5:25 writer here...I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that...yeah goats do give milk, I must have misread or didn't notice or was up late on 5 bottles of coke when I wrote it...apologies, Noobert pin this
Here is a thrumbo story. I had a colony 7 people in total. 1 person her name was jex had a thrumbo she was returning from a mining mission along with a mining slave and some muffalo. she brought her pet thrumbo, Thrumby. Before she got back the colony was getting ROLLED by raiders. When jex and the mighty thrumby got back I had low hope of winning that battle but THRUMBY the GIGACHAD that he is with 1 dose of go juice was able to single handedly murder 13 raiders spread throughout the colony while my 2 other returning colonists helped stabilized the downed colonists. Thrumbos are so freaking awesome. And a go juiced thrumbo will murder everything in its path like an unstoppable force. Perks of thrumbos. -eats trees, in the winter time you don’t have to feed them precious food -tanky as all hell they just don’t go down -absolute murder machines -can save dying colonists -adorable
When there’s mods... ooh... glitter tech weapons take them in 5 shots... and being the technologically accepting Caesar’s legion with half of my troops (around 20) equipped with glitter tech snipers... they’re kinda pathetic with mods.
@@SaintSC05 Vanilla weapons like the Zeushammer will take a while but not too long to down a thrumbo. In my most recent play through, I had this one guy who I gave full archotech limbs and a bunch of stupidly OP mod boosts and he downed a thrumbo with his persona zeushammer in less than 40 seconds, never losing more than 5% of his health. But considering he slaughters battalions of imperial troopers, jannisaries, champions and cataphracts in his fun maze of death, not exactly a impressive feat.
One of my first long lasting runs, I got a MegaSloth using the taming buff on it to guarantee the tame. I named it Toothless and that sloth was *amazing.* It fought for me for a year easy, taking a bullet to the brain, losing a paw, both of its eyes being scratched, and still, still he fought on. He ended up retiring and we found him a lady sloth to make babies with, and he ended up saving more lives by hauling the wounded back to the hospital building. After that, MegaSloth will be my golden goal for animal taming.
I love mega sloths, they are a great help for hunting big animals, and helping in geral, they also can be used to easily kill raiders if you bring 2 colonists
10-14 cobras joined my colony once, since they don't require much maintenance I let them be. A month or two later I was attacked by infected ships, I'd totally lose the colony if not for the cobras. Almost all of them died, but they saved my colony. There were 5-6 heavy injuries but every pawn survived.
I too was a cobra breeder. My first winning playthrough actually. They breed quite quickly as well. Many a drop pod raid were thwarted by an Indiana Jones level of venomous snakes.
randy ways are numerous and convoluted... I can say the same about 47 beavers that decided its time to raid me same moment as quest raid did... in most cases free stuff is good, but its not worth to start cobra farm otherwise...
Fun fact: there is a phenomenon in economics called the cobra effect caused by unnatural stimulation of the economy leading to new industries specifically for that unnatural stimulation. It gets its name from the British Raj, where the authorities would pay good money for cobra heads because cobras were such a menace. This helped lower the cobra population until someone realized they could just breed cobras for a steady income. When the Brits realized what people were doing, they stopped the program, which then caused all the snake breeders to release their snakes into the wild, drastically increasing the number of cobras.
Fun fact, an Emu managed to steal a truck in the Emu War. Well “steal” is more “shanghaied” a truck, when the army though to just run the emu over, the emu instead rolled over the bonnet and through the window of the truck where it processed to kick and attack the driver and passenger, who bailed out leaving the emu tangled with the wheel where it drove away with the truck.
@@razenburn While I never heard of that incident, the Emu war is hilarious! Check it out for sure. Regards from across the world, a maple syrup chugging Canadian.
The new animal pen mechanics in 1.3 means that the chickens no longer circle their coop in some ritual to summon the chicken God and the auto slaughter means I have a endless supply of chicken meat
i just started playing rimworld, and my first colonists spawned in with a lab retriever. he was such a good boi, took me a while to realize i could train him to haul and rescue, but he 100% saved the lives of some of my other colonists. yesterday he died while defending during a raid, and i didnt realize that sarcophagi count as art pieces, so theres just a gorgeous marble sarcophagus for my dog next to a bunch of raider graves outside my base. RIP in peace Yuuta, you were the goodest boi
goose > chicken. one goose is literally chicken x2 stats. except for maturing age, which is exactly the same. their eggs are x2 nutrition but produced 2 times slower and don't need to be fertilized. each goose requires x2 food as chicken. it takes pawns at least 2 times less work to handle geese compared to chickens because of their lower number for same output. also butchering geese gives bird leather in addition to meat. put those chickens to C tier where they belong. and give geese their rightful place in the S tier.
geese are wild animals though (60%) so they will return to wild status if they are not constantly trained and maintained which not only takes valuable trainer time but also requires more food input due to the training mechanic involving a food offering so they eat more than just the 2x compared to the chicken when you take everything into consideration. The more geese you have the more training you need to do. They become quite labor intensive the more you get. Geese provide decent meat AND bird skin compared to the chicken while not sacrificing much really on the nutrition input for these resources. They are a bit slower to build up though since it takes 2 days rather than 1 day for them to lay eggs so it takes longer to reach an optimal number. Pre 1.3 patch I'd say definitely go with Geese as they are the superior animal and they definitely were. They laid MORE eggs than chickens did crazily enough and were just the superior choice all around with the only downside ofcourse that they take training to maintain and in pre 1.3 they could turn manhunter (20% chance) if they disliked your taming attempt ... but that's just part of the fun lmao. Since 1.3 they are definitely not as good as chickens anymore. I do tend to tame them until I can get my hands on some chickens. What geese really need is pack animal defense tactics or something. If a raider were too attack geese, then the whole flock of geese should imho turn manhunter and attack the invader. That would make geese hilariously funny and interesting to keep. Geese stronk!
Fun fact, some researchers preformed some MIRs on some elephants while showing them various pictures to see how they responded to them emotionally, and they discovered that elephants react the same way to humans as they do baby elephants, meaning elephants find humans adorable lol. But yes, elephants are wonderful as they are the only pack animal that can rescue/haul, while combat wise they are equivalent to a Megasloth, and caravan wise equivalent to two Camels, both carry and riding speed wise, all for less hunger than the afore mentioned combination. In short they are the best animal to raid with.
I managed to tame a megaspider in base game rimworld. He was the best tank a colony could ask for. Sadly he passed away due to old age. In case you got how I did it: 1. Find insect 2. Down them. Pick the least damaged and kill off the rest. 3. Place it inside cryptosleep casket 4. Destroy the hive. Nothing must remain. (The insect will be non hostile if it's hive is gone.) 5. When you have a colonist with inspired taming, take the insect out. The insect is downed due to crypto sickness. 6. Patch it up. 7. When it manages to move, use inspired colonist to tame it. 8. Repeat if you want more.
Megascarabs inside ancient dangers (unless they spawn with other bugs and a hive) will be passive and can be tamed. I've never bothered doing it but it makes it pretty damn easy if you want some bugs.
@@NoNo-xh7ru Thats very rare if it is possible since I have never seen an ancient danger with insects without the hive. That said, Megaspiders natually spawn neutral in the desert.
@@flordelphinta that's weird. I've had at least 4 or 5 ancient dangers where I've seen it. They aren't wandering around inside persay but whenever you open the cryptosleep caskets they pop out and just start wandering around. Aren't hostile and can be tamed
Wargs are not S tier IMO, my first ever rimworld colony my doctor/tamer bonded with a warg she landed with. I was still a noob and unfortunately my doctor got downed trying to tame an animal with a 10% chance of retaliation when it did so. unfortunately she was the only person i had with any medical skill and the rogue animal wouldn’t let anyone else rescue her. she died in my crappy little hospital and the warg immediately ate the rest of my colonists in sadness. RIP
Horses and maybe even donkeys should be A for the sheer power of caravan speed bonus, the boost is so huge and makes caravaning so much less of an annoyance
this is a huuuuuge benefit not even mentioned in the vid. every game I would have donkeys ASAP and I would use them for caravanning. I would make absolutely sure to get a breeding pair of donkeys
Horses are the fastest caravan animal, I try to keep at minimum 50-75 alive, but when they breed too much and get to be over 100, I slaughter them down to about 50 for meat and leather. They live off of corn and when I form caravans, I take ALL of them on the trip. They graze on the trip so you dont have to feed them, and as they give birth, it just adds to the total carrying capacity. I grow huge devilstrand farms as well produce a lot of yayo to add to the caravans. This enables me to hit several allied settlements to trade for all of the highest tier supplies, including archotech bionics, advanced components, plasteel, gold and jade (for royal beds), as well as anything else I can buy through my travels, even regular steel and components. I will also mention, traveling with mech queens was really fun, especially since they automatically resupply with steel I buy from the trader, and they barely use any energy.
Yeah, I had a "custom" start (basically it was to ensure that the starting animal was a Boomalope since they were sacred for the ideoligion I had made) that used Boomalopes and Boomrats. It was real fun when they started to starve despite having plenty of food. Did you know that the "sacred animal killed" mood debuff caps at 16?
Boomrats are fucking amazing if you use them right... I like keeping them built into my kill maze... whenever there's a raid I'd just let them wander out of their breeding cave and into the next raid
Yeah as someone who went through the trouble of taming 4 thrumbos I can say they aren't particularly useful. I'm at a point in the game where I can't even use them in combat so they just sit on their asses all day. They look cool though so in my mind they'll always be S tier. Just a couple comments. Bears have a comically small hunger rate. They eat a third as much as pawns or a little over twice a chicken. Also alpacas are a definite s tier in my book. Extremely easy to tame and they produce a ridiculous amount of wool. Get yourself a small herd of them and never worry about running out of clothing materials again. It's also pretty valuable for some reason. The majority of my money to this day comes from alpaca wool. I'd say wargs are a c tier. They are ridiculously powerful but the risk associated with getting them just doesn't justify going out of your way to get them to me. Unless you have an inspired taming, then go nuts.
It's also very warm and can produce the second best parkas (after megasloths). Great for cold biomes. You can even use them. As Pack animals. Sadly they are neither intelligent nor strong.
Alpaca wool IRL is a valued material, it is softer than sheeps wool, there was a herd of them in a field in my village a few years ago (I live in the UK). So perhaps the devs accounted for that :D
I tame a thrombo on rimworld console version by beating the shit out the other thrombo also to beat the crap out of the thrombo I use someone who was staying at my base for protection for a quest I used him as bait
For me the elephants are a S tier, the doesn't need much, are easy to tame, eat grass, have a high intelligence, are tanking, does a lot of meat and leather when slaughter, the leather are great for clothes, in caravans carry much and give a bonus of speed.
Horse should be in s tier. They are perfect caravan animals. They breed kinda fast and you can sell them in high prices. They are easy to tame and no need to train them. Just make a horse farm and you can easily travel and carry your stuff and sell stalions for really good amount of silver.
If you dont want more fertilized eggs you can solve that by putting a couple of egg boxes in a small room with farm doors and below -1°C, the chickens will lay the eggs in that room and it will become unfert because of the cold
@@croozerdog yup, got to separate the males and females, that's how I keep my animals under control. I tend to keep 2 of every male in reserve, to be sure I can reproduce them if one happens to die for odd reasons but the surplus is killed off pretty early. At one point my Alpaca crew grew to over 40 animals in just scant a year starting with just a few specimen ... I had to do some population control since they were eating the entire map clean. Needless to say Alpaca clothes became a major export commodity for my colony.
