The sound is Cleaner, tighter with the Seymour D's but the Rowsell didn't sound bad at all! Super nice looking guitar just got better with the upgrade!
Yes, the Roswells undoubtedly do not reach the quality of the SD, however they are among the best stock pickups that can be found on a mid-price guitar, compared for example to the Infinity Ibanez of my RG 320, they are far superior, thank you very much for everything \ m /
Bravissimo. Ottimo video. Anch'io uso la Fusion II. Stesso identico modello. Una chitarra eccezionale per il prezzo che ha...meglio di chitarre di marca molto più costose :)
personally I prefer the roswells, they are clearer, the sound is more crystalline, but it is a matter of taste. the thing you made better is the switch selector that doesn't make noises when you change the position of the pickups, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the pickups because it's harley benton's fault who didn't do a more accurate wiring
Actually enjoyed this quite a bit. I have the FNT HH Fusion T. I often wonder should I upgrade pups. I may replace the electronics but man the Roswell's actually sound decent. Only position I don't care for is split bridge. Thin but too much volume loss. I get it. Less output. However in neck split no volume loss and I get the tele neck sound close. I know this. If you have the money and are investing in a guitar exchange pups is good. You'll have better made parts you yourself soldered or installed. At least that is. At best you'll have even better clarity. Or depending on upgrade the better output or lesser depending on what you want. I've heard alot of these Roswell's and they are truly amazing. For their reasonable price indeed.
Hi, this guitar is actually my main one, and I was so satisfied that I wanted to literally put "the gold" on it as the base is great, the Roswells were already good (as you can see in my videos, before this change ) but with Seymour Duncan I practically reached perfection in terms of musical versatility, even in the split, where I don't even lose volume, as happened in the roswells. I also recently bought the SC Custom II Fr VB and the Roswells it mounts are excellent, in fact I will only change the electronics with the higher quality one (similar to the one I mounted on the fusion);)
@@Leodileoguitar that's incredible and I totally agree. You are investing into a fine guitar. These are amazing quality guitars. Great deal man!!! I had some thoughts about replacing mine for same reason. But I have strats too. And want to invest in those first.
@@robertclarkguitar I also have a Stats (American, you can also find it in many of my videos) but on the contrary yours, it is not my main guitar due to its technical limitations, I am more for superstrats xD in fact I have it since 2009 and it is very original
Very nice. Can't hear any difference! But that's cuz I'm on tiny wireless earbuds. I recommend it. It's a much more affordable way to make your stock guitar sound like a modded beast, lol.
I am reflecting on whether it is convenient to buy this HB Fusion and then change the pick up with Seymour Duncan or Dimarzio that adding up the total cost of the purchase is very similar to a Charvel or if it is not worth buying a Charvel Dk24 directly, the money spent in the end they are not very different or not?
Between guitar and upgrade in total I spent 710 euros, a charvel dk24 with floyd rose costs 980 euros (price not similar). In those 270 euros of difference (which are not few) add the fact that I have very high quality electronics (which there is not on the charvel) and that I have stainless steel frets (which the charvel does not mount) in addition to the flamed roasted neck. which is gorgeous. So yes, even if I literally put "the gold" into it, it's worth it, then if one prefers the brand to performance and specs, it's another matter
Good video. I just bought a HB fusion 3 and pickups sound bright an noise compare to my other guitars. Do you think if I upgrade to SD pickups will sound less noise?
I suggest you redo the electronics and see if the noise disappears, before changing the pickups too, as in my case the "noise" I had only during the pickup switch and in the coil tap
Roswells clean were actually a little brighter and better sounding to my ears. People think changing pickups will do so much more than it really does, a simple eq pedal can do much more in reality.
