My 1979 Honda CBX

  • Опубликовано: 2 янв 2025

Комментарии • 64

  • @sanderslongdrive
    @sanderslongdrive 2 года назад +3

    This is a BEAUTIFUL motorsickle. Be deservedly proud. Twenty years ago in the U.K. this model could barely be given away. It was nicknamed 'The Whale,' and I also heard it referred to as 'The Gas Guzzler,' and 'The Dinosaur.' I sung its praises but no-one listened. Then strangely (and I haven't a clue how it happened) it became almost overnight extremely desirable, and its value rose from £ 1,500. to £ 10,000. Most likely a celebrity was photographed on one? Whatever the reason, it will now be preserved in numbers as an icon. Quite rightly so! (Only this week on buying my latest I struggled between this model and the Honda Valkyrie. The latter won, and let's hope that I don't drop it).

  • @rover100bunson
    @rover100bunson 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @vincentmondello2052
    @vincentmondello2052 5 лет назад +3

    Love it. We were putting those together new out of the crate when I worked for Honda. Mine was just like yours, I went to Denco 6/6 pipes. Thanks for the memories I rebuilt 2 of th 781/2 models with the bad petcocks and the massive failure caused by gas in the 5-6 cyl, causing a hydraulic situation. #6 rod would break and take all of the alternator housing with it, a semicircle cut :(

  • @menom7
    @menom7 2 года назад +2

    Beautiful machine!!!

  • @SportbikeUnitedRiderz
    @SportbikeUnitedRiderz 4 года назад +2

    Absolutely stunning ! had the 1981 Honda CB 750 SuperSport in same condition.

  • @bobcohoon9615
    @bobcohoon9615 3 года назад +2

    Beautiful job

  • @nivan231
    @nivan231 6 лет назад +2

    What a lovely motorbike bro and u have maintained it so well.. it's my birth year

  • @ekitching
    @ekitching 4 года назад +1

    That thing is beautiful! Great job on it.

  • @Always2Wheel
    @Always2Wheel 4 года назад +2

    yo that bike looks as if it just came off the dealership nice job on taking care of it

  • @NemadjiOutdoors
    @NemadjiOutdoors  6 лет назад +4

    Thank you! I restored it myself although the engine was just cleaned up and a little maintenance on it.

  • @sstocker31
    @sstocker31 4 года назад +1

    Your bike looks fantastic, nice job restoring it. It's got'll always be cold blooded.

    • @mikerieck306
      @mikerieck306 4 года назад

      Turn the idle mixture screws out a half to 3/4 of a turn and it will noticeably improve cold running and steady cruise.

  • @stevenlangdon-griffiths293
    @stevenlangdon-griffiths293 2 года назад +1

    The handle bar grips are the same as my bike which is a Victory Hammer. They are very comfortable and work well.

  • @stuartvorster4911
    @stuartvorster4911 3 года назад +1


  • @sammcrae8892
    @sammcrae8892 4 года назад +1

    Of course it's cold blooded, it's a Honda, but once it's warm, she will rock and roll.

  • @fabiominervino7256
    @fabiominervino7256 2 года назад

    Que moto hermosa lo felicito al dueño lo una belleza qué la disfrutes

  • @paulblouin6955
    @paulblouin6955 Месяц назад

    Prettier than new

  • @NemadjiOutdoors
    @NemadjiOutdoors  6 лет назад +2

    I am kicking myself now. I sent it out to GTL in Hollywood, CA. Gas Tank Lining. Not cheap but a good investment.

  • @paulsefton7102
    @paulsefton7102 4 года назад +2

    The most gorgeous motorcycle ever made. Just ahead of the 916 Ducati.

    • @sanderslongdrive
      @sanderslongdrive 2 года назад +1

      Don't forget the Brough Superior, Norton Superior, Aerial Square Four, and my bike - the Valkyrie!

  • @mPDC-gh8jy
    @mPDC-gh8jy 5 лет назад +3

    Well restored except the (strange and mismatched) rubber handlebar grips.

  • @negoalex4453
    @negoalex4453 2 года назад +1

    🖤🖤🖤 fabulosa 🖤🖤🖤

  • @marks2731
    @marks2731 3 года назад +1

    This bike, the CBX .. it is my next bike.
    I will either keep what I have, or get a CBX. No other options.

  • @rideroll9609
    @rideroll9609 3 года назад

    I really need one of these in my life :D :D

  • @laneglarry
    @laneglarry 3 года назад +1

    Awesome to see, apparently that bike will be worth 6 figures in 5 years, so a wonderful investment

  • @dannytheplumber7394
    @dannytheplumber7394 6 лет назад +2

    Amazing bike , too bad you sold it . May you specify what brand you used to line the inside of the gas tank ,,( airplane epoxy ?)