At least for chickens once you have a strong population you can just enable slaughtering pregnant and set an upper limit on the number of hens. You should still get plenty of fertilised eggs without dying in an exponential chicken explosion.
i set it to kill offsprings but keep at least half of the number of adults. that way my adult chikens still get renewed while my pen doesnt get overwhelmed with chicks. i keep 1 rooster for every 5 hens so i still get some unfertilized eggs, and all the fertilized eggs get hatched, but the autoslaughter keeps the number of chicks at hand. butchering the chicks are still relatively managable.
Hm. I'll just throw in a few things here: 1. Ibexes are the most efficient Meat source per food intake if you exclude things like tortuses which take insane micro and work hours to be efficient and chickens which don't take insane micro but even more work hours from you pawns then the tortuses do. Just adult slaughter Ibexes and you are good, they give great amounts of one of the better types of leather too. 2. Horses make you caravans the fastest they can be, plus they can still take a comparativeley large amount of stuff with them and they are also one of the better sources for meat and leather.They take a while to grow up but that also means they take less labor time from your colonists and if you put the corpses in the freezer you are going to save a lot of space too. So overall I think they are actually the best animal in the game at the moment. 3. Wargs are awful for what they eat. If you actually get lucky at the early game and just tame one you are going to starve, Bears are just better then Wargs if you compare how much they eat since you can support a lot more Bears with the same amount of food then you could Wargs. Wargs don't even breed that much faster in reality since you can have way more Bears breeding at the same tame for the same resources.
@@robertwildschwein7207 No. ONE Elephant can carry more than ONE horse but that is irrellevant because one elephant eats as much as 3.7 horses which means you can easily have 3 horses instead of one elephant and still use less food then the one elephant eats. One elephant can carry 300 with a riding modifier of 1.3 and 3 horses can carry 540 with a riding modifier of 1.6. You use elephants when your food is irrelevant or when you need everything they can give you, which is a good leather, a lot of meat per space used if you don't butcher them before you need the meat, a great tank, a good damage dealer, a pack animal and a hauler that can rescue people, so they can do everything except wool and milk. But all of that comes at huge costs, they are hard to tame and are terribly dangerous if you fail the attempt to do so, they eat insane amounts of food and take a really long time to mature and multiply and compared to how much they eat they give you practically nothing back if you butcher them, for every 1 nutrition you feed them you get 0.295 back when butchered optimally and the same goes for the leather. Combat wise you can have 4 bears which can also haul and rescue, instead of one elephant and just like with the horses together they will eat slightly less then the one single elephant giving you 0.95 nutrition back per every 1 you put in which is great for a combat animal. Oh and horses give you 1.506 per 1 so your excess horses actually make you food income by quite a lot. Don't misunderstand, the fact that you only need one type of animal for everything has upsides too, for example if raiders land on them they can fight back unlike horses and on caravans they can actually be useful and take a few shots without a problem without bloating the caravan with dedicated defense animals, also one of the very first problems you narmally solve is food, so this is not so bad later in the game, but they are huge resource sinks and they take forever to get going.
@@Hinguckah Elephants eat grass. Grass is free! Thrumbos are probably better than elephants, but I am still a noob who doesn't know how to tame Thrumbos.
@@Hinguckah This caught my eye too. Ibex is not D tier, not by long shot. Best animals for ranching meat and while plainleather isn't that hot, it does have its uses in a pinch when you have run out of thrumbofur and Devilstrand. Excess leathers can be turned into silver.
About Thumbos, one important thing that can not be forgotten is how valuable their fur is. If you can spare a small forest to feed them and breed yourself a sizable number of them, you can get rich very easily. Also, they fur is good at bribing rivale settlements into being your friends
Rich is not necessarily good though as it makes raids worse. Obviously you can spend that money on better gear but unless you have the tech to make decent stuff yourself you will struggle to equip people sufficiently from just trading as traders gear can be quite hit and miss
My current colony has two pets, a tortoise and a husky The tortoise was a self tame. He has alzheimers The husky is kinda a funny story. I took a quest for a Noble to keep his 2 Huskies (male and female) for a long period of time. The female got pregnant, gave birth (ig litters arent a thing in rimworld, since she only had one), and when the time came, the shuttle only took the original two It's pretty cool to know that my suprise animals are actually good. I'm pretty new to the game and had never donr much with animals, so it's good to know the ones I got are good! The colony also has several muffalo and a yak
With many, many bionic mods... I make my Thrumbos S tier fighting machines that never die, until they do ( which is a sad day in the colony) I've honestly used a reserrector mech serum on a mecha god thrumbo over a dead 20 shot colonist many times..."sorry Tom, you just don't measure up to the power of a thrumbo"
Fun fact, panthers don't actually exist, at least not in the way you think they do. Panthers are not any one single type of animal. 'Panther' actually just refers to the Panthera genus, which includes: Leopards, Tigers, Jaguars, & Lions. All of those are panthers.
I tried to tame a warg during one of my earlier "I'm still new at this game" runs, it looked at my pawn (who was very good for animals with 10+double passion), laughed in my face, then proceeded to hunt down my entire group because of manhunter (sadly that same pawn was incapable of violence and I didn't react quickly enough before it got into my base). Quickest run of my life if I didn't save before hand.
One time I downloaded a mod that let every animal be tamed to at least guard and attack. After many years of farming and preparation, it finally paid off. The rough outlander union id been lowering my relationship with attacked. But they didn’t account for one fatal mistake. The first four attackers jogged cautiously at the seemingly inactive north end of the compound. It would be a while before the second attack group coming from the south reached the base due to the large hills and river to the south. Purple, in her good marine armor clutched her chain shotgun as she joked with Marco about blackjack. High on go-juice, Marco blitzed past his comrade, storming into the already-opened doors of the outer walls. But there wasn’t anybody there. Moving further into the flagstone roads crisscrossing the base, he heard a noise. The skittering of a small animal, perhaps? Turning around, he found a single raccoon, wandering the empty roads. The psychopathic Marco raised his heavy SMG with a grin. As soon as the first shot went off, his fate was sealed. The raccoon dodged two of the heavy caliber slugs, but fell to a shattered spine on the third shot. *And then the rest came*. Five, six, seven, eight, they emerged like a swarm of ants from the doors of the colony. Overwhelmed, Marco swung his machine gun in a desperate attempt to fend them off. By this time, the other four of the northern attacking party cleared the doors of the colony. Horrified by the sight unfolding in front of them as their friend’s flak jacket was torn to pieces before their eyes, they too raised weapons. But it wasn’t enough. Not by a damn sight. They flowed like water from the corridors between the buildings. Tens of them, no, *hundreds* of raccoons emerged from every direction. Every single one with the same goal, and the same unbridled ferocity. *The Garbagemind had been awoken.* Breeching the thick lower walls, the second raid party spread out, causing wanton destruction on the south side. Colonist gunmen opened fire in an effort to delay the attackers, but they had no need. Dead in a matter of minutes, the raccoon-overwhelmed northern party was no more. The Garbagemind, with minimal losses, shifted its fury to another target. Still easily 90 strong, the horde shredded the armored invaders in a day-long struggle. Soon overwhelmed and wrought with causalities, the raiders turned to retreat. But their death was assured the moment they set foot in the compound. Although sustaining heavy losses, the 40-odd raccoons remaining pursued the fleeing attackers. Back at the base of the attacking faction, they waited. Many days had passed, surely they would have returned in victory by now, right? And return they did. Or rather, he did. One man, missing an eye, three fingers, an ear, and with no small amount of cuts and bleeding limped back to his home territory. From then on, no faction dared to go near the colony of The Dump.
8:30 Chinchilla fur is alo the 3rd best leather in the game when it comes to price and insulation, although they arent very protective.. 1st and 2nd being thrumbofur and hyperweave so. yea
Back in version 1.1, animal traders would frequently have obscene numbers of fertilized eggs. I loved buy all of the eggs, and then try to raise all the animals for a profit. Well, one of the times, I bought x127 fertilized cobra eggs. They all hatched in unison during a raid. The raiders were actually inside my animal pen breaking the wall to my base. One of the 3 raiders turned and fired his autopistol, killing a baby cobra. The entire horde aggroed at once. Each man died from about 20 snake bites within 3 seconds. I created an inverted home area and assigned the cobras to it. I still had over 100 when the next traders arrived.
I love how you went from the bottom to the top. Most people who do these ranking Tier thing, don't do it in any order. The way you did it was satisfying. Thank you! Binging on so many of your ringworld videos
I do not understand. Thrumbo has 98% of wildness. But I adopted three of them at the first try! And later I had two little thrumbo, so it's five... Dammit.
I want to put wargs on S tier, but that is dependant on biome and the colony's weapons, if your biome has large, tough to kill animals you have an issue where they try to hunt an animal like a rhino or elephant but this can cause the whole herd to go manhunter and potentially kill an underdeveloped colony
Thrumbo is by far the single strongest melee thing in rimworld, they can take on several scythers. or mega spiders and it be a fair fight 1v3 so long as thrumbo doesn't have health issues. its usually great to have but long term i've only had 3 my entire time playing rimworld. and they usually tend to have brain damage and missing parts by the end .
@@Shishizurui Not likely, in fact, thrumbos should be F tier, only valuable for their fur/horn in the spawn event. they eat a lot, require 99% of your handler time and worst of all.... they add an insane amount of wealth to your colony, something like 5 times an elephant. Sure they look cool and gives you bragging rights but aside from that they are useless and harmful to your colony Strongest melee, yeah i agree on that, but the elephant melee is not that far behind. Elephants to me should be S tier.
Going to go with Warg's being in the B tier. They offer about the same advantages as the wolfs do, with a slightly lower chance for them to go wild. However the trade off for their less likelihood to go wild, is that they'll strait murder your colonists if they do. They're easily one of the toughest and most deadly creatures in the game, outside of the Thrumbo, especially do to their numbers. Even with a fully geared and teched up colony, a man hunter pack of these can be one of the worst threats they'll encounter. Trying to tame one of these early is extremely dangerous, if it goes manhunter and you are unprepared to deal with such a threat, it could spell the doom of your colony. However it's positives are not to be taken lightly either. Giving the same advantages as wolves, with a much tougher body, and amazing attack power. They do require meat, but this can easily be subsidised with raider corpses and other animals, depending on where you are. They do have a high wild stat, but it is still lower than a large number of the other animals, which means they won't require huge amounts of attention to keep them tame. They're extremely deadly in combat, and can easily kill an entire group of well armed raiders, and at the least break a siege. They're very durable, so even if they go down, they can usually be rescued with plenty of time to spare. The main reason I set them into the B tier along with wolves, is because outside of their deadliness, they don't offer much more than their weaker counterparts. Their deadliness, despite being a great advantage for your colonists, can also be extremely detrimental to them. Essentially the Warg is slightly easier to tame, but more difficult to keep around, due to its food requirements. It offers the same advantages for hauling, and mood buffs for the colony as their weaker counterparts. Lastly they're extremely deadly, which works both ways as a positive and a negative, giving them in my opinion a nice position at B.
I would put them at C tier. In addition to everything you've said, they're somewhat rare and it's unlikely you'll get two of different genders in order to build a pack or just replace old/injured ones. They also get injured a LOT. Like, a lot more than any other animal it seems. They appear to have good attack but bad defense. Their high health means they often survive but I've legitimately ended up with a warg that was made blind and ended up with no limbs... You simply need attack animals to have high defense or to be able to reproduce quickly, preferably both. I'd put the warg under the thrumbo. While the thrumbo has a much smaller chance to tame, it also has no chance to turn hostile during taming attempts. They also have excellent defense, long life-spans, eat grass and are considered a pack animal (I think... That might be a mod I use...).