In fact, I consider the Fusion HH Roswells as the best stock pickups in this price range and above that I have come across, not surprisingly in my channel you will find the videos in which I used both my current fusion before the changes and the previous one ( that not roasted) in live and in studio, also for the recording of my songs. The total modification of the electronics I did it simply because I feel so good with this guitar that I wanted to make it perfect according to my tastes. For those who want to buy it and not perform any type of Upgrade, it is obviously the best choice, unbeatable quality / price ratio
Ciao, io ho da poco preso una HB Fusion T con manico Roasted (B stock ma praticamente come nuova). A parte la solita pulizia tasti che altrimenti in alcuni casi "friggono", volevo cambiare i Pickup o con dei DiMarzio 36TH o con una coppia di Seymour Duncan tipo i tuoi o 59-JB. Vorrei chiederti: hai avuto problemi con la "profondità" dei pickup, inteso come lunghezza delle lamelle in metallo che ospitano le viti? Ricordo che soprattutto il 59 era bello profondo in tal senso. Grazie e complimenti ancora per la tua chitarra!
Ciao e grazie mille, allora, personalmente non ho avito problemi di profondità, l'unico "problema" è che ho dovuto riutilizzare le viti dei Roswell che sono leggermente più grosse di quelle in dotazione ai SD, quindi per riuscire ad avvitare i pickup al body (senza dover apportare modifiche al body), ho modificato la base dei pickup allargando semplicemente i fori delle viti, se trovi il medesimo problema, puoi tranquillamente riempire i fori originali con dello stuzzicadenti e vinavil e rifare le filettature
Completely different guitar after the pickup swap... I just bought a Fusion T and the stock pickups sound muffled af and have zero definition.. you can't palm mute anything cause it sounds like a fart.. def upgrading the pickups.
I have fusion 2. Is shielding was really necessary for you? For me standart shielding is good enough. I've replaced bridge pickup and coil split switch by 3pdt)
Hello Leo. Very good job with the upgrades. I am also enjoying your music videos very much. I have a question regarding the Roasted maple neck/fretboard and normal maple neck/fretboard, or maple/ebony models. You have both maple fretboard model and the roasted one. I am considering of buying a maple/ebony one with the FR. What would you recommend? Is the roasted maple neck alone worth 100 more Euros? Throughout my guitar journey, I always had maple or mahogany necks, rosewood or ebony fretboards. I like the feel of a satin finished maple neck, also I don't mind painted necks, glossy or satin. Doesn't matter much to me. There is also a possibility for me to refinish the guitar and the neck. Should I go Ebony, or Roasted maple? What do you think? Keep up the good work. Much appreciated. Thanks !
Hi, first of all thank you very much for the compliments and for everything :), second thing, yes, those 100 euros more are worth them all, both for the general quality of the instrument (even the top flamed much more beautiful and defined) and for the quality handle, much smoother and with greater feeling. The roasted neck is a very original thing and you have to have it!
Ordered the same guitar, im thinking PRS or Seymour Duncans with a coil tap pot a killswitch where the hole is and a Floyd rose the price of the guitar itself. Not sure about the Floyd rose yet but the rest is deff gonna go in there🤟
@@Leodileoguitar alright dope yeah i some reviews saying it was a bit loose but wouldnt know unless i played one. Gorgeous instrument though!!! Ill get mine somewhere next week Will have sleepless nights till it gets here played a lp style HB for 5years now it served me well but the frets werent stainless.... So those stainless frets were a must.
