Would help to video more angles front from the front/back instead of from the side. It's rare to see handstanding videos from these angles, so it's not very clear how wide the hands are or how flared out the elbows are as you are performing the HSPU.
Your videos always pop up at the perfect time
Thank you, Sir!
This is very helpful. I'm training for HSPU atm. It's early days as I'm only on pike push ups but I hope to get some solid progress this year. Thanks
You always appear on cue. Nice one broooo
Would help to video more angles front from the front/back instead of from the side. It's rare to see handstanding videos from these angles, so it's not very clear how wide the hands are or how flared out the elbows are as you are performing the HSPU.
hands shoulder width or just outside shoulder width
avoid flaring elbows, keep them as tucked as you can