@@poonddan27 It's less random and more that their wildness is higher, so they're more likely to lose training levels if not seen to properly. So if you have too many animals for your one animal handler to get through every day then they could lose "tamed" levels until they go wild again, then they'll attack your other animals whenever they're hungry. You do get 5 levels to start with, so it can take a while but if you're not keeping an eye on it then it can happen.
In my first playthrough a megasloth self tamed and helped with the first couple raids, and then after taming one of the opposite gender I had around 8 megasloths at one time and a handler with 20 animal skill at some point. They were very tanky and easily tanked for my colonists in infestations and raids, but mech raids were a different story. And at some point I tamed a thrumbo and another thrumbo of the opposite gender self tamed, and I switched to a thrumbo army.
In my opinion, Thrumbos are much better now due to Ideology providing rancher and animal personhood memes. I believe rancher is better because animal personhood basically prevents you from killing animals and racher increases train chance. Rancher multiplies tame chance by 1.2 and animals specialist multiplies tame and train chance by 2. Also, the Rimworld wiki has pages on these things but might not include all of the factors as somehow I got a 93% train chance on a thrumbo.
In one play through we had a beloved thrombo that was just so awesome in so many ways, that when the ship was finally ready to take off and everybody was getting on board, we had one mech healer serum left. Since she had a painful scar on her eye, we used it on her as a thank you. We turned her loose and flew away.
The funny thing about ranking them overall is that deep down looking at every one you remember that one colony they screwed you over by randomly attacking your colonist miles away from the base
I agree with the S tier for wargs also it's funny to hear about all those animals that don't do anymore what they used to do like boars being combat animals or wargs being haulers
Warg's have many purposes -raider corpse disposal -defending colony from drop pod raids -last line of defense in big end game raids -wargs fight as well as grizzly bears but are faster and smaller and have half of their health -wargs are easily breedable and replaceable as a renewable resource -incredible resistance to toxic buildup
I did a thrumbo run a few years back because they are cool. Got to ~15 thrumbos before I got bored. Their downsides can be mitigated with just the mod where there's a psychic device to instantly take them. Of course you still need a skilled colonist to keep it tamed. I remember save scumming a bunch of times because I wanted a thrumbo really badly. At the beginning it's fine to let it roam around, got more wood than you need. Once you get a male and a female, it's time to go caravaning. Thrumos feed themselves during trips so that's fine. You can afford to have just one or two colonists on the caravan and have the thrumbos do the killing for you. Whenever you get back to base, or you're looting the enemy base, your thrumbos breed to get more thrumbos that are automatically tamed. Not sure about this but I never had trouble with untamed thrumbos so it should sort out itself. Once you get to a high number of thrumbos then you need kibble to even support their short time during bases, or when you're just lazy to go caravaning, but by then you'd be one so rich kibble isn't an issue. Having an insect farm helps with the kibble. Nice to have mods are the pet armour mod, the pet body parts mod, and the riding mod, though I usually don't ride my thrumbos and just let them loose I also had the rich ruins mod which made me go caravaning for very long trips to strip ruins clean, and the tilled soil mod which probably helped getting me enough kibble. I also never actually slaughtered a thrumbo before so I don't know what would happen there. If that is a no go, I suggest try selling them.
C tier for me means situational and wargs are situational, if you want to get a warg farm going first you have to find and tame a male and female which is hard and takes time, then you have to set up a way for them to eat dead raiders or whatever ur doing which also is an investment but they are damn strong.
Wargs are most definietly S tier. I once had three wargs join up with five colonists in a very generous setting by Randy, pawns were completely covered in finest armor and weaponry by the time that number grew to twelve. I had trained all of them to completion, becoming an unstoppable force, and really didnt have to fight enemies with pawns at all. Lauch the mortars and then send in the dogs. I believe you could also teach a warg to haul, which later would prove useful for collecting raider corpses without even leaving home.
Turtles are so good, I made a colony with over 100 turtles and every grass tile can permanently feed about 3 turtles, I would just create a zone around the raid to get them to attack. They wouldn't kill much but would be an amazing distraction as my 4 pawns would slowly pick off the raid of 25 raiders, and turtles reproduce so quickly I was able to turn off taming completely since I would through them into a meat grinder so frequently that they wouldn't even go wild by the time they died.
Any game where a thrumbo self-tames for me launches the starship successfully, in vanilla they are just so far and beyond the strength of a single pawn that my single thrumbo will stand proud against waves of raiders taking all the melee and gunfire while my pawns stay back. Since thrumbo s heal quickly and can take a ton of damage, them soaking all the damage from pawns keeps them from getting scars and wounds that slow the colony down. Never successfully tamed one myself but when one is gifted to me then it is a good time.
honestly, wargs are sub C tier. Its a pain to make a stockpile of meat outside in your animal pen JUST for the Warg, and it only becomes useful during a raid and if you actually remember to release the animal during the raid.
I love building an expendable panther army. They eat almost anything. They can be trained in everything. They live long. They can kill well. They can take good damage. It looks awesome having a pitch black wave of teeth running at tribals
Live tree eating animals (other than alphabeavers that eat 10 times as much as thrumbos) aren't hard to feed if you live in any decently tree heavy environment on a large map. Give them access to the whole map, except for crop and fridge, in any biome with plenty of trees, then get your wood from crops, or woodmaker dryads. A single Rainforest can maintain 10 thrumbo basically indefinitely if you've an alternative source of wood. You only have to give them food to train, or if there's toxic cloud killing trees. And in a pinch their ability to graze while traveling means they're a perfect no cost animal to take raiding. Plus, If you tame one with an inspiration They become the most efficient way to quickly raise your animal skill. And the best candidate to protect you while taming dangerous animals. Having a thrumbo is an important milestone of any animal specialist both on the road to 20 animal, and as the main thing to contribute to combat while needing less of your own food than bears or wolves
I once had two thrumbos. One magically self tamed and the other was an inspired tame. Thrumbo number 2 had a meteor smack them. What would annihilate most animals instantly instead only shredded It’s body neck and head but it’s blood loss was not immediate whatsoever. It in fact lived without any treatment. Thrumbos are giga Chad’s early to mid game are quite helpful for hauling large fields of wheat. Also the first thrumbo slaughtered an entire raider group after she was given some go juice so yeah there is that.
Guinea pig works as some awesome idle money maker - they doesnt roam away (so they doesnt need a pen and can be assigned to a zone), grow fast and got market value of 150. Just put some "everything except of the base" zone with some vegetation and assign guinea pigs there, later when their horde size will grow up to some hundreds just assign them to a caravan and sell.
I demand, as a Wanderer/Caravaneer Player, to lift ELEPHANT to the S Ranking! My Argument for my point? They are a LIFE SAVER for a traveller going on journey in the harsh, harsh Rimworld world! Simply taming one ensures the Safety of your fellow Companions in case of bandit attacks, Mental security by having such mighty and magnificent animals by your side comforting you as you hide from the coming storm in a mountain cave, and a great Source of Meat and Leather whenever one dies of either being felled by a dozen Raiders, infected by desease, or simply you being desperate for meals! And with the Traveller/Caravaneer style playthrough, there is no real concern with Feeding or Taming the Elephant, since you can collect foods in each pit stop or let it free to eat in the wild, and there's plenty of smaller, easier animals to train your Pawn's Taming skills. They also sold for a lot in case you were breeding them, and an army of Elephant is strong enough to defend your ever growing group of Traveller/Caravaneer as the game progress. Now, after presenting my point to the Judges and the Court, I shall now surrender my place to the Coury of Public Opinion to either support my case or go against it. Captain of the Silver Caravan Express, signing out.
hey are good for that specific style, this list was meant for a general playthrough, not specific gametypes or rules. Though won't deny Elephants are pretty badass irl, so smart and cool.
This has definitely been in the works if it's pre 1.3 lmao, I remember buying the game the day after 1.3 came out and I'm already a few 100 hours in the game lol
@@molybdaen11 after being a few 100 hours in, I can say the base game is nothing without the mods. Without wall light, Quarry, Smarter building, vanilla expanded etc. the base game feels genuinely unfinished after having such massive Quality of life mods
@@consolas2514 Well, yes thats certainly true. I too have dozens of mods and they are the reason I still play the game after 3k hours. I argue that you can only find the mods that suits to you if you have seen the full game first. Otherwise you might not know what you change and if that's good or bad.
@@molybdaen11 like most people, I dont go for ending the game, I make a colony that is self sufficient and strong enough to survive forever, the endings are just kinda underwhelming to me, especially when the royal ending is by far the easiest. You add mods as you learn about them and what the game is missing, and just whatever looks kinda cool too like Winston Waves. Also 3k+ hours, literally go touch grass.
I feel like I need to debate the tier for guinea pigs, One time my crippled guinea pig with a wooden stick for a leg, no eye, and being high on smokeleaf, took down a mad grizzly bear without getting a single scratch. That boy was a legend, I'll always remember him.
Thrumbos would've been better animals if we didn't have Megasloths, the fact that they spawn more frequently, give wool and nuzzle and can be decent attack animals kind of overshadows the Thrumbo... Their stats are also similar, so domesticating Thrumbos isn't of much use unless you want to flex
main advantage is that thrumbos don't have a chance to go manhunter if you fail a tame while megasloth do. also thrumbos can eat trees so they have an easier time grazing
My longest lasting colony just got wiped out due to a random boomalope self taming coming into my base and immediately died and exploded setting fire to my base and taking out all my power and all but one pawn burned to death trying to keep their home safe...
Early early run for me: Boomalope self tames. I'm struggling and didn't realize the chemfuel was in my storage in the middle of my camp. Raider comes and starts setting everything on fire. I'm just turning the tide when 💥.
I won the speedrun and disagreed at the very first animal lol: I love megaspiders, they have a very low wildness (40%) which means they don't need much maintenance, they have advanced trainability, pretty good armor and a surprisingly low filth rate (1, for comparison, a grizzly bear has 4), the downsides are as follows: can't reproduce, you need to find new ones (but in a mountain base your numbers will keep going up anyways, don't worry; they have a short life expectancy and they are slow moving. definitely worth the trouble though and in my personal opinion they belong in S tier
Chickens are op. If you do it right you can get infinite free food. If you throw them in an outdoor pen and give them just enough grass to get them started, I’ve found that they usually have enough hunger in them to grow up, lay an egg, and then starve to death, giving you free chicken meat. I’ll have to check the stats as it’s possible that they do require a tiny bit of grass to last long enough to lay an egg?? But I’ve had colonies in past where I just have HUNDREDS of chickens and constant notifications saying they’ve starved and a freezer full of chicken corpses for basically free food for the whole game. Easily S tier for me
Problem with the chickens is the amount of work for the butcher :( too many corpses for little meat all day long. 100% of the day will be butchering for that pawn :P
every time I get inspired taming I look around immediately for a megasloth. yes, hard to train, but a really really good tank animal for defending colony and hauling to boot. disagree with c, I would put it at least a b.
I got 2 inspired tamings in quick succession and got a pair of megasloths. Naturally the megasloths cavalry became a mainstay of that colony's fighting force. IIRC they were both male though, so no megasloths breeding program.