@@wissewester1276 FR version of this guitar works great... I get by a whole month without tuning mine sometimes. Saw one reviewer complain that the arm was loose, but he didn‘t know that you just swing the arm in a few full revolutions to tighten it more
Hi, the guitar is perfectly balanced and is as heavy as a stratocaster (like mine in alder), in terms of the feel and comfort of the neck it is perfect, thanks to the modern C neck and radius 12", and the fact that it is roasted , you can range in all genres, from blues to extreme shred
Ciao Leo, posso chiederti perchè SD e non DiMarzio? Te lo chiedo perche ho visto che il 90% dei musicisti che cambiano i pickup stock della Fusion II vanno a montare i DM e non i SD, perche hai preferito questa scelta? Saluti ^_^
Ciao, li ho messi semplicemente perchè rispecchiavano più il mio sound, ho avuto modo di provarli i Di Marzio (ed istallati) ma al mio orecchio non li sento spinti quanto i Seymour, che oltre ad essere definiti e dinamici, hanno anche molto output, rispondendo meglio al doppio split single coil che ci ho fatto :)
I also bought fusion II hh floyd . Changed the pickups to SD jb and jazz . But still horrible muddy. Even the the coil split function not does what is should be. What kind of kind of pots did you put in to your guitar ? Or can you suggest one what I could buy . Thanks for your answer in advance. Great review otherwise
Ciao Leo, bel cambiamento! Una domanda, i dots dovrebbero essere crema ma dalle immagini sembrano proprio gialli, ho visto male o effettivamente è così? Grazie mille
@@nickbock1180 ovvio, non trovi nulla con le stesse specifiche o simili a tale prezzo che attualmente è davvero ridicolo, i pickup suonano molto bene già di suo (credo tra i migliori stock pickup esistenti in chitarre di questa fascia) basta vedere il mio video precedente di Reflective dove li uso, il mio upgrade è relegato esclusivamente al fatto che è un eccellente base (legni, hardware) in cui gli upgrade vanno a rendere lo strumento davvero professionale (tra l'altro facendo anche questo come lavoro, tendo a mettere sempre le mani sui miei strumenti) ed era obbligo per me visto che è anche la mia chitarra principale attualmente 😁
@@Leodileoguitar maggior ragione complimenti se lo fai anche come lavoro! Io solo per hobby ma non c'è mai stata chitarra che non abbia personalizzato 😅... ovviamente non io ma il liutaio
Hi Leo, great job! The difference is definitely noticeable. How long did it take you to complete the upgrade? What would you estimate as the total cost of the changes? Materials and also of course if you can valuate your labour and time. Do you feel you have a better guitar than if you had bought one costing the price of the Fusion plus the cost of the upgrades? (say a PRS at that estimated price range?).
Hi, first of all thank you very much for the compliments 🔥🤘😎🔥 So, consider that I have put in it things of the highest quality and for some superfluous ones (such as the Treble Variable or the oil paper capacitor), I spent 198 euros for both pickups (in Italy that they cost less the zebra coloring was finished) + 60 euros for all the electronics, in total 260 euros + 455 = 715 euros. At this figure I have a guitar that is unmatched to any one that costs 1300 euros, both because it has top-of-the-range components (stainless steel frets, mahogany body, fretboard and neck in roasted flamed maple, floyd rose 1000 original bridge, grover tuners etc etc) and both for the pick ups that I put in it afterwards together with the electronics (which I believe almost no company, if not under specifications, assembles). the guitar, finally I can guarantee you that it has totally changed, further improving both cleanliness, feeling, range, sound power, among other things thanks to its modern C roasted neck and the 14 "radius it is from all points of view more versatile and comfortable than any PRS (at least the SE, SE Custom and CE models that I tried, with the wide thine neck), among other things it came with the fret manufacture and perfect finish, so we can upgrade to such beauty , it is a real investment 🔥🤘😎🔥
As for the time taken, it will have taken me about 3 hours between disassembly, shielding and wiring (maybe a little more because I made it accurate), on the labor cost let's say that I personally, that I also do it for third parties (mine guitar students, friends or customers) I charge 50 euros for a similar wiring (including tin, heat-shrinkable and aluminum tape, pieces to be changed of course separately) but I know that in Italy for the labor alone they take 120 euros, so over the double 🤣
@@Leodileoguitar Many thanks for the turnaround. For the results that are so apparent after the upgrades, that is an investment that I would myself put into the guitar. Which makes it a shame that I do not live in Italy because I plan to buy this very same and would most definitely have brought it to you for an identical job. Keep up the good work👍👌.
@@danieleacquavera4107 Hai ragione, ho ricontrollato, non so perchè ma avevo letto 350mm 🤣🤣🤣 cmq resta che il manico è perfetto per tutto, e sinceramente, dopo anni di wizard II e III ibanez, preferisco di gran lunga questo, più versatile in tutti i sensi.