  • @sawada1969
    @sawada1969 2 года назад +1


  • @jimclarke1108
    @jimclarke1108 7 лет назад +1

    Great job

  • @grizzlibear500
    @grizzlibear500 2 месяца назад

    Feel free to correct me but i think this bike was the first to break the 100HP mark.

  • @NemadjiOutdoors
    @NemadjiOutdoors  5 лет назад +1

    Thank you! I know they are not stock but we're way more comfortable.

  • @richardkean5352
    @richardkean5352 7 лет назад +1

    Nice resto Jim. I need to strip/redo the 'liner' that the previous owner did on my CBX. Can you provide me with the name of the outfit who did the gas tank lining? I like the even coverage that was obtained. Tx

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  7 лет назад +1

      Richard Kean Thank you! I sent the gas tank to GTL Advantage in Hollywood,CA. They did a outstanding job and will use them again.

  • @ricardomk9725
    @ricardomk9725 5 лет назад +1

    Hello Jim please ....Where did you buy the seat? And the motor protection?

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  5 лет назад

      The seat was stock and the guards came with the bike when I bought it.

  • @steelwheels327
    @steelwheels327 7 лет назад +1

    Very nice ! ever consider selling it ?

  • @rockhardlyable
    @rockhardlyable 8 лет назад +1

    I like it a lot.
    Where did you get the "new Sankei exhaust" please. Are the front forks from a CBX?
    Not to be picky but I notice the fork's top caps are not from a 1979 CBX

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  8 лет назад

      I believe it was called Northwest Vintage Motorcycle in Maine. The forks are original but the previous owner had air line on it so I used caps off a CB750.

  • @tedmarakas2626
    @tedmarakas2626 3 года назад

    I'll buy it. Where are you? how much cash should I bring with me?

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  3 года назад

      Sorry but it was sold a few years ago. Still kicking myself.

    • @tedmarakas2626
      @tedmarakas2626 3 года назад

      @@NemadjiOutdoors I understand.....In 30 plus years of riding I've kicked myself so many times.

  • @sardormasharipov508
    @sardormasharipov508 3 года назад +1


  • @andreisamuel2939
    @andreisamuel2939 3 года назад

    Quer trocar ou vender?

  • @NemadjiOutdoors
    @NemadjiOutdoors  7 лет назад +1

    Sorry but it sold last fall and is in the UK.

    • @socalo100
      @socalo100 6 лет назад

      how much

    • @socalo100
      @socalo100 6 лет назад

      please tell me how much

    • @billysantoro8798
      @billysantoro8798 6 лет назад

      Hey Jimmy, this was so nice..I don't get it..why would you sell this?

  • @remmywalters2646
    @remmywalters2646 5 лет назад

    How much for yhe cbx reply please?

  • @rover100bunson
    @rover100bunson 8 месяцев назад

    Its a gas that the tyre on these is the same width as 125,s now

  • @anilghavate
    @anilghavate Год назад

    Can I get this bike

  • @ar2043
    @ar2043 8 месяцев назад

    Beautiful motorcycle. Carburetors are out of sync and it sounds like it's running on 4 out of 6 cylinders!!!

  • @carlosgooglemaps94
    @carlosgooglemaps94 5 лет назад

    Why the stupid piece of plastic hose as rear brake fluid reservoir?, WHY????

    • @scottb8175
      @scottb8175 3 года назад

      Its a fibre braided rubber hose that goes to the actual reservoir mounted up high on the frame (actually the battery box) - that's the stock parts there....when new the hoses look black, but over time the fibre braid looses its color because the dye in the fibre braid washes out - same for the OEM oil cooler lines. I've owned 22 CBX's.... I still have 3 now

  • @claritoresdiano1021
    @claritoresdiano1021 5 лет назад +1

    add your copyright before someone steal your video and make money from adsense

  • @germagic2
    @germagic2 3 года назад

    sell it ti me 25,000

  • @rideroll9609
    @rideroll9609 3 года назад

    That grips are just terrible... :D

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  3 года назад

      The stock ones were terrible and these Kuryakans were more comfortable. It was the one stock item I was willing to compromise on.

  • @zalle1
    @zalle1 4 года назад

    The tall handlebars look so... 🤮

    • @NemadjiOutdoors
      @NemadjiOutdoors  4 года назад

      They are stock handlebars.

    • @zalle1
      @zalle1 4 года назад +1

      @@NemadjiOutdoors In Europe the stock handlebars are a lot lower. I think you call it the "sports kit"