If i have a taming inspiration i look for a bear instead. way superior and both share biomes. megasloths are only useful to butcher for their meat and leather Less filth to clean an easier to keep them trained if you ask me and have the same benefits
The thrumbo fur is really useful, they make for very good combat Allies, and you can sell thrumbo children for thousands each. They also simultaneously do really well in combat and for riding/hauling while being perfectly easy to feed, they’re pets who can eat any old grass, most combat animals are carnivorous. Having a few thrumbos who can breed means constant high level clothing material, high level warriors, jack of all trades working machines, and a huge cash bank waiting to be traded when needed. They’re also majestic. Their only downside is the training difficulty because of their high wildness, but if you only ever keep a few and already do a lot with animals they’re really good. If you rarely work with animals don’t bother with thrumbos, which you won’t be able to take anyway.
the huge cash bank is one of their main downsides if you play on harder difficulties. having one means a lot more raiders, a breeding pair? no thx... little cubs? out of the equation. Thrumbos are majestic on mid to low difficulties and chill playthroughts only sadly :( On harder diffculties you just kill them on the event, trade the horns and make some good dusters with the fur. Extremely durable armor and some cashback on the horns for those juicy low shield packs/marine helmets from traders
but they are extremeley filthy, they eat a lot and monopolize the handler time way too much to keep them tamed. A bear is 10x better, or if you want big animals, an elephant.
I like to use dogs and bears as hauling teams. Dogs get taken out too easy by predators, by bears make too much mess inside the base. I like to put bears outside to haul in then dogs to haul around the base.
man thats a great idea, i had a colony recently and used bears for the first time as my hauling pack (for some reason there was a massive lack of dogs on area of the planet i was on), they were great at first..also good for some raids, but after i put floors all over my base towards the mid game, I noticed they created a "shit" ton off mess and at the time i was at a loss of what to do.. i banished them to the outskirts of the base which kinda made them useless..and all my other colonists schedules were geared around NOT hauling...anyway sorry for rant..it sucked :D
This is exactly what I do. Bear cubs can immediately be tamed to haul when they are born. I keep my dogs in the inner perimeter of my base and allow the bears to roam outside when hauling. If something hunts a bear, it has a much higher chance of survival than a dog.
I used a inspired colonist to tame a mega sloth and it is 100% a amazing tame but your right it’s hard to keep it happy and I haven’t been able to tame another one yet
I've managed to get male and female. They breed surprisingly quickly and the offspring can be taught to haul after only a few days, although they do produce tons of filth and are slow. I recommend either buying or taming one from inspiration for the wool, my personal favourite material to make Parkas from as they have relatively low wealth value and offer one of the best cold protection as well as have nice durability bonus. If you are planning to move into a cold biome megasloths are super nice and powerful protectors for tamers. I'd restrict them to a safe grazing area and check the follow pawn when doing outdoor work. Can even work for drafting and defending since they're so big they aren't in great threat of dying or losing limbs. For dirty haulers that graze though the best I found are horses. Eat little, carry 75 even with 2 missing limbs and are super quick when healthy and on top of that they're one of the best pack animals.
Grizzly / Polar bears are S tier for me. They are great for using taming inspirations on. They take a bit longer to breed but bear cubs can be trained to haul immediately after they are born. And the kibble diet makes them easy to feed (compared to wargs). Not to mention they are pretty decent in combat. I tend to allow them to roam outside the base when hauling and limit my huskies to inside of my perimeter walls.
Ibex rams are actually surprisingly decent farm animals thanks to the update to ranching. You can breed and slaughter them for meat and leather, the former is just nice while the latter is great to have a consistent supply of. I don't think they're worth keeping unless you have a mod that makes grazing better or you have an absurd amount of well defended grazing space, plus you might as well get rid of them once you've got a decent amount of sheep or cows. Rhinos are great. I had a sepient rhino(via pawnmorpher) that joined my colony once. He sucked as a human so I left him transformed, I gave him a grenade launcher since his weapon skills sucked. His only jobs were to fish, defend the colony and carry caravan goods(I had a mods that let rhinos be pack animals).
Holy crap Noob! I have been off platform for a bit and haven't stopped by your channel in some time. I just logged back on and I see you've blasted your way up to nearly 50K subs!?!?! Wow man. Super congrats. I remember when I was the first to find you and was sub #1 and now...just wow. Heck yeah dude!.
@@Noobert that is most awesome amigo. So happy for you. And thanks for taking the time to reply to your old pal. Can only imagine how much you got going on with this being your full time jobby now. Proud of you guy!
Egg-layers are annoying due to egg mechanics - if egg that is near to hatch is merged with a new egg, it would equalize progress. This means that they tend to stockpile and hatch in a huge numbers at once. Also, you have to take extra measures to make sure eggs are not ruined, and once ruined it is somewhat difficult to utilize them. So I am generally avoiding them given the option. Too much food? Make packaged survival meals. They sell for a decent amount and tend to make a big chunk of my income lately. And unlike other traditional sources like questionable substances and art, you can eat them if something goes wrong. Boomalopes are awesome early. One boomalope can produce 11 per day, while generators use 4.5 per day - which means just one boomalope can produce 2444W of power. Get a few of them and you won't have power shortages until late game. Wargs? Eeeeh, I usually avoid them. Taming inspirations are your ticket to safely tame warg, megasloth or thrumbo.
List is nice, but there might be one further aspect to look into -> "Profit". Check the leather stats then you know what I mean. Making Thrumbo or Alpaca clothing in good quality might fill up your coin purse ans help your progress.
If we add to many factors to thr list we end up with an inacurate representation of what the initial concept was. If you want real details you can join my discord and i can send you all yhe spreadsheets ive collected. Send me a dm:)
@@Noobert Gotcha, nice offer thank you. Once I start sucking I really might come back to that offer. The wiki is also pretty helpful. ATM I'm playing around with mods and trying to find my own playstyle.
I would put wargs in S tier for the fact that they can turn any raider attack into route in a matter of seconds...also losing one or two is not a problem if you're in the right biome. They can be temperamental and are definitely a problem if they go nuts, but with proper planning they can be neutralized quickly. The biggest advantage they have over lesser wolves is the amount of wolfskin and meat they can provide 196 warg meat and 56 wolfskin vs. 119 wolfmeat and 36 wolfskin from a timber wolf or arctic wolf. TLDR: Wargs are furry fast breeding raider disposal systems that create alot of edible meat and skin (8th most protective in game for clothing making). They can be dangerous but proper management and planning can minimize or mitigate the threat of them entirely.
As an additional note they can be useful for cannibal groups as well as vegetarian groups, as leather farming creates unwanted animal meats for both groups...additionally wargs can be used to protect against wild animals or at least be fed pests that go after your farms.
I’d argue that was almost the exact argument for Thrumbos being C tier. Except thrumbos have the highest dps, tankiest, best fur for armor, best fur for value, 3rd best melee weapon, and meat on death if they even die. And that still keeps them in C tier. So i think wargs belong in the same category, If planned for, theyre great, but if not, then less so, making them the standard (C tier)
@@toehei33 To some degree you are right, however the odds of taming them are higher and the required handling skill is significantly lower...more importantly they're more expendable.
Squirrels and rats D tier? Maybe for keeping forever, but that's not how I use them. They're taming practice, followed by medical practice, followed by eating practice. Squirrel with all its wooden legs legs removed is a delicacy!
I'm a little surprised with the megasloths, for me are B or even A, not thaaaaat hard to train... and don't eat like a thrumbo, still nice ranking, like the video
I feel chinchillas could be rated slightly higher just because at the moment I have a thriving chinchilla farm and it is damn profitable. Their fur is pretty good insulation and protection wise and generally sell pretty well. They also breed quickly and don’t eat too much
that is something I should have mentioned, their fur is very nice and valuable...however you do have to butcher the cuties...now there is a mod to "shave" them which I always use because...well...they are too cute for me to murder
5:25 writer here...I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that...yeah goats do give milk, I must have misread or didn't notice or was up late on 5 bottles of coke when I wrote it...apologies, Noobert pin this
I used goats before but when I heard that I actually thought they didn't give milk
@@frzzzzz internet be like that some times😯
you do whole bottles of coke? pablo escabarrrrr
@@bryguy0052 hey if Mr Popo can do a literal gallon of LSD you can do anything
Yayo adiccion: 80%
I use pigs to get rid of corpses, maybe works in rimworld aswell
brick top
I tried it and it work wonder, now i'm going to switch from dog to pig for disposal, its a shame you can't really command pig as dog though
@@keroko5 which is weird as pigs are smarter than dogs irl
Here is a thrumbo story.
I had a colony 7 people in total.
1 person her name was jex had a thrumbo she was returning from a mining mission along with a mining slave and some muffalo. she brought her pet thrumbo, Thrumby.
Before she got back the colony was getting ROLLED by raiders. When jex and the mighty thrumby got back I had low hope of winning that battle but THRUMBY the GIGACHAD that he is with 1 dose of go juice was able to single handedly murder 13 raiders spread throughout the colony while my 2 other returning colonists helped stabilized the downed colonists.
Thrumbos are so freaking awesome. And a go juiced thrumbo will murder everything in its path like an unstoppable force.
Perks of thrumbos.
-eats trees, in the winter time you don’t have to feed them precious food
-tanky as all hell they just don’t go down
-absolute murder machines
-can save dying colonists
When there’s mods... ooh... glitter tech weapons take them in 5 shots... and being the technologically accepting Caesar’s legion with half of my troops (around 20) equipped with glitter tech snipers... they’re kinda pathetic with mods.
Yeah when you have mods you can just have a gun that 1 shot kills everything.
@@yuehaowu Literally everything is when you use OP weapons.
@@SaintSC05 Vanilla weapons like the Zeushammer will take a while but not too long to down a thrumbo. In my most recent play through, I had this one guy who I gave full archotech limbs and a bunch of stupidly OP mod boosts and he downed a thrumbo with his persona zeushammer in less than 40 seconds, never losing more than 5% of his health. But considering he slaughters battalions of imperial troopers, jannisaries, champions and cataphracts in his fun maze of death, not exactly a impressive feat.
I've had a psychic, teleporting death marine in power armor, but never a mythical unicorn dinosaur on combat drugs. Always more to do in Rimworld.
One of my first long lasting runs, I got a MegaSloth using the taming buff on it to guarantee the tame. I named it Toothless and that sloth was *amazing.* It fought for me for a year easy, taking a bullet to the brain, losing a paw, both of its eyes being scratched, and still, still he fought on. He ended up retiring and we found him a lady sloth to make babies with, and he ended up saving more lives by hauling the wounded back to the hospital building. After that, MegaSloth will be my golden goal for animal taming.
Make a statue for that megasloth he is a hero
I love mega sloths, they are a great help for hunting big animals, and helping in geral, they also can be used to easily kill raiders if you bring 2 colonists
@@Beelzeon tame a lot of megasloths assign them all to the best melee fighter and enjoy the stand
@@matheusexpedito4577 i just need of a male megasloth and boom, megasloth farm
i play with combat extended and my megasloth got one shot by a tribal with a grenade
10-14 cobras joined my colony once, since they don't require much maintenance I let them be. A month or two later I was attacked by infected ships, I'd totally lose the colony if not for the cobras. Almost all of them died, but they saved my colony. There were 5-6 heavy injuries but every pawn survived.
And thus the cobra cult bagan
I too was a cobra breeder. My first winning playthrough actually. They breed quite quickly as well. Many a drop pod raid were thwarted by an Indiana Jones level of venomous snakes.
Infected ships? Never saw those, is it a mod?
randy ways are numerous and convoluted...
I can say the same about 47 beavers that decided its time to raid me same moment as quest raid did...
in most cases free stuff is good, but its not worth to start cobra farm otherwise...