A dir la verità non mi sembra che la registrazione poi sia stata fatta nelle stesse condizioni perché è tutto diverso e non rende purtroppo... Addirittura sembra che i Roswell siano migliori degli altri... Poi son gusti per carità, ma mi sembra uno spreco di soldi in questo caso
L'unica cosa che è cambiata (e me ne sono accorto) sono i settaggi del reverb (avevo messo con la prova Duncan un preset con minore effetto) il resto è rimasto invariato, sinceramente questo è stato il primo video recensione ma il prossimo che farò uscire in questi giorni (in cui provo gli Oripure sulla mia RG) sarà sonoricamente più curato, per quanto riguarda il sound che dirti, i Roswell sono bei pickup ma volevo più corpo e più dinamica (che ho ritrovato nei Seymour Duncan) per non parlare cmq dei vari problemi che da un cablaggio di fabbrica rispetto ad uno più curato, le differenze te ne accorgi sopratutto quando ce l'hai in mano lo strumento, con risposta e feel maggiore, oltre al sound più articolato, sono molto soddisfatto dell'investimento fatto e accetto comunque la tua opinione 😁 dipende da quel che cerchi e che cosa vuole uno dallo strumento, saluti.
Big mistake, does not make any sence to invest in a cheap guitar. You will never recover your investments when you sell the rig. Believe me you will want to sell it someday. HB is Good for its price, but its not expensive instrument for mass market nothing more.
1) the Fusion Roasted series not are "cheap guitar" but a guitar with right price (not overpriced for the brand as others) 2) has materials and specifications of guitars that cost 3 times more (just read the product sheet to realize this) 3) Thomann save to much cost for distribution and marketing for his product, without falling back on quality 4) I will never sell the guitar (like everyone else, so the problem does not arise 😉) 5) Science has nothing to do with Music, if anything it is an area that concerns Physics, and Physics has confirmed that for this guitar, a pickup change is a real investment, then everyone thinks what they want ;)
@@Leodileoguitar Good for you Leo, i did not mean it was cheap quiality rig, definately Thomann is doing great with HB, but even if you eliminate marketing and sales cost, the price does not justiry using Good guality Woods. you can change the components, but not wood) . Your reasoning makes sence anyway. I did modificatuons few times to different cheap guitars.. It helped for a while. But, I can bet, you will want to sell it some Day, cause you are above average guitar player))).
@@vig237 i played a Harley Benton for 5 years the frets are to worn down for it to sound good at this point i Will still repair it one Day because of the memories, however eventhough it was like €250 i never had regrets on my purchase i bought the same one for €444 now with stainless steel frets a roasted flame Maple neck with a few upgrades it Holds its own next to €2000 guitars for €444!!!! I think Gibsons became a bit like iPhones at this point you pay for the branding not the guitar..... Id go for this with upgrades over an overpriced guitar any Day
@@wissewester1276 I have nothing against HB. It is a great guitar for it's price.. I agree with you reg Gibson, but sometimes you need it. I have SG modern, which I got at a good discount, it's a great guitar. And I am sure I will at least recover money I paid if I sell it.
The sound is Cleaner, tighter with the Seymour D's but the Rowsell didn't sound bad at all! Super nice looking guitar just got better with the upgrade!
Yes, the Roswells undoubtedly do not reach the quality of the SD, however they are among the best stock pickups that can be found on a mid-price guitar, compared for example to the Infinity Ibanez of my RG 320, they are far superior, thank you very much for everything \ m /
Im thinkin Pearly Gates or Duncan Distortion for my Fusion T
Still DiMarzio is the king of distorted pickup😂. I like SD on clean sound😌
@mixmixture7049 that is subjective....Tastes vary
Did the same upgrade to one of my Fusion Pro 2's BUT..used DiMarzio Tone Zones instead....waaaaay better.
I had these same pickups installed on an Ibanez RG350DLX. What a huge difference in tone over the stock Ibanez pickups!
Duncan D’s are fabulous! Amazing articulation
Bravissimo. Ottimo video. Anch'io uso la Fusion II. Stesso identico modello. Una chitarra eccezionale per il prezzo che ha...meglio di chitarre di marca molto più costose :)
another nice upgrade could be a Schaller 5-way megaswitch - 2+4 are inner/outer coils in parallel. Great for clean sounds.
personally I prefer the roswells, they are clearer, the sound is more crystalline, but it is a matter of taste. the thing you made better is the switch selector that doesn't make noises when you change the position of the pickups, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the pickups because it's harley benton's fault who didn't do a more accurate wiring
Actually enjoyed this quite a bit. I have the FNT HH Fusion T. I often wonder should I upgrade pups. I may replace the electronics but man the Roswell's actually sound decent. Only position I don't care for is split bridge. Thin but too much volume loss. I get it. Less output. However in neck split no volume loss and I get the tele neck sound close. I know this. If you have the money and are investing in a guitar exchange pups is good. You'll have better made parts you yourself soldered or installed. At least that is. At best you'll have even better clarity. Or depending on upgrade the better output or lesser depending on what you want. I've heard alot of these Roswell's and they are truly amazing. For their reasonable price indeed.
