison County, West Virginia. It handles all kinds of calls for two counties. We have a significant drug problem here related to OxyContin and meth. Many of these folks are homeless in the Clarksburg area.

  • @UVJ_Scott
    @UVJ_Scott Месяц назад

    A Tony Hillerman story comes to life. 😊

  • @lionsdejudah
    @lionsdejudah Месяц назад

    A coworker of mine named Kody(Caucasian man)I worked with in York, NE told me when he was around 14 years old his family lived down a dead end dirt road, the walk was about 1/4 of a mile to his house from where the bus dropped him off from school. One day while walking home from school alone, and to his left side across a barbed wire fence in a wooded area he saw a Man dressed in camouflage like a hunter was walking parallel to him in the same direction as he was, he stopped and observed the man continue to walk behind a tree and expecting the man to exit out of the tree, but he didn’t, so he jumped the fence to check out what was going on, and he got closer and closer to the tree the man had just walked behind, something ran out from the tree and ran off into the woods, he was surprised to see that it was a deer. I forgot about kodys story until I’ve been reading the comments to similar stories like his. He told me a lot of weird coincidences has happened in his life.

  • @blasphemous
    @blasphemous 2 месяца назад +5

    Been wondering where Coach has been

  • @YazzieVlogs
    @YazzieVlogs 2 месяца назад +9

    Yoooo it’s Coach!!! Good to see and hear from you again! Awesome video!!

    • @RVSD1984
      @RVSD1984 2 месяца назад +1

      Warren did you tell him it was you and Shane running around.

  • @cecileroy557
    @cecileroy557 Месяц назад

    The idea of skin-walkers scares the crap out of me!!! 😮 Seeing one must affect a person - BIG TIME - for the rest of their life!

  • @fishingpro64
    @fishingpro64 Месяц назад

    You can tell by the man’s face he’s not playing games.

  • @bennyx1281
    @bennyx1281 Месяц назад

    New sub here from Texas, hope y'all do some hairy man videos😊..

  • @quintoncarroll5803
    @quintoncarroll5803 Месяц назад +2

    I'm a nurse practitioner in TN. It's always been my fantasy to work on or volunteer on a reservation.

  • @matthewortiz7223
    @matthewortiz7223 2 месяца назад +5

    It's a shame nowadays that cartels took land away and no one helps..

    • @pedlpower
      @pedlpower Месяц назад

      Drug cartels are taking over reservation land?