Fun fact: there is a phenomenon in economics called the cobra effect caused by unnatural stimulation of the economy leading to new industries specifically for that unnatural stimulation. It gets its name from the British Raj, where the authorities would pay good money for cobra heads because cobras were such a menace. This helped lower the cobra population until someone realized they could just breed cobras for a steady income. When the Brits realized what people were doing, they stopped the program, which then caused all the snake breeders to release their snakes into the wild, drastically increasing the number of cobras.
Fun fact, an Emu managed to steal a truck in the Emu War.
Well “steal” is more “shanghaied” a truck, when the army though to just run the emu over, the emu instead rolled over the bonnet and through the window of the truck where it processed to kick and attack the driver and passenger, who bailed out leaving the emu tangled with the wheel where it drove away with the truck.
Links please.
I am Australian and feel this story should be taught in schools.
@@razenburn While I never heard of that incident, the Emu war is hilarious! Check it out for sure. Regards from across the world, a maple syrup chugging Canadian.
(Also, Oversimplified has a good mini-video on it.)
That's definitely one way to stop a drive-by.
The new animal pen mechanics in 1.3 means that the chickens no longer circle their coop in some ritual to summon the chicken God and the auto slaughter means I have a endless supply of chicken meat
yeah i am really liking the animal pen and slaughter mechanic, before this i always found making an Animal farm to be a royal pain in the ass.,
Additional bonus is most raids don't go after the animals in pens.
@@temparalflux914 would have recommended the manager mod but it's no longer needed
i just started playing rimworld, and my first colonists spawned in with a lab retriever. he was such a good boi, took me a while to realize i could train him to haul and rescue, but he 100% saved the lives of some of my other colonists. yesterday he died while defending during a raid, and i didnt realize that sarcophagi count as art pieces, so theres just a gorgeous marble sarcophagus for my dog next to a bunch of raider graves outside my base. RIP in peace Yuuta, you were the goodest boi
Great story
Such a good boy
goose > chicken.
one goose is literally chicken x2 stats. except for maturing age, which is exactly the same. their eggs are x2 nutrition but produced 2 times slower and don't need to be fertilized. each goose requires x2 food as chicken.
it takes pawns at least 2 times less work to handle geese compared to chickens because of their lower number for same output.
also butchering geese gives bird leather in addition to meat.
put those chickens to C tier where they belong. and give geese their rightful place in the S tier.
geese are wild animals though (60%) so they will return to wild status if they are not constantly trained and maintained which not only takes valuable trainer time but also requires more food input due to the training mechanic involving a food offering so they eat more than just the 2x compared to the chicken when you take everything into consideration. The more geese you have the more training you need to do. They become quite labor intensive the more you get.
Geese provide decent meat AND bird skin compared to the chicken while not sacrificing much really on the nutrition input for these resources. They are a bit slower to build up though since it takes 2 days rather than 1 day for them to lay eggs so it takes longer to reach an optimal number. Pre 1.3 patch I'd say definitely go with Geese as they are the superior animal and they definitely were. They laid MORE eggs than chickens did crazily enough and were just the superior choice all around with the only downside ofcourse that they take training to maintain and in pre 1.3 they could turn manhunter (20% chance) if they disliked your taming attempt ... but that's just part of the fun lmao.
Since 1.3 they are definitely not as good as chickens anymore. I do tend to tame them until I can get my hands on some chickens.
What geese really need is pack animal defense tactics or something. If a raider were too attack geese, then the whole flock of geese should imho turn manhunter and attack the invader. That would make geese hilariously funny and interesting to keep. Geese stronk!
But geese are devil spawn
Goose are 2×nutrition/2×layingSpeed/2×food=1/2 so exeption of them being less labor intensive they are worse then chiken.
Yes, geese are the best!
Use the other door.
The goose will attack if you go out through this door.
"emu is an s rated animal against Australian colonists" rimworld is banned in australia
not anymore! got unbanned now :-}
It was banned again
@@Rockpusher69 update it was unbanned again. Let's see how long it will take to get banned again
@@NovaGirl8 wtf is going on there
@@NovaGirl8 Is this real? why is it getting banned? Lol
Fun fact, some researchers preformed some MIRs on some elephants while showing them various pictures to see how they responded to them emotionally, and they discovered that elephants react the same way to humans as they do baby elephants, meaning elephants find humans adorable lol.
But yes, elephants are wonderful as they are the only pack animal that can rescue/haul, while combat wise they are equivalent to a Megasloth, and caravan wise equivalent to two Camels, both carry and riding speed wise, all for less hunger than the afore mentioned combination. In short they are the best animal to raid with.
I managed to tame a megaspider in base game rimworld. He was the best tank a colony could ask for. Sadly he passed away due to old age.
In case you got how I did it:
1. Find insect
2. Down them. Pick the least damaged and kill off the rest.
3. Place it inside cryptosleep casket
4. Destroy the hive. Nothing must remain. (The insect will be non hostile if it's hive is gone.)
5. When you have a colonist with inspired taming, take the insect out. The insect is downed due to crypto sickness.
6. Patch it up.
7. When it manages to move, use inspired colonist to tame it.
8. Repeat if you want more.
genius. Never thought to use the cryptosleep like that before
... I'll just use vanilla extended but that is cool you can get them in vanilla
Megascarabs inside ancient dangers (unless they spawn with other bugs and a hive) will be passive and can be tamed. I've never bothered doing it but it makes it pretty damn easy if you want some bugs.
@@NoNo-xh7ru Thats very rare if it is possible since I have never seen an ancient danger with insects without the hive.
That said, Megaspiders natually spawn neutral in the desert.
@@flordelphinta that's weird. I've had at least 4 or 5 ancient dangers where I've seen it. They aren't wandering around inside persay but whenever you open the cryptosleep caskets they pop out and just start wandering around. Aren't hostile and can be tamed
Wargs are not S tier IMO, my first ever rimworld colony my doctor/tamer bonded with a warg she landed with. I was still a noob and unfortunately my doctor got downed trying to tame an animal with a 10% chance of retaliation when it did so. unfortunately she was the only person i had with any medical skill and the rogue animal wouldn’t let anyone else rescue her. she died in my crappy little hospital and the warg immediately ate the rest of my colonists in sadness. RIP
This is why I love Rimworld.
The biggest thing with Wargs is they will hunt for them selves but for some reason wolves consider too many things a threat to go out and hunt.
You can tell warga where to go with zoning. They can fight raids for you. Trust me, they are worth keeping around.
@@xursed7990 my game the warg decided to starve instead of hunting and eventually i couldn't be bothered.
Horses and maybe even donkeys should be A for the sheer power of caravan speed bonus, the boost is so huge and makes caravaning so much less of an annoyance
With Giddy-up it just feels so cool to have a line of cavalry
this is a huuuuuge benefit not even mentioned in the vid. every game I would have donkeys ASAP and I would use them for caravanning. I would make absolutely sure to get a breeding pair of donkeys
Horses are the fastest caravan animal, I try to keep at minimum 50-75 alive, but when they breed too much and get to be over 100, I slaughter them down to about 50 for meat and leather. They live off of corn and when I form caravans, I take ALL of them on the trip. They graze on the trip so you dont have to feed them, and as they give birth, it just adds to the total carrying capacity. I grow huge devilstrand farms as well produce a lot of yayo to add to the caravans. This enables me to hit several allied settlements to trade for all of the highest tier supplies, including archotech bionics, advanced components, plasteel, gold and jade (for royal beds), as well as anything else I can buy through my travels, even regular steel and components. I will also mention, traveling with mech queens was really fun, especially since they automatically resupply with steel I buy from the trader, and they barely use any energy.
I wish I knew about boom rats being a more questionable animal earlier... Spikefall traps + wood base was.... fun
Yeah, I had a "custom" start (basically it was to ensure that the starting animal was a Boomalope since they were sacred for the ideoligion I had made) that used Boomalopes and Boomrats. It was real fun when they started to starve despite having plenty of food. Did you know that the "sacred animal killed" mood debuff caps at 16?
I just had this happen lmao
Just deconstruct the walls 3 tiles wide and you save the rest of your base.
my condolences
Boomrats are fucking amazing if you use them right... I like keeping them built into my kill maze... whenever there's a raid I'd just let them wander out of their breeding cave and into the next raid
Yeah as someone who went through the trouble of taming 4 thrumbos I can say they aren't particularly useful. I'm at a point in the game where I can't even use them in combat so they just sit on their asses all day. They look cool though so in my mind they'll always be S tier.
Just a couple comments. Bears have a comically small hunger rate. They eat a third as much as pawns or a little over twice a chicken.
Also alpacas are a definite s tier in my book. Extremely easy to tame and they produce a ridiculous amount of wool. Get yourself a small herd of them and never worry about running out of clothing materials again. It's also pretty valuable for some reason. The majority of my money to this day comes from alpaca wool.
I'd say wargs are a c tier. They are ridiculously powerful but the risk associated with getting them just doesn't justify going out of your way to get them to me. Unless you have an inspired taming, then go nuts.
It's also very warm and can produce the second best parkas (after megasloths).
Great for cold biomes.
You can even use them. As Pack animals.
Sadly they are neither intelligent nor strong.
Alpaca wool IRL is a valued material, it is softer than sheeps wool, there was a herd of them in a field in my village a few years ago (I live in the UK). So perhaps the devs accounted for that :D
@@molybdaen11 A jack of all trades, master of none
thrumbos are only worth it if you have a dedicated handler with maybe a 2nd side handler that does something else usually best for large scale bases
I tame a thrombo on rimworld console version by beating the shit out the other thrombo also to beat the crap out of the thrombo I use someone who was staying at my base for protection for a quest I used him as bait
For me the elephants are a S tier, the doesn't need much, are easy to tame, eat grass, have a high intelligence, are tanking, does a lot of meat and leather when slaughter, the
leather are great for clothes, in caravans carry much and give a bonus of speed.
Horse should be in s tier. They are perfect caravan animals. They breed kinda fast and you can sell them in high prices. They are easy to tame and no need to train them. Just make a horse farm and you can easily travel and carry your stuff and sell stalions for really good amount of silver.
Egg laying animals are hard to keep under control even with auto slaughter.
Glad to see you uploading, shorts and these longer videos are both great.
If you dont want more fertilized eggs you can solve that by putting a couple of egg boxes in a small room with farm doors and below -1°C, the chickens will lay the eggs in that room and it will become unfert because of the cold
Separate zone for the roosters! Let them in when you need chicks and throw them out once you have enough
@@croozerdog yup, got to separate the males and females, that's how I keep my animals under control. I tend to keep 2 of every male in reserve, to be sure I can reproduce them if one happens to die for odd reasons but the surplus is killed off pretty early. At one point my Alpaca crew grew to over 40 animals in just scant a year starting with just a few specimen ... I had to do some population control since they were eating the entire map clean. Needless to say Alpaca clothes became a major export commodity for my colony.
At least for chickens once you have a strong population you can just enable slaughtering pregnant and set an upper limit on the number of hens. You should still get plenty of fertilised eggs without dying in an exponential chicken explosion.
i set it to kill offsprings but keep at least half of the number of adults. that way my adult chikens still get renewed while my pen doesnt get overwhelmed with chicks. i keep 1 rooster for every 5 hens so i still get some unfertilized eggs, and all the fertilized eggs get hatched, but the autoslaughter keeps the number of chicks at hand. butchering the chicks are still relatively managable.
Hm. I'll just throw in a few things here:
1. Ibexes are the most efficient Meat source per food intake if you exclude things like tortuses which take insane micro and work hours to be efficient and chickens which don't take insane micro but even more work hours from you pawns then the tortuses do. Just adult slaughter Ibexes and you are good, they give great amounts of one of the better types of leather too.