Hi, this guitar is actually my main one, and I was so satisfied that I wanted to literally put "the gold" on it as the base is great, the Roswells were already good (as you can see in my videos, before this change ) but with Seymour Duncan I practically reached perfection in terms of musical versatility, even in the split, where I don't even lose volume, as happened in the roswells. I also recently bought the SC Custom II Fr VB and the Roswells it mounts are excellent, in fact I will only change the electronics with the higher quality one (similar to the one I mounted on the fusion);)
@@Leodileoguitar that's incredible and I totally agree. You are investing into a fine guitar. These are amazing quality guitars. Great deal man!!! I had some thoughts about replacing mine for same reason. But I have strats too. And want to invest in those first.
@@robertclarkguitar I also have a Stats (American, you can also find it in many of my videos) but on the contrary yours, it is not my main guitar due to its technical limitations, I am more for superstrats xD in fact I have it since 2009 and it is very original
@@Leodileoguitar awesome. I wish I had a US hahaha. Mine is Squier Classic vibe. And MIM FSR black Strat. But yeah. I love super strats. Alot!!!!
yes well done. great difference in tone . gorgeous guitar. uk
Now this is an nice upgrade.
Ottimo lavoro......complimenti, credo che lo farò pure io un giorno 😉
Very nice. Can't hear any difference! But that's cuz I'm on tiny wireless earbuds. I recommend it. It's a much more affordable way to make your stock guitar sound like a modded beast, lol.
How did you mount the Duncan pickups? Screw into existing holes from Roswell pickups, or?
Hi, I reused the roswell screws by drilling the holes on the base plate of the pickups
I am reflecting on whether it is convenient to buy this HB Fusion and then change the pick up with Seymour Duncan or Dimarzio that adding up the total cost of the purchase is very similar to a Charvel or if it is not worth buying a Charvel Dk24 directly, the money spent in the end they are not very different or not?
Between guitar and upgrade in total I spent 710 euros, a charvel dk24 with floyd rose costs 980 euros (price not similar). In those 270 euros of difference (which are not few) add the fact that I have very high quality electronics (which there is not on the charvel) and that I have stainless steel frets (which the charvel does not mount) in addition to the flamed roasted neck. which is gorgeous. So yes, even if I literally put "the gold" into it, it's worth it, then if one prefers the brand to performance and specs, it's another matter
@@Leodileoguitar with the SD it completely changes the guitar, congratulations, good job!!!
Good video. I just bought a HB fusion 3 and pickups sound bright an noise compare to my other guitars. Do you think if I upgrade to SD pickups will sound less noise?
I suggest you redo the electronics and see if the noise disappears, before changing the pickups too, as in my case the "noise" I had only during the pickup switch and in the coil tap
@@Leodileoguitar thank you Leo
Roswells clean were actually a little brighter and better sounding to my ears. People think changing pickups will do so much more than it really does, a simple eq pedal can do much more in reality.
In fact, I consider the Fusion HH Roswells as the best stock pickups in this price range and above that I have come across, not surprisingly in my channel you will find the videos in which I used both my current fusion before the changes and the previous one ( that not roasted) in live and in studio, also for the recording of my songs. The total modification of the electronics I did it simply because I feel so good with this guitar that I wanted to make it perfect according to my tastes. For those who want to buy it and not perform any type of Upgrade, it is obviously the best choice, unbeatable quality / price ratio
Can i ask you where you found the electronic diagrams, because I would like to do some mods :)
Ciao, trovi qualcosa di simile (almeno il collegamento per il doppio split dell'humbucker) sul canale di Max Solo
Ciao, io ho da poco preso una HB Fusion T con manico Roasted (B stock ma praticamente come nuova). A parte la solita pulizia tasti che altrimenti in alcuni casi "friggono", volevo cambiare i Pickup o con dei DiMarzio 36TH o con una coppia di Seymour Duncan tipo i tuoi o 59-JB. Vorrei chiederti: hai avuto problemi con la "profondità" dei pickup, inteso come lunghezza delle lamelle in metallo che ospitano le viti? Ricordo che soprattutto il 59 era bello profondo in tal senso. Grazie e complimenti ancora per la tua chitarra!