2. Horses make you caravans the fastest they can be, plus they can still take a comparativeley large amount of stuff with them and they are also one of the better sources for meat and leather.They take a while to grow up but that also means they take less labor time from your colonists and if you put the corpses in the freezer you are going to save a lot of space too. So overall I think they are actually the best animal in the game at the moment.
3. Wargs are awful for what they eat. If you actually get lucky at the early game and just tame one you are going to starve, Bears are just better then Wargs if you compare how much they eat since you can support a lot more Bears with the same amount of food then you could Wargs. Wargs don't even breed that much faster in reality since you can have way more Bears breeding at the same tame for the same resources.
Elephants can carry more than horses.
I can bring in 25+ granite chunks and all steel cages from raid camps for sweet steel and Granite blocks.
@@robertwildschwein7207 No.
ONE Elephant can carry more than ONE horse but that is irrellevant because one elephant eats as much as 3.7 horses which means you can easily have 3 horses instead of one elephant and still use less food then the one elephant eats.
One elephant can carry 300 with a riding modifier of 1.3 and 3 horses can carry 540 with a riding modifier of 1.6.
You use elephants when your food is irrelevant or when you need everything they can give you, which is a good leather, a lot of meat per space used if you don't butcher them before you need the meat, a great tank, a good damage dealer, a pack animal and a hauler that can rescue people, so they can do everything except wool and milk.
But all of that comes at huge costs, they are hard to tame and are terribly dangerous if you fail the attempt to do so, they eat insane amounts of food and take a really long time to mature and multiply and compared to how much they eat they give you practically nothing back if you butcher them, for every 1 nutrition you feed them you get 0.295 back when butchered optimally and the same goes for the leather.
Combat wise you can have 4 bears which can also haul and rescue, instead of one elephant and just like with the horses together they will eat slightly less then the one single elephant giving you 0.95 nutrition back per every 1 you put in which is great for a combat animal.
Oh and horses give you 1.506 per 1 so your excess horses actually make you food income by quite a lot.
Don't misunderstand, the fact that you only need one type of animal for everything has upsides too, for example if raiders land on them they can fight back unlike horses and on caravans they can actually be useful and take a few shots without a problem without bloating the caravan with dedicated defense animals, also one of the very first problems you narmally solve is food, so this is not so bad later in the game, but they are huge resource sinks and they take forever to get going.
@@Hinguckah Elephants eat grass. Grass is free! Thrumbos are probably better than elephants, but I am still a noob who doesn't know how to tame Thrumbos.
@@Hinguckah This caught my eye too. Ibex is not D tier, not by long shot. Best animals for ranching meat and while plainleather isn't that hot, it does have its uses in a pinch when you have run out of thrumbofur and Devilstrand. Excess leathers can be turned into silver.
About Thumbos, one important thing that can not be forgotten is how valuable their fur is. If you can spare a small forest to feed them and breed yourself a sizable number of them, you can get rich very easily. Also, they fur is good at bribing rivale settlements into being your friends
Rich is not necessarily good though as it makes raids worse. Obviously you can spend that money on better gear but unless you have the tech to make decent stuff yourself you will struggle to equip people sufficiently from just trading as traders gear can be quite hit and miss
My current colony has two pets, a tortoise and a husky
The tortoise was a self tame. He has alzheimers
The husky is kinda a funny story. I took a quest for a Noble to keep his 2 Huskies (male and female) for a long period of time. The female got pregnant, gave birth (ig litters arent a thing in rimworld, since she only had one), and when the time came, the shuttle only took the original two
It's pretty cool to know that my suprise animals are actually good. I'm pretty new to the game and had never donr much with animals, so it's good to know the ones I got are good! The colony also has several muffalo and a yak
man its just like:
female husky: not paying child support?
male husky: definitly, lest leave em here anyways
female husky: deal
The galaxy brain pawn at 1:56 was adding roofing to the solar panel room.
With many, many bionic mods... I make my Thrumbos S tier fighting machines that never die, until they do ( which is a sad day in the colony) I've honestly used a reserrector mech serum on a mecha god thrumbo over a dead 20 shot colonist many times..."sorry Tom, you just don't measure up to the power of a thrumbo"
Bionic mods also make it super easy to tame them. Just remove their spine after downing them, and install a new one when they are tamed!
@@chadosama5399 rimworld.exe, removing animals spine to tame them
"Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist."
@@justjoking5252and then the surgeon somehow saws their leg off when he's supposed to be taking out their spine
Fun fact, panthers don't actually exist, at least not in the way you think they do. Panthers are not any one single type of animal. 'Panther' actually just refers to the Panthera genus, which includes: Leopards, Tigers, Jaguars, & Lions. All of those are panthers.
I tried to tame a warg during one of my earlier "I'm still new at this game" runs, it looked at my pawn (who was very good for animals with 10+double passion), laughed in my face, then proceeded to hunt down my entire group because of manhunter (sadly that same pawn was incapable of violence and I didn't react quickly enough before it got into my base). Quickest run of my life if I didn't save before hand.
One time I downloaded a mod that let every animal be tamed to at least guard and attack. After many years of farming and preparation, it finally paid off. The rough outlander union id been lowering my relationship with attacked. But they didn’t account for one fatal mistake.
The first four attackers jogged cautiously at the seemingly inactive north end of the compound. It would be a while before the second attack group coming from the south reached the base due to the large hills and river to the south. Purple, in her good marine armor clutched her chain shotgun as she joked with Marco about blackjack. High on go-juice, Marco blitzed past his comrade, storming into the already-opened doors of the outer walls. But there wasn’t anybody there. Moving further into the flagstone roads crisscrossing the base, he heard a noise. The skittering of a small animal, perhaps? Turning around, he found a single raccoon, wandering the empty roads. The psychopathic Marco raised his heavy SMG with a grin. As soon as the first shot went off, his fate was sealed. The raccoon dodged two of the heavy caliber slugs, but fell to a shattered spine on the third shot. *And then the rest came*. Five, six, seven, eight, they emerged like a swarm of ants from the doors of the colony. Overwhelmed, Marco swung his machine gun in a desperate attempt to fend them off. By this time, the other four of the northern attacking party cleared the doors of the colony. Horrified by the sight unfolding in front of them as their friend’s flak jacket was torn to pieces before their eyes, they too raised weapons. But it wasn’t enough. Not by a damn sight. They flowed like water from the corridors between the buildings. Tens of them, no, *hundreds* of raccoons emerged from every direction. Every single one with the same goal, and the same unbridled ferocity. *The Garbagemind had been awoken.* Breeching the thick lower walls, the second raid party spread out, causing wanton destruction on the south side. Colonist gunmen opened fire in an effort to delay the attackers, but they had no need. Dead in a matter of minutes, the raccoon-overwhelmed northern party was no more. The Garbagemind, with minimal losses, shifted its fury to another target. Still easily 90 strong, the horde shredded the armored invaders in a day-long struggle. Soon overwhelmed and wrought with causalities, the raiders turned to retreat. But their death was assured the moment they set foot in the compound. Although sustaining heavy losses, the 40-odd raccoons remaining pursued the fleeing attackers. Back at the base of the attacking faction, they waited. Many days had passed, surely they would have returned in victory by now, right? And return they did. Or rather, he did. One man, missing an eye, three fingers, an ear, and with no small amount of cuts and bleeding limped back to his home territory. From then on, no faction dared to go near the colony of The Dump.
8:30 Chinchilla fur is alo the 3rd best leather in the game when it comes to price and insulation, although they arent very protective.. 1st and 2nd being thrumbofur and hyperweave so. yea
Back in version 1.1, animal traders would frequently have obscene numbers of fertilized eggs. I loved buy all of the eggs, and then try to raise all the animals for a profit. Well, one of the times, I bought x127 fertilized cobra eggs. They all hatched in unison during a raid. The raiders were actually inside my animal pen breaking the wall to my base. One of the 3 raiders turned and fired his autopistol, killing a baby cobra. The entire horde aggroed at once. Each man died from about 20 snake bites within 3 seconds. I created an inverted home area and assigned the cobras to it. I still had over 100 when the next traders arrived.
I love how you went from the bottom to the top. Most people who do these ranking Tier thing, don't do it in any order. The way you did it was satisfying. Thank you!
Binging on so many of your ringworld videos
I do not understand. Thrumbo has 98% of wildness. But I adopted three of them at the first try! And later I had two little thrumbo, so it's five... Dammit.
i am jealous of how lucky you are, what are the oods man
I want to put wargs on S tier, but that is dependant on biome and the colony's weapons, if your biome has large, tough to kill animals you have an issue where they try to hunt an animal like a rhino or elephant but this can cause the whole herd to go manhunter and potentially kill an underdeveloped colony
Thrumbos do quite a lot of damage, even had a calf kill a scyther in a 1v1.
*interested hmmmmmmm, what did you feed that calf, baby scythers?
Thrumbo is by far the single strongest melee thing in rimworld, they can take on several scythers.
or mega spiders and it be a fair fight 1v3 so long as thrumbo doesn't have health issues.
its usually great to have but long term i've only had 3 my entire time playing rimworld. and they usually tend to have brain damage and missing parts by the end .
@@Shishizurui Not likely, in fact, thrumbos should be F tier, only valuable for their fur/horn in the spawn event. they eat a lot, require 99% of your handler time and worst of all.... they add an insane amount of wealth to your colony, something like 5 times an elephant. Sure they look cool and gives you bragging rights but aside from that they are useless and harmful to your colony
Strongest melee, yeah i agree on that, but the elephant melee is not that far behind. Elephants to me should be S tier.
Going to go with Warg's being in the B tier.
They offer about the same advantages as the wolfs do, with a slightly lower chance for them to go wild. However the trade off for their less likelihood to go wild, is that they'll strait murder your colonists if they do. They're easily one of the toughest and most deadly creatures in the game, outside of the Thrumbo, especially do to their numbers. Even with a fully geared and teched up colony, a man hunter pack of these can be one of the worst threats they'll encounter. Trying to tame one of these early is extremely dangerous, if it goes manhunter and you are unprepared to deal with such a threat, it could spell the doom of your colony.
However it's positives are not to be taken lightly either. Giving the same advantages as wolves, with a much tougher body, and amazing attack power. They do require meat, but this can easily be subsidised with raider corpses and other animals, depending on where you are. They do have a high wild stat, but it is still lower than a large number of the other animals, which means they won't require huge amounts of attention to keep them tame. They're extremely deadly in combat, and can easily kill an entire group of well armed raiders, and at the least break a siege. They're very durable, so even if they go down, they can usually be rescued with plenty of time to spare.
The main reason I set them into the B tier along with wolves, is because outside of their deadliness, they don't offer much more than their weaker counterparts. Their deadliness, despite being a great advantage for your colonists, can also be extremely detrimental to them. Essentially the Warg is slightly easier to tame, but more difficult to keep around, due to its food requirements. It offers the same advantages for hauling, and mood buffs for the colony as their weaker counterparts. Lastly they're extremely deadly, which works both ways as a positive and a negative, giving them in my opinion a nice position at B.
I would put them at C tier. In addition to everything you've said, they're somewhat rare and it's unlikely you'll get two of different genders in order to build a pack or just replace old/injured ones. They also get injured a LOT. Like, a lot more than any other animal it seems. They appear to have good attack but bad defense. Their high health means they often survive but I've legitimately ended up with a warg that was made blind and ended up with no limbs... You simply need attack animals to have high defense or to be able to reproduce quickly, preferably both.
I'd put the warg under the thrumbo. While the thrumbo has a much smaller chance to tame, it also has no chance to turn hostile during taming attempts. They also have excellent defense, long life-spans, eat grass and are considered a pack animal (I think... That might be a mod I use...).
Very well argumented. I would personally always put wargs below wolves because they can't eat kibble, but I understand your point of view.
The best part about wargs though is they will hunt small animals on their own and I've never seen a wolf do the same.
never had a tamed warg randomly start attacking the whole colony. dont even think thats a mechanic
@@poonddan27 It's less random and more that their wildness is higher, so they're more likely to lose training levels if not seen to properly. So if you have too many animals for your one animal handler to get through every day then they could lose "tamed" levels until they go wild again, then they'll attack your other animals whenever they're hungry. You do get 5 levels to start with, so it can take a while but if you're not keeping an eye on it then it can happen.
A video on animal pens dos and donts would be helpful. I feel like after the pen stuff was added I don’t mess with animals much at all
showing Felix when talking about “cat girls” is wild lmao
Felix: But I'm a boy
...yeah I'm a man of culture LOL
@@BrenTenkage if i could sub twice to this channel i would, just from this exchange alone lol
In my first playthrough a megasloth self tamed and helped with the first couple raids, and then after taming one of the opposite gender I had around 8 megasloths at one time and a handler with 20 animal skill at some point. They were very tanky and easily tanked for my colonists in infestations and raids, but mech raids were a different story. And at some point I tamed a thrumbo and another thrumbo of the opposite gender self tamed, and I switched to a thrumbo army.
Rats used to be so good when they could attack on command. Could just swarm enemies with sheer numbers
In my opinion, Thrumbos are much better now due to Ideology providing rancher and animal personhood memes. I believe rancher is better because animal personhood basically prevents you from killing animals and racher increases train chance.
Rancher multiplies tame chance by 1.2 and animals specialist multiplies tame and train chance by 2.
Also, the Rimworld wiki has pages on these things but might not include all of the factors as somehow I got a 93% train chance on a thrumbo.
In one play through we had a beloved thrombo that was just so awesome in so many ways, that when the ship was finally ready to take off and everybody was getting on board, we had one mech healer serum left. Since she had a painful scar on her eye, we used it on her as a thank you. We turned her loose and flew away.
The funny thing about ranking them overall is that deep down looking at every one you remember that one colony they screwed you over by randomly attacking your colonist miles away from the base
I agree with the S tier for wargs
also it's funny to hear about all those animals that don't do anymore what they used to do
like boars being combat animals
or wargs being haulers
God I love the muffalo as they breed like rabbits when you get like 5 and they just snowball into a fur based economy
Warg's have many purposes
-raider corpse disposal
-defending colony from drop pod raids
-last line of defense in big end game raids
-wargs fight as well as grizzly bears but are faster and smaller and have half of their health
-wargs are easily breedable and replaceable as a renewable resource
-incredible resistance to toxic buildup
I did a thrumbo run a few years back because they are cool. Got to ~15 thrumbos before I got bored. Their downsides can be mitigated with just the mod where there's a psychic device to instantly take them. Of course you still need a skilled colonist to keep it tamed. I remember save scumming a bunch of times because I wanted a thrumbo really badly.
At the beginning it's fine to let it roam around, got more wood than you need. Once you get a male and a female, it's time to go caravaning.
Thrumos feed themselves during trips so that's fine. You can afford to have just one or two colonists on the caravan and have the thrumbos do the killing for you. Whenever you get back to base, or you're looting the enemy base, your thrumbos breed to get more thrumbos that are automatically tamed. Not sure about this but I never had trouble with untamed thrumbos so it should sort out itself.
Once you get to a high number of thrumbos then you need kibble to even support their short time during bases, or when you're just lazy to go caravaning, but by then you'd be one so rich kibble isn't an issue. Having an insect farm helps with the kibble.
Nice to have mods are the pet armour mod, the pet body parts mod, and the riding mod, though I usually don't ride my thrumbos and just let them loose
I also had the rich ruins mod which made me go caravaning for very long trips to strip ruins clean, and the tilled soil mod which probably helped getting me enough kibble.
I also never actually slaughtered a thrumbo before so I don't know what would happen there. If that is a no go, I suggest try selling them.
C tier for me means situational and wargs are situational, if you want to get a warg farm going first you have to find and tame a male and female which is hard and takes time, then you have to set up a way for them to eat dead raiders or whatever ur doing which also is an investment but they are damn strong.
Wargs are most definietly S tier. I once had three wargs join up with five colonists in a very generous setting by Randy, pawns were completely covered in finest armor and weaponry by the time that number grew to twelve. I had trained all of them to completion, becoming an unstoppable force, and really didnt have to fight enemies with pawns at all. Lauch the mortars and then send in the dogs. I believe you could also teach a warg to haul, which later would prove useful for collecting raider corpses without even leaving home.
Turtles are so good, I made a colony with over 100 turtles and every grass tile can permanently feed about 3 turtles, I would just create a zone around the raid to get them to attack. They wouldn't kill much but would be an amazing distraction as my 4 pawns would slowly pick off the raid of 25 raiders, and turtles reproduce so quickly I was able to turn off taming completely since I would through them into a meat grinder so frequently that they wouldn't even go wild by the time they died.
More of these! It'd be cool to see a tier list for weapons, biomes, growables, and craftable items!
Pigs are probably the most efficient way to turn human corpses into non human meat
Any game where a thrumbo self-tames for me launches the starship successfully, in vanilla they are just so far and beyond the strength of a single pawn that my single thrumbo will stand proud against waves of raiders taking all the melee and gunfire while my pawns stay back. Since thrumbo s heal quickly and can take a ton of damage, them soaking all the damage from pawns keeps them from getting scars and wounds that slow the colony down. Never successfully tamed one myself but when one is gifted to me then it is a good time.
anyone else distracted by the pawn that roofs solar panels at 5:16
You should do an alpha animals tier list next! I'd be really interested on seeing what is the best animals in that
That would be a 9 hour video, lol. When you load all the vanilla packs of animals, including dinos (one of my favorite), you have about 200 animals.
I always play with one of the chocobos. They take awhile to breed, but man are they fast.
Yes please with Alpha Animals!
11:45 ...yeah. The price for GLORIOUS POWER is that it's unmaintainable.
honestly, wargs are sub C tier. Its a pain to make a stockpile of meat outside in your animal pen JUST for the Warg, and it only becomes useful during a raid and if you actually remember to release the animal during the raid.
Corpse fridge
Thrumbos are good if you have that mod that allows you to harvest their wool, that being said they are very hungry gentle giants.
I love building an expendable panther army.
They eat almost anything.
They can be trained in everything.
They live long.
They can kill well.
They can take good damage.
It looks awesome having a pitch black wave of teeth running at tribals
Live tree eating animals (other than alphabeavers that eat 10 times as much as thrumbos) aren't hard to feed if you live in any decently tree heavy environment on a large map. Give them access to the whole map, except for crop and fridge, in any biome with plenty of trees, then get your wood from crops, or woodmaker dryads. A single Rainforest can maintain 10 thrumbo basically indefinitely if you've an alternative source of wood. You only have to give them food to train, or if there's toxic cloud killing trees. And in a pinch their ability to graze while traveling means they're a perfect no cost animal to take raiding.
Plus, If you tame one with an inspiration They become the most efficient way to quickly raise your animal skill. And the best candidate to protect you while taming dangerous animals. Having a thrumbo is an important milestone of any animal specialist both on the road to 20 animal, and as the main thing to contribute to combat while needing less of your own food than bears or wolves
I once had two thrumbos. One magically self tamed and the other was an inspired tame. Thrumbo number 2 had a meteor smack them. What would annihilate most animals instantly instead only shredded It’s body neck and head but it’s blood loss was not immediate whatsoever. It in fact lived without any treatment. Thrumbos are giga Chad’s early to mid game are quite helpful for hauling large fields of wheat. Also the first thrumbo slaughtered an entire raider group after she was given some go juice so yeah there is that.
Explanation of tier list : 2:15
Tier d : 3:17
Tier c : 7:50
Tier b : 13:00
Tier a : 18:20
Guinea pig works as some awesome idle money maker - they doesnt roam away (so they doesnt need a pen and can be assigned to a zone), grow fast and got market value of 150. Just put some "everything except of the base" zone with some vegetation and assign guinea pigs there, later when their horde size will grow up to some hundreds just assign them to a caravan and sell.
I demand, as a Wanderer/Caravaneer Player, to lift ELEPHANT to the S Ranking!
My Argument for my point?
They are a LIFE SAVER for a traveller going on journey in the harsh, harsh Rimworld world! Simply taming one ensures the Safety of your fellow Companions in case of bandit attacks, Mental security by having such mighty and magnificent animals by your side comforting you as you hide from the coming storm in a mountain cave, and a great Source of Meat and Leather whenever one dies of either being felled by a dozen Raiders, infected by desease, or simply you being desperate for meals!
And with the Traveller/Caravaneer style playthrough, there is no real concern with Feeding or Taming the Elephant, since you can collect foods in each pit stop or let it free to eat in the wild, and there's plenty of smaller, easier animals to train your Pawn's Taming skills.
They also sold for a lot in case you were breeding them, and an army of Elephant is strong enough to defend your ever growing group of Traveller/Caravaneer as the game progress.
Now, after presenting my point to the Judges and the Court, I shall now surrender my place to the Coury of Public Opinion to either support my case or go against it.
Captain of the Silver Caravan Express, signing out.
hey are good for that specific style, this list was meant for a general playthrough, not specific gametypes or rules. Though won't deny Elephants are pretty badass irl, so smart and cool.
Just a pawn casually roofing a solar panel room in the background...
11/10, perfect example of RimLogic
please make more videos of this type. They are very fun to watch :D
my army of wargs would be great if it wasnt for the fact that multiple colonists lost limbs in their trek across the desert taming wargs...
This has definitely been in the works if it's pre 1.3 lmao, I remember buying the game the day after 1.3 came out and I'm already a few 100 hours in the game lol
Do not rush mods until you finish the game once!
It would just ruin all your fun.
@@molybdaen11 after being a few 100 hours in, I can say the base game is nothing without the mods. Without wall light, Quarry, Smarter building, vanilla expanded etc. the base game feels genuinely unfinished after having such massive Quality of life mods
@@consolas2514 Well, yes thats certainly true. I too have dozens of mods and they are the reason I still play the game after 3k hours.
I argue that you can only find the mods that suits to you if you have seen the full game first.
Otherwise you might not know what you change and if that's good or bad.
@@molybdaen11 like most people, I dont go for ending the game, I make a colony that is self sufficient and strong enough to survive forever, the endings are just kinda underwhelming to me, especially when the royal ending is by far the easiest. You add mods as you learn about them and what the game is missing, and just whatever looks kinda cool too like Winston Waves.
Also 3k+ hours, literally go touch grass.
I feel like I need to debate the tier for guinea pigs,
One time my crippled guinea pig with a wooden stick for a leg, no eye, and being high on smokeleaf, took down a mad grizzly bear without getting a single scratch.
That boy was a legend, I'll always remember him.
Thrumbos would've been better animals if we didn't have Megasloths, the fact that they spawn more frequently, give wool and nuzzle and can be decent attack animals kind of overshadows the Thrumbo... Their stats are also similar, so domesticating Thrumbos isn't of much use unless you want to flex
main advantage is that thrumbos don't have a chance to go manhunter if you fail a tame while megasloth do. also thrumbos can eat trees so they have an easier time grazing
I prefer thrumbos since they are way more tankier, bcuz of armor and body part health.