Ciao e grazie mille, allora, personalmente non ho avito problemi di profondità, l'unico "problema" è che ho dovuto riutilizzare le viti dei Roswell che sono leggermente più grosse di quelle in dotazione ai SD, quindi per riuscire ad avvitare i pickup al body (senza dover apportare modifiche al body), ho modificato la base dei pickup allargando semplicemente i fori delle viti, se trovi il medesimo problema, puoi tranquillamente riempire i fori originali con dello stuzzicadenti e vinavil e rifare le filettature
@@Leodileoguitar Grazie mille delle preziose informazioni!
Very nice.🥰🥰👍
Completely different guitar after the pickup swap... I just bought a Fusion T and the stock pickups sound muffled af and have zero definition.. you can't palm mute anything cause it sounds like a fart.. def upgrading the pickups.
I have fusion 2. Is shielding was really necessary for you? For me standart shielding is good enough. I've replaced bridge pickup and
coil split switch by 3pdt)
The shielding was not necessary, but since I liked it (since I also put the transparent covers of the electronics) I put it anyway :)
Hello Leo. Very good job with the upgrades. I am also enjoying your music videos very much.
I have a question regarding the Roasted maple neck/fretboard and normal maple neck/fretboard, or maple/ebony models.
You have both maple fretboard model and the roasted one. I am considering of buying a maple/ebony one with the FR. What would you recommend? Is the roasted maple neck alone worth 100 more Euros?
Throughout my guitar journey, I always had maple or mahogany necks, rosewood or ebony fretboards. I like the feel of a satin finished maple neck, also I don't mind painted necks, glossy or satin. Doesn't matter much to me. There is also a possibility for me to refinish the guitar and the neck.
Should I go Ebony, or Roasted maple? What do you think?
Keep up the good work. Much appreciated. Thanks !
Hi, first of all thank you very much for the compliments and for everything :), second thing, yes, those 100 euros more are worth them all, both for the general quality of the instrument (even the top flamed much more beautiful and defined) and for the quality handle, much smoother and with greater feeling. The roasted neck is a very original thing and you have to have it!
Ordered the same guitar, im thinking PRS or Seymour Duncans with a coil tap pot a killswitch where the hole is and a Floyd rose the price of the guitar itself. Not sure about the Floyd rose yet but the rest is deff gonna go in there🤟
The Floyd Rose 1000 is perfect (is the same of insert on Esp, Schecter, Charvel, etc)
@@Leodileoguitar alright dope yeah i some reviews saying it was a bit loose but wouldnt know unless i played one. Gorgeous instrument though!!! Ill get mine somewhere next week Will have sleepless nights till it gets here played a lp style HB for 5years now it served me well but the frets werent stainless.... So those stainless frets were a must.
@@wissewester1276 FR version of this guitar works great... I get by a whole month without tuning mine sometimes. Saw one reviewer complain that the arm was loose, but he didn‘t know that you just swing the arm in a few full revolutions to tighten it more
how does this guitar feel generally? how heavy is it compared to a strat and is the balance good? no neck dive or anything?
Hi, the guitar is perfectly balanced and is as heavy as a stratocaster (like mine in alder), in terms of the feel and comfort of the neck it is perfect, thanks to the modern C neck and radius 12", and the fact that it is roasted , you can range in all genres, from blues to extreme shred
This should be recorded for an album
Agreed. Reminds me of Tony Macalpine.