@@johndaybreak1317 they are tanky cuz they *CHONK*
[Falls face first into a Muffalo] I know what my S tear is.
need to get a mod for the milking... it is missing tbh...
Clearly the reason to keep raccoons around is because they're adorable.
5:17 why is there a pawn roofing over solar panels?
something way too smart to comprehend
makes them 500% more efficient like that
The batteries are fully charged, if they got the solar panel's giving them more power they'll blow up
Some people believe full batteries tend to explode.
Im guessing its a lowtech off switch
I couldn't stop watching your pawn building roof over your solar pannels :D...
My longest lasting colony just got wiped out due to a random boomalope self taming coming into my base and immediately died and exploded setting fire to my base and taking out all my power and all but one pawn burned to death trying to keep their home safe...
Early early run for me: Boomalope self tames. I'm struggling and didn't realize the chemfuel was in my storage in the middle of my camp. Raider comes and starts setting everything on fire. I'm just turning the tide when 💥.
5:15 why you were covering the solar panels? Kakakakkaka
They keeping them clean from the rain. lol
every colony isnt complete without a rat cave
I won the speedrun and disagreed at the very first animal lol: I love megaspiders, they have a very low wildness (40%) which means they don't need much maintenance, they have advanced trainability, pretty good armor and a surprisingly low filth rate (1, for comparison, a grizzly bear has 4), the downsides are as follows: can't reproduce, you need to find new ones (but in a mountain base your numbers will keep going up anyways, don't worry; they have a short life expectancy and they are slow moving. definitely worth the trouble though and in my personal opinion they belong in S tier
Chickens are op. If you do it right you can get infinite free food. If you throw them in an outdoor pen and give them just enough grass to get them started, I’ve found that they usually have enough hunger in them to grow up, lay an egg, and then starve to death, giving you free chicken meat. I’ll have to check the stats as it’s possible that they do require a tiny bit of grass to last long enough to lay an egg?? But I’ve had colonies in past where I just have HUNDREDS of chickens and constant notifications saying they’ve starved and a freezer full of chicken corpses for basically free food for the whole game. Easily S tier for me
Problem with the chickens is the amount of work for the butcher :( too many corpses for little meat all day long. 100% of the day will be butchering for that pawn :P
Holy cow, a long video, may the mighty lord Noobert bless us.
every time I get inspired taming I look around immediately for a megasloth. yes, hard to train, but a really really good tank animal for defending colony and hauling to boot. disagree with c, I would put it at least a b.
I got 2 inspired tamings in quick succession and got a pair of megasloths. Naturally the megasloths cavalry became a mainstay of that colony's fighting force.
IIRC they were both male though, so no megasloths breeding program.
You tame megasloths for their utility
I tame megasloths because they provide the most meat on the map
We are not the same
If i have a taming inspiration i look for a bear instead. way superior and both share biomes. megasloths are only useful to butcher for their meat and leather
Less filth to clean an easier to keep them trained if you ask me and have the same benefits
Something else worth mentioning about tortoises, they're solid commodity animals. Sell well each and you can breed a bunch fairly quickly.
Every time someone says Emoo instead of Emu is a step towards Emu world domination
1:38 dude is putting roofs above solar panels 💀
The thrumbo fur is really useful, they make for very good combat Allies, and you can sell thrumbo children for thousands each. They also simultaneously do really well in combat and for riding/hauling while being perfectly easy to feed, they’re pets who can eat any old grass, most combat animals are carnivorous.
Having a few thrumbos who can breed means constant high level clothing material, high level warriors, jack of all trades working machines, and a huge cash bank waiting to be traded when needed. They’re also majestic.
Their only downside is the training difficulty because of their high wildness, but if you only ever keep a few and already do a lot with animals they’re really good. If you rarely work with animals don’t bother with thrumbos, which you won’t be able to take anyway.
the huge cash bank is one of their main downsides if you play on harder difficulties. having one means a lot more raiders, a breeding pair? no thx... little cubs? out of the equation. Thrumbos are majestic on mid to low difficulties and chill playthroughts only sadly :(
On harder diffculties you just kill them on the event, trade the horns and make some good dusters with the fur. Extremely durable armor and some cashback on the horns for those juicy low shield packs/marine helmets from traders
Since you asked, I'm gonna put warg in B tier
I feel like the megasloth doesn't get enough light, they are incredibly power creature that can do most thing
but they are extremeley filthy, they eat a lot and monopolize the handler time way too much to keep them tamed. A bear is 10x better, or if you want big animals, an elephant.
5:16 I too as an industrial farmer use the very subtle build over solar panel hack.
I like to use dogs and bears as hauling teams. Dogs get taken out too easy by predators, by bears make too much mess inside the base. I like to put bears outside to haul in then dogs to haul around the base.
man thats a great idea, i had a colony recently and used bears for the first time as my hauling pack (for some reason there was a massive lack of dogs on area of the planet i was on), they were great at first..also good for some raids, but after i put floors all over my base towards the mid game, I noticed they created a "shit" ton off mess and at the time i was at a loss of what to do.. i banished them to the outskirts of the base which kinda made them useless..and all my other colonists schedules were geared around NOT hauling...anyway sorry for rant..it sucked :D
@@temparalflux914 one thing I like to do is arnge my stockpiles that haulers can go from one stockpie to the next without going into difrent rooms.
This is exactly what I do. Bear cubs can immediately be tamed to haul when they are born. I keep my dogs in the inner perimeter of my base and allow the bears to roam outside when hauling. If something hunts a bear, it has a much higher chance of survival than a dog.
I used a inspired colonist to tame a mega sloth and it is 100% a amazing tame but your right it’s hard to keep it happy and I haven’t been able to tame another one yet
I've managed to get male and female. They breed surprisingly quickly and the offspring can be taught to haul after only a few days, although they do produce tons of filth and are slow. I recommend either buying or taming one from inspiration for the wool, my personal favourite material to make Parkas from as they have relatively low wealth value and offer one of the best cold protection as well as have nice durability bonus. If you are planning to move into a cold biome megasloths are super nice and powerful protectors for tamers. I'd restrict them to a safe grazing area and check the follow pawn when doing outdoor work. Can even work for drafting and defending since they're so big they aren't in great threat of dying or losing limbs. For dirty haulers that graze though the best I found are horses. Eat little, carry 75 even with 2 missing limbs and are super quick when healthy and on top of that they're one of the best pack animals.
Grizzly / Polar bears are S tier for me. They are great for using taming inspirations on. They take a bit longer to breed but bear cubs can be trained to haul immediately after they are born. And the kibble diet makes them easy to feed (compared to wargs). Not to mention they are pretty decent in combat. I tend to allow them to roam outside the base when hauling and limit my huskies to inside of my perimeter walls.
Help, this is Help. TAKE IT! No, really, thanks for this. Exceptionally informative and, as always, hilarious XD
Glad you enjoyed it!
Ibex rams are actually surprisingly decent farm animals thanks to the update to ranching. You can breed and slaughter them for meat and leather, the former is just nice while the latter is great to have a consistent supply of. I don't think they're worth keeping unless you have a mod that makes grazing better or you have an absurd amount of well defended grazing space, plus you might as well get rid of them once you've got a decent amount of sheep or cows.
Rhinos are great. I had a sepient rhino(via pawnmorpher) that joined my colony once. He sucked as a human so I left him transformed, I gave him a grenade launcher since his weapon skills sucked. His only jobs were to fish, defend the colony and carry caravan goods(I had a mods that let rhinos be pack animals).
Holy crap Noob! I have been off platform for a bit and haven't stopped by your channel in some time. I just logged back on and I see you've blasted your way up to nearly 50K subs!?!?! Wow man. Super congrats. I remember when I was the first to find you and was sub #1 and now...just wow. Heck yeah dude!.
Its my full time job now yeah. So happy it worked out. Glad to see ya mate been a very long time.
@@Noobert that is most awesome amigo. So happy for you. And thanks for taking the time to reply to your old pal. Can only imagine how much you got going on with this being your full time jobby now. Proud of you guy!
Egg-layers are annoying due to egg mechanics - if egg that is near to hatch is merged with a new egg, it would equalize progress. This means that they tend to stockpile and hatch in a huge numbers at once. Also, you have to take extra measures to make sure eggs are not ruined, and once ruined it is somewhat difficult to utilize them. So I am generally avoiding them given the option.
Too much food? Make packaged survival meals. They sell for a decent amount and tend to make a big chunk of my income lately. And unlike other traditional sources like questionable substances and art, you can eat them if something goes wrong.
Boomalopes are awesome early. One boomalope can produce 11 per day, while generators use 4.5 per day - which means just one boomalope can produce 2444W of power. Get a few of them and you won't have power shortages until late game.
Wargs? Eeeeh, I usually avoid them.
Taming inspirations are your ticket to safely tame warg, megasloth or thrumbo.
Thrumbo don't retaliate, just have almost no tame chance without inspo.
List is nice, but there might be one further aspect to look into -> "Profit". Check the leather stats then you know what I mean. Making Thrumbo or Alpaca clothing in good quality might fill up your coin purse ans help your progress.
If we add to many factors to thr list we end up with an inacurate representation of what the initial concept was. If you want real details you can join my discord and i can send you all yhe spreadsheets ive collected. Send me a dm:)
@@Noobert Gotcha, nice offer thank you. Once I start sucking I really might come back to that offer. The wiki is also pretty helpful. ATM I'm playing around with mods and trying to find my own playstyle.
I would put wargs in S tier for the fact that they can turn any raider attack into route in a matter of seconds...also losing one or two is not a problem if you're in the right biome. They can be temperamental and are definitely a problem if they go nuts, but with proper planning they can be neutralized quickly. The biggest advantage they have over lesser wolves is the amount of wolfskin and meat they can provide 196 warg meat and 56 wolfskin vs. 119 wolfmeat and 36 wolfskin from a timber wolf or arctic wolf.
TLDR: Wargs are furry fast breeding raider disposal systems that create alot of edible meat and skin (8th most protective in game for clothing making). They can be dangerous but proper management and planning can minimize or mitigate the threat of them entirely.
As an additional note they can be useful for cannibal groups as well as vegetarian groups, as leather farming creates unwanted animal meats for both groups...additionally wargs can be used to protect against wild animals or at least be fed pests that go after your farms.
I’d argue that was almost the exact argument for Thrumbos being C tier. Except thrumbos have the highest dps, tankiest, best fur for armor, best fur for value, 3rd best melee weapon, and meat on death if they even die. And that still keeps them in C tier. So i think wargs belong in the same category, If planned for, theyre great, but if not, then less so, making them the standard (C tier)
@@toehei33 To some degree you are right, however the odds of taming them are higher and the required handling skill is significantly lower...more importantly they're more expendable.
Squirrels and rats D tier? Maybe for keeping forever, but that's not how I use them. They're taming practice, followed by medical practice, followed by eating practice. Squirrel with all its wooden legs legs removed is a delicacy!
I'm a little surprised with the megasloths, for me are B or even A, not thaaaaat hard to train... and don't eat like a thrumbo, still nice ranking, like the video
Dear God, that soundtrack!
Pigs don't require maintenance training while boars do. That by itself puts them ahead for me.
I feel chinchillas could be rated slightly higher just because at the moment I have a thriving chinchilla farm and it is damn profitable. Their fur is pretty good insulation and protection wise and generally sell pretty well. They also breed quickly and don’t eat too much
that is something I should have mentioned, their fur is very nice and valuable...however you do have to butcher the cuties...now there is a mod to "shave" them which I always use because...well...they are too cute for me to murder