The track's in this video are available on all music platforms :) 1) Arabian Dream 2) Lucid Madness 🔥🤘😎🔥
@@raymondwest636 too Kind 🔥🤘😎🔥
Ciao Leo, posso chiederti perchè SD e non DiMarzio? Te lo chiedo perche ho visto che il 90% dei musicisti che cambiano i pickup stock della Fusion II vanno a montare i DM e non i SD, perche hai preferito questa scelta? Saluti ^_^
Ciao, li ho messi semplicemente perchè rispecchiavano più il mio sound, ho avuto modo di provarli i Di Marzio (ed istallati) ma al mio orecchio non li sento spinti quanto i Seymour, che oltre ad essere definiti e dinamici, hanno anche molto output, rispondendo meglio al doppio split single coil che ci ho fatto :)
I also bought fusion II hh floyd . Changed the pickups to SD jb and jazz . But still horrible muddy. Even the the coil split function not does what is should be. What kind of kind of pots did you put in to your guitar ?
Or can you suggest one what I could buy . Thanks for your answer in advance. Great review otherwise
Hi, thank you for the compliments and watching this video 😁🔥 all component's are reported with direct link in description 😉
@@Leodileoguitar Thanks mate . Probably I missed to read 🙄
Puro genio il mio amico n 1 ★★★★★
Grazie mille come sempre caro 😁🔥🤟😎🔥
Ciao Leo, bel cambiamento! Una domanda, i dots dovrebbero essere crema ma dalle immagini sembrano proprio gialli, ho visto male o effettivamente è così? Grazie mille
I tasti sono giallo vintage (che sarebbe crema) hanno la stessa colorazione del pickup giallo zebra o (come riferimento) di una strato white cream
@@Leodileoguitar grazie mille davvero! Merita secondo te anche senza modifiche l'acquisto?
@@nickbock1180 ovvio, non trovi nulla con le stesse specifiche o simili a tale prezzo che attualmente è davvero ridicolo, i pickup suonano molto bene già di suo (credo tra i migliori stock pickup esistenti in chitarre di questa fascia) basta vedere il mio video precedente di Reflective dove li uso, il mio upgrade è relegato esclusivamente al fatto che è un eccellente base (legni, hardware) in cui gli upgrade vanno a rendere lo strumento davvero professionale (tra l'altro facendo anche questo come lavoro, tendo a mettere sempre le mani sui miei strumenti) ed era obbligo per me visto che è anche la mia chitarra principale attualmente 😁
@@Leodileoguitar maggior ragione complimenti se lo fai anche come lavoro! Io solo per hobby ma non c'è mai stata chitarra che non abbia personalizzato 😅... ovviamente non io ma il liutaio
Dove si può trovare la backing track del brano iniziale?
Te la posso passare solo io, dato che il brano è mio 🔥🤟😎🔥
Il brano si chiama Arabian Dream, l'ho pubblicato 1 anno fa 😊😎
I think many times players are better off adjusting pedals - like an equalizer - than changing pickups.
Grazie mille caro \m/
Hi Leo, great job! The difference is definitely noticeable. How long did it take you to complete the upgrade? What would you estimate as the total cost of the changes? Materials and also of course if you can valuate your labour and time. Do you feel you have a better guitar than if you had bought one costing the price of the Fusion plus the cost of the upgrades? (say a PRS at that estimated price range?).
Hi, first of all thank you very much for the compliments 🔥🤘😎🔥 So, consider that I have put in it things of the highest quality and for some superfluous ones (such as the Treble Variable or the oil paper capacitor), I spent 198 euros for both pickups (in Italy that they cost less the zebra coloring was finished) + 60 euros for all the electronics, in total 260 euros + 455 = 715 euros. At this figure I have a guitar that is unmatched to any one that costs 1300 euros, both because it has top-of-the-range components (stainless steel frets, mahogany body, fretboard and neck in roasted flamed maple, floyd rose 1000 original bridge, grover tuners etc etc) and both for the pick ups that I put in it afterwards together with the electronics (which I believe almost no company, if not under specifications, assembles). the guitar, finally I can guarantee you that it has totally changed, further improving both cleanliness, feeling, range, sound power, among other things thanks to its modern C roasted neck and the 14 "radius it is from all points of view more versatile and comfortable than any PRS (at least the SE, SE Custom and CE models that I tried, with the wide thine neck), among other things it came with the fret manufacture and perfect finish, so we can upgrade to such beauty , it is a real investment 🔥🤘😎🔥
As for the time taken, it will have taken me about 3 hours between disassembly, shielding and wiring (maybe a little more because I made it accurate), on the labor cost let's say that I personally, that I also do it for third parties (mine guitar students, friends or customers) I charge 50 euros for a similar wiring (including tin, heat-shrinkable and aluminum tape, pieces to be changed of course separately) but I know that in Italy for the labor alone they take 120 euros, so over the double 🤣
@@Leodileoguitar Many thanks for the turnaround. For the results that are so apparent after the upgrades, that is an investment that I would myself put into the guitar. Which makes it a shame that I do not live in Italy because I plan to buy this very same and would most definitely have brought it to you for an identical job. Keep up the good work👍👌.
@@Leodileoguitar No, non è 14 ma 12... 😉
@@danieleacquavera4107 Hai ragione, ho ricontrollato, non so perchè ma avevo letto 350mm 🤣🤣🤣 cmq resta che il manico è perfetto per tutto, e sinceramente, dopo anni di wizard II e III ibanez, preferisco di gran lunga questo, più versatile in tutti i sensi.
High Oriental rules,...😎🔥🔥🤘👍
A dir la verità non mi sembra che la registrazione poi sia stata fatta nelle stesse condizioni perché è tutto diverso e non rende purtroppo... Addirittura sembra che i Roswell siano migliori degli altri... Poi son gusti per carità, ma mi sembra uno spreco di soldi in questo caso
L'unica cosa che è cambiata (e me ne sono accorto) sono i settaggi del reverb (avevo messo con la prova Duncan un preset con minore effetto) il resto è rimasto invariato, sinceramente questo è stato il primo video recensione ma il prossimo che farò uscire in questi giorni (in cui provo gli Oripure sulla mia RG) sarà sonoricamente più curato, per quanto riguarda il sound che dirti, i Roswell sono bei pickup ma volevo più corpo e più dinamica (che ho ritrovato nei Seymour Duncan) per non parlare cmq dei vari problemi che da un cablaggio di fabbrica rispetto ad uno più curato, le differenze te ne accorgi sopratutto quando ce l'hai in mano lo strumento, con risposta e feel maggiore, oltre al sound più articolato, sono molto soddisfatto dell'investimento fatto e accetto comunque la tua opinione 😁 dipende da quel che cerchi e che cosa vuole uno dallo strumento, saluti.
Roswells sounds better 🤠
Big mistake, does not make any sence to invest in a cheap guitar. You will never recover your investments when you sell the rig. Believe me you will want to sell it someday. HB is Good for its price, but its not expensive instrument for mass market nothing more.
1) the Fusion Roasted series not are "cheap guitar" but a guitar with right price (not overpriced for the brand as others)
2) has materials and specifications of guitars that cost 3 times more (just read the product sheet to realize this)
3) Thomann save to much cost for distribution and marketing for his product, without falling back on quality
4) I will never sell the guitar (like everyone else, so the problem does not arise 😉)
5) Science has nothing to do with Music, if anything it is an area that concerns Physics, and Physics has confirmed that for this guitar, a pickup change is a real investment, then everyone thinks what they want ;)
@@Leodileoguitar Good for you Leo, i did not mean it was cheap quiality rig, definately Thomann is doing great with HB, but even if you eliminate marketing and sales cost, the price does not justiry using Good guality Woods. you can change the components, but not wood) . Your reasoning makes sence anyway. I did modificatuons few times to different cheap guitars.. It helped for a while. But, I can bet, you will want to sell it some Day, cause you are above average guitar player))).
@@vig237 i played a Harley Benton for 5 years the frets are to worn down for it to sound good at this point i Will still repair it one Day because of the memories, however eventhough it was like €250 i never had regrets on my purchase i bought the same one for €444 now with stainless steel frets a roasted flame Maple neck with a few upgrades it Holds its own next to €2000 guitars for €444!!!! I think Gibsons became a bit like iPhones at this point you pay for the branding not the guitar..... Id go for this with upgrades over an overpriced guitar any Day
@@wissewester1276 I have nothing against HB. It is a great guitar for it's price.. I agree with you reg Gibson, but sometimes you need it. I have SG modern, which I got at a good discount, it's a great guitar. And I am sure I will at least recover money I paid if I sell it.